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s.ans978 956 52008 Primera Ein Fist Printing: Oct de 2012 /Ocrober 2012 Hlaboracién y Produccién: Comité Chileno de Cigré ‘Writing and Production: Ciilean Committe of Cigré ooedinador General General Coordinator: Manuel Sha. Editor: wares ovo Ss ‘edcon/Teslaton; Pablo Naver, Ichanna Mar ore Vlogs Felipe pao Conrector | rooreer Supra Dieta y Dagramacn / Dain and layout: istbal Concha Mathiesen presi ining: rien scorn npresoen che ods eprodelée tot pac deers. ete Alsat Comte Chen del Core ware ened che ‘ny pal or oa reproduction must es tmentonthe Chiesn Conon of CORE wcrc 22012 cee cho ‘ued roid reproduc parc tal de esta oa. Todos ls derecho reservados. INFORME DEL COMITE ESPECIAL DE ESTUDIO CIGRE - CHILE (Capitulo Chileno det Consejo Internacional de Grandes Redes Eléctricas) Lecciones y recomendaciones para el sector eléctrico derivadas del terremoto del 27 Febrero de 2010 en Chile REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON STUDY CIGRE - CHILE (chon copter ofthe nent Cave ‘ontarge eer ster) Lessons and recommendations for the electrical sector from the 27-F 2010 earthquake in Chile InroRe coe EECA. STUDIO CREE Agraclecimientos | Comité Chileno del Cigré agradece la importante Participacién de los profesionales pertenecientes al sector eléctrice chileno que integraron el Comité Especial de Estudio para analizar las experiencias ad- uiridas en las instalaciones del sector Generacién, Transmisién, Sub Teansmisién y Distribucién eléctri- ca debido al terremoto 8,8 grados Richter ocurrido en Chile el 27 de febrero de 2010. Acknowledgements he Chilean Committee of CIGRE acknowledges ‘the important participation ofthe professionals of the Chilean electric sector who were part of the Special Study Committee, intended to ‘analyze the experience earned in the electric generation, transmission, sub transmission and distribution sectors from the 8.8 degree earthquake on February 27th, 2010, in Chile. Patrocinadores, Gone transeiec TRANSNET as |REPORT OFTHE SPECIAL CONWATTEE ON STUDY OGRE Cake INFORME DEL CONNITE ESPECIAL DE ESTUDIO IGA - CHILE gre “ison cts cc ecm 7200 crate ee ec y ements pt cs ne ne a he ce Gage Table of contents Contenido 1 EXHCUTIVESUMIARY. nnn 1, RESUMEN BIBCUTIVO — ° 2. INTRODUCTION. ns 2. IsTRODLCCION, co . it 3. COMMON AND REPPTVTIVE DAMAGHS SEEN IN THIEF EARFIQUAKE suf? >. DANOS COMUNES ¥ REPETTTIVOS ENTERREMOTO DEL. 27-02200. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS ON TRANSMISSION 4 RECOMENDACIONES TRANSMISION, SUITIEANSAISSION AND DISTRIBUTION. “ SUBTRANSMISION Y DISTRILUGION ss 411 Mlnlatelneconmcon ft ip * 4 Hagen sinecneins equi os + tn cpree ca spn semen 2 <> Romaine ame co BI 43 cpuble luton 7 ‘ 413, hus nisl de mars a 44 femme or wang cat ncaa 44. Rconendin deactishacin dels epic Snare neh te cat ss ERTIES eats pen neyo » 45. Reammendel meses dienes ——— - 45. Neds coments arse ener = 44 Espey sgt prsit — » 46 Sock deeputoepn ened a 5. eoncLusions 1 5. CONCLUSIONES. a os AMEX A SEISMIC REQUIIMENTS POR HIGH VOLEAGE PROJEETS ANEXO A: RFQUFRIMIENTOS SISMICOS PARA PROYECTOS DE ALTA TENSION At INTRODUCTION — x A Inrouc Le A2 REGULATIONS IN FORCE 7 ; 1% A. Nowa via 7 3. SEBMICDESIGN REQUIREMENTS co 2 AG. Reptimins lien smo > | CRITICALFLEMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ——-—— ° Ad, lanes cry comenacns a e {AS NTHRERETATION OFTHE #8 STATISTICAL VALUE 9 AS Sid dab etait. = AEX REPLACEMENT PARTS POLICY | awexos:routrica pe nepestos 1 Recmen prt pa, cn ss Th, Pala deep ss 82 Goer %6 12. Gonads. = BS stock and replacement criteria. co 100 . BA Criteria de stock y reposicin. es ry 14 Gary oes sl co 10 14. latin detemindogsenpala. e RS Recommendaon. a 10s BS. Recomendaciones on m9 Cone 1 Executive Summary (7 be present report 2 result of the study madeby the Special study Com rite belonging tothe Clean chapter of the Intemational Counelof Large Bectrcl Networks (C1GRE}. Te mission of tis com miteeis togather and analyte experiences ain regarding acts wowed n elec ‘weal generation, tansmission,subtans- risson and atibutn, arising from the earthquake magnitude 88 degrees Richer tain shook chile on Fabruary 27" 2010 The am ofthe committe was to study the effects in the electrical nstaltons ‘caused by the earthquake so sto gamer lessons inant rom thi event 0 to make the pertinent recommendations seeking to avoid these consequences (damages rom ‘recurring ven the probable orurrence of Smile efi events inthe fore ‘Given ths aim, the Special Study Com sites sought to review the more repel tive damages seen in lectlalistalaians ftom varius electrical concerns, analyzing possible causes and recommending mia tion measures so a to ald repetition in light of posse future events having simi lor characte. Thus recommendations ae made regarcing the eectcal design Of projets, suchas the payor overength twhich ought to be cansisered when con necting equipment and in particular how to eneck for sound design for foundations, supporting structures and equipment, pe ‘eur regarding high voltage equipment. Recommendations ae also given re- fring how to check thatthe requved ‘missle values are used In electrcal inetalton materi. There Is an adaltional proposal to ce ate a committe with the parsepaton of enon oF tHE secn conarTEE On sTUDY EAE CRE Lesson andrecommendation far the elec sector om the 27-F 2010 earthquae i hile regulatory authorities, uty companies with specalst advisers from academia, ‘Sponsored by CIGRE, whieh may undertake 2 ceview of current tecnial specifica tions selsmic matters for substation lectncal equipment as indlated in the Security and Quality of Service Technical Regulation (NTSECS) so a5 10 hate an Update of these technical speceatons, 2g lessons learnt rom the February 27 earthquake, including ay possible updstes In international seismic regulation and in the state ofthe art the mater The sim ‘being to estabisha current state updating mechanism for specifation at national tev inal, suggestons are made rearing tne necessary essutestor properly address Ing ths typeof emergency, recommending stocpiing poy byte utes which may ‘conser the shortages ttibutable to an ‘artnquake asa parameter to tle into ae unt when dering stocking criteria “Thus, the werk undertaken by CIGRES Special Commitee provides uty compa ries wth recommendations arng fom Testonsleart fom te February 27" earth ‘uate, seeking to bur any effets trom {ature earhquakein he eecucal sytem, sone comme esr BE ESTUDD CRE CHE JE Ieee tome corso aes tual reaiead pore Comite Especial Ge Exuso pertenecint al Capitulo Culeno el Consejo sernacinal de Grandes Redes 'ecieas(C1638), cho Comite reine y ana Ta a experiencia adr en bs instal nesdel sector Generac, Tarn, Su tramensin y Datibucion electrics debian terremoto de 88 gras Richter ocurio en (hile del 27 de febrero de 210, objetivo de este comité fue estudiar los efectos en as instloiones elvis ausados por el teremo:o de modo de Sacer leclonesaprendias de este hecho hacendo las ecomendaciones pertinentes tendlentes a que no se repitan gran parte desta consecuoncias¢atos} ante ssmos dd simlarescaracersieas qe pudieran rodvcise a futuro. ‘Con ain propésit sl Comit Etpeia de Estucio s0 abocd + revi lox dios ‘mis repettins acueridos en la instal Cones eléetreas de ferentes empresas ‘letras, analzando sus posible causas Y recomendando medidas de mitgacion ara evar su repetcén frente a futuros eventos de similares caractricas. Al te hacen recomendacones en lo que s© reflere al deo eléctrica de los proyectos, ‘come por eempio las holgurasquese debe ‘omtemplar en In conenén de equipo yen articular de cémo verfiar et correto (dseho de las fundacones de a struct ‘3s soporesy de les equipo, fundamen ‘aimenteorentadoe 2 lor eavipos de sk También se entregan recomencaciones ‘eferentes 9 como verfcar los valores de solictacion admsibies en lor materiles ‘dos enasinstaacones elects ‘Ader, propo crear un cmt con partici de autora epuadora ls ‘empress con la asesoro de los expec 1as de los unversades, con a ausio de ‘GRE, que eealee una fevsién de a actu sspeciacén tena mica vigente pare ecuposeléctricos desubestacones indeada fen a Norma Teena de Seguridad y Clad de Servicio (NTSECS| de modo ta de realizar Una actualzacion de esta expecfeain te rice incorporando ls leecones spends ol emo del 27 de Forero se 20:0 ya Dosbles actsleacones de otras. normas lamas ntemacenaesy esta dl ate en ‘ema, a eae estableer un mecansmo fe acualzscn del expoafcac vigente ‘rel nacional. Finalmente se dan sugerencis referents ‘meas necesras de como enfentar en forma mis decid eset de emerge, recomendnd dems desroler ura pokes Aostoccdorepuestsd is empressqu8coF- Sider a merges de oremoto como un parmetroa tener en cert evesta desi, {En esencia el trabajo efectaaco por el Comité Espeta de IGRE Chie entrega las empresas elétieas recomendacenes provenietes de las lcclanes apeendias ‘ebido al terremoto dal 27 de febrero de 2010 para atenuar os efectos de un futuro teremota en el sistema etic, Cage Resumen ejecutivo Cage ‘ePOT OFTHE SPECIN. COMMITTEE ON STUDY GRE -CMLE InfORME DEL CONTE SPECIAL OF ESTUDIO CsHE CHIE {eons and recommendoton fr the ei sector fom the 27200 cartauok i Chie exons cer ar ere ata tres 2 eee 0100 igre Introduction 2. Introduccion } lectriealutity companies had to tor and some engineering companies 1m mencién 3 que las empresas Como. conseeuenla_de anterior, ‘deal with the emergency that the with specialist subject knowledgeable so ‘eéctricas se vieron enfrentadas a CIGRE Chile-con el acuerdo de algunas em. country faced as a result of the earth: that they may bea art ofthe initiative In emergenca ave gnc para ol pais el prsaseléticas-emprendi la creacn de ‘quake of February 27", 2010, measuring through thet specialists oF committee term del 27 febrero de 2010 de un Comite expec de sti para que se [S.Bdegreesichter ata depth of 30.18 members. The response seen was gener Imagntud 88 grados Richter una profir- _analaralosuceido en el sector eetrico fometers and an epicenter 3 km south. ally postive by most of the companies {had de 3021 klémetros ycon epicentro «hier las eeomendaconesperinentes west fom Cobguecura, nthe countries Inited 543 km al SO de Cobquecura, Regn del para mitiga enlo pose dehos dafos con Vis region. The earthquake meant After a working petiod spanning sev ‘obi, lo que signi tener en algunas eventales nuevos eventos sigs ave having in some areas of the country eral months, the committee published tons geoprtiss grandes aceleracones_puedanacuiren e fue. Boral screlrations sbove 0.5 degrees the current report which f 9 SumVmary bosales superior 805 gy datos genera: "Dp esta manera sits a lk mayoria andwidespread damage tothe countrys of lessons learnt in light of the 27-F lesen a infaesrtura del pas, Ls efee- de lasemprenareleticas dl sector ya Infrastructure. The effects of the seismic earthauake wih respect to electrical in tos de este evento fueron superacos en nas de las empresas de inenieracono event were in general qucly overcome, _stalltons particularly high and medium jseneral muy rasdamente,consatandose _cedoras del ea, bara qe se itegraran yet the damages tothe electra system voltage installations. {afos que