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San Andreas State Bar License Terms

By issuance of your State Bar License from the San Andreas State Bar Association (SASBA), you agree
to the following terms. Should you disagree, you must inform a member of SASBA.

1. You shall treat this document as confidential. You shall not disseminate any information in
this document to any other individual by any means.
2. You shall not take on any clients whom present a conflict of interest with regard to your
existing clients or legal dealings unless all parties agree to written, signed waiver of the
3. You shall sign a written Retainer Agreement with all individuals or entities whom you enter
into a business relationship with for your services. Copies of such agreements must be
provided, on demand, to the San Andreas State Bar Association.
4. You submit to ongoing and random background checks against your person. You shall
remain a person of good moral character.
5. You submit to the State Bar Association revoking or suspending your Bar License should it
discover any form of misconduct, irrespective of whether or not such conduct is criminal in
nature or not.
6. In the event of any disagreement with the San Andreas State Bar Association, you submit to
arbitration before proceeding with any form of court action. The court shall be presented
with this agreement and the arbitrator’s verdict as part of a Motion to Dismiss should you
proceed with action in the event you disagree with the result of arbitration.
7. You shall submit the requisite monthly payment to the SASBA to keep your license current.
Should your license lapse, you shall not practice law until you have successfully regained
your license.
8. You agree to comply with any modifications or changes to bar licensing terms introduced in
future and to sign any such agreements deemed necessary by the SASBA to maintain the
validity of your Bar License.
9. You agree to report any and all misconduct by other attorneys directly to the SASBA for
investigation or referral to the appropriate branch of the Department of Justice.
10. You agree to inform SASBA as soon as practicable upon receiving any misdemeanour or
felony charge.
11. You accept that SASBA shall have discretion as to whether or not you are permitted to
continue practicing law in the event of contested charges against you.
12. You agree to non-retaliation against any whistle-blower or individual who brings a report of
misconduct before the SASBA or any other branch of the Department of Justice in regards to
misconduct against yourself, any other attorney or law firm. Any discovered form of
retaliation against an individual deemed a whistle-blower by any part of the DoJ shall be met
with penalties up to permanent disbarment and potential criminal legal action.
Penalties for Misconduct
In all cases, proven misconduct will be noted on your SASBA record and may be utilised against you
in future if further misconduct occurs.

1. Minor – You may be subjected to any combination of fines, suspension or mandatory

educational courses.
2. Significant – You will be subjected to any combination of penalties supra.
3. Major – You will be subjected to any combination penalties supra or non-permanent
revocation of your license requiring re-examination.
4. Irredeemable – You may be subjected to any combination of punishments under the
“Major” category. You will face permanent revocation of your license and possibly criminal

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