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SFRM 501: Spiritual formation Foundations

Your Spiritual Autobiography (Due for completion anytime during Week 3)

The Bible is full of "sacred stories", or spiritual autobiographies, also called

transformational narratives, of people whose lives were touched by God.  Every follower
of Jesus Christ has a "sacred story".  Too often, those stories go unshared.  In your own
church, have you shared your sacred story with others?  Do you know other church
members' sacred stories?  These are called "transformational narratives" because in
sharing them, other lives are inspired; are encouraged, feel less lonely and are uplifted
in faith. Some of the world's greatest books are the spiritual autobiographies of people of
Christian faith. Your story is sacred and has the power, through the Spirit, to transform
others.  Following is how to complete the assignment. (Also attached is a PowerPoint of
this information and a document for use in sharing your spiritual autobiography in a
small group setting.)

Purpose: To provide a time of reflecting on God's presence in your life; your salvation,
growth and continuing maturing journey of faith as a Christian.

Basics:  Assignment due for completion anytime during Week 3.  Keep in your portfolio
file and submit with portfolio.  No determined page limit, usually requires at least 4
pages, double spaced.  This is a reflective paper, follow to Arabian rules for margins and
spacing. Generally, footnotes will not be needed for this assignment unless you include
specific quotes or paraphrased material that is not your own original material. In your
paper simply reflect on the following questions and answer:

1. What is your salvation narrative?  In other words, what were the circumstances that
led you to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?

2.  Looking back on your life and up to the present time: Who are the people who have
had the most influence on your spiritual formation and why?

3.  What spiritual communities have shaped your faith and growth in Christ and why?

4. What are your strengths and "growing edges"-your giftings, your sense of calling
(vision and mission) at this point in your spiritual life? (You may not be sure about your
vision and mission at this point.  If not, simply state that that at this point your vision
and mission specifics have yet to develop.)

5.  What are the ways you most want to grow in grace, in holiness, and in serving others?

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