The Art of Increasing Testosterone Naturally - Anabolic Health - V1 March 2020

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The Art of Increasing Testosterone Naturally v1, March 2020

Anabolic Health LLC

211 East 43rd Street 7th Fl
New York NY 10017


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This book offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed
solely for educational purposes. You should not rely on this information as a
substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or

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1. Introduction to Testosterone 8

1.1 Testosterone Overview 12

1.2 Masculine Men Traits 15

1.3 Testosterone Functions 22

2 How to Test Your Testosterone at Home 30

2.1 Normal Free Testosterone Levels 39

2.2 No Morning Wood? 42

2.3 Low Testosterone in Young Men 48

2.4 High Testosterone 51

3. The Many Potential Causes of Low Testosterone 54

3.1 Overtraining 55

3.2 Lifestyle Causes of Low Testosterone 62

3.3 Poor Sleep 65

3.4 Not Enough Sun/Light Exposure 67

3.5 A Wrecked Circadian Rhythm 70

3.6 Stress and High Cortisol Levels 73

3.7 On Adequate Nutrition 86

3.8 Alcohol and Testosterone 96

3.9 Micronutrient Deficiencies 101

3.10 Endocrine Disruption 107

3.11 Lack of Physical Activity 114

3.12 Obesity 115

3.13 Estrogens 118

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3.14 Prolactin 125

3.15 Progesterone/Pregnenolone 137

3.16 SHBG 144

3.17 Dopamine 158

3.18 Testosterone & Gut Health 168

3.19 Low Androgen Receptor Density 175

3.20 Low DHT 178

3.21 Genetics 187

4. How To Increase Testosterone 193

4.1 The Essential Grocery List 194

4.2 Food Quality 233

4.3 Protein 241

4.4 Fats 250

4.5 Carbohydrates & Sugar 258

5. Pro-Testosterone Supplements 261

5.1 Maca 265

5.2 Black Ginger 266

5.3 Dessicated Liver Tablets 269

5.4 Mushrooms 271

5.5 Tongkat Ali 276

5.6 Pine Pollen 278

5.7 Fadogia Agrestis 284

5.8 Mucuna Pruriens 286

5.9 Cistanche 290

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5.10 Ginseng 297

5.11 Butea Superba 305

5.12 Ashwagandha 310

5.13 Bulbine Natalensis 313

5.14 Vitamin D 316

5.15 Magnesium 323

5.16 Zinc 325

5.17 Selenium 327

5.18 Boron 331

5.19 Vitamin E 337

5.20 Epicatechin 343

5.21 Carnitine 344

5.22 NAC 346

5.23 Caffeine 348

5.24 Shilajit 350

5.25 Phospatidylserine 355

5.26 Diindolylmethane (DIM) 362

5.27 Topical DHEA 369

5.28 Topical Pregnenolone 375

6 Anti-Estrogen Supplements 381

6.1 Estrogen Manipulators 382

6.2 Estrogen Blockers 386

6.3 Estrogen Inhibitors (AIs) 391

6.4 Estrogen Detoxers 405

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7. Pharmaceuticals 411

7.1 Clomid 412

7.2 Arimidex/Anaztrozole 418

7.3 HCG 422

7.4 TRT 429

8. Training 432

8.1 Calisthenics 433

8.2 Compound Movements 439

8.3 Intensity 443

8.4 Frequency 448

8.5 Cutting 452

8.6 Intermittent Fasting 456

9. Fertility 460

9.1 Semen Health 461

9.2 Libido and Aphrodisiacs 486

9.3 How DHT Affects Libido and Erectile Function 518

10. Supercharged Secrets 520

10.1 Oriental Secrets for Strength Training 521

10.2 James Bond Showers 525

10.3 Pornography 527

10.4 Meditation 537

10.5 Infrared Light 541

11. Oldschool Secrets 547

11.1 Steak and Eggs Diet 548

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11.2 Hormone Precursor Diet 556

11.3 The Anabolic Diet 559

12. Conclusion Chapter 565

13. Key Takeaways Compilation 569

14. References 603

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Alpha Mode On: Introducing Testosterone

Say hello to your new best friend, testosterone. In the next few weeks, following
this book, we will let you in on all the secrets behind the essence of your
manliness. Testosterone is the powerful hormone that makes you, more of

That is of course, if you’re a man.

In today's world, testosterone is taken for granted, subjected to unspeakable

things such as anabolic steroids, reduced down to simply just another fitness
tool. Yet testosterone is the very essence of your being, as a man.

Not feeling quite yourself for the past few months? It’s more than possible that
you’ve been neglecting your testosterone through poor lifestyle and dietary
choices. Testosterone interacts with almost every function of what it is to be a

Do we have your attention? Good!

Frankly, testosterone has been given a bum rap through the world of steroids
and wrongfully accused as the main source of hair loss and prostate problems.
We will show you the real cause behind all of these issues later on in this book.

In fact, if you take care of your testosterone levels as we teach you in this book,
you’ll enjoy benefits you haven’t experienced since you were a teenager. What
are we talking about?

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Here’s a quick rundown:

◆ Improved sex drive and libido

◆ More lean muscle and faster strength gains

◆ Drive and motivation to get things done

◆ Improved energy levels

◆ Restorative sleep

◆ Improved sperm count and fertility

◆ Sense of satisfaction with life

There is a dark side of having subpar testosterone levels. This problem is

actually much more likely today than it was 30 years ago. In a sense, you are less
of a man than your father was simply because of how society is today.

Low testosterone levels have a far reaching effect, trickling down into many
aspects of life.

Did you just read all of the important benefits that testosterone is responsible
for above? Well, just think of experiencing the exact opposite. Low testosterone
levels can destroy your relationships, work, and overall performance in life.

Of course, as a man you are much more resilient than that, and you won’t “just
die” because of low levels of T. However, it will negatively affect so many aspects
of your life that you may want to just roll over and call it quits.

So Is it All Boom or Gloom When It Comes To Testosterone?

Not at all! In fact, if you ever tested your testosterone levels, and your levels
were revealed to be subpar, there are things you can start doing today that are
likely to have a profound effect on improving your life and reversing those levels
to a more similar pattern that you had when you we’re young.

Like to go out with the boys and throw back a few beers? Well, that has to stop,
or at least the beverage of choice. Beers are made from hops, which is rich in
powerful phytoestrogens (plant-derived female hormones).

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Yes that's right, contrary to popular opinion, beer is probably the least suitable
alcoholic beverage for men.

Do you just sit around all day and watch TV when you’re home? That’s not going
to cut it anymore! Little by little, exercise can become a habit, and trust us, as
you start to see muscle appear where you’ve never seen it before and your sex
drive improves, you'll be further motivated to work out harder.

There are so many things you could be unknowingly doing every day—things that
may be killing your testosterone levels. We’ll address all of them in this book.

And that’s the way it goes. Consistency builds up, and soon you will start to feel
the world is your oyster again. No more feelings of “I can’t” but rather the drive
and determination to say “it’s mine!”. Maximizing your testosterone levels has
the potential to benefit you in all areas of your life.

When you hit the high range testosterone levels group, you will start to feel:

◆ Highly motivated and productive. Some call this the “God Complex”, or
the feeling that you can accomplish anything in the world that you can

◆ You will feel like sexual napalm (jokes aside): if you’ve ever felt
intimidated by the hot girl across the room, those feelings will be no
more! With time and diligence, you will have the confidence, the body, and
the sheer aura of manliness to make her yours.

◆ You will look great: with or without clothes, when you have high
testosterone levels, your body becomes a fat-burning, muscle-building
machine. Workouts in the gym are destroyed as easy as they come,
leaving you thirsty for more.

◆ You will enjoy sleeping: ever slept for hours upon hours and ended up
still NOT feeling ready to face the world the next day? Men with superior
androgen profiles experience deeply restorative sleep, as testosterone
itself enhances the ability of growth hormone to boost recovery.

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What About Testosterone’s Shadow: DHT?

You may be surprised to know that many of testosterone’s believed effects

should actually be attributed to DHT, aka dihydrotestosterone. DHT is what
brings about many of the typical male sexual traits, including growth of body
hair, aggression, and libido. This hormone even helps you preserve your hard
gained muscle.

Unknown to many, DHT is a very powerful anti-estrogen, helping self-propagate

more DHT, instead of estrogen, both of which are made as byproducts of
testosterone metabolism.

Don’t Know What To Eat?

We’ve got you covered as well. Not everything that is edible is good for you, and
it can either heal you, or hurt you. We will explain in simple terms which foods
are good for you, and which ones are not.

You’ve probably realized by now that this is a wealth of knowledge to be learnt.

By the time you completed this book, you will be ready to embrace your
manliness, and find out what it means to live a life you look forward to. Let’s

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Many would agree that without testosterone, men wouldn’t have most of their
defining characteristics. That’s precisely why testosterone is deemed THE male
sex hormone even though it’s not the only androgen in the human body. By the
way, did you know that women have a bit of testosterone as well?

Anyway, if you want to maximize the potential of your testosterone, knowing the
basics isn’t going to cut it. Let’s start from the beginning!

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A Peek into Hormone History

How did the scientific community become aware of testosterone’s existence?

In the 1800s, Charles-Edouard Brown-Sequard was experimenting with animal

testicles. Precisely, he was injecting the combined extracts of dog and guinea pig
testicles into himself. (Oh the things we do in the name of science...) Whenever
he did this, he noticed a temporary physical and mental boost.

Even though the effects were temporary, and the content of the ”elixir” was
somewhat questionable, Brown-Sequard managed to pique the public’s
curiosity. In the following years, more and more scientists stumbled upon the
masculinity-enhancing effects of testicle extracts. However, it wasn’t until 1935
that they managed to isolate the hormone.

The Process of Your Masculinity

Soon enough, scientists realized that the levels of testosterone in the body affect
fertility, sex drive, muscle mass, bone density, and even fat distribution. So, if
your body ever fails to make enough of this important androgen, it’s essentially
guaranteed that you will develop all kinds of problems that could greatly impact
your quality of life.

But how does your body make sure it has enough testosterone?

The process starts by the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) by

the hypothalamus. Once GnRH reaches the pituitary gland, it makes the gland
release luteinizing hormone (LH). LH, in turn, travels toward the Leydig cells—a
group of specialized interstitial cells in the testicles.

In the presence of LH, the Leydig cells begin to produce testosterone. This
process goes on for as long as necessary, or at least as long as there’s enough
cholesterol in the body. Yep, you’ve read that right. Testosterone is built from
cholesterol, the very same thing that has been falsely accused of causing heart

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Now when we know the process, what about the effects? How does masculinity
express itself in men? How do men with low testosterone behave differently
from high-testosterone men?

When your testosterone levels are normal, you will naturally emit a more
masculine presence. Masculinity is important for men and is just another reason
(of many) for why you want to optimize your testosterone levels.

Before we get into the physical stuff, let’s touch on the personality
characteristics of high testosterone and how you can improve just by mindset
and mental game alone.

Key Takeaways

▪ Testosterone was first isolated in 1935, but the first experiments using
animal testicle extracts go way back to the 1800s.

▪ Androgen production is controlled by what’s known as the hypothalamic-

pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis—the physiological complex including the
hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the testicles.

▪ The hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) that

signals the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH
reaches the Leydig cells in the testes, it makes them produce

▪ Testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol.

▪ Any abnormality in the HPG axis, as well as a lack of cholesterol, may

impair testosterone production.

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Masculine men are easily distinguishable from the so-called beta males due to a
few key factors. While standards may change with time, some masculine traits
are universal.

Men and women would agree that these qualities are what constitute a real
man, regardless of circumstances—and it’s not about mere gender stereotypes.

When people talk about masculinity and what it means to have distinctively male
traits, a few things that typically come to mind are strength, consistency, and

This chapter will list a few masculine traits that make a man stand out from the
crowd of his peers, attracting not only the opposite sex but also success and
wealth. Keep in mind that these characteristics are all related to healthy
testosterone levels as well.

Don’t worry if you currently aren’t everything on this list or if you’re exhibiting
feminine signs —after all, personality traits are dynamic.

You’ll notice a big improvement just by becoming self-aware of your strengths

and weaknesses, but of course, true progress will never happen overnight. It
requires consistent action.

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You have to be willing to put in the work both mentally as well as physically, such
as optimizing your testosterone production. You also cannot just stop putting in
the work once you think that you’ve already imprinted each of these masculine
traits—or to be more specific, alpha male traits.

It’s really ”use it or lose it” here.

It’s definitely a great thing if you’ve managed to come to a point where these
things comes naturally to you, this is the goal, but mistakes are also bound to be

The key here is to minimize mistakes, own up to them if you did any, and
continually work on becoming the best version of yourself. If you hone the
following attributes every day, you know that you can always feel ready for
whatever life throws at you.

1. Strength, Body Language, Stature, and Virility

When asked what a masculine man looks like, people will usually think about
specific body types and physiques.

However, it’s not all about what we can immediately see with our eyes. And it’s
not merely about being the alpha male, PUA (pick up artist), or any other
masculine male role that came from gender stereotyping.

It’s about knowing what you have been given physically, knowing your limits, and
knowing how to push those limits to your advantage as well as for helping
others. It’s not as simple as separating the masculine from the feminine.

You may think that movement is something that everyone just does because it’s
necessary, but a man who knows how to move is a different story.

There’s a certain kind of decisiveness to a man’s behavior when he moves and

acts with a purpose.

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Strength and stature are also big factors in boosting a man’s confidence. When
he’s comfortable with himself and his body, his body language and overall
demeanor follows, and this will consequently radiate confidence.

2. Confidence

A masculine man is a confident man.

He is assertive and self-reliant without being arrogant. You can see his
confidence emanating in almost everything he does, whether he’s just standing
there waiting in line, holding a presentation in front of an important client, or
working on a DIY home project.

When he can show others how sure he is of what he’s saying or what he’s doing,
they will be able to pick up on these cues and see him as someone reliable.

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3. Intelligence and Resourcefulness

Intelligence isn’t limited to having a bachelor’s or a doctor’s degree. It’s not all
about having had extensive formal education, although that certainly helps to
further develop a masculine man’s mind.

This trait refers to the ability to engage in lifelong learning through books,
lessons, the Internet, and so on. Although it’s very important to believe in one’s
abilities, it is equally important to continue improving on those abilities and
learn more useful life tricks to become better-rounded.

Learning new stuff may seem unnecessary (and sometimes trivial), but you
never know when they might come to use.

4. Ability to listen

A masculine man lets others talk and acknowledges what they’re saying.
Contrary to the mainstream idea of excessive confidence, he never engages in
unnecessary and unproductive male-male competition.

He takes in the words of who he’s talking to and responds with relevance, no
matter who it might be. He also doesn’t try to own the conversation by making it
always about him (jerk mode).

Listening to others may seem intuitive but you’d be surprised how few are taking
the time to really absorb what other people have to say. Most are just waiting
around for their turn to talk.

Giving your family, friends, clients, or someone important your time in this
manner is indeed a masculine trait—and yes, this definitely helps in keeping
relationships growing.

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5. VersaUle Skill Sets
The endless quest for improvement is actually among the most notable
masculine signs, despite not being an exclusively male behavior.

You can say that a masculine man is sort of a jack-of-all-trades. He may be a

master of only a few, but he is extremely reliable in a lot of situations.

He isn’t scared to get his hands dirty when the problem requires that kind of a
solution. He’s capable of doing chores at home when it’s needed (regardless of
anyone’s views on gender-role theory) and knows how to find answers if he
doesn’t already have them.

6. Respect and Authority

A masculine man is well-received and respected by his peers—male and female,

masculine or feminine.

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They see him as someone authoritative and worthy of their trust. Of course, this
respect and trust has been earned through hard work, loyalty, and honesty.

His efforts and dedication to his passions are among the things that cemented
his rightful place at the top of his peers’ social circle, not mere hegemonic

7. Kindness

Skilled, smart, and accomplished as he may be, a masculine man always treats
others with kindness. Although some situations may require
straightforwardness, he will be able to get his point across while still being
thoughtful of other people’s feelings.

He’s all about the truth and will cut to the chase without holding anything back. He
has taken the time to learn the art of combined tactfulness and complete honesty.

Key Takeaways

The core set of masculine traits are:

▪ Strength, body language, stature, virility

▪ Confidence

▪ Intelligence and resourcefulness

▪ Ability to listen

▪ Versatile skill sets

▪ Respect and authority

▪ Kindness

Right now, you may not be a textbook example of this. However, if you make
each day a learning experience, it will be so much easier for you to pinpoint
mistakes and ultimately avoid them in the future. Your ”masculinity points” will
inevitably go up just with that.

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Perfection might be unattainable despite your heightened self-awareness and
gender identity, but if you manage to turn yourself into an embodiment of
masculine traits, your flaws will greatly be overshadowed. This will allow others
to see you as nearly perfect.

After all, we men are builders—builders of ourselves and the world around us.
The only real thing we have to do is to stay on track and keep building for a
better tomorrow.

So now when we know what mentality we want to embody, let’s carry on to

building those testosterone levels!

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Testosterone controls so much more than just the body’s sexual function. It also
plays a vital role in your muscle growth, metabolism, and emotional behavior.

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone (androgen). It’s responsible for
the development of reproductive tissues in men and promoting the
development of a man’s secondary sex characteristics: body hair growth, voice
depth, body fat distribution, bone and muscle mass.

In addition to developing male sexual organs and characteristics, testosterone

also triggers the androgen receptors found in muscle and skeletal tissues.

When these receptors are triggered, they send out a response in the form of
increased protein synthesis in the muscle tissue and increased mineral uptake in
the bones. These responses result in muscle growth and increased bone density
and strength.

Quick Recap: How is Testosterone Produced?

Around 95% of the testosterone produced by the body originates from the
Leydig cells found in the testicles. The rest is produced by the adrenal glands,
which are found above the kidneys.

The whole process of testosterone production starts in the brain’s

hypothalamus. It releases a hormone known as the gonadotropin releasing
hormone (GnRH).

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This hormone triggers receptors in the pituitary gland that causes it to release
luteinizing hormones (LH) and follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) into the

When luteinizing hormone make it to the testicular Leydig cells, it starts the
process of converting cholesterol to testosterone – specifically, free
testosterone. By the way, free testosterone is just one of the three types of T in
your body.

Types of Testosterone

Your body has three different types of testosterone at any given time. These are
the following: albumin-bound testosterone, SHBG-bound testosterone, and free

When your body is tested for total testosterone, the result you get is the sum of
these three types below:

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Free Testosterone
Basically, this is the testosterone that’s not bound in any way. Free testosterone
is available for use by the body as it can freely pass cell membranes and be used
by androgen-responsive cells.

Free testosterone makes up the smallest part of the body’s total testosterone
levels, often just around 2% to 3% percent.

Albumin-Bound Testosterone
This type of testosterone is bound to a protein called albumin, which is created
in the liver. Since this testosterone is attached to a protein, your body cannot
use it right away.

However, due to having relatively weaker binding compared to SHBG-bound

testosterone, albumin-bound testosterone spends the least amount of time being
inactive and can be turned into free testosterone. That’s why albumin-bound
testosterone is sometimes listed as bioavailable in testosterone test results.

For a healthy individual, this type of testosterone is usually at about 53-55% of

the total.

SHBG-Bound Testosterone
SHBG or sex hormone-binding globulin is a protein primarily produced in the
liver to inhibit sex hormones like testosterone. This makes any sex hormone
bound to it unavailable for use by the body.

Any abnormality in one’s SHBG level would eventually lead to imbalances in sex
hormone levels like androgen deficiency or excess. Therefore, it’s crucial to have
a lifestyle and diet that promotes balanced levels of this protein. Having both
too much or too little SHBG could result in health problems.

Having too little free testosterone, for example, will prove detrimental to your
sex drive and might even cause erectile dysfunction. On the other hand,
excessive testosterone production (or testosterone supplementation) boosts
muscle mass but also increases prostate cancer risk.

Ideally, SHBG-bound or non-bioavailable testosterone should be at around 45%

of your body’s total testosterone. We will cover SHBG in MUCH more detail later
in the book—in chapter 3.16, specifically.

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In any case, the specific type of testosterone that matters most is free
testosterone, which makes about 2-3% of your total testosterone.

But how much is that in numbers? How you can test your testosterone?

We’ll cover that in the following chapters. Right now, let’s discuss the functions of
testosterone in your body.

Achieving OpUmal Testosterone Levels

Like any other hormone, when testosterone levels are not at their optimum
levels, it can lead to negative effects in the body.

For example, low testosterone levels may contribute to the development of

metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression, and prostate

With these consequences, it can be tempting to take medications, steroids, or

other injections to boost your testosterone fast. But, by filling up your body with
testosterone from external sources, your body lags behind in its natural
production of testosterone as there is an abundance of artificial testosterone

So, when you stop taking exogenous (external) testosterone, your body’s natural
production might not be able to revert back and start producing normal levels of
testosterone again.

Moreover, increasing testosterone through this method comes with the risk of
having too much testosterone. Which can lead to high blood pressure,
gynecomastia, abnormal behavior, and increased risk of several types of

For this reason, the best way to increase testosterone levels is through natural
means. Some of these ways can include adopting a diet high in healthy fats,
vitamin D, E and zinc, as well as starting resistance training.

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Quick Facts About Testosterone

Statins have an unwanted side-effect of lowering testosterone levels

◆ Low fat diets decrease free testosterone levels in the body

◆ Aerobic exercises at a moderate intensity done for, at least, 200 minutes

per week increase testosterone levels in men

◆ Men who have less good-quality sleep have lower total testosterone levels
in their blood

Now, let’s go a bit further on the benefits of testosterone.

Testosterone and Physical Wellbeing

Testosterone is mainly considered a sex hormone, but that’s not all there is to it.
In fact, it affects all organs and systems of the body. That’s why healthy
testosterone levels promote physical health and general well-being.

Improvements in Metabolism and Body Composition

Testosterone has a positive affect on body composition and metabolism. It is
also linked to fat loss.

Research found that testosterone replacement therapy may help reduce body
fat percentage by restoring normal testosterone levels. Furthermore,
testosterone is also linked to total cholesterol reduction.

Puberty and Aging

Testosterone has been found to accelerate the onset and progression of puberty.

A few other studies found a strong connection between testosterone and

growth hormones (GH). This connection appears to be quite vital during

Research found that nocturnal testosterone levels appear to be linked with the
bursts of growth hormone release during puberty. This suggests that increasing

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testosterone levels and a rise in the GH release work together to bring about the
changes that happen during puberty.

Aside from GH, testosterone is also linked with another hormone called IGF-1.
Insulin-like growth factor 1 plays a pivotal role in childhood growth.

All these relationships with GH and IGF-1 were tested through testosterone
treatment in children with CDP (constitutional delayed puberty). Testosterone
treatment was able to increase GH secretion from the pituitary gland. It also
helped boost the rate of height growth among boys with CDP.

Boosts Strength, Muscle and Bone Function

Testosterone has a positive impact on bone and muscle mass. For example,
studies confirmed it may help to increase the lumbar spine bone mineral
density, as well as help to prevent bone density loss in general.

Sexual Function and Sex Drive

Sexual function and the development of the reproductive organs are directly
connected. Maintaining healthy testosterone levels were found to help promote
healthy sexual drive and performance.

Lower Risks for Autoimmune Diseases

T-cell differentiation is found to be influenced by testosterone and other
androgens. These cells are specialized cells in the immune system typically
associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. To illustrate the
matter, research indicates that low concentrations of testosterone in the blood
are associated with autoimmune problems.

Promotes healthy red blood cell production

The conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is important
for red blood cell (RBC) production. Red blood cells transport oxygen
throughout the body, so that’s an extremely important testosterone and DHT

Improves Memory
Research found that testosterone affects brain function as well. It has been
shown to help with memory retrieval, particularly what’s known as semantic

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memory retrieval. Testosterone also seems to play a role in the activation of the
brain’s left prefrontal lobe.

Testosterone and Mental Wellbeing

A good body of research also found that testosterone affects mental wellbeing.

It is believed that it’s influence on mental states and characteristics are linked to
it’s effect on the orbitofrontal cortex, the area of the brain linked to impulse
control. High testosterone levels were found to promote the following:

Increased Aggressiveness, Protectiveness and Competitiveness

There appears to be some scientific truths to higher testosterone levels having
an effect on competitiveness and aggressiveness.

One piece of research on rats found that higher testosterone levels led to
increased participation in competitive behaviors. Another study found a link
between higher testosterone levels and increased verbal and physical
dominance and aggression.

Increased Risk-Taking Behavior

Testosterone is also connected to risk-taking behaviors. Some studies found that
high testosterone levels in combination with lower levels of cortisol increased a
person’s risk-taking tendencies when operating within financial markets.

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Increased Attraction to Women and Monogamy
Testosterone also affects how receptive men are to feminine attraction. Men with
the highest testosterone levels show more attraction to feminine features in
women faces.

However, a study in male rats already engaged in relationships found that

testosterone reduces their attraction to other females. This indicates that while
testosterone does boost attraction to feminine features, it also increases one’s
tendency to maintain monogamous relationships.

I am sure the above comes off to you as breaking the popular stereotype of the
high-testosterone alpha male player archetype. But it is indeed true, men with
high testosterone levels are more monogamous and it makes a lot of sense
considering women also naturally find high-testosterone men more attractive.

Key Takeaways

▪ There are three types of testosterone: free testosterone (which makes

2-3% of one’s total testosterone), albumin-bound (53-55%), and SHBG-
bound (around 45%)

▪ Only free testosterone is bioavailable. Bound testosterone can’t interact

with testosterone receptors, so it basically doesn’t work.

▪ The benefits of testosterone go far beyond sexual function and muscle

mass. This essential hormone controls metabolism and body composition,
orchestrates healthy puberty and aging, promotes healthy red blood cell
production, and even ignites competitiveness, protectiveness, and risk-
taking behavior.

▪ Maintaining normal levels of testosterone in the body should be one of

the top priorities in men who want to remain at their peak performance.
Luckily, this is what this book is all about!

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There are several ways to test your testosterone levels.

The first one is the ”traditional” testing method which requires you to visit a
specialized laboratory and giving a blood sample.

Alternatively, you can use a testosterone test kit. These products offer a
convenient way to test testosterone levels at the convenience of your home, but
are a bit less accurate than laboratory testing.

Let’s take a closer look at both methods.

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How Are Testosterone Levels Tested In Labs?

A blood test is usually used to check testosterone levels. A healthcare

professional will take a blood sample from the back of your hand or your elbow.
The sample will then be sent to a lab for testing.

Your doctor may ask you to take the test at a certain time of the day, usually
between 7 to 10 AM. This is because testosterone levels are generally highest in
the morning.

Your doctor may also request that you repeat the test at a different time to track
how your testosterone level fluctuates throughout the day.

The test results will include:

◆ Total testosterone level

◆ Bioavailable testosterone, which includes free testosterone (2-3% of

your total testosterone) and albumin-bound testosterone (53-55%).
Normal ranges vary depending on age.

◆ Free testosterone (again, that’s 2-3% of your total testosterone). Normal

ranges vary depending on age

The most important number of the test is the bioavailable testosterone. Even
when total testosterone is within the normal range, if bioavailable testosterone
is below normal, you can still suffer from symptoms of low testosterone.

Before the Test

Before you take the test, you must tell your doctor about all medications you are
currently taking. There are certain drugs that can affect the results and your
doctor may ask you to stop taking them for a short time before taking the test.

These may include:

◆ Steroids (Cortisone)

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◆ Estrogen therapy drugs

◆ Androgen therapy drugs

◆ Barbiturates

◆ Anticonvulsants (anti-seizure drugs)

Common Laboratory Methods to Measure Testosterone

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends going for the
following methods to measure testosterone:

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS)

LC/MS is praised for its sensitivity and is considered to be the golden standard
when testing total testosterone. However, this method is quite expensive and
takes more time to calculate the results.

Equilibrium Ultrafiltration
This method is often used for research purposes, but it’s also a good option for
those who want to accurately track their testosterone. Actually, it's seen as the
most accurate and dependable way of determining free testosterone levels.

However, as you’d expect, equilibrium ultrafiltration is more expensive than

most other options – and the laboratories capable of conducting it are quite
scarce. Therefore, in the absence of this test in your area, an RIA Direct test is
deemed adequate.

Aside from blood testing in labs, you can also determine your level of
testosterone with home test kits that use your urine and/or saliva for samples.
These are usually more affordable than a testosterone blood test but are
somewhat less accurate.

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Should I Do a Hormone Test at Home Instead?

For most men, starting with a home testosterone test kit is the best way to go.
It’s more affordable, more convenient, and is accurate enough for a starting

Once you have taken the sample, send it back to the lab in the provided
container for testing. You will receive the results within a few days.

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The results should come with an explanation of the measurements so that you’ll
know if your hormone levels are normal or not. Sometimes a phone
consultation with a doctor is also included in the product.

After that, things can go in several different ways:

◆ Your results are normal. If that’s the case and you don’t have any
serious issues that are bothering you, you can consider increasing your
testosterone levels without rushing anywhere. Then, it’s a matter of
improving what you have, not fixing something broken.

◆ Your results are normal, but you still have a few symptoms that
seriously bother you. Even if the test shows that you have healthy
testosterone levels, you should still chat with a doctor if you are suffering
from any serious symptoms. The next thing to rule out is usually estrogen
dominance, and we’ll cover that later in the book.

◆ Your testosterone levels aren’t normal. Although that’s extremely

unpleasant, now you know what to work on! Don’t worry, we’ll take you
through all the most effective ways to fixing your testosterone issues.

Because let’s be frank, the conventional methods of treating low testosterone

come with a few extreme side effects.

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ConvenUonal Medical Treatments to Restore Testosterone Levels

If you have been diagnosed with low testosterone, your doctor will probably
recommend you testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). However, TRT has
many potential side effects and possible long-term health risks.

For instance, there is some evidence that real testosterone use can increase the
risk of stroke or heart attack, but this has yet to be confirmed by large-scale
clinical trials.

And let’s not forget the fact that testosterone injections increase the risk of
prostate cancer. Ouch.

That’s why we never recommend guys to follow the conventional medical route
until they have really tried every other possible way to naturally correct their
testosterone deficiency.

Of course, in some severe cases of hypogonadism (lack of sex hormones), the

use of TRT is necessary. However, this therapy often creates more problems
that it solves and is very hard to manage and balance. To summarize, it should
be considered a ”last hope” approach, left for when everything else fails.

Just for your information, below is the usual forms of TRT your doctor might offer you:

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Transdermal skin patch
The patch is worn on the upper body or arm and reapplied every 24 hours,
generally in the evenings. It slowly releases small amounts of testosterone into the

Clear gel
This gel is applied to the skin once a day on the shoulders, thighs or upper arms.
The testosterone is absorbed directly through the skin. After applying, make
sure that you wash your hands and wear clothing that covers the areas where
the gel is applied or it might transfer to other people. This type of treatment is
not suitable if you have kids.

Oral tablet
The tablet is placed in the mouth, between the inner cheek and the gums. As the
tablet dissolves, the testosterone is absorbed through the surface of your mouth
and promptly reaches the bloodstream. This form is not common.

These are injected under the skin, usually beneath the buttocks or hips, and
gradually release testosterone into the body. The implants are changed every
three to six months.

A testosterone formula such as Testosterone Cypionate is injected every 1 to 4
weeks. After the testosterone injection, T levels can spike, causing mood swings
and energy levels to jump up temporarily before they normalize. Despite this,
injections is usually the most common form of TRT after creams.

Patients who undergo therapy can usually see improvements within four to six
weeks. However, more fundamental improvements such as increase in muscle
mass may take up to 3-6 months to appear.

The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy may vary from one person to
another. About one in ten people have reported feeling ecstatic after starting
therapy while an equal number of respondents reported not experiencing any
significant changes.

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Often, it seems that TRT causes other hormone imbalances. As a result, the
increase in testosterone doesn’t really provide any benefits for some patients.

Key Takeaways

Testing your hormone levels at home is a convenient and accurate way of

keeping track of your hormonal health.

Using a home testosterone test kit is also a good idea before you start any kind
of testosterone-increasing treatment, just to establish your baseline levels. You
can then take another test later to see how successful your efforts are.

Below you’ll find a detailed list of hormones to test for a comprehensive

overview of your hormonal health.

Total Testosterone

◆ SHBG (Sex hormone-binding globulin), will be used together with total

testosterone to calculate bioactive free testosterone

◆ Estrogen (most often E2, estradiol) is what is tested but there is reason to
rather test for estrone (E1) if possible, since it seems to be an overall more
accurate marker of systemic levels of estrogen. Ideally test for both.

◆ Prolactin (key for gyno and sexual problems) also helps paint a picture of
how much of a estrogenic state your body is in.

◆ Progesterone, a much forgotten hormone for men which is crucial for

balancing estrogen and the stress response, probably one of the most
important hormones in the body

◆ Pregnenolone, the master building block of all hormones and preferably

the one men want to supplement with rather than progesterone. Not
commonly tested for but if possible it is good to test this one.

◆ DHEA. Dehydroepiandrosterone, the building block of testosterone and

estrogen. If deficient, then a DHEA supplement can help bring up levels of

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▪ DHT. Dihydrotestosterone, the most potent male androgen responsible
for sexual function and mood. If you have ED issues or low libido, this one
is especially important.

◆ FSH, Follicle-stimulating hormone, important for fertility.

◆ LH, Luteinizing hormone, stimulates the production of testosterone in the

testicles. Good marker for testicular function (if this one is working for you
then TRT is not really justified).

◆ Cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone. If excess stress is a problem,

then testing this as a saliva test in the morning, midday and evening can
be helpful. Good marker for circadian rhythm.

◆ IGF-1. Insulin-like growth factor 1, a growth hormone, something you

want enough of but not too much. Important for injury recovery and
muscle growth but excess is bad for longevity.

In addition to the above, it is also important to get a thyroid hormone panel

since the thyroid is responsible for metabolism and affects all other hormones
as well. In fact increasing thyroid function often increases testosterone.

Test for the following:

◆ TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)

◆ Free T3 (Triiodothyronine)

◆ Free T4 (Thyroxine)

Of course, we’ll get into the nitty-gritty details of most of these hormones later in
the book.

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So, as you remember, free testosterone levels are the most common focus of
men looking to improve their hormonal profile. However, this does not mean
that determining total testosterone levels is less important.

What are Normal Testosterone Levels?

Even though free testosterone levels are often the primary focus of most men,
one’s level of total testosterone is still important since a constant part of it (2-3%)
will always be free testosterone. If you increase your total testosterone, your
free testosterone will also go up.

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Because of this, it’s the free and total testosterone of the body that is often, if
not always, measured in different diagnostic tests.

But, this begs the question: “How much of these two should a healthy man

Usually, doctors say that men should have their testosterone levels at between
300 and 1050 ng/dl. However, this is too large of a range to be a dependable

Furthermore, studies have shown that older men often start showing symptoms
of testosterone deficiency even when they’re within these normal ranges of
testosterone. This proves that there’s individual variability as to how much
testosterone is ideal from person to person.

For this reason, the optimal levels of total and free testosterone should be based
on averages of testosterone testing done in different age groups, as well as any
potential low testosterone symptoms. What's normal for one man might not be
normal for another.

With the averages of each reference range, you can use this as a rough
guideline to compare your total testosterone level to the average within your
age range.

We recommend that you aim for being at least at the level outlined for your age.

Remember that it is mostly sick people that go to the hospital and get their
hormone levels tested, so it’s safe to assume that these average values are
already below ideal levels.

Personally, my testosterone levels at my most recent test came in at 1038 ng/dL

which is far beyond these average levels. But we also know exactly what to do

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lifestyle-wise to keep them high, which we will get into more detail on soon

Don’t Forget About The Daily Cycle of Testosterone

Hormone levels in the body naturally fluctuate throughout the day.

In one study, higher levels of testosterone were generally observed in the

morning rather than in the evening. There was a 32% increase in testosterone in
the morning.

This makes sense since testosterone is mainly produced while you sleep, which
further points towards how important sleep is for healthy hormone levels, but
more on that later.

Speaking of sleep, how are your morning erections doing?

What? You can’t remember the last time you’ve had some morning wood?

Suboptimal testosterone levels could be the reason for that.

Key Takeaways

▪ Optimal testosterone levels are different for every age group.

▪ Testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, peaking in the early


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It's perfectly normal to have an erection first thing in the morning. But, what if
you start waking up in the morning with no morning wood? Does this mean that
you have erectile dysfunction? Before you start stressing and worrying, let’s first
get a few facts straight about your body.

(Hint: it may have something to do with your testosterone levels.)

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The Science of Morning Wood

Morning wood, otherwise known as nocturnal penile tumescence or NPT, is the

natural spontaneous erection during sleep or upon waking up. This is experienced
by males of all ages and occurs at an average of three to five times a night.

Scientists don’t know what’s the exact cause of this phenomenon, but the
common thought is that it has something to do with higher levels of
testosterone during sleep.

Furthermore, it has been found that these erections help prevent you from
urinating during your sleep. They also oxygenate the penile erectile tissues to
prevent shrinkage and tissue atrophy.

One thing to know about erections is that they could be caused psychologically
or physiologically. It is psychologically caused if an erection was triggered by
images and thoughts deemed to be sexually arousing.

Otherwise, it has physiological causes as in the case of morning wood. If you’re

worried about whether you have erectile dysfunction (ED) and are trying to
determine the cause, keep the existence of these triggers in mind. Remember
that morning wood is physiologically caused, so if you regularly wake up with an
erection, you can rule out most hormonal issues and all types of blood flow
issues as the culprit of your ED.

But what if you don’t wake up with morning wood?

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What Could Be Causing the Lack of Morning Wood?

The lack of morning erections when you wake up does not automatically indicate
that you have any type of disease. It’s just a symptom of numerous possible
imbalances in your body.

Possible being the key word.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes.

Yep, sometimes, the cause is simply age. A study has explored the occurrence of
nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) among men of varying age from 23 to 73.
Based on their visual observations, the frequency and duration of these
erections decrease in age regardless of how much sleep they have. This
probably has something to do with common age-related problems like reduced
blood flow or low testosterone levels.

If you’re at least at the age of 30 and experience a decrease in the instances you
experience morning erections, you might just be having fewer instances of NPT.

In other words, it’s not that you’re not having morning wood anymore. Rather,
you might just have missed that when you've woken up.

Lack of Quality Sleep

NPT occurs during your rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase. If you have any
form of sleeping disorder (like chronic insomnia or sleep apnea), you may not be
getting adequate levels of REM sleep and this might be the cause for the lack of
NPT you are experiencing.

Poor sleep quality may also be caused by magnesium deficiency, which can be
easily fixed with proper supplements or a few dietary changes.

Other possible causes of poor sleep quality are heartburn, diabetes, heart
failure, musculoskeletal disorders, kidney disease, nocturia, and thyroid disease.
If you suspect that you might have any of these, it is best to have yourself
checked immediately by your doctor.

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It’s a scientifically confirmed fact that men suffering from depression have a
significantly lower NPT frequency. This isn’t exactly surprising, as depression
caused by hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, diabetes, and other
non-psychiatric diseases often decrease one’s testosterone levels.

Poor Vascular Health

An erection starts when your brain starts sending signals to the blood vessels
found in your penis. Upon receiving the message the penile arteries begin to
relax and open up to let blood flow in. Also, the blood vessels close off the blood
from flowing back out. The blood would then fill up the spongy tissue of your
penis called the corpora cavernosa.

The result is, well, an erection. So if you have vascular disease like
atherosclerosis or hypertension, your penis might not be getting an adequate
amount of blood or blood pressure to achieve an erection.

Excessive Masturbation and Pornography

Reports of rising sexual dysfunction including declining occurrence of morning
wood have also been linked to the prevalence of pornography through the

Because of this, a few studies have been conducted to explore this relationship
further and one study found out that lower testosterone levels could be the

The study found that, although testosterone levels would increase after
masturbation, these levels are only increased in the short term and they become
much lower than normal once the spike is over. Furthermore, they found out
that average testosterone levels are much higher during periods of abstinence
from masturbation.

Last but not least, viewing pornography is found to release lots of dopamine, a
neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and motivation. The
relationship between pornography and dopamine has been a major contributor
to delayed ejaculation and erectile dysfunction due to chronic viewing of
Internet pornography. Porn basically desensitizes your dopamine release from
sexual imagery and makes it harder to feel the same pleasure from regular sex.

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If you’re taking medications of any kind, be aware that some of them could
cause a decrease in testosterone levels.

Here are some of the most common culprits:

◆ Statins that are used to manage high cholesterol also lower the
cholesterol required by your body to produce testosterone.

◆ Beta-blockers used to manage hypertension have a diuretic side effect that

causes your body to flush away different compounds including testosterone.
They can also affect your erectile function by lowering blood pressure.

◆ Opioids that are used for pain relief can also lower your testosterone.

◆ Anti-anxiety and anti-depressants affects your hormone levels,

including your testosterone. Drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRI’s) can be especially problematic for sexual function.

Low Testosterone
Like previously mentioned, some other obvious signs of low testosterone levels
are erectile dysfunction or an absence of morning wood.

To make things even worse, low testosterone levels could eventually contribute
to the development of metabolic syndrome, estrogen dominance, and obesity.
All of these disorders further hamper your capabilities (both physiological and
psychological) to achieve an erection.

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How To Get Your Morning Wood Back

In a nutshell, all possible issues with erections (or morning wood in particular)
boil down to either a hormonal imbalance or a vascular problem.

Fortunately, what you have to do to keep your vascular health in top shape is
almost the same stuff you need to keep your hormones in check. Talk about
killing two birds with one stone, eh?

