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The history of the rainbow

1) Write the sentences in order to know about the history of the rainbow.

A) God got angry and decided to destroy the Earth.

B) Noah, his family and animals sailed during five months and got saved.
C)God promised to never send a flood again to destroy the Earth.
D)Their descendents become bad people , because their parents' sin.
E) God told Noah to build an ark and put his family and animals inside.
F) The bad people died with the flood.
G) Got created the world, and also Adam and Eve, who disobeyed God eating a
forbidden apple.
H) Among many sinners, there was a good man who loved God: It was Noah.
I) He would send a flood to destroy everything.
J) God gave them a life of suffering on Earth, punishing them.
K) He created a rainbow in the clouds as a mark to honor his promise.

2- Questions

1- Was God happy with Adam and Eve?

2- What did God decide to do?
3- Who was Noah? What God told him to do?
4- What happened?
5- What does the rainbow mean? Are you going to see it differently from
now on?

1) G, J, D, A, H, E, I, B, F,C,K

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