un primer momento fevaron por medio de ss espedatas 0 personal Intaly ted the Central Interconnected a sstema eléctric del Stems Inerco- responsable a dicho comit. ta respuesta a System {SC} tobe na eitical condition recta Central (SIC, a wa conicion de este Tmado en general fue aceptda por "Asa consequence of the above, CIGRE cid ‘ina gran porte ceo empresas init, Chile, in agreement with some of the Lego de un abajo de varios meses electrical companies, created the Special come ha concordado emit presente Study Committe to analyze what hap Informe que exenciament se puede tomar ened within the electrical sector and como un resumen del leet arendia tomate any pertinent recommendations on elteremato del. de febrero ce 2019 0,5 to mitigate possible damages given tenrelcn ns instalaciones elétias¥ any fture seam events fundamentnente arena ens st “hus, nvtations were [sued to most lacones de ata y media tension fof the electrical companies inthe sec- w0- 1 @ igre (Set at comedic str ram he 27-2010 ete in e Common and repetitive damages seen in the 27-F_earthquake 3.1 Survey of damages Relevant damages in high tension in- stallions belonging to the various ‘ilies were seen in 3. igh voltage ste equipment connections ‘The connections af HV ste eau rent that were too rp or lace Ing any play were the cause of 2 Significant portion of damages seen in high votage equipment, a forces of 2 stable magnitude were generated and appiee to the terminals. & high number of ‘auipment with deformed or bro en high voltage terminals were found, pl a certain amount of fenuspment which, due to this et fect, had their supporting ola tore broken, Adateonay 25 a secondary eet, high veltage connections became Toos, leading to the production of heat a these points tr the eat "tusk, whch in turn eo conde torbreakage i the are of te eon rector tothe terminal nthe eau rent because of ovechastng. 1b. Cla and damages thigh voltage cult breakers Damages of various magnitudes ‘were found in high wolage crcut breakers: + Compressed ic rigered breakers In substations found in several areas within the earthquake zon, the old compressed-aitriggered breakers exhibited widespread se Intr columns collapse se bresters freaks ffom various brands and ‘of madera design showed damages lsted accoraing to the folowing voltages: 415 breakers kom two diferent suppliers) working at 285 KV, of ‘ach 6 units could cantina nse ‘ee after provisional rept, while the rest ealapsed A clase 154 LV breaker and 16 breakers work Ing 310 and 66k colpsed, the 16 breakers wer al from the ame rmonafactrer aa ton o8 cod SOA DF TIO aE crt numa tes aes ie eigre 3. Dahos comunes y repetitivos en el Catastro de dao Ls dafosrelovantes sfidos por las inatalaciones de ata tensin de ot empresas eldctseas son Cconerones de equios de patio de alta tension, as coneriones de equips de pa- ‘io de AT may giao sin hol ra fueron la causa de una buena parte dels dafos en los eqipos e alta tension al generar Weraas fe magntud muy importantes aplicadas els terminals. Asse Setects pra cantiad de equizos ‘on terminals de ata ensn de formadosorotosy una cea can tiéad de equpos en ls cuales por este efecto se produo la rotura ‘el aetador soporte ‘Adem come efecto secundario, seprodujeran aojmiento de at ‘oneniones de ata tensin, las terremoto del 27-02-2010 ‘que posterionmente al tertemo: to protjeron calentaientos en thos puntos con el conseeuente forte del conductor por ealots rniento en ia 20na del conectr terminal dl ecu, olapso y datos en Interruptores de aa tension se encontraron dafos de dstnta ‘magnit eninteruptores desta Irneruproes de ae comprimido En subestaionesubiadas en ds tinos lugares dels ona afectada por el terremeto, los antiguosin- tesruptores de ae compamide presentaron en forma bastante {enerazada ol eolapso de clum- as de aadores Invrrptores en 56 En interruptores de disinta mar cc ¥ modelo de dseso moder ro hbo dais que se tstan de ‘seyerdo al nivel de ters: 15 iaruptores[provenientes de ‘os fabicantes sites) en rive de tension 245K, de los cuales, aproximadamente 6 unidedes pu Geren seguir on servicio con re- paraiones provsorias ye! resto folapsaron Un interruptor de 154 KY colapsado y 26 iterruptores {oe unsotofabrconte) en vel de ensign 11065 iV colapsads. “ae REPORT OFTHE SPCOAL COMMITEE CSTUDY RE cHLE {tion ond recommendations for the lec seer rom the 27-2010 Damages in transformer bushings and power reactors Damages sere reported in 1b bosnings In the 500 RY system from two diferent manufactur 25,5205 ky bushings and three 110 kv bushings, from the same manufacturer. Some bushings ‘rate broken nthe slominum al loy fange while others had sin pages in the lower gasket. Damages tothe high voltage dsconnectors Damages were found in eight 500 kV pantograph style escon- rectors. Pieces of the forged Aluminum alloy were broken of Agitonaty, a colpse in some lower nominal voltage disconnec- tors loeated at 2 certain height above ground were sean, suchas bulkhead mounted or bar girder mounted diconnectors Damages to equipment ‘mounted on transtorme firewalls Fissures were sean In power transformer frewals that fled to have cross rig. High vot ‘age equipment mounted on fre- walls, such a5 lighting aresters nd Supporting oats, Broke and damaged other equipment ontaling, Power transformer damages ‘atonal to damages in bush ings a¢ indicated in section & above, two 2) wansformers were een to have 2 broken connec: tion between their main tank an expansion tank. Also noted was ‘he breakage of nine f) all ralo tors inthe welding atea ofthe ll collection tube, an effect seen in two (2) diferent manufacturers Detocmations and. broken an- chorage bots were sean in some transformers. Three (3) ans formers which were undergoing instalation showed espace rent inthe windings (detected rough RA teste} Damages to distribution inctallations Alargeamountof broken ow and ‘medium volage poles were seen, ‘damages to pole-mounted dst bution transformers, cut conduc ‘os ines broken by the tuna lus damaged or cut Joints and 3.2 Most repetitive damages seen in the ‘earthquake. Analysis, causes and possible mitigation measures ‘This chapter makes a brief analysis of the ost repetitive damages atu able tothe earthquake, and posible rigation measures, 1 is understood that installations were designed to resist seismic ‘vents in complance o that defined by the Seeuty and Qualty Technical Regulation, namely in conformity to erG.020, 2 Insufficient playin high voltage connections Generally speaking, an impor: tant portion ofthe more sizeable damages (equipment colase) and lesser camages deformation (or breakage in equipment termi= als) was caused by high voltage connections made without the nro of conse spec. DEESTUOID CRE CLE aio en bushings de twansformadores y reactores de poder Serepors el dato en 1 bushings fen el sistema de 500 KY de dos Fabrcantes diferentes, 6 bushing dda 245 HU y 3 bushings de 120 fd un mismo fabricate, Algunas bushings se quebraro en el fan fe de aleacén de aluminio fund {fy otra tuvieronderplazamien te dela empaquetadur inferior. Dafor on derconectadores eat tens Se rei dato en 8 desconec: tadores de 500 KV del spo pa tWgrafe. Se quabraren pezas de Bisson ee alimino. fondo, [Adems se evidenié colapso de Uesconectadores de menor ten ‘en nominal instalados en altura, por ejemplo, en vigas de marcos ‘elines obaras Datos en equipos montodos ‘enmmuroscortaluaga de transtormadores Se presentaron firtras on osm ros cortatuego de transformado: res de poder ave no dispoian de Figider transversal. Los equipos fe ata tensibn montados sobre los muros cortauego, como pa- roerays y asladores soporte, se ‘aebraron yen su clea dasaron tes equipo. Datos en tanstormadores se poder Adiconal alos dahoe en bushings Indleados ena letra canter se presentaron 2 vansformadoves fon Ia canes entre estangue principal yestanqueconservador fora, También ae inform. de a rotura de 9 rodladores de aceite con In zone de solders de tbo olector de aceite de 2 abrianter ‘erentes También se regitd deformacién Y corte de pornos de anclje en figunos wanstormadores. Tes transtormadores que estaban en proceso de monte mostaron Uesplazanento de los enrllados (eetectados po pueda Fa 1B Dafseninsaladones dedstrbuién Se tegistraron gran canta de postes quebrados de BI. ¥ MIT, (fos en transformadores de ‘detebucién montads en poses, feanductorescortados, ineas cor ‘das pore Tuna, acometdas Yempalmesdafiados 0 ortades 53.2 DaRos mis repeitivos ocurridos en el terremoto. Andis, causasyposibles ‘medidas de mitgaion. neste epluo sehace un ans re- sido de los dafos ine repeitivos ebigo a teremoto yas poses me sida do mites, fn este andl se eniende que las insalaciones feeron dseiadas des. de el punto de vista ssmo ressten: te canforme a lo establecdo en la Noma Teerica de Seguridad y Calidad de Servo, es decir conform & la 161020. 2. Holgurainsufionte de conexiones deta tens En general ura cantdad impor tante de datos mayores(clapso de equiposy dos menores (de formacién 9 rotura de temina les de equips) fue causada por coneiiones de alts tension eal 8 EPO#T OF THE SPEGAL CNT STUDY GRE CLE | seals ore leit sector om the 27-F 2010 carthquke In che | , Inrow OL comme esreca. 9 ESTUDIO GRE CHE suiient play that would have fabled osellasons to the equ ‘ment, caused by the earthquake, fo unfolé without placing ad ‘ional strain on equipment. das sin las holguras suficientes de ‘modo de permit ls oselscones de los equipes producidas gor el ssmo sin generar esfueros ailonales en los equies. ‘No, on many occasions this on ‘ection wasmadeusingaluminum tlloy cables, which ie extremely ‘Ademés en muchae oportnidades esta concudn se ofectia tendo Fie, thereby increasing interac. ables de aleaién de lumina cual Son foes between the piecesof |S exremadament rigid Io que au equipment | mentalas fuereas de interaction entre Toseau IMitgstion measures range from anaes increasing high voltage connec: Lamedida de mitigaeén as incramen: tom play by Using lexble mult tar la holgura de a concuién de alta threaded cable made of pure ali tension utiizando un able ble de minum so a5 toad an element Aluminio pura el tna multnebra de that may absorb energy, decreas: | ——_-modo de agregar adionalmente un Ing strain on equipment, without elemento que absorb enegia, dsmi- generating aationa forces uy la respuesta de los equipo, Chapter 4. ofthisreport provides a recommendations on hw to de= Enel capitulo 4.1 de este informe se ‘San connections between equip lentreganrecomendaciones a espee- trent with an adequate ply in to de cémo dsenarlasconexiones en high voltage {we equps con las horas adc | as de ata eens, / Fic. Ratu de 2 en conmaton mina! Teas Gnd recommendations for the lecrieal seca fom the 272010 earhauae I hit exons yncanendesae pr ester re Ser de tren el 2 ere se 201 eneE wotage reskers these manufrs ft wis A. colapodeteruptores se aprecla que slgunoe fbscntes eee {apd mechan esanes hat daa tension eestor elementos no cumple con igh voltage breakers had cama they provide qatntes for Ths tov ineruptores de aka ensign pes e100 de enstenla mera ue feslehn soe coast we yt te fr epimers eh Eblape of her supportngiso- further recommendations ae st Sutton iss rns ae punto muy sensble