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Stoyan Tanev

Associate Professor
Institute of Technology and Innovation
Postal address:
Campusvej 55
Odense M
Mobile: 21356333
Phone: 65507518


Lost in the canvases: Managing uncertainty in lean global startups
Borseman, M., Tanev, S., Weiss, M. & Rasmussen, E. S. Mar 2016 The Proceedings of The 2016 ISPIM Forum Boston:
Charting The Future Of Innovation Management. ISPIM, 17 p.

Global from the Start: The Characteristics of Born-Global Firms in the Technology Sector
Tanev, S. Jan 2016 Most Popular Articles: Best of TIM Review. McPhee, C. (ed.). Kindle ed. Carleton University, Ottawa,
ON, Canada: Talent First Network, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Ch. 3

Business plan basics for engineers

Tanev, S., Rasmussen, E. S. & Hansen, K. R. 2016 Start-Up Creation: The Smart Eco-efficient Built Environment.
Pacheco-Torgal, F., Rasmussen, E., Granqvist, C-G., Ivanov, V., Kaklauskas, A. & Makonin, S. (eds.). Duxford, UK:
Woodhead Publishing, Vol. 66, Ch. 2, p. 21-38 18 p. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering; No.

Lean start-up: Making the start-up more successful

Rasmussen, E. S. & Tanev, S. 2016 Start-Up Creation : The Smart Eco-efficient Built Environment. Pacheco-Torgal, F.,
Rasmussen, E., Granqvist, C-G., Ivanov, V., Kaklauskas, A. & Makonin, S. (eds.). Duxford, UK: Woodhead Publishing,
Vol. 66, Ch. 3, p. 39-56 18 p. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering; No. 66).

The emergence of the lean global start-up as a new type of firm

Rasmussen, E. S. & Tanev, S. Oct 2015 In : Technology Innovation Management Review. November, 11, p. 12-19

Using online textual data, principal component analysis and artificial neural networks to study business and innovation
practices in technology-driven firms
di Tollo, G., Tanev, S., Liotta, G. & De March, D. Sep 2015 In : Computers in Industry. 74, C, p. 16-28

Lean and global technology start-ups: linking the two research streams
Tanev, S., Rasmussen, E. S., Zijdemans, E., Lemminger , R. & Svendsen, L. L. Jun 2015 In : International Journal of
Innovation Management. 19, 3, 41 p., 1540008

A business intelligence approach using web search tools and online data reduction techniques to examine the value of
product-enabled services
Tanev, S., Liotta, G. & Kleismantas, A. 2015 In : Expert Systems with Applications. 42, 21, p. 7582-7600

Early and rapid globalization as part of innovation and growth strategies: towards a framework supporting the global start
of new technology firms
Zijdemans, E., Azimi, Z., Tanev, S. & Bailetti, T. 2015

Product innovation and commercialization in lean global start-ups: the challenges of turning uncertainties into risks
Tanev, S., Rasmussen, E. S. & Zijdemans, E. 2015 22nd Innovation & Product Development Management Conference:
Improving competitiveness with innovation and product development. European Institute for Advanced Studies in
Management, (International Product Development Management Conference).
Special Issue on ActorNetwork Theory, Value CoCreation and Design in Open Innovation Environments
Tanev, S., Storni, C. & Stuedahl, D. 2015 In : International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation.
7, 3, p. iv-ix

Disruptive innovation potential of the value propositions of 3D printing technology startups

Jensen, S., Tanev, S. & Hahn, F. 6 Oct 2014 The Proceedings of The ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum (October 2014).
Huizingh, K. R. E., Conn, S., Torkkeli, M. & Bitran, I. (eds.). ISPIM, 11 p.

Lean and Global Technology Start-ups: Linking the Two Research Streams
Lemminger , R., Svendsen, L. L., Zijdemans, E., Rasmussen, E. S. & Tanev, S. 6 Oct 2014 Proceedings of the ISPIM
Americas Innovation Forum. Huizingh, K. R. E., Conn, S., Torkkeli, M. & Bitran, I. (eds.). ISPIM, 13 p.

Conceptualizing Innovation in Born Global Firms

Zijdemans, E. & Tanev, S. Jul 2014 In : Technology Innovation Management Review. September, 4 p.

Transformation of Manufacturing Firms to Servitisation Firms: An Ego Network Approach for SMEs
Lin, C-C., Ma, Z. & Tanev, S. 8 Jun 2014 Proceedings of the XXV ISPIM Conference: Innovation for Sustainable Economy
and Society. Lappeenranta University of Technology Press , 15 p.

