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Erotic Massage Mastery
The Secret Massage Techniques That Turn Any Woman Into
The Mood For Sex

Chapter 1: Female Sexuality & Your Relationship

Chapter 2: The Essential Elements Of Erotic Couples Massage
Chapter 3: The Science Behind Sensual Massage
Chapter 4: Targeted Massage Combinations
Chapter 5: Understanding The Theories Behind Massage

Copyright School Of Squirt

Chapter 1: Female
Sexuality and Your
In this erotic massage ‘blueprint’ you’re going to learn the
secret massage techniques and methods that will
simultaneously relax and stimulate any woman, turning her
from completely uninterested in sex to dripping wet and
begging you for more.
At the same time, you’ll learn how to rapidly remove the
physical and emotional stress and tension that can make it
almost impossible for a woman to achieve orgasm.
Do this, and not only will your woman enjoy orgasms more
easily and frequently, but she’ll also be much more likely to
experience full body and squirting orgasms too.
A Short Introduction: Stress and the
Female Arousal Cycle
In a study performed in 2009, 50% of women admitted to
faking an orgasm at one point or another. For men, the
number was much lower, just 25%.
Some of the more common reasons for pretending to
orgasm were, wanting the sex to end and not wanting to
create hard feelings between themselves and their partner.

What does this research tell us?

One, it’s obvious that there’s a certain expectation
surrounding sexual experiences and achieving orgasm.
Two, women experience greater amounts of pressure
regarding this issue.
But why is the percentage for faking orgasm significantly
higher in women than in men?
Just to speculate, consider the difference in arousal styles of
men and women.
For men, sexual arousal is like a simmering pot. Feelings of
sexual desire are frequently spontaneous, and orgasm is
easily achieved by the majority of men, due to these two
For women, however, sexual arousal can be best compared
to a pot of standing water.
Female desire is more responsive in nature, and as opposed
to the already simmering pot of male sexual around, women
first must be brought to a simmer before they can be
brought to a boil.
Comparisons aside, it’s obvious that female and male
patterns of sexual arousal differ. And, while men may use
sex and orgasm as a form of stress relief; stress and tension
play a very different role in female desire, arousal, and,
ultimately, orgasm.
A number of stressors can have their impact on women
making it difficult for them to become aroused or achieve
From work stress to illness to general feelings of busyness,
feelings of tension can make it difficult for your female
partner to “shut down” at the end of the day and truly enjoy

This means that your partner may only go through the

motions in order to avoid hurting your feelings, or they may
engage in sex hoping to reach orgasm but struggle to fully
enjoy themselves due to physical and emotional stress.
But don’t men experience daily stress, too? So, why does
stress impact women and men differently?
According to researchers, women are more likely to report
physical and emotional symptoms of stress when compared
to their male counterparts.
The exact reason isn’t known, but there’s no doubt that
stress has a big impact on women’s physical and emotional
With some of the physical and emotional symptoms
illustrated above, and without feelings of enjoyment and
fulfillment, it’s easy to see why many women aren’t as “into”
sex as their male partners.
So, what can you do to combat feelings of stress and
disinterest in your lover? As will be explained more
thoroughly in the next section, erotic massage can help you
to relieve your female partner’s stress and gain her full
attention in the bedroom.

How Stress and Tension (or Lack

Thereof) Play A Role In Sexual
Energy & The Female Orgasm
You now understand how stress and tension can physically
and mentally affect your female partner’s desire, arousal,
and ability to orgasm.
So, let’s consider what it looks like on the other side – how
lack of stress and tension can ignite your partner’s sexual
energy and enable her to reach climax, and even squirt.
Emotional stress brings with it the numerous physical
symptoms mentioned in the previous section.
From backaches to sore muscles to general discomfort and
tightness, your female partner’s sexual prowess can be
severely affected in a negative manner.

