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Have you ever questioned why people and societies exist so different? Do you expect what cultural forces have formed other existences? The quest to See world is imperative and crucial, for we may net see the cultural realty, we are more likely to be overwhelmed by it We also want to see cultural processes if we want to affect them. Sociology will help us to understand ourselves better, since it analyzes how the cultural reality determines the way we think, think, and behave. It will also assist with decision-making, both our personal and that of larger organisations. Sociologists will gather systematic data from which to make the canclusion, give insights into what is going on in the situation, and present options Let me to make this scene: It's the first period of my college jab. There | go, at a lecture room af about 600 students, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, anxiously craving to see. In walks my introduction to Sociology professor, the middle-aged brunette with the average figure. She stands in this side of the area and asks this question, “ How some of you would want to take President of the United States 7" Some of these. bolder sturlents now raised their hands, those hesitating been with growing reluctant hands. | was one of those unwiling paws. My professor looked at the different raised hands and spoke the words that | understood, inthe precise time, could define how I viewed living forever. ” None of you will be the chairman of the United States... you get to the building. " Now, | was filed with a mixture of emotions — angry and outraged at the woman's bluntness, saddened that she was good. Rich white female mode! is forced to receive wealth to represent the Young model who decides that the ‘moment from the attractive man is all she wants to do the complete experience transformation— take off ‘your blonde wig (yikes , You can't stay blonde and wake ), throw it into the hands of minority bystanders, rub the makeup, go off the phatoshost action and go directly into the front lines of a protest. Apparently, ‘catching the can of cola and wanking back at cute man who lured you into the protest with his charming aces on the way to end police brutality And sill — and here is the point of my basketball career— when had the opportunity fo choose, in the ‘summer ball camp, one of three T-shirts (the Rehounder, The shot or The Passer —each complete with ‘The mock celebrity statement) , which one did | prefer? This Rebounder. | wore it to study when and our area, who was one really nice rebounder, thought i, tipped his head and asked, ” Why are you wearing the shirt? "| wouldn’ actually tel him. | believe he was somewhat hurt, ike | was making fun of his kingdom, and I don't fault him for his reaction.

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