Field Training Program

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Field Training Program 


Issued by:
Overwatch Officer of FTO: X-103 J. McPhew
Written by: A-111 J. Vedder
For official use only

This is the official handbook of the San Andreas State Police FTO department and contains
information that is aimed towards our staff as a guide for common practices and code of
conduct, and also as a reference for recruits.

Table of Contents

Meeting and Preparation

Theoretical knowledge
Regarding the department
Regarding Roleplay
Cadet Logger
Chain of Command
Training in the airport
Appearance & Equipment & Vehicles
Necessary Information for the cadet

Section 1.1 ( Basic commands )

Basic Commands
Citizen Interaction Commands
Other Interaction Commands
Key Binds

Section 1.2 ( Communication )

Communication with dispatch

Section 2.1 ( Traffic / Felony stops )

Traffic Stop
Felony Stop

Section 2.2 ( Pursuit’s)

Overview of Pursuit Tactics
PIT maneuver

Section 3.1 ( drug sales )

Section 3.2 ( Robberies )


Section 3.3 ( Lethal Force )

Usage of lethal force in an array of situations
Section 4 - Ride-along
Some information in this manual is meant for the FTO conducting the training. Once you
become more familiar with it, you will find that you are going over this manual much faster as
you’ve already memorized your guidelines as well as the information you should be covering.

It’s important to be strict enough to ensure we are getting quality over quantity of
troopers, this level of seriousness will also provide better RP and immersion within the
PD for the cadet and yourself.

To stay active within this department, you have to perform at least one training in two
weeks. Activity will be checked through evaluations. If FTO-Heads will not see any
evaluations in two weeks, this will be considered being inactive. Failure to train, will
result to a removal from the department! Good luck and have fun!

Meeting and Preparation

--  FTO Evaluation Form  --

You are responsible to ensure that the cadet you train, fill out the FTO Evaluation Form once
you finished with the training. We want you all to be properly credited for your work and this is
the best way to ensure that, as well as keep track of the division and make sure everything is
running smooth.


 Let the cadet ask any questions he/she might have before starting, make sure to stop
every once in a while regardless to ask if they might have questions and let the cadet
know they should feel free to stop you at any point for that sake.

 Before training ensure everything in this list is done

1. The cadet must be on the dispatch teamspeak. Explain to the cadet  that he/she must be
available on dispatch before going on-duty.

2. Make sure the cadet’s name, badge number and steam name is added to the cadet
logger. Verify with the cadet what phase they are on to prevent any logging
confusion/issues, if they are 100% new, make sure all their logs are unticked.

3. Make sure the cadet gets their TeamSpeak and Discord roles and has changed their
discord nickname inside the Legacy server & TS nickname to their new callsign+name.

4. Make sure the cadet has the in game role of a cadet, if not, contact any available staff
member using /report or externally through dispatch and discord.

5. Make sure the cadet is wearing the correct uniform and has the correct gear for cadets.
6. Make sure to help the cadet to set up hot mic system. Tell the cadet to try it out and
explain how it works.

Notify the cadet their character is now reserved strictly for legal activity.
If the cadet is seen doing ANY illegal activity would result in removal from the force.

Theoretical knowledge

Regarding the department

The cadet must know to put the PD’s interest first, it doesn’t matter how much they might want
to be a trooper already. They might be here for fun but they need to understand that fun is a
privilege and it comes with strict responsibilities, they shouldn’t be neglecting their training, they
shouldn’t be hurting our standards for their own interests. Above all else we are expected to
show professionalism, so make sure the cadet understands that they need to take the training
seriously and to make sure they understand what is expected of them within the PD.

Regarding Roleplay

The cadet needs to learn to leave the winning/losing mentality at the door. In good roleplay
there are no losers, and as a trooper you need to remember that it’s not about the amount of
arrests you make or how many scenarios you win, its all about the roleplay. You should always
favor RP over making arrests, and arrest is not always your end goal. Good RP should also be
rewarded, so if you see someone is making an effort with you, or is providing you with good
content/creativity, reward them and cut them slack whenever you can, for example if somebody
gives you a funny story as to why he’s driving a stolen car etc.

