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Just Because Suicide Is Haraam

(Forbidden), It Doesn’t Mean We

Should Pretend That It Does Not

TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or

pages it links to, contains information about

suicide which may be triggering.

You can get help from Inspirited Minds here.

As humans, we tend to put things into boxes;

things we open, hesitate to open or leave

unopened. These boxes often contain old

photos, old school books, memories,

nightmares, and, very often, serious unspoken

matters. Isn’t it time we broached those

“taboo” topics?

Suicide is left locked behind doors for many

Muslims, but this won’t help in breaking down

the barriers with those suffering or unlocking

an understanding that suicide is a problem, for

both Muslims and non-Muslims.

In the media, Islam and suicide have

unfortunately been linked and sensationalised.

We are led to believe that whilst Islam strongly

condemns suicide, Muslims have somehow

become promoters of it. Yet worryingly,

their mental health is hardly considered or

emphasised during reporting; it is often

months later that we come to know the

person was or is unstable.

We instantly start defending Islam and

highlighting that their actions fundamentally

go against our religion, but we don’t start

defending their mental health; why?

There are many cases wherein “Muslim

murderers” have ended up committing suicide

themselves after taking the life of another

(usually their loved ones, typically their

spouse, children or parents). These murder-

suicide cases highlight that those who usually

get left behind after a suicide, are also taken

by the individual. Is this done so their loved

ones don’t suffer? Is it because they can’t bear

to be alone any longer? Is it because they

believe they will be better off dead?

Just because suicide is haraam(forbidden), it

doesn’t mean we should pretend that it does

not happen.


There’s No Shame In Seeking Help For Your

Mental Health

Sweeping mental health issues under the

prayer mat
Depression & dating, my reality

This gets us nowhere. Therefore, we should

be aware of the thought processes and

behaviour leading towards the action, just like

with any other haraam committed. This is so

that we can get a better understanding of this

issue and possibly take preemptive steps.

Research by the NHS has found that nearly all

completed suicides are among individuals with

a mental illness. According to the World

Health Organisation (WHO), suicide is

the second leading cause of death among 15-

29 year-olds, and rates are high amongst

vulnerable groups who experience


Risk factors for suicide include mental

disorders (such as depression, personality

disorders, substance abuse, schizophrenia) as

well as physical illnesses, e.g. individuals with

chronic pain or terminal diagnoses.

Furthermore, WHO has found that six out of

the 20 countries with the highest suicide rates

are in Europe.

It is likely that someone who is thinking about

suicide will usually give signs to those around

them that they are troubled. This can be

shown through:

Physical changes e.g. major changes to

personal hygiene or appearance, weight,

eating habits, sleeping pattern and energy.

Behavioural indicators, such as self-harming or

prior suicidal attempts, withdrawal from family

and friends, quitting activities previously

important, uncharacteristic recklessness and

writing goodbye notes or letters.

Feelings can also be conveyed in

conversational clues highlighting the sufferer’s

distress, isolation and helplessness with no

sense of the future. “What’s the point? Things

are never going to get any better…“It’s all my

fault”… “I’m on my own … no-one cares about

me”…. “Nothing I do makes a bit of difference,

it’s beyond my control”

Remember Allah is Most-Forgiving and it has

been mentioned in the Qur’an that,

Say: “O ‘Ibadi (My slaves) who have

transgressed against themselves (by

committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of

the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins.

Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most

Merciful.”(Qur’an 39:53)
He is Al-Ghafoor (the One who forgives and

covers sins regardless of how large the sins

are) and Al-Ghaffar (the One who continues to

forgive regardless of how many times you sin).

The root of Al-Ghafoor and Al-Ghaffar is the

verb ghaffara (‫ )غفر‬which does not mean “to

forgive”; rather, it means to shield, protect

and cover, like a helmet, which in Arabic is

called a “mighfaar”. So call upon Him, don’t

despair of His Mercy or Forgiveness whilst

suffering, and make du’a for those who

committed the act or with suicidal tendencies

and attempts.
For those of you feeling suicidal, remember

this gem, and remember that we are here for


Allahumma ahyinee maa kaanat-il-hayaatu

khayran lee wa tawaffanee maa kaanat-il-

wafaatu khayran lee

O Allah keep me alive as long as life is good for

me and take me away when death is better for


We should keep an open mind in educating

ourselves with mental illnesses, such as

suicide. Every suicide is a heartbreak, affecting

families and communities with long-lasting

effects on the people left behind. Have you

ever stopped to wonder how this individual

has reached this point? Why would death feel

like the best and only option? How could this

be changed?

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