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Journal of research in health science

2018 ¹ 1 (2), Januar-April;
DOI 10.26739/2523-1243
ISSN Print: 2523-1243; ISSN Online: 2523-1251

How do light and temperature affect laboratory

investigations on serum bilirubin?
Wickrama Rathnage Sureka Damayanthi, Atthanayaka Mudiyanselage Srimali
Bandara, Athapaththu Mudiyanselage Buddhika Priyadarshani
Department of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.

Email address:
Corresponding author. Dr. A.M.B. Priyadarshani, Department of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of
Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
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Wickrama Rathnage Sureka Damayanthi, Atthanayaka Mudiyanselage Srimali Bandara, Athapaththu
Mudiyanselage Buddhika Priyadarshani. How do light and temperature affect laboratory investigations
on serum bilirubin? Vol. 1, No. 2, 2018, pp. 4-13. DOI 10.26739/2523-1243

Abstract: Bilirubin is important in disease diagnosis and it is considered as a photosensitive

molecule. Therefore, precautions are important while analyzing samples to be measured bilirubin in
the laboratory to avoid under-estimations. Hence, this study was designed to investigate the effect of
temperature, sun-light and artificial light on the stability of serum bilirubin. Whole blood was collected
from 34 apparently healthy subjects and serum was separated. To determine the effect of temperature
serum was exposed to -4°C and 33°C for 2h and 24h. To investigate the effect of light the serum
specimens were exposed to sun-light for 6h and two CFL bulbs, 15W each for 24h. Bilirubin
concentrations were measured by dimethylsulfoxide method using automated Mindray BF 300 analyzer.
The differences between base-line bilirubin value and other subsequent measurements were analyzed
by post-hoc Dunnets test. There were significant reduction in all the bilirubin fractions in the samples
exposed to sun-light for 6h and only total and indirect bilirubin fractions significantly had been
reduced in the samples exposed to artificial light. The same effect was observed in the normobilirubinaemic
samples exposed to 33°C for 24h but in hyperbilirubinaemic samples all the bilirubin fractions had
been reduce significantly. There was no significant reduction of bilirubin in samples stored at -4°C for
2h and 24h and at 33°C for 2h. Therefore, serum samples to be measured bilirubin can be stored at -
4°C up to 24h and 33°C up to 2h with light protection, without significant changes in bilirubin
Keywords: Direct bilirubin; Indirect bilirubin; Total bilirubin; Light, Temperature.

Journal of research in health science. 2018; 1 (2): 4-13.

