Magnetization Processes in Wires in Orthogonal Fields: L.V.Panina, H.Katoh, and K.Mohri K.Kawashima

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L.V.Panina, H.Katoh, and K.Mohri
Department of Electrical E n g . , Ndgoya University, Nagoya 464,
WITIKA LTD., Central Research, Ujikonakura, Uji 611

Abstract- The magnetization of magnetostrictive amorphous 2. EFFECT OF Dc CURRENT ON LARGE BARKHAUSEN

wires with t*a fields at right angles is analyzed. Two ways DISCONTINUITY
to superimpose a hard-axis field on the main easy-axis drive
field are considered. In the case of longitudinal This effect can be best illustrated by referring
magnetization a circular field created b a dc axial current
is a hard-axis field. This field results in a decrease in to the set of quasi-dc longitudinal hysteresis
the nucleation field which is critical for the onset of the loops seen in Fig.1 in the presence of a dc current
large Barkhausen jump. Negative magnetostrictive amorphous flowing trough the amorphous wire (FsSiB with
wires with a circumferential anisotropy in the sheath can be ~=25.10-6 in (a) and CoSiB with X=-3.10-6 in (b)).
magnetized by an axial current. In this case a longitudinal For no dc current those wires exhibit a normal
field plays the role of a hard-axis field and causes a
gradual transition from almost a square loop to a linear large Barkhausen jump. In the presence of the
one. This behavior is characteristic of the magneto current the loops become narrowed and shifted along
inductive effect. The calculated results are in a good If-axis as it was also observed in [ 5 ] . Besides, in
agreement with experimental data the case of Co-based wires the suppression of the
1.INTRODUCTION large Barkhausen jump occurs.
The effect of the current which creates a
Magnetic properties of amorphous wires have been circular magnetic field, '6, can be understood in
extensively studied because their unique flux terms of a domain model with an axially magnetized
reversal characteristics, such as a large core.
Barkhausen effect in magnetostrictive wires [l-31
and a magneto-inductive (MI) effect in nearly zero A. Effect o f current on domain wall s t r u c t u r e
magnetostrictive wires [ 4 ] , provide a wide range of The domain boundary between two reverse
possible applications of these materials in various longitudinal domains has a very elongated radially
sensors. Recently attention has been focused on symmetrical shape [ 2 ] , as shown in Fig.2. A
some new effects arising under cyclic magnetization circular magnetic field aligns with the tangent to
of amorphous wires in the presence of a dc the domain wall so it can be considered as in-plane
transverse field [4-71. In this paper we discuss hard-axis field. The domain wall energy 7 as a
the effect of two fields*.at right angles on the function of '6 can be then foudd in terns of a one
quasi-static magnetization processes in both
positive and negative magrletostrictive wires on the dimensional problem by a standard way:
basis of the existing domain model of amorphous 7= y 0 ( / S - h t a r c c o s ( h t ) ) ; y0=4@, (1)
wires [ 11,[ 81.
The magnetic structure of magnetostrictive ht=$/Hk, HE~K/Ms, K=310/2,
timorphous wires has been established to be
dominated by the combined effect of the wire where A is the exchange constant, h t is a reduced
geometry and residual stress induced anisotropy. transverse field, u is a residual longitudinal
This results in a domain model with an axially tension which is considered to be the only source
magnetized core and a radially (magnetostriction of anisotropy. It follows from (1) that the domain
D O ) or circularly (x<O) magnetized sheath. For a wall energy is lowered by h t and 7=O at h ~ l ,when
relatively high magnetostriction I X I 210-6 the the longitudinal domains disappear.
longitudinal magnetization attributed t o the core The decrease in the wall energy manifests itself
is characterized by a large Barkhausen jump [l], as a decrease in the nucleation field, i#. The'
taking place khen the driving field exceeds the field H* can be defined from the stability
critical field, H*, for a reversal domain condition for a reverse nuclei [9] and is
nucleation. The field iP is found to decrease with proportional to 7. Taking into account that the
a dc current flowing through the wire. transverse field pulls the magnetic moments away
Negative magnetostrictive wires having a from the anisotropy axis by the angle
circumferential anisotropy in the sheath, can be $,=arcsin(htt), the change in P caused by b t is of
magnetized in this direction by the current. In the form:
this case the field HH along the wire axis acts as arccos(h t)
a hard-axis field. Its effect on circular %-4 -P = - =Y
l-ht , H * , = d ( h f O ) , (2)
hysteresis loops, which usually do not exhibit a
switching character, can be described in terms of a
d o 7oComo pt
Expression (2) gives a drop in values of ttie
reduction in the maximum value of the differential nucleation field with increasing transverse field.
permeability pv=dBv/dt$ as H,, is increased and a This result is consistent with narrowed M - H loops
rotational part of remagnetization grows. This in Fig.1.
sensitive drop in permeability governed by moderate Another consequence of the reduction in 7 is the
external fields is realized in a magneto-inductive dependence upon current of the domain wall length,
element 171. and is expected to be relevant to 1 , since the latter is mainly dominated by the
various applications. balance between the magnetostatic energy and wall
energy [81:
Manuscript received February 15, 1993

1 - OmA
1 2-l50mA
3 - 2OOmA

FIG. 1 Quasi-dc (60 Hz) longitudinal magnetization

L. . . I -
..--I __-__
F1c.3 Normalized nucleation field IP
I (b)
z(;ii-0.11 0
current (mA)
and shift field
loops for 130 pm diameter as-quenched Fe72.5Si12.5815 !fb in (a) and domain wall length 1 in (b) as functions
and C072.5Si12.5615 amorphous wires with a dc current of a dc current. The solid lines correspond to those
as a parameter. calculated from (2),(3) with M~1.3.103G, x=25.10-6,
k l H
+ 3 u ( rJ=o,,(r/R+( In( l-r/RJ/Z] [IO], o0=75MPa, R=65pm, a=46pm

FIG.^ Domain wall configuration in the inner core.