Of course, we’ll dig into the specific approaches to restore your hormonal
balance and improve blood flow in the following chapters of this book, so keep

Key Takeaways

▪ Having no morning wood when you wake up is only a symptom of an

imbalance that your body is experiencing. Be conscious of your body and
listen to it. Do what you have to do to keep it in top shape and you will be
rewarded whether it may be in your daily life or in your sex life.

▪ In general, all issues with erections are due to poor blood circulation or
hormonal imbalances.

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While most of us know how testosterone levels naturally decline in aging males,
there’s still little awareness on how detrimental low testosterone in young men
can be to their long-term health.

After all, testosterone deficiency opens the door to serious health issues like
prostate cancer, obesity, and even depression. As the primary male sex
hormone, testosterone is heavily linked to how well your brain and body

In other words, healthy testosterone levels are absolutely essential for any
young man’s health.

And still, many guys don’t have the slightest idea that they could be suffering
from low testosterone even in their 30s or even 20s.

If that’s your case, don’t worry too much. To some extent, it’s not your fault.

That doesn’t mean you’re ”not a real man,” or that your genes are all wrecked, or
that you’re doomed for an unhealthy life in the future. You’re just suffering from
the result of many different factors including the ecology in your area, your
habits, dietary choices, and even just your luck.

In any case, low testosterone is a treatable health issue. Like a common cold, in
a sense.

Armed with the right knowledge, tools, and remedies, you can fix the issue for

But how can you start suspecting there’s something wrong with your T in the
first place?

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The Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone, also known as androgen deficiency or hypogonadism, is a

condition where the production of this hormone is inhibited or its destruction
increased. As a rule, this is often the manifestation of another underlying health

Primary hypogonadism is caused by testicular failure, while secondary

hypogonadism (aka hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) is brought on by
imbalance in the pituitary gland, hypothalamus or thyroid.

Factors that can induce low T include acquired and hereditary conditions such

◆ Obesity

◆ Liver disease

◆ High cholesterol

◆ Arterial hypertension (high blood pressure)

◆ Drug abuse

◆ Metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus

◆ Genetic disorders (Down’s, Kallman’s, Klinefelter, Prader-Willi)

◆ Hormonal imbalances

We’ll take a very good look at the most common causes of low testosterone in
the following chapters of this book.

In the meantime, to be on the safe side, be wary of the early symptoms of low
testosterone. Generally, the following signs and symptoms are the most

◆ General weakness and increased fatiguability

◆ Shrinkage of the testes

◆ Anemia

◆ Decreased sex drive

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◆ Erectile dysfunction

◆ Weight gain (via increase in body fat, especially in the abdominal area)

◆ Loss of muscle mass

◆ Reduced bone density (up to full-blown osteoporosis)

◆ Depression

◆ Sleep apnea

Many of these signs are common in cases of low testosterone in young men. If
that's the case, we highly recommend you to consult with a doctor and
determine the possible causes. Remember that they could be the manifestation
of another underlying health condition.

Taking a home testosterone test is also a good quick start.

Key Takeaways

▪ Even young men in their 20s or 30s can have low testosterone due to
many ecological, lifestyle-related, and medical factors.

▪ Common symptoms of low testosterone include general weakness, low

libido, ED, loss of muscle mass and bone density, weight gain, and even

▪ In any case, low testosterone is a treatable condition, so don’t despair too

much. We’ll fix that together!

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Although testosterone is a pretty awesome hormone, too much of anything is

bad for you and testosterone is no exception. That’s why you need to know
about high testosterone and signs of too much testosterone.

More testosterone can help reduce fat accumulation and improve lean muscle
building. However, too much testosterone can also be a bad thing, especially
when artificially increased through the use of TRT or anabolic steroids.

The Effects of Having Too Much Testosterone

Normal testosterone levels in men are about 600 to 1050 ng/dL, and they vary
from one age group to another. Having more than that can lead to side effects in
some guys. For example, one study found that high testosterone levels may
induce aggressive behaviour in healthy men.

A bright example is the so called “roid rage,” a condition caused by the usage of
anabolic steroids. This state is characterized by outbursts of anger and
aggression related to artificially elevated testosterone levels that reached
unnatural and dangerously high levels.

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Other symptoms of excessively high testosterone may include the following:

◆ Acne, mostly over the shoulders and the back

◆ Fertility issues

◆ Hair loss

◆ Prostate enlargement

◆ Small degree of testicular shrinkage

These signs of high testosterone can be managed. For example, testicular

shrinkage is not really a bad thing functionally, sexual drive and fertility are not
directly related to testicle size. Hair loss may be reduced by using for example
Nizoral and other topical products that reduce DHT (the testosterone
metabolite) locally in the scalp.

The wisest approach, however, is to control your testosterone levels and keep
them in the ”just right” zone, without going into testosterone overdrive.

Common Reasons of High Testosterone

First of all, it may be due to an inherent problem in the body that causes the
reproductive cells to produce more than the average testosterone levels.
Secondly, it may be one of the side effects of taking testosterone replacement
therapy (TRT).

If you are looking to increase your testosterone to naturally high levels, you are
much better of trying supplements or certain foods than turning to TRT which
may push your levels to unnatural levels. Always try all natural options first.

Unnatural high levels of testosterone may cause side effects. However, naturally
high testosterone levels (through diet and lifestyle modification) are not
dangerous. Some studies show adverse effects to excess testosterone, but these
results are always related to TRT—not to natural testosterone-boosting

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Key Takeaways
▪ You CAN have too much of a good thing, including testosterone.
Unnaturally high testosterone levels cause unpleasant side effects
including anger outbursts, aggression, acne, fertility issues, and hair loss.

▪ In most cases, too high testosterone levels are caused by testosterone

replacement therapy (TRT) or anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders.

▪ Natural strategies to increasing testosterone rarely lead to excessive

testosterone production, and that’s just one more reason to try them first.

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There’s a whole bunch of possible causes for one’s low testosterone.

Some of them are simple and can be fixed easily (like poor sleep or excessive
stress) while other causes are rooted deeply into one’s chronic issues and
should be approached together with an experienced physician.

In the following chapters, we’ll try to give you a comprehensive overview of the
most common reasons behind a male’s plummeting testosterone levels—and
then we’ll go on to an in-depth look at how exactly you could try to fix these

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The principle of ”no pain, no gain” has become a mantra for many athletes,
bodybuilders, and gym enthusiasts. Ignoring the possibility of being over-trained,
many of them go on to exercise two times a day, seven days a week, without resting.

Many people may not acknowledge it but—yes, overtraining does exist.

Overtraining syndrome (OTS) happens when the body is exposed to excessive

training and gets inadequate periods of rest. It impacts all the systems of the
body, including all organs and functions.

In fact, it could even wreck your testosterone too.

Signs That You’re Overtraining

Going beyond your training threshold can have negative effects on your body.
Symptoms of OTS can be psychological, physiological, immunological, and

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Psychological Symptoms of Overtraining

◆ Irritability, mood changes

◆ Low motivation

◆ Decreased libido

◆ Lack of focus

◆ Reduced appetite

◆ Fatigue

◆ Depression

Physiological Symptoms of Overtraining

◆ Reduced strength and dexterity

◆ Drop in physical performance

◆ Prolonged periods of pain after workouts

◆ Persistent muscle soreness

◆ Sleep disorders such as insomnia

◆ Increased blood pressure and heart rate

◆ Impaired concentration

Immunological Symptoms of Overtraining

◆ Slow healing of wounds

◆ Increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections, such as common


Biochemical Symptoms of Overtraining

◆ Raised cortisol levels (stress hormone)

◆ Significant decline in testosterone levels

◆ Reduced testosterone to cortisol ratio

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Many signs of overtraining may not always manifest clearly, so you could be
far beyond your threshold and not even know about it. That’s why it’s
important to always incorporate healthy periods of rest into your workout

Signs of Low Testosterone

One of the effects of OTS that men should be particularly concerned about is
low testosterone levels. Testosterone is responsible for everything that makes
you a man, and if you have low levels of it, you’re in big trouble.

While low testosterone is generally considered an exclusively male issue, it can

actually cause problems in women too. We already covered the main symptoms
of low testosterone in the previous chapters, so here’s a quick list of what the
ladies may experience:

◆ Irritability

◆ Hot flashes

◆ Loss of libido (sex drive)

◆ Sleep disturbances

◆ Reduced bone density

◆ Reduced muscle mass

◆ Hair loss

According to the Boston University School of Medicine, having less than 25 ng/dL
of testosterone is too low for women under 50 years old. For women aged 50
and older, 20 ng/dL is the recommended minimum.

Testosterone deficiency can have profound effects on mood in both genders. If

you’re having difficulty concentrating or are always irritable and fatigued, low T
levels may be the reason, and overtraining may be the cause.

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How Overtraining Reduces Testosterone Levels

Over the past decades, a number of scientific studies were conducted to confirm
the link between low T levels and overtraining.

A small study carried out over 20 years ago investigated the cortisol and
testosterone levels of 5 healthy, endurance-trained males with normal
spermatogenic and hormonal background. Immediately after overtraining, the
subjects showed a drop in basal testosterone levels by 39% and a drop in sperm
count by 43%.

Another study conducted in 2004 looked into the correlation between hormone
levels, overtraining, and feelings or tiredness. Results showed that a quarter of
the athletes who trained excessively had a reduced testosterone level by roughly
30% below the normal range, and one of the players saw an immense 50% drop.

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A study in Spain also found that over-trained elite cyclists experienced a 50%
reduction in their sperm count, and their pineal and testis glands were exhausted. It
took at least 3 days to restore levels to normal after training stopped.

Similarly, a more recent research study that examined the testosterone levels of
professional rowers revealed that this parameter was significantly lower during
intense training periods compared to resting periods.

Finally, another study showed that while T levels significantly drop after
overtraining, levels of stress hormone cortisol increase. Exhaustion also hits much
faster than before overtraining. These problems can last for several weeks.

In addition to its effects on your T levels and sperm count, overtraining has also
been shown to impair the immune system.

One study found that overtraining can literally kill the healthy cells in the body,
increase cytotoxin levels in the blood, reduce catecholamine secretion, increase
cortisol and oxidative stress levels, and further disrupt mood and sleep.

Dozens of similar papers reveal the same results: overtraining can heavily and
directly impair testosterone levels.

But how exactly?

Researchers believe that the main factor that leads to the development of OTS is
an acquired instability of the nervous system, especially in the sympatho-
adrenergic nervous system, which is mainly responsible of handling stress.

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Exposing the body to more stress than it can handle reduces the nervous
system’s ability to control certain processes in the body, resulting in hormonal
imbalances and many other issues.

This could all be avoided by simply getting enough rest to allow the body to
recover. Not only will doing so allow you to maintain peak T levels, but will also
improve your performance, boost motivation, enhance muscle growth, speed up
recovery, and increase your overall wellbeing.

How to Avoid OTS and Improve T Levels

Most people make the mistake of monitoring their muscle soreness to decide
whether they should train or not. The problem with this is that overtraining does
not start in the muscles; it impacts the nervous and endocrine system first and
that can be harder to identify.

Though you may feel the urge to maintain the momentum of your training, you
should consider the following if you suspect that you’ve gone beyond your

Take a break
Allow your body enough time to recover. Some people take a week or two off
from training to restore their mind and body. When they go back to exercising,
they find that they have increased focus and are more energized.

Reduce the intensity or duration of your workouts

If you’re used to doing 5 or more sets per exercise, consider cutting it down to
just 2 or 3. You can also reduce the weight and focus more on the quality of your
movements. By doing so, you can work on improving your mind-body
connection while your body recovers.

Get a massage
Applying good self-massage, sports massage, or deep-tissue massage on the
affected areas will release muscle tension and restore balance in the
musculoskeletal system. Getting a therapeutic massage regularly will also help
you prevent injuries.

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Make sure you consume an adequate number of calories
Your calorie intake should match (or possibly exceed) your caloric expenditure.
Overtraining depletes the body of various nutrients so make sure you get
enough carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins to aid in recovery.

Address vitamin deficiencies

Take nutritional supplements to address lack of vitamins and minerals. While it’s
important to get vitamins from your food, supplementation is often necessary
when overtraining becomes a concern.

Key Takeaways

▪ Overtraining is a real thing, and its threshold varies from person to

person. If you believe you are overtraining and suspect you have low
testosterone levels, you should now know what you need to do: give
yourself enough rest.

▪ By listening to your body and allowing it time to recover and rebuild, you
can come back stronger than before and ultimately achieve athletic
success and an outstanding physique.

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Although this idea may come as a surprise for many men out there, it’s still an
unpleasant truth: a whole lot of low testosterone cases are caused by poor
(awfully poor) lifestyle choices.

How much you sleep, what food you eat, how you deal with stress—all of these
factors affect your precious T more than you could possibly think.

Don’t worry, though, we’ll look through all of these possible problems one by
one to make sure you’re not jeopardizing your manliness in any way.


It all begins with a simple question.

What does it mean to be healthy?

How Do We Define Being Healthy?

Here at Anabolic Health we specialize in fixing hormonal imbalances. There are

many ways guys can end up with these types of health problems but there is
also a very easy roadmap to how you can AVOID these problems as well. We call
them The 5 Pillars of Health:

◆ Sleep
◆ Enough sun / light exposure
◆ A balanced circadian rhythm
◆ Minimizing mental, physical & environmental stress

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◆ Adequate nutrition

Conversely, the opposite of these pillars of health are major testosterone-killers:

◆ Poor sleep
◆ Not enough sun / light exposure
◆ A wrecked circadian rhythm
◆ Stress and chronically elevated cortisol levels
◆ Inadequate nutrition

We’ll cover each of these major T-killers in the following chapters.

Hormone Imbalance in Men: How You Can Fix It For Good

Hormone imbalance is one of the most common health problems faced by

modern men, yet it is often not diagnosed or is simply an undiagnosed side
effect of some other health condition.

In the next chapters, we will introduce you to the basics of what it takes to stay
healthy as a man in modern times and how to maintain hormonal balance come
hell or high water.

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While most men unfortunately end up on our website after they have already
contracted some issues with their health such as hormonal imbalances and low
testosterone, a lot of the guidelines in this chapter also serve as effective
preventive measures.

Follow the tips in the following chapter, keep track of your body, and you are
guaranteed to improve your health and hormones. It’s that simple.

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Healthy sleep is extremely important.

That’s common sense, but sleep still tends to come in pretty far down on most
people’s priority list.

In this day and age, people are always so busy with work and pursuing careers
that little time is left for pleasure and relaxation, let alone sleep.

The endocrine system is particularly active at night. For example, much of a

man’s testosterone is produced during night sleep—another reason why
morning erections and sex drive are particularly strong in the morning hours
compared to the rest of the day.

To illustrate the matter, studies indicate that getting 8 hours of sleep in

comparison to 4 hours can make a huge 60% difference in testosterone levels,
so every extra hour of rest is important and should be prioritized.

Another reason for the lack of sleep in the modern age is the abundance of sleep
disruptors all around. For example, take the blue light emitted from electronics such
as TVs and computer or cellphone screens. Ironically, these devices tend to be a
favorite evening pastime for the majority of people even though they are particularly
detrimental to healthy sleep.

Blue light is actually stressful for the body and inhibits the circadian rhythm,
basically dysregulating your body instead of properly preparing it for rest.

You can use electronics before bedtime but only if you invest in a pair of blue light
blocking glasses which essentially filter out much of the blue light. We highly
recommend them since they are much easier to adhere to than the zero electronics
before bedtime rule. Alternatively, some modern devices come with built-in
reduced blue light emission modes that you can activate after 6 PM or so.

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This principle also applies to stuff like office fluorescence lighting which is
basically all blue light. Spending 9 hours a day in such an environment is a recipe
for disaster, but more on that later.

Key Takeaways

Good sleep is essential for healthy testosterone levels, and luckily—it’s one of
the easy factors to fix for improved hormonal health.

Here are some general tips for getting a good night’s sleep:

▪ Make sure you limit blue light in the evening. Use blue light blockers or no
electronics for 2 hours before bedtime

▪ Make sure your bedroom is dark and well ventilated. A cooler room
temperature in your bedroom helps improve sleep quality (think

▪ Limit caffeine and other stimulants at least 6 hours before bedtime

▪ A sugary snack before bed can also help lower stress hormones, induce
relaxation, and prevent hypoglycemia during sleep by replenishing liver
glycogen (we recommend 1-2 tbsp of honey)

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Guess what the most undiagnosed health condition of the 21st century is?


Yep, that’s right.

But sunlight is free and available everywhere—so that issue should be easy to fix?

For the majority of people, it’s not.

Real broad spectrum light as emitted from the sun is essential for health,
especially for your stress response and metabolism.

When we talk about metabolism together with stress the logic are simple: in
order for the body to withstand the stressful situations that it is subjected to, a
high degree of energy production (metabolism) is crucial.

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The thyroid is the primary driver of energy production, as well as the stress
hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Stress hormones can temporary deliver
emergency energy (a stress response) with the trade-off of causing damage after
prolonged action.

Obviously, the perfect scenario is to have high thyroid energy production (high
metabolism) and limit stress response.

During chronic stress, metabolism and body temperature output is reduced,

signaling an emergency energy conserving state which most often involves just
powering on further with the help of stress hormones.

Hence, anything that increases metabolism and thyroid function can be seen as
beneficial and anything that decreases metabolism can be seen as similar to a
chronic stress response (since it makes you less adaptable).

But what does ALL of this has to do with light / sun exposure?

We’re getting there.

Light deprivation may cause progesterone deficiency, which goes on to influence

overall hormonal balance and eventually leads you toward a state of estrogen
dominance (the worst possible state for a man). This involves high levels of
stress hormones, estrogen and prolactin, a sure recipe for everything from
sexual dysfunction to chronic fatigue and persistent weight gain.

This issue is mainly caused by dysregulated melatonin production. Melatonin is

commonly known as the sleep hormone.

Contrary to popular opinion, melatonin is not a beneficial hormone outside its

context of a normal sleep cycle. It inhibits progesterone and thyroid function,
which essentially lowers metabolism as well as body temperature, the same as a
chronic stressor would also do.

All in all, you want to make sure you get at least 1 hour of direct sunlight per day
(as long as it doesn't burn you). This should be enough to prevent progesterone
deficiency and ensure healthy melatonin production.

If this is a problem, then make sure to invest in a bright light device which can
serve as a decent replacement when sunlight isn’t available (such as during the
winter if you’re not in a tropical area).

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Also whatever you do, do not supplement with melatonin unless it’s just to fix a
jet lag, as it might cause more harm to your metabolism than it would improve
your sleep!

Key Takeaways

▪ Getting enough sun exposure every day is important to keep your

progesterone and melatonin levels healthy. About 1 hour of sunlight per
day should be enough

▪ Not getting enough sun / light exposure wreaks havoc in your hormonal
system, decreases metabolism, and increases your stress response

▪ All of these unpleasant developments lead to a decrease in testosterone

▪ Go get some sunlight!

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A circadian rhythm is the daily sleep-wake cycle that a living being goes through
every 24 hours. Even the word itself is derived from the Latin circa meaning
”around” and diem meaning ”day.”

So, in simple terms, your circadian rhythm is your daily sleep-wake cycle.

Ideally, it should be balanced and working regularly, like a clock. Signs of a

balanced circadian rhythm include:

◆ Going to bed at roughly the same time. Not at 9 PM on one day and then
at 3 AM tomorrow

◆ Waking up at about the same time

◆ Sleeping for a stable number of hours daily

This gives your body enough opportunity to balance itself and tweak its
functions, adapting to whatever things life may throw at you.

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Like in all other things, a balance between light and dark, sleep and wake, stress
and rest, is essential for health and hormonal balance.

Circadian rhythms are particularly important for hormonal health because

hormones work in a pulsating fashion in the body. They increase and decrease
during at different times of the day as well as according to needs. Some
hormones aren’t produced properly if you’re not sleeping at the time of their
natural peak production.

It works the other way around too: being awake late at night promotes the
release of hormones that shouldn’t be working at this time of the day.

For example, working long into the night will keep your levels of cortisol running
high when your endocrine system was supposed to be resting and recovering.
This change will offset and mess up your entire 24-hour balance.

It’s easy to understand these things from a rational perspective too.

Humans are creatures that evolved from the delicate ecosystem that is planet
Earth. It’s only in the last couple of centuries that technology has allowed us to
disrupt much of the natural balance.

Our bodies haven’t evolved to require any less light or dark than we did 10,000
years ago, yet we get much less then we used to.

If electricity was never invented, then people’s circadian rhythms would be much
different than they are today as the darkness of night is self-limiting.

Nobody would stay up when it’s pitch black outside and the limited mobility of
fire just makes it a major pain in the ass (imagine clubbing indoors with a giant
barn fire in the middle just to keep the party going.)

Some people like to say that they are night owls, while others are more effective
in the morning hours. But if you feel like a night owl we got new’s for you: your
circadian rhythm is wrecked as can be.

Levels of cortisol should be the highest in the early morning to get you out of
bed and gradually decline as you go further you get into the day. Towards
bedtime cortisol levels should be at their lowest levels. This is the natural
pattern of a healthy circadian rhythm.

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What happens in the case of night owls is that the pattern is dysregulated since
the body is experiencing great difficulty telling night and day apart (often from
excess blue light and not enough sunlight for example).

This most often has the effect of making you excessively lazy and tired in the
early mornings only to have most of your energy and productivity return to you
towards the late afternoon and evening.

At it’s worst, the night owl phenomenon will cause you problems like insomnia
and decreased testosterone secretion. It’s also easy to tell how well-adjusted
your rhythm is by the quality of your morning wood.

While there are supplements such as cortisol-lowering herbs that can be

beneficial in helping to nudge the body's hormonal secretion pattern in the right
direction, it is just a band-aid and does not fix the root cause of the problem.

You basically need to address this issue at the core by sticking to a better
sleeping schedule and limit disruptive elements.

Key Takeaways

▪ Having a stable circadian rhythm is extremely important for your health in

general and your testosterone production in particular

▪ Try going to sleep at the same time every day and waking up at roughly
the same time in the mornings

▪ If you have trouble falling asleep, limit your exposure to blue light and
your stimulants intake 6 hours before bedtime

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Like all hormones, cortisol is a chemical messenger. Produced by your adrenal

glands, which are located just on top of your kidneys, cortisol is essential for
many processes in the body.

Why is this hormone so important?

Cortisol is one of the body’s main stress hormones.

Many people want to lower their cortisol levels, thinking that since it’s a stress
hormone, you should have as little of it as physically possible. But labelling
cortisol as purely bad is a crying oversimplification. You see, we need stress,
and we need stress hormones.

The problems start when your cortisol levels are too high, or when they’re
increased for a long time.

But what problems, exactly? Can stress kill you?

What Does CorUsol Do?

Cortisol is a catabolic hormone, which means it breaks things down.

In times of stress, cortisol breaks down some of your tissues to elevate blood
glucose levels. This spike in blood glucose provides instant energy for the so-
called fight or flight response.

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This is useful if you are confronted by an occasional physical stress that places
your life in danger.

For example, imagine you’re crossing a road. Suddenly, a car appears out of
nowhere and you have to dash out of the way to save your life. One of the many
mechanisms through which your body triggers that is by releasing a blast of
cortisol and catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine).

The act of dashing out of the car’s way will get you to safety, and then your body
will lower your cortisol levels. This will return your hormonal system back to its
normal, balanced state called homeostasis.

However, in modern times, most kinds of stress tend to be less lethal and WAY
more prolonged.

Modern stress is chronic, and that’s a huge problem.

Chronic stress leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels, which is where the
trouble starts!

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The Dangers of Elevated CorUsol

While the occasional burst of cortisol is nothing to worry about, chronic high
cortisol levels can be extremely detrimental to your health. Many of the
problems associated with both stress and cortisol are the direct result of
elevated blood glucose levels.

Blood, as it circulates all around your body, affects each and every organ and
tissue it passes through. Thick blood that’s full of glucose doesn’t circulate freely,
is prone to clotting, and causes systemic inflammation.

Prolonged and elevated levels of blood glucose also increase your risk of
developing diabetes, a metabolic condition that comes with a host of other risk
factors including kidney, eye, and nerve damage.

The bottom line: too much stress can kill you, almost literally.

There’s also a strong link between excess cortisol and weight gain, especially in
the abdominal area. So, if you’ve been having trouble to lose weight or have
gained weight around your waist lately, maybe stress is the cause of your

Other symptoms of high cortisol include:

◆ Sleep issues

◆ Low energy

◆ Frequent illness

◆ Sugar cravings

◆ Low libido

◆ Depression

◆ Anxiety

◆ Loss of productivity

◆ Difficulty concentrating

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Elevated Cortisol and Lowered Testosterone: Is There a Link?

There is a statistically significant relationship between high cortisol and low

testosterone levels. In many studies throughout the last decades, low
testosterone levels are accompanied by above-normal cortisol levels.

It’s commonly accepted that stress can lower libido but it’s unclear whether
that’s due to lowered testosterone or some other mechanism.

One possible mechanism is that cortisol promotes accumulation of abdominal

fat, which is full of aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme that transforms
testosterone into estrogen—and there you have it, low T levels due to
chronically high cortisol.

While some studies certainly suggest that cortisol lowers testosterone, others
report that any relationship between these two hormones is associative and not
causative. Too much stress does, however, drive testosterone levels down while
pushing cortisol levels up.

Given that elevated cortisol levels are inherently unhealthy; it is not a big leap to
conclude that lowered testosterone could be caused by elevated cortisol levels.

Now, let’s get to the good news and take a look at how you can reduce your
cortisol levels naturally.

How to Reduce CorUsol Levels

There are several proven ways to lower cortisol levels including lifestyle changes,
dietary tweaks, and through natural supplements.

Get More Sleep

Easier said than done when you’re stressed, but sleeping more will help you deal
with stress more effectively. Try to get six to eight hours per night to ensure you
have the energy to deal with the stress of your day more effectively.

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Learn How to Prevent Stress
Reducing stress means reducing cortisol levels by default. Develop your
delegation skills, avoid perfectionism, practice better time management, and
learn how to be more assertive to remove stress from your life.

Eat Healthy
Junk food causes peaks and valleys in your blood glucose and energy levels, and
thus makes you more susceptible to stress. You’ll cope with stress more easily
and be less prone to the problems caused by elevated cortisol if you eat less
processed foods in general and build your diet around nutritious, natural foods.

Practice Meditation
Meditation has been shown to lower stress and cortisol. Meditation comes in
several varieties, some of which can take time to learn and require detailed
instructions. One simple form of meditation you can do right now is to combine
breathing and counting:

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1. Sit or lie down in a quiet room. With your eyes closed, breathe in while
counting to three and then breathe out on the count of three again.

2. Try to keep your mind clear of all other thoughts except the numbers you
are reciting and the sound of your breathing.

3. Acknowledge any stray thoughts that enter your mind but then dismiss
them and continue breathing and counting.

Use Beneficial Adaptogens, Supplements and Foods

Adaptogens are natural substances that help balance hormones and fight stress.
Usually extracted from plants, stress-fighting adaptogens include:

◆ American Ginseng
◆ Asian Ginseng
◆ Butea Superba
◆ Black Ginger
◆ Cordyceps
◆ Dang Shen root
◆ Eleuthero root, stem or bark
◆ Guduchi root and stem
◆ Holy Basil
◆ Pine Pollen
◆ Jiaogulan
◆ Licorice root
◆ Reishi
◆ Rhaponticum root
◆ Rhodiola root
◆ Schisandra fruit and seed
◆ Shilajit
◆ Tongkat Ali

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These exotic-sounding substances are frequently used in Asian and Indian
medicine to treat stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

A powerful adaptogen, ashwagandha has been studied extensively and revealed
to be an effective supplement for the management of stress. Available in both
powder and capsule form, ashwagandha can effectively reduce stress and
anxiety in adults. We will cover it in more detail later in this book.

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Studies reveal that phosphatidylserine is effective for reducing both stress and
cortisol levels in athletes. Since your body can’t tell apart physical and
psychological stress well, this means that using supplemental
phosphatidylserine should work equally well for stressed-out desk warriors and
hard-training athletes alike. If you decide to try out this supplement, make sure
your product doesn’t contain soy.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Essential for optimal immune system function, vitamin C is available in
supplement form. Most people will benefit from getting more vitamin C, as
processed foods are invariably low in this vital nutrient. Vitamin C has also been
shown to lower physical and psychological stress and, therefore, cortisol. In
terms of supplements, liposome encapsulated Vitamin C is the best type of
ascorbic acid supplement, featuring a bioavailability almost on a same level with
intravenous Vitamin C.

Tested as part of a weight control trial, magnolia extract was revealed to be an
effective way to lower cortisol levels. As a result, it promoted weight loss by
reducing the frequency of stress eating. Also, magnolia was effective in reducing
cortisol levels, and this change is strongly linked to lower fat storage around the

Low levels of dietary magnesium are linked to elevated stress and cortisol levels.
For this reason, magnesium supplementation is often recommended as a gentle
remedy for stress and also as a sleep aid. Accessible and affordable, magnesium
supplementation is a safe and effective way to reduce both stress and cortisol.

The amino acid L-Theanine can help reduce the intensity of psychological and
physiological stress responses. In studies, taking supplements with L-Theanine
resulted in lowered heart rate and blood pressure and lowered salivary
immunoglobulin A, a chemical marker that indicates elevated cortisol levels.

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Dark Chocolate
It’s not very often you’ll read about the benefits of sweets in a health book but
dark chocolate has been shown to reduce stress and cortisol. In fact, in the first
and second World War, chocolate frequently featured in first aid kits for treating
battle-traumatized and injured soldiers. Choose low-sugar chocolate with at
least 70% cocoa solids for best results.

Packed with anti-oxidants, berries (especially dark berries) are also revered for
their stress and cortisol-lowering ability. Eat a handful of raw blackberries, acai
berries, or blueberries daily to keep stress at bay.

Eaten as a supplement or simply added to your meals, garlic increases
testosterone and lowers cortisol. It’s also an effective booster of the immune
system. If you are worried about the pungent smell of garlic, try out odorless
garlic extracts.

Olive Oil
A staple of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, olive oil is also strongly linked
to increased testosterone and lowered cortisol levels. Maybe that’s why men
living in the Mediterranean region not only live longer but are also fathering
children well into their later years!

Old-fashioned oatmeal, rather than quick-cook oats, is rich in complex
carbohydrates that help to stabilize your blood glucose levels. They also reduce

So some people may feel bloated after eating oats, especially gluten-sensitive
people. If this happens to you, avoid oats and seek alternative cortisol-lowering
foods. In general, a healthy diet should contain minimum grains. But if you had
to pick two to eat every once in a while, the best would be oats and white rice
(especially if you’re doing resistance training).

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Minimizing Excess Mental, Physical & Environmental Stress

Studies estimate that 60-80% of all visits to the doctor are stress-related. Ouch.

Of course, it’s impossible (and not really wise) to avoid ALL stress. It’s a natural
part of life, after all. But how much stress is ”normal”?

In general, the tougher the challenges you put yourself through, the stronger
you become. This applies to both the mental as well as physical ones.

For example, the heavier the weights you lift, the stronger you will eventually
grow. The more often you speak in public, the less nervous about it you become.
These can all be seen as good stressors since they aren’t chronic, and they fuel
your personal development.

On a biological level, physical stress and mental stress have similar effects even
though the seem really different.

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They both trigger the fight or flight stress response in similar ways, increasing
levels of stress hormones like as cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine).

We already mentioned that chronic overtraining is damaging and defeats the

purpose of exercise in the first place. But the situation is the same with mental
stressors that can trigger chronic stress, such as a breakup, divorce, the death of
a loved one, or getting fired.

Being repeatedly injured on a daily basis or stuck in a life situation that you
hate is also a chronic stressor that will eventually induce a state of learned
helplessness. It’s also at this stage that depression usually starts to kick in.

It’s not by accident that caffeine and nicotine are some of the most consumed
drugs in the world. Not only are they stimulants but they are also compounds
that can help reverse learned helplessness and promote stress adaption. Yes,
stimulants that also help battle stress. Crazy, right?

Here’s how it works.

Many people have experienced something similar to a stress response or

overstimulation from caffeine or nicotine use. It's usually seen when you’re not
used to these substances. Both caffeine and nicotine can increase levels of the
stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Since the body is an amazingly effective system that's always striving for
balance, it adapts to the effects from caffeine and nicotine and eventually learns
to recover faster from them.

Basically, they make you more adaptable and resistant to stress, as well as cause
you to recover faster. Essentially, they reverse learned helplessness.

This is the reason why many people feel that smoking helps them fight off
stress. Clearly, it goes much deeper than just feeding an addiction. That said,
both caffeine and nicotine can still turn into problems of their own when
consumed in excess.

So, what else can you do to fight stress?

It’s common to hear about elite athletes who drive themselves to the brink of
destruction in the name of some sport, just to die of a heart attack.

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Or about the guy who worked himself to death doing crazy overtime hours for
years on end. All stress builds up and there is no other way to get away from it
than by changing your lifestyle and environment.

We already mentioned caffeine and nicotine as maybe somewhat controversial

(but still effective) agents for stress adaptation.

There are also a ton of other stuff that can be done such as consuming
adaptogens (ginseng, rhodiola, maral root), meditate, practice tai chi, and

Also, do not forget to limit physical environmental stressors. They can come in
many shapes and forms such as toxic chemicals in our drinking water,
phytoestrogenic foods, blue light, and more. They are many, but are often easier
to control than mental stressors.

Our core principle for effective stress management that lasts is LIVE AN

If you currently aren’t getting what you want from life then man up and do
something about it. Life owes you nothing and will give you nothing unless you
get off that lazy ass and go after what you want.

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Does your girlfriend make your life miserable? Dump her.

Hate your job? Quit.

Financial issues? Stop wasting money and figure out how you can earn and save
more instead.

While not everything might be possible to fix straight away, you should strive to
live a proactive life working towards the goals you have set for yourself.
Eventually you will reach those goals and likely surpass your own expectations
along the way.

Always aim to be the best you can be and don’t settle for anything less. After all,
is this not what is to be a man?

Key Takeaways

▪ If you are suffering from any high cortisol symptoms, it makes sense to
avoid and manage stress better and reduce your cortisol levels using the
lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements listed in this chapter.

▪ In terms of supplements, you may be wondering where to start in your

quest to lower cortisol. Of all the strategies mentioned, we think that
Ashwagandha, Phosphatidylserine and L-Theanine are the most effective
in reducing cortisol.

▪ Unbridled stress and elevated cortisol levels can literally take years off
your life. Achieving normal cortisol levels will significantly reduce your risk
of suffering many otherwise avoidable medical problems, including low

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Let’s touch on some main points to think about in terms of diets.

Healthy nutrition is really not that complicated.

Just make sure you get all the building blocks (vitamins, minerals and other
micronutrients) along with enough energy (calories) according to what your body

Voilá, you're all covered!

However, there’s a lot of talk about dietary macros in the world of nutrition.
Should you go for a high-carb diet? A low-carb one? What’s healthier, a high-fat
or a low-fat diet? Can you have too much protein?

Our personal experiments here at Anabolic Health have involved everything from
veganism to the ketogenic diet, zero carb/meat-only diets, and high-sugar diets.

Our conclusions from these experiments?

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Macros matter, but the ideal macros will be different for everyone. They can also
be hacked according to one’s current needs.

One interesting thing is that during most of my own different experiments with
macros, my testosterone levels didn’t change much. It seems to us that
testosterone levels have more to do with the specific things you eat or avoid
rather than with different ratios of macronutrients.

For example, my personal testosterone levels remained the same on a balanced

diet, on the ketogenic diet, and on a meat-only diet. What often changed, though,
were my levels of other hormones like estradiol as well as cholesterol levels.

The exception to this was a low-fat vegan diet consisting of absolute minimum
sugar, plenty of vegetables, legumes, and whole grains such as brown rice. This
diet totally destroyed my hormonal balance and significantly dropped my

While some people might still do well on this type of diet (generally, it works
better for women than for men), We are skeptical about it. We also hear from
plenty of guys that eventually get reproductive problems when going low-fat

To sum it all up, here's our take on the most common diets you’ll see around.

Veganism & Vegetarianism

While vegetarian diets can work as long as they include dairy and/or eggs,
veganism is a way too unnatural and nutritionally incomplete way of eating (try
logging an easy nutritionally complete vegan diet in Cronometer, I dare you).

Historically, there have been no vegan populations on Earth up until modern

times. There are no long-term studies on the matter, and we don’t know much
about the delayed health effects of a strict vegan diet.

There is, however, plenty of traditional populations who have lived only on animal
foods (meat, dairy, etc.) without a single problem (these are not zero carb diets).

Also, the problem with Vitamin B12 is a major one since the nutrient is not easily
accessible in a vegan diet without supplementation. Vitamin B12 is an essential

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compound for humans, and this should be enough alone to suggest that
veganism is not an optimal diet, no matter how you look at it.

Here’s a quote from the study mentioned above:

"The main finding of this review is that vegetarians develop B12 depletion or
deficiency regardless of demographic characteristics, place of residency, age, or
type of vegetarian diet. Vegetarians should thus take preventive measures to
ensure adequate intake of this vitamin, including regular consumption of
supplements containing B12."

If vegetarians have a hard time meeting their B12 goals, imagine the struggle of

Not to mention that without modern agriculture, vegan diets would be

impossible without living in a tropical climate where fruits are available all year

For example, in northern Europe or Canada, only animal foods would be

available half the year during winter time.

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When you think rationally about, it’s pretty easy to understand why veganism is
not a natural diet for humans. Grains should also be consumed in moderation,
as they come with many nutritional problems of their own.

The same applies for many types of vegetables that can be problematic for
some people, tomatoes being a possible allergen since they belong to the
nightshade family. Another example is cruciferous vegetables that can possibly
inhibit thyroid function too much if you're already hypothyroid.

There’s also the case with lectins in almost all plant foods that can be inflammatory
for some people. Sticking to foods such as dairy and fruit is easier since both of
them have been created with the intention of being eaten in the first place.

All in all, we NEVER recommend a vegan or vegetarian diet. Also, be careful

about what vegetables you choose to eat. Regarding plant foods, the best is
always to start slow and reintroduce them one by one since then you’ll be able
to to judge how they make you feel more accurately.

Low-Carb Diets

Low carb diets can be effective for losing weight in some people because they
tend to lower cravings and help balance the usual ups and downs of blood
sugar. The inherent problem with these diets is that they tend to decrease
metabolism in the long run as well as possibly impair thyroid function. All in all,
optimal carbohydrate intake is very individual.

The Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet (aka keto for short) is similar to low-carb diets but more
restrictive in carbohydrate intake (below 50 g per day in order to produce ketones).
Keto also includes eating a LOT of fat, about 70-75% of one’s daily caloric goal.

The keto diet can help to boost performance because of the nature of ketones
as a fuel. The problem with keto is that it’s extremely restrictive and difficult to
follow in the long run.

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Going keto is possibly good for fixing some medical issues, especially related to
sugar metabolism. Keto has also been shown to increase testosterone and
improve body composition.

However, keep in mind that going in and out of ketosis is a stressful process for
the body which will skyrocket your levels of adrenaline and the stress hormone
cortisol for quite some time.

Not to mention that balancing fluid and mineral levels such as sodium,
potassium, and magnesium is very difficult during keto. All in all, we only
recommend Ketogenic diets as short-term therapies for specific problems, not
the be-all and end-all of diets, as some people like to make it.

Sugar & High-Carb Diets

We have a separate chapter dedicated to sugar further in the book, but here’s a
quick rundown of the matter:

1) Essentially, there’s nothing wrong with sugar, as long as you take it in


2) Sugar is an excellent source of energy. It also has anti-stress properties that

may come in handy in certain situations.

3) Alternatively, fructose is a great source of energy, and if you get it from fresh
fruit it also comes with a huge deal of other beneficial nutrients.

In other words, we think sugar has been over-blamed in the mainstream opinion
lately, and that has to cool down a bit.

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High-Protein Diets
While protein in excess won't hurt you, some people might struggle with
digesting it when consumed in the form of large amounts of meat.

There’s also the case that consuming only meat will give you a very unbalanced
amino acid profile that can possibly be inflammatory due to its lack of glycine.

The solution?

Consume a varied assortment of animal foods that includes gelatin, dairy, eggs,
and fish in addition to meat. Ideally, you should also eat animal organs, as
people have done traditionally since ancient times. For example, liver is an
amazing superfood for men.

At least 100 g of protein per day is a good number for most people to shoot for
and 1 g per pound of body weight is probably around the upper limit where
more protein does not really increase muscle growth or improve body
composition any further (but it doesn’t hurt it either).

The only scenario in which protein intake should probably be controlled or even
limited is in people with kidney issue, especially chronic kidney disease.

High-Fat Diets

Probably the second most demonized nutrient after sugar, fat and cholesterol
have been getting a lot of hate in media over the last decades.

However, times are changing, and it has already been proven that there’s
nothing unhealthy or wrong about consuming lots of fat in your diet. It’s actually
the building block of most of our hormones after all, and crucial for testosterone

What you want to stay away from is polyunsaturated fats such as derived from
vegetable oils which easily go rancid and are pro-inflammatory in the body.

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Many people have heard that too much salt is harmful, but did you know too
little salt is even more detrimental to health?

In fact, there’s little evidence pointing that excess salt consumption would be
damaging in any significant way. Salt is important for stress reduction by reducing
adrenaline and maintaining a strong stress response. The effect can easily be seen
in a state of dehydration where salt levels run low and adrenaline spikes.

Salt loading in such huge amounts as up to 30 g per day is common among elite
endurance athletes running marathons and that's for a good reason. Salt
maintains healthy cardiac function during chronic stress. However, this is far
more than normal people need on a daily basis.

