Introduction Public Speaking

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Jusmin.H.J.Wahid,S.Pd,, M.Pd.BI

ARIF HIDAYAT : 121058820319032



Public speaking in the twenty-first century is an art and a science that has
developed over millennia. In a world that is bombarded by information, the skill
set of public speaking is more important today than ever. According to an address
given by Tony Karrer at the TechKnowledge 2009 Conference, the New York
Times contains more information in one week than individuals in the 1800s would
encounter in a lifetime. Currently, the amount of information available to people
doubles every eighteen months and is expected to double weekly by 2015. In a
world filled with so much information, knowing how to effectively organize and
present one’s ideas through oral communication is paramount.

From audience analysis to giving a presentation, Stand Up, Speak Out: The
Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking will guide students through the speech-
making process. We believe that it is important to focus on the practical process of
speech making because we want this book to be a user-friendly guide to creating,
researching, and presenting public speeches. While both classic and current
academic research in public speaking will guide the book, we do not want to lose
the focus of helping students become more seasoned and polished public speakers.
We believe that a new textbook in public speaking should first, and foremost, be a
practical book that helps students prepare and deliver a variety of different types
of speeches.

In addition to practicality, we believe that it is important to focus on the ethics of

public speaking from both a source’s and a receiver’s point of view. In 2006
Pearson, Child, Mattern, and Kahl examined the state of ethics in public speaking
textbooks. Specifically, the researchers used the National Communication
Association (NCA) Credo for Ethical Communication to guide their study of
ethics in public speaking textbooks. Ultimately, the researchers focused on eight
specific categories of public speaking ethics content areas: freedom of speech,
honesty, plagiarism, ethical listening, ethical research, hate words, diversity, and
codes of ethics. As a whole, the top ten public speaking books varied in their
degrees of exposure to the various ethical issues. We believe that using the NCA
Credo for Ethical Communication as the basis for discussing ethics within this
book in addition to the latest research in ethics and communication will help
students see how ethics can be applied to the public speaking context. The
emphasis on ethics in communication is very important across the field, so a
public speaking textbook that completely integrates ethical issues instead of
sidelining them will be a welcome addition. All four of the coauthors on this text
have conducted research on the topic of communication ethics and written about
how ethics is important in every facet of our communicative lives.

Overall, we believe that the combination of practicality and ethics will present a
new perspective on public speaking that will be welcomed by the field. We
believe this book will be both intellectually stimulating and realistically




1.1 BACKGROUND………...……………………………..……………………1

1.2 PURPOSE……………………………………………………….……1
2.1 Public speaking
2.1.1 Benfits of public speaking……..…………………………………….2
2.1.3 Purpose of public speaking………………….………....……………2
2.1.4 Scope of public speaking………………………...…….…………….2
2.2 Public relations
2.2.1 Definition of public relations………………………………..………3
2.2.1 Functions of public
2.2.3 Public relations dutice
2.2.4 Scope of public relations
2.2.4 Relations between public speaking and public relation………..……4
2.3 Media relations
2.3.1 Definition of media relations…………………………………….….5
2.3.2 Media relations functions………………………...………………….5
2.3.4 Public relations speaking with media relations………………...……5
2.4 Non verbal communication
2.4.3 Public relations speaking with non verbal communication………….6
3.1 CONCLUSION……………..………………..……...……………...…7
3.2 SUGGESTIONS……….….……………………………………….….7



As social beings, humans communicate with each other. Communication is

carried out to meet certain needs. Most of human life is filled with communication
activities. Talking is an activity that is always carried out by humans. Almost
everyone does, but not everyone can speak in public.

In simple terms, public speaking is a technique of communicating messages or

opinions in front of many people with the intention that other people understand
the information conveyed or even change their views or opinions because of it.
This communication technique is not carried out in monologue, but in continuous
dialogue. In public speaking, the speaker has a clear speech flow and has a
purpose so that the material is heard and followed by the audience / listeners.