Cadet Logger

 The cadet logger is to keep track and transfer information to another FTO that will take
care of the training. You MUST update the cadet progress in the logger and message in
fto-operations the process with cadet name and what phase they are at.
The cadet logger also helps us know who trained a cadet a certain section they are
found to have been problematic with.

Chain of Command

 cadets should understand the chain of command system.

Issues should first be brought to a supervisor (Sgt). If it needs to escalated from there
that supervisor can contact an LT or Captain. Commissioners should be the last option.

Training in the airport

 Make sure to get approval from a Captain or above when performing training in the
airport. It’s against server rules to be in the airport otherwise. If performed with no
approval you can get a strike.

Appearance & Equipment & Vehicles

Explain regarding asking special permission to make exceptions.

 Explain and show the cadet about the correct uniform they are supposed to wear while
on duty.
 Explain and show the cadet the equipment they are authorised to have/use while on duty
as a cadet and later on as a trooper, as well as having a phone. Let the cadet know that
the locker logs everything you take out and put in.
 Explain to the cadet that he/she is not allowed to drive or patrol on their own as a cadet.

Necessary Information for the cadet

 Tell the cadet they should have the police documents ready at all times when they are
on duty and recommend that they have their SOP open twice both on the 10 codes and
on the miranda rights until he/she has memorized them.
 The cadet should not be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions if there’s anything
they are unsure about. The cadet phase is the perfect opportunity to learn as much as
possible before going out on your own, and they should not stress through it to become
a trooper as fast as possible.

if you were to grade the cadet  he/she should at least be rated 8/10 in order to take their

Section 1.1 ( Basic commands )

 Teach the cadet the different icons for 10-13’s, vehicle thefts, drug sales and hold ups
that pop up on the GPS.

 Go over probable cause and reasonable suspicion with the cadet, make sure to refer the
cadet to the SOP when needed since this info is all there, the cadet should know not to
abuse his powers or use them unlawfully.

 Explain to the cadet that the police are not allowed to make assumptions such as civilian
driving in vehicles that look stolen because it’s clearly belongs to a local. All information
should be obtained in character with the correct RP when called for. This also means
police are not aware of drug areas and should not making assumptions based on those

Basic Commands
The cadet should know every detail in each of these commands, it is also important to tell them
the details like differences between license plates, roleplaying getting certain information such
as vehicle ownership name etc so it doesn’t look like you got the information telepathically.
Explain and Demonstrate how to do these things correctly while going over the commands.

Citizen Interaction Commands

/cuff [soft/hard]  [ /SC | /HC ] 

Depending on the situation, You can soft cuff someone this will allow them to freely walk around
without being escorted. Please note that you cannot escort anyone who is soft cuffed. If
you hard-cuff someone they won't be able to move around freely so they will be stuck in the
same position. You would need to manually escort them

Uncuffs the individual

/suspect [In/out] 
This only works when you hard-cuffed someone. This puts the individual inside/outside the

This allows you to search the individual when they are in cuffs.  You will be able to see their
whole inventory.

This allows you to carry someone. If you need to put someone down simply use the command
again. In order to put someone in the trunk of a vehicle just walk to the trunk and you will be
prompt with ‘’E’’. To get them back out you would need to /carry them again.

/escort [Only works with Hard-cuffs]

This will allow you to drag someone around. Type it again to let go of them.

/fine [ID] [Amount]

Also used to pay bail

/jail [ID] [Time]

Try and tell them that they will have to exit the city to get back when their sentence is over. Time
served will continue to go down regardless of them being online or not.

