Graphic Organizer Rubric

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Graphic Organizer: Timeline Rubric

Criteria/Points 4 3 2 1

10 or more events At least 9 events Less than 8 Less than 8 events

are present with all are present with events are are present and
Events other requirements most of the listed present and most none of the
being met. Pictures requirements being of the requirements were
accompany all met. Pictures are requirements are met. Student did
events for a total of present for each not met. Some not include
10 pictures. event listed. pictures are pictures on the
missing from the timeline.
The information The information in The information Descriptions are
listed in the the descriptions is in the completely
Descriptions descriptions are mostly correct and descriptions is missing from the
correct and explain describe the event mostly incorrect events and the
the events and their and its’ and does not information is
importance. 10 importance. contain either the mostly incorrect
descriptions in total. Contain little-to-no importance of the on existing
Contain no grammar/spelling event or an descriptions.
grammar/spelling errors. overall
errors. explanation of
the event.
Timeline flows Timeline flows Timeline is Little-to-no effort
accordingly and the accordingly but slightly hard to was put into the
Organization events are in may have a few follow and assignment.
chronological order. errors regarding contains mistakes Timeline was
Each event has at dates and order of regarding order unclear/hard to
least the month and events. of events. understand. Events
the year labeling it. Assignment shows Assignment were not labeled
Assignment shows well-conducted shows a basic or and no research
exceptional research research and good below basic was done.
skills and a deep understanding of understanding of
understanding of the the material. the material.

Score: ___/12


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