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Chapter 01

1. Introduction

1.1 Internship:
An internship is a period of work experience offered by an employer to
give students and graduates exposure to the working environment, often
within a specific organization, which relates to their field of study. Internships
can be as short as a week or as long as 12 months. They can be paid or

1.2 Community Based Internship:

The community based internship program connects host organizations to
students who share an interest in learning more about non-profit and public
sector careers, social justice, and asset based community development.
 It can be group of students who are jointly working and doing something
for community including the needy persons or who have literally need of
some sort of help or other services.
 It provides an opportunity for students to develop a range of professional
and personal skills through combining volunteering through a community
internship organized either by the University or the student may use a
current volunteering activity.

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1.3 Background of the Study
The mission of this internship is to learn skills & abilities through
activities done in organization where the focus is on the education to develop
and furnish social, physical, mental, vocational, and many other skills.
The reason of choosing an educational institute is because many
international survey reports have confirmed and boldly highlighted the fact
that Pakistan is currently facing an education crisis. We need to make
education a priority in Pakistan.  Education is a basic human right which
unfortunately is not properly being fulfilled. Almost majority of the
Government educational institutes are not properly educating the children
specially in Sindh province.
Some private institutes are working better on the education but still it is
not enough because almost 40% to 60% students of matric level are unknown
from their future career and fields. So I decided to guide the students about
educational crisis and towards their future career.

1.4 Advantages of internship

 Gain valuable work experience
The hands-on work experience interns receive is invaluable and cannot be
obtained in a classroom setting, making this one of the most
important benefits of internships. Interns have the opportunity to apply
acquired knowledge to real work experiences.

 Explore a career path

Exploring is an important part of the student life, and internships are a
great way for students to acquaint themselves with the field they are
interested in.

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 Give yourself an edge in the job market
One of the most important internship benefits is that graduates who already
have some work experience in the form of an internship stand out to
potential employers.

 Develop skills
You can learn a lot about your strengths and weaknesses during an
internship. Ask questions, observe, and take risks to get the most out of
your internship training experience.

 Network with professionals

In the working world, it’s all about who you know. As an intern, you will
be surrounded by professionals in the industry. The professionals you meet
during an internship can be your future colleagues or the connection to
your first job.

 Gain confidence
Internships allow you to test out specific techniques learned in the
classroom before entering the working world. It’s an opportunity to apply
what you have learned in a safe environment where mistakes are expected
– rather than learn the hard way in your first job out of college.

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1.5 Objectives of studying the organization:

 To assess the effectiveness of the organization to deliver the basic

educational services.
 To study the theoretical policies and practical implementation of the
 Organization.
 The study the HRM functions and guidelines are applied in an
 Organization which is under consideration.
 To study the employee recruitment process, training, development
activities and employee compensation programs at the organization.
 To analyze some of the challenges that an organization is facing in the
providing the services to the community.
 To learn about the participation process of the community
 To make recommendations to the organization in regard to how to solve
the possible problems encountered in its planning and management

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Chapter 02

2. About Organization
2.1 Introduction of Organization
From its modest beginnings in 1975 when it opened its first Los
Angles Montessori Academy for toddlers, Beaconhouse has extended its
reach through a global education network that is now one of the largest in
the world. An organization that values its heritage while it continues to
reinvent its educational provision to meet the needs of a future generation.
Beaconhouse is now a major force in the education world, with an
ever-expanding base already established in the UK, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, the UAE, Oman, Bangladesh and
Indonesia. Dynamic and constantly evolving, Beaconhouse provides an
innovative and progressive education to 308,000 students worldwide with
an unprecedented diversity in age, socio-economic background, and
Of these, around 101,000 study at the group's flagship network, the
Beaconhouse School System, while the remaining students are mostly
enrolled at The Educators, a parallel school network operated by the
group. The group has over 13,000 employees, of whom approximately
7,400 are teachers.
Beaconhouse has always given utmost importance to the
development of human capital and has an exemplary and flexible
professional development programme for its teachers. It also takes an

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avant-garde approach to learning: it introduced the concept of project-
based learning to Pakistan through TNS Beaconhouse, launched The
Educators and Beaconhouse National University, secured the master
franchise for Gymboree in Pakistan in 2010 and has now become the first
major school network in Pakistan to offer the International Baccalaureate.

2.2 Vision
“THE EDUCATORS" envisions quality education as the key resource
for national development, delivered to a cross section of our society through
sustainable projects.