In essence, Public Relations is part of a communication method which includes

various communication techniques. Where in its activities there is an effort to
create a harmonious relationship between an agency / company and its public.
public relations when viewed from the study of communication is a
communication technique that focuses on efforts to foster an atmosphere of
cooperation (good will) and create mutual understanding between the public with
an interest in achieving common goals in mutually beneficial advertising, thus To
get the results according to expectations, a public relations when interacting with
the public must go through public relations processes, both internal processes or
external processes.
Media relations is part of external public relations that foster and develop good
relations with the mass media as a means of communication between
organizations and the public to achieve organizational goals. There are two sides
to be reached through media relations. first, establishing good relations and
communicating with the mass media. Second, making the mass media a partner so
that the organization can communicate with the public. that is why, media
relations is very strategic for the organization. Furthermore, in communicating
and establishing these relationships, organizations use the mass media to maintain
their reputation.

As we know, human communication does not only use verbal symbols but also
nonverbal symbols. Like wise in interpersonal communication, not only
conveying messages verbally, but also nonverbally. These nonverbal messages not
only reinforce the verbal message conveyed, sometimes they even convey a
separate message. Therefore, skills are needed to interpret and understand these
nonverbal messages.

The world that is increasingly decorated with the swift flow of information has an
impact on people wanting to talk to convey their ideas and opinions to others.
Because everyone wants their ideas to be understood, followed, and implemented
by others. Therefore, almost everyone in this world needs a shift. public speaking.
Based on the description above, the writer is interested in knowing the scope of
public speaking.


Based on the formulation of the problem, the objectives to be achieved in writing

this paper are as follows.

1. Public Speaking Relations with Public Relations.

2. Public Speaking Relations with Media Relations.

3. Public Speaking Relations with Non Verbal Communication.



2.1 Public Speaking

2.1.1 Definition of Public Speaking

The term public speaking in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), maybe
because it is still difficult to find a translation. The term that is more closely
related to public speaking in KBBI is "speech", which is "to express thoughts in
the form of words addressed to the crowd". Public speaking is a skill that can be
practiced, practiced, and utilized to provide benefits according to audience needs,
including conveying information, motivating, persuading and influencing others,
achieving mutual understanding and agreement, achieving promotion, directing
the work of staff. , increase product sales / business profits and share the
knowledge someone has. people with good public speaking skills are people who
are able to convey messages to many people, but the message can reach the
recipient of the message according to what is wanted to be conveyed. public
speaking is not a skill that we can learn without enough practice. To be able to
develop public speaking skills requires high "flying hours" in public speaking.

2.1.2 benefits of public speaking

public speaking or public speaking skills are needed to improve oneself. but more
than that, public speaking also has very important benefits, namely

1. improve professional

having public speaking skills will improve work professionalism. As an

employee or leader, you should have the skills to speak in public. Having public
speaking skills will increase work professionalism.

2. Improve Self Ability and Quality

Public speaking skills that are continuously trained will indirectly hone one's
abilities which in turn can improve the quality of oneself.

3. expand network Good communication skills when speaking in public can

multiply friends, acquaintances, business partners who all can expand the

4. increase self-confidence

In public speaking skills will unconsciously increase self-confidence. if you are

used to speaking in public and are always successful at it, your self-confidence
will automatically increase.

5. Increasing the ability to influence your public speaking ability can increase
your ability to influence or be persuasive.
2.1.3 Purpose of Public Speaking

The purpose of public speaking is to provide information or opinions, organize

masses, motivate listeners, lead meetings, provide lecture materials, sell, and
much more. The purpose of this public speaking can be divided into 3 parts,

1. As a provider of information where someone at this stage only gives a message

without asking for feelback from the receiver (recipient of the message)

2. As someone who seeks to influence, namely to direct one's attitude according to

what is desired.

