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ASME B16.12-2019 [Revision of ASME B16.12-2009 (R2014)] Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings ASME B16.12-2019 [Revision of ASME B16.12-2009 (R2014)] Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD BCR era © Mechanical Engineers Oe Ca a CLECAETY ‘Date of issuance: November 18, 2019 ‘The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2024, ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects ofthis Standard. Periodically certain actions of the ASME 816 Committee may be published as Cases. Cases and interpretations are published on the ASME website under the Committee Pages at httpi// as they are issued. Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages to provide corrections to Incorrectly published items, or to correct typographical or grammatical errors in codes and standards. Such errata shall be used ‘on the date posted “The Committee Pages can be found at There isan option available to automaticaly receive an e-mall notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard. This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “Publication Information” section, ASME isthe registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ‘This code or standard was developed under procedures acredited ax meeting the criteria for American National Standards, The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals rom competent and concerned interestshave had an ‘opportunity to participate, The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additonal publc input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public alarge. [ASME does not “approve” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or acthty [ASME does not take any positon wit respect tothe validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned inthis document, and does not undertake to insure anyone uil2ing 2 standard agnnst lability fr infringement of ny applicable letters patent, nor assumeany such ibility Usersofa code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity ofany uch patent rights, andthe risk of infringement of such rights, i entirely their own responsiblity Participation by federal agency representatve(s| or person(s) affliated with industry isnot tobe interpreted as government or industry endorsement of thi code or standard [ASME accepts responsibilty for only those interpretations ofthis document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which prechides the issuance of interpretations by individuals No part ofthis document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrival system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2019 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved Printed in US.A CONTENTS Foreword Committee Roster Correspondence With the B16 Committee . Summary of Changes . List of Changes in Record Number Order . .. Scope and General . . Size. Marking . Materials . ee Dimensions and Tolerances . ‘Threading Ribs... Coatings . Face Bevel Mandatory Appendix 1 References . Nonmandatory Appendices A Quality System Program e pe : B Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe (ASME B36.10M) . Figures 2a Identification of Reducing Fittings « 61 ‘Types of Fittings Tapped to Provide 21 mm/m (0.25 in,/ft) Pitch Tables 2a Inspection Limits for Diameter and Width of Band . . . 21-2 Inspection Limits for Center-to-End Dimensions... ++. +++. 20 4d Wall Thickness and Threaded End Dimensions . 412 Center-to-End Dimensions of Elbows 413 Dimensions of Tees, Crosses, and Y-Branches 4d Dimensions of Y-Branches (Reducing Sizes) . . . Als Dimensions of 45-deg Y-Branches . : 416 Dimensions of 45-deg Y-Branches (Reducing Sizes) 417 Dimensions of Couplings - 418 Dimensions of Increasers . 419 Dimensions of Offsets Wi “ 15 16 4110 4a-1 BA Dimensions of Tucker Connections, Roof Connections, and Tucker Y-Branches . Dimensions of P-Traps, Bath P-Traps, and Running Traps .. . Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe u 12 16 FOREWORD Screw joint drainage fitings were developed in about 1880 by the Durham House Drainage Co. of New York and are often referred to as Durham fittings. Atthat time, soil pipes and drains in New York had been required to be of plumber's cast Iron soil pipe, whereas Chicago's soil pipes were required to be of lead or plumber's cast iron pipe. ‘To form a continuous passageway with no pockets or obstructions where foreign matter could collect and gradually accumulate, itwas necessary to design special type of screw fitting. Inside diameters ofthe fittings are about the nominal size of standard weight wrought steel pipe (Schedule 40), The thread chamber is designed so that when the pipes tightly screwed into the fitting its end nearly abuts the shoulder of the fitting, thereby making a practically continuous passage, ‘The threading ofthese fittings required special care, and the threads on the pipe were cutto suit the threads in the fitting, With the passage of time, manufacturers’ practices began to diverge in regard to center-to-end dimensions and other features. The Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) studied the situation, developed a standard practice for these fittings, and published MSS SP-8, Cast Iron Drainage Fittings, in 1929. Subse quently, for better coordination with other screwed fitting standards under the jurisdiction of the B16 Sectional Committee of the American Standards Association (ASA), the subject was