Introduction bilirubin production via haemolysis and

Bilirubin is a tetrapyrrole and is formed dyserythropoiesis, decreased hepatic
by heme catabolism. Hence, bilirubin is clearance, defective bilirubin conjugation
not fully soluble in plasma, it binds with or multi-factorial etiologies. Conjugated
albumin to transport in to the liver. Inside hyperbilirubinaemia can be seen in
the hepatocyte two glucuronic acid in di vi duals wi th hepat it is, li ver
molecules are reacted with bilirubin to infiltration, biliary obstruction with
increase the solubility of bilirubin. The inherited disorders, primary biliary
enzyme microsomal bilirubin glucuronyl- cirrhosis or with other causes such as
transferase catalyzes this reaction. The sepsis, shock and hemochromatosis
process i s kn own as "bi li rubi n (Harvey and Ferrier, 2011; Murray et al.,
conjugation" (Harvey and Ferrier, 2011; 2003). As well, serum bilirubin fraction
Murray et al., 2003). determination is used to diagnose the type
In the serum, bilirubin is measured as of jaundice and related clinical conditions.
direct bilirubin and total bilirubin. In the Neonatal bilirubin determination is also
clinical practice conjugated bilirubin is extremely important in routine
referred as "direct bilirubin" whereas neonatal diagnostic screening tests
unconjugated bilirubin is known as (Westwood, 1991).
"indirect bilirubin". Direct bilirubin is the Quantitative determination of serum
fraction which moves freely in the bilirubin fractions ie., direct, indirect and
circulation while indirect fraction is bound total bilirubin is important in the correct
to serum albumin (Harvey and Ferrier, diagnosis of diseases. It has been reported
2011; Murray et al., 2003). Jaundice is that there is a tendency to decrease the
caused by the elevated bilirubin levels in level of bilirubin in the serum/plasma due
blood. Jaundiced patients can be diagnosed to factors such as exposure to various light
by the yellowish color of the skin, sclera intensities, temperatures and exposing
and nail beds due to the deposition of t ime peri od t o ea ch fac tor an d
bilirubin. Jaundice can be pre-hepatic, inappropriate sample handling. Therefore,
hepatic or post-hepatic (Harvey and precautions should be taken to protect
Ferrier, 2011; Murray et al., 2003). the clinical specimens to be measured
Hyperbilirubinaemia in new born is more bilirubin from the light and temperatures
c ri ti ca l than a dult b ec ause when to prevent the underestimations. If there
unconjugated bilirubin fraction reaches is any underestimation during analysis it
harmful level, it can diffuse into the basal can affect the patient badly due to
ganglia by passing the blood brain barrier incorrect diagnosis of the exact disease
(Westwood, 1991). condition. Therefore, the sample should
S er um b i l i r ub i n fraction be immediately analyzed and necessary
determin ation is one of the most precautions should be taken while
important laboratory investigations in analyzing the clinical specimens for
the clinical practice in diagnosis of bilirubin determination.
diseases. It is used as an indication of However, it has been reported that
the severity of hepatic dysfunction. possible delay in the analyzing of serum/
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia is plasma bilirubin due to heavy workload
commonly caused as a result of increased or delay in samples transportation to

Wickrama Rathnage Sureka Damayanthi, Atthanayaka Mudiyanselage Srimali Bandara,
Athapaththu Mudiyanselage Buddhika Priyadarshani. How do light and temperature affect laboratory
investigations on serum bilirubin?
laboratories from wards/collection centers collected blood samples were protected
as a common problem in most of the from light and heat.
hospitals/laboratory setups in developing Separation of serum
countries (Saththasivam et al., 2010). All the collected blood samples were
Therefore, it is important to investigate kept for 10 min at room temperature with
that wha t would ha ppen t o the light protection. After 10 min, all the
concentration of bilirubin fractions ie., samples were checked for clot formation.
direct, indirect and total bilirubin after As some of the samples were not
exposing to temperature and light while completely clotted after 10 min they were
performing laboratory analysis or if there left for an ot her 5 mi n at r oom
is any delay in analyzing. Hence, the temperature. Then the blood clots of all
obj ecti ve of pr esen t st udy was to the plane tubes were detached from the
det ermi ne t he effec t of lig ht a nd bottom of the tube by gently tapping the
temperature on stability of serum bilirubin. bottom of the tubes. Then all the samples
Materials and Methods were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min.
The st udy wa s conduc ted after At the end of centrifugation, samples were
obtaining ethical approval from the examined for haemolysis.
Ethical Review Committee, Faculty of Aliquoting of serum samples
Medical Sciences, University of Sri After serum separation, each sample
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. was aliquoted into seven, each aliquot
Study population containing 250 µ L of serum. The aliquots
Study population included healthy were put in to the Khan tubes and
individuals within 18-35 age group. The numbered from Aliquot No: 1-7. All the
subjects were recruited to the study, by Khan tubes were covered with black
providing a self-administered questionnaire. papers to protect the serum samples from
By observing the answered questionnaires, light. Aliquot No: 1 from all the serum
healthy individuals were selected to the samples (n=34) was used to determine
study by considering inclusion and the base-line value of direct, indirect and
exclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria total bilirubin.
included individuals who were clinically Determination of effect of temperature
diagnosed as suffering from any kind of on serum bilirubin concentration
disease condition and pregnant mothers. To determine the effect of temperature,
Sample size calculation each serum aliquot was treated as follow:
Sample size was calculated according Aliquot No: 2: kept at refrigerator at -4 °C
to the Paired sample T test calculation for 2 h, Aliquot No: 3: kept at refrigerator
criteria. Minitab version 17 software at -4 °C for 24 h, Aliquot No: 4: kept in
calculator was used for the calculation. the water-bath at 33 °C for 2 h, Aliquot
The calculated sample size was 34. No: 5: kept in the water-bath at 33 °C
Sample processing for 24 h.
Collection of blood samples All the serum aliq uots i n the
The 5 mL of whole blood was drawn refrigerator and in the water-bath were
fr om t he media n cubi ta l vein b y protected from light. Before analysis
veni puncture. All the blood samples were refrigerated samples were kept for 3 min
collected in to labeled plane tubes. All the at room temperature for freeze thawing.