Other Interaction Commands

To turn radar on and off
CTRL + M to open radar management panel, you interact and close this menu with your mouse.
Top XMIT button = toggle front antenna on and off
Bottom XMIT button = toggle back antenna of and off
SAME buttons = puts the antenna on SAME mode, on same mode, antennas will lock on speeds from
the same lane you are in by focusing on a smaller radius
OPP buttons = puts the antenna on OPP mode, on OPP mode, antennas will lock on speed from
opposite lanes/incoming traffic by widening the radius of the antennas around the vehicle and focusing on

/spawnobject  [cone, barrier, spike, dummy, target]

Spawn and places the chosen object out of the listed options, useful for securing areas/setting up
and of course, spiking vehicles.

Deletes the nearest object

Closes bank after the robbery. You have to be near the vault for this to work.

/confiscate [amount]
To confiscate suspect’s money. Used when he is charge with “Armed Robbery Of A Bank”
You have to have him hard cuffed and escorted for this to work!

This allows you to view the vehicles inventory.

/impound (If caught abusing you will be removed)

This is to be used ONLY for vehicles that cannot be removed in normal circumstances. ( Inside
a Mechanic shop/bugged for mechanics). This is not to be used in any other way. People
caught abusing it will be removed from the force.

/checkplate [Plate]
This is how you check the vehicle's plates to see if its reported stolen or not.

/Tracker [on/off]
This is for your blips on the map. Useful for when  your comms are taken away in a hostage

/Livery [number]
This allows you to change what the vehicle skin looks like - PD ONLY

Key Binds
These Key-Binds only work when you are in a PD vehicle.

Press ‘’E’’ to toggle the lights of your vehicle

Press ‘’G’’ to toggle/disable the Sirens.

Section 1.2 ( Communication ) 

Communication with dispatch

 The cadet should understand the basic information of how to contact the dispatch when
joining, leaving and during situations.

 Badge Number, What is going on?(10-?),Where is it happening?(10-20), Description of


“Dispatch this is 525 doing a 10-11 on a red Audi currently in front of Legion Square
Bank, additional units are not needed.”

Tell the cadet that for the sake of the training, you would much rather they take their time
communicating with dispatch in order to get all the details right rather than try and rush
it and perhaps miss out on important details while relaying information.


Even though the cadet doesn’t have to memorize all of the 10-codes in their first day of training,
they have to have a good idea of the 10-codes and know the basic 10 codes for training. The
most important codes are marked RED in the SOP.

Section 2.1 ( Driving Academy )

In this section, you have to train the cadet to drive before letting the cadet to drive. Make sure
that cadet passes this section before continuing with the training.
Make sure you are qualified to train cadets in this section!
Driving Academy Document

Section 2.2 ( Traffic / Felony stops )

Traffic Stop
For this step you will need 2 vehicles in order to simulate a traffic stop with your cadet.

 Positioning of the car (make sure the cadet understands he must be close enough to
you so that you could hear him shouting)
 Where to stand by civilian’s vehicle? By the left rear door. Explain why. (If he evades,
he won’t hit you, if he jumps out with a weapon, you are not directly in his line of sight)
 Explain when to make a traffic stop/when not to make a traffic stop (Active
Shootings, Pursuits, Bank)  as well as when to make a felony stop instead.
 Make sure to tell them to add notes if they give out tickets or warnings to civilians.
As 3 traffic violations = impound and license removal. (Violations expire after a server
restart and should not be remembered)
Show a traffic stop situation by performing one on the cadet
(use code 3 until suspect is seemingly pulling over, stay code 2 until 10-11 is code 4, call out
10-11 over radio, including what to say, e.g. Vehicle description, location, number of occupants
if more than 1 and any additionals? call out that the 10-11 is code 4 at the end).

Make sure the cadet knows the basics of a traffic stop that should always be covered which is to
check for a valid driver's license and car ownership. Other minor important details would be to
introduce yourself, knowing when and how to “sandwich” a suspect with your vehicles, knowing
to ask for additionals if an arrest is needed, making sure the civilians car is turned off before
approaching etc.