3. As someone who tries to get other people to participate, the message conveyed
is intended to be followed or to become a role model for others who listen and

2.1.4 Scope of Public Speaking

the scope of public speaking consists of: rhetoric, speeches, master of ceremonies
(mc), presenters, speakers, speakers, lecturers, preachers, and so on. And it also
needs to be understood that the starting point of public speaking is speaking.
Speaking means saying a word or sentence to a person or group of people to
achieve a specific goal, for example providing information.

2.2 Public relations

2.2.1 Definition of Public relations

public relations is a form of communication, in which activities are always

directed at efforts to influence public opinion in order to be able to behave, have
an opinion, and act according to the wishes of the communicator. however, the
purpose of public realations itself is generally seen from its understanding, always
oriented to the public interest.

public relations (PR) according to: Frank Jefkins is a form of planned

communication, both inside and outside, between an organization and all its
audiences in order to achieve specific goals based on mutual understanding.
Public elation uses management methods based on objectives (management by
objectives). Meanwhile, the British Institute of Public Relations defines (PR) as
the whole effort carried out in a planned and continuous manner in order to create
and maintain good will and mutual understanding between an organization and all
its audiences.

2.2.1 Functions of Public Relations

cutlip and center said that the public relations function includes the following:

1. support management activities and achieve organizational goals.

2. Creating reciprocal two-way communication by disseminating information

from the company to the public and channeling public opinion to the company.

3. serve the public and provide advice to organizational leaders for the public

4. fostering a harmonious relationship between the organization and the public,

both internal and external.

2.2.3 Public relations duties

There are 3 public relations duties in an organization that are closely related to the
objectives and functions of public relations, namely:

1. interpret, analyze and evaluate trends in public behavior, then recommend it to

management to formulate organizational policies.

2. meeting the interests of the organization / institution with the public interest.

3. evaluating the programs of the organization / institution, especially those

related to the public.

2.2.4 Scope of Public relations

according to cutlip-center-Broom, recent developments show that the scope of
public relations work now includes all forms of communication activities
(Morissan, 2010: 14-29), including:

1. publicity, namely the activity of placing news about a person, organization or

company in the mass media. In other words, publicity is an effort by a person or
organization to get its activities reported by the mass media.

2. marketing, in practice the work of the marketing department includes, among

others, conducting research, designing products, packaging products, determining
prices, promoting and distributing products. The purpose of marketing is to attract
and satisfy clients or customers in the long run in an effort to achieve the
economic goals of the company.

3. public affairs, is defined as the special field of public relations that builds and
maintains relationships with government and local communities in order to
influence public policy.

4. issue management, is an organization or company effort to see trends in issues

or public opinion that arise in the community in an organization or company effort
to provide the best possible response or response. A good response is needed so
that the issue or public opinion does not develop negatively so that it is
detrimental to the company or so that the issue does not develop into an unwanted
conflict. 3paya organizations or companies to see trends in issues or public
opinion that arise through research or research. 5. lobbying, is a special field of
public relations that builds and maintains relations with the government primarily
for the purpose of influencing regulations and legislation.

6. Investor relations, according to Cutlip, is a special area of corporate public

relations that builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with
shareholders and other parties in the financial community to maximize market

2.2.4 Relationship between Public Speaking and Public relations

public relations is an effort to maintain reputation with the aim of gaining

understanding or understanding and support, and influencing opinions and
behavior. This is to build mutual understanding, avoid misunderstandings and
misperceptions. As a profession, a public! Elation is responsible for providing
information, educating, convincing, gaining sympathy, and arousing public
interest in something or making people understand and accept a situation. An
important part of the job of a public relations officer in an organization is making
a good impression, a positive image, knowledge and understanding of
information, information, explanation.

public relations in its definition says that public relations are interrelated with
public speaking. public speaking is useful for the task of a public relations officer
in carrying out his duties, a public relation must be able to master public speaking
well in order to support success in carrying out his duties, because public relations
are required to be skilled in speaking in front of a large audience with a neat and
attractive appearance and able to master the audience with leading or presenting
the course of an event. The task of a public relation will not be able to run as it
should be without good public speaking mastery by a public relation. There are no
activities carried out in and by the community that do not require public speaking.
The ability to speak and speak well really supports the quality of a PR in his job
and a PR is obliged to master public speaking well because it is one of the
identities of a PR.