assigned to Subcommittee 2 of B16. ‘Many drafts of the proposed standard were developed, and printer's proofs were distributed to industry for criticism and comment in May 1940. Arevised proposal dated July 1941 was submitted to the members ofthe Sectional Committee for letter ballot vote. Following its approval by that body, it was submitted to the sponsors and to ASA with recom: ‘mendations for approval asan American Standard, This was granted in February 1942, with the designation ASA B16.12- 1942, ‘The MSS Ferrous Screw Fittings Committee made a thorough study of the 1942 Standard and recommended that several changes be made to bring the data i line with current production and usage ofthis type of fitting. To comply with the recommendations, Subcommittee 2 of the B16 Sectional Committee revised portions ofthe text and illustrations and added dimensional tables for Tucker connections, roof connections, and Tucker Y-branches, as well as dimensions for P- traps, bath traps, and running traps. draft, dated September 1952, was presented to the Sectional Committee for letter ballot vote. After the committee and ‘other sponsor organizations approved the draft it was presented to ASA, and approval of ASA B16.12-1953 was granted ‘on September 11, 1953. Subcommittee 2 reviewed the document from 1963 to 1964. The Sectional Committee approved several minor changes in format and wording, changing the title to Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings. ASA B16.12-1965 was approved on November 12, 1965, In 1970, further review was initiated by Subcommittee 2, now an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Committee, and ANSI B16.12-1971 was granted approval on November 1, 1971. ‘The Standard was updated, and metric (SI) dimensions were added in ANSI B16.12-1977, approved on February 4, 197, In 1982, American Stanclards Committee B16 was reorganized as the ASME B16 Standards Committee under proce: dures accredited by ANSI. Also in 1982, Subcommittee B (formerly Subcommittee 2) updated reference standards,andthe revision was approved on July 20, 1983, as ANSI B16.12-1983. In the 1991 edition of ASME B16.12, reference standards were updated, and the metric dimensions were deleted, Following approval by ASME, ANSI approved the edition on January 4, 1991 In the 1998 edition of ASME B16.12, reference standards were updated, a quality system program annex was added, and several editorial revisions were made. Following approval by ASME B16 Subcommittee B and the B16 Main Committee, ANSI approved the edition on November 20, 1998, Work started during 1999 to revise the Standard to include metric units as the primary reference units while main. taining US. Customary units in either parenthetical or separate forms. Inthe 2009 edition, metric dimensions became the primary units, and inch dimensions were incorporated as secondary unitsand shown in parentheses. The added inch dimensions constituted an independent but equal standard tothe metric ‘units. ANSI approved the edition on April 6, 2009. In this edition, Mandatory Appendix I has been revised to include updates to the referenced standards. In addition, the US. Customary tables formerly in Mandatory Appendix Il have been merged withthe SI tables in the main text; the tables and figures have been redesignated; Mandatory Appendix I! has been deleted; and the cross-references have been updated accordingly. Following approval by the ASME B16 Standards Committee, ANSI approved this edition as an American National Standard, with the designation ASME B16.12-2019, on July 29, 2019. vi ASME B16 COMMITTEE Standardization of Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Gaskets (The following isthe roster ofthe Commitee atthe tine of approval ofthis Standard) STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERS RM, Bojarezuk, Chair CE. Davila, Vice Chair GR Ramcharran, Secretary STANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNEL A Appleton, Alloy Stainless Products Co, Ine I.E, Barker, Dezurk, In D.C Bayreuther, Metso Automation W. B. Bedesem, Consultant RM, Bojareauk, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Co, ‘A.M, Cheta, Qatar Shell GTL M.A. Clark, Consultant 6. A. Cuecio, Capitol Manufacturing Co. J. Diavanzo, Fuoroseal Valves GE. Davila, Crane Energy K.S Felder, Valoro Energy D.R Frikdken, Becht Engincering Co, In. D. Hunt, Je, Fastenal G.A Jolly, Samshin, Lea E J-Lain, Exelon Nuclear TTA. McMahon, Emerson Process Management RC Merrick, Fluor Entrprises ML. Nayar, NICE W. H, Patric, Dow Chemical Co . W. Raho, Cow 2000 ‘CR Ramcharran, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers D.F. Reid, VSP Technolog R.A. Schmidt, Canadoil J.P. Tucker, Flowserve Cory. FR Volgstadt, Volgstadt & Assodates, ne F. Feng, Delegte, China Productivity Center for Machinery RW. Barnes, Contributing Member, Anrc Enterprises, Ine -V. Craig, Contributing Member, Jomar Group BG. Fabian, Contributing Member, Pennsyvania Machine Works AG. Kireta, jr, Contributing Member, Copper Development ‘Association, tne SUBCOMMITTEE B — THREADED FITTINGS (EXCEPT STEEL), FLANGES, AND FLANGED FITTINGS D. Hunt, Je, Char, Fastenal J. Holstrom, Vice Chat, Val-Matie Valve & Manufacturing Corp. Oh, Secretary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Rahaman, Secretary, The American Socety of Mechanical Engineers J. Atkinson, Consultant W. Bliss, Tyler Pipe Co vil M.A. Clark, Consultant M.C Coffey, Ward Manufacturing, LLC W.H, LeVan, Cast Iron Sol Pipe Institute GL, Simmons, charlotte Pipe & Foundry G.T. Walden, Ferguson CA Mueller, lernate, Mueller Streamline Co. ALA. Knapp, Contributing Member, A Knapp & Associates CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE B16 COMMITTEE General. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent the consensus of concerned Interests. As such, users of this Standard may interact with the Committee by requesting interpretations, proposing revisions or a case, and attending Committee meetings. Correspondence should be addressed to: Secretary, B16 Standards Committee ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 http://go.asmeorg/Inquiry Proposing Revisions. Revisions are made periodically to the Standard to incorporate changes that appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Standard. Approved revisions will be published periodically. The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals should be as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detailed description of the reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation. Proposing aCase. Cases may be issued to provide alternative rules when justified, to permit early implementation of an approved revision when the need is urgent, or to provide rules not covered by existing provisions. Cases are effective immediately upon ASME approval and shall be posted on the ASME Committee web page. Requests for Cases shall provide a Statement of Need and Background Information. The request should identify the Standard and the paragraph, figure, or table number(s), and be written as a Question and Reply in the same format as existing Cases. Requests for Cases should also indicate the applicable edition(s) of the Standard to which the proposed Case applies. Interpretations. Upon request, the B16 Standards Committe wil render an interpretation of any requirement ofthe standard. Interpretations can onlybe rendered in responsetoa written requestsentto the Secretary ofthe B16 Standards Commitee Requests for interpretation should preferably be submitted through the online Interpretation Submittal Form. The form isaccessibleathtp:// Upon submittal ofthe form, the Inquirer willreceive an automatic email confirming receipt. lFthe Inquirer i unable to use the online form, he/she may e-mail the request tothe Secretary ofthe B16 Standards Committee at, or mail itto the above address. The request for an interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. I is farther recommended that the Inquirer submit his/her request in the following format Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s) and the topic ofthe inquiry in one or two words. Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the Standard for which the interpretation is being requested. Question: Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation of a specific requirement suitable for ‘general understanding and use, not asa request for an approval ofa proprietary design or situation. Please provide a condensed and precise question, composed in sucha way thata “yes" or “no” reply is acceptable. Proposed Reply(ies}: Provide a proposed reply(ies) in the form of "Yes" or "No,” with explanation as needed. IF centering replies to more than one question, please number the questions and replies. Background Information: Provide the Committee with any background information that will assist the Committee in understanding the inquiry. The Inquirer may also include any plans or drawings that are necessary to explain the question; however, they should not contain proprietary names or information. vill Requests that are notin the format described above may be rewritten in the appropriate formatby the Committee prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request. Moreover, ASME does not act as a consultant for specific engineering problems or for the general application or understanding of the Standard requirements. If, based on the inquiry information submitted, itis the opinion of the Committee that the Inquirer should seek assistance, the inquiry will be returned with the recommendation that such assistance be obtained, ‘ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or ifadditional information that mightaffect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not “approve, “certify? *rate’ or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ‘Attending Committee Meetings. ‘The B16 Standards Committee regularly holds meetings and/or telephone confer: cences thatare open to the public. Persons wishing toattend any meeting and/or telephone conference should contact the Secretary of the B16 Standards Committee. ASME B16.12-2019 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Followingapproval by the ASME B16 Committeeand ASME, and after public review, ASME B16.12-2019 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on July 29, 2019. In ASME B16.12-2019, the US. Customary tables formerly in Mandatory Appendix If have been merged with the SI tables in the main text; the tables and figures have been redesignated; Mandatory Appendix Il has been deleted; and the cross references have been updated accordingly. In addition, this edition includes the following change identified by a margin note, (19). The Record Number listed below is explained in more detail in the "List of Changes in Record Number Order" following this Summary of Changes. Page Location Change (Record Number) “4 Mandatory Appendix 1 Updated (19-596) LIST OF CHANGES