queen captulo tor arcana octal pe ome sean ior pr rar de Ua een a ne ae egg the reste sen tes por tacts de pares fale 2 omendacones, shpat lend he forged. rum aloy material Bean de sami. nae receneas epee) An analysis of what ed 10 the fof equipment parts, the way dees equipos de mateal de sean hese beng at : ands de a caus de os datos frogs esl a these beng fas faled ring the 2-F event Saat as caus ee dace alumi fund, edo def butable t: fas shown that ee» fagle and ft feseedeelrear a reertado en el sso de febrero + nsf payin the connections. non-dctie material unite both Baie deaesscateatea mene + Insuficent mechanical resstance manufacturers" and users hed + Holga de coneviones nse. Tal egy aa die como tant fabs inthe ceramics lato. ae + nsficenciaderesstencamecincade ees como ustarios hablan cons " Im comelance with smo se loratiadore de porcelna derado. En conecuenci, y coforme + fle stance inthe forged Sicatons, they rear having 3 Sa erpeceacén sca, egueen Tuminum lo ofthe equipment ie sect factor of 20 oF * uence deepest Tarun factor de glad sam Sankara so es de alecn de aumin foncdedelos Seu factor de sega sien Pray inte connections was akendy soe = de vt in pr secon 3.4.8. Apo ef vals aes of Laholguradecnexionesyatuetats- A contnunldn se muestra foto Regarding the resstance of the the Chleaneleeuizal sector whi aenel unto aa anerr tas de itntsinstaloctones del Ceramics foltrs, made of gh tured damages du to 271 6 ieee {e matt ts sen that some of thownfooning Referens a a vesitence de fess ganar debdo a tereroto dl 27 de ladores de pocelana, material frig, febyerode 2010 y yi Interruntor colapado que tt oda arrest equipae ‘lean Callapsed breaker fia 34 Fy 3.8 Breakers ie. 95 dterruptor whom ane Sct Inerraptaresde th brten tonal ‘avraving iggered Breakers “lapaodoe een area sna nocrtca 18 SLES nm —— Ge Colas de otpo ae MITIGATION MEASURES interapior Mitigation messures are nothing shortof demanding that manufac- turers have an adequate breaker design, with parts having 2 set resistance which s objectively ve Fifable, wherever possible accor Ging toa combination af mecha ies este to equipment identeal to that supplied and ther cores: ponding caeulation demonstra Se the futliment of species ton. Tet carried aut more than five are ag0 should no longer be consdered a objective given ‘changes in design orn the parts ‘manufacturing process Collapsed . ‘weaker we [MEDIDAS DE MITIGACION: Los fticante de iterruptores de ben conser un eho de res ‘ercia vericaa oletvarent, en tae ala combinacn de ensayos mecincos de equios idéntios 2 fos del suminsto y cleuls eon- Ssecuertes para demestar el cum plimiento de ls especieaiones Ensayos demas de 5 afos de ant edad no deberan ser utinadee como elements obetvos en con Sideracén cambios en lo lee Roe ‘en losprocesos des fabrcantes epanes, ie. 37 Pratura de mins gue me arte de owe {onl dean ccs ‘strapon anchorage a nnn tc seats Care | Damage are od &orenbutigd powcr bag tomtom reo Sposa Donates to tarsorer and poner esto bsnings en Losdatosonbushigs dase te'goued to two peso odors yet por pa ponders er poten + onesies autos + fr extmbro b ine ler get nr ‘Strange os Som te bang ora ‘So erg be rc sergconrssonte bane ‘porter + other by fate of he Hage + rr acta fn fooe! Sn oy appre teéenn abide ba fn ond Reaarding the ceustance of Aacieree amet lene = : forged aluminum alloy mate te sean de lumino tna, ‘Bona mes Ba Boag ta she mame ech Stoo gets preseioensi iw cma = intent failed in the 27-F event has ssismo de febrero de 2010 ha de- Semansrated tobe Faale ‘aude er ataalah Sauvon duce, 9 bth es {mde oo tat rea Shs manatee acon {ey are in coer Tred consequently, and tnconewene,ycoforme 9 Si opr os see Seaaaan nen gue avons they nee nave 8 ‘Saran roe etn Sem techy factor 2 Ine deaesuonir orabove — "ois OE MRC MITIGATION MEASURES: Obtener por parte de los fabrican- gation meni wu on ccastnaton bmn Sittings onmerent rem ‘Reno centr eds onto od sng ae soya enw 3a i ; terete ww nae Sin ono ie Asie tone sg og» ete Fa scl Stn ober pan - site ae ant 2. 23 Destroyed cee, Sndeconmendetns fr he elect scar rom the 27-2010 earthavah i Cle pontine dsirioe 8. Damages to esconnectors ‘The dsconnectors that suff: fed the most damages were the 500 Kv, pantograph style isconnectors, which were fslemicaly tested on 3 vi brator table, obtaining good frades in such test. Faires ‘were seen mainly in those tisconnectors located under ‘the bar girder of the substa- tion, where it was anchored to fined contact of the ds connector through an iver ted ceramic slator. “The fixing of inverted iso fatore under the bar girder leads to the introduction of Inmpacttype forces on the top iolstr, coming from bar movements which led to breakages Inthe inverted isolator in some cases and collapse of the pantograph fim due fo breakages ofthe {orged aluminum ally joins iothers, Tis condition can be reproduced on 2 vir brating table test. MITIGATION MEASURES: Migation would consist_in ‘making fleuble top discon- fetor contact anchor pom, replacing the Inverted woltor by» more flexible, Kolated chan system, fom where the fed contact hanes s0 25 to tenuate impact type forces that transmit bulkheads 4. Dale en desconetadores los desconectadoresdaiadot ‘ucronpincipalmente os det tipo pantégrafo de 500 KY os cuales fueron’ probades.sismicamente fen mess vibrator. mostrando buenos resultados en dich pros: bs Sdoflaron algunos eestor desconectadores que se encon traban ubieados bajo ls vigas de Tos marcas de brras del sues: tacibn, donde estaba ancado el fontacio Wo del desconectador por medo de un alador de por felana veri, 1a faci de aisladores invert os Bao las wigas de los marcos de barrashaco que eintrodurcan forza tipo impacto en ais dor superior por movimietos de las bras que eavsaron roturas el ailador invertdo, en algunos cass, yeolapsos de los brat del pantografo por quebradura dels fnlones de aleaion de alumina fund en otros casos, ta con Actin no puede ser reprecentada fen un ensayo en mesa vibrator MEDIDAS DE MITIGACION: Flewbitar a faci del contacto Superior del desconactado een plavando el sislador ivertde por tn stoma de cadena isan, mas fexbls, de donde cuelga el contacto fo de modo tal de ate- ua as fers tipo impacto que transite as vigas de os marcos de bares, @ ‘Alslador Sri roto Broken ‘owri natr Psa de loci feito Fractorada Pract forged ‘cumini aay piece “25 Gage Fig 316 Miro cewtafuezo exible ‘quipos sobre ‘muro. Alina euips ya reomplazado e336 Fesile ral nd pete wat ‘haw aren ‘amage to equipment mounted ‘on transformer firewalls Damage to equipment mounted fon power transformer firewalls sttniutable to the seismic amp tude thatthe wall produces due fo its lenbity. Ths leads to a seismigozllation affecting equ- pment above that recommended by design cepuations. rok OFTHE SPE CoMMATIEEON STUD CRE CHE [Sno ond recommendations forth lero! scte from the 27-2010 earthguoke in Chile MITIGATION MEASURES: ‘Asa matigation measure istaling high voltage equipment on these firewalls should be avoided, and bul some cross-sectional rig dy tatheze walls a ©. Dalosanequipor montdos ‘enmurs cortafuega de troneformadores| El dato en equipos mentedos en imuroscoratvees de transforma Gores e poder se debe ala am pltiacién sisiea que produce el muro debido su flewblided sto se traduce en que ia soliitacion Samia sobre el equine es mayor ala que recomienda la norma [MEDIDAS DE MITIGACION: Citar I instalaién de enipos de ata kenion sobre estos maros ortafvegoy agregar ripe rans ‘eral ls muroscortafuego, rome oe coun SPN STUB kee Exuipment ewig bre onto walt ‘i mora Sitti! reenplacodoe p REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON STUDY COGRE- CHILE & a anesthe res From he 20 ‘ec mete at tn tt te oo 1 one entdemadons gga par ‘wns or weno ee Aas die nb Lame deri ees anterior, se constatan datos en los perma de ancl, colector Ge radiador con soldaduas fi trando y dato en la conenon entre estanque conservador estanque principal Los pros de ne voc tr ‘ev dco een Gauy wants hoc a dae tne de tne cre ota} © topes sonics (pera ena hse Senter losraiadoes deben estar fnzadosen- ‘wells de mode de rigid el eajunto feta reconancias nda Loe conjurtes de radadores no deben estar Soportados por sus tubos electors sino {ue por antes que los sstenen desde lestanqve principal del wanstommader. ‘deformed by i serie Ua uber de coin ene etre tinea earn cotar Se emit despasamentosreatworo tener punts exes. Damages to power transformers ‘Adaonal to the damages seen in the Bushings in pointe. above, damages were toident tothe acho bts, to the rao= {orpan with eakng weldings and damages terthe connection between the expansion tank andthe main tank: Vala de rediader con {Alraciones [MITIGATION MEASURES: ‘Migation in these exeee would be as flows anchor bats should nat be sub to seer forces. These cup tobe absorbed and ads te foundations tough embedded cut keys or superfals- fe stops on he tansformer base ners asto make the whole sti vodingind Fao roves The et of raditors should not be supported by their cllecton ee rater bya supporting braces onthe man tankoF te anor jen main an expansion tanksheuld enable somemavernent + Radiators shouldbe bound tog Baran + Connecting tubes btw fpetween them or should have ele connections. or oF THEseeh OMMATEE ONSTUOY GHEE HO ion forthe lc secar ram the 2762010 carthqoe i ie The mostrepetive damaaes inthe dsibution str ‘The restoration of service inthe tectcal etbuon system was ‘ne of the main challenges to be sudresse, sven the amount of fares se aint perorm Tone working days, commiting all ‘own man ours aswel a seable Smounts of subcontracted man hours ‘A photoset of various distrib fhm installations of the Chilean Sects! sector that suffered damages, a: representative of the mart common damages a ransfrmeces Sing fom the 27+ earthquake, icone ne ie meata ensnet Shown below. idles Joiemanted wansormere “Raped fo oni a 21 Damaged electricity de dada {focateranaater) ‘chan yeh e322 allo erat se 32 Cd de was tron fi ue © sort ie Peponing ave. napa de le ce eat enero eer oe te ret row tne Gare Dafoe ms epetives ona stem dedlstbucin La normalzsibn del servicio del sltema de ditribueion de ele teedad fe uno de fos principles desaios que se debi enfrentar dada la gran canto de eventos cutis, teriendo que realar festa faeno en largas jormadas de trabajo comprometiendo a todo 1 personal tanto propo como de ‘A continuacon se muestran foto: iafas de dstntas instalaciones 4s dstribucién de! sector elect: fo chileno que sufreron das, ‘ds comunes a cause del tere ‘moto del 27 de febrero de 2010, (eawe de fel de poste ie 3.25 Ralf erat frome Bee de to [aling elatritypae. Cada de neo aires Spee Cab or ‘roklomor ol tere 6.128 Fallof Space Cob (dcr pole ue 31 cree SSStmendaon forthe elcta ser rom the 27-2010 artguot in Chile acon y cnn pre el sce reds dl tre dl ere se 2010 ene Care coor oF SOC. COMMATTECONSTUDY CECE roar ot comréesfeca. oc esp deat Catt 2:3 Recomendaciones generales el ands de los das sutvidos por el stoma eléctico dbido al terremote, desis en los pun tor anteriores, se dasprende que Fig 3.26 Crctae ded teat de ‘onto usin. Fig. 3.27 Cron fe: necezario realizar ura correcta i 3.26 Brahe a maa tent ‘erfesion del ceenosiemica de