2.3 Mission
"THE EDUCATORS" aims for a quality learning experience for the
students and quality training for the faculty by providing excellence in
education within our socio-cultural framework, bringing forth benefit to
students, community and the country.

2.4 Serving to The Community

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The Educators provides an innovative and progressive education to
308,000 students worldwide with an unprecedented diversity in age,
socio-economic background, and nationality.

Chapter 03

4.1. Organizational Structure

Mrs Nasreen Kasuri is the chairperson of this organization and Mr.
Kasim Kasuri is Chief Executive Office. There are three Regional directors
for Central, North and South Region, who work under the supervision of
CEO. Regional Directors Supervise the Educators’ Campuses in their
regions with the help of School Principal/Head Master. School Principal/HM
manages the internal environment of the campuses. The Administrator and
Head teacher helps the principal to manage subject teachers and lab
4.2. The Educators Management Hierarchy

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Chief Executive



Administrator Head Teacher

Accountant Subject Teacher Lab Assistant

Source: and The Educators School Jamshoro Campus

Chapter 04

4. Internship Activities
My purpose of internship was to guide and counsel the 9th and 10th
class students, as they can achieve their desired career goals. The Internship
was of five days consisting three segments.
i) Career Counseling (Lecture, Questions and Open Discussion)
ii) Test & Queries Session (From the Syllabus)
iii) Award Ceremony
The details are given below:

4.1 Career Counseling:

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In Pakistan but specially in Sindh the students are not familiar with the
fields offered after matriculation and finally after completing intermediate.
My main aim in this section was to provide all the information to the
grooming future of my beloved country about the fields after matriculation
and intermediate. The main focus of the students is to Medical and
Engineering fields. So many students are not selected in these particular fields
and withdraw their career goals.

I decided to inform the school students about the general fields which
are offered in vast quantity by the general universities. As the educationist Mr.
Sajjad Hussain Aheer, who is doing research on ARTS field said “Now the
youth of Pakistan needs to focus on social science because the countries like
Japan, China, USA etc are developed because of showing their interest in
Social Science also.”
This session continued for two days in which I asked some questions
related to students’ future career and guided them for their bright career.

4.2 Tests and Queries Session:

A quiz competition was planned for the students on 3rd day but school
principal told us that there is mid-term according to their annual plan. He

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offered to take quiz from the syllabus so I decided to conduct objective test
based on the syllabus. In which almost all the subjects were covered.

On the 4th day it was open session for students to ask questions and
queries related test and their career. After that checked copies were handed
over to students to see their result and some queries were cleared to the
students from Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.

4.3 Award Ceremony:

Some students performed brilliantly in the test so on last day an award
ceremony was held in The Educators School Jamshoro Campus. The students
who took positions in class test were given prizes for the encouragement.

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Chapter 05

5.1 Conclusion:
I have concluded that The Educators school have a big business
volume. They are providing quality academic education in the public sector.
The head office where I have done my internship has an Organized and
efficient system. All the work is done through proper channel. The working
staff is very cooperative with the new trainees and encourages them to work
with them.
The overall analysis is indicating that the company’s progress has
mainly attained through dedication of employees. The effectiveness of its
management, their willingness to take advantage of opportunities and face

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challenges of changing requirement of well-educated and confident children
on the society, this all contributes to the very much improved and sound
position of company. This is really appreciable for the devotion and hard
work of all the employees of the company.
But the main issue is related to affordability of the all classes of the
society. This quality education should be affordable to all the people. The
overall structure of The Educators is excellent. I am very proud to complete
my internship from this organization. I learnt a lot of things in very short
interval of time.

5.2 Recommendations:

 Fee of the school should be affordable and scholarships must be given to

poor students for the bright future of Pakistan.
 The Educators School pays a lot of attention on A-level and primary
classes but they pay less attention to Metric sections, that’s why the result
of metric section is decreasing continuously. Another reason for this is
that the teachers use old methodology for metric sections.
 There should be training sessions for teachers to develop & learn new
teaching methods.
 Academic course should not be in English because majority of the
students feel difficulty to understand.
 There should be a counseling and guidance session with 9 th & 10th class
students on weekly or monthly basis.

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 High level manger should encourage and cooperate with the lower level
employees. They should improve their computerized system. It should be
latest to cope up with the modern need of accounting and financing
 Infrastructure of the school building should be improved there should be
a playground for students to play.
 The overall working environment of The Educators is excellent but these
are certain things that should be improved in my opinion.

5.3 References:
o Sir Hyder Bux Gopang (Principal of The Educators School Jamshoro Campus)

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