This is why the massage techniques outlined in this blueprint

are essential.
These techniques will not only relieve the physical and
outward signs of tension, but they will also increase blood
flow to your partner’s most sensitive areas and teach her
how to control her breathing in order to use it as a tool of
sexual bliss.
The diagram below gives a good idea of how a woman’s
sexual energy can flow around her body, according to Toaist
Further, you and your partner will experience a deeper
bond, which will help her to relieve feelings of self-
consciousness (which may make it difficult to climax) and
become more sexually confident and self-aware.
What are some of the other physical and mental benefits
that your partner can hope to experience when you utilize
erotic massage?

Reduced vaginal tension

The vagina is a muscle just like any other found elsewhere on
the body.
This means that regular erotic massage sessions will help
your female partner to let go of her vaginal muscle tension
and allow you to manipulate her genitals and erotic zones
without involuntary muscle tightness on her behalf.

Increased inclination towards squirting

The very same muscle found in the vagina which is tightened
and relaxed during Kegel exercises, the PC muscle, is also
linked to squirting.
Some women struggle to fully let go during foreplay and
intercourse, and this can make it difficult (if not impossible)
to squirt.
After numerous erotic massage sessions, however, your
female partner will be better able to not only relax her
muscles, but also let go of general anxieties and fears
associated with squirting and loss of control.

Elevated self-esteem
In our modern culture, while sex is certainly more celebrated
today than in the past, there’s still much surrounding the
subject, which is considered taboo, and even shameful.
For some women, this can translate to shame and guilt,
which in turn leads to lowered feelings of desire and arousal
and further cycles back to shame and guilt when she
recognizes that she isn’t meeting her male partner’s sexual
This vicious cycle can be difficult to break, but erotic
massage can help to bring your partner to a better
awareness of the abilities of her body, and the beauty that is
sexual desire and release.
Whether you’ve previously realized it or not, there should
now be no doubt in your mind that stress and tension (and
the control of such things) plays a vital role in your female
lover’s ability to orgasm and fully enjoy each sexual
encounter she experiences.
But of course, erotic massage sessions can also benefit you
and your relationship in a number of ways, two of which will
be outlined further in the coming sections.

Using Massage to Bring You Closer

A common problem in relationships tends to be a feeling of
disconnect. The male partner may feel unloved because his
physical (i.e. sexual) needs aren’t being met.
The female partner may feel unloved because her emotional
needs aren’t being met. This cycle continues, or one partner
goes without need fulfillment in order to avoid conflict.
While the above scenario is far too common, it’s also
unhealthy and can be damaging to your relationship.
After all, there’s only so much that each partner can give
before they must also feel that they’ve received an equal
amount back in reciprocation.
So, what’s the answer? How can the male partner feel
sexually fulfilled without feeling like he’s pushing his female
partner to have sex, and how can the female partner feel
emotionally fulfilled without feeling like she begrudgingly
gives in to her partner on a regular basis?
Well, as this ebook outlines, erotic massage may be just the
answer you’re looking for.
In day-to-day life, it can be easy to let stress and emotional
distance get in the way of sexual and emotional relationships
with our partner.
Erotic massage, however, forges feelings of intimacy and
physical closeness while simultaneously easing your
partner’s stress and allowing her to get into the mood for a
sexual encounter.
For some, the use of erotic massage as a lead up to sex may
seem crass, and perhaps even manipulative. Keep in mind,
however, that while the results of introducing erotic
massage to your relationship may lead to more and better
sex, it’s not the only end goal to be achieved.
With the addition of erotic massage to your love life, you can
also bring you and your partner closer together, physically
and emotionally.

Massage As a Tool for Sexual Bliss

Whether your partner is regularly stressed or is simply
feeling uninspired, erotic massage can be just the tool you
need to explore deeper levels of sexual bliss in your
There’s no gimmick and there’s no catch. Simply put,
bringing massage into the bedroom will improve your love
life because, by its very nature, it’s intimate and stimulating
and profound.
You will explore every inch of your lover’s body, and in doing
so, you will introduce her to new sensations and feelings.
You will reduce her stress levels and make it possible for her
to become more easily aroused and even reach orgasm.
Erotic massage is just as much a tool for sexual bliss as it is
for emotional intimacy. In the process of exploring both your
and your partner’s sexual desires, you will also build an
intimate bond which will bring her to a deeper and more
satisfying arousal.
Now, if you’re ready to get started, you may be feeling a bit
overwhelmed. In the next few chapters, you’ll learn more
about the essential elements of erotic massage, how to
massage each area of your partner’s body, and how to
combine all that you’ve learned to provide your partner with
a targeted erotic massage that will get her in the mood.
Chapter 2: The 3 Essential
Elements of Erotic Couples
In order to reap the benefits laid out in the previous chapter,
it’s time to take a look at the three essential elements of
erotic couples massage and how you can use these elements
in the bedroom.

