La Ratatouille LP

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Lesson Plan:​ La ratatouille LP

Course:​ French 2

Timing:​ 65 minutes

Number of students:​ 3rd hour - 21 students // 4th hour - 22 students

Date:​ 3/4/2021

Color Coding

Standards References
Teacher Thinking
Physical directions and movements
Guessed student responses/correct answers to my questions


For class

Our current unit is about food, and yesterday we learned about grocery shopping in
France. Today, we will watch a video about grocery shopping in France during the
COVID pandemic and “grocery shop” online for ingredients to make ratatouille. This
is somewhat similar to the crepe recipe LP I did last unit, which I know students found
very engaging, is relevant to their own lives (some people in the US are shopping
online during the pandemic), and is culturally relevant because we are looking at a
French ratatouille recipe to find our ingredients.

For focal student

[Focal student] most commonly participates in class when he can talk about his own
opinions, so I am hoping that he will find this LP engaging because I will ask what the
students know about ratatouille and if they would like to try it.

Objectives and Standards

ACTFL Standards

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information,

express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a
variety of topics.
Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the
practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the
products and perspectives of the culture studied.
Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints
that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.

I can statements

I can:
● Watch and understand a video about grocery shopping during COVID in
● “Grocery shop” for ingredients to make a traditional French dish

Materials and Set-Up

Manie Musicale 2021 - high school

Faire les courses powerpoint
Video - Coronavirus: les précautions à prendre pour faire ses courses
Recette de Ratatouille traditionnelle : la recette facile
La ratatouille worksheet

(materials also found at the end of lesson plan)

Agenda to be written on board

Greeting and date (5 minutes)

Manie musicale (
Grocery shopping in France during COVID
Independent work time

Timing: Teacher Script and Directions
65 mins Thinking and

5 mins Here I will greet Start the class by greeting each student by name.
the class and get Bonjour tout le monde ! Comment ça va aujourd’hui ?
them warmed up Hopefully at least 1 student will respond, can repeat
by asking how and use thumbs up/down if no one responds at first
they are and ask Write on board “Aujourd’hui, c’est le jeudi 4 mars 2021”
one student to and call on one student to read the date
say the date. _____, lisez la date s’il vous plaît.
Standard 1.1: one Give positive affirmations to the student after. Make
student will say sure to write down who said the date so you can call on
the date out loud a new student next class: ​Qui a lu la date ?

15 mins Here I will do Okay, maintenant nous allons écouter les chansons de
manie musicale “manie musicale” d’aujourd’hui.
with the students, Share screen start on slide 35 ​Manie Musicale 2021 -
which is a part of high school​ (second song is 38)
a month-long La première chanson aujourd’hui est “Karim et le loup”
music style le chanteur est Karim Ouellet, et la catégorie est Pop.
bracket to listen Et est-ce que vous connaissez les drapeaux qui sont
to French music. sur la diapo ?
This serves as a le drapeau du Canada et du Sénégal
cultural Maintenant, nous allons écouter cette chanson.
component in the Play “Karim et le loup”
lesson and allows Okay, la deuxième chanson est “La rumeur” et l’artiste
students to est Calogero. La catégorie est rock. Et voilà le
interact with drapeau de la France parce que l’artiste est français.
authentic French Maintenant, nous allons écouter cette chanson.
“text” Play “La rumeur”
Standard 3.2: Maintenant, vous pouvez voter dans le chat pour la
students will hear chanson que vous préférez, numéro 1 ou 2.
viewpoints of a De quoi est-ce que les chanteurs chantent ? Est-ce
few que vous comprenez les messages des chansons ?
French-speaking Talk about what the students thought the songs were
cultures by about.
listening to
French music.
10 mins Here we will Okay, hier nous allons parler de faire les courses en
watch a video France. Qu’est-ce que “faire les courses” veut dire en
about grocery anglais ?
shopping in To do the grocery shopping
France during Oui, excellent ! Hier, nous étions curieux d’apprendre
COVID, which we comment les français font les courses maintenant,
talked about in pendant la pandémie du coronavirus, alors, j’ai trouvé
class yesterday une vidéo au sujet de ça.
and is relevant to Screenshare
students’ lives.
Standard 2.1: hd6bBClA_dHcKHEqhbys2spkfl18WBig/edit?usp=shari
students will learn ng
about current Faites attentions : quels conseils est-ce que la vidéo
practices in nous donne ? Qu’est-ce que cette question veut dire
France due to en anglais ?
COVID. What advice does the video give us?
Standard 1.2: Oui, très bien. Try to figure out what advice the video is
students will giving us for grocery shopping during COVID. Cette
watch a French vidéo a été filmée en mars 2020, alors quelques
video about conseils ne sont pas conseillés maintenant parce que
shopping during nous connaissons le virus mieux maintenant.
COVID. Play video, then go back to the powerpoint slide
Alors, quels conseils est-ce que la vidéo nous donne ?
See what students got just from watching the video,
then go through the slides which have screenshots
from the video and have students figure out each piece
of advice.
Excellent ! Cette vidéo a été filmée pour les français,
mais vous avez compris toute la vidéo ! Ça c’est
incroyable ! Vous êtes très intelligentes. Est-ce que
vous pouvez penser à d’autres conseils pour garder
une bonne santé quand vous faites les courses
pendant la pandémie ?
Examples: porter une masque, faire les courses sur
Internet, etc