The Lean and Global Start-up

Tanev, S. & Rasmussen, E. S. 22 May 2014

Consumer Creativity as a Prerequisite for the Adoption of New Technological Products: Looking for Insights from Actor-
Network Theory
Frederiksen, M. H. & Tanev, S. 2014 In : International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation. 6, 2
, p. 45-69

Determining the Relationship Between Co-creation and Innovation by Neural Networks

di Tollo, G., Tanev, S., Slim, K. M. & De March, D. 2014 Complexity in Economics: Cutting Edge Research. Faggini, M. &
Parziale, A. (eds.). Springer, Ch. 3, p. 49-62 14 p. (New Economic Windows).

Editorial of the Special Issue on Human-Technology Interaction and Technology Adoption: Exploring Frameworks other
than Actor-Network Theory
Tanev, S. 2014 In : International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation. 6, 2, p. iv-viii 4 p.

Generative innovation practices, customer creativity, and the adoption of new technology products
Tanev, S. & Frederiksen, M. H. 2014 In : Technology Innovation Management Review. February, p. 5-10 6 p.

The Value of Product-enabled Services in Top R&D Spenders in Canada and Europe
Tanev, S., Liotta, G. & Kleismantas, A. 2014

Trust me, I am Robot!: Conceptualizing interpersonal trust in the interaction between human patients and medical
Stoyanova, A., Drefeld, J., Tanev, S. & Nielsen, J. 2014

Value Co-Creation: Best of TIM Review: Kindle edition

Tanev, S. (ed.) & Seppa, M. (ed.) 17 Nov 2013 Talent First Network, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada. 192 p.

Product enabled services’ potential for sustainable growth: an empirical study

Ansevics, E., Iversen, T., Tanev, S. & Liotta, G. 16 Jun 2013 Proceedings of the XXIV ISPIM Conference "Innovating in
Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth". 11 p.
Supply chain simulation as innovative planning method for sustainable growth
Liotta, G., Tanev, S., Gerstlberger, W., Schultz, U. P. & Bogers, M. 16 Jun 2013 Proceedings of the XXIV ISPIM
Conference "Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth". 15 p.

Components of Co-creation
Allen, S., Bailetti, T. & Tanev, S. 2013 Value Co-Creation: Best of TIM Review: Kindle edition. Tanev, S. & Seppä, M.
(eds.). Talent First Network, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Ch. 3

Electromagnetism and Optics

Tanev, S. 2013 Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Runehov, A. & Oviedo, L. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer
Science+Business Media B.V., Vol. 1, p. 697-705 9 p.

Energy in Physics
Tanev, S. 2013 Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Runehov, A. & Oviedo, L. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer
Science+Business Media B.V., Vol. 1, p. 731-740 10 p.

Innovation Policy Development and the Emergence of New Innovation Paradigms

Tanev, S., Knudsen, M. P., Bisgaard, T. & Thomsen, M. 2013 Value Co-Creation: Best of TIM Review: Kindle edition.
Tanev, S. & Seppä, M. (eds.). Talent First Network, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Ch. 4

Orthodox Theology and the Sciences

Pavlov, P. (ed.), Tanev, S. (ed.) & Dragas, G. (ed.) 2013 Newrome Press LLC. 370 p.

Struggling to adopt: An anti-realistic human approach to the adoption of technological (non-human) artifacts
Frederiksen, M. H., Jaffari, S. D. & Tanev, S. 2013

The impact of friendship ties on new product development student projects

Kylindri, S., Blanas, G., Tanev, S. & Henriksen, L. 2013 In : World Transactions on Engineering and Technology
Education. 11, 3, p. 243-248

The language of Orthodox theology & quantum mechanics: St Gregory Palamas and Niels Bohr
Tanev, S. 2013 Orthodox Theology and the Sciences. Pavlov, P., Tanev, S. & Dragas, G. (eds.). Columbia, Missouri,
USA: Newrome Press LLC, 33 p.

Transformation of Manufacturing Firms to Servitisation Firms: an Ego Network Approach for SMES
Ma, Z., Lin, C-C. & Tanev, S. 2013

Using publicly available internet tools to teach patent research and development
Jensen, S. & Tanev, S. 2013

Value Co-Creation as Part of an Integrative Vision of Innovation Management

Tanev, S., Knudsen, M. P. & Gerstlberger, W. 2013 Value Co-Creation: Best of TIM Review: Kindle edition. Tanev, S. &
Seppä, M. (eds.). Talent First Network, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Ch. 2

Богословието на Божиите енергии в Православната мисъл на 20 век: The theology of the Divine energies in 20th
century Orthodox thought
Tanev, S. Nov 2012 Sofia, Bulgaria: Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski". 297 p.