Journal of research in health science. 2018; 1 (2): 4-13.

Determination of effect of light on medium. To enable the assay of total

serum bilirubin concentration bilirubin it is necessary to break the link
Determination of effect of sun-light between unconjugated bilirubin and
To determine the effect of sun-light, albumi n, whi ch is done by
Aliquot No: 6 from all 34 serum samples di methylsulfoxide (D MS O) . The
were kept near an opened laboratory absorbance of azobilirbin is proportional
window, exposing to sun-light for 6 h at to the bilirubin concentration, which is
ambient temperature. measured at 550 nm.
Determination of effect of artificial light Data analysis
To determine the effect of artificial Data analysis was done using software
light, Aliquot No 7 from all 34 serum SPSS version 21. The difference between
samples were placed under a light source the control group (base-line bilirubin
for 24 hat ambient temperature. The values) and all the other subsequent
distance between the light source and the measurements were analyzed with
sample set was 240 cm (8 feet). The Light ANOVA (analysis of variance) with post
source was two CFL bulbs, 15 W, 220/ hoc Dunnet's test based on observed
240V, 50/60 Hz. means. The error term is Mean Square
Table 1 summarizes that how each (Error) = .003. The mean difference is
serum aliquot was treated to find out the significant at the 0.05 level.
effect of temperature and light on serum Results
bilirubin concentration. All 7 aliquots from Analysis of demographic characteristics
each serum sample were treated according of the study population
to the Table 1 Thirty-four healthy subjects within 18-
Analysis of serum bilirubin 35 years were recruited in the study. Out
Instrumentation and Reagent of 34 healthy subjects, 11 were males and
The total and direct serum bilirubin 23 were females.
levels of all the serum samples were Base-line serum bilirubin levels in the
measured using automated analyzer study population
Mindray BF 300 analyzer, China. The One set of serum aliquots (aliquot
instr ument wa s calibr ated for the No:1) from all 34 serum samples was
measurement of serum bilirubin. Two analyzed to determine the base-line
quality control samples were run with the bilirubin vales in the study population. This
serum samples. was done immediately after the serum
Bio lab bilirubin kit for both total and separation. Even though apparently
direct bilirubin measurements RFF 80403 healthy individuals were enrolled in the
was used to determine the different study, 8 subj ec ts out of 34 wer e
bilirubin fractions. hyperbilirubinaemic and their total
Principle of the reaction bilirubin concentration was varied from
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) method 1.23 to 2.43 mg/dL whereas others were
was used to determine the bilirubin (n=26) normobilirubinaemic.
concentration. The reaction between Effect of temperature on serum bilirubin
bilirubin and diazotized sulfanilic acid concentration
yields azobilirubin. Direct bilirubin reacts Effect of temperature 33°C after
with diazotized sulfanilicacid in aqueous keeping for 2 h