5 mins Here we will Maintenant, nous allons parler d’un plat très français.
discuss what Est-ce que vous connaissez ce plat ?
students know Ratatouille
about ratatouille. Oui, ratatouille ! Qu’est-ce que vous savez de la
Standard 2.2: ratatouille ?
students will learn Est-ce que vous avez mangé une ratatouille ?
about a traditional Est-ce que vous avez fait cuire une ratatouille ?
French recipe Just to learn about students/see what the students

5 mins Here we will look Nous allons imaginer que nous allons faire cuire la
at a French ratatouille. Nous devons faire les courses pour les
recipe for ingrédients. Mais avant tout, nous devons apprendre
ratatouille quels ingrédients il faut acheter.
Standard 1.2: Screenshare recipe
students will look
at the ingredient touille
list from a French Voilà une recette de ratatouille ! Quel est le titre de la
recipe recette ?
Ratatouille traditionnelle
Oui ! Et qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ?
Traditional ratatouille
Excellent. Maintenant, regardez les ingrédients. Quels
sont les ingrédients ?
Go through the ingredients with students, try to give
hints before just giving answers for any they can’t figure

5 mins Standard 2.1: Maintenant, vous allez imaginer que vous êtes en
students will learn France, et vous voulez faire cuire une ratatouille, mais
about grocery à cause de la pandémie, vous voulez faire les courses
shopping in sur Internet.
France Sur Google Classroom, il y a une feuille de travail qui
Standard 2.2: s’appelle “la ratatouille.” Open up the worksheet and
students will learn we will go through what you need to do together.
about a traditional Screenshare worksheet
French recipe
ring​ and go through the questions/table with students.
Ask them what the directions mean in English and have
them explain directions back.

20 mins Independent work Okay, maintenant vous avez le reste du cours pour
time travailler. Merci pour votre attention et votre
participation aujourd’hui !

Pre-Lesson Analysis

Critical questions

Is it okay to just talk about buying the ingredients to make the recipe without reading
the directions to make it? We already did that with the crepe recipe so I don’t want to
do the same thing and the ingredient buying better fits the theme of this unit,
especially because we just learned about grocery shopping yesterday.

English usage rational

I used very little English in this LP by only using English to clarify directions after
asking students what the French directions mean first.

How I am engaging oral proficiency

Students will listen to my directions in French and will be asked to explain the
directions back to me in English rather than being given the translation. Additionally,
students will watch an “authentic text” French video and one student will say the date
at the beginning of class.

Cultural component

Students will listen to songs and watch music videos from two French-speaking
artists. Additionally, students will look at the ingredients for ratatouille in a French
recipe and will “grocery shop” for the ingredients.

Back pocket activities (only need 1 and when teaching full class)

Time Description of Activity

Mins Back Pocket Activity 1: ​Review the grocery shopping/food vocab that
was learned yesterday

10 mins Maintenant, nous allons pratiquer le vocabulaire que nous avons appris
Screenshare powerpoint
Ed0ffmcoO8eKpS-8_B4/edit?usp=sharing​ ​and for each photo ask students
“qu’est-ce que c’est ?” After, have students repeat for pronunciation

Post-Lesson Analysis

Evidence that students learned

Students were able to successfully navigate the French supermarket website to find
and “buy” the ingredients to make ratatouille. This showed me what they learned
vocabulary wise when identifying the ingredients in class and what they learned about
grocery shopping in France during the pandemic.

Focal student’s response

[Focal student] was absent today

Did lesson meet focal student’s needs

[Focal student] was called in sick today, so I’m not sure if this lesson plan would have
met his needs as a student to get him engaged. However, he did complete the
worksheet which was assigned as homework and shared his thoughts on whether or
not he would like to try ratatouille and why.

Critical question responses

The students were very engaged by this lesson and enjoyed “grocery shopping” for
the ingredients to make ratatouille. During class, [student] and [student] said how
cool they thought this was to look at a website for a grocery store in France and
pretend to grocery shop from there. I think it also made logical sense to use a French
recipe to find our ingredients, but not to read the directions today because this unit
focuses on food in the context of shopping rather than making food, whereas the
crepe recipe LP I did was in the context of a unit based on the home.

Modifications made



Manie musicale powerpoint:

Faire les courses powerpoint:

Youtube video: ​

Ratatouille recipe: ​

La ratatouille
Imaginez que vous êtes en France et que vous voulez faire cuire la ratatouille (​Recette de
Ratatouille traditionnelle : la recette facile​), mais à cause de la pandémie, vous voulez faire les
courses sur Internet. Allez sur ce site web : ​​ et trouvez les
ingrédients pour la ratatouille. Achetez assez de chaque ingrédient !

L’ingrédient Le lien Le prix

1 grosse aubergine

2 courgettes de taille

2 poivrons de couleur

3 à 4 tomates

2 à 3 oignons

huile d'olive





Quel est le coût de tous les ingrédients pour la ratatouille ?

Est-ce que vous voulez goûter la ratatouille ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ? Vous pouvez écrire
en français ou en anglais, mais ​écrivez les phrases complètes​ et ​donnez au moins 2 raisons​ pour
votre choix.

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