While going into all the details and research concerning salt would require a
book of its own, we highly recommend you research the matter yourself. Here’s
a good place to learn the misconceptions about salt consumption and make up
your own mind on the topic.

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Our take is that salt is therapeutic. If you find yourself craving salt, then its likely
for a good reason.

Tracking Progress and Avoiding Excess

Remember that adequate nutrition does not mean excess nutrition. If you are
fat or obese, then you’re either eating the wrong things, or too much of

While we’re not proponents of cutting calories too much for weight loss
(because it essentially lowers metabolism and thyroid function which is the
opposite of what you want), you might want to run a smaller deficit and focus on
better food choices to lose that excess weight over a longer period of time.

If you’re lazy but still want to see results, we highly recommend using Avatar
Nutrition, a personal nutrition coaching app. It uses AI and the data you enter to
figure out your metabolic rate and how much or how little you need to eat to
easily gain muscle and lose weight with the least amount of work possible. This
is what’s also known as flexible dieting.

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Together with Avatar, we recommend using Cronometer and logging everything
you eat for a week or two to figure out exactly how much calories you’re getting
and what nutrients you’re lacking. This can really be a learning experience that
will change the way you look at your diet for the rest of your life.

It’s possible to be obese but malnourished, such as for example if you would
consume 75% of your daily calories from white rice (total madness, by the way).

Always aim for consuming the most nutritious foods that you also enjoy.
Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are very important, and it’s critical
you get everything your body needs from the foods you consume. Otherwise,
problems will eventually manifest.

Key Takeaways

▪ Aim for at least 100 g of protein from various animal sources per day.

▪ Consume plenty of healthy saturated fats (animal foods, coconut, etc.)

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▪ Consume sugar & carbohydrates according to your energy needs
(especially in the form of fruit and honey).

▪ Be careful about what plant foods you choose to eat (remember about
lectins, allergens, and anti-nutrients).

▪ Make sure you get all the micronutrients you need (vitamin D, zinc,
selenium, magnesium and more).

▪ Consume salt according to taste.

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Alcohol moderation is always a hot topic in the health and wellness circles, and that's
understandable. After all, this substance can be toxic to the body when irresponsibly
consumed, BUT it is also a common part of how people usually socialize.

One matter that's not often discussed, however, is how drinking alcohol can
affect a man’s hormones. In this chapter, we’ll take a good look at this issue.

In general, drinking no more than 3 bottles of beer or glasses of wine per week
would give your body time to rest and clear the toxins out of its systems.

Here are the various ways in which alcohol affects the hormones in your body:

1. Alcohol Disrupts Testosterone ProducUon

One of the functions that are heavily disrupted by alcohol metabolism is testosterone
production. Studies indicate that healthy men start experiencing a significant decline
in T after just 5 consecutive days of daily alcohol consumption worth 7.7 oz.

◆ Unfortunately, alcohol’s effect on hormone production does not stop

there. Here are some other ways in which it affects testosterone levels in
the body:

◆ The metabolism of ethanol (the alcohol from beverages) leads to

decreased coenzyme NAD+ levels in the liver and testes, which is an
essential substance for the production of testosterone in the body. With
coenzyme NAD+ at low levels, the body would also produce less

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◆ Consuming alcohol causes beta-opioid endorphins to be released in the
body, causing the joyful and relaxing effect you experience when drinking.
Some researches affirm that the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the
testicular production of testosterone could be linked to this peak of beta-

◆ Cortisol is another substance that the body produces in response to

alcohol intake. Cortisol is one of the chief "stress hormones" and there is
evidence that it can drive down one's testosterone levels.

◆ Chronic consumption of alcohol has been found to cause damage and

dysfunction of the testes, the organs that produce 95% of a man’s
testosterone. This is due to ethanol being toxic to the testes.

2. Alcohol Slows Down Your Body

As a substance, alcohol is often classified as a depressant due to how it slows

down all the functions in your body. This elicits a state which you probably know
as drunkenness.

One of such structures that are slowed down is the body’s endocrine system, which
is in charge of monitoring hormonal levels and producing the optimal amount of
hormones the body needs. With this impaired, the endocrine system is disrupted of
its function to respond in a timely manner to the different changes in the body and
to produce the necessary hormones, including testosterone.

Because of how the endocrine system responds to alcohol, it’s not a surprise
that studies have confirmed that alcohol-induced disruptions cause thyroid
problems, reproductive abnormalities, and behavioral disorders. All of these
either directly or indirectly result in abnormal testosterone levels along with
other hormonal disturbances in the body. Therefore, researchers have looked
into it more closely and confirmed the detrimental impact of alcohol on the
body’s endocrine system.

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3. Long-Term Alcohol Use Increases Body Fat

Alcohol is a toxin and, like any other toxin, the body needs to flush it out of its
systems. The organ in charge of most of the cleaning is no other than the liver.

However, when the liver is at work neutralizing alcohol, it simultaneously gets

worse at metabolizing fatty acids present in the bloodstream. This leads to an
accumulation of fat that is stored in body fat deposits—and the liver itself. In
cases of frequent and long-term use of alcohol, this leads to obesity and fatty
liver disease.

In relation to testosterone, obesity leads to lower free testosterone levels due to

more of it being stored in body fat. Testosterone is also converted into estrogen
in fat tissue, and this could be responsible for a great deal of your hormonal

On the other hand, fatty liver disease simply makes your liver less efficient, and
there's a clear link between liver disease and decreased testosterone levels,
although the liver itself does not produce any T.

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4. Usual Contents of Alcoholic Beverages

Whether it may be beer or wine, these beverages would affect your testosterone
levels and general health in one way or another. This is due to the presence of
two substances in these beverages—namely, prolactin and phytoestrogens.

Prolactin is a hormone produced by our body’s pituitary gland and it’s necessary
for the process of producing testosterone and sperm cells.

However, high levels of prolactin can lead to lower testosterone levels in males.
This eventually results in erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual drive, and
gynecomastia. Take note that gynecomastia has a higher chance of occurring in
men with high levels of prolactin due to the hormone’s role in lactation in

Furthermore, high levels of prolactin have been found to increase the risk of
developing cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the hormone’s effect of
increasing systemic inflammation and plaque build-up along the arteries .

Avoiding alcoholic beverages won’t prevent you from artificially raising your
prolactin levels. The increase in this hormone has nothing to do with alcohol
content itself but is, in fact, due to the polysaccharides present in barley, which
is the main ingredient for certain kinds of beer.

Beer, bourbon, and wine contain phytoestrogens that mimic how estrogen acts
in your body. Although estrogen plays an essential role in health regardless of
your gender, phytoestrogens raise your estrogen level to the point of hormonal

With the ability of phytoestrogens to disrupt endocrine function, total

testosterone production in the body is decreased. Together with alcohol’s
disrupting effects, your body will be suffering from a hormonal imbalance with
decreased testosterone and increased estrogen.

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Key Takeaways

With all the negative effects we’ve listed about alcohol on your hormonal
balance, you might think that we are completely discouraging you from
consuming alcohol. That’s not what we’re here for, it’s just that alcohol and
testosterone don’t get along very well. And, this conflict is what can make
naturally increasing testosterone levels difficult.

But this doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the occasional glass of wine or bottle
of beer. It’s just that you’ll have to keep it occasional for optimal results. So,
whether you want to increase testosterone for muscle building or general
wellness, make sure that you moderate alcohol consumption.

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We all know the importance of dietary vitamins and minerals, and many of you
out there are currently taking a multivitamin supplement.

Many people buy into the hype of multivitamins and the promises of improved
health, but have you really ever noticed a difference?

What if I told you that just by including some extra seafood, chocolate and a
handful of nuts every day you could see real results and even increase your
testosterone levels, all without buying those crappy pills in the first place?

It’s all about zinc, magnesium, boron, and selenium.

Here’s what these magic minerals can do for your manliness.


Zinc is often touted as the number one mineral amongst man minerals.
Casanova, the famous 18th-century lover (what you might call ”pickup artist”)
swore by the aphrodisiac properties of oysters (one of the highest zinc-
containing foods) and routinely had about 50 of them every day for breakfast.

Intrigued? Let's get into the details.

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The human body cannot create zinc. Since you need it for numerous functions
including cellular metabolism, tissue growth, and reproductive health, you have
to get it in adequate amounts through with food.

Zinc has the ability to boost testosterone by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme
from converting it into estrogen.

This is very useful for keeping balanced male hormone levels and is ideally what
you should aim for always; more testosterone and no excess estrogen.

Good dietary sources of Zinc are:

◆ Meat (especially veal)

◆ Oysters

◆ Raw Cacao & Dark Chocolate

◆ Egg Yolks

◆ Liver


This essential mineral has been discussed a lot in recent years, especially since it
is involved in more than 300 bodily functions.

Also considered an electrolyte, Magnesium provides cells with energy, maintains

fluid balance, is critical for healthy heart function, helps improve sleep quality,
and even increases your levels of bioavailable testosterone.

The reason why Magnesium has become such a popular supplement is because
almost 70% of all adults in the US are deficient in this mineral.

It’s not that the mineral itself has these powerful effects when supplemented, it’s
simply that since most people are deficient, they will see significant benefits
from supplementing.

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Magnesium is excreted through sweat, and intense exercise will deplete
Magnesium levels faster, sometimes resulting in cramps or muscle twitches,
which is something many people experience but have no clue why.

If you are serious about your training as well as health, we highly recommend
you supplement with Magnesium or at least include a good source of it in your
diet such as plenty of dark chocolate or cacao powder in your protein shake.

The benefits of getting enough of this mineral are many, and since modern diets
are so often deficient in it, it’s a small cost for big payoffs.

Good dietary sources of Magnesium are:

◆ Raw Cacao & Dark Chocolate (by far one of the best and tastiest sources
of the mineral)

◆ Beef

◆ Mineral salts: sea salt, Himalayan salt, Celtic salt

◆ Dark green leafy vegetables

◆ Nuts


Boron what? Yes, this is about the least popular mineral out there. In reality, it
might just be the best one to boost your testosterone levels naturally.

It’s believed that because of modern day farming, we are quickly depleting our
soils of minerals. One that is growing harder and harder to find in our diets
other than magnesium is boron.

Even though boron might be the mineral you have heard the least about, it is
one of the most interesting. Only about 0.001% of the Earth’s crust is made of
boron, and it arrived here as emitted particles from the Big Bang and meteorite

Boron is not considered an essential mineral necessary for human survival, but
it comes with many interesting benefits:

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◆ Increases free testosterone levels (28%)

◆ Increases DHT levels (10%)

◆ Decreases estrogen levels (-39%)

◆ Is anti-inflammatory

When it comes to supplements for athletes, boron supplementation covers

almost all the bases and is a crazy cheap supplement for all the benefits you can
get from it.

It has been shown to be safe as a supplement, and you have to go beyond 25

mg per day to start experiencing any toxicity from it. Most supplements on the
market come in a dosage of 3 mg per day. We recommend a dosage of 1 0mg
per day as this is what was used in the previously mentioned studies.

Good dietary sources of Boron are:

◆ Raisins & Grapes
◆ Gelatin
◆ Prunes
◆ Apricots
◆ Dates
◆ Avocados
◆ Nuts
◆ Honey


The best natural source of selenium is Brazil nuts, what we also like to call the
nut which is good for your nuts! High selenium levels are not only necessary for
healthy testosterone production but have also been shown in many studies to
be correlated with improved sperm quality and fertility in men.

Tim Ferris, the author of the 4-Hour Body, showed it best in his testosterone
boosting protocol where he consumed three Brazil nuts in the morning and 3 in the
evening, which lead to a significant increase in testosterone as well as sex drive.

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Keep in mind that only two nuts are actually needed to meet the daily
requirements for selenium since they contain an amazing 1917 mcg of the
mineral (3485% RDA) per 100 grams of nuts!

Don't go crazy, though, prolonged overdosing of selenium has been implicated

in increasing risks of prostate cancer.

Selenium is also a potent antioxidant and is a nutrient that is required for the
production of the bodies own master antioxidant, glutathione. Brazil Nuts also
contain plenty of Vitamin E which further adds to this nut’s antioxidant
superpower, capable of preventing unhealthy reactions and free radicals in your
cells which can contribute to premature aging and in the worst case, even

As you probably figured out already, we are huge fans of Brazil nuts, and if all of
the above was enough to seal the deal, there is even more! Brazil nuts contain
plenty of healthy fatty acids (which are also implicated in hormone production)
as well as being loaded with the amino acid L-arginine.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know L-arginine as an ingredient
in many pre-workout formulas as well as male enhancement products since it is
a natural vasodilator that increases levels of nitric oxide for more pump and
harder erections.

An interesting anecdote is that many species of monkeys are also fans of Brazil
nuts, and the alpha male monkey is always the one who eats most of them.
Brazil nuts being nuts, they also are an excellent source of ALL the previously
mentioned minerals such as zinc, magnesium and boron.

Not a fan of nuts? Bummer, here are some other foods high in selenium:
◆ Beef
◆ Egg Yolks
◆ Sardines
◆ Oysters

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Key Takeaways

The four most important micronutrients for men (especially in terms of

testosterone levels) are zinc, magnesium, boron, and selenium. Sadly, most men
are deficient in at least one of these minerals, so make sure to eat enough of the
foods we mentioned in this chapter.

Keep in mind that a not-so-known reason that can contribute to many people
getting deficient in essential minerals is a high dietary intake of grains. Grains
contain many anti-nutrients that can block mineral absorption in the gut. This is
why it is complete insanity to be recommending whole grains as a nutrient
source for someone who is mineral-deficient (something many doctors do

While multivitamins and supplements might be a good idea for people that
suffer from a high degree of mineral deficiency, proper nutrition is often all you
need to get performance-enhancing effects. Just by including more of the above-
mentioned foods as well as throwing in a boron supplement can give you some
very impressive results when it comes to increasing your testosterone levels

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Phytoestrogens, the plant-based hormones commonly found in estrogen-rich

foods such as soy and flaxseed, are still considered a controversial part of
nutrition. Some studies believe they’re bad for you while others think they are
potent antioxidants that can help fight certain types of cancer.

Understanding the role of phytoestrogens in your health is the key to keeping

balanced hormone levels throughout your life.

What Are Phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are substances commonly found in plants that can mimic the
activity of human estrogens.

Of course, plants cannot produce a hormone substance the same as the

human reproductive system’s hormones, such as estrogen. However,
phytoestrogens can definitely affect human hormonal metabolism in both
males and females.

Since most of the studies about phytoestrogens have found a link between
these compounds and breast cancer, it’s almost a fact that they play a great role
in women’s health. However, men can be affected by phytoestrogens too,
despite the apparent lack of research in this area.

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Phytoestrogens & Endocrine DisrupUon
Endocrine disruptors are compounds that disrupt hormonal balance in the body,
causing health problems when they accumulate over time.

The most prevalent endocrine disruptors are nasty chemicals found in

pesticides, plastic and even in estrogen supplements, but they can also be in the
form of progestins (progesterone mimickers) and phytoestrogens.

One of the most terrible endocrine disruptors are the xenoestrogens. They are
chemicals found in food and the environment that, when ingested, interact with
the estrogen receptors of the body.

Xenoestrogens are of particular concern because they often trigger our

body's estrogen receptors with far more power than our own naturally-
produced (endogenous) estrogen does. Are they related to phytoestrogens
in any way?

The answer is no. While they act the same, phytoestrogens naturally occur in
plant foods, while xenoestrogens are man-made monstrosities.

Having too high estrogen levels over long periods of time can lead to problems
such as prostate cancer and BPH. We reviewed the available science, and we
firmly believe that too high estrogen levels are the leading cause of hair loss in
men. DHT is not the main culprit.

DHT actually helps keep estrogen balanced. If you have high estrogen levels,
there will likely be high DHT levels because your body is trying to balance it.
Progesterone is a natural balancer of both estrogen and DHT in men.
Progesterone goes down with age and this is one reason why we often see
increasing levels of estrogen and DHT the older you get.

5 Feminizing Foods That Can Make You Less Of A Man

Let’s start off with the real superstar of estrogenic foods: the infamous soybean.
The source of everything from soy protein powder, tofu, tempeh, beancurd, soy
milk, and soy sauce. It’s also widely used as a food additive in things you would

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never even think would contain soy without reading the label. The mayo in your
burger? Yeah that’s from soybean oil!

Soy has made its way into the majority of the most popular food products in our
supermarkets simply because it is a cheap additive and is produced on a
massive scale in Asia. Most guys know soy is bad for their manliness, so we don’t
feel like we have to go really deep on this one. But if you don’t, we’ll just leave
you with this study showing that the men who ate the most soy had the lowest
sperm counts, something highly correlated with androgens and fertility.

During the past decade, flaxseed products have skyrocketed in popularity. They
have especially grown to become a favourite among the vegan and vegetarian
society since they offer a good plant source of omega-3 fatty acid, a nutrient
otherwise widely deficient in the plant kingdom.

Even though there is a scientific basis for using flaxseed as a plant-based and
cheap omega-3 supplement, these omega-3s come in the form of ALA (Alpha-
Linoleic Acid) which needs to be further converted in the body to a usable form.
This conversion is poor at best (5-15%), if you are even lucky enough to have the
genetics to make good use of ALA. Basically, if you are using flaxseed for this
purpose, you are throwing your money down the drain because it’s not providing
you any real value in terms of omega-3s. If you want omega-3, fish oil is king.

Flaxseed do have some other proposed beneficial properties other than its fatty
acid content. It is a high source of fiber and have been positively indicated to
help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and even treat prostate cancer among
many other things. It obviously has some benefits, but do they justify its use
when its also among the most estrogenic foods a man can consume? In some
cases, it has even been shown to be more estrogenic than soy!

We’re going to go out on a limb here and be somewhat controversial when it

comes to fiber, because guess what, there is no real evidence that you need it.
There are plenty of cultures around the world (inuit, eskimo, maasai, native
American indians, etc.) that did and still do just fine without any daily intake of
fiber whatsoever. Just think rationally about it, and it all makes sense.

Before the era of agriculture, accessible sources of fiber was scarce at best. Even
if you eat a kilogram of wild spinach a day, that would only yield you about 22

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grams of fiber. The daily recommended amount today in the US dietary
guidelines is 25-30 grams.

Do you see anybody being able to consume this easily without cooking whole
grains or mass-producing and processing foods such as flaxseed? No. And yes,
you can argue about fruit fiber and the sort, but if you’re from a northern
climate, there’s close to zero of that in the wild.

Blueberries will yield you almost the same 24 grams of fiber per kg of berries. I
think you get the point here.

To bring you to the KO concerning flax, here is the real flaxseed killer for you
guys out there. This study, showed a decrease in total testosterone as well as
free testosterone of 70-90% after 4-months of daily consumption. Worth the
omegas and useless fiber? We don’t think so.

This herb has a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has quite
a few beneficial effects that you could use for your advantage if you knew what
you where doing (as traditional medicine practitioners often do, and us regular
consumers don’t). Liquorice can help regulate blood pressure and is a very
powerful anti-inflammatory food.

The root of the plant contains compounds that are similar to cortisol, our stress
hormone, a type of glucocorticoid steroid. Essentially, the substances in liquorice
root mimic the effects of cortisol in your body when consumed. It can be used as
a natural alternative to medications such as cortisone and prednisone, the
effects in the body are the same. People that have burned themselves out both
physically and mentally often experience a lack of cortisol production in the
body. This is when liquorice can act as a potent remedy and enable a swift

However, liquorice root is a highly estrogenic and hence a feminizing food if

used in the long term. So, unless you have a specific reason to be eating it (a
medical issue, that is), it does not justify going mad on liquorice candy.

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Next up on our list is mint, and after reading this one you might hesitate before
reaching for that spearmint toothpaste tonight.

While mint is widely consumed in foods, teas, and added to cosmetic products
all around the world, there is some data suggesting that it might not be all that
good for men. Unfortunately, the only research available is a study done on rats,
as well as another study done on women. Both studies concluded that
consumption of spearmint lowered testosterone levels, and that the compound
acted as a powerful anti-androgen.

Most of all, the different kinds of plants in the mint family (spearmint, sweet-
mint, etc.), have a lot in common, so it’s likely that their effects are similar too. To
summarize, if you have a problem with your bad breath, we suggest you pick up
some cinnamon toothpaste or gum instead, just to be on the safe side.

Beer is the favorite beverage of many men. It might even be considered an
epitome of manliness in some peoples’ eyes. Even Arnold said it himself in the
infamous bodybuilding movie Pumping Iron (1977),

Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.

Even though Arnold is one of the best bodybuilders to ever have walked this
planet, he did not have it right about men’s favorite drink.

The hops, that most beers today are brewed from, are highly estrogenic plants.
However, beer was originally not brewed from hops, which was something that was
not introduced until much later. An examples of early beverages similar to beer was
the mead that the vikings drank, which was made of only honey and herbs, no
grains. Basically, sugar, yeast and water is all that you need to make an alcoholic
drink. Hops, however, might be the most tragic accident in the history of alcohol
brewing, as you can clearly see in all the guys around you sporting a serious beer

As you might have figured out, there is a basis for that beer belly other than
just an excess of calories. Hops, being the estrogenic plant that it is,
contributes to a feminizing effect in men. Excess estrogen in men
contributes to fat gain, and especially belly fat, as most of the aromatisation
of testosterone to estrogen is done in these types of fat deposits. Man

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boobs (gyno) is also a common sign in guys with beer bellies, which also
stems from the high levels of estrogen present. Basically, it is impossible to
develop gyno without excess estrogen and the unfortunate thing is that once
you have it, its permanent in many cases—with surgery being the only way
to fix it.

There are way better options out there for men when it comes to alcoholic
drinks. In fact, the healthiest alcoholic drink for men is red wine, as it contains
testosterone-boosting compounds like resveratrol. Yep, the drink that often
gets the sissy stamp in the eyes of men and is usually marketed toward
women. Clearly, history took a turn for the worse somewhere along the line.

How to Protect Your Body From Endocrine Disruptors

There are two ways to protect the body against the accumulation of endocrine
disruptors such as xenoestrogen and certain phytoestrogens.

◆ Follow a diet full of healthy, organic, non-GMO foods.

◆ Practice a lifestyle that avoids the use of harsh chemicals and plastics
wherever possible. The more you are exposed to these endocrine
disruptors over the course of your life, the more likely that you’ll
experience negative reactions.

Another good way to neutralize the effect of phytoestrogens is to match them

with phyto-progestins or progestins found in plants.

One good example is Clary Sage Oil, which contains both phyto-progestins and
phytoestrogens, which balance the impact of one another. It also helps protect
the body from a dominance of one hormone.

Sclareol, a phytoestrogen in Clary Sage Oil, is not really an estrogen. If there’s an

estrogen deficiency in the body it can mimic estrogen but it will not create more
estrogen in the body.

This can be useful to keep hormones in balance. This function is similar to how
SERMs work and really shows how some phytoestrogens can be superior in
function to pharmaceutical medicines.

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Phytoestrogens cannot be categorized healthy or unhealthy. The truth is, some
types can be beneficial in certain doses, especially for women who often wonder
how to increase estrogen, but some types in excess can also cause an adverse
effect, particularly in men.

For the ones that can act as potent endocrine disruptors, it’s better to limit your
intake overall and talk to your doctor before deciding on how to increase your
estrogen from your diet or through the use of special foods.

One thing is for certain: better avoid soy as your source of phytoestrogen.
Instead, look for healthier, more nutritious foods with estrogen such as certain
vegetables, seeds or fruits.

Key Takeaways

▪ The debate over phytoestrogens still continues in the research

community, but if you take these facts on phytoestrogen into account, you
can get the most of the benefits of estrogen-rich foods while curbing their
potential negative side effects.

▪ In general, for most men without an estrogen deficiency, it would be wise

to avoid foods like beer, mint, liquorice, flaxseed, and soy.

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As you may remember from one of our previous chapters, overtraining can lead
to low testosterone levels and be detrimental for your health in general.

However, a lack of physical activity isn’t a good thing either.

You see, you have to strike the ”just right” zone in everything, including exercise:
not too much, not too little. Just right.

A lack of physical exercise coupled with poor dietary choices can lead to excess weight
and obesity. Characterized by an abnormally high rate of body fat, these conditions
aren’t just a problem of looks. The real problem is that body fat produces aromatase,
a special enzyme that transforms testosterone into estrogen. You can imagine the
havoc that this process wreaks in your body when it goes out of hand.

We’ll get into the nitty gritty details about this aromatase enzyme later in the book—as
well as give you a few practical tips on how you can bring it back under control.

Key Takeaways

◆ As with all things in life, you have to strike a healthy balance when it
comes to exercise. Both overtraining AND lack of physical activity can be
detrimental for your general health and testosterone particularly.

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Remember how we promised we’d discuss the matter of aromatase later in the

Well we’re starting already!

Here’s the thing: excess weight is a violent testosterone killer.

In your body, there’s an enzyme called aromatase, also known as estrogen

synthetase (synthase). It was named that way because it synthesizes estrogen
(estradiol specifically), the primary female sex hormone. Can you guess what it
uses as a building block?

Testosterone. Aromatase basically turns male sex hormones into female sex

The problem is that there’s a lot of aromatase in fatty tissue, so the more fat you
have—the more of your testosterone will be converted into estrogen. That’s how
obesity leads to lower free testosterone levels. This effect alone could be
responsible for a great deal of your hormonal issues.

Too much estrogen keeps you from attaining your dream physique by affecting
your metabolism, sex characteristics, and fat buildup.

Whenever there’s an abundance of estrogen in your system, your thyroid finds it

harder to function optimally. A poorly performing thyroid fails to produce the
hormones that keep metabolism at a sufficiently fast pace.

High estrogen levels can also make you look more feminine. In fact, it’s among
the main causes of gynecomastia, a condition in which the male breast tissue
starts growing, which is why it’s more commonly called man boobs.

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What’s worse is that having too much of estrogen forces your body to store fat.
That begins a destructive cycle since fat itself (especially the one that’s stored in
the abdominal area) triggers an increase in estrogen production.

Restoring Sex Hormone Balance and OpUmal Weight

More fat leads to more estrogen, which leads to more fat, which leads to more

To break the cycle, you have to address the issue from both sides of the

Fix the fatty component of the problem by:

◆ Adopting a healthy diet (ditch the added sugars, cut the carbs, eat more
protein and fiber, etc.) to prevent further accumulation of fat

◆ Start exercising regularly to burn the fat you already have (especially in
the abdominal area)

Fix the hormonal component (too much estrogen) by:

◆ Using low-dose aromatase-inhibiting drugs if prescribed by a healthcare


◆ Eating foods that are rich in natural aromatase inhibitors (we’ll get to that
in one of the following chapter)

Keep in mind that getting testosterone in form of creams or gels if you have
excess body fat (and an increased aromatase activity as a result) is almost
pointless. This testosterone will be converted into estrogen by the aromatase
produced in your body fat, and this will reinforce the cycle.

Surprisingly, men who have too low aromatase and estrogen levels are often
overweight as well, even though they have normal testosterone levels. As a rule,
slightly boosting their estrogen levels can be enough to fix the excess weight.
The easiest ways to do what are:

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◆ Using a small amount of topical estradiol cream (several times a week)

◆ Taking phytoestrogens (this should also improve bone and vascular


Key Takeaways

▪ Body fat (especially abdominal fat) is rich in aromatase, an enzyme that

transforms testosterone into estrogen.

▪ Estrogen promotes accumulation of fat. More fat essentially means more

aromatase and less estrogen.

▪ To escape the vicious cycle of fat and aromatase, you’ll have to address
the issue from both sides of the problem. Specifically, you’ll have to lose
weight AND reduce your estrogen levels.

▪ IMPORTANT: increasing testosterone levels if you’re overweight is largely

pointless since the aromatase in your body fat will just convert it into
more estrogen.

▪ That said, estrogen isn’t always bad for men. In fact, you need some
estrogen for strong health, and we’ll get to that in the next chapter.

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Most people have this notion that estrogen is important only for women and
testosterone is crucial only for men. In reality, both genders need a bit of both
hormones for optimal health.

That's right, your estradiol level can have a huge impact on your wellbeing.
Having a low level of this hormone leads to osteoporosis while high levels
can increase the risk of cancer, prostatitis, and a whole lot of other health

In other words, the level of estradiol in your body should hit the so-called
Goldilocks zone – the “just right” zone. Not scarce, not excessive, but just
right. However, before we discuss what level of estradiol you should maintain in
your body, let’s learn more about this hormone in general.

Estradiol Explained

Estradiol is the main estrogen (female sex hormone) in humans, that’s why these
two words are often used interchangeably. The human body synthesizes
estradiol from cholesterol, just like all other steroids including testosterone.

In women, the lion’s share of estradiol is synthesized in the ovaries. In men,

15-20% of estradiol is synthesized in the testicles, a tiny bit in the adrenal glands,
but everything else is produced through the action of the aromatase enzyme,
the one that transforms testosterone into estrogen. Aromatase is found all
around the body, but it’s most abundant in fatty tissue.

Long story short, men produce estradiol as well. But how does this hormone
affect male health?

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Effects of High Estradiol Levels in Men

For starters, estradiol has been found to protect sperm cells, support healthy
libido and erectile function, and regulate bone density. What else it does?

Enough Estrogen Can Promote Gains in the Gym

Being a nurturing hormone both for better (bone health) and for worse (fat,
gyno), estrogen obviously has a broad range of effects in the body. One of the
lesser known ones is that estrogen shares a relationship with IGF-1 (insulin
growth factor 1), which is a form of growth hormone that can promote muscle
gains. However, don’t go out on a limb here thinking that boosting your estrogen
will give you more IGF-1 and more mass: it’s all a matter of balance. Estrogen
dominance will only bring you more problems instead of more gains.

The real problems start when you have either too high or too low estrogen levels.

Too Much Estrogen Makes You Fat

Aromatase is an enzyme that primary exists in adipose (fatty) tissue, meaning; the
more fat your have, the more aromatase you have. The problem is that due to
aging and other health reasons, the aromatase activity in some men can go way

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over the top. This leads to a lot of testosterone in the bloodstream getting
converted to estradiol (even if the body no longer needs estrogen). High estradiol
leads to obesity, obesity means more aromatase, more aromatase means more
testosterone getting turned into estradiol, and the cycle repeats itself.

Eventually, testosterone drops to abnormally low levels, and this decline leads to
nasty consequences including low libido, mood swings, and other
manifestations of estrogen dominance. This is why many side effects of being
obese are not always from the fat itself, but from the hormonal changes that
occur when you have excess fat.

Too Much Estrogen Can Give You Man Boobs

That the effect of estrogens in broad terms, is a female one, becomes evident in
the worst cases of high estrogen and low testosterone in men. Gynecomastia
(gyno) aka ”man boobs”, the most feared condition among all men, can develop
from severe hormonal imbalance or steroid abuse where an excess conversion
of testosterone to estrogen is present.

Effects of Low Estradiol in Men

We already know what high levels of estradiol can do the male body. But what
about when they are abnormally low?

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In addition to decreased bone density, studies show that low levels of estradiol
can have far more serious consequences.

A recent study on the effects of high testosterone and low estradiol levels on the
male body brought some surprising findings. The goal of the study was to
evaluate the impact of these hormonal features on fat mass, erectile function,
and libido.

In the study, male participants were subjected to an increased testosterone level

through Androgel supplementation. Half of the participants were subjected to
suppressed estradiol by administering Anastrozole which blocks the hormone
from being converted from testosterone.

Those subjected only to high testosterone levels showed decreased body fat in
the subcutaneous and abdominal areas. Sexual desire and erectile function
were also significantly increased.

Those subjected to suppressed estradiol showed increased body fat in the

subcutaneous and abdominal areas. There was also decreased improvement in
erectile function and sexual desire.

This clinical study shows that estradiol plays an important role in sexual function
and body fat regulation in males, not just bone density. To recap, it’s critical for
your health to have the ”just right” level of estrogen, not just testosterone.
Moreover, another study has shown that simultaneous low estradiol and serum
testosterone levels can increase mortality in males.

The most common signs of low estradiol levels include:

◆ Sleeping often and long

◆ Unexplainable fatigue

◆ Retention of water and edema

◆ Erectile dysfunction

◆ Depression (by the way, abnormally high estradiol levels lead to this effect
as well)

◆ Anxiety

◆ Irritability

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All of these studies show that estradiol plays an important role in men's health
and may even reduce mortality. Therefore, maintaining the proper level of this
hormone is essential.

What's the Healthy Level of Estradiol in Men?

According to studies, the healthy estradiol range for men is between 10 to 40 pg/
mL or 20 to 55 pg/mL, depending on the source. The latter study also indicates
that the healthy range of free estradiol levels are at 0.3 to 1.3 pg/mL.

How Can You Test Your Estradiol Level?

The only way to check your estradiol level is through a blood test. It can be the
same blood test you do during your yearly physical checkup, but this time both
your estradiol and free testosterone levels will be checked.

Similar to keeping track of your blood pressure, blood chemistry, and cholesterol
levels, regularly checking estradiol levels is important. Early detection of low levels
of this hormone can help in preventing strokes, heart attacks, and bone fractures.

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There are medications, however, that can affect the test results like
glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone), some antibiotics (like
ampicillin and tetracycline), and phenothiazine-derived drugs (antipsychotic
drugs used to treat mental disorders like schizophrenia).

If you discover that your estradiol levels aren’t healthy (below or above the
normal range), don’t worry just yet. Each person reacts differently to changes in
estradiol levels.

As long as you don’t feel the symptoms mentioned above, you are safe. If you do
get the symptoms, however, it won’t hurt to consult your physician and get
hormone treatment to increase your estradiol levels.

A healthy estradiol level in men might be crucial to prevent and cure a lot of
nasty illnesses. There are continuing studies about this hormone, and doctors
are developing new methods of estradiol treatment.

The A to Z of Balancing Estrogen

Obviously, there are both good and bad sides to the hormone estradiol, and by
now it should be starting to become apparent to you that optimal balance is
what you want to shoot for.

Let's look at the best ways to getting your estrogen levels within healthy ranges.

Strength Training
It is widely known that resistance training such as lifting weights will boost your
testosterone levels. Testosterone primarily binds to androgen receptors in
muscle and promotes muscle growth, so the more muscle you have, the more
you support your testosterone production. Testosterone and estrogen also
share a dualistic relationship where more of one often equals less of the other.

Maximizing your testosterone through lifting heavy can help you bring those
estrogen levels down and keep them down.

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Sweat It
Many people do not realize that sweating is not only a process for cooling the body,
sweating also helps you get rid of toxins. Today's polluted environment is filled with
xenoestrogens; these artificial compounds can wreck havoc in a man’s body,
binding to estrogen receptors and exerting the same effects as having an excess of
estrogen. Making sure you sweat regularly can help you detox these substances

Avoid Sugar
Added sugar is the shortest path to excess weight and obesity. Having more fat
in your body equals having more aromatase that would transform your
testosterone into estrogen—you know the rest of the story. If you want to get
your estradiol levels back to the normal range, ditch the added sugar (this
includes sweet soft beverages, fast food, and so on).

Don’t Forget the Veggies

A diet high in vegetables is the best thing you can do for your hormonal balance in
general. Many vegetables like broccoli and bell peppers contain natural aromatase
inhibitors that would help you stop the terrible cycle described above.

If All Else Fails, Try an Estrogen Blocker Like Arimistane

If you are suffering from a severe case of excess estrogen, eating veggies and
sweating it out in the gym won't help much. This is the time to seek real medical
attention and look into stronger options such as using a natural estrogen
blocker like Arimistane.

Key Takeaways

▪ The healthy estradiol range for men is between 10 to 40 pg/mL or 20 to 55

pg/mL, depending on the source.

▪ Having both too low or too high estrogen levels is detrimental for male health.

▪ We recommend that you test your estrogen levels every once in a while to
make sure they are in the normal range. Testosterone isn’t the only
hormone you should keep an eye on.

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Hormones are amazing things. They control your cells, organs and ultimately—
your brain and body functions. Normally, hormones go about their business
“under the radar” and your body operates as it should. However, sometimes,
hormone levels become unbalanced and that can lead to problems.

Elevated prolactin levels are a good example.

Most hormones have equal-but-opposite counterparts. When the levels of one

hormone increases, its opposite decreases. This is where the trouble starts.

Hormone imbalances can knock you out of homeostasis—the medical term for a
body in balance. For example, if estrogen levels increase, testosterone levels
decrease. Any man who cares about his health, vitality, and libido knows that
lowered testosterone is nothing but bad news.

While most men have heard of testosterone and its evil counterpart, estrogen,
far fewer would have heard of an equally unwanted hormone that can also drive
testosterone levels south. Its name is prolactin.

What Is ProlacUn?

Prolactin, also known as PRL hormone, is a hormone produced in the pituitary

gland. Its name is based on its role in mammalian lactation. While high prolactin
levels for women are vital so that they can produce breast milk, high prolactin in
men can contribute to lowered testosterone. Also, if you suffer from
hyperprolactinaemia (high prolactin levels in the blood), you have an increased
risk of developing gynecomastia—better known as man boobs.

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The FuncUons of ProlacUn in Men

Although to a lesser extent than GnRH, prolactin interacts with the luteinizing
hormone receptors found in testicular Leydig cells. Their interaction result to
testosterone secretion and spermatogenesis. However, due to unknown
reasons, prolactin decreases GnRH production.

Aside from this, prolactin moderates the production of lymphocytes (white

blood cells) by the immune system. It promotes a pro-inflammatory response
and suppresses anti-inflammatory responses of the immune system. This is
done to defend the body in situations wherein an inflammatory response is
more appropriate than an anti-inflammatory response.

Prolactin is responsible for the body’s utilization of certain nutrients. It enables

sodium, chloride, and calcium to pass through intestinal epithelial membranes.
In the kidneys, prolactin helps them to retain sodium, potassium, and water.

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Moreover, prolactin is largely responsible for the sense of gratification we feel
after sex. It does this by countering the effects of dopamine, which is the
hormone responsible for sexual arousal. In fact, prolactin levels are a possible
indicator of the degree of sexual satisfaction and relaxation.

Symptoms of High ProlacUn

If you have excess and hard-to-shift fat around your chest, painful nipples,
difficulty losing weight, experience loss of libido or erectile dysfunction, or are
suffering from any other condition commonly associated with decreased
testosterone, you are experiencing the symptoms of elevated prolactin. You
could go for a prolactin test to verify that you have high prolactin levels but this
is not always necessary when the symptoms are obvious. Painful nipples and
libido issues are common signs.

Elevated prolactin level can also be caused by a prolactinoma which is a type of

tumor in the pituitary gland. This is usually diagnosed by MRI and while rare, it’s
still something to consider if you continue to suffer from high prolactin levels
even after putting the advice of this chapter into practice. Consult your doctor if
you have any concerns.

Don’t forget that prolactin-release abnormalities have also been associated with
Parkinson’s Disease. Clearly though, you don’t have to wait until you’ve checked
all the signs – it’s best to act right away and be proactive about your health.

Besides, instead of merely checking for concerns usually linked with high
prolactin levels, you could visit your doctor and ask to have your blood tested.
While the procedure’s simple, note that you should have it done not more than
four hours after waking up.

◆ Individuals with high prolactin are more likely to gain weight.

◆ There is correlation between high levels of prolactin and increased

incidence of anxiety and depression in men.

◆ High levels of prolactin increase the risk of prostate cancer.

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How to Lower ProlacUn Levels

Lowering your prolactin levels will result in elevated testosterone levels and if
you want to feel more manly, virile, and energetic, this is a must. You don’t even
need to know if your prolactin levels are actually elevated—it’s better not to take
the risk!

In addition, many of the things you can do to lower prolactin levels are linked to
improved health and elevated testosterone levels so it’s less of a question why
do it, but why not?

Lower prolactin levels will elevate testosterone levels naturally and without
having to resort to testosterone-raising drugs such as Clomid and HCG, which
often have unwanted side effects.

While you can lower prolactin levels using medications such as Gabapentin,
which increases dopamine, it’s far healthier to try and control your prolactin
levels naturally.

Supplement With Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Indian medicinal herb known for its ability to fight stress.
Known as an adaptogen, ashwagandha can help elevate testosterone and
research also reveals that it can significantly lower your prolactin levels.

Use Kapikacchu Powder

Kapikacchu powder is a tropical legume also known as Mucuna Pruriens. In the
Himalayas, it has been used since ancient times in Ayurvedic medicine, most
commonly as a Parkinson's disease treatment and for overall brain health. However, it
is also a known treatment for lowering prolactin levels because of its high content of a
substance called L-dopa which naturally increases dopamine levels.

Increase Dopamine Levels

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is produced when you feel good—basically,
it’s one of THE reasons why you feel good in the first place. Increased dopamine
levels reduce stress and therefore can help to bring your prolactin levels back to
normal. Studies reveal that increased dopamine can lead to lowered prolactin
levels in people suffering from hyperprolactinemia.

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Dopamine is produced naturally when you sleep and after sex, for example, but
its levels can also be elevated through the use of supplements.

Increase Vitamin E Consumption

Vitamin E has been shown to lower prolactin levels by an astounding 69%.
Vitamin E is present in a wide range of foods including:
◆ Almonds
◆ Sunflower seeds and sunflower oil
◆ Avocados and avocado oil
◆ Olives and olive oil
◆ Broccoli
◆ Squash and pumpkin
◆ Kiwi fruit
◆ Dark, leafy green vegetables

Vitamin E is also available in supplement form.

Vitamin E: It's Not Just an Antioxidant

Compared to many other supplements that can serve as a prolactin inhibitor,

vitamin E is much cheaper and a lot safer. That doesn’t mean it’s not effective
though: it’s capable of reducing serum prolactin level by more than 60 percent.

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What makes Vitamin E great is that it doesn’t interfere with beneficial hormones,
including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone.