IN RECORD NUMBER ORDER Record Number Change 19-596 Updated Mandatory Appendix I INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK xi ASME B16.12-2019 CAST IRON THREADED DRAINAGE FITTINGS 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL 1 Scope ‘This Standard for cast iron threaded drainage fittings (a) sizes and method of designating openings in reduc- ing fittings (2) marking (©) material {(@) dimensions and tolerances (e) threading @ sibs (@) coatings {h) face bevel 1.2 Applicability ‘This Standard covers fitings intended for use in gravity drainage systems subject only tothe gravity head of waste liquids at temperatures from ambient to approximately 100°C (212°F). The use of this Standard for pressurized waste handling systems is the responsibility of the user and is subject to the requirements of any applicable code, 1.3 Quality Systems Requirements relating to the product manufacturers’ Quality System Programs are described in Nonmandatory Appendix A. 1.4 References Standards and specifications adopted by reference in this Standard are shown in Mandatory Appendix I, ‘which is part ofthis Standard. It isnot considered practical to identify the specific edition of each referenced standard and specification inthe text, when referenced. Instead, the specific editions of the referenced standards and specifi cations are listed in Mandatory Appendix | 2 SIZE 2.1 Nominal Pipe Size ‘The size of the fittings scheduled in Tables 2.1-1 and 2.1-2 is identified by the corresponding nominal pipe size (NPS). For reducing tees, Y-branches, or crosses, the largest run opening shall be given first. The straight-line sketches (Figure 2.1-1) illustrate how the re- ducing fittings are read. 2.2 Denotation NPS, followed by a dimensionless number, is the des- ignation for nominal fiting size. NPS is related to the refer- ence nominal diameter, DN, used in international standards. The relationship is, typically, as follows: NPs by. 1 25 Uh 3 Us 40 2 so 2f 6 a 0 he 4 100 GENERAL NOTE: For NPS = 4, the related DN = 25 x (NPS), 3 MARKING Each fitting shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark in accordance with the requirements ‘of MSS Standard Practice No. SP-25. 4 MATERIALS: 4.1 Castings The dimensions prescribed in this Standard (ables 41-1 through 4.1-11) are based on gray iron cast: Ings of high quality produced under regular control of chemical and physical properties by a recognized process. The manufacturer shall be prepared to certify ‘that the product has been so produced and that its chem: ical and physical properties, as proved by test specimens, are equal to the requirements specified in ASTM A126. 4.2 Optional Material Drainage fittings are regularly made of cast iron, At the ‘option ofthe manufacturer, drainage fittings may be Furn- ished of malleable iron complying with the minimum physical requirements of ASTM A197. 5 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES 5.1 Dimensions ‘This Standard states values in both SI (metric) and US. Customary units, These systems of units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the US, Customary units are shown In parentheses. The ASME 11612-2019 ‘Table 2.1-1 Inspection Limits for Diameter and Width of Band NPS Diameter and Width of Hand, Minus, mm (in) 1% 1.0 (008) % 1.0 (008) 2 41.0 (008) mh 13 (005) a 13 (005) ‘ 16 (006) 5 16 (008) 6 18 (007) a 23 (009) Table 2.1-2 Inspection Limits for Center-to-End Dimensions NPS (Center-to-End, Plus or Minus, mam (in) % 18 (007) % 20 (008) 2 20 (008) ™% 25 (010) 3 25 (010) 4 30 (012) 5 30 (012) 6 36 (014) 8 41 (016) GENERAL NOTE: The above limits apply tal tings covered by tis Standard Inspeetionlimit fr end-to-end dimensions shall be double the limits for center-to-end dimensions. The largest opening in the fitting governs the tolerance to be applied to all openings. Figure 2.1-1 Identification of Reducing Fittings 42 Single and Double ‘Short 90-deg ¥-Branch Long 90dog ¥-Branch values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, it is required that each system of units be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems constitutes nonconformance ‘with the Standard. Some dimensions of steel pipe from ASME B36.10M are listed for convenience in Nonmandatory Appendix B in inches only. Tolerances ap- plicable to dimensions of fittings are specified in paras, 5.2 through 5.6. 5.2 Metal Thickness At no point in the castings shall the metal thickness be less than 90% of the values listed in Table 4.1-1. 5.3 Thread Chamber The length of thread and total length of thread chamber to shoulder shall not vary from the dimensions shown in thetables by more than plus or minus the equivalent ofthe piteh of one thread, 5.4 Outside Diameter and Width of Band ‘The minus tolerances given in Table 2.1-1 arepermitted ‘on inspection to apply to the diameter of the band and the ‘width of the band. 5.5 Inside Diameter of Fitting The inside diameter shall not vary from dimensions shown by more than the following {@) 20.8 mm (0.03 in) for NPS 1% to 4, incusive (b) 21.6 mm (0.06 in.) for NPS 5 to 8, inclusive 5.6 Center-to-End ‘The center-to-end dimensions shall not vary from the given dimensions by more than the values given in Table 21-2 5.7 Shoulder ‘These fittings are provided with shoulders so that when used with Standard Wall Pipe (ASME B36.10M), the end of | ‘thepiipe practically meets the shoulderas the jointis made up, thereby forming a smooth passageway. 