Global from the Start: The Characteristics of Born-Global Firms in the Technology Sector
Tanev, S. Mar 2012 In : Technology Innovation Management Review. 4 p.
A qualitative study of the challenges related to the development of product enabled services in technology driven start-ups
Pedersen, S., Tanev, S., Ma, Z. & Lin, C-C. 2012

A qualitative study of the challenges related to the development of product enabled services in technology driven start-ups
Pedersen, S., Tanev, S., Ma, Z. & Lin, C-C. 2012

Finite-difference time domain solution of light scattering by arbitrarily shaped particles and surfaces
Tanev, S. & Sun, W. 2012 Light Scattering Reviews 6: Light Scattering and Remote Sensing of Atmosphere and Surface.
Kokhanovsky, A. A. (ed.). UK: Springer, Vol. 6, p. 75-114 40 p.

How do new innovation paradigms challenge current innovation policy perspectives

Knudsen, M. P., Tanev, S., Bisgaard, T. & Thomsen, M. S. 2012 Global Perspectives on Technological Innovation:
Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy. Ran, B. (ed.). Charlotte, NC 28271,
USA: Information Age Publishing, incorporated, Ch. 3, p. 61-100 40 p.

Neural Networks to model the innovativeness perception of co-creative firms

Tanev, S. 2012 In : Expert Systems with Applications. 39, 16, p. 12719-12726

Photonics technology and University-driven business co-creation

Tanev, S., Østergaard, J. E., Andersen, T. B. S. & Bozhevolnyi, S. I. 2012 SPIE Proceedings. 22 ed. Vol. 8337, 4 p.

Reinventing collectivism? Using innovation collectives to create and grow new technology firms
Hudson, D. & Tanev, S. 2012

The NPD team conflict: insights from cultural diversity and geographical dispersion
Ma, Z., Lin, C-C. & Tanev, S. 2012 In : Innovative Marketing. 8, 3, p. 62-72 10 p.

A Business intelligence tool for studying value co-creation and innovation

Tanev, S., Ruskov, P., Georgiev, L. & Bailetti, T. 2011 In : Information Technologies and Control . 2011, 1, p. 2-9 8 p.

A combined qualitative-quantitative approach for the identification of highly co-creative technology-driven firms
Milyakov, H., Tanev, S. & Ruskov, P. 2011 Saratov Fall Meeting 2010: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine
Xii. Tuchin, V. V. & Genina, E. A. (eds.). SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7999, (Proceedings of

Advances in the FDTD design and modeling of nano- and bio-photonics applications
Tanev, S., Tuchin, V., Cheben, P. & Bock, P. 2011 In : Photonics and Nanostructures. 9, 4, p. 315-327 13 p.

Effects of castration-induced visceral obesity and antioxidant treatment on lipid profile and insulin sensitivity in New
Zealand white rabbits
Georgiev, I. P., Georgieva, T. M., Ivanov, V., Dimitrova, S., Kanelov, I., Vlaykova, T., Tanev, S., Zaprianova, D.,
Dichlianova, E., Penchev, G., Lazarov, L., Vachkova, E. & Roussenov, A. 2011 In : Research in Veterinary Science. 90, 2
, p. 196-204 9 p.

Energeia vs Sophia: The contribution of Fr. Georges Florovsky to the rediscovery of the Orthodox teaching on the
distinction between the Divine essence and energies
Tanev, S. 2011 In : International Journal of Orthodox Theology. 2, 1, p. 15-71 55 p.

How do value co-creation activities relate to the perception of firms' innovativeness

Tanev, S. 2011 In : Journal of Innovation Economics. 1, 7, p. 131-159 28 p.

Innovation Policy Development and the Emergence of New Innovation Paradigms

Tanev, S., Knudsen, M. P., Bisgaard, T. & Thomsen, M. S. 2011 In : Technology Innovation Management Review.
November 2011, p. 14-19 6 p.
Optical Imaging of Cells with Gold Nanoparticle Clusters as Light Scattering Contrast Agents: A Finite-Difference Time-
Domain Approach to the Modeling of Flow Cytometry Configurations
Tanev, S. 2011 Advanced Optical Cytometry: Methods and Disease Diagnoses. Tuchin, V. (ed.). Weinheim, Germany:
Wiley-VCH, Ch. 3, p. 35-62 27 p.