The Environment
Setting the scene from the very start is important, as the
environment can easily make or break the experience for
your partner.
Fortunately, this need not be an expensive or time-
consuming endeavor, as long as you consider the three
aspects below.
First, you’ll want to create an environment completely free
from distraction. Remove all phones and laptops from the
room, or set them to silent and place out of sight. Unplug
the TV and computer, and even cover alarm clocks and other
devices that have harsh, electronic displays.
Next, take a moment to think about how your partner likes
to relax. Perhaps she enjoys the scent of a particular candle,
or maybe a fresh arrangement of flowers is more her thing.

Set the tone with soft, instrumental music, and create a

world that is just for the two of you.
Now, consider which “equipment” you’ll be using during the
session. Oil is an absolute must, but the one you choose will
depend entirely on you and your partner’s preferences.
Oils such as coconut and almond are lightly-scented options
with good, moisturizing effects.
Some, however, prefer the feel of mineral oils, while others
prefer vegetable oils, such as canola or sunflower.

Also, where will your partner be laying throughout this

exercise? The bed is a good space, if it’s large enough for her
to stretch onto comfortably.
However, a table or floor is just as good once covered with a
soft, layered mat.
The Mindset
We’ve mentioned previously that the introduction of erotic
massage into your relationship can lead to a better and more
active sex life.
And, while this is certainly a wonderful side effect, it’s
important that your mindset is focused entirely on the
enjoyment and relaxation of your female partner.
Prior to a massage session, ask yourself:
 How can I make her experience as relaxing and
enjoyable as possible?
 How can I keep my mind focused throughout the
entirety of the session?
 How can I communicate with my partner to ensure
maximum pleasure?
 What signs should I be looking for in my partner’s
The answers to these questions can help you to maintain the
proper mindset throughout the session, and while they may
take a bit of time to figure out, it’ll be worth it to provide
your partner with the relaxing and erotic experience she’s
The Technique
While environment and mindset are essential aspects of
erotic massage, the massage itself would be nothing without
What is technique, and how can you be sure to take the right
We’ll be focusing on applied technique more thoroughly in
Chapter 4, and in Chapter 5 we’ll discuss the various
massage theories and their techniques, but let’s lay out the
First and foremost, keep in mind that nothing is more
important than focusing on how your partner responds to
your touches.
While you may be tempted to follow a massage routine or
technique strictly, it’s important that you use your intuition
to see what your partner likes and use judgment accordingly
to alter the routine.
Now, what are some common massage techniques to use in
the bedroom?
At the beginning of any massage session, it’s best to start
with light and gentle touches. These touches are known as
effleurage, and their purpose is to get the blood circulating
and the subject prepared for the massage that is about to
take place.

Using the palm of your hands, begin with a light touch. You
can work in any pattern you choose, though circular motions
are the most common and are the best at covering the most
surface area.
Keep the pressure consistent and be sure to pay equal
amounts of attention to each area of your partner.
This is perhaps the most commonly used technique during
massage sessions, and it’s also one of the easiest to learn.

Using your thumb and fingertips, you’ll take the muscle

tissue between them and squeeze at varying intervals. This is
excellent for larger muscles, such as those found in the
thighs, upper arms, and buttocks.
If your partner has particularly stubborn knots or areas of
stress, manual stretching can provide them with the greatest
This technique involves the manual manipulation of your
partner’s joints. You can gently rotate their wrists and
ankles, stretch and bend their knees and elbows, and work
to get their limbs as free and loose as possible without force.