6 THREADING (@) All fittings (except roof connections) shall be threaded with American National Standard Taper Pipe ‘Threads (ASME B1.20.1), and the variations in threading shall be limited to one turn small and no turn large. ‘Threaded openings without shoulder, however, shall be limited to one turn large and one turn small from the gaging notch on the plug when using working gages. Roof connections may have taper threads as above or American National Standard Straight Pipe ASME B16.12-2019 ‘Threads, Free Fitting Mechanical Joint NPSM (ASME B1.20.1). () When gaging internal threads, the notch shall be flush with the bottom of the chamfer, which shall be considered as being the intersection of the chamfer cone and the pitch cone of the thread. This depth is approximately equal to one-half thread from the face of the fitting. (c) Allthreads shall be countersunka distance not less than one-half thread at an angle approximately 45 deg with the axis of the thread, both for easier entrance in ‘making a joint and for protection of the thread. Counter- sinking shall be concentric with the thread. (@) The length of thread specified in this Standard shall be measured to include the countersink (@) The maximum allowable variation in the alignment of threads of all openings of threaded fittings shall be 5 ‘mm/m (0.06 in./ft). {) Allfttings having openings of 90 deg nominal angle shall be tapped with apitch of 21 mm/m (0.25 in), with the pitch in the direction shown in Figure 6-1 7 RIBS ‘The addition of ribs or lugs shall be allowed on any. drainage fittings. 8 COATINGS Fittings may be furnished uncoated or may be coated ‘with a bituminous composition or zinc coated by the hot dipped process. The coatings shall be applied prior to threading, 9 FACE BEVEL A bevel not exceeding 5 deg is permitted on the faces of fitting openings. Center-to-end, end-to-end, and width-of- band dimensions may include or exclude the bevel ASME 11612-2019 Table 4.1-1 Wall Thickness and Threaded End Dimensions Type Type2 ‘Type 3 INote (21 ‘Type 4 (Bushed) {Note (2)1 Total Inside Diameter ‘Recess Diameter, Length of Fitting Nominal Outside mum (in) of Thread Metal Diameter of Length of chamber to Width of Thickness, Band, Threads, #, Shoulder, Band, E, 6, 1m, NPs mm (in) mam (in) mm (in) F mm (In) mm (in) Maximum Minimum 1% 107 (042) 180(071) 180 (071) 38.1(138) 1A(L25) 47 (0.18) 60.7 (239) 439 (173) 422 (1.66) 1% 107 (042) 184(0.72) 183(072) 409 (161) 38.41 (150) 51 (020) 681 (268) 500 (197) 483 (1.90) 2 11.4 (044) 192 (076) 193076) 526 (207) 508(200) 56 (022) 833.328) 622(244) 605 (237) 2% 173068) 289(114) 290 (114) 627 (247) 635(250) 61 (024) 980(386) 757 (297) 732 (287) 3 195(077) 305 (120) 305 (120) 780 (307) 762 (300) 66 (026) 1173.(462) 914 (360) 889 (350) 4-214 (084) 380(1.30) 330 (130) 1024 (4.03) 1016 (400) 7.9 (031) 147. (579) 1168 (4.60) 1143 (4.50) 5 -238(094) 357 (141) 358 (141) 1283 (505) 1270(500) 97 (038) 1791 (705) 1438 (566) 1412 (556) 5 243.(096) 384151) 38.4 (151) 1542 (606) 152.4 (6.00) 10.9 (043) 2103 (828) 1709 (672) 1684 (6.62) 8 27.0(106) 435 (1.71) 434 (171) 2027 (798) 203.2 (800) 14.0 (055) _2700 (1063) 2217 (872)_2192 (8.62) (GENERAL NOTES: (2) For tolerances, see section 5 () Type 2 ftngs having diameters F and F, shall be tapered as shown, (@) Theshoulderand groove, Types 1 and? are required on outlet connections. They ae also required on let connections thatarethesame size asthe outlet connections. Inlet connections that are smaller than the outlet connections may be made as shown in Type 3. Type , a the manufacturer's option, Noes: (2) Values for K correspond to reduced size ine (2) The openings for Types 3 and are reduced size inlet. ASME B16.12-2019 ‘Table 4.1-2 Center-to-End Dimensions of Elbows Kw T a i > oo 90-deg Short __90-deg Long Elbow 45-deg Short ——_—4B-deg Long Teoh T en-vegeats long Etow —/Enow Elbow ‘and Three-Way Elbow ry! Fs so-deg 2iy-deg 5%p-deg Elbow Elbow Elbow. 90deg Elbow 45-deg Elbow Long and Short, A, Three-Way, Short D, Go-deg — 22%edeg —11Yedeg — Srey mm (in) B,mm (in) Extra Long, mm (in) Long. Elbow, F Elbow, 6, Elbow, 1, Elbow, J NSP [Note (1)} [Note (2)] Camm (im) [Note (1)]__mam(in) mm (Un) __ mam (in) mm (In) rae (im) 1% 445 (173) $72(225) 762800) 333.131) 445 (1.75) 396 (1.56) 287 (113) 269 (106) 302 (149) 1% — 493(194) 635 (250) 889 (350) 366 (144) 478(188) 445,175) 318(125) 318(125) 333 (131) 2 S72 (225) 777 BOB) 1016(400) 429 (1.69) 572 (225) 523(206) 366 (144) 351 (138) 381 (1.50) 2% 683 (269) 987 (369) 1145450) 493 (198) 658 (263) 635 (250) 445 (175) 414 (163) 414 (153) 3 797 (806) 1080 (425) 1334(525) 556 (219) 747294) 732 (288) 508 (200) 460 (181) 445 (175) 4 968 (381) 1318 (19) 1588 (625) 668 (263) 889(350) 859338) 587 (231) SOB (200) 47.8188) 5 1143 (450) 1552 (613) aa OE tac Oe) 6 (28) 572 (2s) 8 (2) 6 1303 (518) 1814 (713) 874 (344) 1240 (488) 1080425) 747 (294) 605 (238) 972 (225) 8__ 166.6 (656)_ 2286 (9.00) 108.0 (425) o (GENERAL NOTE: For tolerances, see Table 21-2 NOTES: (1) Same dimensions as adopted for Class 125 Cast ron Threaded Fittings (ASME B16.) (2) Three-way elbows have the same dimensions as 90-deg long radius elbows, ASME 11612-2019 Table 4.1-3 Dimensions of Tees, Crosses, and Y-Branches ‘90-deg Short ¥.Branch ‘90-deg Long Y-Branch 90-deg Short VBranch [Note (2)] | 90-deg Long Y-Branch [Note (2)] Genter Center Centerto- orEnd ——to-End End of Tee, End-to- Center-to- Genterto-Center-to- Centerto-Centerto- of Basin of Basin ‘Acmm (in) End,B, End, End, D, End, End. End, Tee, Cross, J, Nps [Note (1)}__mm (in) _mmm(in)__mm (In) __mm (in)__mm (in) __mm (in) __mm (in) __mm In) 1% 445 (175) 953 (875) $72 225) 381 (150) 922 (863) 1207 (4.75) 287 (113) 587 (231) 587 (231) 1% — 493(194) 1080 (425) 635(250) 445 (175) 1049 (4.13) 1367 (538) 318(125) 683 (269) 683 (2.69) 2 57.2(225) 131.8 (519) 77.7 (806) 541 (213) 1334525) 1778 (7.00) 445(1.75) 889 (350) B89 (350) 2% — 686(270) 1603 (631) 937 (369) 668 (263) 1588 (625) 2096 (825) 508 (200) 1080 (425) 3 782(308) 1842 (725) 1080(425) 762 (3.00) 1905 (750) 2510 (988) 605 (238) 4 963 (879) 2223 (875) 1318(5.19) 904 (356) 251.0 (988) 3302 (1300) 795 (3.13) 5 1143 (450) 2619 (10:31) 1557 (6.13) 1064 (419) 311.2 (1225) 400.1 (1575) 889 (3.50) 6 1303 (5:13) 3083 (11.94) 181.1 (7-13) 1222 (481) 3716 (1463) 4763 (18.75) 1089 (4.13) 8 1656 (656) GENERAL NOTE: For tolerances, see Table 21-2. Noes: (2) Same dimensions as adopted for Class 125 Cast ron Threaded Fitings (ASME BIG), (2) Double Y-branehes have the same dimensions as single Y-branches. ASME B16.12-2019 ‘Table 4.1-4 Dimensions of Y-Branches (Reducing Sizes) ‘90-deg Short Y-Branch Reducing ‘90-deg Long Y-Branch Reducing ‘S0vdeg short Branch ‘0reg Long ¥-Branch Tndto—~—Centerta-—Center-to- center Centerto- ——Centerto Canterto- End, Gnd, D. End End. F, nd, Nes som (n)___sam (in) sm in) mm(in)_—_mm in) Text] 996 (388) 635 (250) 605 (238) 38:1 (150) 1803 (513) 986 (88) 1001 (394) 302 (119) 2x1% 176 (463) 747 (298) 683269) 493 (L9H) 4GI(G75) 1113438) 1128 (448) 333 (131) 2%yalh 1240 (489) 77.7 (805) 714 (281) 523206) 441 (575) 1158(456) 128 (AAA) -383(L31) 2x2 1397 (550) BLAGSSI) 82625) 572(225) 87S (738) 1451 (575) MEL ETS) 14 (183) Bx1% 1285 (506) BARBI) 747A) 5413) 15091598) 1270500) 1176(463)333(L3) 3x2 445 (569) 922 (563) B41 S31) 605(255) 1920 (756) 1539(605) 1509(593) —a1.4 (165) 4x1% 1334 (625) 968 (881) 762 (300) 572225) 1539 (606) 13826544) 1207 (475) —333,(L31) 442 1476 (581) 1081 (405) 859(339) 620(244) 1953 (769) 168.4 (669) 1589(606) 91.4 (163) 4x24 1684 (663) 128 (448) 968 (381) 7LA(ZBI) 2192 (863) 179.3706) 1684 (663) 508 (200) +3 1875 (738) 1207 (475) 1095 (431) 77.7 (4.05) 2540 (1000) 204.7 (805) 1988763) 605 (238) Sx1% 1412656) 1113438) 8103.19) 605 (238) 1603 (631) 1524 (600) 12551494) 351138) 5+2 1557 (613) 1176465) 904 (356) 650(256) 1969(775) BLL (715) 1587 (613) 114185) 5x3 1969 (775) 1384525) 1143 (450) 825(325) 2604 (1025) 219.2 (863) 2002 (788) 605 (238) 5x4 2319813) 1445 (569) 1367 (538) 953975) 3302 (1200) 2652 (L044) 2578 (0013) 732 (288) 6x2 1588 (625) 1503 (513) 922 (363) 65B(2658) 2017 (798) 1959775) 1603631) 414 (153) 63 2002 (788) 1461 (575) 1158 (456) 844 (331) 2687 (1038) 231913) 2047 (Os) $87 (231) 6x4 2350 (925) 1572 (619) 1382 (644) 968381) 331.7 (1306) 2794 (1100) 2588 (1019) 732 (288) +5 268.2(1056) 1604 (653) 1588 (625) 109.5 (451) 407.9 1606) _3254 (1261) _3180(1256) 949 (350) (GENERAL NOTES: (2) For tolerances, see Table 21-2 (b) Double Y-branches have the same dimensions as single Y-branches ASME 11612-2019 Table 4.1-5 Dimensions of 45-deg Y-Branches NPs ™% % ™% a ‘End-to-End, ‘A, mm (in) 127.0 (5.00) 1397 (550) 165.1 (650) 2002 (788) 2206 (9.00) 2764 (10.88) 3287 (1298) 3780 (1488), 4778 (1881) (GENERAL NOTES: (@) For tolerances, see Table 21-2 (6) Double Y-branches have the same dimensions as single ‘varanches. ‘Center-to-End, 3, mm (in) €26 (325) 922 (3.63) 1113 (438) 1367 (5.38) 157.2 (619) 1953 (769) 2334 (3.10) 2731 (1075) 3444 (1356) ‘cent Gmm (in) 445 (175) 478 (1.88) 541 (213) 635 (2.50) 714 @8) 810 (3.19) 953 (8.75) 1049 (4.13) 1334 (5.25) Table 4.1-6 Dimensions of 45-deg Y-Branches (Reducing Sizes) ASME B16.12-2019 End-to-End, ‘Center-to-End, ‘Center to-End, ‘Conterto-End, ps A, mm (in) mm (in) G mm (in) mm (in) Ta 1334 (5.25) 874 (3:44) 89 (350) 445 (175) 2a 1494 (5.88) 104.9 (4:13) 103.1 (406) 460081) hate 1636 (644) 1176 (463) 1158 (456) 47.8 (1.89) Dan? 1793 (7.06) 1303 6.13) 1255 (494) 541 (213) ante 16844 (6.63) 1285 (5.06) 1255 (494) 429 (1.69) 3x2 1875 (7.38) 1367 (5:38) 1349 (531) 523 (206) 3am 2032 (8.00) 147.6 (81) 445 (569) 58.7 (231) ante 1826 (7.19) 153.9 (6.06) 146.1 (575) 36.6 (1.44) ee 1953 (769) 1603 (631) 1524 (600) 429 (1.69) 43 2350 (0.25) 1826 (7.19) 1748 (6388) 605 (238) 5x2 2096 (8.25) 1826 (7.19) 1740 (688) 35.4 (1.39) sx 2492 (981) 2002 (788) 193.8 (7.63) 556 (2.19) sea 2991 (1138) 2159 (850) 2144 (8.44) 747 (294) 6x2 24a (844) 2047 (2.08) 192.0 (756) 224 (088) 6x3 2540 (10.00) 2223 (8.75) zit (631) 429 (1.69) 6x4 3018 (1188) 2383 (2.38) 230.1 (9.06) 714 (281) 6x5 3303 (13.00) 2540 (1000) 249.2 (081) 810 (8.19) Bea 2906 (1144) 2794 (1100) 265.2 (1048) 25.4 (1.00) x6 3795 (1494) 3145 (12.39) 301.8 (1.88), 77.9 (306) (GENERAL NOTES: (@) For tolerances, see Table 2.1.2 {() Double Y-branches have the same dimensions as single Y-branches. ASME 11612-2019 ‘Table 4.1-7 Dimensions of Couplings Table 4.1-9 Dimensions of Offsets ret ; / kao i ws Endo-End As mm Gn) % 762 600) % 859 38) 2 953.675) a os 1016 (400) NPS Offset, 0, mm (in) End-to-End, A, mm (in.) : 1000 425) : rar fe ee 0 143 (50 2 ro! 0) as cus : 1207 495) 2 era fas er 6 1270 (5.00) me esse) : eho 3 1016 (10) 2223 (675 GENERAL NOTE: For tolerances, see Table 2.1-2. 