You won’t have to worry about adjusting your other supplements and any of
your hormone-boosting habits when taking Vitamin E.

No matter how impressive the vitamin is, we’ll have to remind you that there’s
still much to learn about it, and we’re not only talking about potency. Experts are
merely starting to uncover how the vitamin interferes with central prolactin

Fortunately, there’s nothing to worry about in terms of safety. You’ll be fine as

long as you don’t take more than 300 IU daily– go past that and you might end
up experiencing side effects like headache, nausea, fatigue, and even blurred

Take St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is a herb that has long been used as a natural anti-depressant
and treatment for stress. Available in supplement form, some studies suggest
that St. John’s Wort may lower prolactin levels.

However, do not take Mucuna Pruriens (Kapikacchu, L-dopa) together with

St. John’s Wort as these two substances interact badly.

Get More Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 (also known as pyridoxine) has been shown to significantly lower
prolactin levels. The richest sources of vitamin B6 include fish, beef liver and
other organ meats, potatoes as well as starchy vegetables and fruit (other than
citrus). If you don’t eat a lot of these foods, a B6 supplement will help.

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Vitamin B6: Unlocking It's Potential
Taking vitamin B6 is another excellent way of solving concerns associated with
an elevated prolactin level.The micronutrient acts by mimicking dopamine (a
chemical neurotransmitter), allowing it to inhibit prolactin secretion.

The dopamine agonist also triggers the release of growth hormone. That’s
something you should want, especially since it accelerates fat metabolism and
prevents muscle loss – that, by extension, means that you’ll have an easier time
attaining (and maintaining) your ideal physique.

In addition to stimulating dopamine receptor sites, vitamin B6 comes with

several other noteworthy benefits. Taking relatively high doses of the
micronutrient should improve not only your blood pressure and mood, but also
your blood sugar levels.

If you’re often at the gym, you’ll probably need more than 200 milligrams of the
vitamin daily. You need to watch out for side effects, however, like numbness
(most often in the leg area), loss of balance, and allergy – although the first two
are usually resolved by stopping your intake.

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Eat More Zinc-Rich Foods
Seafood such as oysters as well as red meat and poultry are all high in zinc. Zinc
is great for your immune system and also essential for testosterone and sperm
production. Studies reveal that zinc has a powerful effect on lowering prolactin

While you can take a zinc supplement, getting your zinc from “real food” is
generally a better and more enjoyable choice.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is essential for virtually every process in your body including the
normalization of hormone levels. Ideally, you should be getting 6 to 9 hours of
sleep per night.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to increase prolactin levels, so make sure you
go to bed early enough to get a decent night’s sleep. While you are there, have
some sex too as this will increase dopamine levels, elevate testosterone levels,
lower prolactin levels further, and help you sleep!

OpUmal ProlacUn Levels

For men, normal prolactin levels range from 5 ug/L up to a maximum of 25 ug/L.
Beyond this range men can experience infertility, low sexual desire and
testosterone, as well as erectile dysfunction.

ConvenUonal ProlacUn Inhibitors

If you see that the natural approaches above don’t help you much in lowering
your prolactin levels, here are some Plan B techniques from the world of
conventional pharmaceuticals.

Keep in mind, though, that it would be wise to discuss the matter with a doctor
before taking these medications.

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SAMe: Prevents Prolactin Release
S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe) is typically taken by those suffering from
depression, liver disease, or arthritis. It has been recently discovered though,
that the compound is more than capable of lowering prolactin levels.

Taking SAMe for two weeks might actually be enough to cause a significant
reduction in plasma prolactin. What makes SAMe really interesting, however, is
that it doesn’t directly interfere with hormone production – it targets the
thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) instead.

TRH is mainly responsible for stimulating the anterior pituitary to release

prolactin. SAMe makes that part of the pituitary gland much less responsive
towards TRH, which in turn results to a drop in the amount of prolactin that gets
released into the bloodstream.

Despite being among the most potent prolactin inhibitors though, SAMe isn’t
perfect. Nausea and stomach upset are among its common side effects, and
there’s a small chance that you’ll get too stimulated by it. Limit your daily intake
to 1,200 mg to protect yourself from these effects.

Bromocriptine & It's Risks

Taking bromocriptine is another way of tricking your body into thinking that it
has reached a high dopamine level (and thus, should stop releasing the
hormone prolactin). It’s actually classified as a drug and is the mainstream
medicine’s answer to hyperprolactinemia.

While it’s true that bromocriptine is much more potent than vitamin B6, we can’t
recommend the former due to the side effects associated with it. Taking it could
make you suffer from issues like heartburn, depression, and fatigue, which are
enough to affect your sense of well-being.

Those aren’t the only things you’ll be worrying about though. The drug can also
cause fainting, hallucinations, vomiting blood, and seizures. Regardless of the
things you do on a daily basis, suddenly experiencing any of those can put your
life at risk.

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A Few More Thoughts About GynecomasUa

Even though gynecomastia is usually caused by hormonal imbalances and high

prolactin levels, remember that it may also develop as a symptom of various
diseases, exposure to hormone-like substances, and even through normal
developmental processes.

Liver Disease
Patients with liver disease (like cirrhosis) may also show symptoms of
gynecomastia due to the increased production of androstenedione from the
adrenal glands. A drug called Spironolactone used to treat cirrhosis may worsen
the condition.

Gynecomastia may also be caused by malnourishment because of the
decreased T levels and gonadotropin, combined with normal estrogen levels.
During refeeding, gonadotropin levels increase, which mimics puberty.

Around 10 to 40 percent of males suffering from from Grave’s Disease show
signs of gynecomastia. This is often due to the stimulated peripheral aromatase
and is usually resolved when hyperthyroidism is cured.

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Renal Failure
Around half of hemodialysis patients can have gynecomastia mainly due to
dysfunctional Leydig cells. Renal failure also causes hormonal abnormalities.

Around 25% of gynecomastia cases have been found to be caused by
substances with actions that imitate hormones. These include phytoestrogens.

This is perhaps the most common cause of gynecomastia, and that’s why it’s
often observed in teenage males. Fortunately, the condition usually regresses as
puberty goes on.

Of course, there are other possible causes of gynecomastia, such as:

◆ Hypogonadism

◆ Hermaphroditism

◆ Kennedy’s syndrome

◆ Ectopic hCG production

◆ Type 1 Diabetes

◆ Excess aromatase syndrome

◆ Klinefelter's syndrome

◆ Stress and aging (low testosterone)

To finish off the topic, here are the most common treatments available to men
with gynecomastia:

Aromatase Inhibitors
These drugs block the synthesis of estrogen, decreasing the ratio of estrogen to
androgen. Anastrozole is one such drug and is very selective and potent in
decreasing estrogen concentration.

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The use of anti-estrogens has been increasing over the recent years because of
its efficacy on treating gynecomastia compared with other known therapies.
Tamoxifen (Tmx) is the most commonly used drug for gynecomastia treatment
because of its sheer potency as an estrogen antagonist.

Androgen Therapy
Gynecomastia improvement is usually observed during testosterone
replacement for patients suffering from hypogonadism. The same treatment,
however, is not effective for men with healthy gonads and may even worsen
gynecomastia. Androgens commonly used in the treatment are
dehydrotestosterone (DHT) and danazole.

Surgical Treatment
This should only be the last resort if all other options have failed and is only
recommended for cosmetic problems, suspected malignancy, and long-standing

Key Takeaways

▪ High prolactin levels can be extremely detrimental to male health.

▪ Common symptoms of high prolactin levels include loss of libido, excess

weight, painful nipples, treat tissue growth (gynecomastia), and low
testosterone levels.

▪ You can reduce your prolactin levels naturally using a wide range of
natural approaches. Foods and nutrients like ashwagandha, mucuna
pruriens, vitamin E, and vitamin B6 are some of the most effective

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Another surprising cause of low testosterone in men is progesterone or

pregnenolone deficiency.

And yes, progesterone is another (often called female) sex hormone.

So how is it related to testosterone?

Progesterone: The Lidle-Known Hormone That Boosts Your

Testosterone, Improves Libido and Protects You From Gyno

Men are almost always under the misconception that they should want just
more and more testosterone, and completely neglect the other hormones that
are involved in hormonal health.

Progesterone is a little-known hormone amongst men, and for the ones who do
know about it, it is often considered a female hormone since it is used in HRT
(hormone replacement therapy) for women. However, both men and women
are born with the same amounts of progesterone, and the levels stay the same
until puberty when women's progesterone levels usually double to balance all
the extra estrogen they have compared to us men.

The reality is that in men, progesterone is not a feminizing hormone at all, and it
is one of the most misunderstood hormones when it comes to male health.

One hint to this is that the structure of progesterone greatly resemble that of
testosterone and progesterone can activate testosterone receptors in the male

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Progesterone and Men: The Crucial Balancing Act

Progesterone helps to maintain balance between testosterone and estrogen.

Basically, it keeps estrogen levels low and allows testosterone levels to stay high.
Progesterone is also the precursor of the stress hormone cortisol and is a calming
hormone itself, effective for stress reduction. Hence, progesterone for men is very

Our hormone balance is maintained with the right concentration of

progesterone. This balance is important for men in order to maintain their
masculine characteristics such as sperm production and lean muscle mass.

Progesterone also affects the production of another hormone—prolactin. As you

may remember from the previous chapter, high concentrations of prolactin
cause “man boobs”. Prolactin increases when levels of progesterone in men go

Why would men want to keep their progesterone levels in opUmal


First of all, progesterone is basically a ”counterweight” for estrogen: it keeps the

latter in check. Estrogen is the feminizing hormone that men need in very small
amounts to maintain bone health and sex drive. Excessive estrogen is
devastating for men: eventually, it always leads to low testosterone levels,

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inflammation, hair loss, reduced libido and in worst cases, BPH (benign prostate
hyperplasia) or even prostate cancer.

Progesterone is one of the effective ways of protecting you against the side
effects of estrogen during steroid cycles and helping you during post-cycle
therapy, preventing rebound estrogenic side effects.

The Benefits of Progesterone for Men

The easiest way to think about progesterone is to see it as a master hormone

which influences the balance of the many other hormones in the male body like
DHT, estrogen, cortisol and testosterone.

You have to think of hormones as a scale with ever-changing weights. The best
approach is to learn how you feel during different hormonal responses and
adjust your lifestyle and dietary choices accordingly.

Other than progesterone’s influence on other androgens, it also comes with

many benefits of its own. Many of them closely resemble those of testosterone.
Here is what Progesterone can do for you as a man:

◆ Enhance libido

◆ Increase energy levels

◆ Improve mood

◆ Reduce stress

◆ Promote healthy body weight and prevent obesity

◆ Build stronger bones

◆ Lead to harder erections

◆ Protect against certain cancers such as breast cancer (yep, men can have
it too)

◆ Prevents hair loss. Progesterone helps keep DHT and estrogen balanced,
which can be beneficial for hair loss.

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And, of course, progesterone is an effective help for cases of the dreadful man

Progesterone Can Help You Get Rid of Man Boobs

Man boobs (aka gyno, gynecomastia) is one of the most feared health conditions
for all men, along with erectile dysfunction and hair loss. But what do all these
three have in common?

They can all develop from hormone imbalances such as estrogen dominance. We
have already established how progesterone affects estrogen, and how it can help
reverse estrogen dominance. What is important to understand is that developing man
boobs, or excessive male chest tissue growth, is all about your testosterone to
estrogen to progesterone ratios, with a bit of prolactin impact as well. DHT is also
important since it works as an antagonist for all kinds of feminization. It’s rare to
experience gyno while having high levels of progesterone and DHT.

In a nutshell, gyno develops because feminization is occurring in the male body.

Progesterone and DHT have antagonistic effects on estrogen and feminization,
so if you have man boobs, you are almost guaranteed to have an imbalance
there (low levels of progesterone and DHT). Estrogen is also guaranteed to be
high, and testosterone would often be low—estrogen dominance in full bloom.

So, what’s the best way to reverse gyno from a hormonal balance point of view?

Get your progesterone and DHT levels back into the normal range. At the same
time, work on getting your estrogen back to normal too. The synergistic effect of
these three changes (up with the DHT and progesterone, down with the
estrogen) will have a much greater effect than if you focus on only one hormone
from this complex equation.

Unfortunately, if your gyno has progressed far (which is often the case after
steroid abuse, for example), be aware that it won’t be fully reversed through
simple hormone modification. The excess tissue growth often has to be
removed with surgery.

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Progesterone and Estrogen

The majority of guys who find themselves with less than optimal progesterone
levels usually struggle with another major health concern that is becoming
increasingly more common in modern times.

You already know the name of the beast: estrogen dominance.

Testosterone and progesterone levels naturally decline with age—and estrogen

levels tend to rise a bit (due to excess weight and increased aromatase activity).
These changes in hormonal balance make aging men more likely to reach a state
of estrogen dominance. And let’s not forget there are other causes that lead to
estrogen issues in any age, such as xenoestrogens and stress.

In other words, having sub-optimal progesterone levels automatically means

the increase in estrogen a man will experience with age will be much more

The following are some standard reference ranges for saliva hormone testing:
Estradiol: 0.5 - 2.2 pg/ml
Progesterone: 15 - 100 pg/ml
Testosterone: 44 - 148 pg/ml

Causes of Low Progesterone Levels in Men

Many factors result in low progesterone levels in men. Some of these include
high cortisol levels, aging and estrogen dominance. Exposure to xenoestrogens
is another common cause of progesterone deficiency.

Since Progesterone is the precursor of cortisol, you can run out of progesterone
during times of prolonged stress because the body uses up all of it to produce
more cortisol.

This is why estrogen dominance and low testosterone is a common problem

during chronic stress. Progesterone levels also naturally decline with aging,
causing issues such as low testosterone, high estrogen, hair loss and prostate

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Blood tests can be used to monitor your levels of progesterone, testosterone,
cortisol, estriol, estradiol and estrone. Results will provide a more reliable
explanation for any symptoms. Also keep in mind that low progesterone is not
always the cause for low testosterone levels.

Once you have determined that you do have progesterone deficiency

symptoms, it’s time to think about how you can increase them in a safe and
effective way.

EffecUve Ways To Increase Progesterone

Along with using a natural progesterone cream, there are also some other foods
and supplements that can help you increase progesterone levels:

◆ Chaste tree berry (Vitex agnus-castus). By the way, contrary to popular

opinion this herb actually boosts libido in men

◆ Maca (Lepidium meyenii, the red kind of Maca is the most potent)

◆ Vitamin B6 (we suggest the P-5-P kind)

◆ Vitamin C

◆ Magnesium (avoid Magnesium Oxide since it has lower bioavailability)

◆ Pregnenolone (precursor to progesterone and all other steroid hormones)

When it comes to foods that help increase progesterone, aim for the following:

◆ Dark leafy greens

◆ Nuts & seeds, especially walnuts

◆ Dark chocolate

◆ Red meat

◆ Fish

◆ Citrus Fruits

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◆ Broccoli (by improving estrogen metabolism)

If all of the options above don’t seem to work, consider trying a progesterone
cream to help you restore balance.

Key Takeaways

▪ Progesterone is important not just for women, it is also important in men.

It affects the balance of other hormones and has a huge impact on overall
health as well. Keeping progesterone levels within normal ranges is
crucial. Using natural supplements and progesterone creams for men are
some effective ways to ensure that you maintain those levels even while
aging or during prolonged periods of stress.

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As you may remember from the previous chapters of this book, SHBG (sex
hormone-binding globulin) is a type of glycoprotein that defines your level of
free (bioavailable) sex hormones—mainly testosterone, estrogen, and DHT.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

◆ Hormones bound to SHBG are NOT bioavailable. They don’t work at all

◆ Hormones NOT bound to SHBG are bioavailable. These are the levels that

In other words, you could have all the testosterone in the world rushing through
your veins, but if all of it would be bound to SHBG—you’d still be lacking the
substance and, most likely, experiencing all the signs of estrogen dominance.

So, lower levels of SHBG can mean higher levels of free testosterone, which is
the type of testosterone that actually interacts with your body’s androgen
receptors and can exert anabolic effects in the body.

Higher levels of SHBG can mean lower levels of free testosterone but will usually
show as high levels of total testosterone on blood tests, as there will be a lot of
testosterone bound up to SHBG.

This is why high levels of total testosterone don’t always reflect the big picture
right, and further testing of SHBG and estrogen is needed to gain a good
understanding of a man's hormonal profile and to what extend testosterone is
affecting the body in a beneficial way.

On a side note, although albumin is another protein that sex hormones bind to,
it is much weaker and smaller in amount than SHBG. SHBG is what you really
need to be more concerned about.

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The RelaUonship Between SHBG, Testosterone, and Estrogen

SHBG is not all bad though, especially if you already have its levels within normal
range. Yes, SHBG leaves you with less bioavailable (free) testosterone but it also
protects you from the detrimental effects of excess estrogen.

In the previous chapters, we have already talked about the damaging effects of
excess estrogen in the male body and how this is becoming increasingly more
widespread in the modern age.

Maintaining adequate levels of SHBG makes sure you have a good defence
mechanism running for times of estrogen storms. Excess estrogen levels
promote feminization, muscle loss, fat gain and can often be the start of
developing severe health conditions such as obesity, hair loss, BPH,
gynecomastia and even prostate cancer.

If you discover your SHBG levels are much higher than they should, the best
thing to start to investigate is if you have excess levels of estrogen floating
around, since elevated estrogen levels will make your body produce more SHBG

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to protect itself. In other words, reducing estrogen can actually lower SHBG and
in turn, free up more testosterone. Hence, the best approach to modulating
SHBG is usually by modulating other hormones, like estrogen.

Increasing levels of total testosterone can also mean more free testosterone
without necessarily increasing SHBG. This is the approach many TRT
(testosterone replacement therapy) clinics take with patients with high levels of
SHBG. Increased levels of androgens such as from testosterone injections will
push levels of SHBG down, so on TRT, the solution can be to increase your
testosterone dosage to lower SHBG. However, keep in mind that more
testosterone often equals more estrogen (from the action of aromatase), so
there’s a fine balance to keep.

The endocrine system is a complex thing for sure.

If you have already looked into ways to lower your estrogen levels but are still
not happy with the results on your SHBG, consider trying out these simple
nutritional changes and natural supplements.

Dietary Macros

Insulin has a tendency to drive down levels of SHBG, so many experts claim that
the best diet for lower SHBG is one high in carbohydrates. However, recent
research has shown that this SHBG-lowering effect has more to do with spikes in
blood sugar than with insulin.

After all, such a logic would mean that all people with diabetes would have
stellar free testosterone levels since they have chronically elevated blood sugar
and low insulin. We all know for a fact though that this is a very damaging
metabolic state, and men with diabetes have actually been shown to have low
testosterone levels.

Another often cited study reported that a high-carbohydrate diets often lead to
higher levels of total testosterone and lower levels of cortisol and SHBG. What
99% of the people citing this study on the internet fail to do is read it in detail,
which shows that in the end a high carb diet and a high protein diet only had a
difference of a few % in free testosterone levels.

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The differences in total testosterone and cortisol were merely influenced by the
change in SHBG between the diets and the same applied with cortisol and
cortisol-binding protein (like SHBG but for cortisol). The body simply adjusted its
systems to different diets, but the amount of free androgens and free cortisol
was still the same on both diets, proving in the end that macros of dietary
carbohydrates have no real influence on levels of free androgens.

To take this even further, we have personally experimented with about every
possible extreme macro combination there is, high carb, ketogenic diet (high fat)
and even a meat-only high protein diet. The results? No direct influence on levels
of SHBG in the long term (minimum 1-2 months between diet changes).

The key error that almost all the nutritional studies do when testing diets and
hormone levels is that they don't give the body enough time to adapt to dietary
changes. Among the high-fat ketogenic community it is a known fact that it takes
the body at least 1-3 months to adjust to the diet; hence, there is no point in
doing blood tests and compare diets this way unless you give the body sufficient
time to adapt. Metabolic pathways have to be redirected, and the gut microflora

In the end from our own experiences, most diets will give you similar hormone
levels in the end unless you go on an incredibly low-fat diet and deprive your
body of the building blocks needed for testosterone, such as cholesterol. Vegan
diets often do this and also include excess levels of fiber with drives up SHBG,
often resulting in reproduction issues in vegan men.

What is instead important is to optimize your diet for metabolic function, such as
don’t create inflammation and chronically high blood sugar levels through high
sugar consumption. Just because you are doing a bulk protocol doesn’t make it
OK to go crazy on sugary treats!

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When it comes to hormones, another important nutritional topic to discuss is

fiber intake.

Although fiber is beneficial to the body's digestive process, it often plays an

opposite role when it comes to hormones. The way it helps with digestion, it can
also absorb sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen and then flush them
out of the system through bowel movement. Without fiber, these hormones
would be reabsorbed into our system and reused. This is why studies have
shown higher fiber diets to have testosterone lowering effects, and that’s
another good reason why a 100% plant-based diet isn’t a good way to go for

Also, high-fiber diets increase SHBG which leads to a decrease in bioavailable

androgens. However, if you have a problem with excess levels of estrogen, fiber
can actually be a good way to flush estrogen out and raise SHBG temporary to
protect you from its adverse effects. So there is no real optimal diet, aim for a
diet that is suitable to your goals.

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In general, fiber is still important for the body as studies show that it can even
decrease the risk of death caused by heart disease, some types of cancer,
diabetes, and stroke.

On the other hand, there isn’t a lot of scientific evidence that humans need a lot
of fiber in their diets to begin with, as many traditional populations have thrived
on zero-fiber diets for thousands of years.

Now that you know the basics of what SHBG is and how it works, let’s take a look
at how you can tweak its levels in your body.

How to Lower SHBG: What to Avoid

Xenoestrogens and Phytoestrogens

Higher levels of estrogen increase SHBG levels, so this means that you need to
take certain steps to lower substances that have estrogenic effects on your
body. Xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens are substances that mimic estrogen

Xenoestrogens are today found everywhere and in close to everything. The

majority of plastics contain substances that can act as estrogen mimickers, in
the sense that they can imitate the hormone estrogen in the body and activate
the same receptors. This is why today you see so much negative talk about BPA
and other plastic additives in health publications. You should never heat your
food in plastic containers or drink hot drinks from plastic cups; this is just
begging for trouble as heat releases the xenoetrogens into what you are

However, that is not the only type of xenostrogens to be found. Industrial meat
products also contain artificial estrogens and growth hormones that enable the
animals to grow faster as well as keeps the cows producing milk year around.
This is very much an unnatural process which is only done for revenue gains for
the producers and jeopardizing your health and performance in return.

In these ways, these chemicals find their way into our everyday meals, which is
why it is particularly important to buy organic and grass-fed animals products.
Pesticides can also have estrogenic effects, as well as unfiltered tap water, often

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contain trace amounts of birth control pills, which can still have an effect on the
male endocrine system.

It is becoming seemingly harder and harder for men to protect themselves and
this is why today men have 15-50% less testosterone than they had just a mere
50 years ago. Our modern lifestyles are feminizing men and are responsible for
the ever increasing deaths caused by diseases related to hormones such as
prostate cancer.

Another cause of estrogen dominance is stress. Prolonged or chronic stress

overproduce and deplete out stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is produced from
progesterone and overproduction leaves little progesterone left to protect our
hormonal balance. Chronic stress will eventually guarantee problems with
estrogen levels in men, so all ways and treatments for reducing stress can also
be seen as beneficial for our hormonal balance, especially when it comes to
progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.

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We all know that excess alcohol consumption is never a good thing, and if you
are a serious athlete and want serious results, we recommend you forget about
alcohol altogether. In fact, alcohol not only raises levels of SHBG but also lowers
testosterone, sperm quality and even reduce the weight of your testicles. Not
only that but then you have to suffer the hangover as well. Worth it? We don't
think so bro.

For many people, parties and get–togethers just can't be complete without
alcohol. You might have to change your stance a bit because ethanol, which is
present in many alcoholic drinks, is harmful to the body.

Of particular interest here are its effects on testosterone levels. Alcohol is a

depressant, meaning it slows down certain body functions, including sexual

Alcohol is found to lower testosterone in several ways:

◆ Intake of ethanol increases the NADH/NAD+ ratio in the mitochondria.

This increase in ratio levels of the coenzymes slows down the transport
process involved in testosterone production.

◆ According to this study, another way alcohol intake decreases

testosterone is through increasing beta–endorphins.

◆ Acetaldehyde, a product of ethanol metabolism, is found in this study to

be a toxin for Leydig cells. Leydig cells are the cells responsible for
testosterone production.

◆ Drinking too much alcohol also increases aromatization (conversion of

testosterone to estrogen). As discussed, very high levels of estrogen are
not ideal for men (and even for women).

Moreover, alcohol in rats was found to make the testicles smaller just from 5%
concentration of ethanol in their food.

Fortunately, the negative effects of alcohol in your testosterone levels are

dependent on how much you drink. So you can still have a few drinks with your
buddies occasionally.

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Medications with anti–androgen side effects

There are also plenty of medications that can wreck your hormone levels and
increase SHBG. The usual mechanism behind this effect is that most
medications impair the liver’s function (by the way, that’s what alcohol does too)
and the liver is responsible for maintaining balanced levels of SHBG. If you want
optimal SHBG, keep your liver running as smooth as possible.

Some drugs that can affect SHBG by impairing liver function include:

◆ Statins

◆ Anti-fungals

◆ Anti-depressants

◆ Hair loss drugs (finasteride in particular)

◆ NSAIDs Like Ibuprofen and Paracetamol

◆ Corticosteroids

◆ Beta blockers

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Last but not least, keep in mind that some supplements (even testosterone
boosters) contain anti–androgens. Some examples of these are soy proteins,
licorice root, bitter melon, among others.

Discuss the matter with your doctor and share your concerns with him. Maybe
he’ll offer an alternative that’s safer for your testosterone, or maybe the two of
you will come up with a safe form of alternative treatment. Optimal
communication is key to success!

How to Lower SHBG: What to Take

Now that you know what to avoid, it’s time to learn about the substances you
might want to take in order to lower SHBG:

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One of the best natural supplements to lower levels of SHBG is Boron. Boron is a
mineral that few people have heard about, let alone controlled their intake of the
stuff. It's present naturally in the soil and is believed to have come to Earth through
cosmic dust. However, most of our commercially bought vegetables today are not
grown in nutrient-rich soils and are hence often devoid of this essential mineral.

Boron has some interesting effects on the endocrine system and, depending on
the person, can be both good or bad in its effects.

In the following study Boron was shown to increase levels of free testosterone
by 28%, by lowering SHBG. Another study also showed a similar effect of Boron
supplementation. What is important to note however that all of these studies
also showed an increase in estrogen levels, so that’s kind of a double-edged

Lowering your SHBG levels with Boron is only a good idea when you already
have your estrogen levels under control and in a low range. Otherwise, lower
SHBG levels equals more estrogen roaming free around your body.

So if you have an estrogen problem, Boron is not for you. But fear not, there are
plenty of other options!

Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been shown time and again to be a crucial nutrient for health
since it’s involved in a staggering 1000 bodily functions! Some of them include
regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption from food, for example.

The problem is that the majority of people today lead a sedentary lifestyles
spent mostly indoors, and this leads to vitamin D deficiency since most of this
vital nutrient is synthesized in the body under direct sunlight. Other ways of
getting vitamin D include eating off yolks and fish.

One study even showed that it could help reduce levels of SHBG.

The above study was done on men who were deficient in vitamin D, and
supplemental vitamin D increased their levels of testosterone because of that. So if
you spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, most likely you already have optimal
levels of vitamin D and would not get this benefit from supplementation.

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The National Institutes of Health recommends 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure,
ideally between the hours of 10 AM to 3 PM. This allows the body to produce a
sufficient amount of vitamin D.

Fish Oil
Fish oil is a great source of vitamin D, but it has another SHBG-lowering effects
as well.

You see, studies indicate that fish oil increases testosterone production that is
activated by the luteinizing hormone (LH). DHA in fish oil also shows anti–
estrogenic effects through down–regulating estrogen receptors.

Magnesium is involved in over 300 bodily functions and has plenty of studies to
back up its effects.

Here are the main effects of magnesium on male hormones:

◆ Decreases SHBG. Another similar study reported that magnesium helps

decrease SHBG and increase free testosterone. It does this by inhibiting
the binding of testosterone to SHBG.

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◆ Increases free testosterone levels by 24%

◆ Increases levels of IGF-1 (growth hormone)

The most common reason of magnesium deficiency is poor dietary habits. If you
want to make sure you get enough magnesium through your diet alone, focus
on these foods:

◆ Beef (21 mg / 100 g)

◆ Spinach (79 mg / 100 g)

◆ Swiss Chard (81 mg / 100 g)

◆ Dark Chocolate (228 mg / 100 g)

◆ Brazil Nuts (376 mg / 100 g)

When it comes to supplementation and magnesium, some types of magnesium

are better than others. Focus on magnesium glycinate, orotate, malate and
citrate as these are more bioavailable and active compared to magnesium oxide.
Topical magnesium products such as oils, creams and Epson salts (magnesium
sulphate) can be a more effective way of supplementation since you can avoid
potential GI distress that often comes with high oral dosages of magnesium. In
other words, topical magnesium supplementation enables you to go higher on
the dosage with fewer side effects!

Zinc is considered the most important mineral for men since it has been shown
to regulate many different hormones as well as improve sperm quality and

One of the hormones that zinc modulates is SHBG, and it has been
demonstrated to reduce SHBG in different studies.

It’s important to remember that the body cannot produce zinc by itself so
getting it from food and other sources is an essential thing.

Studies show that zinc supplementation can increase total and free testosterone
levels after exercise, and increase testosterone, DHT, and sperm count in
infertile males.

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Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali is a very popular testosterone booster. And its effects are proven by
scientific research.

One study shows how it increases testosterone levels as well as decreases

stress. Another research proves its positive effects on male reproduction by
improving erectile function, increasing libido, and increasing semen amount.

Key Takeaways

Having a lot of testosterone is not enough for optimal health because its
usability is affected by how much of it is freely flowing in the bloodstream and
how much is bound to sex hormone binding proteins like SHBG.

Maintaining healthy levels of SHBG is actually quite easy. Here’s a quick rundown
of the important stuff:

▪ Keep estrogen levels within low-normal ranges

▪ Supplement with a good mineral complex (magnesium, boron, and zinc)

▪ Get enough sun exposure daily

▪ Limit consumption of alcohol and medications if possible

Remember that SHBG is an essential part of your endocrine system that’s meant
to balance your hormones. SHBG becomes a problem for your free testosterone
levels only when such issues as excess estrogen, toxin buildup or nutritional
deficiencies are present.

Free testosterone is key to reaping the performance benefits of high

testosterone levels, so even a small change like getting adequate levels of
minerals can produce pronounced effects on low testosterone levels—mainly by
affecting your SHBG.

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Another hormone that has an indirect yet powerful effect on testosterone is


What is Dopamine?

Dopamine (DOPA) is one of the most important neurotransmitters in your brain.

Neurotransmitters are your brain’s messengers. Basically, they are molecules

that transmit stimuli across nerve gaps and have either inhibitory effects (for
example, GABA) or stimulating effects (Dopamine).

That pleasant rush of excitement and joy you experience from achieving stuff,
having sex, or even just playing video games? Yes, you can thank dopamine for
that. Dopamine is responsible for the lion’s share of all your feel-good moments
regardless of where they come from—stuffing your face with potato chips or
winning a marathon.

However, dopamine isn’t just about feeling good. Here are some of its other
health benefits:

Enhances concentration
Remember all those boring classes back in high school? Ever tried to do
something you don’t enjoy just to end up procrastinating for hours? Well,
concentration is enhanced when the prefrontal cortex has the right levels of
neurotransmitters, and dopamine plays a crucial part in that. When dopamine
levels are high, it means you’re enjoying what you’re doing and often
experiencing a state of flow, where things just seem to flow through with ease.
In other words, the more dopamine you have when you try to do something, the

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easier and more focused you will be at the task. When you do something you
don't really enjoy, you lack dopamine. That feeling of rather going off to
procrastinate comes from your brain seeking more dopamine stimulation.

Increases motivation and drive

Without dopamine, there would be no desire to do anything, pure apathy. A
bright example is any model of stimulant drug addiction, like cocaine or
amphetamine, which cause a down-regulation of dopamine receptors. Without
the drug, there is no willpower to do much of anything. In other words, in a
healthy brain, you can prime yourself for doing tasks more effectively by making
sure you take good care of your dopamine levels. Do the most boring tasks
when they are at their highest concentrations in the brain, for most people that
would be early in the morning just after waking up. Ever heard somebody say
that the first 3 hours of your day are considered the most productive? Well, this
is why!

Boosts wakefulness and alertness:

Most people aren’t entirely sure what their cup of coffee does, all they really
know is that they need it. Got a tough task ahead? “Let me just make some
coffee first…” But what is it that gives coffee its charm?

Coffee contains the world's most popular stimulant, caffeine. Caffeine has a
whole host of beneficial effects, most notable is its ability to promote
wakefulness as well as increased focus, motivation and wellbeing. These last
three benefits stem from the fact that caffeine is effective at increasing the
amounts of dopamine in the brain. When it comes to experiencing pleasure and
motivation, dopamine is the king of neurotransmitters.

But enough of the general benefits of dopamine, let’s get straight to how it
affects your hormones.

Dopamine, Testosterone and Growth Hormone

A major effect of dopamine is that it regulates several hormones in your body,

testosterone and growth hormone being two of them.

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Testosterone and dopamine share a positive correlation, meaning that an increase
in one hormone leads to an increase in the other. Both are considered to be highly
correlated with sex drive and libido, hence if you suffer from low libido but your
testosterone levels are alright? Well, most likely your dopamine is the problem—for
example, you could have borderline low or fluctuating dopamine. Not enough to
mess up testosterone, but enough to decrease your libido.

Anyway, how dopamine affects testosterone?

Dopamine promotes testosterone synthesis by stimulating gonadotropic

releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH is secreted by the hypothalamus and is the
hormone that signals the testes to release more testosterone. GnRH also
regulates the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
hormone (LH), and both hormones are important for optimal testosterone

Dopamine is also a reliable booster of growth hormone. Growth hormone is

responsible for all tissue growth and healing in the body. Want to build more
muscle? More growth hormone will help. However, it’s more complicated than
just drinking coffee and thinking you will grow an inch on your biceps from the
dopamine stimulation. Dopamine stimulates the production of hormones, but
constant dopamine stimulation is not possible since that would desensitize your
receptors. However, giving your dopamine an extra boost at the right time, like
after working out, can greatly help increase your growth hormone response
from the exercise and improve your ability to build muscle.

Another important effect is that dopamine inhibits prolactin secretion. As you

may remember from our previous chapters, having high prolactin levels is a
guaranteed way to decrease testosterone and eventually (in severe cases of
excess prolactin) develop gynecomastia (”man boobs”).

Now, besides its general health effects and its impact on many hormones,
dopamine also plays a major role in defining libido and erectile function in men.

How Dopamine Influences Your Sex Drive and ErecUle FuncUon

Dopamine plays a huge role in everything related to a man’s sex life.

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For starters, this hormone is essential for an erection to happen in the first
place. Dopamine bursts are one of the primary triggers that eventually lead to
the release of chemicals like testosterone, serotonin and nitric oxide—all of
which are absolutely essential for a rock-hard erection.

Aside from erection, dopamine is vital for libido because it’s released in the
brain when a man anticipates or craves sex. Without the release of dopamine,
there would be no urge or anticipation for sex and thus, no libido.

Testosterone is a basic ingredient for your sexual functions to work properly,

and sufficient levels of T are needed to create a suitable environment for sexual
activity to happen. Also, adequate testosterone level is required to produce
dopamine. If a man is experiencing low testosterone, it means his body would
not be able to produce sufficient amount of dopamine.

When responding to sex, testosterone is quite slow to act. It needs a

neurotransmitter like dopamine to send signals quickly. Therefore, when a man
is craving or anticipating sex, dopamine is released to send a message to the
neurons. As such, dopamine is the chemical that stimulates sexual motivation.

Unfortunately, there’s a risk that your body’s response to dopamine may

decrease with time—in other words, you may get less sensitive to dopamine.
This is when typical stimuli (like seeing your wife naked) won’t elicit enough
sexual motivation. A common reason for that is watching too much porn.

Porn overstimulates the brain’s reward system, bombarding it with high levels of
dopamine until it gradually becomes less sensitive to a typical stimuli. When
there is excessive dopamine, the dopamine-receiving neurons shut down to
protect you from overstimulation.

This results to a non-response to dopamine or a depletion of dopamine. When

this happens, you feel lazy and it becomes difficult to feel pleasure. In such a
situation, the only way to release more dopamine for you to feel pleasure is
the increase in the use of porn—but isn’t that a way to keep spiraling down?

The only REAL way to bring things back to normal is to wean off porn and allow
your brain to re-adjust its relationship with dopamine again.

Let’s take a closer look at some other effects of low dopamine levels.

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The Side Effects of Low Dopamine Levels

The catch 22 with dopamine is that no matter what you do, it’s not possible
to keep them consistently elevated. Ever noticed how those 2 shots of
expresso feel fantastic the first couple of days, and after that you suddenly find
yourself downing 4 in one go to feel anything?

Yeah, that’s the dopamine desensitization thing.

To be able to keep a healthy response to dopamine stimulation, you need to

cycle that stimulation. Let's say you were stranded on a deserted island for 20
years, then all of a sudden you get a whiff of a woman’s perfume. Yes, that
would be enough to get you going, however being surrounded by the most
beautiful women in the world 24/7 will eventually bore you. This is the way your
brain works, and that’s important to understand.

Lack of stimulation will increase sensitivity, and increased stimulation will lower
sensitivity: everything is good in moderation! Your brain will always be seeking
more stimuli; this is how humans are able to evolve, always chasing the next
thing. This is also why consumerism, blockbusters movies and constant high-
speed internet porn is slowly sucking out the soul and intelligence of the human
race, but we’ll save that one for another chapter.

Let’s say you’re a coffee addict with a severe gambling problem (this is
dopamine-related as well), what issues might arise concerning your dopamine?

Symptoms of low dopamine and/or low dopamine sensitivity:

◆ Low libido

◆ Inability to experience joy or pleasure

◆ Depression

◆ Memory loss

◆ Inability to concentrate

◆ Chronic procrastination

◆ Fatigue, lethargy

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At its worst, Parkinson's Disease is a model of chronically low dopamine levels
and even results in disruption of motor functions. Parkinson's Disease is a
condition of continuous degradation of your dopamine receptors and your
body’s ability to use dopamine. But don’t worry, you won’t get it from watching
too much porn or drinking buckets of coffee: Parkinson’s disease is thought to
be caused by genetic factors and triggered by poor lifestyle and nutritional

Luckily for most, low dopamine levels and low dopamine sensitivity are
temporary conditions that often just last for a short period because of poor
lifestyle choices such as overindulgence, chronic stress, overtraining or poor
nutrition. Better yet, there are plenty of tools and techniques that can be used to
take control of your dopamine, and this is the core subject of this chapter.

The dopamine diet: can you increase your dopamine levels by

eaUng right?

Did you know that there is a HUGE amount of dopamine in tomatoes?

Joke. There’s no natural source of pure dopamine out there, this chemical is
synthesized in your body. However, you can enhance your natural production of
dopamine with the right diet.

You see, dopamine is created from the amino acid Tyrosine which you can
get both from foods and supplements. The body converts Tyrosine into the
dopamine precursor L-Dopa which then passes the blood-brain barrier and
eventually increases dopamine levels in the brain. Many dietary choices can
influence neurotransmitter concentrations in the brain. For instance, a diet high
in carbohydrates and sugars will stimulate dopamine receptors too much
and eventually start to desensitize them. Many experts believe this one of the
ways in which Parkinson's Disease develops in genetically-predisposed people.

On the other hand, a diet high in healthy fats and protein (like the
ketogenic diet) has been seen to optimize the dopamine pathways and be
beneficial for your brain. This is why the ketogenic diet is widely known as a
diet that comes with profound mental benefits. It is also known to be able to
stop seizures, which is a condition of too high sensitivity to dopamine and an

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inability to control this sensitivity. So the ketogenic diet indeed also has a
regulatory action on dopamine pathways both able to increase and decrease

Also, the specific food choices you make can influence your availability of
building blocks for neurotransmitters such as dopamine. The following foods are
high in Tyrosine for example:

◆ Almonds

◆ Apples

◆ Avocados

◆ Bananas

◆ Watermelon

◆ Animal products (meat, milk, cheese, etc.)

◆ Dark leafy vegetables

Some other notable beverage choices that increase dopamine are:

◆ Chocolate

◆ Tea

◆ Coffee

However, the above beverages mostly influence dopamine by stimulating the

brain to produce more, and remember what we discussed before; chronic
stimulation eventually results in degradation of receptors and their
function. Tea is an interesting one though since it contains a non-essential
amino acid called Theanine, which boosts dopamine but is also calming,
balancing the stimulating effects of the small amounts of caffeine also present in
the drink. This is why tea is not considered a stimulant in most people's eyes and
rather something you drink for relaxation.

But a healthy diet isn’t your only way to enhance your dopamine levels and

Here are some other ”dopamine hacks” that were proven to be effective.

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There is also research that suggests that the gut microbiome also plays a role in
dopamine regulation. The ratio of different microorganism in the gut depends
on your food choices, where “bad” bacteria often take over and colonize when
you feed it lots of junk such as sugar. One of the metabolites of “bad” bacteria,
lipopolysaccharides, has been shown to decrease dopamine levels in the brain.
This clearly illustrates the connection between everything in the body as a
whole, but many people already experienced this in ways such as digestion-
related issues during periods of stress. Digestion should have nothing to do with
the looming pressure of that deadline at work right? Wrong.

