Norman Class Assembly Tuesday 8 March 2011

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Norman Class Assembly

Tuesday 8th March 2011

Bradley: Norman Class welcome you to their assembly.

Jasjeet: This term we have been studying adventure stories.

Suvaida: Like the Ice palace! (Someone holds up picture of book cover)

Hassina: And The Witches! (Holds up a picture of book cover)

(Whole class) Bor-ring!

Max: Why is it boring?

Chase: Well it’s a book, I can’t be bothered to sit down and read a book – it’s just
words and I’m not interested!

Max: Maybe it’s boring when they are just words on a page, but when you bring the
story to life, it’s great!

Chase: Bring it to life?

Humale: Yes! There are lots of ways you can bring a story to life, and this makes it
exciting and fun to read.

Jasjeet: Narrating!

Monet: Acting!

Nia: Animation!

Natasha: Books!

Qasim: Pictures!

Abdullahi: Music!

Georgina: Songs!

Abigail: Dance!

Bradley: Film!

Shakira: Puppets!
Max: Well we’ve got three stories to tell these people here... how are we going to bring
them to life?

Louise: That’s easy! The first one is going to be acted out.


Horrid Henry is walking round his bedroom looking annoyed.

Horrid Henry: Mum! MUM!!

Mum: Stop shouting Henry. If you have something to say, come downstairs and say it.

Horrid Henry: I need more pocket money.

Mum: 50p is enough for you Henry.

Perfect Peter: I always save loads of my pocket money, Mum. After all, if you look
after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves.

Mum: Quite right Peter.

Horrid Henry walks past Perfect Peter and pinches him hard.

Perfect Peter: Ooowww! Henry pinched me!

Horrid Henry: I did not!

Mum: No pocket money for a week.

Horrid Henry: That’s not fair!

Mum: Then you’ll just have to find a way to earn some.

Horrid Henry has an idea...

Horrid Henry: Mum, can I set up a stall and sell some old stuff I don’t need?

Mum: Err, ok then Henry.

Perfect Peter: Can I help, Henry?

Horrid Henry: NO WAY!

Whole class: Don’t be Horrid Henry!

Mum: You have to let Peter help, otherwise, no stall!

Horrid Henry: Ok, you can make the signs.

Horrid Henry walks around, placing objects into a bag.

Horrid Henry: My old toys, my old clothes, (PAUSES then walks further along the
stage) MUM’S perfume, DAD’S tennis racket, PETER’S books. Great idea!

(Children bring a table on stage with a for sale sign. Horrid Henry empties the bag on
to it).

Perfect Peter: Isn’t this Dad’s tennis racket? Are you sure he wants you to sell it?

Horrid Henry: Of course I’m sure! ... Peter... how would you like to earn some money?

Perfect Peter: Ok, how?

Horrid Henry: We could sell you as a slave.

Perfect Peter: Hmmm, how much would I get?

Horrid Henry: 10p.

Perfect Peter: Wow! Ok!

(Sour Susan and Moody Margaret walk along)

Sour Susan: What’s all this junk?

Horrid Henry: It’s not junk, you could get a good bargain! You could even buy a slave!

Moody Margaret: I could use a good slave. How much?

Horrid Henry: 50p.

(Moody Margaret pays and takes Perfect Peter away).

(Some more children come along and buy things until there’s nothing left).

(Later, Horrid Henry is looking at all his money)

Mum: Have you seen Peter?

Horrid Henry: I sold him!

Mum: You go straight round there and buy him back! You horrid boy! Selling your own

Horrid Henry: But I don’t want him back!

Mum: HENRY!!!

Horrid Henry: All right...

Perfect Peter: Have you come to rescue me? I’ll do anything, please! You’re the best
brother ever!

Horrid Henry: Maybe, maybe not.

Perfect Peter: Please! She’s horrible... I’ll give you all my money!!

Horrid Henry: Ok. Margaret, I have to take Peter home now.

Moody Margaret: I don’t want to sell him!

Horrid Henry: I’ll pay more for him, how’s 75p?

Moody Margaret: Good deal!

(On the way home)

Horrid Henry: I’m as rich as can beeeee!

Dad: Hi everyone, lovely day. Anyone for a game of tennis?

Abdullahi: Our next story has been brought to life by film.


This is the story of the Enormous Crocodile.

In the biggest, brownest, muddiest river in Africa, two crocodiles lay talking in the
water. One of the crocodiles was enormous. The other one was not so big.

Enormous crocodile: Do you know what I would like for my lunch today?
Notsobig: What?

Enormous: I would like a nice juicy little child!

Notsobig: I never eat children. Only fish.

The Enormous crocodile was determined to eat a child. He was the greediest croc in
the whole river.

Enormous: The children will never see me coming; I have secret plans and clever tricks!

Notsobig: You’ve never done anything clever in your whole life! You’re the stupidest
croc on the whole river!

Enormous: I’m the cleverest croc on the whole river. When you are sitting in the river
feeling hungry I shall feast upon a juicy little child! Goodbye!

Off he went and soon met Humpy-Rumpy the hippo.

Humpy-Rumpy: Hello hello. Where are you off to?

Enormous: I have secret plans and clever tricks!

Humpy-Rumpy: Don’t tell me... I bet you’re going to do something horrid.

Enormous: I’m going to fill my tummy with something yummy yummy yummy yummy!

Humpy-Rumpy: I hope you get caught and cooked and turned into crocodile soup!

Enormous: Hahahaha.

In the jungle, the Enormous crocodile met Trunky, the Elephant.

Trunky: Where are you off to? You should go back to the river where you belong!

Enormous: I have secret plans and clever tricks!

Trunky: You mean nasty plans and nasty tricks. You’ve never done a nice thing in your
whole life.
Enormous: I’m off to find a yummy child for lunch, keep listening and you’ll hear the
bones go crunch!

Trunky: I hope you get squashed and squished and squizzled and boiled up into
crocodile stew!

Enormous: Hahahaha.

The Enormous Crocodile continued on through the jungle, telling the other animals
about his secret plans and clever tricks.

At last he came out the other side of the jungle into the sunshine. He could see the
town nearby.

Enormous: That walk through the jungle has made me hungrier than ever! One child
won’t be enough today. I won’t be full up until I’ve eaten at least three juicy little
children! Time for clever trick number 1!

The Enormous crocodile spotted some trees and thought he would disguise himself as a
tree so when the children came they would climb him without a second thought.

When two children came along, they decided to climb the smaller tree.

Humpy-Rumpy: Look out children! That’s not a tree, it’s the Enormous crocodile and he
wants to eat you up!

Enormous: Help! Where am I?!

(Children ran away)

Enormous: I’m so hungry now, I will need at least five children to fill me up! Time for
clever trick number 2!

Nearby there was a picnic area. The Enormous Crocodile thought he could fool some
children here. (Enormous lies down on a bench)

Soon some children came along looking for a place to have their picnic.

Trunky: Stand back, stand back! That’s not a bench it’s the Enormous Crocodile and he
wants to eat you up!

Trunky grabbed hold of the Enormous Crocodile by his tail and swung him round and

Faster and faster he went until the crocodile was just a blur.
Eventually, Trunky let go and the crocodile spun off into the distance, never to be seen

Children all cheer!

Jasjeet: Our final story is a song that tells of 2 children becoming friends at school.

(Sing song)

Natasha: Thank you for watching our assembly. We hope you enjoyed it and remember
how important it is to bring stories to life when you read them. Teas and coffees are
available at the back.

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