2.3 media relations

2.3.1 Definition of media relations

Philip Lesly (1991; 7) provides a definition of media relations as a relationship

with the communication media to do publicity or respond to media interests
against organizational interests.

Yosal Iriantara (2005: 32) defines media relations as part of external public
relations that fosters and develops good relations with the mass media as a means
of communication between organizations and the public to achieve organizational
goals. It appears that the notion of media relations is based on the relationship
between individuals or organizations / company with the media. So it can be
concluded that the notion of media relations is a relationship that is built and
developed with the media to reach the public in order to improve image, trust, and
the achievement of individual and organizational / company goals.

2.3.2 media relations function

Philip Lesley, author of the public relations book Handsbook, suggests the
functions of media relations (Nova 2011: 210), which are as follows:

1. Obtain the widest possible publicity about the activities and steps of the
organization that are deemed good for the public to know. 2. Get a place in media
coverage in an objective, fair and balanced manner regarding matters that benefit
the organization.

3. obtain feedback on the efforts and activities of the organization.

4. complete data for organizational leaders for policy purposes.

5. To establish a stable and sustainable relationship based on mutual trust and


2.3.2 media relations function

Here, we take XL as a company that does media relations. As for the things done
by XL in doing media relations are

a. Media Gathering

The media gathering is an event for XL's appreciation to the mass media for
media cooperation and support for the company. Activities like this have become
XL's routine agenda. (This method is held twice a year, this applies to National
and Regional / regional media. Through events like this, XL can build a
relationship with the Media (journalists). In this activity the media are spoiled
with various interesting activities such as outbound events and knowledge sharing
about Telecommunication industry (national media).

b. hold informal meetings with the media

This method aims to build personal closeness with journalists who are not bound
by rigidity. This kind of meeting is relaxed in nature, so that it can facilitate the
approach to a more intimate direction so that a good form of cooperation will
grow. Here a PR is needed a good lobbying technique, because this informal
approach is more effective than the formal approach.

c. held an XL Award (XL Anniversary series program) which is an XL routine

Usually, this XL award event is held to celebrate XL's birthday, and this activity is
a routine activity of XL. In addition, this event is a form of fostering good
relations with journalists by holding a writing competition between national
journalists. In addition to holding writing competitions between journalists, XL
also holds futsal and billiard competitions between journalists, and this is a reward
program for journalists for their cooperation with XL.

d. Sponsoring Media Activities and Media Visits

Another form of media relation from XL is being a sponsor in media activities

such as employee events, seminars, etc. In addition, XL also conducted media
visits, among others, visits by XL management to several large media which were
the company's targets. During this visit, there was an introduction to XL
management and a discussion about the Telecommunication Industry. This
program is implemented in one year and five visits.

e. Press Conference

XL press conference is a meeting place with journalists in connection with the

existence of important information, both about products, services and policies that
will be conveyed by XL to its stakeholders.

2.3.4 Public Relations Speaking With Media relations

Mass media is still a trusted source of information, although agencies / companies

are now able to self-publish information via internet media, websites, or social
media accounts. but without media relations a company goal is not achieved
optimally. media relations is a public relations / PR communication activity to
establish understanding and good relations with the mass media in achieving a
goal. In establishing this relationship, it is certainly related to public speaking.
Because public speaking is supporting the process of communication in media
relations. where public speaking is a process and structured speaking in order to
provide information, entertainment and entertainment. With good public speaking
skills, it certainly has a positive impact on PR activities with the mass media
because it will help communication which is important to run smoothly.

2.4 Non verbal communication

2.4.1 Definition of Non-verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is communication that uses nonverbal messages. the

term nonverbal is usually used to describe all events of communication outside the
spoken and written words. Theoretically, nonverbal communication and verbal
communication can be separated. but in reality, these two types of communication
are intertwined, complement each other in the communications we do everyday.