smite eneete ———s los equpos y sus extructuras zo ocrme wed ports. Con el propésito de coe borer en dich vericacén sin feaa7 Cluj en el Reso est Informe, Mt tage tan resumen del procediiento tones culdor que #0 deben tener en ‘ah roken fants al respect, 33 General recommendations From the analysis of earthquake tdarmage tothe elect system, bs desered nthe preceding sec ton, Itcan be inferred that aco tect seemic design verification of ‘qulpments and thelr supporting "tuctures needs tobe implemen ted, Aiming to contribute towards Sch a examination, Annex of this report Includes summary Of procedures and special cares vai shuld be borne in mind this gar, ate foe 2 Gee seroet oF sera CMTE ON STUDY CRE CHLE Soa ey cormendaton forthe crea see rom the 27-2010 arthqvoten Chile 4. Recommendations on transmission, subtransmission and distribution 44.1 Ply inthe interconnections of electrical ‘equipment Considering experiences learnt inthe fst few earthquakes, has become appacent thot considerable breakages inthe lators rin the supporting base of equipment ar Ss rom a lack of overiength o playin the ‘terconnection between two pieces ofeau- pment High Voltage open air sb-stations ‘ove to the above, and In order to avoid breaks in the ceramics, of any High {Voltage equipment component, this chapter tims to provide geiding recommendations So elec projets consider ther design Silent play i the interconnection bet: ‘ween tio pices of high otape equipment, Sothey may oxcilae fea avoiding genera ting pling forees during an earthquake, Uterature onthe levee wide-ranging and many diferent connetions are pssible, but ‘iat sta be presented ere ony refers to the fest aspect to consider, and wich the projectdesgner must beaware ofduringthe tesgn stage and which the onsite technical Srspectan (70) mast check for during ea pret assembiy, together withthe designer “ese interconnection considerations are as follons 4. qulpment deployment on “supporting suture 3) Checkifequipment supporting structure ‘sound meaning that thas. natural frequency sbove 30H orits natural frequency is atleast ties preater thon the equipment’ natural requoney. 1b) tthe structure does not meet above indieations regained, then the interactions between structure ‘ad the High Voltage eauipment i havea be carefully determined. 4.12 interconnecting layto be defines, paral egardingequment ‘vith elatvely iar Joint eights Roving determined the natural requ fof the equipment, and its condition ‘nen deployed on ts supporting stu ture, the proposed ply according to tach of the natural frequencies ofthe equipment. must be corsidered (See fection A folowing) pus own con {uration lengths considered when set fing the joints of the two equipment terminal. ‘Therefore, the total length (0) ofthe Conductor ta be consiered must inch Ge the following thee tens: «distance between the terminals of te tio pieces of equipment 3) roma ofc ona ECM EETUNO HER ce Gene *. Recomendaciones respecto de transmision, subtransmision y distribuci6én 41 Holguias en lat interconexiones de euiposeéctrios Considerando la experiencia en los tikimos teremotes, se ha observ do que gran parte de las rupturas de bisladores ode ie bases soportes de los equipos se origina por la fata de holga en la itercanenién entre os fupos en une subestacén de alta tension (7) en patio open a Por lo expuesto aneriormentev para ‘evar upturas de ls poreeanas, ode Cusiuier componente del espa A, laintencén de este capituo es entre: far recomendaciones que ocenten en Jos proyectos electrcos co valores de holguras que se deve considerar en la Interconenién de dos equipes AT, de ‘modo que eada nade sts oven Srementeyno se generen fuerza po ‘ten ente los durante un smo Hacomos ver que la Inerature sobve este tema es extensa y 1s posi des de conexones son variagss, pero lo que aqu se presenta corresponde 2 or primerostingamantoe a con siderar,y gue! proyecista durante etapa de eter debe cds ys Inspeccion tenia 20 ‘bre (TO) durante el rmontaje de les equ pos debe verfear que se cumpla con apoyo ee dsetador. sus consileracones de interconexién son as Siuientes 4.11 Disposién del equipo 8) Verifearque a estuctura soporte del equipo es ada, ‘ste que ene una ecuenda ‘ropa sobre los 30 ro al ‘menos una frecuencia propia Igualosuperora 4vecesia frecuencs propia del equipo. 1b) Sllaestracturano cumple con aindeacién anterior en ‘cuanto asuripdez, hay que determina en forma mss ‘etenia ls interaclones ‘entre estructura y equip AT 14.1.2 Holgura determina en a inerconenin en el 350 peo ‘de equposconaltura de uniones relatvamente semelantes Cconodiendo Is tecuencla pr ie del equipo, yi enaicsn det ‘uipo instalado en au estruct ‘rps, se debe considera a5, elguras peopuestar ogni fre cuencia ptopia de caca uno de oe Ges qulpos a univer unt 3 {guiete} masles large propios de |aconfiguracion que se consdere ara a unin dels ds termina: les de los equips encuestin Enconsecuencaeargatatal (lo) el conductor a consderar debe Inc os siguientes tres itemes = distancia entre los verminaes ‘dos dos equipos La} “38 Gone LOTTA ta eae meant ie mermemenmntnniiiiics Gage Dipaeens_gneted_ ia amps spi ceion for dept ereedenlr ears be ei theta ona pecs ot the mcesy ng mt Be ‘Smal dota upon Spchcn der gas een tuum secon to he te config tty eo Slodocen secs ‘conser nc ae picereeenapeaas Ge sean In ope Cit de edad de etre See the propor! even nthe anu srg ve dca of pt) ses, Stoo a eactersn tra istowegoamt Aredonprs recta ~ luge aoa, rine por ‘t delaarer de eat 7 ttt een tbe te conga omen bstorer ge doe eae ae trulorgestoran! S00 Get conductor ae ne oe oir esa shore 0 ee ‘where ficland di@are the absoks- ‘equipos (2), (9 mayor a 15%(Ax1+4x2), donde Te contr ong ot pe ae en ei sei Oe ccncane Sly sno sprees cevofecuipmen (2h iercomected eaupment. THs plssenve «Hr 30 ¥en exuc Heep teeren phones 8) er eqdoment with tu fe Groce mst be ome tre spots de ete freee auenes ang fo Ht 39 tr este an hn sated ne Nn, corned conc area He wth gd supporting structures, previous table, which are the ini la tabla siguiente de hogwas por Gureonloemfinoraseealen ‘the folowing overiength table for ‘mum requirements. cada equipo que se interconecta se- coon cane pee ea ae pra rng er ote (Someta euro is 418 Praca conor TE ould be cnidered. The _4uaprecauonsocomider when de fot des pate ccacenes ice eio (cw a vars the hing ow ome wo es ‘Statens ean sebarcomatnate posse ects iw ecueny a, —— ‘lations inthe foundation Care must be taken to err ere iS coe 3) Se debe respetr la distancia de Al cespect se debe culdar que 2) Respect the safety distance for ee) a people at the base insulation oa a a seguridad para ls personas, en el {evel (@). The isolation ground “Ses Slane seen to phase distance for each Wish =n [ah Se debe respetar a tencia Votoge equipment must be a ‘eakiacon fase era. qe posse Specie, according tothe base i ‘ad equipo de A ep0ne nel Shlain level, in compince with Vide por equi poracueciae de idan de Ia subestacén, de ‘the design tandara employed ‘renin mie 49 30s feerdo en ls norma de dea Tete Vad for eqipment ith ntural vada Vfonancte angina fram ios0 t=) Consider that these two prev or ejemplo i se interconectan | ‘ously mentioned points indicate ‘dos equipos de 220 kV de frecuen- | i meedlradsymaaansbeaird the geometrical poston where tiasnaturaes superiors a # Helo sresentan el igargeondro done Fo example, two 220k peces the intereonnecton conductor hoigure total es de 2002040 cm. eal conductor de inteeoneién bf equipment are ierconnected Seven belt poof ena erie ls dos endpos debe quer ether natoral frequencies are En consecvencia larg total del instalado. ES obigactn det pro- ae ther natural fre ‘ment must be istaled The ele Shove, th toa overenth i see conductors cosiderar seria de ett eléeteo determin en e 2or20=a0.em ees lo=aoem*t 912 Proyecto estas dos dstancas dese - these tw safety distances inthe ec a Wy apply forthe teary inating them 8) eto vores so apicon para el wid vdeo muy aramente 1b) These values only apy for project, clesly indicating thes lan ps Pee ate tad Tange of natural frequencies of Inthe projec’s drawings. The fTO tango de fecuenias proias Se ttscibeien gob To eaee the aforementioned equipment {inspection must very that these seus tes ineads pr isda ese ISVs and fr equipment mounted on distances ace respected during a> us ond abe we eeere eee fa structre witout dampers sem hls ecormendae that ‘aidan anemia ae for equnet mounted on Res the designer dovely supervises 12 ecupos montados sobre es Stpervsiin del moraje en esos Descending Sock these aspects ding sem ture feels yo on aor seas, “7 Cagye tsb ttm ree | saemtminnictieniiits — Geygre ¢) Define during the project stag _asstranded, pure-aluminum cables. ¢) Definir durante el proyecto el tipo ‘Los valores de holgura pars la ” Fete to oe sa et ‘ima exes mrt be eum aunar errs dos ege tin delorustingt oleae Men the two pecs of gh YE cond fr conan due to hee fos de resp og el fermodores de poder revtres, tape enue respecting the ‘ety, Gable consis Papua ls Shunt deben sec no menos det do tee eatlpmen ens dos distancias de seguridad, ‘ble de los valores propuestosenta ‘able length with ts verangth, plus the two safety distances ‘abla del punto 4.12 antaror. 4 Cuidar onal aioe efecto del vento que puede produc aces rientos de as dtencaeanero ee res on las conesiones respecto 2 ieseanecarereseeen (0s equipeso estructura. {4.1.6 Required vrfcations when Consider wind efets when desig- Interennecting equipment ing, whieh may cause shortening of te previcusy mentioned con- fection dtances with respect f0 ther equipment or steuetures In oder to perform formal intr ‘connection a calelation proce- ‘dure that accurately determines ‘the flowing must be made Para interconectar eqipos de AT. ‘debe tar on material Fee 4.1.4 Valder de lasholguas {sande como zon lor exblee oo 4.1.4 Valid ofthe proposed plays 2) Define the interconnection play, ropuestas ‘harinio puro do multhebrsr NO The previous desertion ald er 1b) The typeof interconnection to be o anterior ee vSldo para equ: sz eee artes dlenin upinent wth simple orlter sed betwen the two (2) pieces pos eon caracteristeat de os fe alurinio para las coneones en features (TEMM. lehting ates ‘of igh voltage equipment Gor simple (TT.MM, paratrayes, consderacén as per, ters, dsconnectors, We tank ert brekers) For equipment such as desconectadores, interuptores ea heer tipo estanque vive). Para equ power transformers, shunt eae: a 0s como transformadores de “18 Veuhentiogs parsine {oranda tank ret bers, +The minum safe dtc for Dover, rectores shat tine cd higher plays must be cosceed, {owe comecton,azrdng 10 Fruptores estargue muctto, se Para rattan una nterconenion ting secon ht te tn thecomganys best practes and debe consierar mayors hol ins frase debe conser of these pes of equpnere ate oe a furas que las indeadas, cons tn procedimieno de ato ave ‘exible, meaning higher basal ac- ie te derando que los estanques de determine con mas detalle tanto: fe accrdng tothe eoresponding Celeatons onthe upper porone estos equipes son laxbles, Io store 2) Lal deere ae tiptoe epoon ath 2 her a ue igen seaeraciones bs: tahoe Stncert repens, a woud Isms alas enl parte sper . Betecae goer varsiomes, 6) The