Mucuna Pruriens
Also known as Velvet Bean (Latin, Mucuna Pruriens). The reason why Mucuna is
so special is that it’s one of the only natural sources of pure L-Dopa. As we
mentioned previously, L-Dopa is the precursor for several neurotransmitters
such as dopamine and catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline, etc.).
Supplementing with Mucuna will directly increase dopamine levels, and it has
been extensively studied as a treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.

Taking into account dopamine’s ability to stimulate hormone production, the

effects of Mucuna on hormones is obvious. Mucuna has been shown to both
increase growth hormone and boost the production of testosterone by
stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone from the pituitary. This explains
Mucuna's strong effects on increasing libido and also boosting mood and
feelings of pleasure.

Cold Showers, aka James Bond Showers

A very effective way of reversing desensitization is subjecting your brain to more
sensations, sensations of cold that is! James Bond had it right all along. Cold
showers can help you feel more manly, happier and improve your performance
and stress tolerance. This works by stimulation of dopaminergic transmission
pathways in areas of the brain known as the mesocorticolimbic and nigrostriatal
pathways. In other words, it is not by stimulating the receptors themselves,
rather, by increasing the stimulating effect of the transmission. Signal strength if
you will.

This pathway in the brain is closely rated to emotions and feelings of happiness
and wellbeing. We like to explain it simply in this way, if you subject your brain to
though challenges such as ice baths, it will grow stronger and this strength

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translates into other areas of life, such as your emotional wellbeing. Studies
have even shown cold showers to be able to treat depression.

Nootropics and Stimulants

Most pharmaceuticals and supplements which are said to boost cognition do
that by boosting dopamine levels, making dopamine receptors more sensitive,
or enhance signal transmission in dopamine pathways. There are many
interesting supplements you can use to enhance dopaminergic function, but
remember to be careful with stimulants: more isn’t always better when it comes
to stimulation.

Here are some of the most common options.

Theanine + Caffeine
If you’re a lover of caffeine, the best gift you can give yourself is a bottle of
Theanine. We briefly discussed this amino acid earlier in this chapter as the
substance in tea that makes it less stimulating and more calming. However,
don’t get this wrong because Theanine is no sedative. What Theanine does is
counteracts the adverse effects of caffeine, such as increased heart rate, jitters,
a rise in blood pressure, etc., while still enabling you to maintain the energy and
focus you get from it. In other words, it makes everything about caffeine better!
We suggest a dose of 100mg-200mg with a strong cup of coffee.

Talking about tea, here is another amazing compound that comes from a rare
variant in the tea genus. Teacrine is the patented name for 1,3,7,9-
tetramethyluric acid, a purine type analog found in the Camelia assamica variety
of tea plant. What makes Teacrine unique is that it too can provide much of the
dopamine stimulating effects of caffeine, but without any of its side effects. It
also blocks adenosine receptors in the same way as caffeine and hence,
promotes feelings of wakefulness and alertness. However, the absolutely
amazing thing that makes Teacrine one of the best stimulants, is that it is
entirely void of tolerance. Simply put, you cannot build a tolerance to the effects
of Teacrine, which enables you to use it as much as you want!

This is the current absolute superstar in the world of nootropics. Noopept, a
peptide derived smart drug that is related to the popular nootropic Piracetam,
was researched and developed in Russia. It acts in a similar way to Piracetam,

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just at an incredible 1000 times the potency. It appears to be able to repair
damaged cells and receptor sites which are why similar to Mucuna; it has been
researched for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Noopept stimulates
dopamine receptors in the brain without causing downregulation. It is a
psychostimulant that does not affect other areas of the body such as the heart,
with its stimulating action. This makes it a very safe supplement and the perfect
core ingredient in a nootropic stack for dopamine function.

Key Takeaways

▪ Dopamine and testosterone share a direct relationship in which a rise in

one hormone generally leads to a an increase in the other.

▪ Some of the most important dopamine function include sex drive support,
healthy erectile function, concentration, and motivation.

▪ One of the biggest dangers related to dopamine is reaching a state of

dopamine desensitization, during which the body demands higher and
higher dopamine levels to trigger its action. This happens, for example,
during porn addiction.

▪ Although it’s impossible to keep your dopamine levels high at all times,
you can support its production by eating enough foods rich in healthy fats
and tyrosine.

▪ Natural supplements that may boost dopamine include mucuna pruriens,

probiotics, and tea.

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This chapter may be a huge surprise for many men out there, but yep, it’s true:
there is a link between your gut health and your testosterone.

Testosterone-boosUng bacterias: probioUcs for men

Conventional medicine often has a tendency to be reductionist when it comes to

disease states and symptoms, boxing them in and failing to see the whole
picture. This was the basis for the creation of the holistic health view; how to
treat the body as a whole and not reduce it into smaller and smaller parts.

Traditional medicinal practices such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine have

successfully approached healing in this way for thousands of years. Western
medicine is still catching up and is just now beginning to understand that the
sum is more than its individual parts.

One astonishing fact that is becoming more apparent is that your body does not
only consist of you, but also of billions of other microorganisms that you host.
We’re talking about 1-3% of your body weight, specifically. In a 200-pound adult,
that’s about 2-6 pounds (0.9-2.7 kg) of bacteria, according to the National
Institutes of Health!

Many of these microorganisms actually influence how your body works and
even how you feel and think. They are a part of you in the same manner as you
are a part of them, a two-way relationship.

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Now, imagine this: the ratio and type of these beneficial bacteria can define how
manly you are and even the size of your testicles. But don’t go on a probiotic
shopping spree yet!

The relationship between your gut bacteria and your manliness is actually
complex, it requires a deeper look and some understanding of the basic
concepts. Before we get into the nitty-gritty on testosterone and gut bacteria,
let's run through the details on how big of a part your gut plays on your overall

Buckle up and let’s get started.

Less-Known Benefits of ProbioUcs

Most people have heard of probiotic supplements as they are often used by
individuals with gut issues or other problems related to digestion such as
diarrhea or constipation. Many types of fermented foods such as yogurt have
also become a common staple on the western breakfast menu, due to their high
content of beneficial bacteria.

That probiotics also improve immunity is widely understood; however, there are
many more benefits you can reap from the kingdom of microscopic bacteria.

Enhance your brain power

To start off, there is plenty of connections to be made between your brain and
your gut. The gut is often labeled as your ”second brain”, and there is this thing
called the gut-brain axis, which is the route of communication that exists
between your brain and your gut. Can you guess what’s another name for it?

It’s the vagus nerve!

That stress and anxiety often come hand in hand with stomach issues is a clear
indicator of this. We all know the pain and indigestion that can originate from that
chronic stress at work, or rising nausea from being nervous about that speech.

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People don't realize that the gut and your mental and emotional wellbeing are
so interconnected. The good news is that caring for your gut can also then
improve aspects of your brain and cognitive functioning.

There are plenty of animal and human studies out there that show the following
benefits from consumption of beneficial bacteria strains:

◆ Reduced anxiety
◆ Improved long-term memory
◆ Improved learning ability
◆ Enhanced cognitive function

Another interesting and less known benefit is that probiotics can improve
cardiovascular health. They can exert this effect by somewhat changing the
properties of the bile acids in your body, an effect that eventually leads to a
reduction in bad cholesterol. In the end, lower cholesterol means lower chances
of developing atherosclerosis, which translates to a lower cardiovascular risk.

An effect that’s even more interesting for the athletes out there is this: gut
bacteria are vital for proper conversion of dietary nitrates (like the ones you get
from from beetroots) into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is that remarkable
biochemical that dilates our blood vessels, providing an incredible muscle pump,
lower blood pressure, and rock hard erections.

ProbioUcs, stress, and muscle: what is the connecUon?

If you are trying to pack on some muscle or recover faster from your last
workout, the stress hormone cortisol is your 1 enemy. Cortisol is a catabolic
hormone released in times of stress to give us the energy to withstand stressors,
as well as acting in an anti-inflammatory fashion to prevent any damage such as
from injuries. However, when it comes to building muscle, cortisol can break
down muscle tissues for energy which is the opposite of what you want.

Chronic stress and anxiety will keep cortisol levels running high. Cortisol also
has an adverse effect on testosterone and will push down your levels over
time if you don't make room for relaxation and recovery in your life.

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When it comes to probiotics, one of their amazing properties is that they play an
integral part in our stress response. This effect is clear indicator that stress and
the gut are highly connected, supplying a rationale of how your dietary choices
also can affect your stress levels through gut mediated bacteria changes.

Many strains of probiotics have been shown to be anxiolytic in research studies.

One of the most powerful ones seems to be the strain Lactobacillus Rhamnosus,
which was shown in a mice study to be able to reduce cortisol levels a 100-fold
in response to stress, as well as increase levels of the neurotransmitter GABA in
the brain, which is responsible for relaxation.

So next time you are looking for a high protein snack at the supermarket, yogurt
might be a perfect choice to keep your stress hormones in check and keep a
level head with all of life's stresses breathing down your neck. Of course for any
more severe anxiety conditions, hitting it hard with a probiotic supplement
would be a wiser choice.

Beneficial Bacterias and Your TesUcles: The Unexpected


Here is the headliner you've been waiting for all your life, "Probiotics can make
your balls bigger!"

(At least if you are an aging mouse.)

Yes, that's right, all according to animal studies the Lactobacillus Reuteri bacteria
strain can increase testicular size, as well as:

◆ Increase circulating levels of testosterone

◆ Make you more socially dominant (alpha male characteristics)

◆ Improves sperm quality and volume

◆ Prevents testicular shrinkage (age related)

◆ Increases HPT (hypothalamus-pituitary-testis) activity

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Granted, the effect may differ in humans—but this is a fabulous starting point
for more studies!

Even when the L. Reuteri group in the study was fed a junk food diet, these
benefits of increased testosterone and testicular size persisted, proving a unique
mechanism to influence male fertility.

Clearly, probiotics are indeed impressive, and not just digestion. Even overall
probiotic intake in diets is positively correlated with hormone production.

We like to think of probiotics as your little helpers that roam around your body
doing repairs, keeping all systems in check. They benefit from your health since
they live in you, and you benefit from them. It's a mutual relationship, and they
are as much a part of you, as you are of them.

So how do we implement, grow and nurture these bacterias to reap all the
benefits? Let’s look at the best nutritional choices you can make to keep these
bacterias flowing.

Ways to enforce the beneficial bacteria in your body

The easiest way to increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in your body is to
take specialized supplements or specific foods that are rich in probiotics. They
can come in many forms—from capsules with different strains of bacteria to
substances that fuel a healthy gut environment for bacteria to grow, such as
fiber supplements.

Keep in mind however that supplements that condition the bacteria you already
have in your gut won't necessarily help wipe out the "bad bacteria" that you
host. For this, you need to bombard them with specific beneficial bacteria strains
or let time run its course, and hopefully, your immune system and body will
balance them out over time.

By bad bacteria, we mean strains such as the Candida fungus, which is

responsible for causing fungal infections and can wreck havoc in your body. Yes,
healthy people also have Candida—but in smaller quantities than needed to
cause disease. Candida lives primary on sugar and high GI foods, so minimizing
these in your diet can offer you protection as well as wipe them out. Candida is

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an excellent example of how a bad diet can shift your delicate gut microflora
towards hosting "bad bacteria."

The easiest way to promote healthy colonies of beneficial bacterias is through

including specific foods regularly in your diet. The following are the best
probiotic foods for your gut:

Yogurt is by far the most popular probiotic food on the planet. It’s produced by
fermenting milk with different strains of bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria or lactic
acid bacteria strains. Yogurt has been shown to reduce blood pressure, IBS
symptoms and improve overall gut health.

Many people can't handle dairy well so before you plan on incorporating yogurt
as a major food in your diet, get tested for potential dairy intolerance, or you
might be doing yourself more harm than good.

It is also critical that you make sure that the yogurt you get contains active
cultures, and the best way to do so is by making it yourself. Many brands of
yogurt on the market are heavily processed and heated after fermentation, and
this destroys all the beneficial bacteria in the process. Also watch out for yogurts
with lots of added sugars which are more likely to fuel those "bad bugs” like as
Candida, rather than incorporating more of the good ones.

Kefir closely resembles yogurt, but is more liquid in its form and is consumed as
a drink. It is made by fermenting milk with kefir grains, which are basically pieces
of bacteria cultures.

People have been consuming kefir for over 3000 years, and the word kefir
means "feeling good" in Turkish. Research done of kefir has shown it to improve
digestion, promote bone health, and reduce markers of inflammation.

Sauerkraut & Kimchi

Both Sauerkraut and Kimchi are dishes made by fermenting cabbage with
strains of beneficial bacteria. Sauerkraut is a European dish and is very popular
in Germany.

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Kimchi, on the other hand, is a fermented cabbage dish from Korea that in
addition to its probiotic content also contain chili, scallions, garlic and ginger.

They are both excellent sources of vitamin C and vitamin K2 and can make up
both the vegetable/salad part, as well as probiotic part of your meal.

Blue Cheese
Among the many varieties of cheese, there are quite a few that go through
stages of fermentation that leave them containing significant amounts of
probiotics, most still intact even after they reach the shelves of your local

Blue cheese is the king of probiotic cheeses and contains bacterias of the Bifida
and lactic acid strains along with some other beneficial fungal probiotics.

Not only that, but blue cheese also provides the ideal fatty acid ratios for
testosterone production (plenty of saturated fats) as well as being an excellent
source of protein and vitamin K2. An easy and tasty way to incorporate it into
your diet regularly is by crumbling it into salads along with some olive oil and a
handful of walnuts.

Key Takeaways

▪ The gut microflora has a significant positive effect on testosterone levels,

although scientists don’t know exactly how they are connected.

▪ Some of the most beneficial strains seem to be Lactobacillus Reuteri and

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus.

▪ To support your gut microflora, get plenty of probiotics and prebiotics

every day. The best options include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, blue cheese,
and kimchi.

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Sometimes the core of you hormonal issues is not in your testosterone levels
but in your testosterone receptor density.

If your androgen receptor density is low, you won’t get any of testosterone’s
effects and health benefits no matter how much of the hormone you have.

It’s like having a lot of keys—but only one lock. These things work in pairs, just
like your hormones and your receptors for them.

Now, an effective way of increasing androgen receptor density is by taking


CarniUne and testosterone: an unexpected interacUon

Back in 2004, an Italian study followed 150 generally healthy men with various
symptoms of decreased libido, partial to complete impotence, depression and
fatigue. All of these symptoms indicate a sub-optimal testosterone level which
was confirmed by lab tests before starting the study.

The men were divided into three groups. Group 1 received 160 mg testosterone by
injection; group 2 received 4 grams of carnitine, and group 3 received a placebo.
The study went on for six months, and the results were beyond amazing.

Both group 1 and 2 benefited significantly from their treatment but here’s the catch:
the second group (the one that received carnitine) benefited more than group 1
receiving pure testosterone by injection. What’s even more interesting is that group
1 and 2 showed similar benefits, but group 2 taking carnitine did not suffer any of
the side effects that group 1 receiving testosterone experienced.

Testosterone injections can bring side effects such as increased prostate volume
or other hormonal issues such as hair loss. This often has to do with excess

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conversion of testosterone to DHT and estrogen, causing an unnatural balance
in the body. These side effects were something that was not observed at all in
the carnitine group, even though the positive benefits were the same in both

The testosterone group had a 48% increase in night time erection hardness, but
the carnitine group had a huge 88% increase in night time erection hardness.
Carnitine had these effects without influencing the hormonal balance in the
body, thereby avoiding any potential side effects.

All in all, carnitine outperformed testosterone in all the following aspects:

◆ Erectile function
◆ Satisfaction with sexual intercourse
◆ Orgasm
◆ Sexual desire
◆ General sexual well-being

The mechanism which by carnitine exerts these effects is by increasing

androgen receptor density in the body.

This does not increase your testosterone levels directly, but rather makes the
testosterone you already have become more effective by increasing the amount
of receptors in your body that could interact with the hormone.

As mentioned previously this is clearly beneficial for people who can experience
side effects from artificially increasing testosterone and DHT (a more potent
metabolite of testosterone) levels. This enables them to reap the benefits of
more testosterone without actually increasing testosterone directly. Such as if
you have prostate issues, increasing testosterone can make your symptoms
worse, but using carnitine can allow you to get the benefits without those risks.

Another interesting aspect is the follow-up study was done that showed that
Viagra in combination with carnitine was more efficient in all aspects of sexual
health than viagra alone. This effect clearly shows that carnitine is a potent
modulator of androgenic function without actually modulating levels of
androgens directly.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Testosterone works only when it interacts with its receptors.

▪ Low androgen receptor density leads to the same symptoms and health
issues that low testosterone levels since the hormone won’t be able to
work without its receptors.

▪ An effective and convenient way to increase androgen receptor density is

by supplementing with carnitine.

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Pumping iron makes you stronger, that’s pretty obvious. Increasing the amount
of strain you subject your muscles to will over time grow them stronger. But
where does this strength come from?

We have all seen it, the most muscular guys in the gym seem pretty strong, but
then you get into competitive powerlifting, and there's a guy half his size
benching more than double his max. It clearly has less to do with muscle mass,
so what’s the secret?

Introducing DHT

When it comes to building core strength, there are many hormonal

mechanisms at play. What few guys know is that the nervous system strength
is equally important as muscle strength, and the mechanisms behind the two

The hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a natural androgen that is produced

in men via the conversion of testosterone into DHT. The enzyme responsible for
this conversion is called 5-alpha reductase, or 5a-reductase.

DHT works in the brain by altering the levels of chemicals found there, better
known as neurotransmitters. One such function is an increased level of
circulating adrenaline (also called epinephrine). Adrenaline is well known for
being able to activate the "fight or flight" response in mammals, and is extremely
useful for athletes.

On the flip side, adrenaline can be a little too excitatory. It can cause
palpitations, anxiety, or nervousness in susceptible individuals. Which is exactly

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why there is another balancing force called gamma amino butyric acid, or GABA.
GABA is another neurotransmitter stimulated via increased DHT levels, the
purpose of which is to calm overexcited neuronal activity in the brain. The result
is a clean, focused burst of energy that many men associate with the “god
complex” or alpha-male experience. Women experience feelings of extreme,
clean focus, along with mild euphoria.

But that’s far from all DHT does to improve athletic performance. DHT also
increases energy production by increasing levels of cAMP (cyclic adenosine
monophosphate). cAMP promotes the process of thermogenesis (energy
production and fat oxidation), and stimulates the pituitary to produce more
thyroid hormone (T4 specifically).

DHT is mostly known as the hormone blamed for causing androgenic alopecia
(hair loss) in genetically susceptible males, as well as being able to negatively
affect the prostate, contributing to conditions such as BHP (benign prostatic
hyperplasia). The truth is much more complicated than that.

DHT is the most potent androgen in the male body and is crucial for the healthy
development of testicles as well as other typical male traits such as body hair,
facial hair and a deep voice. It has essential functions in the male body and
many beneficial effects on the nervous system, but more on that later.

DHT also has anti-estrogenic effects. The body can convert testosterone into estrogen.
However, not DHT into estrogen. There is a lot of research pointing towards that the
real cause of issues such as androgenic hair loss and BHP, is not DHT, but rather from
an excess of estrogen. It is likely that the way the body tries to handle excess estrogen
levels is by increasing DHT production since it can prevent the feminizing effects of
estrogens. There has for example been studies made in Europe where BHP was
treated with DHT gel which improved the condition, not made it worse.

The reality is that DHT is a complex subject and no matter what, guys need to
understand that you do your manliness no favors in trying to lower it. Your strength
will suffer, and you can potentially cause a cascade of negative side effects such as
sexual dysfunction and depression. This can be seen in guys using the popular 5a-
reductaste inhibiting drug Finasteride (for hair loss) long term, were severe side
effects often can develop. Besides, would you give up everything that makes you a
man for some more hair on your head? We think that is a pretty stupid thing to do.

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DHT and Strength

Like mentioned before, DHT first works on the nervous system and by
intracellular mechanisms that affect other hormones as well as blood chemistry.
Testosterone, in fact, is only active in muscle tissues, so everywhere else DHT is
the male hormone at play. Maybe now you are beginning to understand the
importance of DHT in men.

Being first active in the nervous system, DHT can alter brain chemicals and
neurotransmitters. It is especially potent at increasing levels of GABA (gamma
amino butyric acid) which is the calming neurotransmitter, resulting in that calm
and focused alpha male state that all guys strive for. GABA counteracts the
excitatory catecholamine adrenaline, which can cause nervousness and
palpitations. A stronger nervous system is also able to handle heavier lifts. If it
was true that only the size of your muscles was responsible for your strength, try
using them to the same degree after a sleepless night when your nervous
system is out of shape, and you will see what we mean.

DHT also contributes to other aspects of performance which are not related to
muscle growth, namely increasing energy production. It does this by increasing
levels of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), resulting in increased
thermogenesis, thyroid function and fat oxidation. Basically, it will help you burn
more body fat.

Maintaining healthy levels of male androgens such as DHT will help protect you
from potential estrogenic side effects and keep you more manly. For example, one
of the most feared conditions among men is known as gyno (gynecomastia, man
boobs), and it can develop from hormone imbalances like an excess of estrogen
and prolactin (which are also common side effects of poorly planned steroid cycles).
Maintaining adequate DHT levels can for some guys protect you from developing
these conditions even when you are experiencing severe degrees of hormonal
imbalances (however not enough to protect against steroid side effects).

Now that we have established what DHT does and why you want to have more
of it let’s jump into the fun stuff, how we can optimize for DHT production.

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PosiUve Impact of DHT

Higher levels of DHT in the body can help ward off anxiety and depression.
A study about the anti-alopecia drug Finasteride shows that as the drug
decreases DHT levels in the blood, depression symptoms are likely to occur in
the person using it. Hence, it implies that the more DHT you have in your body,
the lesser the risk of you having depression and anxiety.

Helps keep your heart healthy as you age

You might be aware that older men are especially at risk for cardiovascular
diseases. But one study concluded that a low amount of DHT and testosterone
may also be a risk factor for older men getting cardiovascular diseases.

Hence, if you maintain higher levels of DHT as you age, you lessen the risk of
having heart disease.

Keeps blood sugar levels in check

A study found out that skeletal muscles might be able to synthesize DHT from
testosterone. And once DHT is produced, it can affect your body’s blood sugar
metabolism and keep it at normal levels.

May protect from autoimmune illnesses

Autoimmune illness results from the body’s immune system attacking its very
own healthy cells and tissues. Two separate studies have shown the potential of
sex hormones, including DHT, to treat and protect from autoimmune diseases
such as immune complex nephritis and multiple sclerosis.

Training and DHT

As you can judge from the training routines and programs of competitive power
lifters, building strength is all about short and intense resistance training. It’s
about taxing your nervous system in short high-intensity bursts to mold it and
make it stronger. The classic 5x5 strength training routines are ideal for
increasing androgen receptor density and boosting DHT levels.

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Also, HIIT (high-intensity interval training) has a pronounced positive response on all
anabolic hormones and is beneficial for DHT conversion. The opposite, prolonged
endurance training or even low intensity, high reps resistance training, does not help
much for boosting anabolic hormones and conditioning your nervous system. Keep it
heavy, keep it intense, and get out of the gym as quickly as possible.

DHT Advantage - Eat More Fat & Shed More Fat

Don’t believe the hype concerning fat. Humans have been eating fat for
hundreds of thousands of years through sources of animal foods such as meat,
eggs and fish. That ”saturated fat is not good for you: thesis is false information
that came from an unfortunate series of events where faulty research and
personal bias was promoted as ‘facts’, which in turn derailed nutritional research
for decades. The reality is that saturated fats and cholesterol in animal foods are
healthy, even vital for the male reproductive function.

In fact, saturated fats are the building blocks for hormones such as testosterone
—and therefore DHT too. Make sure you get them from healthy sources like red
meat, butter as well as healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), from olive
oil and avocados. These fats all promote steroidogenesis and higher levels of
circulating androgens.

Reducing body fat levels is also an important aspect of maintaining healthy

hormone balance in men. Testosterone is converted into estrogen by the
aromatase enzyme which is concentrated in fat tissues. The higher your body
fats levels are, the higher your estrogen and lower your testosterone levels will
be. There are studies that prove that DHT and body fat share a negative inverse
relationship. Eating more fat does not make you fatter, excess calories do.
However, fat provides more satiety which can help you eat less and make it
easier to maintain weight loss, so increasing the amount of fats in your diet is a
win-win. Aim for at least 30% of your calories from healthy fats; we recommend
going even higher than that if possible.

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DHT BoosUng Foods And Supplements

There are also some specific foods that can help boost DHT levels more than
others. These are best to focus on:

Yes, good news! The most loved morning beverage in the world can help
increase your testosterone as well as DHT levels.

Sorghum Bicolor is a gluten free grain which is native to Africa. It is unheard of
among most of us westerners, but in Africa, it is one of the continent's most
important crops. What makes Sorghum unique is that it can be considered an
androgenic grain. Compared to many other plant foods, it can increase 5a-
reductase, resulting in higher DHT production. This is a rare effect from food
and we highly recommend switching out any grains in your diet to Sorghum
instead. There is sorghum flour readily available, and this can be handled like
any other flour and works in normal recipes. We suggest Sorghum pancakes
with butter (DHT boosting fats) and cinnamon.

One of the most popular fitness supplements ever is creatine monohydrate, and
maybe even for better reasons than previously understood. A study on athletes
showed that 21 days of creatine supplementation led to an increase of 56% in
DHT levels, making it just about the best supplement for boosting DHT on the
market. Of course, that is just the hormonal aspect and creatine has many other
benefits for promoting strength and lean mass. If we have to choose one
supplement, creatine is the absolute winner.

Butea Superba
This is an uncommon herb to the west but a very common and well-known
traditional remedy in Thailand. It is used traditionally to treat symptoms of aging
in men as well as for erectile dysfunction. It has been used traditionally for
centuries and has much merit to its effectiveness. There is even research that
confirms this as there was a case where one Thai male even sought out medical
assistance because he felt his sex drive was too high! After blood tests, they

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revealed unnaturally elevated levels of DHT in serum from ingesting Buta
Superba. It is likely this case was unique, and this man had an unusual sensitivity
to the herb, but you can expect to see benefits in libido and exercise
performance after a few weeks of consuming it.

To achieve a substantial increase in your DHT levels, you’ll have to boost your
testosterone too since T is basically the precursor of DHT. In other words,
everything you can do to optimize for testosterone, as well as DHT, will be
beneficial for your workout performance and building strength.

The best way to approach building core strength is through adopting sustainable
dietary, exercise and lifestyle habits that work with your hormones, not against
them. It’s more than just pumping iron.

Natural Ways to Increase DHT

Some natural ways to increase DHT levels include:

Staying within your ideal weight range

Being fat decreases testosterone and hence DHT levels. This also increases
estrogen – a definite kryptonite for all men who wants more testosterone. High
levels of estrogen in men are linked to prostate cancer, heart disease, erectile
dysfunction, decreased libido, loss of muscle mass, breast enlargement and
fatigue. If you want to increase production of DHT, you have to drive up your
testosterone levels as well.

Resistance training
Lifting weights is a great way to stimulate hormone production. It increases the
production of testosterone, DHT and keeps you healthy and strong. Not only
that, it gives you endurance, strength and power to dominate your day-to-day

Proper nutrition
Calorie deficit is a sure way to decrease DHT levels, so try to maintain a body fat
of 8-14% without starving yourself. Did you know that even natural foods such
as pumpkin seeds and green tea may also block DHT? They are potent 5-alpha

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reductase inhibitors, which basically means they will inhibit the conversion of
testosterone to DHT, so watch what you eat.

DHT Adverse Effects

Some people believe that high levels of DHT cause hair loss and prostate
problems. So, they look for ways how to reduce DHT using DHT inhibitors.
Some even go as far as blocking DHT synthesis for good with drugs like

However, most of these health concerns are really caused by high levels of
estrogen and inflammation. Factors such as medications, age, health problems,
and eating certain kinds of food may also contribute.

Today, many European countries have successfully treated prostate problems by

applying DHT cream. This proves how DHT is not an evil hormone messing with
your prostate.

No doubt, DHT blocker side effects are harmful. So, if you are looking for ways
on how to lower DHT levels, don’t do it. Using a DHT inhibitor can reduce DHT in
the whole body with adverse results.

Look for ways to treat your hormonal imbalance instead, get estrogen and
testosterone in the normal range as well as work at reducing inflammation
in your body overall. We recommend switching to an anti-inflammatory diet
or ketogenic diet and your body will start healing much of your problems

If you are still wondering how to reduce DHT levels or have a problem with really
unnaturally high levels of DHT, one way is restricting carbohydrates. So, eating
fewer amounts of carbohydrates is crucial to stop DHT and testosterone from
converting to it. However, our opinion is that all males should work towards
maximising DHT.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays a huge role in improving physical

performance, preventing anxiety and depression, and bringing down
estrogen levels.

▪ Low DHT levels may be a symptom of low testosterone levels since DHT is
produced from testosterone through the 5a-reductase enzyme.

▪ DHT-boosting foods and supplements include coffee, sorghum, creatine,

butea superba.

▪ Other natural ways to increase DHT levels are managing your body
weight, engaging in resistance training, and following a healthy diet.

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SelfDecode Review: Discovering Your GeneUc Advantages

Summary: If you’ve ever ordered a genetics testing kit online (such as from, shipped your sample back expecting to get actionable results to
take control of your health, you're probably going to get disappointment.

Yes, many services might give you adequate findings, but in a manner that is
anything but easy to understand, let alone apply to your life. Heck being able to
read hieroglyphics won’t even save you here!

Enter, a simple genetics tool that analyzes the raw data from
your genetic test, presenting it in an easy to interpret and actionable medium for
you to make the appropriate changes to your life. We are talking about
personalized healthcare here at it's finest, unlocking the many secrets inside of
you that can lead you to perfect health!

Why All the Excitement Concerning GeneUc TesUng?

Just a few years ago, genetic testing seemed like future technology only seen in
sci-fi movies, something that wouldn’t be available to us mere mortals for the
next hundred years or so. Or maybe, only being reserved for the rich or people
with known, or at risk, genetic conditions that needed testing to be confirmed.

But luckily, science moves at the speed of light sometimes. And this is for our

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Would you rather sit on the fact of not knowing that your diet might be causing
health problems to arise every time you eat, eventually leading to potential
issues such as diabetes, obesity, celiac disease, estrogen dominance, chronic
inflammation and more?

Or would you prefer knowing right now so that you can elicit a change and
prevent your genetic weaknesses of ever getting the better of you? Yes sir, that
is the power of genetic testing.

But there is much more to genetic testing than discovering your susceptibility to
disease, as it is based on the premise that NO TWO BODIES ARE THE SAME.

You could be an identical twin, and though you may be born with almost
identical genetic traits, the influence of environmental influencers as you grow
can greatly change the outcome you have as an adult.

How about knowing the way your body metabolizes toxins and drugs?

For example, there are people highly sensitive to stimulants COMT gene differences,
that can more easily experience adverse symptoms from caffeine consumption.

While there are others to whom caffeine is like second nature or doesn't even affect
them at all. This also boils down to differences in genetics, perhaps at the level of
biological enzymes affecting metabolism of certain drugs and substances.

What about your tolerance to alcohol? If you’ve ever wondered why your friends
can hold down 12 drinks and you tap out at a measly 3, you likely have low levels of
the alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes, which breaks down alcohol more efficiently.

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Similarly, would you like to know the potential risk of your offspring having a
condition or specific trait? Also how you can prevent it?

We’re talking about if your carrier status for a disease will carry over, as well as
the probability of your child having a specific hair color, texture, density or even
if you, or him/her, will ever go bald?

Of course, in this case you would also need to analyze the saliva of your partner,
because it takes two to make a third!

Why SelfDecode Makes You Win at Life

Ok, so you’ve got your 23andme report back from analysis, but can’t make head
from toe of the results. Relax, upload your results to, and enjoy
your easily digestible reports.

Of particular interest are the “Health Categories” which

generates. In a nutshell, these categories assign a rating to you for different
topics based on your genetic results obtained from 23andme.

This is a sample of the way it looks:

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Let’s take for example “addiction potential”. Assigned a grade of D-, this signifies
that you carry a higher risk than normal of developing addictive tendencies to
the substances outlined in this report.

Considering trying a line of coke? Better not, as that one line may turn into a
lifelong problem!

Or, if you prefer a condensed version of your health status,

generates a report that you can digest in a single read.

This report sums up your dominant genetic traits a presents them individually as
specific reports.

In the attached screenshot, you can see the report for Th17 dominance. The
report then further outlines factors that promote this state of dominance, or by
which you can counteract it (depending on your end goal and what symptoms
you would like to address).

© 2020 Anabolic Health LLC - Order: 32689 for
This alone is worth its weight in gold, and is the meat of any analysis. The real
stuff you can actually take home and implement into your life to make it better.

Without this type of report, viewing genetic results with a set of genetic codes
(SNPs) is likely to be more than a little confusing, and is often what is mostly
offered on the market today. Selfdecode makes it simple!

Altogether, checks for over 7000 SNPs (an SNP is simply a
snippet of genetic code that we know the meaning of).

Most SNPs are harmless, and will not result in any noticeable genetic changes,
but there are a few that can drastically change the way you function.

For example, straight instead of curly hair, changes in disease susceptibility or

the way you metabolize certain drugs or estrogens.

How helpful wouldn't it be for your health if you could easily see
recommendations for diet, supplementation and lifestyle changes that would
me tailored and work perfect for you?

You have undoubtedly at some point in your life, tried to follow a plan of some
sort that just did not work; be it diet, exercise or lifestyle plan.

It all boils down to your genetics. This perfectly explains why there is not one that
fits all approach to health care, and is the solution to this problem.

Key Takeaways

Selfdecode is a simple genetics tool that analyzes the raw data from your genetic
test, presenting it in an easy to interpret and actionable medium for you to make
the appropriate changes to your life, including the best ones to increase
testosterone levels.

Are there other biotech analysis companies out there? Of course. But the
problem with them is that they often just give you back non-actionable
information on a fancy piece of paper.

The other thing is price. Most of them charge a lot for interpretation of your
results, which may make you reconsider the need for analysis altogether.

© 2020 Anabolic Health LLC - Order: 32689 for stands yards above the pack in all these regards, as they
provide easily readable and implementable data for a lower price, and covers a
massive 7000+ (about 8700 to be accurate, with more added frequently) SNPs to
take into a wide range of factors and genetic traits.

But that’s not all. If you think has achieved all there is to achieve,
you’re wrong.

A newer, even more streamlined website is in the works which aims to coach
users through the steps, so that you will be kept accountable to yourself for
improving your health.

On a final note, can in addition to 23andme data, also analyze

your data from, which is a service that focus on telling you in
digestible form your ethnic composition.

Today, you can empower yourself and take your health in your own hands. The
future looks bright with services like 23andme and working in

Gone are the days when you had to wait for a physician to recommend you the
best solutions to your chronic health problems.

© 2020 Anabolic Health LLC - Order: 32689 for

Well, well, well… Now we’re getting somewhere.

After all those chapters about what could be wrong, we’ve finally reached the
tasty details about what YOU can do to fix everything for good.

The next chapters will get you through a great variety of possible approaches
you can take to restore your hormonal balance and get your healthy
testosterone levels back.

These strategies include:

◆ Proper nutrition and testosterone-boosting foods

◆ Supplementation in general and pro-testosterone/anti-estrogen

supplements specifically

◆ An overview of the most popular conventional meds that doctors

prescribe to treat testosterone problems

…And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Let’s roll!

© 2020 Anabolic Health LLC - Order: 32689 for

50 Testosterone BoosUng Foods: UlUmate Diet to Increase


Low testosterone is a problem faced by all too many men. Stress, an unhealthy
diet, exposure to testosterone-sapping toxins – all of these things can contribute
to lowered testosterone. Many guys are not aware that you can reverse these
issues simply by including more foods that boost testosterone.

In this chapter, we start with an easy to use graphical reference for testosterone
boosting foods. After this section we will continue with a short introduction to
testosterone and low testosterone symptoms, along with detailed explanations
of the cornerstones of testosterone nutrition such as dietary fats and grass-fed
animal products.

If your T-levels are low enough, you may be diagnosed with a medical condition
called andropause and be prescribed testosterone in the form of gel, patches, or

Prescription testosterone is not something guys should be asking their doctors

for when they have a problem, instead you should be asking how to increase
testosterone naturally. Many men suffering from low testosterone go through
life feeling less manly than they really should without ever asking how to raise

Fear not, healthy testosterone levels can often be restored through diet and
lifestyle modification. You won't have to go through life relying on a prescription
to provide you your manliness.

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The EssenUal Shopping List

◆ Oily fish
◆ Oysters
◆ Eggs
◆ Grass-Fed Beef
◆ Gelatin
◆ Organic Bacon
◆ Liver
◆ Olive oil
◆ Coconut oil
◆ Argan Oil
◆ Grass-Fed Butter
◆ Yogurt & Kefir
◆ Blue Cheese
◆ Avocados
◆ Pomegranate
◆ Grapes
◆ Raisins
◆ Dark Berries
◆ Pineapple
◆ Celery
◆ Cruciferous Vegetables
◆ Spinach
◆ Fava Beans
◆ Onions
◆ Kelp & Seaweeds
◆ Kimchi & Sauerkraut
◆ Brazil Nuts
◆ Macadamia Nuts
◆ Almonds

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Foods to Focus On

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Oily fish
Vitamin D is an important part of testosterone production. One of the best ways
to get enough of this essential vitamin is through regular exposure to the sun.
But, if you live somewhere like London where the sun seldom shines, or your
work schedule keeps you mostly indoors, this may not be possible for you.

You can get lots of vitamin D from oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and
tuna. Eat a few portions of oily fish per week to increase testosterone levels naturally.

Fish oil has also been shown to lower Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) and
increase Luteinizing Hormone (LH) output which, in simple terms, means that
the additional testosterone produced has better access to the receptor cells and
can perform its magic more effectively.

Oysters have long been considered an aphrodisiac and for good reason – they
contain very high levels of zinc which is linked to increasing libido and
testosterone levels. Studies show that zinc, in both natural and supplemental
forms, is great for boosting testosterone.

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Eggs contain several testosterone-boosting ingredients including vitamin D and
protein but the most notable is cholesterol. Often unfairly given a “bum rap” in
the media, the cholesterol in eggs acts as a precursor for testosterone making
eggs one of the best testosterone boosting foods around.

Eggs are widely considered among the top choices on how to naturally boost
testosterone and looking at the research we could not agree more!

Grass-Fed Beef
Beef is a rich source of protein and healthy fatty acids, meaning it’s about as
good as it gets meat wise. However, you can’t just eat any beef.

It has to come from organically-raised cows. Conventionally-raised cattle are

injected with artificial hormones.

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These artificial hormones can upset your natural hormone balance. They tend to
increase estrogen which brings down testosterone levels.

Grass-fed organic beef are not exposed to insecticides, herbicides, fungicides

and pesticides, which all can lower testosterone levels.

You may have grass-fed beef jerky as a handy, filling, healthy snack to keep
giving your hormones all the building blocks they need while on the run.

This testosterone-boosting food comes from the gelatinous portions of the
joints and connective tissues. It’s typically obtained from the knuckles and large
joints of livestock.

Gelatin is a dense source of connective tissue proteins, containing about 27%

glycine and about 15% proline (two amino acids that are vital to the body).
These help balance neurotransmitters, which in turn leads to improved quality
of sleep.

Getting enough sleep will help restore the normal rhythm of the body. This can
lead to enhanced hormone signaling which can help promote significant
increases in testosterone production.

The nutrients in gelatin may also help in lowering inflammation, which reduces
cell responsiveness towards hormones. Inflammatory responses may also

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interrupt vital signaling systems that regulate hormones, which can lead to
lowered testosterone levels. 

Nowadays gelatin is also popular to consume in the form of collagen

supplements, which is basically a refined and more water soluble version that
still contains the same amino acids.

Organic Bacon
Want more excuses to eat bacon? Here’s one – It can help you get more

Organic bacon is high in excellent-quality animal protein and saturated fats that
can further help stimulate hormone production. It is also a rich source of
cholesterol, which is the building block of testosterone.

It’s important to verify though, that the bacon you’re getting was prepared
organically. Otherwise, you might be introducing estrogen-laced meat into your

Conventionally-raised hogs are treated with loads of synthetic estrogen and

growth hormones to make them bigger and fatter in a shorter period.

The estrogen is lodged within the fat of the pig. So, when you end up eating
those parts, the hormone gets released into your body and can wreak havoc on
your hormonal balance.

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Organ meats such as liver are rich in vitamin A. This vitamin can also help
in boosting your testosterone levels naturally.

Liver is one of the best animal foods for building strength and vitality, since it is
dense in about every nutrient your body could ever need.

Before you start adding liver to your diet though, be sure that you’re getting
yours from organically-raised sources. Otherwise, you might be eating a toxin-
loaded meal.

Like your liver, animal liver also processes toxins and detoxifies the animal’s
body. If the animal was exposed to toxins, most of these will find their way into
its liver.

If you eat the liver from an unhealthy animal, you might also be consuming
these toxins. This will not be good for your testosterone levels, or your overall
health for that matter.

Also, you might want to stick to poultry or beef liver, as pork liver is often a
common site of parasitic infection – roundworm, nodular worm, and whipworm
are just some examples. If you cook your pork liver well though, it kills all of the

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Olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet and men who live
in the Mediterranean region are well known for fathering children long after the
rest of us have all but given up on sex! One possible reason for their long-lasting
virility is olive oil.Add a tablespoon or two of extra virgin olive oil to your meals
to increase natural testosterone production.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a very healthy fat. Packed with medium-chain triglycerides which
are a type of fat your body likes to use for energy, coconut oil is also a great

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booster of testosterone levels. Choose extra virgin coconut oil for best results. If
you don’t like the taste of coconut, there is no need to worry – there are taste-
free varieties available.