The swift, chopping motions associated with this massage
technique may not seem erotic, but this can be fun to
experiment with and see how both you and your partner like
There are various ways to perform this technique, from using
the side of your hand to perform a quick chopping motion to
the thighs and upper back to using your fingertips to tap out
kinks and knots found on the lower back, neck, and face,
percussion is a useful tool in your erotic massage arsenal.

Frequently associated with deep tissue massage, the friction
technique can be useful when working out tight, focused
With your thumb and fingertips, gently apply pressure to the
knot and slowly work in a circular motion. As the knot begins
to give way to the pressure, apply more pressure while
continually ensuring that your partner is not uncomfortable.
To lessen the hurts-so-good feeling associated with this
technique, vary the levels of pressure throughout the session
to give your partner a bit of a reprieve every now and again.
Those are just a few common techniques that can be used
during a massage session. Experiment with different forms
of manipulation and touch, and remember to always keep an
eye on your partner and her reactions.
Chapter 3: The Science
Behind Sensual Massage
If this is your first glimpse into the world of massage, you
may be asking yourself how massage can provide all of the
benefits mentioned in Chapter 1 and so much more.
That is certainly a fair question.
First and foremost, humans are sensory-seeking creatures.
From a young age, humans are taught that touch is good. We
touch others in order to give and receive comfort, to provide
warmth, and to show a sign of solidarity.
We touch our lovers to show that we care, and to provide
them with joy and satisfaction.
Massage, then, can be an easy way to show your partner
that you care for them and their wellbeing.
Second, consider that there’s a certain level of openness—of
trust—which comes with sensual massage.
Not many women would be open to an erotic massage from
a man they didn’t trust or care for, and this contributes
significantly to the positive feelings and physical benefits
associated with an erotic massage session.

The Mechanics of Massage -- How It

There are a number of processes which the body undergoes
when receiving massage. Some of these processes, such as
the relaxation of targeted muscles, are local.
Other processes, such as the release of endorphins, are
whole body.
But what’s the exact mechanism behind these happenings?
There are a few theories among experts. Some scientists and
researchers believe that physical touch as experienced in
massage sessions improves circulation.
This, in turn, increases the amount of oxygen delivered to
the muscle and helps to speed up the healing process. Other
experts believe that massage engages the lymphatic system.
This removes the waste from the knotted area and improves
muscle healing and movement. Still, others believe that the
benefits of massage are all based in the nervous system.
Touch leads to an electric sensation which travels from the
physical location of the massage to the brain, releasing
endorphins and other pleasant chemicals.
So, who’s right?
As of yet, there’s no right or wrong. It could very well be that
none of the above theories are true, or that they all are.
But whatever the exact reason for the “good” feelings,
there’s no arguing with the scientific research which backs
the many benefits associated with massage.
From reduction in anxiety and depression levels to control of
inflammation following strenuous physical activities,
massage and massage therapy certainly have shown time
and again that they provide many benefits to those who
undergo treatment.

Massage and Eroticism

Once you understand how massage works and the many
benefits it provides, it’s easy to see how erotic massage
came to be.
After all, when you combine two things that make you feel
good (in this case, massage and sex), doesn’t it make sense
that the good feelings would be amplified?
But erotic massage isn’t all about sexual pleasure. Instead,
there are two sources of pleasure that your partner will
enjoy during an erotic massage session.
Of course, sexual pleasure is certainly one of those sources.
However, the other source of pleasure derives from the
massage itself.
Think of an orgasm as a by-product of the erotic massage
session, but not the ultimate goal. As your hands move from
body part to body part, your partner will become more and
more relaxed.
The tension will leave her body, ever so slowly, until all
muscles are loosened. This is the reason that climax
becomes more likely, and squirting even becomes possible—
as your partner gives into the relaxation, her inhibitions will
give way as well.
With erotic massage, your partner will slowly lose all signs of
fear, anxiety, and self-consciousness.
This is the “magic” that is erotic massage. It’s not really
magic, however, is it? Instead, the physical and emotional
benefits are supported by research and touted by medical
professionals around the world.
Chapter 4: Targeted
Massage Combinations
with Endless Possibilities
It’s not enough to know the common massage techniques
outlined in Chapter 2.
To ensure that your partner receives the satisfaction that she
deserves, it’s also important to know which areas of the
body to target and in which manner.
You can certainly use the outlined techniques from head to
toe, but sometimes a routine which includes targeted
combinations of different body parts can provide just as
much, if not more, satisfaction when done in the right way.