Wickrama Rathnage Sureka Damayanthi, Atthanayaka Mudiyanselage Srimali Bandara,
Athapaththu Mudiyanselage Buddhika Priyadarshani. How do light and temperature affect laboratory
investigations on serum bilirubin?
With regard to serum total, direct and This was the highest percentage reduction
indirect bilirubin, there was no significant in bilirubin concentrations that observed
difference in between base-line values and during the study.
at 33 °C after keeping for 2 h with light Effect of artificial light after keeping
protection. for 24 h
Effect of temperature 33 °C after According to the statistical analysis,
keeping for 24 h there was a significant reduction in total
However, there was a significant and indirect bilirubin concentrations in
deference in between base-line values and the sample with normobilirubinaemia after
values obtained after storing at 33 °C for keeping under the artificial light source
24 h with regard to total and indirect for 24 h compared to the base-line values.
bi li rubi n va lues when But there was no significant difference in
n or mobi li rubi na emic sub ject s ar e direct bilirubin concentrations. Same
concerned. But, there was no significant obser va ti on was n ot es i n the
reduction in direct bilirubin values. When hyperb ilir ub in aemi a sa mples. I n
hyper bi li rubi na emic sub ject s ar e hyperbilirubinaemia samples there was a
considered, there was a significant significant reduction in total and indirect
reduction in between base-line values and bilirubin values after keeping under the
values obtained after storing at 33 °C for artificial light source for 24 h compared
24 h with regard to total, direct and to the base-line values. But there was no
indirect bilirubin. significant difference in direct bilirubin
Effect of temperature -4°C after concentrations.
keeping for 2 h Ta ble 2 summar iz es t ha t how
According to statistical analysis, with temperature and light treatment affect
regard to serum total, direct and indirect different b ilir ub in fra ct ions i n
bilirubin, there was no any significant normob ilir ub in aemi c an d
difference in between base-line values and hyperbilirubinaemic serum samples. The
at -4 °C after keeping for 2 h with light effect has been given compared to base-
protection. line values.
Effect of temperature -4 °C after Discussion
keeping for 24 h Bilirubin molecule is known to be a
Even after 24 h at -4 °C, there was no photosensitive molecule. When the linear
any significant difference in total, direct st ruc ture of bi lirubin molecule is
and indirect bilirubin values compared to considered it is a highly polar molecule
base-line values. and can be easily execrated. But linear
Effect of light on serum bilirubin structure of the bilirubin is not the
concentration structure which exists in the nature
Effect of sun-light after keeping for 6 h because it has the ability to convert the
Samples exposed to sun-light for 6 h structure in to chiral, mirror image
showed that there was a significant conformations and it is highly non-polar
reduction in total, direct and indirect (Mcdonagh, 1985). To make it soluble,
bilirubin values compared to base-line bilirubin molecule is conjugated with two
values in both normobilirubinaemic as glucuronic acid molecules in the liver.
well as in hyperbilirubinaemic samples. Hence, in the human serum there is

Journal of research in health science. 2018; 1 (2): 4-13.