We consider using oils from coconut and olives to be among the best natural
ways to increase testosterone. For frying food, coconut oil and butter is superior
to all other oils because of their high smoke point and resistance to high
temperatures. We like to fry with coconut oil and use butter/olive oil with foods
because of their good taste.

Argan Oil
This oil is obtained from the kernels of the argan tree, and is widely used in the
Mediterranean diet.

One study demonstrated the effect of olive oil and virgin argan oil, and it was
found that both oils can increase testosterone levels. Olive oil produced a 17%
increase, while argan oil yielded an increase of about 20%.

While that’s certainly encouraging, you might want to keep in mind that further
studies are still necessary to prove argan oil’s hormone-increasing effect – yes,
there’s only one study on it so far.

Nonetheless, argan oil is rich in antioxidants and act as an effective anti-

inflammatory agent. It also contains a good ratio of essential fatty acids that
support testosterone production.

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Grass-Fed Butter
Your grandfather probably had higher testosterone levels than you do! Our
grandparents diets were typically higher in fat and especially in natural butter,
than what we eat today. Butter contains zinc, saturated fat and several other
compounds linked to increasing testosterone production. Toss the bad
margarine and enjoy butter instead.


Packed with healthy fats, folic acid, potassium and vitamin B6, avocados contain
lots of nutrients essential for foods that increase testosterone naturally.

Mash a ripe avocado with a little lemon juice and some cayenne pepper for a
tasty testosterone boosting dip.

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Refreshing pomegranate has been shown to improve erectile function, improve

blood flow, and boost testosterone. It’s also packed with anti-oxidants which
make this awesome fruit even better for your health.

Either eat the fruit or drink pomegranate juice, but it’s better to make your own
as harsh processing may reduce the benefits of this excellent alternative to your
morning orange juice.


For starters, raisins are full of antioxidants (including resveratrol, since they are
basically dried grapes), which are linked to reduced estrogen levels and
increased testosterone. Raisins also have anti-inflammatory effects that further
aid in achieving hormonal balance.

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Aside from that, raisins are rich in boron – a not so commonly known mineral
that supports testosterone levels by lowering SHBG. Studies conducted on
boron found that this mineral significantly help in achieving higher testosterone

Dark Berries

Berries have already been established as among the most nutritious fruits and
also healthier because of their lower sugar content. The darker-colored ones
contain the highest concentration of antioxidants, phytochemicals, minerals, and

Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, so in a way, they

help the cells become more responsive towards testosterone. Aside from that,
antioxidants improve blood flow to the testes (which also benefit your

Dark berries contain calcium-D-glucarate, which is a special kind of fiber. It has

shown potential in getting rid of excess estrogen in the body. A sure sign of an
imbalance in estrogen levels is a lack of morning erections (morning wood).

What’s so good about berries is that adding them to all sorts of dishes
(particularly desserts) isn’t difficult at all. They’re also widely available and come
in all shapes and sizes.

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That’s right, you really don’t have to go for expensive acai berries since
blackberries and cherries still do the trick. Besides, you could grow your own if
you’re strapped for cash.


Bromelain is found in significant amounts in pineapples, and before you say that
bananas also have this compound, know that the amount isn’t even comparable.

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme. It is found in higher concentrations in the

stem of the pineapple, though eating the fruit itself (or drinking its juice) should
still give you a good supply of bromelain.

Bromelain acts in several ways to support higher testosterone levels. One is by

maintaining high testosterone levels even  during damaging strenuous activities
or endurance training (as was demonstrated in this study).

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Celery contains two very powerful plant sterols called androstenone and
androstenol. Research suggests that even the smell of celery will accelerate
testosterone production significantly.

Celery also contains a flavonoid called luteolin, a recognized anti-estrogen, and a

flavonoid called apigenin that has been shown to boost testosterone naturally.
Best eaten raw, why not enjoy a few sticks of celery with some blue cheese and a
few Brazil nuts for a total T-boosting bedtime snack?

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower can all help naturally increase
your testosterone levels by lowering estrogen levels.

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When estrogen levels rise, testosterone levels decrease and the opposite is also
true. Eating cruciferous vegetables can help prevent the buildup of estrogen in
your body by improving estrogen metabolism.


This popular leafy green contains compounds that act as natural steroids in the
body. These are called phytoecdysteroids.

The two most notable from this group found in spinach are
dehydroepiandrosterone and ecdysterone. Of all the natural steroids found in
plants, ecdysterone is believed to be the most effective.

In a study involving human cell cultures, ecdysterone led to a 20% increase

in cellular protein synthesis. The rate of protein degradation was also lowered.
These effects would be highly beneficial for muscle growth and repair.

Aside from these plant steroids, spinach is rich in natural nitrates. They help
increase nitric oxide levels, which in turn improves blood flow by relaxing the
blood vessels.

Spinach is also abundant in many micronutrients needed for testosterone


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Onions are loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals. Some of these (such
as quercetin and apigenin) may help boost testosterone levels.

Studies on onion has so far only involved rodents, but the androgenic effects
seen are quite promising. One particular study showed a 300% average increase
in testosterone levels – and that’s from consuming onion juice.

How does something as simple and cheap as an onion provide such remarkable
outcomes? Well, nobody knows for sure yet.

We’d argue though, that it’s primarily due to the bulb’s potassium content (which
is typically at approximately 150mg per 100g). The mineral regulates
testosterone concentrations and facilitates other androgenic processes.

Kelp & Seaweeds

One study conducted in California by the University of Berkeley found that sea

kelp affects the body’s hormonal balance. This study found that, with increased

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kelp consumption, cells tend to produce less estradiol (estrogen).

This allows testosterone production to proceed at a normal rate, resulting in

higher testosterone levels.

Seaweeds and kelp are also natural sources rich in iodine. This mineral plays a
vital role in the production of thyroid hormones.

When thyroid hormones are produced and are functioning at optimal rates,
testosterone production improves. Thyroid hormones play an important
regulatory role in hormone production, including that of testosterone.

Kimchi & Sauerkraut

Kimchi and sauerkraut are traditional fermented vegetables, and are commonly
enjoyed in various parts of the world.

Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine. It is made by fermenting cabbage in brine

together with lots of scallions, pepper, and garlic.

The probiotics in kimchi helps improve gut health which eventually aids in

hormone regulation. Kimchi also contains a good amount of vitamin K2, another
testosterone-supporting vitamin.

Sauerkraut is another fermented vegetable that can help boost testosterone. It

is traditionally made by pickling cabbage in salt for 4 to 6 weeks.

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Fermentation happens through the lactic acid secreted by probiotic bacteria
such as Lactobacillus.

Sauerkraut is rich in vitamin K2, which is believed to be effective in raising

testosterone levels. A gram of this vitamin may produce significant increases in
testosterone concentration.

Brazil Nuts

Selenium is a powerful natural testosterone booster and fertility aid – one of the
richest sources being Brazil nuts. Studies show that the regular consumption of
selenium increases serum testosterone levels and may be a viable treatment for

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Macadamia Nuts

Don’t just assume that dietary fats (and by extension, the nuts from which
they’re sourced) can effectively boost testosterone levels.

What you need are saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. According to
research, these two are linked to increased testosterone production.

On the other hand, you would not want to get too much PUFAs from your diet.
These polyunsaturated fatty acids may lower your T levels instead.

Most nuts are high in PUFAs. Macadamias aren’t.

A 100-gram serving of macadamia nuts contains about 75 grams of dietary fats.

Of these dietary fats, 60 grams are MUFAs, 13 grams are SFAs, and fewer than 2
grams are PUFAs.


Almonds, either eaten raw or as almond butter, are a tasty way to boost
testosterone naturally.

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High in the essential mineral magnesium, a well-established testosterone
booster. Eating an ounce or two of almonds a day will not only help elevate T-
levels but can also help you sleep better – another important factor in
testosterone production.


Just like kimchi, kombucha is another rich source of probiotics and is made
through fermentation. This drink is rich in beneficial enzymes, amino acids, and
B vitamins.

Drinking kombucha comes with many perks, such as improving digestion,

detoxifying the body, and boosting energy. It improves overall health and
restores the body’s natural state of balance, ultimately leading to higher
testosterone levels.

Probiotics are also known to have an inhibitory effect on the hormone cortisol,
which tends to increase in times of stress. If you have more cortisol, other
steroid hormones, particularly testosterone, will suffer.

Testosterone production slows down in the presence of cortisol. So, by

controlling the release of this hormone, probiotics help testosterone levels
return to normal.

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One special compound in parsley, called apigenin, helps raise the amount of free
testosterone available in the blood. It stimulates the rise in a binding protein
called StAR.

This steroidogenic acute regulatory protein allows more cholesterol to enter the
Leydig cells within the testicles. When this happens, more free testosterone will
be produced.

The Leydig cells convert cholesterol into free testosterone, which is the form that
is active and can be absorbed by cells.

White Button Mushrooms

These mushrooms are more than just pizza toppings. White button mushrooms
are mostly water but are also loaded with polysaccharides.

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Studies conducted on white button mushrooms found that this simple pizza
topping has potent anti-estrogenic effects.

The active compounds exhibit a natural capability in blocking aromatase

enzyme, which is the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to
estrogen. In other words, mushrooms help keep free testosterone from being
converted into estrogen.

Here’s something to keep in mind though – concentrated extracts were used in

the study. While the active compounds could also be gained from freshly-cooked
mushroom, you would have to consume them regularly and in large amounts.

Other kinds of mushrooms also exhibit this effect to different degrees. Still,
white button mushrooms, as far as studies have demonstrated, have
the strongest aromatase inhibiting activity. Mushrooms are very powerful
 testosterone boosting foods that we recommend all guys consume multiple
times a week.

Dark chocolate

Foods that increase nitric oxide levels in your body have also been shown to
naturally elevate testosterone levels. One of the most surprising foods that can
do this is dark chocolate.

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Dark chocolate is also packed with antioxidants which help reduce free radical
damage which may lower testosterone levels.

With additional testosterone boosting ingredients such as magnesium, calcium,

zinc, manganese, tryptophan, arginine, and catechins, it’s no wonder that
chocolate has long been considered an aphrodisiac.


It’s not very often you come across a food that increases testosterone levels
almost instantly but garlic seems to be able to do exactly that. Japanese studies
revealed that lab rats fed with a mixture containing garlic powder experienced a
huge increase in serum testosterone levels.

Increases were also recorded in sperm volume, quality, and mobility – sure
indicators of increased testosterone and fertility. Needless to say, chowing down
a clove of garlic before a big date is not recommended so maybe consider using
odor-free garlic oil capsules instead. Cooking garlic also removes a lot of it's
smell properties that can affect your breath.

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Curcumin is a proven testosterone-boosting substance found in turmeric – a

common ingredient in Asian cooking. Also available in supplement form, or you
can simply add plenty of turmeric to your meals to enjoy the testosterone
boosting effect of Curcumin.


Ginger and, more recently, ginger extract, is often associated with an increase in
libido which, in studies, was accompanied by an increase in sperm count and
mobility as well as testosterone levels in infertile men. If it worked for them, it
could very well work for you! Add ginger to your meals or use a ginger
supplement to experience the many benefits for yourself.

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Ceylon Cinnamon

A study made in Egypt determined the effect of daily consumption of cinnamon,

together with ginger. Results showed that daily consumption may help in
increasing testicular weight, and enhanced amount and quality of semen
production. Also when erectile dysfunction is caused me a lack of blood flow,
cinnamon can be a great potential remedy.

There was also a decrease in blood sugar levels and higher insulin levels in
serum. The daily intake resulted in significantly raised levels of testosterone.

The same T-boosting effect was seen in one study conducted in Iran, which showed

that cinnamon helps raise other important hormones, namely, LH and FSH. These
hormones play important roles in stimulating T hormone production.

Chili Peppers

One study found a correlation between eating hot chili peppers to higher risk-

taking behavior. So, men tend to become more aggressive, sexually active, and
dominant after eating this member of the nightshade family.

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In France, at the University of Grenoble, scientists found that men with higher
testosterone levels had more inclination towards spicier foods. In a group, those
with the highest testosterone are usually the ones who ate spicier foods, and
they also exhibit more alpha male qualities.

Studies have also revealed a potential link between eating chili peppers
and improved cardiovascular health. Capsaicin exhibited cardio-protective
characteristics and is a potent vasodilator.

Real Salt

Real Salt is different from refined table salt. Unaltered, clumpy natural salt has
more than 60 different trace minerals.

These minerals support the Leydig cells which aid in the process of testosterone
production, as well as in the development of healthier and more robust sperm

On the other hand, refined table salt is stripped off most of the minerals. It only
contains sodium and chloride, along with added unhealthy anti-caking agents.

Still, you have to make sure that your preferred rock, sea or himalayan pink salt
doesn’t come with caking agents (which, as mentioned, aren’t good for your

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There are many different kinds of basil and some are more beneficial than
others. In India, there is a kind of basil known as tulsi. It is traditionally used as
an aphrodisiac.

The compound apigenin is the most notable in basil in terms of its positive effect
on testosterone levels. This is a flavonoid and is found in great amounts in most
kinds of basil.

Apigenin has been widely studied. Results showed that this flavonoid is effective

in increasing levels of testosterone significantly. Apigenin is also present in

Basil has been studied for its effect on T levels and spermatogenesis. Basil
leaves fed to rabbits resulted in an overwhelming increase of up to 1,500 ng/dl
of serum testosterone. Follow up studies in humans would have to be
conducted to verify this effect and to what degree it affects us.

As it is, basil is surely one herb worth adding to your daily diet. It has so many
other benefits as well, aside from T-boosting effects. Examples of benefits
include antibacterial properties and cancer-protective effects.

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Eat These Foods In ModeraUon

Quinoa is a carbohydrate-rich food that’s good for health. The best time to eat
quinoa is before going to bed and after workouts, since this will prevent insulin
spikes that can lower testosterone levels.

Like spinach, quinoa is also rich in ecdysteroids. In a 50-gram serving of quinoa,

you may get as much as 18 mg of ecdysterone.

Saponins are also abundant in quinoa. These are plant steroid compounds that
can help raise testosterone by acting on LH (luteinizing hormone).

Minerals and various vitamins are also present, which means that quinoa is a
good alternative to grains, especially for those who want to have gluten-free

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Baking Soda
Maybe not the most obvious testosterone boosting food on this list, but baking
soda has a long list of uses, everything from baking to general cleaning. Included
in that list is also boosting health and improving physical performance.

It’s an excellent ergogenic aid, able to provide improvements in performance

during exercises such as bench press and squats. It also improves the
adaptation of cells towards HIIT (high intensity interval training).

Likewise, baking soda may help in optimizing the effects of creatinine

supplements, supporting higher DHT levels.

Baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate) may act as a molecular switch, influencing
and raising cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). Higher cAMP levels usually
result in increased testosterone production.

cAMP promotes this effect by activating protein kinase A. This enzyme serves as
a secondary messenger between the hormones and their target cells.

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Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is fed to the larvae meant to grow up into potential queen bees. These
larvae grow 60 times larger than other bees in the same hive, and reach lengths
that are at least 40 times longer.

This jelly is secreted by worker bees through their hypopharynx glands, and is a
rich source of acetylcholine, which serves two major biological functions.

For one, it acts as a neurotransmitter that improves communication between

hormones and cells. It also functions as a methylator, aiding the liver in chelating

Royal jelly also contains traces of testosterone. This is actual testosterone, not

just mimetics.

In a 2007 clinical study, it was found that a small amount could already create a
significant rise in testosterone levels. A 25mg serving mixed in honey can boost
testosterone levels by about 20% in infertile men.

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Coffee does more than wake you up in the morning. Studies reveal that a couple
of cups of coffee a day can naturally boost testosterone.

While too much coffee will raise cortisol, a catabolic hormone that can inhibit
muscle growth, 200-400 mg of caffeine per day, about one to two cups of strong
coffee, shows promise for increasing testosterone levels.


Most grains have a negative impact on testosterone levels. Likewise, they

typically contain gluten, which can trigger a few problems such as gut irritation
and insulin imbalance.

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If you have a healthy glucose tolerance and you want to enjoy grains and
experience the least negative effects, try sorghum. This androgenic grain is also
gluten-free, by the way.

One study demonstrated the effect of sorghum on hormones. There was a 54%

increase in 5-alpha reductase in the presence of sorghum extract.

This increase results in the accelerated conversion of testosterone into DHT

(dihydrotestosterone), which is a more potent male hormone that can boost

Wild Oats

Wild oats are another rich source of saponins, which are known for helping
boost the amounts of both testosterone and luteinizing hormone in the body.
Oats are a very popular food in bodybuilding circles and since it is a cheap
carbohydrate staple among foods that increase testosterone.

You can get the most saponins if you eat organic wild oats. Don’t wash them
though, since the compounds are typically found on the cover of the grains.

Also available as an extract, called “Avena sativa”, is a good testosterone booster.

This is derived from the straws of wild oats.

This extract has been scientifically proven to raise testosterone because of its
exceptional saponin content (in the form of avenacosides).

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Fava Beans

Fava beans are more commonly known for their ability to raise the levels of
dopamine and human growth hormone. Higher levels of these compounds can
help raise testosterone as well as increase muscle growth.

The main compound that makes this possible is L-Dopa. Fava beans contain high
levels of this compound.

L-dopa has been proven in scientific studies to act as a direct precursor

for dopamine which in turn also increase growth hormone.

By eating fava beans, you get increased growth hormone levels and this
hormone will also influence the testes,serving as a stimulant for the Leydig cells
to produce more testosterone. Combine with other natural dopamine
agonists for best effects.

Yogurt & Kefir

Gut-friendly bacteria, as seen in one 2014 study, raise LH and testosterone

levels. One particular strain, Lactobacillus reuteri, also promote increased weight
and size of the testicles, along with inhibition of age-related shrinkage.

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Another study found that Clostridium scindens could directly act on cortisol. This
probiotic can alter the stress hormones in the gut and in turn give you more
androgens such as testosterone.

One way to get these probiotics is by eating fermented foods. Excellent sources
include yogurt and kefir. Yogurt, specifically, has both C. scindens and L. reuterii,
along with many other healthy strains.

Kefir is a traditional fermented drink originating from the north Caucasus

Mountains. This refreshing tart drink is similar to yogurt, and is a rich source of
vitamin K2 and zinc (both nutrients that help raise levels of testosterone).

Here’s an important reminder regarding these probiotics – keep them in your

fridge if you want to ensure the microbe’s quality.

Blue Cheese

Blue cheese is filled with beneficial microbes, including both bifido bacteria and
lactic acid bacteria. It also contains live enzymes and other compounds that can
help improve testosterone production.

While these characteristics are common among blue cheeses, you have to
remember that there could be differences across varieties – especially in the
combinations of cultures (microbes, including bacteria and fungi) used.

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Nonetheless, all probiotics can help in protecting the body from the damaging
effects of certain toxins. This includes detoxifying and protecting the cells from
perchlorate, organophosphorus pesticides, heavy metals, and bisphenol A.

All these toxins are known to have a lowering effect on testosterone. Some of
these also have pro-estrogenic effects, which lead to higher estrogen that, in
turn, can inhibit testosterone production.

Aside from this, blue cheese is also rich in saturated fats that support higher
testosterone levels and there are also plenty testosterone-boosting fat-soluble
vitamins such as vitamin K2.


Grapes contain a substance called Resveratrol which is an anti-oxidant which

may also increase testosterone production. Studies on grape extract have
mainly been performed on rats but anecdotal evidence strongly supports that
Resveratrol will also work on humans. Japanese Knotweed also contains high
amounts of Resveratrol and can be a cheaper source than grapes. Clearly, if you
want to consume some alcohol, red wine is the ideal choice for men because of
the grape content.

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Key Takeaways

▪ The foods listed in this chapter are essential for any man’s healthy
testosterone levels—no matter if he’s 20 or 70. Write them down and use
the list as your go-to grocery list!

▪ Keep in mind that some of these foods serve as a basis for a healthy diet
(the ones in the ”Focus on” section) while others are good in moderation
and serve to provide a mild boost (see ”In moderation” section)

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When you start to talk about whole foods, most guys have no clue what you are
going on about, probably mistaking you for another one of those raw vegans…
If I rather told you that whole food nutrition is what fueled the beasts of the
golden era of bodybuilding such as Vince Gironda, Larry Scott, and Arnold
Schwarzenegger, you might be more interested to hear what I have to say.

In this chapter, we’ll take a look at why food quality matter, and why you should
look for whole foods whenever possible.

Don't get me wrong though; whole foods does not mean you have to eat your
foods whole or only foods from Whole Foods Market for that matter. Sit tight
and let's get down to the basics.

Whole foods is not a new idea

Rather than that, it’s the old-school way of eating which created legendary

One of the most well-know bodybuilding trainers of all time is the "Iron Guru"
Vince Gironda, one of the trainers of legends like Larry Scott and Arnold
Schwarzenegger at their prime. Gironda emphasized wholesome nutrition, and
his meal plans would often seem pretty basic. Emphasis was put on raw eggs
because of the anabolic fatty acids (CLA) they contain, as well as on fresh meats,
cottage cheese, heavy cream and green leaf salads. Meals was often
uncomplicated, minimally processed and included prime ingredients such as the
examples just mentioned, supplying the maximum amount of nutrition in each
bite. Fuel for muscle growth is simple and the more you start to fry it, dehydrate
it, pulverize it, mix it, add additives to it, the more the quality of the actual foods

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One exception among the processed foods Gironda held high was liver tablets,
which is dehydrated liver pressed into tablets, but only because many find the
taste of eating liver unpleasant. The liver is, in fact, the most nutritious whole
food on the planet and contains more vitamins and minerals than any fruit or
vegetable. Liver tablets were consumed in-between meals to maintain positive
nitrogen balance and promote muscle growth. Over the years the popularity of
liver tablets has decreased in favor of less nutritious options such as high GI
maltodextrin meal powders. Essentially, this is processing and stripping away all
the important vitamins and minerals initially provided by mother nature and
ending up with a powdered product with a low nutritional value. In other words,
this is far from ideal.

The Benefits of Real Food

Because whole foods come in the exact form that nature intended them to be
eaten, they are ideal for our digestive systems to process efficiently. Try to
imagine the difference once you drench those potatoes full of rancid vegetable
oil and fry them close to destruction, which damages not only the potatoes but
also your gut when you eventually chow them down there through your meal.
Yes, sorry to break it to you guys but fries are a less than ideal food so to speak.

You can build muscle eating junk food, but that could also be compared to
scuba diving with only one lung. It can be done but it is less than ideal, and it will
be holding you back from reaching your full potential. If you want to grow, you
should provide your body the best fuel possible to promote that growth.

Consider these reasons in favor of whole foods:

◆ Processed foods contain additives and preservatives that can hamper

your performance

◆ Processed foods contain rancid oils which can disrupt your fatty acid
balance and promote inflammation

◆ Processed foods contain hidden allergens for people who are sensitive

◆ Processed foods are often loaded with refined sugar and low on fiber

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◆ Whole foods contain lots of phytochemical and other powerful nutrients
that can increase your performance

◆ Whole foods contains adequate amounts of vitamin & minerals, removing

the need for taking a multivitamin

◆ Whole foods contains more fiber, which is a crucial component to detox

and metabolize toxins and excess hormones such as estrogen (buildup of
estrogen can cause feminization in men)

◆ Whole foods protects from disease

In other words, the foods you should be avoiding are the ones that have been
‘messed' with so to speak. Meaning, those that have been overly processed,
refined, isolated and artificially infused with preservatives, sugars or rancid oils.
This is often done to make the foods taste better as well as last longer on the
shelves in the supermarket; however, this also makes them a lower quality
option regarding nutrition.

The Foods to Avoid

Unfortunately, the types of food you should avoid, are often the majority of the
pre-made foods in your supermarket, including almost all of the drinks and
sodas unless they are completely sugar-free. These processed foods are also the
products that sell the most in local markets: this does not mean they are the
best choices. People simply do not have the knowledge to make healthy choices
for themselves, so they focus on the foods that taste the best, which is often the
sugary and processed ones.

Some examples of processed foods to avoid are the following. Of course, there
are much more than the ones below, but this should give you an idea :

◆ Sodas

◆ Potato chips

◆ Crackers

◆ Snack bars

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◆ Candy

◆ Prepared soups

◆ Frozen dinners/desserts

◆ Boxed cereals

◆ Bread

◆ Spaghetti/Noodles

◆ Prepared Pizza Sauces

◆ Yogurts with added sugars

◆ Hotdogs

◆ Pancake mix

What You Should Be Shopping For

To make whole food shopping easy in the supermarket, focus on the produce
sections containing fresh meats, fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts, seeds and
whole grains. There are some borderline processed foods though that are ok
because they still maintain all their nutrition. Some good examples are peanut
butter (which is also one of the best bodybuilding foods), applesauce, carrot
juice, and oat flour.

In these examples the form of the foods has just been changed, the nutrition is
still there. This goes in line with the idea of eating whole foods, just make sure
that no extra sugar has been added to them. Our recommendation is to make
products such as nut butter yourself to make sure you get good quality. All of
the previously mentioned processed foods can all be done with just a blender
and the raw ingredients in your home.

Examples of good whole foods based snack foods are:

◆ Bananas

◆ Apples

◆ Grapes

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◆ Carrots

◆ Cold cooked potatoes

◆ Dried fruits

◆ Nuts

◆ Seeds

◆ Boiled eggs

Frozen fruits and vegetables are generally ok in a whole food-based diet,

however, keep in mind that the frozen products tend to be the cheapest and
that also means they are using the lowest quality ingredients from the start. It is
better to buy fresh to make sure you always get the highest quality foods you
can possibly buy. Your body will thank you for it.

However, make sure your fresh produce is not too old, as soon as it is plucked
from the soil or tree it starts to deteriorate. Local farmers markets are the
absolute best places to go shopping for food since the produce is the freshest
there. Another option is to look online for companies that deliver fresh organic
produce and meat directly to your door by courier.

The following are some good examples of whole food stable foods. The idea is to
combine at least 1 food from each group to form the basis of each meal:

Whole food sources of carbohydrate:

◆ Brown rice

◆ Quinoa

◆ Potatoes

◆ Sweet potatoes

◆ Fruit

Whole food sources of protein:

◆ Beans

◆ Lentils

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◆ Fresh meats

◆ Eggs

Whole food sources of healthy fats:

◆ Olives

◆ Avocados

◆ Full-fat dairy (raw if possible), almond or cashew milk

◆ Nuts

◆ Seeds

Whole food sources of fiber:

◆ Vegetables (emphasis on green salads)

◆ Fruits

Pick and arrange the foods depending on the dietary macros you are currently
aiming for. I like to keep carbohydrates restricted for cutting body fat and only
used them as needed for exercise performance. Protein and healthy fats should
form the majority of your calories unless you are looking to bulk, in which case
you should add a source of carbs in each meal.

Another important aspect we have to address is organic and non-GMO:

Focus on Organic Labels

Organic foods tend to be more expensive since they involve the use of milder
(organic) pesticides only, such as mineral based ones or caffeine. Organic grow
operations also operate in a more renewable fashion that does not deplete the
land and requires less energy. Also, animals raised organically to be sold as
organic meat contains no artificial growth hormones or steroids. Not only is this
better for the world as a whole, but also for your body.

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Conventionally grown crops that are not organic are often sprayed full of strong
chemical fertilizers that have adverse health effects in humans when consumed. In
fact, many of them are potent anti-androgens and xenoestrogens, especially those
growth-promoting hormones that are injected into conventionally raised meat. These
types of compounds can give men low testosterone levels when consumed in excess,
promoting estrogen dominance. If you're a serious athlete, trust me when I say that
low testosterone levels can spell the end to your career unless dealt with quickly. Also,
organic farming ends up with a product that contains less toxic byproducts such as
cadmium, which in the long run will keep you in better health.

Focus on Non-GMO Labels

GMO stands for genetically modified organism, which is basically when we

humans have genetically engineered a type of crop in a laboratory to produce
higher yields or to make them better at resisting certain diseases. The problem
that arises is that we try to outsmart mother nature, which is proving to bring
out new issues in these foods because consuming them can have side effects on
your long term health.

The following are some examples of foods that have GMO versions being sold in
the US:

◆ Corn
◆ Canola
◆ Soy
◆ Cotton
◆ Beets
◆ Papaya
◆ Alfalfa
◆ Zucchini
◆ Potatoes

Animal studies done on consumption of GMO foods have shown to come with
many serious health risks such as immune system imbalances, infertility, insulin
resistance and accelerated aging.

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Still, companies grow and sell these foods to you in the name of higher
revenues, simply because it is hard to prove that eating these foods was the
cause of you developing these issues many years later. GMO foods are banned
in many other parts of the world such as Europe, which should be enough to
make you think that this is indeed one serious issue. It is simply not worth the
potential risks, so always go for non-GMO marked products.

Key Takeaways

All in all, remember these points next time you go shopping:

▪ The sooner the plant goes from the soil/tree to your plate the better

▪ Focus on whole foods that retain all their original nutrition without adding
extra sugars, preservatives or oils.

▪ Stick to organic and non-GMO

▪ Avoid food groups that almost always contains added sugar such as sodas
and other readily made drinks

▪ Split and base your meals up into categories and pick one food from each
group to form the basis of the meal, such as fresh meat, eggs & dairy,
vegetables and combine with a natural carb source as needed for
performance (wholegrain & fruits).

▪ For quick snacks that are portable, focus on fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds

Nutrition does not have to be complicated, it is rather easy and most often our
modern processed foods that make it hard. Remember, quality in everything is
what brings out amazing results, no matter the goals.

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This chapter will be a big surprise for many guys out there, since it shatters
some really popular stereotypes concerning protein intake, male health, and

Do your best to approach it with an open mind!

Dietary Protein and Testosterone: What’s The Verdict?

There’s a principle in the bodybuilding community that’s usually considered to
be an indisputable truth: you need protein (and lots of it) to build immense
amounts of muscle mass.

And it’s true. To an extent.

What is NOT well known, on the other hand, is the negative relationship
between protein and our primary muscle building hormone, testosterone.

Is this claim too mind-blowing to believe?

Hold on to your gains, this is about to get serious!

The Research Is In, And You May Not Like It

Before we dive into the available research on this matter, ask yourself: why do
we force ourselves to consume tons of protein daily? Most “serious” natural
athletes will strive to consume 1-1.5 g of protein per pound of bodyweight,
translating to well over 40% of their daily caloric intake.

Is it easy? Not by a long shot, since it often requires multiple force feeding
sessions, not to mention the peri-workout nutrition window.

But who is it that pushes the agenda for us to consume that enormous load of
protein? As you may have figured out already, usually that’s the fault of some

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supplement manufacturers, usually those that make cheap and poor-quality
protein powders.

Research doesn’t lie (unless big Pharma paid for it!)

Let’s look at some of the most convincing arguments proving that the current
recommendations are not only inflated but also unnecessary.

Study 1

The link between dietary protein to carbohydrate ratios and steroid

hormone concentrations in blood.

To start off the anti-brainwashing campaign, consider this food for thought;

a study conducted by the Journal of Life Sciences on seven men was able to
find that higher protein intake was not associated with a superior hormone

Researchers investigated the differences in blood testosterone levels, sex

hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), cortisol and corticosteroid-binding globulin
(Transcortin) levels, and whether or not these differences were related to
dietary choices. One of the main questions was whether a higher
carbohydrate to protein ratio (more carbs, less protein) had a stronger effect
on these hormones than a diet featuring a higher protein to carb ratio (more
protein, less carbs).

The findings were clear. Following ten days of a diet with a higher carb to protein
ratio, the following could be seen, when compared with the higher protein to carb

What does this mean in its simplest terms?

◆ The higher carb:protein ratio diet resulted in higher levels of circulating

testosterone, along with an increased concentration of its “check” hormone, SHBG

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◆ The higher carb:protein diet resulted in lower levels of circulating stress
hormones and corticosteroid-binding globulins.

Higher levels of circulating testosterone, as well as lower levels of circulating

cortisol, a highly catabolic hormone, pave the way for improved anabolism and
muscle protein synthesis.

However, it’s important to note that these differences didn’t really affect free
Testosterone levels. It is free testosterone that can elicit positive effects on
protein synthesis. To understand better, we plugged the main numbers from
this study in a free Testosterone calculator, which revealed the following:

The overall difference of free Testosterone in the two groups of the study was
just a bit over 7%, which is mediocre at best. More studies are needed to
determine if such a minuscule change is enough to cause a significant difference
in protein synthesis.

In addition, a higher SHBG level isn’t essentially a bad thing, since it also binds
the hormone oestrogen (known for its feminizing effects in males). 

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Study 2

The relationship between testosterone and cortisol concentration in

resistance-trained individuals relative to dietary intake

The belief that the "peri-workout” window is the most important time to load up
on protein to ensure muscle growth has been held in the bodybuilding and
fitness community for decades. However, as you will soon see, the truth is likely
the opposite. We have been taught that fat is bad prior to workouts, but in
reality fat may be responsible for most of your gains by causing post-exercise
testosterone spikes.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the study.

The study consisted of 12 men with at least one year of resistance training
experience; the average experience was five years of training. Subjects needed
to have been involved in regular training ten weeks prior, with no high-intensity
recovery phases coinciding with the study period.

The actual study was designed to run for 17 days, with workouts being
performed twice per week following the set exercise parameters.

Parameters included:

◆ Bench press: 5 sets of 10 repetitions using pre-determined 10 rep max


◆ Jump squat: 5 sets of 10 repetitions performed at 30% of the calculated 1

rep max, .

◆ The resting period between each set was fixed at two minutes.

◆ Blood was drawn 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after each workout

The average measured levels of testosterone and cortisol can be seen below:

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It can be seen that following an exercise session testosterone levels increased,
with jump squats resulting in a larger testosterone surge than from the bench

Interestingly, the concentration of cortisol shows an interesting pattern, since

testosterone can suppress it. The result is a lower post-exercise cortisol level
following the jump squat when compared to pre-exercise levels.

Now, that’s interesting and all, but what is really mind-blowing is the
relationship between pre-exercise testosterone levels and dietary intake for the
day. See the figure below:

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Not sure what you’re looking at? Ok, let’s break it down:

◆ The very first graph indicates the relationship between the amount of
dietary calories derived from fat and pre-workout blood testosterone
levels. Subjects who consumed a diet with more calories from fat had
correspondingly higher testosterone levels.

◆ Figure two (top right) demonstrated the importance of saturated fat on

testosterone levels. It is a known fact that diets low in saturated fat
result in lower testosterone production

◆ Figure 3 demonstrates a point established in our previously mentioned

study; that high protein diets result in lower testosterone levels.

◆ Figure 4 signifies that monounsaturated fats also play a very

important role in maintaining high testosterone levels. Think of
omega-3 oils and olive oils as good sources. Even better yet, studies
conducted in Italy have indicated that Conjugated Linoleic Acid (better

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known as CLA) may be able to boost natural steroidogenesis (synthesis of
sex hormones) according to animal studies. CLA has also shown immense
potential in reducing body fat, two very desirable attributes to anyone
engaged in weight training.

◆ Figure 5 depicts the effect of a diet with a high polyunsaturated:

saturated fat ratio. The higher the ratio, the greater the extent of
testosterone suppression

◆ Figure 6 solidifies the fact that diets with a high protein : carb ratio have a
detrimental effect on testosterone levels.

This study sums up to the fact that resistance training will elevate testosterone
levels; however, your diet can negate the effect of your training sessions,
especially if it’s too high in protein.

Study 3

Protein supplementation does not alter anabolic or endocrine hormonal

response following resistance training

Another major blow to the big protein supplement pushers was this study
conducted in New York in 2015, which debunked the claim that protein
supplementation resulted in superior muscle protein synthesis following
resistance workouts.

◆ This study involved 10 healthy young men receiving either a placebo drink
or a protein supplement consisting of 20 g protein, 6 g carbs, and 1g fat
after workout.
◆ Blood values were drawn from each group immediately, 30 minutes, 1
hour, 2 hours and 5 hours following the workout, which determined
elevations in insulin, growth hormone, testosterone and cortisol levels,
along with other hormones.
◆ The most important observation was the fact that no differences were
observed between the levels of each group, indicating that the supplemented
group had no distinct advantage over the group receiving placebo.

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What does this mean? It means that consuming your protein shake directly after
exercise does NOT necessarily mean better muscle growth effects from that

Keep in mind that it’s all about the daily amount of protein you consume. Protein
supplements such as whey are still an awesome addition to your muscle growth
stack, just don’t believe the hype that you NEED to consume it directly after your
workouts or you will be missing out.

Study 4

Low protein intake results in high SHBG concentration

Now just wait a second: before you think this contradicts one of the points of
consuming less protein, consider this; the men partaking in this study were
older, ranging between 40-70 years.

Sure, the sample size was larger (1552) but without the participants spread
widely over an age range, we can only hypothesize that this applies to older
men. This study was undertaken by researchers from the University of
Massachusetts Medical School, but interestingly protein intake was restricted to
less than 80g/day. Had they been consuming a slightly higher amount of protein,
results could have possibly been different.

Keep in mind that it could also be as a result of the “check” effect of the binding
globulins, as a lower protein diet leads to higher testosterone levels (and hence
the check hormone needs to increase)

Key Takeaways

Since the studies above can be quite a bit to digest, it’s important for you to
understand the most important points:

1. Protein will not increase your testosterone levels.

This has been established in multiple studies and is counterproductive. Yes, we
understand your tightly held belief that protein builds muscle faster than

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anything else, but it is time to understand that studies paid for by the
supplement manufacturers aren’t all that they're hyped up to be. They need to
sell products and make money and will provide you viable “pseudo-science” to
back it up.

2. Do not go crazy drinking protein shakes at the pre, intra and post-
workout periods.
Research has also shown that the higher protein consumption is before working
out, the lower it will make your testosterone spike from the workout. With less
testosterone to go around, cortisol will spike, and eat away at the little muscle
you might have gained.

3. Diets with a higher carb to protein ratio, and higher carb/fat to protein ratio
are superior for muscle growth since testosterone levels are not suppressed
significantly. The opposite is also true, with higher protein diets corresponding
to lower serum testosterone levels.

4. Protein supplementation does not lead to enhanced anabolic effect

following training. Instead, consume a meal with higher carb/fat to protein
ratios, as this will aid recovery and not blunt the effect of testosterone.

5. Although a diet containing both carbs and fat is desirable, your choice of
either a higher fat or higher carb diet is an individual choice, based on factors
such as insulin sensitivity.

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Dietary fat is a highly controversial subject that has been going through lots of
changes over the last few decades. Worshipped during the golden era of
bodybuilding in the 60s and 70s, falsely made a scapegoat for heart disease
shortly after, and now reinvented in the last decade as a healthy food for its
positive effects on hormone levels. Even more recent is the ever increasing
popularity of the high-fat ketogenic diet, which is currently doing the rounds
among the weight loss community with amazing results.

Whatever the case, fat is an essential macronutrient that has been much
overlooked in the last few centuries. This chapter will offer you some valuable
insights on the matter.

The Importance of Fat

Fat is considered by many the preferred fuel of the body since we naturally store
energy as body fat, but also since most of our hormones are manufactured from
fatty acids and cholesterol. Vince Gironda, "The Iron Guru" who was one of the
best natural bodybuilders who ever walked the Earth, preferred to fuel his body
with fats and often mentioned how much he hated carbs. It was his opinion that
carbs could make you gain fat easier as well as make you moody from blood
sugar swings, not to mention that Vince was very successful in building an
incredible physique all on a low carb diet. His results defy much of the criticism
that low carb diets often receive on being insufficient for building significant
amounts of muscle.

However, carbs are not the devil. They can indeed be very useful for building
muscle and improving strength when you know how to use them properly. They

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are much like the energy drink of the macronutrient world, a bit at the right time
can be beneficial, but if you overdo it, you are bound to suffer the consequences
(body fat). A very effective way of using carbs is by cycling them. You consume
your carbs only around workouts for performance and refuelling muscle
glycogen, which will give you an awesome pump and makes your muscles look
great. Using carb refeed days or carb meals every 3-4 days can also be effective.
At all other times, you stick to high-fat and high-protein foods, and this will
enable you to make lean gains without putting on much fat quickly. It is by far
the best technique for body recomposition out there.

Focusing on animal foods is a given on a high-fat and high-protein diet, but what
concentrated fat sources are best to focus on?

Here are our top picks.

Coconut Oil & MCT Oil

Let’s start off with one of the most hyped oils of the last decade, coconut oil.
Coconuts are a good example of why it is important to question the anti-fat
propaganda, and especially when it comes to saturated fats. Saturated fatty
acids are the primary fats in meat and butter, but also in coconuts. There is no
doubt about it that coconuts are a healthy food, many traditional folk groups of
South-East Asia are alive and healthy to prove it since it has remained a staple
food in this region for millennia.

High-fat fruits and vegetables are rare, and the few that are widely consumed
today are mostly coconuts, avocados and olives. All three are some of the
healthiest foods you can eat. A good example is the Tokelau population of the
South Pacific which gets 60% of their calories from coconuts, and cardiovascular
disease is very rare among them. The same applies to the Kitavan of Papua New-
Guinea. Further strengthening the case around coconuts is the research that has
shown they protect against cardiovascular disease and are great to balancing
blood lipids. This very much goes against what has often been said in media that
saturated fats cause heart disease.