8 1524 (6.00) ee) 3 2032 (800) 2239 (1275) 3 2540 (1000) 947 (435) ‘ 1016 (400) 277 075 Table 4-8 Dimen i tse (600) 2905 (1175) ‘ 2032 (800) 3493 (1375) i 2540 100) 4003 (1575) ‘ 3048 (1200) 2509 (1275) 5 1524 (600 2208 (1269) _ 5 2032 (600) 716 (1463) re vny 5 2540 (1000) 4224 (1663) = ome 5 3043 (1200 172 (1863) 2th 2286 (6.00) 5 1524 (60) 3462 (1363) ef 2286 (900) $ 2032 (200) 2970 (186) yy 2286 (900) 5 2540 (1000 tara 7) oe ose oun ‘ 3043 (1200) 426 (1963) aes 7286 600) GENERAL NOTE: For wlerances, se Take 21-2 ae 2a (900) oo 2286 (900) = 2286 900) is 2a (900) oD 2286 (900) oo 286 900) bee 2a (900) one 2286 (900) GENERAL NOTE: For tolerances, see Table 21.2. 10 ASME B16.12-2019 Table 4.1-10 Dimensions of Tucker Connections, Roof Connections, and Tucker Y-Branches c Ft yy Tucker Roof Tucker Connection Connection ¥-Branch NPS Length, A, mim (In) Centerto‘Tucker End, &, mam (In) Centerto-Threaded End, C, mm (in) ™% 953 (375) 100.1 (394) 572 (225) 1% 101.6 (4.00) 1080 (425) 635 (250) 2 [Nowe (0) 1143 (450) 119.1 (469) 777 (3.06) 3 1207 (475) 1367 (5.38) 1080 (425) 4 [Note (2)) 1778 (7.00) 5 (Note (2)) 1778 (7.00) 6 [Note (21 47738 (7.00) (GENERAL NOTES: (@) For tolerances, see Table 21-2 {() The hubs on Tucker connections roof connections, and Tucker Y-branches are designed to be used with wrought ion and steel pipe ofthe nominal pipe size (©) For pitch of Tucker V-branch, see Figure 1 and para. 6) {Roof connections ate not made to standard dimensions, except for the thread, which may be either straight or tapered [see para. 6(3)} ‘NOTES: (1) The size 2 Tucker connection may be made of malleable iron, having a diameter to ft within a nominal 100-mm (3.93-in) bulking wall, {2} Thesestzesare provided with looseringstosip nto hubs over wroughtppe. Other sizes may be provided with looseringsatthe option ofthe manufacturer a ASME 816.412.2019 1-9 aunty 98 se HE AN 298 ‘SALON TWAaND Wsdee eran Teor rv voor ers) roe (ood ezaT tostlree Grelosee (os2)se9 —(@seazez (ose) eRe (re) #90T (e's) LET (ernzor € (oz) eos (Go) F6c1 (OS2)0S9 (OO) Zee (008) 9OF (ovo) vz ose soe to sea) vas Con) oe wwe Seay, Bayou Beira wed usa s1anog dew, Sujuung sdeiy Gujwuny pue ‘sdesy- ued ‘sdedi-d Jo suorsusWIG TT-T'y a10eL 2 ASME B16.12-2019 Figure 6-1 Types of Fittings Tapped to Provide 21 mm/m (0.25 in./ft) Pitch a B 2 ey a el wae EN oN | | 90:deg Elbow 90-deg Long Turn Elbow Three-Way Elbow Tee Basin Tee 90-deg Extra Long Turn Elbow es ol STAT Tin ater Frey liter a oes “el ce & i = Inlet j niet % S Pen TTT les? ! | “ea) Ss SH fae a e | bu ! t 90-deg ¥-Branch ‘90-deg Long Turn V-Branch inet owe | | Toute int 5 _[outiet “ep ca Running Trap Double Vent Pe 19 Trap Single Vont ‘Tucker ¥-Branch GENERAL NOTE: Inles of ll drainage tings have openings of 90-deg nominal angle; outlets of traps and bath P-raps, and both inlets and outetsofrunningtraps are tapped, pitched 21 mm/m (0.25in with theptch nthe direction shown exaggerated forlustration, The faces of ‘bands of pitched openings may be perpendicular to the pitch lin. Similar types of reducing fitngs are tapped and pitched likewise 13 (a9) ASME 116.12-2019 MANDATORY APPENDIX | REFERENCES The following is alist of publications referenced in this Standard. Unless otherwise stated, the latest edition of ASME publications shall apply. Materials manufactured to other editions of the referenced ASTM standards ‘may be used to manufacture fittings meeting the require- ‘ments of this Standard as long as the fitting manufacturer verifies the material meets the requirements ofthe refer- enced edition. ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) ASME B164, Gray Ion ‘Threaded Fittings |ASMEB36.10M, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5890 (www.asme org) ASTM A126-04(2014), Specification for Gray Iron Cast- ings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings ASTM A197/A197M-00(2015), Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron uu Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 (wwwastmorg) 1s0 9000:2015, Quality management systems — Funda- mentals and vocabulary 180 9001:2015, Quality management systems — Require- ‘ments 180 9004:2018, Quality management systems — Guide- lines for performance improvements Publisher: International Organization for Standardization (180), Central Secretariat, Chemin de Blandonnet8, Case Postale 401, 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland ( MSS $P-25:2018, Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions Publisher: Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180 ( ASME B16.12-2019 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX A QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM ‘The products manufactured in accordance with this Standard shall be produced under a quality system program following the principles of an appropriate stan- dard from the ISO 9000 series.’ A determination of the need for registration and/or certification of the product manufacturer's quality system program by an independent organization shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer. Detailed documentation demonstrating "The series is ako available from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the American Society for Quality (ASQ) a¢ ‘American National Standards that are identified by prefix" replacing ‘the prefs 150" Each standard of the seresis listed under References in Mandatory Append 15 program compliance shall be available to the purchaser at the manufacturer's Facility. A weitten, summarized description of the program used by the product manufac- turer shall be available tothe purchaser upon request. The product manufacturer is defined as the entity whose name oo trademark appears on the product in accordance with the marking or identification requirements of this