Erotic Massage Routine to Prolong

As the point of this routine is to prolong desire in your
partner and leave her hungry for more, you want to be sure
in the beginning stages to avoid genital contact. It’s
important to build anticipation and excitement in your
partner, and you can easily do so by utilizing the massage
techniques outlined in Chapter 2.
This way, by the time you’re finally ready to stimulate her
sexually, she’ll be more than ready, and even craving for
This is why massage is such an effective prelude to sex,
especially If the woman has a hard time getting in the mood.

The Routine
To begin, have your partner sitting straight up either on the
edge of the bed or in a chair.
Start with a simple neck/shoulder combination massage,
utilizing a mix of effleurage, kneading, and perhaps even
As your partner’s neck and shoulders loosen, move on to her
arms. Begin at the top, kneading the larger muscles and then
using a simple gliding/pulling method from the shoulder all
the way down to the wrist. Repeat on the other arm.
Moving on to the legs, begin at the thighs. It’s important at
this point in the routine to avoid contact with her genitals.
Using a combination of effleurage, kneading, pulling, and
percussion, slowly work your way from thigh to knee to calf
to ankle. To intensify feelings of desire, track back to a
previous point and then continue on your journey
downwards once more.

Interpreting Your Partner’s Response

It’s vital that throughout this process, you really focus on
your partner’s sexual cues.
How is she responding to each touch, and which areas of her
body are most sensitive? You can answer these questions by
taking note of her physical responses.
When you touch a particular body part or perform a
particular technique, does she…
 lean into your touch?
 moan or sigh with delight?
 shudder or quiver excitedly?
 get goosebumps?
 wiggle her body to manipulate where your touches
The above signals are physical signs that your partner is
enjoying the experience, and such cues can help you to get a
better idea of what body parts your partner enjoys having
touched and which massage techniques she enjoys.

Erotic Massage Routine to Intensity

An orgasm is the greatest possible sexual release that your
partner can experience. And, while orgasms can vary in
length and intensity, with the right massage routine, you can
both prolong the length and increase the strength of the
Now, the last targeted routine focused on prolonging desire.
That’s a fantastic routine to begin with, especially if you and
your partner are still new to erotic massage.
However, at a certain point, it becomes obvious that your
partner is ready to receive more.
For the majority of women, orgasm cannot be achieved
with penetration alone.
Instead, clitoral stimulation plays a large role in a woman’s
ability to orgasm, and this nugget of knowledge can be
beneficial for you and your partner.
To intensity your lover’s orgasm, you don’t necessarily need
to increase the amount of contact that your fingers make
with her clitoris.
What’s most important is the quality of that contact and
whether you truly know your partner’s sexual cues.

The Routine
Whether you’re working your way from the above targeted
routine into this one, or you’re beginning this routine from
the very start, have your partner lay flat on her back on the
bed, the floor, or a cushioned table.

The Once Over

For this routine, you want to start with a whole-body once
over. This is a quick “rundown” of the more thorough
routine you’ll be getting into, but it will start with getting
your partner’s blood circulating.
Using just your fingertips, begin at the forehead. Graze
either side of her face with both hands, and then slowly
work your way down to her neck and chest.
Avoid direct contact with her nipples, but do a light graze
around her breasts and down the sides of her torso. At her
hips, you’re going to begin to branch out with one hand on
one leg and the other hand on the other leg.
Simultaneously working your way down with both hands,
remember to keep your touches light and feathery, and for
added fun, trace your way back up a few steps and then
down again.
As in the previous routine, it’s good to take note of your
partner’s cues throughout this once over. This will allow you
to have a better idea of your lover’s more sensitive areas.

