Innovation and Communication

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Innovation is possible when there are effective communication and collaboration among team

members. Which will result in obtaining more productive outcomes. The idea of innovation is
based on how efficient your team is. When people with diversity in their thoughts interact, then
new idea generates. If the organization is interested in bringing novelty to their business, they
should organize a meeting of people with different ideas. Ask them to present their ideas and
then analyze all the new ideas if they will help in bringing innovation to the organization.
Today communication can happen in a variety of ways such as face-to-face, through print
records, through messages, or, progressively, on the web. In an organization, different
methodologies are applied for communicating. Some methodologies are face-to-face, through
meetings, social media platforms, and through team contacting applications. Other options such
as Google Hangouts and Workplace allow staff to this application for both work projects and
daily discussion. Among all the methods, the best way of communicating in a business is the face
to face communication. Because using this method you will get to know the facial expression of
your mates and will easily analyze if your team is satisfied with your decisions or not.
Business experts and HR experts know the advantages of good working interactions. These are
connections between stakeholders, managers and staff, and workers with general society. Good
interaction enhances positive feelings, boosts confidence, and improves the workspace
environment. Negative connections make the poor relationship, tensions, and pressure, which
indirectly influence work activities and productivity. managers should take good care of
maintaining a better environment in the workspace. Take the time to help everybody in the
association to make them more confident and motivate them to achieve the best out of them. This
will increase their confidence in the organization and they will work to their full potential.

COVId-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the business and company. It created a very
negative impact on all the staff and workers. As they all are in doubt about their job security.
This uncertainty had created psychological pressure on employees. This situation created a
negative impact on their working abilities and performance because they were mentally too
drained and worried about their families’ future. The major difference the organization could
make is encouraging online communication tools and check if these tools could lessen the
negative mental outcome of the lockdown. In this critical situation, the organization should have
taken some necessary steps required for gaining the confidence of employees through digital
communication platforms such as video conferences through zoom and email. The major goal of
this kind of communication is to inform the employees about the current situations and
encourage work from home. By communicating with your employees, you can get new ideas
about handling all these circumstances and how you can get back on track with all the existing
circumstances and minimize the chances of losing the company could face due to this pandemic.
By effective communication with your employees and supporting them emotionally no matter
what the situation is you can gain the trust and loyalty of employees toward the organization. In
this situation, employees should also support their head in dealing with this situation. Because
they also have to do a lot in reorganizing things with almost no labor force and workers.

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