pay oa yal conection Ge eros asta ig spon) con lipo deitercanetn aaron shee the algo be fn the Semen eer ve respestas de deplramientos sels ds eauposde Orr retreat by messing te erence bet ‘moors, come por semplo eo ees ‘extra play forthe jin ofthese to ‘ween the length of the intercon td caso de los transformadores here Secrepondng nee st teston ele nud He thpsieris spas ae lvionras Deafeqret cote. tat andthe stance nesta SetordendelosS mevos, nae + as dors segura 9 era tne between the imeconeeed Stes outa debe coon far npersne Se cmd con Pow wasomers and shat ‘orn Mcidaente sag eo Sede de empres 9 rece Shoal ave bushing ts nin de estos equips cone +t asanda dle fo era wp vae oes on tee euipo ae e cvesponda eas She ves states n ole 2m ‘opencers Se oreourpo a : 6) Lael de una corn ca : nse eips se vera Racende aastecotmmmttr ir Ia terenca ene largo del ca oe a ble de interconexién consideran- tage npn do sus torminalesy Is distancia tenlines recta etre los terminales order to interconnect. High \Vohage equipment, flexble and lable mater must be sed, such “39 i Ge me sept of src comers oust Get Ou | noma comme SPEC. DESTINO ChE Tecmmendatin forte eel eto fom he 27-2040 earthquake ln Cle Leconesyneamenone breve de det tre 2 ee 00S 4.17 Shape and ype ofjlat 4) The Pace Earthquake Enginee | 4.17 Forma tipo de uniéa |) Publiaciin de Ia Pacific Earth among equment ring Research. Center publohes | entre eps quake Engineering Research Cen the following: “Appication Guide ter "kppiation Guide for the ‘The type of connection and its ; B tipo de unin y forma debe ser : eee eeereat ees forthe Design of Fable and iid ee erd oee Design of Fleible and Ret Bs us Connections between Subst Connections between Substation ‘ecommendnion 1 cone fon Eserer Subjeced to Ear sorrlasiginte referencias. ‘thquakes, September 2010" ‘quakes, September 2010, Equipment Subjected to Earth the folowing references ‘€} Some of the considerations to be a) REE 693-2005 +2} Acontinuacidn presentamos algu- | 2) EEE 693-2005 taken ito account when making 1) RE605- 2008 ‘nasde\asconsideracionesa tenet by EE 605-2008 Inteconnectons between peces recente a eat intereanesio. tte 3527-2006 ‘of equipment, and ts vera es entre equps y sus verifca- ) fee 1527. 2008 “ a fons, a seen in previous referer clones, rasentadas en a referen: ced), are shown flows. ca amterio. Vise exuematin de lovreperonentoe de Be Ee ae ccimanae eocanee Bae DY <> i i <> te £3 Ombre arma TEBE 60 on wo de ‘tuna eosin file <> eas on oe fo Bei tis propane enoloprictio de See. 1 tL 9 tare tanta ron Ee tg pean, stranded woudl pacing intromeniondeseupon hese cnneton Praccal exe ‘exe, Wyeth lelucre dates a Se required ncquipment oa fi 44 Figura bias de Intrenet om ondurtre fsb | 44 Bae re of ‘stefete eanducors -4t Gage enon oF 1HESSEOAL conaarEs ONSTUOY OGRE CAE Cesions and ecommendetos forthe lec seca from the 27-42% 4.18.connectionto low current ‘consumption equipment (Pr igh Arvest 1A) In equipment where load cu rents do not normaly 0 through, suchas potential trans formers, lightaing arrester, coupling capacitors, ete, the recommendation ito connect with cable from the minimum section the less stranded cable, 0-34 not to xed the corona cetfect boundary, thes evovcing fevertng undue forces on its ter rials gven an eartnquake. 42 Recommendations regarding design and verfcation in the seismic design fof foundations, supporting structures and equipment. 4.24 General “wmen verifying andlor actually Implementing the Seismic design ofthe foundasons and supporting Suctres for electrical equ ‘ment in substations the applica tion of the anselee ETG A022 fueline, which defies seismic ‘oecstiont on structures and foundations, must be considered. {When veryingand/oractuaiyi Dlementing the sessnie design of fect egulpment, the ETS 1020, stondard should be considered {4.2.2 Verfieaion andor seismic design of lcricalegupment supporting structure. Inthe case of ligt electrical eau ‘pment that mounted ona sup poring structre, it important thatthe structure doesnot gene rate significant dynamicampliicn- ‘ions onthe equipment ‘one way of achieving this s that the equipment protder designs the supporting structure in such a way thatthe Behavior of the equipment stuctare assembly i adequate and thatthe equipment tel wl no sustain damage due to sli stress, In ths case, the provider must implement sesie veriteation for the equipment structure assembly va. a éynamic tral ona vibrating table, a5 det ned in EG A.0200 E16 1.020 for this typeof tras applied ole tncal equipment. ‘he second alternatives thatthe elect equipment provider does not desgnthe supporting struct te and so the design ofthe struc: ture ands foundation be outsou: reed to a thd party. The E76 ‘AOR establishes tha in order to sicid dynamic ampliieatons In electrical equipment response fven siomi stress, the support Structure thus designed must havea fundamental frequency co- ‘responding tthe lesser amount of ether 4 tines the Fundamental eaviomentfequency o 20 He Frequency calculation must this be executed implying zone (1) de reeolfreedom scllator, with the rity of steucture(k) tothe horizontal movernent & sesmic movement) ané the equlpment’s ‘mass NM) applied to the upper potion of he structure ron ot cont srec. se ESTUDIO CGRE cate 418 Contsién a equipos de bajo consumo de corriente (1P,Pararrayos, 8) En equipos donde no pasa pe: rnentontente In corinte de org. lomo el caso de los transforma ores de_potenca, parareayos tondensadores de acoplamlen, fete. se recomienda conectar con Cable de a seecién minima, 0 hat de menoe cannidades de cables, ‘ue no exceda el imite de gene ‘acidn de carom, de modo que nose eertanfueresindebicas en ‘ue erminales en coro de seme 42 Recomendaciones respecto de veri feacibn/iseao ssmica de fundscio- nes, estructura de soporte, eauipos. Paral verficain yo die six ‘mica dels fundacones yestruc: tras de soperte de equips elec Incas de subestaciones ve debe ‘onsera la apicacion de fa TG 2021 de anelee que determina las solckacones ssmicas sobre ‘structures yfundaiones. Fara la verticacin yo diem si ico del equipo eléetrio se reco mend considear a £16 1020. 4.22 Werticacién yo ise ssmico de etructora de soporte de equipoctéctrice. En el caso de equipos elécticas lianas que se lstlan sobre uns ‘estructura soporte es importante ‘que la estructura no genere am pliiaclones dinimiae mportar- tes sobre el equipo. Una terra para lgrar este ob- Jetvo es que e proveedor del eau poetic Ase a estructura de soporte de modo de ssepuar que 1 comportaiento del conjnto ‘eculpoesructua es el adecuado yy aue o equipo no suis dafos Frente af soliocén snes. En ste cao, el proveedor debe rea tar la verfcaion sais del con- Junto equipo estructura medante una proc dinmica en mesa brats, pra que debe cum Dlr fos condones que defen Ia E7G A020 0 ETG 1.020 pare este tipo de ensayos apiado equipos slectricos La segunda ateratva es que el prover de equipo elético no sea estructura de soporte yen consecoeneinel at de eet: ture yaufundscon ces engi a tun eee. La ETG A.D etalece que pare eta amplifcacones namics en respuesta deo qu os ecticos ante I saletacién sismica, Ib estructura de soporte dead en esta forma debe tener tuna fecveneia fundamental eres poncente a mime entre 4 veces Tarecuencia fundamental del qu 060M En ete cata el eeuo de a fe cuencia debe ejecutarse supo- endo un esciador de 1 grado fd Wibertag, con ls gdes dela cestuctura [kal movimiento hor zontal (mvimiento sso) yla ‘masa del equipo (M) apleaca en el nivel superior dela estructura 43 Care Cee cen araremnecwenas nese Cee corey Fes Balen model for "pene salnaton “The frequency i obtained using he folowing fee: 1 fe ik ‘The design of the supporting structure fly defined wth the necessary sing and framework requred' to meet fundamental ‘requency conditions Fally, the supporting structure should be checked 35 to whether Invests semi stress a defied In point 4.23 following 35 well 3s those correspanang to al ther stresses ating concurrently with the selemic event, The struct ral design must respect the d sign rr indicated in Manval asce10-97. 4.23 Sesmiestress ofthe supporting “rucure foundation of lghtelectrcal equipment. In order to check or test the sis mic design of the supporting Structure foundation for light lectrcal equipment, the equ ppmentstreture foundation as sembly must be anaized frst, cording to what is nisted In TG A.C, due tothe “nodding” effet the foundation produces on the assembly a5 a whole during the seismiesetion ‘he ETG defines 9 design spec: rum for 305g basal acceleration fothe ground, which must be co "rected by the corresponding ac- ‘leration inthe seizme zone in ‘which the substation is located The seismic zoning considered by the ETG A021 coresponds tothe Ssismic zoning as defined by the ‘Chilean seismic regulation Ch 3, The hortnta seme eetfcent 1 be applied to the equipment- structurefoundation anayss wl be that rsuting from ealeuating the masimum ordinate vale of ‘the design spectrum forthe strue- ture dampening, corrected bythe basal acceleration ofthe cores ponding seismic zoneand applying 2 response. modification coef ‘ent of R= 30 ast take Into ae ‘count structural uctiy ‘According to the above, for 25% ‘dampening, corresponiing to 2 bolton top stractre, and a ba sal acceleration Ao according to ‘he seismic zoning, the fowing hovtontal simi coeflents are tamed zone! Ao=03g ceoan2 Zonet ho=048 282 Zone Ao =05¢ cr03s3 neon 0. comme sPcoa. Ne EsUDIO GenE-catE rt eect) para lel dla frecuencia De esta forma, la frecuencia se bene con I formula afk an | dso de la estructura de so: porte queda totalmente defrido fon lar dimensiones yescuacrae resultertesnecesariae para cum plirconla condicién dea frecue fia fundamental Finalmente se debe verificar ue Ia esuetura de soporte resis: te lor esfueroe semicos que se eterminan segun el punto 42:3 Siguiente, asi como los correspon tdentes 2 todas las otras sola Glones. que aetian_simuténes mente cone smo, see de Investrctura debe respetar lot crteris de def indcados en ‘Mana ASCEI0-7, 4.23 Soltacin mica de Aundacin de Ia extractors ‘de soporte de unequipe ‘ecco inviana. Para la wercacién yo. defo sso de la fundacin de a 8. tructra de soporte de un equpe ‘lexico liana se debe anak 4 conjnto._equipo-estructure- fundacén, de acuerdo alo ind ado en fs FTG A023, debido al ecto de “abeceo" que produce Ja fundacién sobre este canjunta urant saci smi Esta ETG define un expect de soho para una aceeracién be sal de sudo de 05 gel que debe correpise por la acleracion que correspond en fa zonasismica en ‘ue se encuentreubieada fa sub- ‘stain. La zniicacn somica Cansiderads por la ET A021 co: Unesponde ala sonifieacién sm {a deinida por la norma sien ction NCh a3, I cociinte semico_ horizon tal que se aplear al andl del conjuntoequipo-strctura-un- cin serd el que reste decon- sider la ordenada méxana del ‘spectro de disena para el amor- tiguamiento dei estructura, co rregéa por la accleracén basal ea zona sismia que corespon- 4a v aplicando un coeicente de rmotifescén do repunsts R= 3 Para considerarla dctlsad de a estuctur. De acuerdo fo anterior, para un amoniguamient de 536 cores pondiente a una estructura aper ada, yuna acsercisn basal Ao Seg