The Massage
Now, beginning again at the head, this time you’ll use the
techniques from Chapter 2 to work your way down your
lover’s body and towards her genitals.
You want to spend time kneading out any tight knots or
kinks, but also be sure to add in light touches now and again
to excite and arouse.
You’ll know which techniques are best for which body parts
by experimenting and focusing on your partner’s physical
As mentioned above, intensifying your partner’s orgasm
doesn’t necessarily mean spending more time on the clitoris.
Instead, you want to maximize the touches you do make by
utilizing some massage techniques in the pubic region.
One such technique is the use of pressure just above the
pubic bone. By running your fingers along your partner’s
stomach, you’ll find the very top of the pubic bone above the
hips but below the belly button.
Using the palm of your non-dominant hand, press down at a
comfortable measure. You don’t want your partner to be
uncomfortable, but you also want to be sure that she is
grounded and secure.
Now, with your dominant hand, slowly work your way to
your partner’s genitals, grazing the clitoris and exploring the
outer lips.
Insert your middle and ring fingers into her vagina, and place
the palm of that hand so it is against the clitoris. Moving
your entire hand up and down, your middle and ring fingers
will be hitting and stimulating the g-spot while your palm is
simultaneously rubbing against your partner’s clitoris.
As your partner becomes closer to climax, press down above
the pubic bone a bit more firmly and increase your strokes.

The Climax
Once your partner reaches climax, this is the most important
part. Keep your middle and ring fingers pressed firmly
against the g-spot and allow your palm to rest against the
When females climax, the clitoris can become extremely
sensitive very quickly. This can cause the climax to fizzle out

By using your palm as an anchor, you’re helping to keep the

nerve endings from becoming too sensitive while still
providing the pressure that the nerves need.
Erotic Massage Routine to
Encourage Squirting
For a lot of women, squirting may seem to be an elusive
experience. The reason for this, as discussed thoroughly in
Chapter 1, is stress. The goal of this particular routine, then,
will be to reduce stress in your partner and open her up to
complete trust and vulnerability.
This will take some time, and it will likely take quite a bit of
patience on your part. The results, however, are nothing
short of amazing.
You will want to have worked through the above two
routines a number of times prior to attempting this routine.
This will ensure a certain level of comfort.

Realizing and Releasing the Fear

We touched briefly on the shame and fear that is so
commonly associated with sex, but now it’s time to focus on
a little understood ability in women: squirting.
Why does squirting seem to be a scary topic for so many
women, and what can be done to “train” your partner to let
go of all fears and consciousness in order to further explore
this ability?
One common fear that women have is of urinating during
sex. Both squirting and urinating are controlled by the same
muscle, the PC muscle, and this can cause anxiety during sex
and climax.
After all, if someone has gone their whole life associating a
particular feeling with only one activity, it can be difficult to
realize that that feeling can also be used for another, much
different, activity. So, how can you help your partner to
overcome this fear?
First, it’s important to speak with your partner. You need to
understand what her biggest fears are and confront them
So, for example, if your partner expresses embarrassment
about squirting, how can you two work together to
overcome that embarrassment. For one, you can discuss
“worst case” scenarios.
So, if your partner does end up confusing urination and
squirting during sex, what’s the big deal? Let your partner
know that, if she does happen to urinate (she won’t), there’s
nothing to be ashamed of and you’ll be proud of her for
Second, you need to practice patience with your partner. So
many females are taught to feel shameful about their bodies
and its sexual abilities, so you need to create a united front
with your partner and help her to better see the beauty that
is her body.
Third, you and your partner need to create a routine which
brings her ultimate relaxation and allows her to feel her
most vulnerable and open.
This routine will vary from woman to woman, which is why
experimentation is the best course of action. Take the time
to explore your lover’s body on a regular basis, and make
sensual massage sessions part of your relationship.