But that’s only the beginning for the benefits of consuming coconut oil. Here are
some more:

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◆ It promotes thyroid function

◆ It increases metabolic rate (burns fat)

◆ It’s a powerful antioxidant

◆ It increases testosterone

◆ It improves cognition

◆ It’s beneficial in treating Alzheimer's disease

Since coconut oil is mostly saturated fat, it’s a great option for cooking (frying in
particular) since it has a very high smoking point.

One unique aspect of coconut oil is that its fatty acids are mostly MCTs (medium
chain triglycerides), a rare type of fatty acids in the animal and plant kingdom.
When consumed, MCTs are metabolized in a different way than other fats, going
directly to the liver where they are instantly turned into energy in the form of
ketone bodies. These ketone bodies are what provides most of the benefits of the
ketogenic diet since ketone bodies are a more efficient fuel for the heart and brain
than glucose. MCT oil (refined coconut oil) is one of the best oils to use on a
ketogenic or high-fat diet, but even if you don't follow such a diet, you can still
benefit from using MCT oil.

Coconut oil has positive effects on hormone levels because of its saturated fat
content. There aren’t any human studies on this currently available, but the
results have been observed with other saturated fats such as butter. However,
there are plenty of rodent studies out there that show an increase in
testosterone as well as a reduction in oxidative stress in the testicles.

All in all, coconut oil and MCT oil is about as good as it gets fat-wise, something
everyone can benefit from. Choose coconut oil if you also want to take
advantage of the oils antimicrobial effects, and choose MCT oil if you are more
interested in burning fat and increasing performance. Still remember, there is
MCT in regular coconut oil as well, you just have to consume more of it
compared to the refined and concentrated MCT oil.

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Red Palm Oil
While coconut seems to be getting most of the fame nowadays, there is another
oil also derived from a type of palm tree with unique benefits, red palm oil. Oil
from the palm tree, as well as palm sugar, has been widely used in Asian cooking
for centuries, but it’s less known to us in the West. In fact, it’s the second most
used vegetable oil in the world.

Like coconut, red palm oil contains saturated fatty acids but to a lesser degree,
were about 50% is saturated, 40% unsaturated and the remaining 10% is
polyunsaturated fats. It only contains 50% MCTs compared to coconut oil. This
fatty acid profile makes it a pretty great runner-up for second place on the
best vegetable oils, but the power of red palm oil does not lie in its fat content.

The unique properties of red palm oils come from its color. The red color of the oil
is because of the content of carotenoids (same type of antioxidant substances that
give carrots and tomatoes their colors), as well as their high content of natural
vitamin Es (mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols) and other powerful water-soluble
antioxidants and flavonoids. That red palm oil contains mixed tocotrienols is a
crucial aspect (about 50 times more potent) since tocopherols on their own such as
in olive, sunflower and safflower are inferior to a combination of both.

All the health benefits of consuming mixed Vitamin Es and carotenoids can be
applied to red palm oil consumption, and these include effects like:

Reduced risk of:

◆ Cancer
◆ Alzheimer’s disease
◆ Atherosclerosis
◆ Cognitive impairment (beneficial for brain health)
◆ Blood clotting
◆ High blood pressure
◆ Vitamin A deficiency

There are also some unique benefits attributed to men consuming natural
vitamin E and carotenoids:

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◆ Reduced risk of prostate cancer
◆ Improves hair loss conditions such as Androgenic Alopecia (male-pattern
◆ Antioxidant effect in the testes which is beneficial for hormone levels and
semen quality

However, you need to know that red palm oil isn’t as stable as coconut oil and
many of the oils on the market are already oxidized (so they’re oxidized even
further during cooking). Unless you can find a high-quality source of the oil, we
rather opt for using dietary supplements such as Tocomin for supplying these
beneficial nutrients from red palm oil. If your family has a history of prostate
cancer, this is probably one of the best forms of risk reduction money can buy.

Olive Oil

This traditional Mediterranean oil derived from the olive tree is often featured at
the epicentre of the advice that many health "gurus" give for what is considered
a healthy diet for longevity.

Make sure the oil is extra virgin olive oil since other types are often oxidized and
are unsuitable for cooking unless done at low heat (you’ll be better off using
coconut oil or butter for cooking). The best use of olive oil is in salads where it
provides a lot of flavor, and makes a killer low-sugar salad dressing when
combined with balsamic vinegar,

Many studies are indicating that olive oil raises levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
and hence can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

The benefits don’t end there. A study done in Morocco revealed that extra virgin
olive oil could have a positive effect on the hormonal profile in men, boosting
testosterone and luteinizing hormone (the hormone that signals the body to
produce more testosterone) by 19.9% and 17.4% percent respectively. And here
goes another animal study that shows a 250% increase in testosterone in response
to olive oil.

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It seems that olive oil does this by increasing the conversion of cholesterol into
testosterone in the testicular Leydig cells. This is a unique benefit not seen in
many other foods.

Grass-fed Buder

Yes, your nutritional dreams are finally coming true, butter is indeed a healthy
food contrary to popular opinion. Margarine and other vegetable-derived butter
alternatives are inferior to the real thing and can cause more harm than good,

Besides, eating such things as Margarine is pure madness since butter isn’t
unhealthy to begin with.

The saturated fats in butter have been shown to increase HDL (good cholesterol)
and increase the size of LDL cholesterol particles which is linked to a lower risk
of developing heart disease. Besides, centuries of butter consumption have
already proven it’s not unhealthy. When it comes to nutrition, taking a rational
approach rather than listening to the media is the way to go.

Since saturated fat is one of the best fats for boosting testosterone (as we
already established when discussing coconuts a bit earlier), butter is indeed
one of the best foods for men to include in their diet. Not only that but grass-
fed butter also contains many other nutrients beneficial for testosterone such
as Vitamin K2, D and A. Vitamin K2 is a rare nutrient which is missing in the
diets of many people. Studies have shown vitamin K2 to be able to de-calcify
the arteries.

Heart disease is a condition that’s believed to be caused by chronic

inflammation, to a great extent. Butter contains a short-chain saturated fatty
acid called butyrate, which is anti-inflammatory in the body, further adding to
the fact that butter can instead be used to potentially prevent and counteract
heart disease.

Bulletproof coffee has become a widespread phenomenon, and the idea behind
it comes from the Tibetan tradition of mixing butter into their tea. But butter
tastes even better in coffee, giving it a creamy taste and substitutes as a quick

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energy boosting snack excellent as a breakfast replacement on the run or as a
performance enhancing pre-workout beverage.

Cacao Buder

Cacao butter is the fat part of chocolate. To make chocolate as we know it, you
have to mix cacao powder and cacao butter to form the mass that makes up
chocolate bars.

Cacao butter in itself is a healthy fat and is mostly saturated (57-64% content) in
a similar fashion to coconut oil. Cacao butter is often used in cosmetic products
since it is ideal in its fat composition to use in skin care, preventing dry skin and
soothing to burns and rashes. However, the power of cacao butter does not lie
in only its fat, consuming this fat in its whole food chocolate form, as in dark
chocolate bars or raw cacao beans or nibs also provides you with a ton of
beneficial flavanols and polyphenols (two groups of natural antioxidants).

The benefits of cacao flavanols could easily fill half this chapter, but here is
a summary of the basics:

◆ Powerful antioxidants
◆ Reduces risks of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes
◆ Increases nitric oxide production and improves blood flow
◆ Improves muscle endurance
◆ Enhances testosterone production
◆ Increases muscle growth

Not bad for a food that also tastes amazing! As a food that contains significant
amounts of healthy saturated fats as well as many other beneficial compounds,
dark chocolate is in a league of its own. Try mixing 50-100g melted dark
chocolate (with at least 70% cacao) into your pre workout shake and we promise
you an incredible pump in the gym as well as enough stimulation to keep you
focusing only on your weights!

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Key Takeaways

The way we think about dietary fat is changing; high-fat ketogenic diets are now
being introduced into the medical field as treatments for type 2 diabetes and
obesity. Plant-based, high-carb diets no longer seem to be the only diets
advocated by health "gurus". Whatever your opinion concerning fats is, it cannot
be denied that they come with far too many benefits to leave them out of your
diet if you are a serious athlete.

To make all of this easy to implement for you, our recommendations are as

1. Use grass-fed butter for cooking (most stable fat)

2. Consume MCT oil in your shakes, smoothies or other hot beverages (coffee,
tea, etc.)

3. Use olive oil in all salads as a dressing

4. Consume dark chocolate as a pre-workout snack (70% cacao or more)

5. Consume red palm oil as a supplement

Covering the whole spectrum of beneficial fats does not have to be complicated
and can make for an enjoyable diet too.

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Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy, but it seems that this
macronutrient has been suffering from a bad reputation lately.

This global attitude is somewhat reflected in the overwhelming popularity that low-
carb high-fat diets have right now (the ketogenic diet is just one of them), but…

We don’t think that carbs are really bad for you.

Moreover, we don’t think that sugar is an evil thing either.

Sugar: Pure, White and Deadly? & Why It Is Important

The most loved and hated nutrient of all, sugar, is currently being falsely

Probably way more than it deserves.

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There’s nothing inherently wrong with sugar. It’s not bad. It’s not evil. It’s not a
problem in itself.

However, eating A LOT of sugar is the problem. Many people just can’t control
themselves, and THAT is the real issue.

Studies indicate that long-term high sugar consumption will wreck your insulin
sensitivity, potentially causing all kinds of problems like excess weight and
obesity, blood sugar imbalances, low testosterone and eventually even diabetes.
Sugar is no joke, if you can’t control your intake of the stuff.

If you can, though? Nothing wrong with it.

Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy for performance, and here at

Anabolic Health we are very much pro-sugar, and we especially like the fructose
in fruit and honey.

What sugar has that other macronutrients lack is an ability to counteract the
stress response, lower cortisol, and act as a highly effective fuel that boosts

Both fruit and honey also contain a ton of micronutrients that are necessary for
our health, so they are both good main sources of carbohydrate.

Starch, however, can be very fattening even though it’s the optimal carb source
for building muscle thanks to its stronger effect on insulin. A stronger insulin
response helps shuttle more nutrients into muscle, but keep in mind it also
helps shuttle more into fat storage as well.

We suggest limiting starch to only post-workout meals (when glycogen stores

are already low to minimize fat storage) and only in the form of white rice and
potatoes since most cereal grains come with anti-nutrients you don’t want to
consume regularly.

All in all, if you’re overweight or obese, it might be easy to overeat on

carbohydrates, but there is nothing inherently evil about them as the low-carb
crowd wants you to think.

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Key Takeaways

▪ There’s nothing inherently unhealthy or evil about sugar. Just like with
anything else, ”the dose makes the poison.”

▪ Sugar is a great source of energy. It also helps to lower cortisol levels and
improve resistance to stress.

▪ As long as you don’t eat too much sugar, there’s nothing wrong with
having it in your diet.

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Although many men are way too eager to stuff themselves with supplements,
let’s make something clear: you don’t need any supplements (AT ALL) if
everything else with your hormones is on point.

If your hormonal balance is optimal, you can’t make it optimaler, know what I mean?

However, if you are in a state of serious testosterone deficiency or estrogen

dominance—the little wonders of Mother Nature mentioned in this chapter
could help you a lot on your quest for optimal help.

Keep in mind that all supplements that affect male hormonal health belong to
one of the following groups:

◆ Pro-testosterone supplements

◆ Anti-estrogen supplements

There is a fine balance between male and female hormones, and it should be
kept that way: balance. Having too much or too little of ANY kind of hormones is
a guaranteed way to mess up your health, so it’s important to pick the right
supplements right from the start.

For example, if you have low testosterone as a result of high aromatase activity,
getting yourself some pro-testosterone supplements would be a terrible idea, as
this testosterone would just be converted into estrogen by your aromatase. The
solution? Go for anti-estrogen supplements instead, and you’ll be fine.

In other words, it’s not just a matter of ”take this magic pill here.” You’ll have to
educate yourself on this topic, read about the options, and pick a natural
solution that works.

But before that — let’s take a good look at what does NOT work in term of male
hormonal health supplements.

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Warning: this supplement does NOT work!

Lots of athletes and bodybuilders seem to be trapped in an endless search for

the perfect testosterone booster – and sure enough, they all stumble upon D-
Aspartic Acid (DAA) sooner or later. With DAA, testosterone levels will no longer
be a problem, at least according to the biggest DAA manufacturers.

You’re probably wondering if they should be trusted, especially since you’re putting
your health on the line when taking a new supplement. Well, to help you
understand our stance on the matter, we need to take a look on the timeline of
DAA studies.

The First ScienUfic Studies on DAA

Way back in 2009, a study on the role of D-aspartic acid (DAA) on hormone
secretion and synthesis was published. The researchers focused specifically on
two hormones, namely luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone.

Testosterone, in particular, increased by 15 percent just after three days of

supplementation – and that rose to 42 percent after roughly two weeks.

Providing further insights into the amino acid’s role and potency in influencing
hormone levels, the researchers noted that there was a drop in testosterone
level three days upon stopping supplementation. And yes, that study was
actually a clinical trial.

Another scientific inquiry was carried out, this time involving infertile men. Once
again, the results showed how remarkable DAA is – proving that it’s capable of raising
the level of testosterone by up to 60 percent in just three months of supplementation.

While these results were enough to convince some people, there were those
who remained skeptical – which is to be expected given that the studies were
funded by a DAA manufacturer. Despite that, many athletes at this point already
chose to invest in the non-essential amino acid.

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The D-AsparUc Acid Review

Non-sponsored studies followed and soon, DAA’s track record was no longer as
impressive. In 2015, it was revealed that taking three grams of DAA did nothing
for the testosterone production of weightlifters – and when they upped the
dose, total testosterone dropped.

Another study yielded the same results, with the researchers concluding that
taking the supplement for almost a month did not increase free testosterone.
With these disappointing outcomes, you’ll begin to wonder why anyone would
believe the sponsored studies.

Well, for one, it isn’t uncommon for companies specializing in supplements to

fund scientific inquiries. Aside from that, from a logical standpoint, DAA should
be capable of functioning as a testosterone booster since it facilitates
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion.

If you’re not that familiar with GnRH, just know that this hormone can increase
testosterone beyond normal levels. Moreover, DAA has been shown to hasten

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the production of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) in the testes—
another way of ramping up testosterone production.

Although not commonly discussed, StAR serves a crucial function in testosterone

production. It basically determines the amount of cholesterol that moves into
the mitochondria – and as you should know by now, cholesterol is the building
block of testosterone.

Interestingly, however, the studies merely involved animal tests. Still, these bits
of information made it seem like DAA is the ultimate supplement for those
trying to build more muscle mass, and the two sponsored studies made the
amino acid even more marketable.

Long story short, the common opinion at the moment is that DAA isn’t really
helpful in boosting testosterone or optimizing your hormone levels in any other
way whatsoever.

But what supplements actually work, then?

Learn in the following chapters!

Key Takeaways

▪ There are many natural testosterone-boosting supplements out there, but

DAA (D-aspartic acid) isn’t one of them. Studies indicate it doesn’t work,
and the old studies that said otherwise were sponsored by DAA

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Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) is a root vegetable from the Andes mountains, famous
for its aphrodisiac properties in both men and women.

Maca root is a bit of a mystery since research has shown it to be effective at

correcting sexual dysfunction, increasing libido, and regulating mood—without
exerting any hormonal effects whatsoever.

Traditionally Maca is used to treat fatigue, anemia, and infertility in both men
and women. It is a clear favorite supplement for men since it seems to ramp up
semen production quite a bit.

Maca is best consumed as a pure root powder added to smoothies or other

drinks; it has an earthy taste which is easy to mask in beverages.

Skip the extracts and capsules as they most often don’t provide a lot of value for
money, and are frequently underdosed too.

The powdered root comes it two different types, gelatinized or raw. If you have a
sensitive stomach, then we recommend the gelatinized version as it’s more
gentle on the digestive system (gelatinized maca powder is boiled to remove any
starch, which is a common cause of digestive issues).

Key Takeaways

▪ Maca is a great natural way to boost libido and fertility. It’s also effective
against stress, fatigue, and mood issues.

▪ Whenever possible, go for powdered maca root instead of capsules and


▪ Raw maca root powder is the best maca supplement available, but it may
be too strong for people with sensitive stomach. In that case, look for
gelatinized maca root powder.

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Black Ginger is a rare and powerful type of ginger. People usually take it as a
nitric oxide (NO) supplement for better blood circulation throughout the
body, especially in a few areas that matter most to men. Benefits may include:

◆ Enhanced erectile function

◆ Increased blood flow to extremities

◆ Improved circulatory health

◆ Rejuvenation of venous tissue

◆ Lower blood pressure

◆ Improved body composition

◆ Increased energy production

These are just a few of the incredible benefits that have been studied with
increased NO production.

What does the research say?

Black Ginger is so much more than a simple NO booster, going beyond just
potential blood flow benefits.

Clinical studies reported that Black Ginger may improve overall energy

production. This effect may be beneficial to muscle endurance and physical
performance. Some papers also report it may increase hand grip strength.

Research also showed that Black Ginger activates AMPK (AMP-activated

protein kinase) and BAT (brown adipose tissues) which is the ‘good' type of
fat. What makes it good? Well, it’s thermogenic, abundant in mitochondria

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(the powerhouses of the cells), and generally beneficial for energy

Recent research suggests positive effects in terms of improving body

composition from using Black Ginger.

A Natural Source of PDE5 Inhibitors

Clinical studies have shown that Black Ginger is packed with natural

compounds that suppress the enzyme that breaks down NO—the type-5
phosphodiesterase (PDE5).

PDE5 inhibition may increase the availability of NO and prolong vasodilation,

which is very beneficial for blood flow.

The most common PDE5 inhibitors on the market (a popular blue pill called—
you guessed it—Viagra) comes with numerous side effects. For example, some
men experience back pain, vision issues, dizziness, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal
congestion, and rhinitis.

Black Ginger, inhibits this enzyme to a milder degree—but with no side effects
discovered so far.

Research suggests that Black Ginger work in two major ways:

◆ By improving vasodilation and blood circulation (through PDE5 inhibition)

◆ By boosting the levels of feel-good neurotransmitters and their receptor’s


Neurotransmitters play an important role in the body. For instance, clinical

studies have reported that Black Ginger may work as a mild anti-depressant
thanks to its ability to modulate the dopaminergic system in the hypothalamus.

Keep in mind that the effects of Black Ginger are NOT comparable in strength to
other common PDE5 inhibitors on the market (such as a blue pill) although they
may work in similar ways.

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Eager to try out Black Ginger yourself?

We created our own Black Ginger supplement to make this natural wonder more
accessible to every man out there. Check out the details here!

Key Takeaways

▪ Black ginger is a natural nitric oxide (NO) booster that works by

suppressing the type-5 phosphodiesterase (PDE5) enzyme.

▪ Higher NO levels enhance blood circulation throughout the body. This

results in better erections, cardiovascular health, and physical

▪ The most popular and famous PDE5 inhibitor on the market is Viagra
(sildenafil). Black Ginger works in the same way, but has a milder effect.
On the bright side, it has none of the troublesome side effects that Viagra
has—headache, nausea, dizziness, among others.

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Vince Gironda, one of the most legendary bodybuilders in history, wasn’t a fan of
synthetic supplements. The few he usually recommended was all of natural
origin, his favorite being Desiccated Liver Tablets.

Liver is indeed the all-time favorite old-school bodybuilding supplement. When

taken in-between meals, it can help to keep the body in a positive nitrogen
balance, promoting anabolism, and the muscle-building process. At peak
periods, such as leading up to contests, some bodybuilders would consume up
to 100 liver tablets per day.

Why liver tablets, though?

First of all, not all people like the taste of liver, hence the easy to consume tablet
form. Second, liver is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet, beating all fruits
and vegetables in every class except vitamin C. In fact, in the wild, predators such as
lions and sharks always go for the liver first when eating their prey. Same as
Paleolithic hunter-gatherer humans have also done since the beginning of times.
The liver has always been highly valued as a nutritional source that is hard to beat,
and not until recently has it grown out of fashion because of our ever increasing
diversity of foods available to us in supermarkets.

There is some interesting animal research in which including liver in the diets of
mice, substantially increased their endurance in a swimming test. While we don’t
exactly know the mechanism responsible for this effect yet, it’s thought to stem
from a group of liver enzymes from the cytochrome P-450 family, which is
responsible for steroid hormone synthesis and detoxification. An increase in
endurance and faster recovery from exercise also just so happen to be some of
the most commonly reported benefits of consuming liver tablets.

The liver is one of the best food sources of vitamin A, B12, and heme iron, which
has higher bioavailability than plant sources of iron. Iron is required for the
optimal production of red blood cells, and even though it is possible to overdose

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on artificial iron supplements, it is not possible when eating liver or consuming
liver tablets. Clearly, there is something more to natural nutrition than what we
can fit in an artificial multivitamin.

On another note, one of the most common conditions caused by low

testosterone is anemia, a deficiency of red blood cells. Not enough red blood
cells decrease the oxygen-carrying capabilities of your blood, meaning, no
awesome pump in the gym and erectile dysfunction to some degree.

I am sure you are starting to catch our drift here. Eating liver will do your body
REAL good.

Key Takeaways

▪ Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. If you don’t
like the taste of liver and can’t eat it as it is, desiccated liver tablets are
your best way to reap all the benefits of this natural wonder.

▪ Common effects reported from desiccated liver tablets consumption

include a boost in endurance and faster recovery from exercise.

▪ Liver is one of the best natural sources of heme iron. This form of iron has
a bioavailability level much higher than plant sources of iron.

▪ While it’s possible to overdose on artificial sources of iron (iron

supplements or multivitamins with iron), it’s impossible to achieve the
same effect with natural iron sources like liver or desiccated liver tablets.

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Why are mushrooms in our supplement section instead of the diet part?

Well, you could (and should) eat mushrooms on a regular basis, but you can also
take them as a supplement if you really want to reap the anti-estrogenic benefits
they can offer you.

In fact, a white button mushroom extract (Agaricus Bisporus), is probably the best
natural aromatase inhibitor you can find.

(Besides Arimistane, but we’ll get to that later into the book).

Cheap, safe, and highly accessible, white mushrooms can effectively decrease
estrogen levels and boost testosterone when you eat enough of them daily.

They also leave most of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and dihydrotestosterone

(DHT) levels untouched, which most other mushrooms types do not. But why’s
that important?

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Why White Budon Mushroom Extract?

While most kinds of mushrooms show their anti-estrogenic action by inhibiting

aromatase (reishi, oyster, lion’s mane, and others), one inherent problem with
many of them is that they also inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (5-AR).

5-AR is the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT, and even more
powerful androgen. DHT is responsible for libido and mood (that legendary
”alpha feeling”), plus all the benefits that you get from testosterone, plus it’s anti-
estrogenic in its own way too.

In other words, ideally, you want more DHT and less estrogen. That’s why
consuming too many mushrooms that also inhibit 5-AR can be counter-
productive for your goals.

The great thing about white button mushrooms (Agaricus Bisporus) is that they
possess the weakest 5-AR inhibiting effect of all mushrooms, resulting in about
just 1-2.5% inhibition, as outlined in this study (see picture below).

This makes white button mushrooms a very attractive food for lowering
estrogen levels without any side effects or potential anti-androgenic effects.

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The Science

Now that we’ve established why white button mushrooms are the best
mushrooms for men, let’s take a look at the science supporting their anti-
estrogenic effects.

Most of the clinical studies listed below have been carried out on women as part
of breast cancer research, but they are equally relevant to men as the process of
lowering estrogen is the same in both sexes.

1. Researchers at The Beckman Research Institute found that consuming white

button mushrooms decreased estrogen levels in a dose-dependent manner,
meaning the more you eat, the greater the effects.

2. One year-long Chinese study found that a diet high in mushrooms and green
tea may reduce the risk of breast cancer caused by excess estrogen. In theory,
such a diet could also reduce prostate cancer risk, as both types of cancers may
be caused by excess estrogen.

3. The following study investigated the effectiveness of dried white button

mushroom extract as a treatment to reduce estrogen levels. The results
reported a decrease in aromatase and estrogen (estradiol, E2) levels after 12
weeks of daily intake. The minimum effective dosage of the extract seems to be
equal to about 100-130 g of mushrooms per day. For significant effects, you
would likely have to consume 2-3 times this dosage.

The study found that consuming white button mushrooms decreased estrogen
levels in a dose-dependent manner, meaning the more you eat, the greater the

How to Eat White Budon Mushrooms

Not everyone is a fan of mushrooms (honestly though, steak with sautéed

onions and mushrooms is an epic meal!). For the ones who don't like this food
but still want to reap its hormone-balancing benefit, you can use white button
mushroom supplements.

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However, keep in mind that the supplements are substantially more expensive
than buying the plain mushrooms and making your own extract (we’ll tell you
how in a moment).

Making a white button mushrooms extract is simple, since the bioactive

compounds in mushrooms are soluble in water and resistant to heat, so the only
real challenge is to break up the mushroom fibers to get all of them out.

We suggest using 500-1000 g white button mushrooms per batch.

Here are your instructions:

1. Chop the mushrooms by hand or use a mixer to break them up into pieces as
small possible.

2. Next, boil the ground/chopped mushrooms for 2 hours (or pressure-cook for
1 hour). If you find the water is evaporating before the cooking time is up, then
just keep topping it up, so that the blend doesn’t burn. You’ll also want some
water to be left at the end of cooking, since the leftover water will be your
extract and contain most of the bioactive compounds from the mushrooms.

3. After you finish boiling it, you have a few options depending on how you want
to use the extract:

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◆ You can remove the chopped/ground mushroom pieces (you can eat them
right away or use them to cook something) and bottle the mushroom water
for future use as a supplement. Depending on the volume of water and
amount of mushrooms used, you would dose the liquid accordingly. For
example, 100 ml of water left after boiling 1000 g of mushrooms would
mean that 10 ml of the extract would equal 100 g of mushrooms. So 10 ml
would then be your minimum daily dose to consume.
◆ My own personal favorite is to just store the mushroom pieces/liquid in a
jar in my fridge and mix a few spoons into my omelets, it brings out a lot
of umami flavor (trust me, you will impress people with your cooking skills
doing this).
◆ You can also put everything in a mixer again and mix into a paste that can
be consumed as is, used in cooking, or dissolved in drinks.

Alternatively, you can also let this paste dry in the sun, and you would be left
with a dry powder that's easier to store for long periods of time.

Key Takeaways

▪ Mushrooms are some of the most powerful aromatase-inhibiting foods.

▪ However, most mushrooms also inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (5-
AR) that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is an
androgen that’s much more powerful than testosterone, so getting less of
it goes against most men’s goals.

▪ Among all mushrooms, white button mushrooms have the weakest 5-AR-
inhibiting action, about 1-2.5% of inhibition. For comparison, lingzhi
mushrooms have a whopping 80% inhibitory activity and oyster
mushrooms show about 60% inhibition. In other words, white button
mushrooms are the best mushrooms to inhibit aromatase and lower
estrogen levels without lowering DHT at the same time.

▪ If you don’t like to eat mushrooms, you can prepare white button
mushroom extract at home.

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Probably one of the most popular male enhancement herbs out there, Tongkat
Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia) is excellent for improving sexual function, increasing
overall energy levels, and fixing such issues as erectile dysfunction, low libido,
premature ejaculation, and infertility.

Tongkat Ali does wonders for many aspects of male health thanks to its triple
action, according to the plant’s traditional use and several studies:

◆ It’s anti-estrogenic

◆ Reduces cortisol

◆ Frees more testosterone from the grip of SHBG

The following study also reported a positive effect of this herb on sex drive,
semen volume. and erectile function in human subjects:

The Tongkat Ali group showed higher scores in the overall Erectile Function
domain in IIEF (P < 0.001), sexual libido (14% by week 12), SFA- with sperm
motility at 44.4%, and semen volume at 18.2% at the end of treatment.

Concerning Tongkat Ali supplements, the market is saturated with fake

products. You get what you pay for, and real Tongkat Ali tends to be somewhat
expensive as it is a popular and very useful product.

Tongkat Ali as a Natural Testosterone Booster

In Southeast Asia, Tongkat Ali is traditionally used to increase physical strength,

fight against stress, and prevent various diseases. A study found out that the
testosterone-boosting effects of tongkat ali are beneficial for bone health as well.

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Bodybuilders often take Tongkat Ali during steroid cycles to preserve their
natural production of testosterone. Additionally, Tongkat can be taken in a
higher doses during PCT to kickstart one’s natural production of testosterone
and protect against estrogenic side effects. In general, Tongkat is a great health
supplement for all guys.

Another great detail is that Tongkat Ali has no side effects.

Other scientifically proven benefits include:

◆ Management of symptoms of late onset hypogonadism (LOH) or reduced

testosterone levels in aging men
◆ Anti-malarial and anti-cancer properties (as exhibited by water extracts)
◆ Prevents calcium loss in bones
◆ Alternative treatment therapy for androgen-deficient osteoporosis

Key Takeaways

▪ Tongkat Ali is great for any and all kinds of sexual issues: libido, erectile
function, premature ejaculation, infertility.

▪ In terms of hormones, it has anti-estrogenic properties, reduces cortisol

levels, and lowers SHBG levels (thus increasing free testosterone).

▪ Keep in mind that real Tongkat Ali supplements are quite expensive, so be
wary of cheap fake products that have flooded the market recently.

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Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is growing in popularity among men

who want to reverse symptoms of aging or just want an easy way of building
muscle, staying lean, and improving sex drive.

However, the endocrine system is a delicate thing, and injecting yourself with
testosterone or other steroids is like firing your poor endocrine system into
space without mapping out a trajectory.

Don’t Break Yourself In The Search For Ergogenic Aids

Let’s get this straight: it’s impossible to finely balance with pills and needles a
biological system we don't fully understand yet. This is exactly why testosterone
injections often come with such a multitude of side effects and are often not
sustainable in the long run.

We just don’t know all the chain reactions TRT fires.

Another important detail to remember is that taking synthetic testosterone will shut
down your own production of this hormone. Moreover, if you stay on testosterone
injections long enough, this can permanently damage your testosterone synthesis up
to a point when you’ll never be able to get back to where you started.

The good news is that there are many natural alternatives that can significantly
boost your own testosterone levels without causing any damage.

In this chapter, we will cover one of the best natural testosterone boosting
substances, Pine pollen. Yes, you heard that right, the pollen from some species
of pine trees in one of the most androgenic substances in nature.

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What separates pine pollen from all those ineffective testosterone boosters you
see all around the web is that pine pollen contains REAL testosterone!

A True Natural Steroid

Pine pollen contains natural androgens like androstenedione (a steroid

hormone that has been synthetically manufactured and used as an anabolic
steroid), testosterone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone, a precursor to
testosterone) as well as many other plant steroids.

Of course, the dose of these hormones you’ll find in pine pollen is way lower than you
could get from anabolic injections but when consumed in supplemental amounts
they provide a gentle yet significant boost to your natural testosterone levels.

Long story short, when it comes to natural testosterone boosters, pine pollen is
up there at the top.

Now let’s take a closer look at the benefits you’ll get from it.

The Many Other Benefits of Pine Pollen

Using pine pollen as a medicine or supplement isn’t something new: this

marvelous substance has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over
2000 years already. The Chinese view pine pollen as a substance that increases
your Jing, meaning life force.

First mentioned in an ancient book on medicinal herbs written in 200 AD, pine
pollen is believed to help reverse and halt the symptoms of aging and bring the
body back to a younger state.

Pine pollen has been used for thousands of years in Eastern healing doctrines
too. Here are the most common traditional uses for this natural wonder:

◆ Treat heart disease

◆ Alleviate rheumatic pain

◆ Slow down prostate enlargement (bening prostate hyperplasia, BPH)

◆ Help digestion

◆ Improve lung function

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◆ Support skin health

◆ Increase energy levels

◆ Promote weight loss

◆ Build a stronger body

◆ Strengthen the immune system

Today, pine pollen is primarily used as an anti-aging supplement for men,

especially to balance and restore healthy hormone levels and sexual function.
Other potential benefits are:

◆ Reduction of fatigue

◆ Enhancement of cholesterol levels

◆ Improved hair growth

◆ Increased stamina

◆ Higher levels of free testosterone

◆ Liver regeneration

◆ Improved cognition

◆ Reduced inflammation

As you can see, most of these benefits are tied to the aging process. In traditional
Chinese medicine, the aging process is what depletes our life force called Jing.

Pine pollen is used to replenish this life force and thus restore regular bodily
functions. This is an excellent example of how ancient knowledge is still applicable
today; it’s just using a different terminology than what we do in modern times.

Tincture or Powder: The CriUcal Choice

When it comes to using pine pollen to increase testosterone levels, using it in

tincture form is highly recommended. The testosterone contained in pine pollen is
not bioavailable when consumed orally as a powder because stomach acids damage
and destroy the molecules before they have time to enter our bloodstream.

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The solution is creating a tincture of pine pollen contained in alcohol. This
dissolves the testosterone and steroidal compounds in the alcohol and thus
makes them absorbable through the mucous membranes in the mouth.

The optimal way of taking pine pollen tincture is by putting a few full droppers of
the liquid under the tongue and holding it there for up to a minute before
swallowing. This will allow your body to absorb the androgenic compounds into
your bloodstream.

The Power of Powder

However, the fact that the T in pine pollen powder isn’t bioavailable orally
doesn’t mean the powder itself has no benefits for you. This natural wonder is a
great addition to protein shakes or smoothies to give them a nutritional boost.
Pine pollen powder is much more dense in nutrients than the tincture and is an
ideal option for an all-natural multivitamin replacement.

Pine pollen powder contains a ton of vitamins and minerals such as:

◆ Vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6)

◆ Vitamin A
◆ Vitamin D
◆ Vitamin E
◆ Beta Carotene
◆ Zinc
◆ Iron
◆ Magnesium
◆ Potassium
◆ Calcium
◆ Manganese
◆ Molybdenum
◆ Copper
◆ Selenium

There is an effective way to evaluate the function of your endocrine system and
your hormonal balance in general without any tests whatsoever: check your

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morning erections. All guys should have them, even the older folks. They might
not be there every day (since a lack of sleep or many other temporary lifestyle
changes can affect it), but if everything is generally OK they should at least be
there every other morning. Young guys should have them daily.

The great thing about pine pollen powder is that it is very consistent at bringing
back your morning erections when megadosed. Try consuming 4 tablespoons
before bed, and in a few days, you should be seeing nice results.

Now, it’s not 100% clear what causes this effect but perhaps the DHEA in pine
pollen powder is denser, more stable, and more bioavailable when consumed
orally. Hopefully, there will be some scientific studies to shed light on the matter
in the following years.

Experience the Power of Pine Pollen

Eager to try out some top-quality pine pollen and experience its primal power

We’ve created a product to help you reap all the sweet benefits of this natural
wonder, including higher testosterone levels, nutritional support, enhanced
recovery, and dozens more.

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Grab it here, and don’t forget to share your awesome results with us in a few

Key Takeaways

▪ Even though testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is growing in

popularity, remember that it comes with serious side effects including a
total and irreversible shutdown of your body’s own testosterone
production in the worst case scenario.

▪ Pine pollen is a rich source of real androgens including androstenedione,

testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Basically, it’s as close to a
natural TRT alternative as it gets.

▪ The two main types of pine pollen supplements are powder and tincture.
Pine pollen powder isn’t effective in increasing androgen levels when
taken orally, as stomach acid destroys the hormones. In tinctures, the
androgens are dissolved in alcohol, allowing them to be absorbed by the
mucous membrane in the mouth. Put a few droppers of pine pollen
tincture under your tongue, keep it there for a minute, then swallow.

▪ Pine pollen powder, on the other hand, is an amazing source of vitamins

and minerals.

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Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) can stimulate the Leydig cells to produce
more testosterone.

Using HCG injections during testosterone cycling will keep the Leydig cells active
and never shut down the production of this hormone in the testicles entirely.
This is a common approach recommended for men on testosterone
replacement therapy (TRT). In order for them to stay fertile and prevent
testicular atrophy, small doses of synthetic HCG are injected together with
testosterone. HCG is also administered during post-cycle therapy (PCT) to help
kickstart one’s natural production of the hormone again.

Now, we already pointed out a few times that TRT isn’t a great thing for the
endocrine system, no matter how you look at it. If you still want or need it, though,
HCG injections should help you stay on the safe side and avoid complications.

Or… There’s a natural alternative!

Fadogia Agrestis is a plant found in Africa that has been used in local traditional
medicine as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and as an aphrodisiac. Oral
supplementation with the plant extract seems to exert similar effects as HCG
injections, overriding the HPTA (Hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular-axis) and preventing
shutdown of HCG production. These effects can easily be demonstrated on cycle by
how Fadogia supports testicular size and function, even while using prohormones.

Fadogia AgresUs as a Natural HCG AlternaUve

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is actually an exclusively female hormone

because it is produced in the placenta of pregnant women.

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HCG injections mimic the functions of luteinizing hormone (LH), enabling the
Leydig cells to produce more testosterone.

Fadogia Agrestis, the closest natural equivalent of lab-produced HCG, is a herb

used in African folk medicine as an aphrodisiac. Its testosterone-enhancing
properties were confirmed in a study involving rats, but there has been no
studies conducted on humans yet.

It’s a unique aphrodisiac because it doesn’t only increase libido, but also prolongs
the time required to ejaculate (ejaculatory latency) following repetitive intercourse.

Aphrodisiacs tend to enhance one’s sex drive often because they modulate the
levels of testosterone in the body. Fadogia can help keep your testicles naturally
producing testosterone even while on steroids. The ability of Fadogia Agrestis to
prolong one’s sexual endurance, which is not common in aphrodisiacs, also
makes this herb one of a kind.

This is interesting because, while the pharmaceutical industry is quite focused

on addressing impotence or erectile dysfunction, not much attention is lavished
on many of the other male problems such as premature ejaculation.

Key Takeaways

▪ Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that can stimulate the

Leydig cells in the testes to produce more testosterone.

▪ HCG injections are often prescribed along or after TRT to help prevent the
shutdown of the body’s own testosterone production.

▪ Fadogia Agrestis taken by mouth seems to have similar effects as HCG

injections, increasing testosterone by stimulating its production in the testes.

▪ Other effects include libido support and an increase in ejaculation latency

(time required to reach ejaculation).

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Those of us who spend a lot of time in the gym know exactly how crucial is sleep
for recovery and building mass. If you don’t get enough sleep, you don’t build
muscle. Simple as that.

Today’s modern lifestyle can often get in the way of you getting a good night’s
sleep. Running on fumes and chugging coffee after coffee only adds to the
problem. Sleeping pills and other pharmaceuticals are more popular than ever,
but are they really good for you, your gains, your brain, your testosterone?

Before modern medicine skyrocketed, we relied on the power of nature to solve

our health issues. In Asia, the traditional medicinal system Ayurveda spans back
many thousands of years. If it worked back then, why wouldn’t it work now?

In this chapter, we’ll take a look at one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurveda,
and how it can help you not only with your sleep and recovery, but also
supercharge your hormones at the same time.

Gentlemen, meet Mucuna Pruriens.

What is Mucuna Pruriens?

Mucuna Pruriens is a climbing vine, also know as Kapikachhu, Cowhage or (its

most popular nickname, actually) Velvet Bean. The beans of Mucuna are covered
with tiny hairs that can sting you and cause itching on contact.

Mucuna’s beans are similar to coffee in the same way that they are highly
psychoactive. They have been used medicinally for thousands of year, especially
as a sexual tonic and for its reputation of being able to increase testicle size.

Mucuna is the best natural source of L-Dopa, the precursor of many

neurotransmitters (messenger molecules) in the brain. Dopamine is the most

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important of them. Mucuna also contains small amounts of other
neurotransmitters like serotonin and its precursor tryptophan, making it one
of the most potent mood-enhancing and natural antidepressants out there.

The power of L-Dopa has been extensively studied for the treatment of
Parkinson disease, which is a condition in which your dopamine and its
receptors degrade progressively. Nowadays, synthetic L-Dopa is widely available
on the supplement market but its effects are far from as safe and effective as
that of Mucuna. This goes to show that nature is indeed perfect in her design
and not something we humans easily can replicate.

Mucuna primarily exerts its effects on the brain because it contains numerous
precursors to different neurotransmitters. Modulating neurotransmitters can
have many beneficial effects including increased libido, relaxation, as well as
improved mood and energy levels. Mucuna enhances the amount of the
neurotransmitters called catecholamines in the body—and this effect, in turn,
leads to all sorts of health benefits for general health and hormonal balance.

L-Dopa for Testosterone, Libido and Growth Hormone

Let’s dig into the available scientific studies and facts on Mucuna’s effects
on testosterone and reproductive hormones. So far there have been four
studies on Mucuna Pruriens in humans, showing the following results:

1. Mucuna seed powder was used for 90 days, testosterone increased by 38%
in infertile men and 27% in healthy men, Luteinizing hormone increased 41%
and by 23% in healthy men. Sperm quality improved and dopamine levels in
semen were elevated.

2. Study on stress related infertility, Mucuna seed powder was used for 90 days.
Sperm concentration increased by 688% and sperm motility was boosted
by 32%.

3. Study on infertile men, Mucuna seed powder was used, resulting in a 38%
average increase in testosterone levels.

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4. The fourth study was done on patients with Parkinson's disease and showed
benefits of higher free testosterone levels in the patients treated with L-Dopa.

To summarize, it’s clear that Mucuna has substantial benefits when it comes to
increasing testosterone and is one of the most powerful natural testosterone
boosters on the market. By increasing testosterone in both sexes, Mucuna can
increase sex drive and ability to build muscle mass in both men and women,
making it a very versatile herb.

Dopamine and testosterone go hand in hand. More dopamine stimulates more

testosterone release and vice versa. Prolactin is a reproductive and
immunoregulating hormone needed in small amounts in both men and women.
Excess prolactin is a common hormone imbalance in men that will (close to) kill
your sex drive and drive up estrogen.