Have the cadet perform a traffic stop on you, and watch the cadet closely 
Let them make mistakes, correct them after the RP scenario ends.

Felony Stop 

 Show a Felony Stop situation (it will clear any previous situations).
 Explain when a felony stop is used (BOLO description match, suspect has warrants,
suspect is pulled over for criminal reasons, e.g. leaving the scene of a gas station
 Explain to the cadet that a standard Traffic stop must be initiated before the felony stop,
unless it’s for a gas station/bar robbery. Start from running the civilians ID through the
computer, and noticing an arrest warrant. This is where the Traffic Stop should
become a Felony Stop.
 Calling for additionals (What to say over the radio, making sure they’re on whisper so
the suspect cannot hear)
 Positioning of Vehicles; ALWAYS parked behind the civilian’s vehicle to avoid
 Firearms out in hand and pointed at vehicle
 It is recommended that you use your vehicle’s door as cover, teach the cadet how to do
this (either by using the door menu or holding F when getting out of the vehicle)
 Orders to give to civilian(s) to get them out 
o “Driver throw the keys out of the window!”
o “Driver put away any firearms or declare them as you step out of the vehicle,
face away from me, and walk backwards towards me”
o “Stop and place your hands on your head” *Detain suspect and bring him to the
back of your vehicle.
o *repeat process for any passengers.
 If civilian(s) are noncompliant: clearing the car & properly pulling out civilian(s)

Section 2.3 ( Pursuit’s)

Overview of Pursuit Tactics
 The cadet should learn how to communicate with the dispatch while leading a 10-80,
how to chase a suspect, what overtaking in a 10-80 is.
Explain the following:
 You may only pursue and watch suspects and observate his behaviour changes, for
example excessively speeding through towns, endangering the lives of others.
 You may not overtake other units while in the pursuit. It is important to keep the line.
 Controlled Deflation Device (Spike Strips)
 Controlled Contact (PIT maneuver, to disable vehicle)
 Lethal Force (only if life is directly in danger, must preserve life)

PIT maneuver

 Explain the cadet(s) what a PIT maneuver (Pursuit Intervention Technique) is and how it
o Pursuit vehicle must be declared code red.
o Permission from Sergeant and above (on-duty)
o The cadet should know to never ram/pit bikes unless they are considered
a lethal threat

Section 3.1 ( drug sales )

When responding to a drug sale the cadet needs to know when they are allowed to
search the suspect.

At least one of these two things need to happen for you to have probable cause to search the

1. You had arrived on scene at the area in which you had reports of drugs being sold and
you could clearly see an individual bending over towards a local and is seemingly
slipping something into their pocket

2. You have seen the same individual at least twice in a row at drug selling areas
regardless of whether you’ve seen them act suspicious/slip something or not

If these terms aren’t met you are not legally allowed to search the suspect even if you know it’s
him that is selling, instead, you should approach in a subtle way and begin to RP with the
person, have a chat with him/her, and question them, they don’t legally have to interact with
you, some might run away and some might consent to a search, your goal is to let them try and
RP it out with you.

If the correct terms for probable cause were met you should feel free to detain the suspect until
a search is done, especially if you think he/she might try to run away or attack you.
Upon finding drugs, you can start arresting the suspect.

Section 3.2 ( Robberies )


 Tell the cadet to open up the SOP and explain the most important parts while

 Make sure they know how to deal with a suspect inside by negotiating with suspects. If
you are unable to reach them inform them you will have to breach if you get no answer,
and eventually go in and clear.

Explain to the cadet the 5 main things to do while negotiating:

1. Introduce yourself (No need for small talk, tell them who you are and show authority)

2. Ask if there is a hostage, if there is one ask for proof of life (proof of life only after you
know how many in and out and have told dispatch)

3. Ask how many people are inside

4. Ask how many people are outside

5. Make suspects surrender by using your voice (different tactics to make the suspects
surrender by lowering fines/jail time etc.).