The Routine
What the exact routine will look like will depend upon you
and your partner. If you aren’t sure where to start, however,
consider following the targeted routine above for orgasm.
As stated previously, you and your partner should have
worked through the first two routines offered in this chapter
a few times.
This will provide the both of you with a sense of comfort and
vulnerability, and it will make the experience that much
more relaxed and enjoyable. After working through these
routines, you should have a better idea of what your partner
likes and doesn’t like.
Perhaps you made some small adjustments along the way
that worked better -- that’s great! Be sure to keep on top of
your partner’s cues and take note of what techniques you
used when she’s her most relaxed and open.
Remember, squirting need not be a mysterious experience
for you or your partner. With the right level of relaxation and
with patience and kindness displayed on your part, your
partner too can experience the spine-tingling joy that comes
along with the experience.
Chapter 5: Understanding
the Theories Behind
Massage and How to Put
Them Into Practice
The previous chapters have provided you with much insight
into the world of erotic massage, including how erotic
massage can be beneficial for your female partner and how
you can use erotic massage to open her up to desire,
arousal, orgasm, and even squirting.
Now, it’s time to take a closer look at some of the world’s
major massage theories and how you can put them into
practice in your own erotic massage sessions.
Major Theories
This ancient theory has been practiced for thousands of
years, but it’s only recently gained worldwide recognition as
a therapeutic technique for a number of maladies.

A closely related therapy, acupuncture, commonly uses

needles to stimulate the various pressure points throughout
the body.
Acupressure, on the other hand, stimulates these same
pressure points with the use of the hands. From the
treatment of nausea to its use in chronic back pain sufferers,
acupressure has a proven track record.
Bringing Acupressure to the Table
There are actually quite a few pressure points dedicated
solely to arousal and female desire.
Three of these points which can be easily added into your
routine are bubbling spring (located on the sole of the foot),
mansion cottage, and rushing door (both of the latter being
located in the pelvic region).
Bubbling Spring is an excellent acupressure point for
beginners, as the point is easy to find and the pressure can
be applied with the thumb.
This point, located at the center of the sole and found right
in between the two ball pads, can be pressurized at different
times during the full body massage.
During your routine, you may want to make your way down
towards the point every so often in order to apply pressure,
or apply continuous pressure while performing oral or digital
stimulation on your partner.
For Mansion Cottage and Rushing Door, both pressure points
can be stimulated during oral sex, or when you’re working
your way down her body.
These points are found right where the thigh and pelvis
meet, so they’re easily accessible during massage and sex.

Ayurvedic medicine has been practice for more than 3,000
years in India.
Additionally, Ayurvedic massage practitioners are just as
concerned with what oils are used on the body as they are
with what techniques they use.

Incorporating Ayurvedic Practices

One of the simplest ways in which to incorporate Ayurvedic
practices into your sensual massage sessions is with the use
of herb-infused oils.
These fragrant oil combinations can not only set the mood,
but they can also provide therapeutic benefits and make it
easier for your female partner to become relaxed and open
during this experience.
There are a number of oils to try out, from almond to
sesame to thuja orientalis. Each oil has its own properties
and nutritional benefits, and you and your partner can have
fun customizing the experience.

Another thing to try is herbal infusion. There are an array of

herbs used in India which can be infused into the oils you use
for massage.
Ocimum Sanctum, also known as Holy Basil, is one such
herb, and it’s been shown to be an effective treatment for
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in adults.

Shiatsu is another Asian pressure massage, very similar to
acupressure. In fact, Shiatsu is actually derived from
Traditional Chinese Medicine, but has developed over time
to become it’s own practice within the country of Japan and
around the world.
Shiatsu massage practitioners use a combination of finger
pressure, joint manipulation, stretching, and palpitations to
complete treatment. Oil is not commonly used.