Standard, ASME 11612-2019 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B DIMENSIONS OF WELDED AND SEAMLESS STEEL PIPE (ASME B36.10M) Table B-1 Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe ‘Nomin hickness, Standard Wall, In. Nps Outside Diameter, [Note (1)] % (0405 0.068 h 0540 088 % 0675 0.091 a oto 0.109 % 1.050 ous 1 isis 0.133 % 1.650 0.140 % 1.900 014s 2 2375 ost 2% 2875, 0203 a 2500 0216 3% 4000 0226 ‘ 4500 0237 5 5563 0258 6 6.625 0200 8 8.625 0322 10 10750 0365 2 12750 0375 14 outside diameter 14000 0375 16 ouside diameter 16000 0375 18 outside diameter 18000 0375 20 outside diameter 20000 0375 24 outside diameter 24.000 0375 GENERAL NOTE: The decimal thicknesses liste forthe respective pipeslzes represent thelr nominal oraverage all dimensions. For tolerances ‘on wall thickness, see appropriate material specification, NOTE: (1) Thicknesses shown in boldface type are identical to corresponding thicknesses for Schedule 40 pipe. 16 B16 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PIPING, PIPE FLANGES, FITTINGS, AND VALVES 2163-2015 Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (Classes 25, 125, and 250) 8163-2016 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings: Classes 150 and 300 2164-2016 Gray Iron Threaded Fittings: Classes 125 and 250 8165-2017 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS % Through NPS 24 Metri/Inch Standard 8169-2018 Factory Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings 16.10-2017 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves 1611-2016 Forged Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded 816.12-2019 Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings B16.14-2018 Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts With Pipe Threads 1615-20108, Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fitings B16.18-2010 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings 81620-2017 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges 1621-2016 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges 1622-2018 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fitings 81623-2016 Cast Copper Alloy Soler Joint Drainage iting: DWV 1624-2016 Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges, Flanged Fittings, and Valves: Classes 150, 300,600, 900, 1500, and 2500 81625-2017 Buttwelding Ends 1626-2018 Cast Copper Alloy Fitings for Mared Copper Tubes 81629-2017 \Weought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy Solder-oint Drainage Fings — DWV 1816.3%-2012 (RZ017) Manually Operated Metalic Gas Valve fr Use in Gas Piping Systems Upto 175 ps (Sizes NPS Through NPS 2) 21634-2017 Valves — Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End 81636-2015 Orifice Flanges £216:38-2012 (R2017) Large Metalic Valves for Gas Distribution: Manually Operated, NPS 24 (DN 65) to NPS 12 (DN 300), 125 psig (86 bar) Maximam 81639-2014 Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions: Clases 150, 250, and 300 21640-2019 Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutfls and Valves in Gas Distribution Systoms 1642-2016 Duetile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Pitings: Classes 150 and 300 1816.44-2012 (R2017) Manually Operated Metalic Gas Valves for Use in Aboveground Piping Systems Upto $ psi 81647-2017 Large Diameter Stel Flanges NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard 21648-2015 Line Banks 81649-2017 Factory-Made, Wrought Stel, Buttwelding Induction Bends for Transportation and Distibution Systems 1650-2018 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Braze-Joint Pressure Fittings 21651-2018 Copper and Copper Alloy Press-Connect Pressure Fittings 1652-2018 Forged Nonferrous Fitings, Socket Welding and Threaded (Titanium, Titanium Alloys, Aluminum, and Aluminum ‘lloys) ‘The ASME Publications Catalog shows a complet lis fal the Standards published bythe Society. For a complimentary catalog oF the latest Information about our publications, call -800-THE-ASME (1-800-043-2763), ASME Services ASME Is committed to developing and delivering technical information. At SME's Customer Care, we make every effort to answer your ‘questions and expedite your orders. Our representatives are ready to assist you inthe folowing areas ASHE Press Member Services & Benefits Pablic Information (Codes & Standards Other ASME Programs Sele Study Courses Credit Carl Orders Payment Inquiries Shipping Information IMechE Publications Professional Development ‘Subseriptons/Journals/Magazines Meetings & Conferences short Courses Symposia Volumes Member Dues Status Publications ‘Techneal Papers How can you reach us? It's easier than ever! ‘Tere are four options for making inguires* or placing orders. Simply mall phone, fx or E-mail us and Customer Care representative wl ‘your request. handle Matt alt Tot Free Fax—26 hours E-Mall—26 hours ASME US & Canada: 800-7HE-ASME 973-882-1717 150 Clove Road, 6th Floor (800-843-2763) 973-882-5155 Litle Falls, New Jersey Mexico: 95-000-T116-ASME 07424-2139 (5-800-843-2768) ‘Customer Care stffare not permitted to answer inguiries about the technical content of this code or standard. Information as to whether or not technical inquiries are issued to this code or standards shown on the copyright page. Al technica inquiries must be submitted in writingto the staf secretary. Additional procedures for inquiries may be listed within, ASME B16.12-2019 | Ml I i I I Borg e734

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