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Institute of English Language and Literature

University of Sindh, Jamshoro

Name: Shass

Roll no. 2k19/ENG/142

Subject: English (Compulsory)

Assignment submitted to: Ma’am Bakhtawar Jaleel

Dated: 05-09-2020
Essay : 1 Classrooms decide the future of nation:

1. Introduction
2. Importance of Education
3. Nations that don’t prioritize education
4. Education system in Pakistan
5. How can Pakistan resolve its socio-economic crisis
6. The difference between the war of bullet and the war of pen.
7. Conclusion

There is no suspicion in the fact that classrooms decide the future of nation, because it’s
proven as a fundamental source for young leaders to learn, lead and shape the future of a
nation and it develops only in a vigorous mentorship in a quality classroom environment.

Para 2
It is clarified that Education is the prime source and engine of economic growth and
mitigating poverty for any country. No country can prosper well in the fields of trade and
development and rapidly integrating economies of the world without major advances in
the education field. This is because people are empowered through education to build their
capacity for participating in workforce markets. In simplest words, education is an
essential element for a nation to build a threshold to change and progress.

Para 3
Those nations, who don’t prioritize education at all, would be in shambles within no time.
Undoubtedly, state can’t ensure peace and prosperity with a prey of ignorance rather than
a thorough advancement in Education that is needed to bring a change in society.
Classrooms decide the morals, ideology of nations, inclusivity of young and ultimately the
destination of a nation. Prioritizing education certainly leads nations to a brighter future of
a country. Since, it’s a primary source to nurture any nation.

Para 4
It’s not an exaggeration to say that classrooms decide the future of a nation. The veracity of
the statement speaks volumes when we examine the education system in the classrooms of
the developed world with that of the underdeveloped ones like Pakistan.

Though, Pakistan has succeeded in providing universal primary education but not
qualitative ones. As regards a dismal system of education in Pakistan. Problems like;
unemployment, target killing, terrorism, sectarianism, unsatisfactory law and order
situation, rampant corruption, bad governance, there are so many factors responsible but
low literacy level and ignorance are the crucial ones.

Because education brings enlightment in the masses about their rights and duties of
leaders in power and also paves the courage to fight for their rights. Moreover, It helps the
people to establish the most required institute of accountability.

Para 5
Our education system is still to address the lacks of facilities like; multiple systems of
education, inadequate funds, flawed education system, lack of teaching staff, poor
management and supervision. Therefore what we need more is not only the formulation of
rational policies and plans but an adequate system for their implementation as well.

Para 6
There’s a greater difference between the war of bullet and war of pen. Both are fought but
in the end, pen is mightier than sword. For instance, countries such as Japan and Finland,
which couldn’t afford to fight with weapons. They took revolutionary steps by adopting an
effective education system. With higher literacy rate and best strategies for uplifting their
public. They have attained almost all the goals.

Para 7 Conclusion:
To conclude, classrooms are the essential weapons to build a brighter future of the nations. Hence,
there is no second opinion for the developing countries than to give due emphasis to its human
resource development by adopting an effective structure of education system. Therefore, to build
the fate of a nation, the effective changes in education should be brought from the basic levels to
reach at advanced levels. Classrooms have precious contributions that weapons failed to do. In last,
education makes the man aware of ill and fair and helps to analyze their surroundings in a better
way to overcome the problems.

Essay 2:

Progressive Movement and Urdu Literature.

1. Introduction
2. Purpose of Progressive Movement
3. Foundations of Progressive Movement
4. Contributions of icons of literature
5. Decline of Progressive Movement
6. Conclusion

Para 1: Introduction:
Progressive writer’s movement in Urdu Literature was the strongest movement after Sir
Syed’s education movement. The progressive movement contributed to Urdu Literature
some of the finest pieces of fiction and poetry. They were ardent admirers of Bolshevik
Revolution in 1917 which changed the lives of thousands of peasants and made them
realize what their actual right was. With all these enlightening, creative and rebellious
ideas. Progressive Movement came into India like a thunderstorm that revived the upset
minds that were fed-up with Darbari Art.

Para 2
The purpose of Progressive Movement in Urdu Literature was that Art should work on the
principles of art rather than the cajoling of kings and direction of elites. Progressive
Movement was a revolt against this escapism. Based on the slogan “Art for Life”, that means
Art should explain the human feelings and emotions rather than limited within the genre of
entertainment. Progressive movement not only advocated Urdu Literature but also
influenced the world literature as well because of its influential notions. Pioneers of
progressive movement, studying abroad used to follow Karl Marx’s philosophy ardently,
and used to read Bolshekively. In case, they took a revolutionary step to make Urdu
Literature a pure of barbarism and elitism.

Para 3
The founding conference of the Progressive Writer’s Association took place in Lucknow in 1936.
The keynote address was made by then greatest living Urdu-Hindi writers. Premchand, who
identified completely with the movement but its deepest impact, was on Urdu. As it revolutionized
the Urdu’s whole genre that broke the shackles of orthodoxy and introduced the actual slogan of art
that is “Art for Art’s Sake”. It has its own history that still echoes

Para 4
The Progressive Movement arose in Urdu Literature, broke that shackles of elitism and was proven
a revolutionary step historically. Modernism in literature took birth in the presence of progressive
movement. Which began with Iqbal’s poetry, Sarshar and Ruswa in prose? The romantic change in
20th century took place when short story was introduced in that era. However, writings were not
up-to the mark as they were idealistic rather than dealing with real problems.

Initially, Progressive Movement got a huge response from comrades of revolution like
Rabindaranath Tagore and Munshi Prem Chand. Later on, it produced the icons of
literature like Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Krishen Chander and Sahir Ludhyanvi.

According to Sajjad Zaheer: “The greatest aim of the literature is to create love of
humanity, freedom and unity in the nation. He insisted a lot to make his notion functional.
Para 5
Later, the movement got huge barriers when British Raj awoke, and started arresting its
member with the charges of spreading obscenity and conspiring against the state.
Although, progressive movement declined after the Partition of India that took place in
1947 but it left a great impact on Urdu literature whose voice still echoes.

Para 6 : Conclusion
Well, there are several reason from that Progressive Movement got inspired and took
revolutionary step to change the history of Urdu Literature. First three decades of 20th
Century, were the years of war and mutiny. As regards World War 1 had been ended with
massacres of millions of people across the world. Progressive Movement Writers concluded
that the wars are the primary reason of Colonialism and revolutions for the emancipation
from capitalism. These creative minds, studying abroad were determined enough to change
the history not with bullet but with rebellious pen.

Progressive Movement in Urdu, considered as the strongest weapon that changed the
literature for entertainment to literature for life by giving Art its meaning that was to serve
the human feelings and emotions regardless of class and creed. It truly paved the way to a
brighter future of Urdu Literature. Although, movement got declined after the partition of
India but its spirit is alive within the hearts of millions of people. Art inspired from
Progressive Movement isn’t supposed to be limited but it motivates the writers from all
across the world up-till now 21st century.

The End

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