conj ug at ed b ilir ub in a s well a s According to the statistical analysis,

unconjugated bilirubin which is bound our study showed that there is no
with serum protein albumin (Harvey and significant reduction in bilirubin after
Ferrier, 2011; Murray et al., 2003). When storing serum samples at -4 °C with light
analyzing serum bilirubin concentration protection for 2 h and 24 h. This finding
total, direct (conjugated) and indirect is supported by the findings of Morishita
(unconjugated) bilirubin is measured for et al., which showed that bilirubin is
disease diagnosis purposes. stable at -20 °C/4 °C for 7 days with or
Our study showed that, with regard without light exposure (Morishita et al.,
to total, direct and indirect bilirubin there 1994). However, in that case temperature
is no significant difference in between used was higher than the temperature
base-line values and after storing serum used by us ie., 4 °C. Further, in present
samples at 33 °C for 2 h with light study there was a little change in ratio of
protection (in both normobilirubinaemic direct bilirubin to total bilirubin at -4 °C
and hyperbilirubinaemic subjects). This whi ch was obser ved in b ot h
finding is supported by the study carried normob ilir ub in aemi c an d
out by Tanner et al., which showed that hyperbilirubinaemic samples. Morishita et
bilirubin is stable at temperature 15° C, al., noted the same observation but at -
25 °C and 35 °C up to at least 24 h but 20 °C/4 °C. However, t gradually lowering
in the whole blood (Tanner et al., 2008). of the ratio at 25°C over time could be
However, in normobi lir ubin aemic seen (Morishit et al., 1994).
subject's a significant reduction in total Ihara et al., conducted a study to
and indirect bilirubin was observed after determine the effects of thermo-stability
storing serum samples at 33 °C for 24 h on bilirubin sub-fractions of serum
with light protection. But there was no bilirubin. One unconjugated and three
significant reduction in direct bilirubin conjugated hyperbilirubinaemic serum
conc en tr at ions. But in hyper bi li - samples had been filled with nitrogen and
rubinaemic subjects in addition to total incubated in-vitro at 4 °C, 25 °C, 37 °C
and direct bilirubin there was a significant for 6 h in the dark. Authors had observed
r educ t i on in di r ec t b i li r ub i n that there is no difference in total bilirubin
concentration as well. Contrast to our concentration in both conjugated and
finding Tanner et al., showed that unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemic serum
bilirubin is stable at 35 °C up to at least samples at 4 °C, 25 °C and 37 °C up to 6
24 h prior to centrifugation and in this h. A dec rease of dir ec t bi li rubi n
case, they had been used whole blood concentrations with the incubation time
instead of serum (Tanner et al., 2008). and temperature could be observed.
Sofronescu et al., showed that there is Authors reported that direct bilirubin is
no statistically significant difference in stable at 4 °C for 6 h, at 25 °C and at 37
direct bilirubin values after storing plasma °C for 1.5 hours. Serum total, direct, and
samples at 3 °C and 22 °C for 2, 4, 8, i ndir ec t conc en tr at ions r emai ned
24 h (Sofronescu et al., 2012). However, un chan ged in unc on juga ted
it is difficult to compare these vales with hyperbilirubinaemic serum samples at 4
our results as the temperature used was °C, 25 °C, 37 °C up to 6 h. However,
different in two studies. authors had concluded that thermo-

Wickrama Rathnage Sureka Damayanthi, Atthanayaka Mudiyanselage Srimali Bandara,
Athapaththu Mudiyanselage Buddhika Priyadarshani. How do light and temperature affect laboratory
investigations on serum bilirubin?

stability of the bilirubin sub-fractions are comparison all the treatment methods,
i n the or der of delta b ilir ub in , the highest reduction in total, direct and
unconjugated bilirubin, mono-conjugated indirect bilirubin concentrations were
bilirubin, and di-conjugated bilirubin observed in the samples which exposed
(Ihara et al., 2010). to sun-light during the present study. A
However, reason for the changes in previous study had been conducted to
bi lirubin level a nd structur e wi th determine the effect of sun-light by using
temperature for various time durations prepared bilirubin solutions and the results
has not been addressed. The structure of revealed that significant reduction in
the bilirubin may be changed after bilirubin concentration. These results
exposing serum samples at 33 °C for 24 h support our findings. But in that case
due to the changes of bonds in bilirubin bilirubin solutions had been used instead
molecules. Newly formed structures may of serum samples. An in-vivo study carried
not be reacted with diazotized sulfanilic out by using jaundiced infants indicated
acid to form azobilirubin (red color) at that filtered sun-light is less effective when
pH 1.4 in DMSO method which is the compared to conventional (Rehak et al.,
method used in present study. Because of 2008). But, another study showed that
that, concentration of the azobilirubin filtered sun-light is an effective treatment
formed from the reaction may be reduced. in neonatal jaundice and it can be used
Therefore, intensity of the color product where conventional phototherapy is not
can also be reduced. As the intensity of available (Leung et al., 1992).
t he c olor produced is dir ec tly The reason for the reduction of
proportional to the concentration of the bilirubin levels after exposing to sun-light
bilirubin, the amount of bilirubin may is the photo-irradiation of bilirubin
be reduced. Rate of structural changes in molecules. When bilirubin molecule is
bilirubin molecules/ breakdown of exposed to sunlight, photo-isomerization
bi li rubi n ma y be i nc reased wit h of native bilirubin molecule occurs,
temperature and time duration. Therefore, resulting formation of conformational
fewer changes in bilirubin values could isomers and structural isomers.In the
be observed at -4 °C after 2 h compared structural photo-isomerization, bilirubin
to 24 h. Hence, serum samples can be molecule twisted irreversibly resulting
stored at -4 °C for 24 h and at 33 °C for different shape known as Z-lumirubin.
2 h with light protection if there is any This result in open up of hydrogen bonds
delay in analysis of the serum samples to from a one end of the native bilirubin
be analyzed for bilirubin. molecule causing exposure of polar
To determine the effect of sun-light, groups in the molecule (Mcdonagh, 1985;
aliquoted serum sample set was kept near Goncharova et al., 2015).
the window in a sunny day for 6 h. All the In the conformational isomerization
samples were kept in the way that they bilirubin molecule undergoes Z E
get sun-light equally. There was a significant reversible isomerization. This occurs at the
reduction in total, direct and indirect double bonds in carbon molecules of C-
bilirubin values when compared to base- 4 and C-15. The reaction can occur in
line values. The lowest reduction could both carbon molecules or in one carbon
be seen in direct bilirubin fraction. In molecule. Therefore, there can be three

