Author(s) : Brenda Gunderson, PH.D., 2012 License: Unless Otherwise Noted, This Material Is Made Available Under The

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Author(s): Brenda Gunderson, Ph.D.

, 2012

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Statistics 350 Help Card
Summary Measures Normal Random Variables
Sample Mean observation  mean xP
x z  score
x1  x 2  ˜ ˜ ˜  x n ¦ x i standard deviation V
n n x Percentile: x zV  P
Sample Standard Deviation x If X has the N ( P , V ) distribution, then the variable

¦ (x i  x) 2
¦x i
 nx 2
has the N (0,1) distribution.
n 1 n 1 V

Normal Approximation to the

Probability Rules Binomial Distribution
x Complement rule If X has the B(n, p) distribution and the sample size n
P ( A C ) 1  P ( A) is large enough (namely np t 10 and n(1  p ) t 10 ),
x Addition rule
General: P ( A or B ) P( A)  P ( B )  P ( A and B)

then X is approximately N np, np (1  p ) .
For independent events:
P( A or B) P( A)  P ( B)  P ( A) P( B) Sample Proportions
For mutually exclusive events: P ( A or B) P ( A)  P ( B ) x

x Multiplication rule n
General: P( A and B) P( A) P( B | A) Mean
For independent events: P ( A and B ) P ( A) P( B ) E pˆ P pˆ p
For mutually exclusive events: P( A and B) 0 Standard Deviation
x Conditional Probability p (1  p )
s.d.( pˆ ) V pˆ
P ( A and B ) n
General: P ( A | B )
P( B) Sampling Distribution of p̂
For independent events: P( A | B) P( A) If the sample size n is large enough
(namely, np t 10 and n(1  p ) t 10 )
For mutually exclusive events: P( A | B) 0
§ p(1  p) ·¸
then p̂ is approximately N ¨ p, .
¨ ¸
Discrete Random Variables © n ¹
E( X ) P ¦x p i i x1 p1  x 2 p 2  ˜ ˜ ˜  x k p k Sample Means
Standard Deviation Mean

s.d .( X ) V ¦ (x i
 P ) pi ¦
x i2
pi  P 2 E X PX P
Standard Deviation
s.d .( X ) V X
Binomial Random Variables Sampling Distribution of X
§n· k If X has the N ( P , V ) distribution, then X is
P( X k) ¨¨ ¸¸ p (1  p ) n  k
©k ¹ § V ·
§n· n! N P X , V X œ N ¨¨ P , ¸.
where ¨¨ ¸¸ © n¹
©k ¹ k!(n  k )!
If X follows any distribution with mean P
Mean and standard deviation V and n is large,
E ( X ) P X np
§ V ·
Standard Deviation then X is approximately N ¨¨ P , ¸.
© n¹
s.d .( X ) V X np(1  p )
This last result is Central Limit Theorem

Page 1
Population Proportion Two Population Proportions Population Mean
Parameter p Parameter p1  p 2 Parameter P
Statistic p̂ Statistic pˆ 1  pˆ 2 Statistic x
Standard Error Standard Error Standard Error
pˆ (1  pˆ ) pˆ 1 (1  pˆ 1 ) pˆ 2 (1  pˆ 2 ) s
s.e.( pˆ ) s.e.( pˆ 1  pˆ 2 )  s.e.( x )
n n1 n2 n
Confidence Interval Confidence Interval Confidence Interval
pˆ r z *s.e.( pˆ ) pˆ 1  pˆ 2 r z * s.e. pˆ 1  pˆ 2 x r t * s.e.( x ) df = n – 1
Conservative Confidence Interval
z* Paired Confidence Interval
pˆ r d r t * s.e.(d ) df = n – 1
2 n
Large-Sample z-Test Large-Sample z-Test One-Sample t-Test
pˆ  p0 pˆ1  pˆ 2 x  P0 x  P0
z z t df = n – 1
p0 (1  p0 ) §1 1· s.e.( x ) s n
pˆ (1  pˆ )¨¨  ¸¸
n © n1 n2 ¹
Sample Size n1 pˆ1  n2 pˆ 2 Paired t-Test
2 where pˆ
§ z ·
* n1  n2 d 0 d
n ¨ ¸ t df = n – 1
¨ 2m ¸ s.e.(d ) sd n
© ¹

