Project Synopsis and Guide To The e Portfolio Submitted As Evidence For Examiner Grade Assessment

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Aoife Fuller ton - Working to a Brief – Unit 5:2-3-4

Learning in a Pandemic
Project Synopsis and Guide to the e portfolio submitted as evidence for Examiner Grade


For this Project I looked at Types of Brief used in the Creative Media Industry. I particularly
want to work as a Producer and am very interested in managing Projects. I looked at 4 types
of Brief in my essay for Outcome 1 Understand the requirements of working to a brief. I also
used examples of my own project work for ‘Working to a Brief. 1

In Part 2 my project was based on the Covid Pandemic learning experience. My project
addresses the Learning outcomes:
2 Be able to develop a planned response to a brief
3 Be able to apply a response to a brief
4 Be able to review work on completion of a brief. 3

My work is documented in full in my e-portfolio which includes My extensive Planning

Evidence for Learning Outcome 2. Be able to develop a planned response to a brief.

My Client was the Social Media Marketing Team at NWRC to cover the student experience
of Learning in a Pandemic in under 10 minutes to be uploaded to the college website and
social media sites. 4

E portfolio link to website evidence Assignment Brief 1 & Part 1 Essay on ‘Four Types of Brief”
Examples of my own project work on different types of brief.
E portfolio link to website evidence Assignment Brief 2 & Part 2 Evidence for Learning Outcomes 2-3-4
Media Marketing Team -Appendix 1
College Marketing Team populate college website and social media with news and project work from NWRC
Aoife Fuller ton - Working to a Brief – Unit 5:2-3-4
Learning in a Pandemic
The Portfolio presents research findings on Covid 19, Health and Safey constraints and all
the news documentary footage I would use to set the scene for my Film project. 6

My mind map illustrates the areas of investigation including: Style, types of Interviews;
locations, equipment, Audience and Participants.

My storyboard includes questions and planning for the range of interviews, individual
zooms; Live studio interviews; Zoom and Teams class interviews with dates and locations
covered and many used as B ROLL , cutaways and Extended student personal testimonials
of their experiences of Learning in a Pandemic.

For Learning Outcome 3 Be able to apply a response to a brief

6 Planning Evidence -
Aoife Fuller ton - Working to a Brief – Unit 5:2-3-4
Learning in a Pandemic
I have illustrated how I carried out my planning in film schedule over the second lockdown
when we were working exclusively online following class timetables. I did extensive edits for
each segment filmed and the three main edits show this work and the review feedback I
received. There is also an archive of emails as the project involved a lot of contact time with
my Lecturer Faustina Starrett. I directed and edited the project and for the studio segments
and classroom cutaways

I had a team of 3 class members. Benn Anderson and Jack O’Hara worked as Cameramen on
a studio Interview shoot with a Business Studies Lecturer and Student and Luke Mc Callion
acted as my Interviewer8

4 Be able to review work on completion of a brief.

Being aware of Covid was a Constraint that determined the style I used for the project.
We had to follow the legal; regulatory framework set out for production work. I did not have
any financial costs but the time for the project was very extended as I had to wait for students
to send me their own zoom recordings.

My time management was within deadlines although I had many revisions to make to edits
and to include more evidence for the planning across different film shoots. I used 3 class
members to help me in the actual shoot having briefed them with storyboard, locations and
interview questions. I applied good leadership skills in so far as people know what they were
doing. Benn Anderson and Jack O’Hara worked as Cameramen on a studio Interview shoot
with a Business Studies Lecturer and Student and Luke Mc Callion acted as my Interviewer.

Screenshots of online scheduling expressive online class


Screenshots from e portfolio relating to edits and time schedules across different recordings
Aoife Fuller ton - Working to a Brief – Unit 5:2-3-4
Learning in a Pandemic
Communications were clear between us we had meetings on Zoom, email and in person
using social distancing when we did the Studio interviews. 10

I feel I achieved the agreed outcomes for the project addressing all the relevant salient points
working to agreed timescales within reason given how disruptive Covid 19 was .

I FOLLOWED UP on getting Feedback: from peers, from my main lecturers for the Project
Faustina Starrett acting as client, for marketing section . .11

The College Marketing officer, Conor Mc Gurgan did review the product and approved it for
NWRC Social media platforms including Facebook and the college website . My other
lecturers also gave me feedback by email. I think my project film showed a contribution to
workplace goals showing that students and staff were working to
maintain college goals and courses through their continued
online teaching and learning schedules.

Screenshot of Jack sent me B-roll
Screenshot relates to Feedback evidence completed for each of the 3 drafts and comments posted online
during review phases
Aoife Fuller ton - Working to a Brief – Unit 5:2-3-4
Learning in a Pandemic

Finally, I have completed the Competition entry form

for the NICMA’s and am hopeful my film is a worthy

This would give it even more legacy as it would

feature on the college websites of all six FE Colleges in
Northern Ireland if it won.

Aoife Fullerton - NDYear 2

Unit 5 Working to a Brief

College website posted video 25-02-2021 and feedback from Marketing Director Conor Mc Gurgan and one
of my tutor posted to my email
Screenshot of my entry to Competition deadline 16-03-2021

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