Journal of research in health science. 2018; 1 (2): 4-13.

isomeric products of bilirubin molecule below a light fixture for 2 h. But in this
ie., 4Z, 15E-, 4E, 15Z- and 4E, 15E study authors ha d concluded that
bilirubin (Mcdonagh, 1985; Amin and precautions to protect the bilirubin from
Ahlfors, 2008; Mreihil et al., 2010). But the light should be taken while handling
when this conformational isomerization spec imen s wi th n or ma l bi li rubi n
occurs in-vitro the most predominant concentrations rather than specimens
product is 4Z, 15E- bilirubin (Mcdonagh, with high bilirubin concentrations (Rehak
1985). Due to this photo-irradiation, et al., 2008). A study conducted using
native bilirubin molecule converts in to serum samples from jaundiced newborn
different isomeric products. Hence, the infants, found that a significant decrease
reaction of native bilirubin molecules with in the bilirubin values at 6 h after samples
the reagent molecules affects, the were exposed to white fluorescent light
formation of azobilirubin is decreased. This (Leung et al., 1992). Another in-vivo
is resulted in low bilirubin concentration study conducted using jaundiced infants
in the samples which exposed to sun-light indicated that LED light and turquoise
compared to base-line values. The light had similar effect in reducing
unconjugated bilirubin more prone to bilirubin after 24 h exposure period
photo-irradiation than conjugated (Ebbesen et al., 2016).
bilirubin (Mcdonagh, 1985), hence the The reason for the reduction in
reduction of unconjugated fraction is bilirubin after exposing to artificial light
more compared to conjugated fraction of is same as with that of the reason
bilirubin. explained under the effect of sun-light.
The effect of artificial light was studied The most effective light source to reduce
by exposing serum samples to two CFL the bilirubin by photo-irradiation is blue
bulbs. The samples with high and normal fluorescent light (Salih, 2001; Slusher et
bi li rubi n conc en tr at ions showed al., 2015). The sun-light covers a large
significant reduction in total and indirect portion of the light spectrum including
fractions after exposed to the light source the bilirubin-absorbing range ie., blue
for 24 h. Sofronescu et al., had found light (Rashid et al., 2000). But, when
that significant reduction in total, direct artificial light source is used it doesn't
and indirect bilirubin with normal include the same spectrum as sun-light. It
bilirubin concentrations after exposing to could be the reason for the higher
artificial light for 24 h. Further, there is a reduction in bilirubin after exposed to
decrease in both total and direct bilirubin serum samples to sun-light compared to
in the samples where elevated bilirubin artificial light.
concentrations after exposing to artificial Serum bilirubin is stable at -4 °C up
light for 48 h.However, Phili ps bulb had to 24 h and at 33 °C up to 2 h with light
been used in the study and whole blood protection. Serum bilirubin is drastically
samples had been exposed to the light reduced when expose to sun-light for 6 h.
source (Sofronescu et al., 2012). Another When serum samples containing bilirubin
study showed that significant reduction are exposed to two CFL bulbs, with the
in bilirubin concentrations after exposing distance between light source and serum
serum samples to fluorescent light samples 240 cm for 24 h, indirect and
(intensity of 1,100 lumen/m?) 6 feet total bi lir ubi n c onc ent rat ion s a re