Two Population Means

General Pooled
Parameter P1  P 2 Parameter P1  P 2
Statistic x1  x 2 Statistic x1  x 2
Standard Error Standard Error
s12 s 22 1 1
s.e. x1  x 2  pooled s.e. x1  x2 s p 
n1 n2 n1 n2

(n1  1) s12  (n 2  1) s 22
where s p
n1  n 2  2
Confidence Interval Confidence Interval
x1  x2 r t * s.e.( x1  x2 ) df = min(n1  1, n2  1) x1  x2 r t * pooled s.e.( x1  x2 ) df = n1  n2  2
Two-Sample t-Test Pooled Two-Sample t-Test
x1  x2  0 x1  x2 x1  x2  0 x1  x2
t df = min(n1  1, n2  1) t df = n1  n2  2
s.e.( x1  x 2 ) s12 s 22 pooled s.e.( x1  x2 ) 1 1
n1 n2 n1 n2

SS Groups = SSG = ¦ n (x i i  x) 2
MS Groups = MSG =
groups k 1
Source SS DF MS F
SS Error = SSE = ¦ (n i  1) s i
MS Error = MSE = s 2
Groups SS Groups k–1 MS Groups F
groups N k
Error SS Error N–k MS Error
SS Total = SSTO = ¦ x ij x 2
MS Groups Total SSTO N–1
values MS Error
sp Under H0, the F statistic follows
Confidence Interval xi r t * df = N – k an F(k – 1, N – k) distribution.

Page 2
Linear Regression Model Standard Error of the Sample Slope
s s
Population Version: s.e.(b1 )
Mean: P Y x E (Y ) E 0  E 1 x
S XX x  x 2 ¦
Individual: y i E 0  E 1 x i  H i
where H i is N (0, V ) Confidence Interval for E 1
b1 r t *s.e.(b1 ) df = n – 2
Sample Version:
Mean: yˆ b0  b1 x t-Test for E 1
Individual: yi b0  b1 xi  ei To test H 0 : E 1 0
b1  0
t df = n – 2
s.e.(b1 )
or F df = 1, n – 2
Parameter Estimators Confidence Interval for the Mean Response

S XY ¦
x  x y  y ¦ x  x y yˆ r t * s.e.(fit) df = n – 2
x  x 2 ¦ x  x 2
where s.e.(fit ) s
1 (x  x) 2

b0 y  b1 x n S XX
Residuals Prediction Interval for an Individual Response
e y  yˆ = observed y – predicted y yˆ r t * s.e.(pred) df = n – 2
where s.e.(pred) s 2  s.e.(fit ) 2
Correlation and its square Standard Error of the Sample Intercept
S XY 1 x2
r s.e.(b0 ) s 
SSTO SSTO Confidence Interval for E 0

¦ y  y
where SSTO S YY b0 r t *s.e.(b0 ) df = n – 2

Estimate of V t-Test for E 0

SSE To test H 0 : E 0 0
¦ y  yˆ ¦ e
2 2
s MSE where SSE
n2 b0  0
t df = n – 2
s.e.(b0 )

Chi-Square Tests
Test of Independence & Test of Homogeneity Test for Goodness of Fit
Expected Count Expected Count
row total u column total E i expected np i 0
E expected
total n
Test Statistic Test Statistic
O  E 2
(observed  expected) 2
O  E 2 (observed  expected) 2
&2 ¦ E
¦ expected
&2 ¦ E
¦ expected
df = (r – 1)(c – 1) df = k – 1

If Y follows a F 2 df distribution, then E(Y) = df and Var(Y) = 2(df).

Page 3
From Utts, Jessica
M. and Robert F.
Heckard. Mind on
Statistics, Fourth
Edition, 2012. Used
with permission.
From Utts, Jessica
M. and Robert F.
Heckard. Mind on
Statistics, Fourth
Edition, 2012. Used
with permission.
From Utts, Jessica
M. and Robert F.
Heckard. Mind on
Statistics, Fourth
Edition, 2012. Used
with permission.

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