The Future of Co-Creation

Seppa, M. & Tanev, S. 2011 In : Open Source Business Research. 2011, March, p. 6-12 6 p.

Towards the Development of Web-based Business intelligence Tools: Co-creation Strategy Components in Technology-
driven Firms
Georgiev, L. & Tanev, S. 2011 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and
Regional Development : ICEIRD 2011. Polenakovik, R., Jovanovski, B. & Velkovski, T. (eds.). Ohrid, Macedonia: National
Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning, p. 350-355 5 p.

What does existing research say about value co-creation?

Thomsen, M. S., Tanev, S. & Pedrosa, A. Dec 2010

A combined qualitative-quantitative approach for the identification of highly co-creative technology-driven firms
Milyakov, H., Tanev, S. & Ruskov, P. 2010

A neural network approach for the evaluation of the innovation outcomes of value co-creation practices in technology-
driven firms
di Tollo, G. & Tanev, S. 2010

Advances in Photonics Design and Modeling for Nano- and Bio-photonics Applications
Tanev, S. 2010

Examining the articulation of innovativeness in co-creative firms: a neural network approach

di Tollo, G. & Tanev, S. 2010

FDTD Modeling of Nano- and Bio-Photonic Imaging

Tanev, S., Tuchin, V. & Pond, J. 2010 AIP Conference Proceedings Tacona-Photonics 2010: The third international
workshop on theoretical and computational nanophotonics. Chigrin, D. (ed.). Melville, New York, USA : American Institute
of Physics, p. 30-34 5 p. (AIP Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1291).

FDTD Simulation of Light Interaction with Cells for Nanobiophotonics Diagnostics and Imaging
Tanev, S. 2010 Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Sciences. Tuchin, V. (ed.). C R C Press LLC, p. 3-45 43 p.

Pattern-based information portal for business plan co-creation

Tanev, S., Bontchev, B. & Ruskov, P. 2010

The Challenges of New Innovation Paradigms for the Danish Research and Innovation Policies
Knudsen, M. P., Tanev, S., Thomsen, M. S. & Bisgaard, T. 2010 Paper prepared for the free competition: “The Future
Innovation Policy in Denmark” Issued by The Danish Council for Technology and Innovation.

Value co-creation: from an emerging paradigm to the next practices of innovation

Tanev, S., Thomsen, M. S. & Ma, Z. 2010

Value Co-creation as Part of an Integrative Vision of Innovation Management

Gerstlberger, W., Knudsen, M. P. & Tanev, S. 1 Dec 2009 In : Open Source Business Research. 2009, 12
Components of Co-creation
Tanev, S. 1 Nov 2009 In : Open Source Business Research. November

Essence and Energy: An Exploration in Orthodox Theology and Physics

Tanev, S. 1 Oct 2009 In : Logos. 50, 1-2, p. 89-153 64 p.

Flow cytometry with gold nanoparticlesand their clusters as scattering contrast agents: FDTD simulation of light-cell
Tanev, S., Sun, W., Pond, J., Tuchin, V. & Zharov, V. 2009 In : Journal of Biophotonics. 2, 8-9, p. 505-520

Towards the development of a research methodology for studying the nature of value co-creation in internet-driven
Tanev, S. 2009 Software, Services & Semantic Technologies. Decheva, D., Nikolov, R. & Stefanova, E. (eds.). Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski", p. 200-209 8 p.

Conceptualizing technology-driven entrepreneurial ecosystems
Stoyan Tanev (Participant), Technology Innovation Management Program, Carleton University, 10 Mar 2016 → 25 Mar

Using online data to study the degree of disruption of technological products and value propositions
Stoyan Tanev (Participant),, 11 Mar 2016 → 25 Mar 2016

An Ecosystem Perspective on the Articulation of Value Propositions

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 6 Jun 2016, NORDTEK PhD Summer School

NORDTEK PhD Summer School

Stoyan Tanev (Organizer), 6 Jun 2016 → 10 Jun 2016, NORDTEK PhD Summer School

Personal Generative Skills for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 6 Jun 2016, NORDTEK PhD Summer School

Designing things as actor-networks: Semiotics in action

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 20 Jul 2016, Know-How / Show-How Summer program

An ecosystem approach to entrepreneurship: A case study of Canada and Denmark

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 10 Mar 2014 → 14 Mar 2014, Coneeect - Educating Entrepreneurship Educators