Wickrama Rathnage Sureka Damayanthi, Atthanayaka Mudiyanselage Srimali Bandara,
Athapaththu Mudiyanselage Buddhika Priyadarshani. How do light and temperature affect laboratory
investigations on serum bilirubin?

significantly reduced but direct bilirubin in the study. We owe special thanks to Mr.
fraction does not change significantly up P. Dias for his valuable support for
to 24 h. statistical data analysis. Our extreme
Acknowledgement gratitude goes to Mr. B.B.I.N Priyankara
We would like to express our sincere and Mr. H.P Asanka for their kind
thanks to the subjects who partici pated cooperation given during this study.


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Journal of research in health science. 2018; 1 (2): 4-13.

Table 1: Temperature and light exposure of serum aliquots

Aliquot No: Temperature/heat exposure

Aliquot No: 01 No temperature/heat exposure

Aliquot No: 02 Kept in refrigerator at -4 ºC for 2 h
No light exposure
Aliquot No: 03 Kept in refrigerator at -4 ºC for 24 h
No light exposure
Aliquot No: 04 Kept in water-bath at 33 ºC for 2 h
No light exposure
Aliquot No: 05 Kept in water-bath at 33 ºC for 24 h
No light exposure
Aliquot No: 06 Exposed to sun-light for 6 h
At ambient temperature
Aliquot No: 07 Exposed to artificial light for 24 h
At ambient temperature

Number of serum samples = 34

The artificial light source: two CFL bulbs, 15 W, 220/240V, 50/60 Hz

Table 2: The effect of temperature/light on serum bilirubin concentration

Temperature/ Bilirubin category Bilirubin concentration

light treatment of the subjects
Total Direct Indirect
bilirubin bilirubin bilirubin

33 ºC for 2 h Normobilirubinaemic No significant No significant No significant

samples reduction reduction reduction
Hyperbilirubinaemic No significant No significant No significant
samples reduction reduction reduction

33 ºC for 24 h Normobilirubinaemic Significant No significant Significant

samples reduction reduction reduction
Hyperbilirubinaemic Significant Significant Significant
samples reduction reduction reduction

-4 ºC for 2 h Normobilirubinaemic No significant No significant No significant

samples reduction reduction reduction
Hyperbilirubinaemic No significant No significant No significant
samples reduction reduction reduction

-4 ºC for 24 h Normobilirubinaemic No significant No significant No significant

samples reduction reduction reduction
Hyperbilirubinaemic No significant No significant No significant
samples reduction reduction reduction

Exposed to sun- Normobilirubinaemic Significant Significant Significant

light for 6 h samples reduction reduction reduction
Hyperbilirubinaemic Significant Significant Significant
samples reduction reduction reduction

Exposed to Normobilirubinaemic Significant No significant Significant

artificial light for samples reduction reduction reduction
24 h Hyperbilirubinaemic Significant No significant Significant
samples reduction reduction reduction

Number of serum samples = 34

The difference between the control group (base-line bilirubin values) and all the other subsequent
measurements were analyzed with ANOVA (analysis of variance) with post hoc Dunnet’s test based
on observed means
The error term is Mean Square (Error) = .003.
The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level


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