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REVIEW TEST 2A: Units 4-6

Name: ..................................................................

A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. (8 points)


Video games first became popular in the 1970s and have since become a major form of entertainment. Today, video
games are also used to treat patients with a number of physical and mental problems. For example, one patient would
not get back into his car after he had (1) ........................... injured in a traffic accident. He had lost his confidence as
a driver and he (2) ........................... also begun having bad dreams about the accident. He slowly learned to deal with
his fears by playing the video game London Racer, and after a relatively short period (3) ........................... time, he was
able to start driving again.

In some cases, the content of the game is less important than using the keyboard and mouse. Patients who have tried
(4) ........................... vain to do certain exercises sometimes find they (5) ........................... able to move their hands
and arms more easily when they play a game. Another example is children who find it hard to pay attention in class.
They may quickly (6) ........................... caught up in a game that is created specially for their needs and their level of
attention improves as they play the game.

There is no doubt that the use of video games in therapy (7) ........................... increase in the future. However,
professionals insist that such therapy (8) ........................... always be properly supervised.

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words, including the word given. (12 points)

1. He agreed to do what we suggested. ALONG

He agreed to ........................................................................................................................... our suggestions.
2. He has a broken leg so he can’t compete in the race. ABLE
He ............................................................................................................. compete because of his broken leg.
3. “I won’t tell you until we are alone,” she said. PRIVATE
“I’ll tell you ..................................................................................................................................... ,” she said.
4. I am sure the children ate all the cake. MUST
The children .................................................................................................................................. all the cake.
5. Sue has decided to take piano lessons. GOING
Sue ........................................................................................................................................ to play the piano.
6. We met two years after she had moved to London. LIVING
By the time we met, she ............................................................................................ in London for two years.

Teacher’s Resource Material Photocopiable © Burlington Books 1

REVIEW TEST 2A: Units 4-6

Name: ..................................................................

C Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (8 points)


Statistics that were published in the United States show that more girls are involved (1) ...... crime than ever before.
Between 1999 and 2013, the number of females (2) ...... for violent crimes rose over 40 percent. Some experts say that
the media is to blame because an increasing amount of (3) ...... behaviour among women is shown in films and television
programmes. In addition, modern methods of communication such as texting have made bullying easier.

However, other experts claim that the actual number of crimes (4) ...... by girls is not increasing. Instead, they believe
that a change in the police policy accounts for a large number, if not the majority, of the arrests made in recent years.
The police no longer ignore certain crimes, as they did in the past. In addition, many actions which were previously
seen as minor (5) ...... are now considered to be real crimes.

Despite these differences, most experts agree that it will be impossible to stamp (6) ...... such crime completely.
However, they want the government to (7) ...... action immediately in order to (8) ...... the amount of crime by girls
in the community.

1. A about B in C at D over

2. A employed B betrayed C arrested D accused

3. A severe B aggressive C prominent D loud

4. A attacked B attended C admitted D committed

5. A tensions B clashes C efforts D offences

6. A onto B out C under D into

7. A take B make C have D get

8. A reduce B eliminate C prevent D ban

Total: ....... /28 Mark: ........

Teacher’s Resource Material Photocopiable © Burlington Books 2

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