Zonifiscén sismica,resul- ‘anos siguentes coetcentes ss rmicos horontales Zonall Ao" 04g c=0282 Gone ‘pont oF THE 9E0AL CoMMATTEZONSTUDY OGRE CHIE {esses and recommendations for th lectea scar eam the 2762019 earthquake i Chile ‘The basal ct ie a the founds: tion seal and willbe equal 0 = C+ Bu where Wi corrsponds to the ‘weight of al the elements bea fing’ down on the foundation seal ‘The distribution of the basal cut wil be done at high alttude, Using the folowing equation: Ri ty 2 = 5A SA Hace ho, Fm Shans* ‘Where hi isthe height at which ‘the gravity contrs are found for the equipment, structore and foundation, 35 measured from the foundation seal ‘The resting loads onthe equip ment, structure and foundation {are applied over each gravity Additionally, the simultaneous ‘action of a vertial seismic mo- ‘erment ating under the worst possible conditions must also be ‘considered (upwards or down- wards), whose value corres: ponds to 60% of the horzontal Seismic acceleration Ao. Regarding foundation design, the turning moment doe to ho: Flzontal seismic movements can have a reduction costiciont of OB applicable according to what Ispresented inthe FTG A.021, ty Snehored to foundations. Inthe ease of heavy and rigid equipment rectly anchored fo ite foundation, such a8 auto- transformers and reactors, the previously stated willbe appica- be regarding horzontal and ver tical seismic coefficient ealeula tions, taking Into account that ‘dampening depends on speed Vs ‘that transversal waves propaga te on the ground, expressed as {allows (on Vsaround 1800 m/seg t= 5% Onvsground as00m/seg (07% Generally, the distribution of the seismic forces wll be spread cut evenly, proportional to the eight of each component: Racom ‘Given foundations on. soft of luvial grounds, the folowing ‘viangularastribution should be considered aw, Thaw, Ai + Q neon become FECAL ESTUDIO AEE 1 corte basal se considers a i vel dl sello de Fundacion ysaré laual a ® CoB, donde Wi corresponde als pe £08 de todos lor elementos £0 be el ello de fundaein, La dlstribucién get corte basal se harden altura, considerando Ia sguient repartii; Lag epn Ra gne ie Flacew, bw P= Ti Donde hi son las atures de las centios de gravedaé del equipo, estructura y fundacion medidat esd ol sello de fundacon, Las cargas resultantes sobre el ‘equipo, estructura y funeacion Se aplican en sus respectivor centros de gravedad. Adicionalmente, debe conside- ‘arse la accién imuitinea den ‘movimiento sismico vertical ac- tuando ena condicién mis des favorable (hacia arriba o hacia abajo, cuyo valor correspond 2 60% de fa aceleracién sismica horiontal ko. Para el diseRo de Ia fundacion propiamente tal, al momento voleante debido al sismo heri zontal se le puede apliesr un Coeficiente de reducciin de 08, segim lo indicado en la E16 Aon, Come (4.24 Soliacén ssmiea de Enel caso de equips riidos pe sados que se ancansirectamente 3 la fundacién, como autotrans formadores texctores 2 ap {218 lo Indleado anterormente respect al calcula del cefiiente sismico horizontal y vert, con ‘Sderando que el amariguaien to depende del velocidad Vs de propagacion de las ondas trans versaes en el sul, ena sguen te forma Sobre tereno de Vs> 1800 seat 5% Sobreterenade Vi 3800 mvseg 7% En general la dstibucin de as fuera sismicas srs unforme, propocionaal peso de cada com ponente: Racem Ene caso de selos de fundaciin ‘blandos livia, se debe cont era ls ibucién angular aw P= Shaw" J+ Few -163* Fs! + 29°F’ ‘ao ura itetode ‘ottacioes utolet vel for eatetting oa Gage a eae cea eereee teers yma pat mc oe et GCergre 4.2.5 Seismic test andlor design of ‘ut tothe field an atid out in 4.25 Verteacén yfo dso nos tes pernos tomados al azar foundation anchorage elements cent approved laboratories. Al siemica de clementoe de Ge i partaa que se cespacha a eae tested samples mut meet the m+ ‘cle aa fundacén terreno yreaksad en labratoro foundation anchorage elements aaa eels ara la verfcacén fo asec ue apruebe ol mandante, Todas 2ech 9s oudaton bots, suppor: red temperature i eos elmenos de eee le ibs maestosensyadas cebein fing plates shar Leys and other {undocé, ees como peros de fnlo que especta aes sean dr estrone caning portance of having sn aeuate nes de general, ransisiony tages tiny om ste nd AY tnataty of sare prt, ath oe {Stsbucen,cesond das pr ‘sbsaten eqiyret ard dso Some predatned saute and is cipaimente 9 equips de patos y . Son sds Reprint an Znutotsoppor sth bone ssbestacones de AT y res de smssion sector. amore were compari Giwrbucon fn el ano else {Ray found ener wor, iment de tranamisin os dor | Seomnecrs power tansor Annex 8 proposes a procedure se presentaran, prncipalmente | meshes nd rumen for establishing = spare parts en los asldores de tera: pares policy for an leer Enrey Fes. dexconetodores, shines ee petnctonies oman. Ge trarstormadores se oder v inal fxs, monty belong fi = ‘rrstomadorss de mesa {0 the Cowal trconnciog f ara Is normaacin de a ns Sat (SC ar reeray bs {anton aun en un ako por use existing spare parts found a -centaje forman parte del Sistema f ae Interconectado Central (SIC), fue neeesaro hacer vio de reper tos exstertes en los amacenes dels empresas duehas de los Pe instalacones comprometides, de ‘cqupos de proyectos en desaro- No, eauipos facitads entre em | presas y solucones. de by-pass, Prineipalmente en el caso de des. fonectasores. De esta forma se Supers la emergencia, quedando IC, por un certo tiempo, con tun grado de precariedad en su funcionamiento. sta experiencia deo de manifis- to, la importancia de dsponer de epuestos adecuados en tipo ycan- Iida, cantar con slucionesprede- cn fils y con atoraas de ayuda mu- tua ene empress dl sector. in warehouses belonging to the we ‘compromised. companies, sour ‘ed fom existent equpment 0% ongoing. projects, from equp- rant bertwed from ater com anies and by-pass solutions, Imaily In the ease of esconnec: En Anexo B se propone un proce- limiento de politica de repvestos para ura compatia del sector de ‘energetic, @ Poe FT SPEOALCoMmATE ON STUD CRE-CHLE igre Conclusions TPS et samara te ep rence endured and recommends tions which aose given the effects ofthe February 27, 2010 earthquake in Chile suffered by te Electre companies, s0 3 to be a well prepare for facing ilar events in the futures canbe ‘iis Special Commitee from CIGRE Chile was able to very tat in general, the electric sytem hel its own, The mag tae ofthis otic event was 8.8 inthe Recher stale, 301 klometers deep, which Impleg having great basal accelerations in some ateas (greater than 0.5) afeting Stucture-equpment assembles, Many ofthe elecre facies that suffered ear ‘hquake damage had been designed taking full scount ofthe Chilean seismic regu lation in force onthe date that parscula project wos but ‘Although there was some damage was ‘evident in electre faites, thoy were soled by a swt response fom Clean lactic companies, ths repo points out the causes of such damages — which in general are not atbutable to insuticient ‘operational requirements, but rather to inappropriate application of such require “Tere is always com for improvements ‘and fr being better prepared for dling with consingencis such at earthquales, though this repo feeuses onthe most r= patie effects of earthquake damage and ‘makes recommendations so a: to mle ‘ment the corresponding miietion meaeu es, Additionally enforcing general pans to assstin emergencies seen ae relevant, So thatthe sector may be well prepared for future contingencies oF thisknd ‘complying with the seismic design {essonsandvecommendetios forthe lect st rom the 27 #20 ertbquee i cn onto cote eseccn oc esTud cant cus Gage 5. Conclusiones requirements forthetocites vant. On the ane hand, they ave to be fuliled by the contractor who but such facies, and bythe electric comoa- es in charge of supervsing that those equrerents are abjecbvly fue, on ‘heather. There 2 nee to create seismic design specications for high vatge facies This should be agreed upon between the ectc companies ad the relevant autho: hes sastobeintroduced ae amandatory requirement within the Safety and Quality of Servce Technical Regulation, cepa the current specfestion. Additionally, an ‘update mechanism for that document rust be speced FE Linea noe res “ime ls experiencia suid delos efectos de teremato del 27 elebyerade 2010 porlasempeesas shéctecas del sector, con el fin de aue se fencuentven Bien preparadas ante eventos simlaesen el futuro. ste Comité Especial de Estudlo de GRE Chie, constate que en general sistema electro respondo de buena for- rmaalteremoto La magnitud de este gran vente telco fue de 8.8 grads Riemer 2 Una profunaidad do 30, km que mies tener en algunas zonasgecgrifess grandes sceleracones bases (superiores 3 0.5) pleaéas. a los conjuntos.estructuras eauipo. Hacemos notar que muchas de las instalacones elzereas que sureron los efectos del teremoto han considerado en su disefo las noms yespecfeacones sfomlcas ehlnas igentes ala fecha de Consteuceén del respecte proyecto 'siBienhubo algunos dafos en las insta laciones eétias, estos fueron soluiona os con una pia eacién depart elas empresas eléctriess, pero en el presente informe se detalon ls cause de los fos, los cuales en general no se deben a requistos nsufeientes, sino a incorrectas Aplicaciones de dchos reason Siempre es posible mejorar y estar un rmayormentepreparado ante contingent ome lo etemotes, por logue el presen te trabojo se enfocd en lo efectos mas re pestvos del ssmoy da las recomendacio- res para tomar las mediaas de miigaion Correspondiente. Ademds, aparece como relevante también) reforzar los planes fonerales para atender emergenias de ‘modo que el sector este bien preparaco Pra ated estas contngenenn UUnaspecto que se ve como relevante es slcumplmiento de las engencas da diseSo ‘smica de acinstalacione incu debe ser ‘umldo por una parte porlesconatistas ‘qe consruyen as instalaciones electrics Y las empresas ectricas deden veriicar fue efecovamente se cumpan dchas ex fencias en forma objetva, ‘se observa la neces de cen on e pectiecon ge dest sco par srs ladenes deakatensin, queseaconsenstod porlas empresa eletics con a autordad, {emedo que se incorporada come de cum plimintoobfetorio en a Norma Tea de Seguridad y Cali de Service enreerplao ela actual especieacén. Ader se debe testable el mecaio de atalacén de ‘cho documento “13 Ad Aa. Aa AS. AL a2. Aa. Aa. Contenido ANEXO A INTRODUECION... [NOWMATIVA VIGENTE. REQUERIMIENTOS DEI RPCOMENDACIONES ss a SIGNIFICADO DEL VALOR ESTADISTICO yd, Requerimientos sismicos para proyectos de alta tensi6n, sisateo. cigre Table of contents Seismic requirements for high voltage projects INTRODUCTION ssn a [REGULATIONS LN FORCE, — SEISWIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, - RECOMMENDATIONS... INFERPREATION OF TIE STATISCAT, VALUE pe, Gee A. 1. Introduction Tr tatrmena summa the snc Fequirements curently in. force In Chile and eet in shematies how to verily the seismic design of high voltage equipment, The purpose of this Annex As to provide guidelines to be followed when ‘vecuting electric projects so ast avoid ‘earthquake damage to electrical equip rent. Therefore it becomes necessary te develop technical specfiestions hich Include seme requirements when pur chasing electrical equipment. Vertying these seismic requirements i eriteal, 235 1 actually demanetrating thei per A.2. Regulations in force ezardng seismic aspects of the Safety and Qualty of Service Te nical Regulation (ATSECS) curren In fore, te folowng general technical Speceations and regulations ae sted appiabl AZ For bulldings and structres, and industrial acts “Noh 455,.0"96; Semi bulking ese, + ch 2368." 