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Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 10 February 2021

Name: Maxwell Seguritan
Central Question: Why is the homeless problem growing in Hawaii and what can be done about it?
Thesis: Homelessness, despite efforts to reduce it, in on the rise in Hawaii and the community, cities, and state have
a responsibility to do more to reverse the trend. We must do this, this, and this.
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? (Use three sources.)
#2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.)
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)

In which section will you use this source? #1


In the beginning of the article, Tanigawa says, “A wave of rising homelessness is expected to wash over Hawaii in the
wake of the coronavirus pandemic.”

The global pandemic plays a role in the rising numbers: “A new surge may not be immediate because of an ongoing
state moratorium on residential evictions for nonpayment of rent and government aid that includes rental assistance to
households whose finances have been hurt by impacts from COVID-19.”

Commentary and Analysis:

This article provides information on the rise of homelessness due to COVID-19 in Hawaii. The author also
makes it that many of these homeless my go unaccounted for due to the virus. The annual census of homeless may not
be able to be conducted due to the virus. This can be detrimental to many the services that are provided for the
homeless as they don’t know what they can give.
With the rise of the Corona Virus and the many homeless enactments brings them at higher risk as they are not
practicing social distancing. This will cause an even greater rise within their communities. With a greater rise in
COVID giving them help and services might be difficult. Many of them may have the virus already and will spread it
quickly. Many of them may not have mask or even know what social distancing is.

MLA Work Cited:

Andrew, Gomes. “Unsheltered Homeless in Hawaii to Go Uncounted amid COVID-19.” Advertiser, 14 Jan. 2021,

Tanigawa, Noe. “COVID-19 Positives Among O'ahu's Homeless Increase As Shelter Options Decrease.”
Hawaii Public Radio, 25 Aug. 2020,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is from the Star Advertiser the main source of news from Hawaii.
Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2021
Date: 18 February 2021
Name: Maxwell Seguritan
Central Question: What was the effect of COVID-19 on the homeless?
Thesis: Although improvements are seen homelessness is very much on the rise due to COVID-19
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? (Use three sources.)
#2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.)
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)

In which section will you use this source? #1


A survey conducted has found that “1 in 4 homeless adults surveyed reported at least one mental health
problem, and 1 in 10 were veterans.”

However, in another survey it appears that things are in improving for them as it says, “totals for veterans
and families appeared to continue a downward trend, but the total number of homeless individuals on the
island was slightly higher than last year.”

In Hawaii, many families are at risk of homelessness: “estimated that a quarter of all Hawaii households
were at risk of homelessness, meaning they would be forced out of their homes after two months or less of
missed paychecks.”

Commentary and Analysis:

Mental health seems to play a factor in homelessness. As it has been surveyed that at least one in four adult
homeless people have a mental health problem. This information paints a bigger picture for people who are homeless
because it shows that the reason for them being in that position might not entirely be their fault. Their mental health if
left untreated can cause them a real struggle in everyday life. Veterans once out of the service usually either don’t have
the money to start again or they come back with mental issues.

However, it is very interesting that both homeless veterans and families are going down, but the overall
number is going up. This most likely has to do with COVID-19. Many people living by themselves are most likely not
received their paychecks do not have any work. Since these induvial live by themselves they might not have the
backing from other people to keep them from homelessness.

With the pandemic more and more people are going to become homeless as they are not receiving any
paychecks due to not working. Lock down is cause many people either to be fired from their job or not being able to
work. Since the article was written a little early during the pandemic it is within all likelihood that this might have
become true.

MLA Work Cited:

Jedra, Christina. “Survey Counts Over 4,400 Homeless People On Oahu Before COVID-19.” Honolulu Civil Beat, 10
June 2020,

“2020 Homeless Point In Time Count.” Hawaii Health Data Warehouse,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is written by locals who are aware of the situation and they editors
have a fact checked the work before going to print.

Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 18 February 2021
Name: Maxwell Seguritan
Central Question: How is it like to live homeless?
Thesis: Although the state has done a variety of things to deal with the homeless crisis, the root of the issue
has not been solved. The state should provide affordable housing, stop homeless sweeps, and inform the
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? (Use three sources.)
#2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.)
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)

In which section will you use this source? #2


“I felt out of control of my life. And I don't know when or how it happened, but the speed at which I went
from being a talented writer and journalist to being a homeless woman,” the TED speaker Becky Blanton

Blanton confessed, “I failed to realize that homelessness is an attitude, not a lifestyle.”

Commentary and Analysis:

I think many homeless have the same feelings as Becky does. That feel that nothing is worth it anymore, that
you screwed up and you will never bounce back. Many of them may have had an actual job before but something
happened, and they are left in this situation. In Becky’s case she lost her father. This big emotional event can hurt
people very deep down.

During her experiencing as living “homeless” she learns that homelessness isn’t just an attitude but lifestyle.
She went to homelessness thinking just because she didn’t have a home, she was homeless. However during that time
she never put here self in the mind of someone who is really homeless. When she went to a homeless clinic many of
the real homeless people realized she wasn’t truly homeless. One person even said that she still has job meaning she
still has hope but many homeless don’t have hope.

MLA Work Cited:

Blanton, Becky. “Transcript of ‘The Year I Was Homeless.’” TED, July 2009,

This is a reputable and reliable article because TED speakers have expertise in their own fields and share vivid
personal experiences, which make TED a popular and reliable platform.

Research Log #4 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 24 February 2021
Name: Maxwell Seguritan
Central Question: Is the homeless crisis in Hawaii being handled effectively?
Thesis: Although the state has done a variety of things to deal with the homeless crisis, the root of the issue
has not been solved. The state should provide affordable housing, stop homeless sweeps, and inform the
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? (Use three sources.)
#2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.)
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)

In which section will you use this source? #1


Phone ownership by the homeless, Eyrich-Garg says, “Those who perceive themselves as having greater
access to their social support networks have better physical and mental health outcomes as well as lower
rates of victimization.”