2.4.2 Non-verbal communication function

mark L. Knapp (in Jalaludin, 1994), mentions five non-verbal message functions
that are associated with Verbal messages.

1.Repetition, namely repeating ideas that have been presented verbally. For
example, after saying my refusal, I shook my head.
2.Substitution, namely replacing verbal symbols. For example, without a word we
say, we show our agreement by nodding our heads.

3. Contradiction, reject the Verbal message or give another meaning to the verbal
message. Suppose you "compliment" a friend's accomplishments with pursed lips,
saying "Great, you are great."

4. Complement, which completes and enriches the meaning of non-verbal

messages. For example, your facial expression shows a level of suffering that
cannot be expressed in words.

5. Accentuation, which is to emphasize a verbal message or underline it. For

example, you express how annoyed you are by hitting the table.

2.4.3 examples of non-verbal communication

A. Touches can include: shaking hands, holding hands, kissing, back touching,
caressing, hitting, etc. each of these forms of communication conveys a message
about the purpose or feelings of the toucher.

B. Body movements In nonverbal communication, kinesics or body movements

include eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and gestures. gestures are usually
used in place of a word or phrase, for example nodding to say yes: to illustrate or
explain something: to show feelings, such as hitting a table to show anger: to
organize or control the course of a conversation; or to release tension.

C. Vocal

Vocals or languages are non-verbal elements in speech, which is how to speak.

Examples are tone of voice, tone of voice, loudness or weakness of voice,
speaking speed, voice quality, intonation, etc.% other. In addition, the use of filler
voices such as

"mm", "e", "o", "um", when speaking is also classified as a vocal element, and in
good communication these things should be avoided.

D. The environment can also be used to convey certain messages. Among them
are the use of space, distance, temperature, lighting, and color.

E. Chronemic

Chronemic is a field that studies the use of time in nonverbal communication. the
use of time in nonverbal communication includes the duration deemed suitable for
an activity, the number of activities deemed appropriate to be carried out within a
certain period of time, and punctuality.

2.4.3. Public Relations Speaking with Non-verbal Communication

In doing public speaking, leaders not only show their ability to compose words
and sentences so that it becomes an interesting and interactive communication that
makes the audience interested. however, a leader also shows his individual
character. Good public speaking often develops his ability to do public speaking,
as well as accentuating his positive character so that it will be easier for him to
master the audience. By mastering non-verbal communication, the public speaker
has integrity, between what is said, what is felt and what is owned.

The original character of a public speaking person will be seen by the audience
from the verbal language shown in doing public speaking. This non-verbal
language is a form of communication signal that can also have a strong influence
on the audience. the audience can find out the commitment, integrity, and intuition
of a leader from the non-verbal language the leader shows through public

an interesting fact is that the image of the speaker formed in the minds of the
audience is very much influenced by the nonverbal ability of the speaker. The real
examples in Indonesia are the big and famous people in the world of politics and
government, namely Amien Rais, and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Public
speaking components owned by the three presidential candidates is very complete,
each of which has the ability to glorify messages three times greater than the
message itself. If it is formulated from several characters, aspects and
characteristics. Amien is a person who is intelligent, critical, easy to talk to, open-
ended, able to joke around, witty and wants to go downstairs. SBY is also unique,
his way of walking is good, steady and confident, has an aura, a friendly face, is
educated, polite, open, willing to listen to other people's opinions. All this shows
that the public's perception of ourselves can be built by speaking in front of us.


3.1 Conclusion

public speaking is the ability to speak in public which plays an important role in
communication because public speaking has the function of improving
professionalism, enhancing self-efficacy, increasing self-confidence and
increasing the ability to influence. which is of course mutually support the
realization of public relations, media relations and non-verbal communication.

3.2 Suggestions

the public should also understand the importance of speaking skills. This can
initiate their desire to obtain a lot of information about the development of their
surrounding environment.

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