How to Add Shiatsu to Your Routine

Similar to acupressure, Shiatsu massage can be easily added
into your sensual massage routine, or pressure points can be
triggered at random times during foreplay or intercourse to
increase arousal.
Many of the pressure points are similar, however, in Shiatsu,
there are other forms of manipulation other than pressure
which can be applied.
An example of this is joint manipulation at the hip joint, right
where the thigh and pelvis connect. Instruct your partner to
lift her leg and bend her knee.
Grasping her foot with one hand and placing your other
hand on the thigh which is lying flat, apply pressure to the
Bubbling Spring pressure point on the sole while
simultaneously leaning your body weight against her foot.
This gentle form of joint manipulation can trigger the two
pressure points found in that pelvic crease, while also
allowing her to stretch any tight muscles.
This style of massage is one most commonly recognized. In
fact, the techniques mentioned in Chapter 2 make up the
majority of Swedish massage techniques, which means you
can add the Swedish style of massage to your sensual
massage routine without too much work.

Swedish massage is likely the most studied form of massage,

with dozens of independent studies confirming its benefits.
From decreasing blood pressure in hypertensive women to
increasing the quality of life in Multiple Sclerosis patients,
Swedish massage certainly has a lot to offer those who
undergo its techniques.

Swedish Massage in the Bedroom

Throughout this ebook, we’ve touched upon some of the
most basic massage techniques out there.
These techniques, as mentioned above, are all utilized in the
Swedish massage tradition, and even the routines in Chapter
4 can be said to be done in the Swedish fashion.
As you can see, many of the techniques used in Swedish
massage can be easily added to your erotic massage sessions
and will benefit your partner immensely.
The Orgasmic Potential
This is the massage method that has been developed over a
number of years with the specific intent of enhancing the
female orgasm.

There are very specific areas where the massage must be

applied. These are the areas in the female body where her
sexual energy must flow unrestrained to maximize her
‘orgasmic potential.’

When these areas are blocked by stress and tension sexual

energy tends to stagnate, so it can’t flow around her body
and she will be less likely to achieve full-body orgasms.

Conversely, by using this massage technique to remove the

tension spots her body will fully be able to let her sexual
energy flow throughout her body.

Think about it like a ripple in a pond. The muscle tension and

stress stop the energy flowing, and stop the orgasm
travelling from her pussy into her body.

Removing the tension at these specific spots also means

stronger orgasms in the first place. The female orgasm can
be though of as an ‘energetic release.’
But for this energy to first be available (to be released) it
must flow from her body into her genitals.

This is why unhealthy and unfit women generally find it

harder to orgasm – they have less sexual energy to start

Once you’ve removed these tension spots its easier for the
energy to flow into her pussy (during foreplay) and then
ripple out through her body (during climax.)
This is ultimately what makes for some of the most
pleasurable, healing and intense orgasms she’ll ever have.

Here are the tension spots that you’ll need to get rid of:

On her front

 Shoulders and neck

 Under the shoulder blade (as she exhales deeply)
 Down the back
 On the top of the buttocks (she will give you
feedback about the exact location on her buttocks)

On her back

 Just below the collar bone (as she exhales)

 At the top of the breast
 On the bottom of the breast
 Under the bottom of the rib cage
 The V at the top of the pubic bone
 Along the inside of the upper thigh in line with the

The blue patches of the body indicate the most important

areas that need to be massaged.
Depending on various factors she might need 10 – 15 2-hour
massage sessions, over a period of 2 – 3 months.

Some woman who do yoga, for example, eat healthy,

regularly detox physically and emotionally will need much
less sessions to reach their full orgasmic potential.

On the other end of the spectrum women who have ‘let

themselves go’ and are unfit and unhealthy will need more.

Regular massage oil works well, but grape-seed oil is

probably the best option, being easily available, cheap, good
for the skin, an excellent lubricant, and both good for
massage and the squirting method.
This “blueprint” was designed to teach you how to turn your
female partner from stressed and unable to orgasm to
relaxed and able to achieve full-body orgasms every time.
You don’t need special skills or expensive training. All you
need is patience and understanding.
Remember, this blueprint is not meant to be a magic cure for
relationship woes. Instead, it’ here to teach you the steps
you need to take to relieve your partner’s tensions and
create a truly enjoyable sensual experience for her.
This sensual experience will require a relationship of trust
and love, and both you and your partner need to be willing
to be open and vulnerable in order for her to achieve the
satisfaction she so desires.

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