 Explain that this key information needs to be extracted as fast and as accurately as
possible and relayed to dispatch. 

When negotiations end for whatever reason it’s time to breach. If you have swat on scene they
will always go first.

 It’s necessary that cadet learns the basics about breaching such as
o Primary and Secondary
o Positioning
o Checking corners and rolling
o Controlling blind spots

 It’s important that the cadet knows how to avoid killing other Troopers even accidentally.
 Act a bank robbery scenario with a hostage and not with a hostage. In each scenario
show the cadet what they should do and how to breach inside.

When simulating these scenarios with a cadet you should pretend to be the robber inside with or
without a hostage so he knows what to do for each scenario, you should also ask him to speak
to dispatch as he would in a real robbery and begin with his callsign and “arriving on scene” as
well as relay all the key information to dispatch. You should pretend to be dispatch talking back
to him and instructing him.

When simulating a hostage situation with a cadet, explain that we do not have to comply with
every single demand fully, say if he wants free passage with no spike strips, you can still put
spike strips, just further down where the suspects can’t see them. 

Section 3.3 ( Lethal Force )

Usage of lethal force in an array of situations

The cadet needs to be confidently knowledgeable about this, they are eventually going to be out
there having to make these split second decisions by themselves, so let’s round this up for

When are you allowed to use lethal force?

Simply put, when you are presented with lethal force (for example, a person pointing a gun).
Another way to say this is when lives are directly endangered. It’s very easy to tell when lives
are potentially at risk, it’s that gut feeling you instantly get when you see it.

Now explain to the cadet that lethal force could be more than just a gun, it could also be a
vehicle for example. A vehicle is potentially a very dangerous weapon, therefore you could
respond to it lethally depending on the driver’s behaviour

That being said, tell the cadet we don’t always want to immediately neutralize the threat lethally
as you should always be trying to preserve life. You should use your tasers & tackle whenever
you can. Don’t just kill everything that is a potential lethal threat, remember to roleplay.
Preserving life is always favorable if possible.

If the cadet knows when lethal force is and isn’t authorized and is able to give you some correct
reasoning that shows understanding behind the answers, this section should be considered

Section 4 - Ride-along
At this point you will inform the cadet that they reached the ride along phase and they
have finished the “informative” part of their training.
Encourage the cadet to take this time to genuinely become a good Trooper and be

1. One should be a cadet for a minimum of 3 days before taking their exam, the cadet
should take their time to feel ready and is encouraged to be patient both for the sake of
the PD and their own.

2. The cadet should be doing section 4 for a minimum of 1 day or a single training
session on top of any existing day of experience they might have had before getting to
phase 4.

3. Cadets are allowed to ride along with FTO’s of any rank and none FTO’s Senior
Trooper+  (make sure they post the correct info in FTO operations), anything below
Senior Trooper will require special permission from an FTO Supervisor +.

Keep in mind an informative recap of the cadet ride along must be posted in FTO
operations by the FTO that has done the ride along or allowed a none FTO to, so
make sure you get an informative recap sent to you by the person you have
allowed to ride along with the cadet if he is not an FTO.

 In this part of the cadet will be the one taking the lead inside the car and act like an
Trooper before she/he gets their exam. The cadet will be the dominant speaker and
responder and the ride along will be there to help when needed and or to correct the
cadet's mistakes.

 When riding along be sure that your company with the cadet will experience

o 10-11’s
o 10-80’s
o Bank Robberies
o Store Robberies
o Negotiations
o Pit Maneuvers
o Responding to 911 calls.
o Processing suspects to jail and how to theoretically deal with lawyers

 If something is done wrong in the Section 4 part you should go back to the Section
where the fault is and show the cadet the correct way.

 Cadet exams are only allowed to be given by FTO’s Supervisors or Sergeants +

  You are not allowed to give questions from the exam and if you are found giving
any with purpose this can lead to a direct removal from the force.

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