2014 ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum

Stoyan Tanev (Organizer), 7 Nov 2014, 2014 ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum

Business model discovery, innovation or reinvention

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 12 Nov 2014

International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation

Stoyan Tanev (Editor), 2013 → …

International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation

Stoyan Tanev (Editor), Sep 2013 → Jun 2014
OPEN INNOVATION MODELS: Developing an IP structure to maximise your company’s patent protection in a global
Stoyan Tanev (Participant), 23 Oct 2013, OPEN INNOVATION MODELS: Developing an IP structure to maximise your
company’s patent protection in a global marketplace

Festival of Knowledge in Odense 2013: Innovation and Change through projects with a global perspective
Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 24 Oct 2013 → 25 Oct 2013

Technology Adoption by Design: Insights for Entrepreneurs

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 7 Nov 2013

Innovation & Innovation Metrics: What would better innovation metrics mean for your work?
Stoyan Tanev (Speaker), 14 Nov 2012

Editorial Review Board of the Technology Innovation Management Review

Stoyan Tanev (Member), 2011

Divine energies and Divine knowledge in the Orthodox Chsritian Tradition

Stoyan Tanev (Speaker), 2 Jan 2011, Divine energies and Divine knowledge in the Orthodox Chsritian Tradition

Orthodox theology and the sciences

Stoyan Tanev (Chairman), 26 Apr 2011 → 30 Apr 2011

International conference "Orthodox Theology and the Sciences"

Stoyan Tanev (Other), 27 Apr 2011, International conference "Orthodox Theology and the Sciences"

Bulgarian TV program Faith and Society: Orthodox Theology and Science

Stoyan Tanev (Participant), Bulgarina National Television, 30 Apr 2011

Information Photonics Innovation and Commercialization

Stoyan Tanev (Chairman), 18 May 2011 → 20 May 2011

Disruptive Innovations: An option or a necessity?

Stoyan Tanev (Speaker), 26 May 2011,

Project management for researchers (6 days)

Stoyan Tanev (Participant), Sep 2011 → Nov 2011, Project management for researchers (6 days)

Science and Religion - Physics and Divine Energies: Perspectives from the Orthodox Christian Tradition
Stoyan Tanev (Speaker), 20 Oct 2011,

Business Opportunity Assessment Committee

Stoyan Tanev (Member), 26 Oct 2011 → 28 Oct 2011

Modeling the innovation related outcomes of co-creation practices in technology-driven firms

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 19 Nov 2011, The Business Complexity and the Global Leader Conference

Guest Editor, May 2012 Special issue on Business Co-creation of the Technology Innovation Management Review
Stoyan Tanev (Chairman), Dec 2011 → May 2012

Springer Encyclopedia opf Sciences and Religions

Stoyan Tanev (Editor), 2010 → 2013
Advances in Photonics Design and Modeling for Biomedical Imaging
Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 24 Sep 2010,

Guest Editor of OSBR Special Issue on Value Co-creation

Stoyan Tanev (Member), Nov 2010 → Mar 2011

PhD defense - The theology of the Divine energies in the 20th century Orthodox thought
Stoyan Tanev (Participant), Faculty of Theology, Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski", 12 Nov 2010

Using innovation collectives to drive growth in technology start-ups

Stoyan Tanev (Participant), Carleton University, Dept of Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology Innovation
Management Program, 12 Dec 2010 → 22 Dec 2010

Open Source Business Resource

Stoyan Tanev (Reviewer), 1 May 2009 → 1 Dec 2009

From value creation to value co-creation: Canadian impression on the changing nature of business innovation
Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 31 Aug 2009,

An Empirical Study of the Components of Value Co-creation

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 23 Sep 2009,

Open source hardware market offers and business model components

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 23 Sep 2009,

Research themes on value co-creation in the management of innovations

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 26 Oct 2009,

Towards the development of a research methodology  for studying the nature of value co-creation in internet driven
Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 29 Oct 2009,

Energeia vs Sophia: The theological debate between George Florovsky and Sergei Bulgakov and the re-emergence of the
concept of energy in the 20th century
Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 13 Nov 2009,

Research partnership on the relationship between value co-creation and innovation

Stoyan Tanev (Participant), 20 Nov 2009 → 26 Nov 2009

A value co-creation perspective on marketing

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 24 Nov 2009,

Research partnership activities

Stoyan Tanev (Participant), 1 Dec 2009 → 8 Jan 2010

Value co-creation and design

Stoyan Tanev (Lecturer), 17 Dec 2009,

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