Eyerich-Garg points out that “a substantial proportion of the sample reported having a mobile phone (44%),
debunking common homeless stereotypes.”

Eyrich-Garg states, “Participants placed and received calls, sent and received text messages, and used the
Internet through their mobile phones for a variety of reasons.”

Commentary and Analysis:

The article states that mobile phones are an important belonging to homeless people. Which would be
their only source of communication. If the entire homeless population were to have a phone, compared to the
44% in the study, that population would do better in terms of mental and physical health. As they can have
their personal integrations with their family.
In the article they did a study involving the relationship between homeless and phones. Most people
think that a homeless person would not have one, but it was found that half of the population of homeless
actually have mobile phones. From the info provided in the study, it can be concluded that there are more
homeless people with mobile phones than we think. Getting power to charge their devices would be another
resource one should provide them.

Being able to connect with people through the internet on your phone is beneficial to one's mental
health. Interacting with others especially loved ones really help. If Hawaii’s health professionals could reach
out to that easily through their phones, it would result in more people knowing who out there needs help.

MLA Work Cited:

Eyrich-Garg, Karin M. “Mobile Phone Technology: a New Paradigm for the Prevenyion, Treatment, and Research of
the Non-Sheltered ‘Street’ Homeless?” Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
, Springer US, May 2010, Accessed 24 February2021.

This is a reputable and reliable article because this article was proofread by others who specialize in topics related,
confirming the information listed in the article.

Research Log #5 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 27 February 2021
Name: Maxwell Seguritan
Central Question: How is it like to live homeless?
Thesis: Although the state has done a variety of things to deal with the homeless crisis, the root of the issue
has not been solved. The state should provide affordable housing, stop homeless sweeps, and inform the
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? (Use three sources.)
#2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.)
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)

In which section will you use this source? #1


Eric is a homeless man and points one big misconception in the way homeless are and says that "Most of
them are very hard-working people that want to get ahead that and either have some health issues or have
some had a streak of bad luck.”

Elvis is someone that helps the homeless people in Los Angeles and points out “there’s no regulation so in
apartment owners and landlords can raise the money you know the rent whenever they like.”
The narrator said that, “Even though the health care system improved under previous President Barack
Obama, twenty-eight million Americans remain without any insurance coverage.”

Commentary and Analysis:

The documentary interviews many homeless people and tries to bring and inside view to the viewer. Eric a
homeless man says that it is commonly portrayed that homeless people are where they are because they made bad
decisions, are addicted to drugs or are too lazy. However, from his own experience he has meet people who live near
him break that stereotype. He defends the fact that you do not have to be out of work to be homeless. Many of them
work longer hours than the majority of Americans.

Elvis’ points out that sometimes it is out of people’s control to become homeless. Much of it is a widespread
issue caused by outside factors instead of personal ones. Such as prices going and the cost of living in places like Los
Angles. Worker salaries are not meeting that increase, leading to more and more people not being able to afford what
they need. This is even true when it comes to living in Hawaii is the already high prices just like Los Angles.

With homeless and medical costs, it is pointed out how America is doing with insurance coverage. Around 28
million Americans are not covered by any insurance. This means that they have no support when affording medical
treatments of any kind. America has among the highest costs or medical procedures and services in the world. Costs
that without insurance can really send people back in debt if they don’t have enough money.

MLA Work Cited:

“How Poor People Survive in the USA | DW Documentary.”

YouTube, DW Documentary, 27 Nov. 2019, Accessed 27 February 2021.

This is a reputable and reliable article because it gathers direct testimony from people experiencing homelessness
and those who try to help them.

Research Log #6 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: 3 March 2021
Name: Maxwell Seguritan
Central Question: Is the homeless crisis in Hawaii being handled effectively?
Thesis: Although improvements are seen homelessness is very much on the rise due to COVID-19
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? (Use three sources.)
#2: What has been and is being done? (Use two sources.)
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? (Use one source.)

In which section will you use this source? #3

Bigler states, “With so many businesses closed, the homeless have fewer places to legally charge cell phones in
coffeeshops and libraries.”

Jerome Shaw who lives in a shelter, mentions that he is “encouraging the county to provide some kind of charging
station or portable chargers to these individuals to help keep them in the loop when it comes to COVID-19.”

Commentary and Analysis:

The article mentions an incident with homeless tapping into power illegally. This problem is also one
that we have in Oahu Aswell. It was found at Kakaako Waterfront Park that the homeless tampered with park
lights to charge their phones and other devices. In the case of Dave Dolecki's and his company. His building
was tapped into by a homeless person, which was solved by turning off the power to that area.

Due to COVID-19, businesses around the country have either closed or changed how they operate.
Because many of these companies are now working from home and many buildings are now closed homeless
can no longer charge their personal devices. With the closure of building and power would force some
homeless people to use illegal means to access power. In Hawaii, there are many streetlights and buildings
that have power the homeless may feel the need to tap into.

Phones now adays are essential to our everyday lives and even more so to the homeless. It is there
only meaning of communication and way to keep up with the world and events. It is shown that homeless
people out there do have devices, and those devices are important for them to remain safe. They can use the
phone to call for help or contact family. Putting in a public charging station or giving out portable charges
would work well into helping people charge their devices without tapping into someone else’s power.

MLA Work Cited:

Bigler, Matt. Homeless Tapping into Electricity from Shuttered Businesses, KCBS Radio, 20 Apr.
2020, Accessed
3March 2021.

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was purchased from popular platform CBS and now functions as
an acclaimed internet news and buzz platform owned by Entercom.

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