( a / 1 ) 2 1 n ( 2 1 / a - 2 )= 3ny(ht)/32aMszcos2(9,(ht)), ( 3 )
FIG.^ Calculated hysteresis loops m-h for a helical
anisotropy (n=640) with he as a parameter.
The wall length determined from ( 3 ) increases with
increasing h t . Such behavior is observed in the 3. EFFECT OF AXIAL FIELD ON CIRCULAR FLUX REVERSAL
experiment with a single wall propagating along the
wire in the presence of the current. The Another configuration is attributed to the
experimental details can be found in [ 2 ] , [ 8 ] . circumferential anisotropy which exists in the
In Fig.3 the comparison of experimental values outer shell (or even in the whole region) of
negative magnetostrictive wires. The field Hll
of H* and 1 for FeSiB amorphous wires and those applied along the wire axis fulfills the role of a
calculated from (2),(3) is presented. The solid hard-axis field, and affects the circular magnetic
curves in Fig.3 are obtained by averaging flux caused by a wire current creating the easy-
expressions ( 2 ) ,( 3 ) over the ellipsoidal domain
boundary since the residual stress D and induced by axis driving field, %. Fig.5 [7] shows circular
current field €$ are radially distributed. For both hysteresis loops for a FeCoSiB nearly zero ( I = -
independent measurements a fairly good agreement is 10-7) magnetostrictive amorphous wire in the
achieved with the same parameters. The analogous presence of the axial field H , , . The loops have no
comparison can be made for Co-based wires as well. switching character. As HII is increased, the
coercivity H, and the maximum of differential
B . Magnetization r o t a t i o n stimulated by current permeability pP decrease. The latter clearly
With increasing transverse field the
rotational processes are gradually revealed. This indicates that rotational processes are involved.
effect is most conspicuous if there is some A. E f f e c t o f Ifll on c i r c u l a r easy-axis c o e r c i v i t y
deviation of anisotropy axes from the longitudinal
direction. Co-based amorphous wires appear to In Fig.6 the domain model of negative
possess a high residual helical anisotropy so this magnetostrictive wires is shown. In the outer shell
effect can be easily observed as seen in the field H,, is perpendicular to -domain walls.
Such suppression was previously observed in [6] for Inside a domain it pulls magnetic vectors away from
FeSiB wires held under torsion to induce a helical the circular easy direction by the angle a,, SO
anisotropy. that the normal to the domain wall component, IUn,
The average angle, a, between the wire axis appears. The calculation of the wall energy can be
and anisotropy can be found from the shift of M-H reduced to a one dimensional case in the
loops in Fig.1. As-the current is increased, the approximation of constant mn through the domain
shift field, Hb, linearly increases, as shown in boundary. This assumption is justified if the ratio
the dashed line in Fig.3a. a=60 and a=640 for FeSiB Q=Ms)/2k31 [ 111 (for FeCo-composition wires
and CoSiB amorphous wires respectively. In the case Lk500). The result for the wall energy y and
of negative magnetostrictive wires the value of n coercivity heHc/Hk is as follows:
is surprisingly large. This result can imply that
some circumferential anisotropy exists practically y=yo(1-h2), h e h a l l - h t ; , h r H I I / H k (4)
in the whole region of the wire. The calculated
longitudinal m-h (mMII/Ms, h=HII/Hk) loops for the From ( 4 ) it follows that the hard-axis field normal
resultant helical anisotropy in the presence of ht to the domain wall plane also results in a
reduction in the wall energy, and, hence, in the
are shown in Fig.4. They qualitatively reflect the wall coercivity. The latter is consistent with
remagnetization behavior in Co-based wires. experimental data of Fig.5.

FIG.^ Circular magnetization loops for as-quenched

FIG.^ In (a) elementary magnetization loops a($)
( F e o . o ~ C o o . ~ ) , ~ . ~ S i ~ ~ .(X=-O.l.
~ B ~ ~ 10-6)
I amorphous
wires with an axial external field as a parameter. The calculated for a d 0 0 and at-200; be0.6. Critical
loops are obtained with lkHz sinusoidal current. fields lm on descendent and ascendent branches are:
u.. In (b) calculated %-$ magnetization loops with ht as
a parameter
drop in Ani. The result of averaging with the
Gaussian distribution for easy axis orientations a
and wall coercivities bc is presented in Fig.7b.
FIG.^ Domain model of negative magnetostrictive wires The set of hysteresis loops gives a gradual
with a longitudinal field.
transition between almost a square loop for b t 4
It should be noted that in the case of the and a linear loop as soon as hpl. A gradual
circular magnetization of the sheath, where the reduction in the permeability with increasing
demagnetizing factor is negligible, the hard-axis field is characteristic of this behavior.
remagnetization by rotation can become possible as
H,, is increased. The critical field €Prat which
the magnetization will irreversibly flip is It was demonstrated a profound effect of a hard-
calculated by the well known Stoner-Wohlfarth axis field on magnetization processes in amorphous
approach 1121. In the case of two fields at right wires. First, the hard-axis field results in a
angles one can get: reduction in the easy-axis coercivity. Second, with
increasing hard-axis field a nonhysteretir:
h * p ( l-h$/3)3/2 (5) rotational portion of the magnetization loops
From (5) it follows that the hard-axis field grows. This process is' accompanied by a gradual
results in a rapid decrease in a rotational decrease in the permeability and has a particular
coercivity. Since negative magnetostrictive wires practical importance.
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