2008 Sete design of structures and Instat aces + NCh 2745: Analysis and design of lings with semicolon, 7. OR OF ME SPECIAL CORMATIEEONSTUDY CRE -OHLE {esses and recommendetos fr the lec! seco rom the 272010 eurthgveein Che formance through the presentation of ‘aeulation reports and / oF previously spectied trials done by the contractor manufactures) and provided tothe pro: Jeet owner for their review. Adtionaly, Annex A conains general fuietnes ta be folowed in order to pro- Wide support to electrical eqyopment users uring the purchasing proces. ‘As mentioned in other parts of his do umant the project over must supervise the comect installation of electrical equip ment and ther flaxble interconnections, Shing to provide fora certain fee oscil ‘non during an earthquake. 22 Forelectic projects: 76-2013, from Ends, Inforce upto 1987 161015 trom Ends, In force since 1987, for ‘let, mechanical ang ‘onerete equipment. 16-1020 rom Endeso, 1997, eared wvards etre ‘equipment an complemented with NeETG- 1015 epulton + EIGAGaD0reTeAa2E from Tansee, EEE Sed 6931907 a “gh Seismic Performance Level FE sheen anes ete un “resumen de ios requis ssmicos apleables en Chie y se detala en forma "squemstca a forma de efectuar a ver ‘clon de ise fico dees equipor de 1 cbjetv0 de este Anexo A es dar ldrecees a consider en os proyeco= ‘letras, de mode tat que lor eauipos ‘létrieae no sun dace por los efectos ‘de un sismo,Pargesto es necesaro realizar ‘expecieadoner téeleas ton requer Inientosssmicos para ls equips que se ‘compran,y es fundamental canola que ‘estas enigenassomicassecumplany sean JE tia eres os specs cos, Norma Terie de Segura Cal de Servo (NTSC) vig aa ‘ha eta os sguertes especeadones ten (generals ynarmativas emo aplabes: A2A Para edielesy estructuras# ine: talacionesindustales + Non 4380196: seo sbiico de eficos + ch 2368012008 08 ‘mic de etrcturare Insaaclonesndstrales + ch 2745: ese yao de ‘esieos con aisacn sms Ione oe cone sere pe esTuOO CRE CHE Gage AJL. Introduccién demos adas mediantelapresenacin por parte del contatita(fablcante) memo: tas de eileuo yo prucbas (prevamente ‘specticadas) para revson det due de proyecto, ‘Ademis, se presetan en este Ansxo 2 niacanes pneraes a tener presente ara apoyar fos usuarios de los equpos letzos durante el proceso de compra, Tambign como ya se ha mencionado en tos puntos de ete documento, el eho el proyecto debe controlar ol correcta rmontaje da estos equpos eldctricas yf Union feble entre ellos de modo tal ave permitan su ibe osclscén A.2. Normativas vigentes 422 a proyectos eléctricos 76-1013, de Enso vgente ara lao 1987 EIG-1015eEndes,wgente ‘deste 1887, para equs ‘decrees mecincas yee 116-1020 Enso, 2997, ‘tend hac los eas lcs ycomplementada eonhETS: L015 GAOZ00ETE-AG2 se Tansee |EEE Ste 6931997 en elovel “High Sami Performance Level” OR oF THESPEONLconmameEEONSTUY CHE cme {ess and recommendetons fo he electri secar ram the 27-# 2010 earthquee in Che Ceae A.3. Seismic design requirements > afety and Quality of Service Technical Regulation (NTS&SC) establishes 22 minimim requirements tnd basie condtions as seen in article 3-3 b), that generation and transmis: sion faclties are under the obligation {o comply withthe following specifica ofthe design A31 Design according to £16-1020 spe- ‘eatin for electric equipment in substations. Electric equipment should campy with the folowing simi equcerents 43.1.1 Metal srucues cls and ‘anchorages (ductle materials) Security Factor (SF) should be rater or equal to 1.25 [taking ep ctees reac) ees Nead es Inte account 80% ofthe uence © owed. 90 mention i made under ey such egulations, the folowing spect fications shoul be adhered to: Simultaneous forces to be cons ered within the calculation ate 9161020 echnical earthquake + wind Speciation rom Endess. © EEE St 693-1997 a “High Aaa sire noite mance Lave” lecri equipment: ceramic ones leolators mounted in cy foresee eae bushing style structures blaeebarengelperind (teagie mater force (October, 2009) seismic regulations implemented in their design are also applicable, suchas + €16-4.0.20 rom Transolee + eTG1013 0816-1015 fromEndess Chilean regulations for seismic design ‘doesnot cover generation and trans: misslon electric equipment design, nether does It cover main substa ‘Geneal speaking, there are two types tions design (el, 112 de Wen 2368, ‘of eatin reports the static cael oz003, tion report and the ami nelson ‘The £161020 specication, based on aa ‘the E15:1015 speciation, focuseson electric equipment and design criteria, being equivalent In some aspects to ‘the IEEE Std 695-1997 at “High Seismic Performance evel Security Factor (5) shouldbe gre SSmulaneous forces to be cons dered within the clelation are farthqake + wind + pulling Force ‘short ere 18.22 Caleulation report types [A321 Djpamic cakton reports model coupment using speclaed setae They dlver the modeling rests (ceattten modes, massive in each made, dplcemerss, speeds Gone A.3. Requerimientos del diseno sismico 2 Norma Téenica de Seguridad Co- 4. fede Senco (NTSECS)estabies on en su arseulo 3.36) como exigencis rinimasy conden bien que ls insta lacones de generaciény transmision para ssegurar la calidad sismice de sus deo, depen cumpiir con la siguentesnormas lo especticaiones: [AA Disefo segn la ET6-1020 en eaui- ‘os eléctrcos en 85. Los equiposeléetrios deben eumptir los siguientes requerimientossimicos 3:11 Estructura metas, ola ‘vanclaes (materiales dicts) 1 Factor de Seguridad (FS) debe ser mayor o igual 125 conside Fandoun 89% dela de fuenca de los materises, + tas normas cilenas, y evando no exist a norma chilena se usorén una elas siguientes espocfcaciones © Laespecicacion erica 761020 de Endesa. 2 IEEE Std 693-1997 enia concn Las fuerte simulténeas 2 const deraren el cio son. smo * “igh Performance Level”. |A3..2 quips elétrcos sobre nstnlosones ei ‘estrcturas:aladores de opal mesenitentes aor ala fecha de vigends dela een [NTSB (octubre 2009) tmbién peep ecieeeenne ‘am aplablesiasnormos oct de Seguridad (9) debe ser ‘aie utizadas en sus mayor igual a2 del valor 2s. ‘espctvos dss, tales comer + ET6-40.20 de Tansee {a fuerrassimultaneasa conse ene eo son-stma + wan: + ETG1013 oFTEI015 de Eres Las normas cilenas de defo sim- 32. Tips de memarias de cleulo co excluyen expresamente el deo ‘de equips eléeteicos de generaion Yyranemisiin, y las subestacones uo esti y Ia memoria de eieulo Princigales (cl 1111 de NCh 2369. indica, fs cuales se deseriben 3 ‘of2003 contador: ‘Bésicamenteexisten dos tnos de me ‘moras de cel, la memoria dec La especincacin £76-1020, basada fen Is ETG-1015, ests enforada 9 os ‘equipos eléarcos y sus enteras de AdseRo son eelatvament equivalents 2 los dela recomendacén de Is IEEE Sd 6232997, en su condidn “high ‘Semi Performance Love. 82.21 La memoria decile desea presenta uns moeién een os mediante sofware especi- 2dosy entoga os estados dea Imodelcén modos de ocala y lamasacomprometisa de cadamo- 6, despacamientos, velocdades Cage sont sccommi cance ont | om oe cot mca en CHE @ uments onthe see 8 einainchie | ner re ana gre | sndaltsr nd Alef teres | acer ues y momen Ale alr ei de va dee tort enero a mine {ops meron nen peste Steven mormty et eae ad de sr en Sere, We pn etena ‘of background information, such |W: Equipment weight, ‘narmaimente por falta de antece- eee leccotente de corto 235 Input data (material features ‘dentes com cats de errada (= Ie shor eet eaten [pes create hapent Young module, Posson module bore ractristas de los materales pero dhameters, thicknesses, et) Ls Lenath of equiament conductor, ‘ule de Young, médulo de Paison, | larg set condctor del equipo in paral pha, slametres, espesores, tc} ue se encuena en fase parle 1A2.2.2 sai cakeaion reports pres: tment de nha era a z Sn sa oe Page LENS ELITE The om ditt Fanos MPLS LITE riveldeersen oem. Fc" 26a] ae Fone aaa] A contnicn as exaciones ue A erent ‘tro cao partir es ena que dxtx Aswan) Another partir cases where i india In nesercn qu a debe ena the aceleraton tobe considered Fone hbk Asif) onierar ena tapa train sf forthe power taneormer hd F=06x-4si fea) maser de poser ee inaeste aoe Fey 0028 Ff] ae ee Dia crn cones aa Fu, 08x Presi x Arvada] Such acceleration is the hort eee eee scleracn bast horsonl poo pe eS eee ser onal baal aceleration ofthe me =0,8 Prin x Aral da] ‘lating acleracn ave depen: bushing, depending on tank Fe =100{ dat) => uipae 24587 ‘ed igs dl estrous, ye Fou =17S\daN| > Epipoe> 24500 Bid therefore ii elated fo Poneman onscuenes et resconade on Pope the power transformer st. In ne “17a }-> Egupoe> 245 stomata de transormador de ater wards, depends on is Minne? Dla ode ex ce, con su pots. — power, This way, for istance,@ 2 por ejmp para un anion 10 14V8 power transformer and Donde, mado de poder Ge 10 WA como fe Sucre factor (2.5 fh ste 2400 MVA power transformer lefactor de esata (een para uno ce s00 AA aaceleracion turesqipmertssemby i ot have. Co bushing accelerations junto ects equ no er (6G del busting es de 1888 ‘ssi requeney £20). of 1.9 ond 2 See, respectively. 1 reuanei contac 3043. Sdgrespecamerte <8 Care {ston aa icant rte sor rom the 72010 cra Che 8.2.2 Information to be presented by ‘the manufacturer (contractor). ‘The manufacturer oF (contractor| shoud send technical information in ‘order to provide evidence that the ‘equipment complies with seismic fpecfeations according to specif «ations requested inthe contact. Documentation to be presented by the ‘manufacturer o (contractor) for project owner review. 2) Along withthe stati aleulation report, the manufacturer (con ‘wactor) should present the fo lowing supporting information Failure text protocols of at least thre (a) ceramics, in order to determine the 2s value at fa ling eve kN) Delimited erosseut plans of ce ramies, eluding ther toleran es in order to determine that the working fate of the cera mcs specie in the calculation reports correct. Additionally, taking. into ac ‘count seismic + wind + pulling ‘short circuit, a parallel cal Culation must be dane in order to determine that the cera mics of the equipment under study really does comply with ' Security Factor greater than or equal to2 1) Together withthe stati aleula- tion report, the aynamic caleu- lation report canbe enclosed The dynamie seismic calculation report, since it eifielt co Be Feviewed, would be only ac: ceptable f complemented with the state calculation report I should be enclosed with all the necassary data so as to verity its alia, in ease the manufac- turer wanted to justify any pa- rameter oreltrion (Eg. atu ral resonance frequency of the structure-equipment assembly), failure tests of ceramics enco- Sel with a seismic caleulation report Some examples of failure test of ceramics performed in factory ate Shown below Example 1: B-type ceramics failure, Guaranteed fallure mo- ment [KNim[=32.00; Obtained failure moment -22=37,7 Iti] ere Rare tof ‘supporting itators ASS Antecedentes a presentar por el fabricate (contrast) 1 fabricante (contratsta) debe enviar informacion teenie para respaldar ‘que el equipo cumplesismicamente de ‘2euerdo ae solicitado en ls expec Caciones tenieas del contro 33.1 Documentacién apresentar por el fabvicante (contrast) para revisién del Due, 23} Junto ala memoria de cileuloes ‘tea el fabrcante contvatta) debe presenta come iniormadin de respaldolo siguiente: + Protocols de pruebas de rupture de al menos tes (3) poreelanas, ir: Pub erat ‘adore orice, » nroaue become SPEOAL DE ESTUDO GRE chAE ‘ilo para determinate valor 2s el momento de ruptura eX), Pienos en corte acotador de las porelanas (con sus tolerancan, ‘lo paraverfcar que la tat do trabajo def porcelana presenta- 43 em la memora de clei ests Ades, onsderando errs de sismo + vento + Grd + eortoci- ‘alto se debe relat un eeslo fen patalelo pare verifies, que tectvamente Ta porcelana del ‘equipo bao estudlo cumple con ‘el Factor de Seguridad [F5) es ma yoro igual a2. Junta aia memoria de esleulo e ‘ca, puede vent a memoria de ‘eu dinimica La memaria de cleuossmica de ‘pe ainda, dade la aicuitad para su revstn, soo se acopta as estaescomplementaicon tna memoria de ede ertae, Y debe prosentarse con tod Ia Informacion necesaria para eva. ua su vader. Enel caso que el fabricante desea presentar alguna Justeaién de algin parametro © eitero (come por elemplo la frecuencia natural del conjunto cestuctura-equpa) Pruebas de ruptura de porcelanas, ‘ue acompafa una memoria de leo soma, ‘A continwacin se presentan ‘ejemplos de pruebas de ruptura 4e porcelanas evadas a cabo en las farieas de porcelanas Elemple 1: Ruptura de porce ras tip C8, Momento de uptura arantiado[ktim}=2,00; eben 0 25-3747 km) Gone 83 Gage eon oF te shea comma OnsTuDY CRE CHE {essa ond recommends for he elec! scar ram the 27# 2010 earthquake In Cle ‘A3.32Caledation report evson. ts crcl that the project over reviews the state slsme aula tion report, 50 a5 to ensure that the contractor or (manufacture) complies with the eeemle requ ement requested inthe technical pecfiation of the equipment, ‘Soce iis ual to fing that ele mic requirements are not flfiled when revising such reports. The most commen nonfuliments are described inthe next point. ‘commen problems in the Information reetved fom the contractor (manutac- tren. + Calalaton reports ce ‘ved donot match wth equipment: under Inspec, Lack of technical sup port informaten, since ‘they usualy fall to pre sent cron drawings leary showing. the timencons of the cara airing to determine the bend faze moment for cerames. mounted In thelr oun Manges and falureto suppor natural ffequency and damping value for ceramics with allo frequency sweep A the above leads to els, since the om fer has t inet in co rrecting such mistakes, Sand the contractor has the obligation to complete the missing Information, ‘sample 2: T-type ceramics allure: Guaranteed faire moment = 17815 [som ‘obtained fate moment -2+= 16610 [daNml; halle eaters for TC von EEC ESTUDIO ne -ce 3.3.2. Revisién de memoria ‘de céleulo Fs fundamental que el dveno el proyecto proceda a revsar lamamoria de calelasismica de tipo esttiea, de modode aseeu rar que ol contrateta(fabriean te) eumple con los requerimien tos sismics sleitados ena es peeticacin técnica del eavipo, jemplo 2- Ruptura de porelanas Te: pues generalmente frente a una Momento de ruptura grarizado- 17815 Fevislén de los antecedentes [ean Obtenido ye nos encontramos eon no eum plimientos alas esigencias sis- Inieas, Esto na cumplimientos mas comunes los presentamos en el punto que sigue 2) problemas comunes en la infor rmacinrecbida del contratista/ fabricante, + Las memoras de céleulo re. cibidas no corresponden al ‘qupo bao revision. + Falta de informacién técnica 4 respaldo, pues genera- mente no presentan panos fen corte de as poreelanas ‘on dimensiones, los proto «oles de pruebas del momen- to de ruptura de las poreela rasa la esi, instaladas en ‘8 propa bids; no justifican valores de frecuencia pro pia y amortiguamienta deta poreelana, mediante prueba {be tron de barrido de fre ‘las negativas come ata tos en los proyectos, pues fl ducho debe insets en +0 presentacién,yelcontratsta ps2: Prac de rapir, ‘debe obtener Ia informaciin Ae aitadore tip hao para TC. aie 85 Carre {esos en recmmendton ree stn trom th 272010 crthuak Cle [9.3.4 The stages inthe selsmle ‘qualification process. Selsmie qualification is 2 process that certifies that electric eqUip- iment complies with the sismit re ulation. This process encompasses the folowing stages [A3.4.1 Fiest static caleuation report ‘resentation fr the equipment under study (dynamic report in Special cases) before seismic tals on vibrating table accor wv. This enables forecasting slmic behavior of the equip ‘ment. Together with ths report, the ceramics beneing failure test reporthas tobe submited, showing the 2s alu. 3.42 Electric tise of the equip: ment under study, before test. Ing the equipment on vibratory table, AB.A3 Selsmie trials on vibrating table, fling some of the fo lowing tas: 3) Mult frequency ed frequency During the trial on vibrating ta blo, seismic forces on the cera- ics ae obtained, expressed In af em2, using previously cal brated strain gauges, 3.4.4 Electric tras forthe equip ment under study, $0 a8 to verify its. funetioning after seismic trials 5 Final seismic caleulaton 1 ort, taking into account the force as measured inthe cera Jes (kgfem’ with the equipment fon vibrating table plus the wind, pulling and short circuit efforts The pletue below shows 2 220 ke conta-opening discannec- tor undergoing vibrating table trie. It Is tested in open and Closed candltion. The picture below shows the open cond!- tion. During the tral in closed Condition, in adltion to there sistance of the ceramics jtich ‘must comply witha security fac tor> 2.0}, disconnector contacts should not open, ‘hain the ‘rane tabi a of lions esrecw. oe EsTuIO Cant Cte [A tapas del proceso ‘de alison mia, Consste en un proceso que permite formalzar que un equipo eléctica cumple con la norma sismica. Este proceso consta principalmente de las siguientes tapas: [A342 Presentacion de una primers Imemoria de caleulo estaba det equipo bajo esti (indica en (50s especies), previo a prueba pret en ‘nev rte eager ‘ona. smc on mesa vbratora (gia forresponda), pues sttunciin sfmiga en que se en- entra el equi, Junto con esta remaria también se debe pre- Sentar el informe de euptura de las porcelanas 2 la lean, con el valor dep 2s. A3A2 Prucbas eléctricas al equipo oj ands, previo a la prueba fen mesa vibra [A3.A3 Pruebas sbmicas on mesa v Bratoria a equipo de acuerdo en sigunas de las pruebas que se indear: Mulsrecvenda Frecuencia Durante fs prueba en mesa vi batoria ¢ obiene los esuerzos sismicos en porcelanas (kg/cm) mediante uso de ls medidores fe deformacionesunitaras (tain auge),prevamenteealbrados ) AAA prustas elecrneas al equipo bajo andlsis para chequear su funcionamnto después de les pruebas ssmicas| BAS Memora de cilevo slmia final, consderando ls resuitades de estueros medidas en Ia por cetana(kg/em2} en ol equipo en la mesa vbrtors + los esfueros (siento én y eortocruito En a gra siguiente so muestra tun desconectador de spertura central de 220 KV bajo prueba en esa vibratria, Este se pra tenia condi abetoy cerrado, 1a foto que sigue muestra la con- een aberta Ia condicén ce frada, ademas de ess la pree- Tana fue debe eumpli con un fe- tor de seguridad > 2.0) se verica ‘durante la pra que no abran los contacts dl desconectador. ee emeenpaee ena ec cee Cesare OR OF THE SALON coMerEx cm STUDY COREE {eons ond recommenstion forthe lca er rm he 27 2010 erthquat a Chile 3.46 advertencias 0 consideraco: ines a tener en cuenta en equ os electricas que el fabicante Inca que han sido sometios a proceso decalifieacéa sismiea 3.4.6 watrngs regarding consit- erations to be taken Into 3c count In electric equipment the ‘manufacturer indicates were "ubjected tothe seismic quali Cation proces. 2} The equipment offered in toch eal annexes slay qu lied must be presented with all the documentation used during ‘ualfcation (static calculation report with supporting technical 2) os equips presentados en las cfentas tenias come calicodos ffomleamente deben se” presen. tades con todos los documentos con que se calc memoria de Cdleulo estca con su Informe ‘én técnica de espa). 'nformaton) 1) Vericar queef modelo presenta: 1b) It must be verified that the made doen aofertacarespende con el fered under tener matches the vacaliteaeo. ‘mode! which actualy qualified 6) Informe de ruptura de as pocee fanae eon momento de ruptura 3 la feign mayor o igual 2 cat cada. Se debe verficar que el in \ forme corresponds con el mismo ‘spo attra de bids hacia a porce: i lana, se confiuracén para el an- 6) Ceramics’ fre report with 2 | bending falure moment equal to cor higher than the quaficaton. it rust be verified thatthe report Corresponds to the same flange hit type a the cera, that Its anchorage setting matches the = cae hacia a estuctra soporte y Supporang swueture and ts ma- ‘imate ter. 6) Reiss inspeciond proce: 0 de califeaionssmica comple 1a, por una empress externa ala foncay cu 280 aeptable para empress compradora. 1) must be venied whether the whole seismic qualification pro- ‘ess was inspected by a thd par tyesternal tothe factory and that the proces is acceptable to the procuring party cron oF THe SPen conse ons GHEE etson and recommendation fr he lca ser rom the 27+ 2010 erthqvat in Chie A.4. Critical elements and recommendations ‘AA. Analysis of projet real elemantin ‘order to avold slay sue, length and xi plsinspocton {0} Fotow recommendations star ted NIECE G3 ‘AA. ois between equipments, ‘AA.2 Anchoring sues, wich ar rig forthe ‘tributable te: folowing reasons 2) Inadequate bots (Cut and pull, Asati seismic calculation in oder te determine cat and pull fare 9A pr nse tcl Etat So a to av mistakes, the fat ‘esa the atl bats approved for ‘the equipment in the caluation port have tobe clear inated a the coresponding aeauings. 28) Apooty desianed project Sosto overcome these problems, the recommendation fo imple: ‘ips, sae cables, with adequate ‘Example of lb joins for open ar equgment, undergoing factory tests, {rial performed on ese conmetrs 90- Inronve x cone SPEC. OE ESTUDIO AGRE CLE Gee A.4, Elementos criticos y recomendaciones ‘AAA emantos eros en el proyecto & ‘analiza para evitar problemas simios én (ITO). Segui recomendaco es de IEE 693, ‘AA. Uniones entre equips, Tas uaesresutan iia ora sguentes causa: ‘8.2.2 Problemas en os anljes de los ‘equipos ports siguientes causes 2) Pemos no adecuados (corte ¥ | Un mal dso de proyecto ‘ractién, 1) Una mala inspeccién técnica en 1b) No se realaé un edeulo sismico obra (TO) ‘sttco para determinaros comienda instal niones con te expansion, espa, de longitud Y Mend adecuada + inspec: Fara evar erores, se debe Inicar nfs panos ls caactersticas de les peros aprobades por memoria deciles par leu tiempo de unionesNeibes par eaupos de patio, sometiasaprucba en fbi. rach reaisadas stn -91

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