The L-Dopa in Mucuna is one of the best natural treatments for high prolactin since
dopamine and prolactin have an opposing relationship. After orgasm, it is prolactin
that drives down your dopamine causing lethargy. Mucuna is effective at bringing
back hormonal balance and boosting your natural reserve of neurotransmitters.

Mucuna’s amazing benefits don’t stop there. Because it releases dopamine, it

can also stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more human growth hormone.
In recent times, using synthetic growth hormone injections has become hugely
popular as an anti-aging treatment among people who can afford the expensive
treatment. During natural aging, growth hormone levels tend to decrease with
the years, starting at around the age of 30.

It is the natural decline in growth hormone from aging that is responsible for a
lowered ability to build and maintain muscle mass as you get older. As well as a
decrease in the capacity to burn fat and maintain healthy skin.

Most of our growth hormone is released during deep sleep (the growth part of
the sleep cycle), and taking Mucuna before going to bed can increase growth
hormone naturally without the use of expensive HGH injections. By boosting
your natural levels of growth hormone you not only benefit from anti-aging
effects but also improved cognition and sex drive.

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When to NOT take Mucuna Pruriens

Because of Mucuna's strong effects on the neurotransmitters in the brain, there

are some situations when its use should be avoided.

Avoid taking Mucuna products if you are:

◆ Currently taking antidepressants such as SSRIs (or other similar

pharmaceutical drugs)

◆ Taking stimulants such as Adderall or Methylphenidate

◆ Suffer from schizophrenia or manic depression

Key Takeaways

▪ Mucuna Pruriens, also known as Velvet Bean, is a psychoactive (kinda like

coffee) plant that has been widely used in Ayurveda healing doctrines.

▪ Mucuna is the best natural source of L-Dopa, the precursor of many

neurotransmitters including dopamine. It also contains a bit of serotonin
and tryptophan, and thus is a great mood-enhancing and antidepressant

▪ The beneficial effects of taking Velvet Bean include higher testosterone

levels, increased libido, relaxation, as well as improved mood and energy
levels—all through the action of dopamine.

▪ The best time of the day to take Mucuna supplements is before bed in
order to stimulate your natural growth hormone production.

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There has been increasing interest in the benefits of Cistanche deserticola among
the bodybuilding crowd lately. It’s not surprising though, given that the herb
supposedly boosts testosterone, increases stamina, and boosts libido—but are
these intriguing claims really true?

As always, we’ll have to start with the basics.

What is Cistanche?

Cistanche deserticola (aka desert hyacinth) is a herb most often associated with
traditional Chinese medicine. The plant’s dried and fleshy stems are used to
prepare a tonic or formula known as roucong-rongor herba cistanche.

In China, the herb is not merely used by those with issues in the bedroom. It’s
also given to people suffering from weakened immunity, general fatigue, and
even hair loss—after all, it’s featured in the Shennong Bencao Jing (an ancient
manual on medicinal plants).

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Reinforced Defenses Against Disease

Truth be told, experts still haven’t yet mapped the process through which
Cistanche strengthens the immune system and slows down immune aging.
Despite that, they’ve gained insights regarding Cistanche’s potency, knowing that
it greatly increases the amount of available CD4+ T-cells.

Those cells are crucial for proper immune function, serving as the main
defense against new threats. What’s even more interesting though, is that the
herb also lowers CD8 T-cells which have an inhibitory effect on their CD4

Natural killer cells, which specialize in targeting viruses, also get a boost due to
the herb’s echinacoside content. That’s a valuable perk, given that engaging in
strenuous activities (e.g. working out) results in increased stress levels, which in
turn makes the body more susceptible to viral infections.

Of course, let’s not forget that tumors become much more likely to form in the
presence of stress. In fact, stress increases the probability of new mutations
across different cells, which eventually may come together and cause cancer.

Fortunately, natural killer cells hunt down tumor cells at a fairly quick pace.
These microscopic defenders force tumors to undergo cellular death, finally
allowing macrophages to consume the dead cells and eliminate any existing
cancer risks.

FighUng FaUgue, BoosUng Stamina

Aside from keeping your defenses up, this herb can help bring back your energy.
It was revealed in a study that taking Cistanche for 12 weeks can be enough to
reduce the feeling of being constantly tired and relieve chronic eye strain.

How does a mere plant manage to provide those effects? Well, keep in mind that
it’s loaded with phenylethanoidglycosides, active compounds that effectively
seek out and neutralize free radicals or reactive oxygen species (experts believe
it could even be used to prevent DNA damage.)

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That means Cistanche in itself won’t give you energy to keep away fatigue—it
doesn’t contain a lot of calories, after all. It will, however, reduce muscle damage,
especially during exercise, and this effect will help you feel more energized.

In addition, Cistanche may delay lactic acid buildup. As you should already know,
lactic acid causes that burning sensation in your muscles that gradually worsens
during workouts.

Keeping Complete Baldness at Bay

Now, here’s another interesting fact for you: Cistanche can keep baldness away
away by facilitating hair regrowth and keeping new hairs healthy. Basically, this
effect is based on Cistanche’s ability to enhance blood circulation throughout the
whole body.

If you’re wondering how those things are connected, just remember that healthy
hair requires all sorts of nutrients to stay in tip-top shape. However, even the
most nutritious food won’t be of use if the micronutrients it contains fail to reach
the scalp.

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That’s where proper blood circulation comes in. It’s through the bloodstream
that vitamins and minerals are sent throughout the body – and since hair isn’t
really crucial for survival, it’s often overlooked in favor of other bodily regions
whenever blood circulation gets a bit problematic.

Note that your scalp also benefits from the herb, mainly due to improved blood
circulation as well. If you’re having problems with dandruff, you’ll be glad to
know that Cistanche can help you out with the flakes and keep the redness at a
minimum with its anti-inflammatory effect.

SupporUng Healthy Libido

Since Cistanche improves the blood circulation throughout the body, it’s only
natural that it supports healthy libido. After all, when nutrients aren’t properly
delivered to areas where they’re needed, all kinds of bodily processes will suffer.

Testosterone, for example, might not be produced in sufficient amounts.

Testosterone deficiency has a disastrous effect on sex drive, and that’s one

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reason why the popularity of testosterone replacement therapy is growing by
the day.

Aside from ensuring that there’s no problem in the supply of male hormones,
the herb’s circulation-improving effect makes it great against erectile
dysfunction. Keep in mind that the quality of one’s erection greatly depends on
the amount of blood that gets sent to the penis.

The sexual perks of taking Cistanche don’t stop there. For instance, there’s good
proof that the plant can improve sperm count and sperm motility. In a way,
that’s to be expected since there’s a link between sperm quality and the amount
of testosterone in the blood.

AddiUonal Health Benefits

Supplementing with the herb will also benefit your brain. It can sharpen your
memory (meaning you’ll be able to store information faster and for longer), all
while improving your learning capacity.

The plant manages to do all those things due to its neuroprotective effects.
Simply put, whenever it’s in your system, your neurons are less likely to undergo
apoptosis – a natural yet, in this case, unfortunate process of cellular death since
brain cells have a vert limited regenerative potential. That’s why stem cells and
regenerative molecules are often used in cases where there’s too much damage
on the neurons.

Simply put, given that the brain doesn’t really do well in healing itself, it’s crucial
to prevent its degeneration as much as possible. Cistanche is so great in
protecting neurons that it’s considered to have potential in fighting Alzheimer’s

Cistanche also has hepatoprotective properties, meaning it can protect your liver
from any kind of damage. That’s quite a perk even if you don’t have vices like a
drinking problem – after all, excessive sugar is more than enough to harm the

In addition to protecting your brain and liver from apoptosis, supplementing

with this Cistanche keeps your entire cardiovascular system in optimal health.

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Studies indicate this herb can reduce your vascular age—and keeping that value
as low as possible is crucial to avoid heart disease.

Start Your Search for the Chinese Herb

At this point, you’re probably so intrigued by this tonic herb that you’re thinking
of buying it right away. If you do that, soon enough you’ll encounter one
surprising detail that might make you think twice.

Cistanche is currently classified as endangered.

Based on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES),

Cistanche deserticola is classified under Appendix II. This means that the plant is
indeed endangered, although trading it is still possible if done under strict

Cistanche tubulosa isn’t under the same list, but it’s probably an endangered
spice too. So, if you’re going to buy Cistanche tubulosa extract or anything
similar, check whether it has been acquired from proper sources (though they
generally come from the Taklimakan Desert).

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Reminders for Safe SupplementaUon

In addition to caring for the environment and ensuring the plant’s survival in the
years to come, you need to take the necessary precautions in keeping yourself
safe. It’s highly recommended to discuss the matter with a physician before
taking this herbal supplement, just to make sure you don’t have any

Following the dosage instructions on the label of your chosen product is just as
important. While it’s supposed to be generally safe (it even has the American
Herbal Products Association’s seal of approval), you shouldn’t take more than
400 milligrams daily to avoid sleepiness and blurred vision.

Don’t forget that Cistanche extract tends to raise the body’s temperature,
meaning there’s nothing wrong with skipping it during hot and humid days.
Don’t worry about not maximizing its benefits – you won’t lose them just
because you skipped a day or two to avoid considerable discomfort.

Finally, we’ll have to remind you that despite all the Cistanche deserticola
benefits many have already enjoyed, in-depth scientific studies about the plant’s
other effects are still limited. If ever you notice something odd while
supplementing with it, don’t think twice – visit your doctor right away.

Key Takeaways

▪ Cistanche deserticola (desert hyacinth) is used to enhance immunity,

increase energy levels, improve hair growth, support healthy libido,
promote testosterone production, and enhance fertility.

▪ Sadly, Cistanche is classified as endangered, so you might have a hard

time finding a real supplement with the herb. Cistanche tubulosa is a
somewhat different plant with roughly the same effects that could be a bit
easier to find.

▪ Cistanche extracts may increase body temperature, so better avoid them

on hot and humid days.

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You may have heard that ginseng is an absolutely amazing plant for anyone
seeking to enhance their health.

Did you know, however, that there’s a special kind of ginseng that’s particularly
beneficial for men?

Enter, Korean Black Ginseng.

Korean Black Ginseng: The Strongest Ginseng in the World

While China might be the largest market in the world for ginseng in general,
Korea is known to produce the finest ginseng in the world. In this chapter, we
will be taking a closer look at a newly developed, cutting-edge variety of Ginseng
—the Korean Black Ginseng.

Among herbal supplements, Ginseng (Panax Ginseng, not to be confused with

Siberian Ginseng which is a different plant) has stood the test of time with over
2000 years of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Believed in TCM to restore the Qi (life force), Wild Ginseng tea has always been
one of the most popular herbs used for stress adaption, to regain health after
disease, and to increase energy.

Modern research has now shown that Ginseng root contains steroid saponins
called ginsenosides, which are responsible for its vast array of pharmacological

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The Difference Between White, Red and Black Ginseng

Ginseng root is primarily grown in Asia (aka Asian Ginseng) and used to produce
the White, Red, and Black varieties of Ginseng.

There is also American Ginseng root (scientifically known as Panax Quinquefolius)

which can be found growing wild in North America, but this variety is mostly
used for women's health since it’s believed to be more cooling to the body.

White Ginseng is the most common variety of Ginseng sold all around. Basically,
it’s the neutral form of the root as soon as it is harvested directly from the
ground. This type is also more cooling (but not as cooling as American Ginseng)
and the preferred form for use by women.

Now, it’s a common principle in TCM that cooking increases the bioavailability of
the constituents of some herbs. This is why some herbs are steamed, boiled or
extracted with alcohol before consumption—Ginseng is one of such plants.

Red Ginseng is White Ginseng steamed 1-2 times to boost its warming
properties by increasing the levels of some specific ginsenosides via subjecting
the root to heat. Red Ginseng is considered more Yang (warming, masculine)
and is especially beneficial for men since its effects on hormones and sexual
function are stronger than White Ginseng.

Black Ginseng is a new variety cultivated in the region of Geumsan in South

Korea, which has an ideal climate and mountain conditions for growing Korean
Ginseng. A unique patented method of preparing the fresh Ginseng is what
makes it into the Black variety.

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Compared to Korean Red Ginseng, Black Ginseng is steamed up to 9 times which
significantly increase the levels of some specific ginsenosides even further.

Below is a table of the different ginsenoside contents in Red Ginseng Root

Extract (RGE) compared to Black Ginseng Root Extract (BGE):

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Why Black Ginseng Is Superior for Men

Black Ginseng features much higher levels of ginsenosides Rg3, Rg5, and
Compound k.

Rg5 has been found to increase mental performance, enhance brain circulation,
and boost memory. This also makes it an excellent natural treatment for
Alzheimer's disease.

The higher levels of Rg3 however, is the most exciting fact for men since this
ginsenoside is involved in improving sexual function, increasing libido and
promote hormone production.

Black Ginseng contains an impressive 3x times more Rg3 than regular Red

Studies have shown that Rg3 may enhance erection hardness by stimulating the
metabolism of nitric oxide and thus improving blood circulation in the penis.

Rg3 also promotes the testicles to secrete testosterone in times of stress when
testosterone levels might otherwise be reduced, essentially restoring healthy
testicular function, sperm production, and stamina even in aging men.

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Other benefits of ginseng are awesome as well. For example, it can reduce
anxiety and hangover symptoms, and even increase the detoxification rate of
alcohol. What more could you wish for?!

Grab some Ginseng before heading out for your next weekend bender, and
you’ll likely have a much better time both during the fun AND in the morning
after it.

Korean Black Ginseng Benefits

The following is a quick list of Black Ginseng benefits discovered in rat and
human studies:

◆ Potent Antioxidant (stronger than both White and Red Ginseng)

◆ Anti-Inflammatory Effects

◆ Anti-Tumor Effects

◆ Increases Total & Bioavailable Testosterone (studied in combination with


◆ Increases LH & FSH (studied in combination with Fenugreek)

◆ Improved Muscle Endurance and Function (studied in combination with


◆ Prevents Muscle Loss

◆ Improves Memory

◆ Enhances Learning

◆ Speeds Up Wound Healing

◆ Ameliorates Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity

◆ Balances Cholesterol

◆ Has Anti-Diabetic Properties

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Ginseng's Benefits for Athletes

As an adaptogen, ginseng is commonly used as a restorative and therapeutic

tonic to bring a ‘balancing effect’ on the body. But what are its specific benefits
for athletes?

Ginseng Improves Performance and Recovery

Thanks to its potent saponins, ginseng earned a legendary status among sports
enthusiasts and athletes. Numerous studies have proven that this herb can
improve endurance, muscular strength and aerobic capacity.

In a review of herbal sports supplement by Dr. Luke Bucci, published in the

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it appears supplementation of Panax
ginseng may increase aerobic work capacity and muscular strength.

According to Bucci, nearly 75 percent of the studies compiled and reviews

confirmed the beneficial effect of Panax ginseng supplementation. For example, in
a study done by a team of researchers in Sweden, Panax ginseng improved post-
exercise recovery and maximum oxygen uptake. Quadriceps strength increased by
18 percent and pectoral strength increased by 22 percent as per dynamometer.

Similarly, researchers at the University of Chieti, Italy found ginseng

supplementation to be beneficial by improving time to exhaustion, total work
load, oxygen consumption, ventilation and aerobic capacity.

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Black Ginseng Side Effects

While Ginseng is usually well tolerated and free of side effects, there are some
things you should be aware of:

Ginseng may alter your sleep (but not as you may thing)
It is often said in the West that Ginseng is a stimulant and hence should not be
taken before bed. This is far from the truth and stems from Westerners inability
to understand herbal medicine and tendency to see everything in the context of
being one-directional (similar to pharmaceuticals).

Ginseng belongs to the adaptogen class of herbs which can be both stimulating
as well as relaxing depending on the needs of the organism consuming it.

In fact, consuming Red Ginseng extract before bed has been shown to improve
sleep in research.

Ginseng boosts the power of caffeine

If you combine Ginseng with caffeine in too large amounts, there is the
possibility that some people might experience excess stimulation. Strictly
speaking, this isn’t a side effect of Ginseng but its ability to boost the power of
caffeine. Long story short, ginseng could make you overdose on caffeine.

When using Ginseng in combination with caffeine, start small and work your way
up. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in Korea and Ginseng is often
combined with it to such a degree that even Red Ginseng Coffee is sold in cafes.

So don’t worry, just take it slow and you’ll be able to reap the amazing benefits
of both caffeine and Ginseng.

Blood Thinning
Ginseng shares the same beneficial effects on blood thinning and inflammation
as popular NSAIDs such as Aspirin, by similarly inhibiting both COX-1 and COX-2.

Studies have shown the combination of low dose daily Aspirin (about 80-100 mg
per day) and Ginseng to be safe. However, If you are taking high doses of Aspirin we
suggest you discuss it with your doctor before consuming any Ginseng. Taking a
Vitamin K supplement can help prevent excessive blood thinning effects.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Korean black ginseng is a newly developed, cutting-edge variety of


▪ Essentially, black ginseng is ginseng that has been steamed up to 9 times.

This process significantly increases the levels and bioavailability of
numerous ginsenosides, which are the main active compounds of

▪ Black ginseng features much higher levels of ginsenosides Rg3, Rg5, and
compound k than other ginseng varieties.

▪ Some of the main effects you can expect from taking black ginseng is an
improvement in mental performance, sexual function, and stress
resistance, along with dozens of general health benefits. Black ginseng
also boosts total and bioavailable testosterone levels.

▪ Black ginseng is generally tolerated well, with rare and mild side effects.
Be aware, though, that it may increase the power of caffeine. It also has
blood-thinning properties, and thus should be taken with caution at the
same time with other blood-thinning medications or natural compounds.

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Butea Superba is a plant that has been extensively used to help treat side effects
of aging in males—including low testosterone and libido. It offers a cheap fix to
many of the most common problems such as lack of energy, erectile
dysfunction, and poor sex drive.

In this chapter, we'll dig into the details of its action.

What Is Butea Superba and Why Take It?

Also known as Red Kwao Krua, Butea Superba is a shrub native to Thailand. Its
root has been a staple component of Thai traditional medicine for as long as any
local healer can remember, helping men reclaim and increase their virility.

Long story short, it boosts testosterone.

What's amazing is that the health benefits of this plant are backed by both
modern science and centuries of Eastern tradition. The right Butea Superba
dosage will provide you with a whole bunch of health benefits that any man
would like to have in his life.

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Butea Superba Health Benefits for Men

First, Butea Superba increases DHT, a metabolite of testosterone which is

responsible for much of its mental effects. Specifically, it boosts your libido,
enhances erectile function, and may give you that confident alpha male vibe.
Also, there's some scientific evidence pointing out that DHT may help in
promoting facial hair growth, so that's just one more reason to love this
powerful hormone.

Second, Butea Superba is a cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor. According to

some studies, this inhibition may help in enhancing testosterone production in
men in the same way as it's seen with Forskolin. Traditional usage in Thailand
also suggests that Butea Superba is potent in increasing free testosterone

Third, there is evidence of Butea Superba having anti-estrogenic properties. This

feature basically makes it the perfect supplement for restoring male hormonal
balance, since it will be inhibiting female hormones and boosting androgens at
the same time.

Fourth, there are animal studies pointing out that Butea Superba can
significantly increase sperm count (by up to 16%) and sperm motility, making it
great natural way to help in improving and maintaining one's fertility. This effect
works especially well together with the plant's ability to boost free testosterone
and DHT, which are crucial hormonal factors for this matter.

Butea Superba General Health Benefits

As you may have guessed, the health benefits of Butea Superba don't end on
male sexuality and hormonal health. This little beauty has so much more to it.

For example, some animal studies indicate that Butea Superba can improve
cognitive and emotional function. Although the magnitude of this effect is still to
be researched in humans, the tendency itself is extremely promising. Some
other animal studies have reported the efficacy of Butea Superba in treating
depression resulting from chronic stress.

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Moving on. The main andioxidants in Butea Superba are procyanidin B2,
procyanidin B5, and (-)-epicatechin. Besides protecting the cells of your body
from potentially harmful free radicals (like all antioxidants do), these three
substances have some unique health benefits of their own:

◆ Procyanidin B2 promotes hair growth and has neuroprotective action. It

also inhibits the formation of AGEs (advanced glycation end-products),
which are the reason of all complications of diabetes.

◆ Procyanidin B5 has been reported to have a certain degree of anti-cancer

activity. Some other studies affirm it can slow down the progression of

◆ (-)-epicatechin can boost muscle strength, reduce muscle fatigue, and

increase nitric oxide synthesis. The latter is an essential thing to ensure
cardiovascular health.

And, of course, there's the universal effect of all antioxidants: reducing free
radical formation and cellular oxidative damage. Essentially, this is like battling
the effects of aging on a molecular level.

Butea Superba Side Effects and Toxicity

Now that we piqued your interest with the astounding health benefits that Butea
Superba has to offer, you may be wondering whether this plant is safe to take in
the first place.

Well, there is no conclusive evidence on the existence of Butea Superba side

effects, but centuries of traditional use in Thailand clearly shows the plant to be
safe for daily use. However, keep in mind that the Thai equivalent of FDA have
established the recommended daily dose for Butea Superba to be at about 2 mg
per kg of body weight.

In terms of toxicity, Butea Superba appears to be fairly safe to take in general.

However, some animal studies affirm that high doses of this plant (the human
equivalent of about 48 mg per kg, more than 20 times the recommended dose)

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bring forth genotoxic effects, meaning that they cause mutations in the cells.
That's why it's so important to stay in the safe usage zone.

So, all in all, Butea Superba is almost absolutely safe as long as you don't take
absurd amounts of it.

As you see, for those men in search of some extra edge in the bedroom, gym, or
life in general, this astounding plant may be just the right thing. After all, it's
called Superba for a good reason.

Eager to try Butea Superba yourself?

Truth be told, we at Anabolic Health trust and love Butea Superba so much that
we decided to make our own supplement. Check out the details here and start
reaping the potential health benefits of this natural wonder today!

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Key Takeaways

▪ Butea Superba increases DHT levels. In turn, DHT may boost your libido,
enhance erectile function, and even promote facial hair growth in some men.

▪ Butea Superba can also increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the
cAMP phosphodiesterase enzyme. At the same time, it has anti-estrogenic

▪ By increasing sperm count and motility, Butea can also serve as a fertility
booster for men.

▪ The general health benefits of Butea include cognitive enhancement,

stress relief, antioxidative action, cardiovascular support, and many

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Ashwagandha can help you maintain your testosterone levels during prolonged
stress, thanks to its adaptogenic properties. That’s one of the main benefits you
can expect from ashwagandha, but there are many others too.

Let’s get into the details.

Boost Testosterone Naturally

In an effort to boost their testosterone levels naturally, some men turn to herbal
supplements, many of which are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. Also
known as Ayurveda, this is one of the world's oldest holistic (whole-body) healing
systems and was developed thousands of years ago in India.

One of the most popular herbs to boost testosterone is ashwagandha or winter

cherry, scientifically known as Withania Somnifera. Sometimes its also spelt as
ashwaganda, ashwanghanda, ashwaghanda or ashwagand… Or maybe those
are just typing errors? Who knows.

Anyway, if you want to shrug off the problems commonly associated with low
testosterone, build more muscle, lose fat, reclaim your sex life, or just feel more
manly and energetic, the Ayurvedic herbal supplement ashwagandha could be
just what you are looking for.

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What Is Ashwagandha?

Predominately grown in India, ashwagandha is often called Indian Ginseng. Is

ginseng good for sex? Ashwagandha means ‘Smell of Horse’ which refers to its
bouquet in the wild and the belief that consuming this ashwagandha energy
herb will give you the sex drive, stamina, and strength of a stallion.

Ashwagandha & Testosterone

Ashwagandha is a noted and well-researched testosterone booster. It does this

both directly and indirectly by countering many of the causes of low
testosterone. There are many ashwagandha studies that reveal the following
benefits from regular use:

Increased Testosterone
Several studies have shown that taking ashwagandha regularly for about three
months leads to a significant boost in serum testosterone and sperm quality and
mobility. In addition, ashwagandha has also been shown to increase the
production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), boost luteinizing hormone (LH)
production, and elevate serum DHEA levels.

Improved Sleep
Too little sleep can inhibit testosterone production. Most men fail to get enough
sleep and many men suffer from different sleep problems. Six to nine hours’
sleep will provide your body and nervous system with the rest it needs to
maximize testosterone production. Ashwagandha has been traditionally used as
an effective, non-addictive sleep aid.

Reduced Stress
Too much stress results in an increase in production of cortisol, the body’s
primary stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels drive down testosterone. Stress
is often unavoidable but research shows that regular use of ashwagandha
supplements can help men to manage the symptoms of stress more effectively
and prevent the testosterone-crushing effect of cortisol. In this role,
ashwagandha is medically known as an adaptogen.

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Improved Sexual Function
Ashwagandha is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs for sex and
fertility. Improved fertility is commonly associated with increased testosterone
levels but ashwagandha also seems to increase erectile function and boost
sperm count too. These two factors combine to produce an increase in fertility
and reproductive health.

Improved Immunity
Consuming ashwagandha can help increase the ability of your immune system
to fight off illness and infection. Stress, low testosterone, and an unhealthy diet
can all result in frequent but minor illnesses. Ashwagandha has been shown to
increase the efficiency of the immune system which should lead to fewer illness.

How to Use Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha herbal supplements are taken orally in capsule or powder form. Both
capsules and powder are equally effective. Most people find taking capsules more
convenient but the raw powder is better in terms of value for money.

Dosages vary depending on the product being used but ½ teaspoon for
ashwagandha powder or two 1000 mg capsules per day is the typical
recommendation. Many people prefer to take it before bed since ashwagandha
is beneficial for sleep.

Key Takeaways

▪ Ashwagandha increases the production and release of follicle stimulating

hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and serum DHEA levels. These
effects lead to higher testosterone.

▪ In terms of sexual health, ashwagandha can improve erectile function and

promotes fertility by improving sperm count.

▪ As an adaptogenic herb, ashwagandha can relieve stress, improve sleep,

and support the immune system.

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Bulbine Natalensis is a herb exclusive to the southern regions of Africa.

This Bulbine species is also known as the Baker plant. Africans have been using
this herb for thousands of years as an aphrodisiac.

The Benefits of Bulbine Natalensis

Besides being an effective aphrodisiac, this herb has many other benefits. Its
sap, roots, and leaves are used to treat the following conditions:

◆ Mouth ulcers

◆ Cold sores

◆ Cracked skin

◆ Bruises

◆ Cuts

◆ Sunburn

◆ Blisters

◆ Mosquito bites

◆ Bug stings

Bulbine Natalensis, with its many positive health effects, is considered to be a

vital traditional medicine in Southern Africa.

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How Does Bulbine Natalensis Work?
Bulbine Natalensis promotes several bodily changes that are directly connected
to your testosterone levels.

Specifically, it reduces the production of estrogen by inhibiting the aromatase

enzyme. This effect will allow more of your testosterone to stay as testosterone
in your body.

It also improves the signaling of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

which boosts testosterone capacity and luteinizing hormone (LH) which boosts
testosterone production in the testes.

In addition, it boosts cholesterol levels in the testes. Testicular cholesterol is a

prerequisite for the creation of testosterone.

Finally, it increases the amount of acid phosphatase (ACPT) in the testes. The
ACPT is an important enzyme in the production of sperm.

How safe is Bulbine Natalensis?

Studies on the safety of Bulbine Natalensis found it to be as safe as Placebo

after monitoring the following human biomarkers:

◆ Blood pressure

◆ Heart rate

◆ Electrocardiogram (EKG)

◆ Renal indicators

◆ Hematological values

◆ Hepatic signs

Of course, more studies are needed to confirm these initial findings, but so far
the results are great and Bulbine Natalensis seems to be fairly safe to take in
adequate doses.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Bulbine Natalensis can increase testosterone levels by improving GnRH

signaling and promoting LH production.

▪ In terms of sexual health, it’s believed to be an aphrodisiac and fertility


▪ Preliminary scientific findings report that the herb is fairly safe to take in
adequate doses.

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The relationship between Vitamin D and testosterone has been clearly

established before: this vitamin provides a huge boost to testosterone levels and
enhances fertility too. The vitamin isn’t just for T though, as it’s considered an
“overall health” vitamin.

What Really Is Vitamin D?

Despite the word "vitamin" in its name, vitamin D is technically a prohormone.

This sets it apart from other vitamins because it can be produced by the body
(but you can still get it from food too).

Known as the "sunshine vitamin", vitamin D is synthesized in the skin after a

brief period of sun exposure, especially in the morning.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it is stored in the fatty tissues and in

the liver. Unlike water-soluble vitamins, vitamin D residue takes longer to be
eliminated from the body because of its fat-soluble nature.

The vitamin comes in two common types: D3 or cholecalciferol and D2 or

ergocalciferol. D3 is mainly produced by the skin, while D2 is found in food and
in supplements (though D3 is also commonly found these days as well)

The top benefits of taking vitamin D include maintaining bone health and
density, and regulating insulin levels. It also makes it easier for you to increase
your muscle mass.

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A Testosterone Advantage

As revealed in a study, taking vitamin D regularly for a year can result in up to a 25%
increase in testosterone levels. Study participants were divided into two groups;

The first group received 3,332 IU (international units) of Vitamin D daily. On the
other hand, the second group received a double-blind placebo-controlled dose
(meaning nada).

Results showed that year-long supplementation had boosted calcifediol

concentrations in the body. Calcifediol is a prehormone that the liver produces
when processing vitamin D3.

Like most of our readers, you’re probably more interested in ways to increase
testosterone. Well, these numbers might just satisfy your curiosity.

◆ Total testosterone levels increased from 10.7 ± 3.9 nmol/L to 13.4 ± 4.7 nmol/L

◆ Bioactive testosterone levels increased from 5.21 ± 1.87 nmol/L to 6.25 ±

2.01 nmol/L

◆ Free testosterone levels increased from 0.222 ± 0.080 nmol/L to 0.267 ±

0.087 nmol/L

Another study reported that Vitamin D is able to enhance the function of Leydig cells
under the action of luteinizing hormone (LH), resulting in increased testosterone
production. Leydig cells are known to be the “T-factories” in the testes.

On Hormones and FerUlity

Given all of the above, it’s not surprising at all that vitamin D appears to be involved
in male steroidogenesis by significantly stimulating the production of testosterone.

Steroidogenesis is the process of producing androgens (and other steroid

hormones), compounds that regulate the development of male sexual organs
(during puberty) as well as secondary sex characteristics.

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The testes, prostate glands, and spermatozoa (mature sperm cells) all have
vitamin D receptors (VDRs) that specifically interact with vitamin D in the male
reproductive tract.

Vitamin D also contributes to sperm quality, with higher blood levels of the
vitamin positively associated with enhanced sperm motility. This suggests a role
for vitamin D in maintaining reproductive health.

Shields You from Disease

Aside from getting higher testosterone levels, improving your hormonal balance,
and making you more virile, vitamin D supplementation lowers your risk of
developing certain illnesses.

Higher blood Vitamin D levels are associated with reduced incidence of

hypogonadism, as reported in a cross-sectional study conducted on European
men aging 40-79 years.

Another study found that vitamin D inhibits the growth of prostatic epithelial
cells, preventing prostate cancer. Research also suggests that vitamin D
supplementation lowers the risk for both Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

About Sources and Choices

Now that you’re aware of the benefits that this vitamin provides, you might be
thinking of one particular question—what are the best ways of getting more
vitamin D?

Not many natural food sources contain the vitamin. Still, if you want to meet
your daily requirements through dietary means, you should probably consider

◆ Salmon, mackerel, tuna, and other kinds of fatty fish

◆ Beef liver, which is also a source of Vitamin B12

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◆ Cheese, eggs, and fortified milk

Sun Exposure
The National Institutes of Health recommends 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure,
ideally between the hours of 10 AM to 3 PM. This allows the body to produce a
sufficient amount of vitamin D.

That’s the matter in a nutshell. However, it’s not that simple for some people.

Studies indicate that the human body is most effective at producing vitamin D
around noon but how long should you stay under the sun to get yourself a good
daily dose of this vital nutrient?

There are several factors that define your body’s rate of producing vitamin D in
response to sunlight:

◆ Sunlight intensity. This parameter reaches its peak at about midday

◆ Your location. Depending on where you are, the sunlight reaches your
skin at a certain angle. The closest this angle is to a right angle, the
”denser” is the sunlight. Like this:

◆ As you see, although the width of the light beam is the same in both
cases, in the first case it gets spread throughout the surface, giving less
energy for each unit of area. In the second case, the energy is more
condensed, and each unit of area gets more of the light energy. That’s
why solar panels are programmed to follow the light of the sun and rotate

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a bit to maintain the angle at which the rays fall as close to 90 degrees as
possible. Sunlight is denser around the Equator. The farther from the
Equator you live, the more scattered the sunlight is. That’s why people
living at high latitude (>40 degrees) might have a hard time reaching their
daily vitamin D goal, from time to time.
◆ The local weather and season. Before the sunlight reaches your skin, it
has to get through the atmosphere - and all the clouds there. Part of the
light is inevitably absorbed and reflected around, and only a minuscule
part reaches your skin. The season of the year also matters, as during
summer the angle at which the sun rays fall is closest to a right angle, and
the weather is also fine most of the time. During winter, the angle drops
and the weather gets cloudy, so that’s a problem.
◆ The amount of exposed skin. If you go out dressed like Neo from the Matrix,
the amount of skin you show would have a hard time generating vitamin D for
your whole body. The more skin you expose, the faster the process will be.
◆ Usage of sunscreen. Strictly speaking, it’s not sunlight as a whole that
boosts vitamin D production: it’s the ultraviolet rays present in sunlight.
Sunscreen blocks part of this radiation.

So… How much time will you need to get your sunny dose of vitamin D?

The recommended daily dose of vitamin D for anyone older than 1 year is 600 IU
(800 IU if you’re older than 70 years).

Studies reported that 30 minutes of midsummer midday sun exposure generate

about 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D if you decide to sunbathe naked (100%
esposed skin) in Oslo, Norway (latitude 59 degrees). Without sunscreen.

According to the Wallace rule of Nines used to determine body surface, each of
your arms makes 9% of your surface and the front of your head makes about
4.5%. Let’s round that up to 15% total.

So, if you decide to go out for a 30-minute midday walk in midsummer Oslo, you
would probably get about 1500 to 3000 IU of vitamin. To get your recommended
600 IU dose, 12 minutes should be enough.

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In winter, double that time. During bad weather (cloudy, rainy, foggy), double or triple
that time. If you live closer to the Equator than Oslo is, drop the exposure a bit. If you
go out in the evening instead of the midday, increase exposure accordingly.

All in all, it’s safe to say that 30 minutes of daily sunlight exposure should be
enough for most people, but it’s important to remember the fancy details above,
just so you know whan taking a vitamin D could be more effective.

Vitamin D can also be taken in supplement form. As you’d expect, it isn’t hard to
find supplements that either contain just vitamin D or have it combined with
micronutrients and other testosterone boosters.

Gehng the Correct Dosage

According to the National Institutes of Health, 600 IU or 15 mcg of vitamin D is

recommended for men aged 18-70 years old, while 800 UI or 20 mcg is
recommended for men over 70 years.

Because vitamin D requirements vary by age and health status, it would be best to
visit your doctor or pharmacist before taking vitamin D supplements or loading up
on food rich in the prohormone in order to establish your optimal dosage.

Getting too much of it may cause side effects such as insomnia, stomachache,
and in some cases, fatigue and toxicity. Vitamin D toxicity symptoms include
anorexia, weight loss, polyuria, and heart arrhythmias.

In addition, don’t ever forget that overexposure to sunlight will increase your
chances of developing skin cancer. So, be sure to stay within the prescribed
exposure durations.

Key Takeaways

▪ Vitamin D is a fat-soluble prohormone synthesized in the skin after a brief

period of sunlight exposure. You can also get it from dietary sources.

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▪ Some of the most important vitamin D benefits include testosterone and
fertility support, bone and muscle mass regulation, and enhancing insulin

▪ Good dietary sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, beef liver, cheese,
eggs, and fortified milk.

▪ As for sunlight, the National Institutes of Health recommends 5 to 30

minutes of sun exposure, ideally between the hours of 10 AM to 3 PM.
This allows the body to produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

▪ Alternatively, you can take vitamin D supplements to meet your daily goal.

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This essential mineral has been talked about a lot in recent years, especially
since it’s involved in more than 300 bodily functions. A vital electrolyte for the
human body, Magnesium provides cells with energy, maintains fluid balance, is
critical for healthy heart function, helps improve sleep quality as well as boosts
bioavailable testosterone levels.

The reason why Magnesium has become such a popular supplement is because
almost 70% of all adults in the US are deficient in this mineral. It is not that the mineral
in itself has these powerful effects when supplemented, it is simply that since most
people are deficient, they will see significant benefits from supplementing.

Magnesium is excreted through sweat, and intense exercise will deplete

Magnesium levels faster, sometimes resulting in cramps or muscle twitches,
which is something many people experience but have no clue why. If you are
serious about your training as well as health, we highly recommend you
supplement with Magnesium or at least include a good source of it in your diet
such as plenty of dark chocolate or cacao powder in your protein shake. The
benefits of getting enough of this mineral are many and since modern diets are
so often deficient in it, it’s a small cost for big payoffs.

Good dietary sources of Magnesium are:

◆ Raw Cacao & Dark Chocolate (by far one of the best and most tasty
sources of the mineral)

◆ Beef

◆ Mineral salts such as sea salt, Himalayan salt and Celtic salt

◆ Dark green leafy vegetables

◆ Nuts

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Key Takeaways

▪ Magnesium takes part in over 300 vital body processes. One of them is
boosting your levels of bioavailable testosterone.

▪ Almost 70% of US adults are deficient in magnesium, so it’s essential to

keep an eye on your intake of this mineral.

▪ Purchase a reliable supplement or eat enough natural sources of

magnesium like dark chocolate, beef, mineral salts, nuts, and dark leafy

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Zinc is often touted as the number one mineral amongst man minerals.
Casanova, the famous 18th-century lover (or pickup artist, in modern lingo)
swore by the aphrodisiac properties of oysters, one of the best natural sources
of zinc, and routinely had about 50 of them every day for breakfast. Intrigued?
Let's get into the details:

For starters, the human body cannot create zinc. Since this mineral is needed for
a whole bunch of crucial body functions like maintaining optimal cell
metabolism, tissue growth, and reproductive health, you have to get enough of
it from dietary sources.

Zinc can boost testosterone by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme from

converting it into estrogen. This is great to ensure a healthy balance in your sex
hormones: optimal testosterone, no excess estrogen.

The best dietary sources of Zinc are:

◆ Oysters

◆ Meat (especially veal)

◆ Raw Cacao & Dark Chocolate

◆ Egg Yolks

◆ Liver

Zinc Picolinate

As previously mentioned when we talked about the zinc content in oysters, zinc
is one of the most important micronutrients for male fertility.

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If, for any reason, you can’t get enough zinc daily from dietary sources, opt for a
quality zinc supplement instead. Zinc Picolinate is arguably the best option in
this case, since it features a much higher bioavailability than other forms.

Key Takeaways

▪ Zinc boosts testosterone levels by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme.

▪ The best sources of zinc include oysters, meat, dark chocolate, egg yolks,
and liver.

▪ If you’d rather take a zinc supplement, opt for zinc picolinate as it has the
highest bioavailability among all zinc supplements.

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Selenium is an extremely important mineral for healthy testosterone levels.

sperm production, and sperm health for optimal fertility. So what is the best
natural source of selenium found in nature?

Hands down, it’s Brazil nuts!

A Natural Source of Selenium

Brazil nuts contain significant amounts of selenium, which is not as known as

most other minerals but still essential for strong health. You could consider it
one of the big three important nutrients for men, the other two being zinc and
vitamin D.

Many guys are deficient in selenium and can experience as much as a two-fold
increase in their testosterone levels as soon as the deficiency is fixed.

Tim Ferris, the famous author of the book The 4-Hour Body, wrote about this
phenomenon in his chapter on maximizing testosterone levels. His dosing
protocol consisted of three nuts in the morning and three more at night, as well
as four extra nuts before sex to boost sex drive. However, keep in mind that this
amount of nuts is usually too high for daily consumption if you already have
adequate levels of selenium. Tim Ferris was deficient, which is why this dose was
beneficial for him and not harmful in the very least. You can follow our safer
dosing protocols at the end of this chapter.

If you are suffering from low testosterone levels, trying a few Brazil nuts each
day for two weeks is a cheap and easy way of addressing one of the most
common causes of low T.

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Another interesting anecdote is that among groups of monkeys who feed on
Brazil nuts in nature, it’s always the alpha male monkey who eats the greatest
number of nuts.

Selenium is also an essential nutrient for healthy thyroid function, which goes
hand in hand with hormone regulation and a healthy metabolism. If you have
low thyroid function, as is often the case with selenium deficiency, you are likely
to struggle burning fat and have a below-average body temperature.

A Potent AnUoxidant

Many nuts contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which can
promote oxidation and inflammation when consumed in excess amounts. What
separates Brazil nuts from most other nuts is its high levels of Vitamin E
(tocopherol), a group of antioxidants that help to balance out the adverse effects
of PUFAs.

Not only that, but Vitamin E has been shown to contribute to healthier
testosterone levels. Selenium also has antioxidative power itself. In other words,
it can neutralize free radicals and prevent them from roaming your body and
causing damage. Free radicals can contribute to cancer and premature aging.

What makes selenium special as an antioxidant is that it has a double action:

besides scavenging free radicals itself, selenium is needed for your body to
produce its own master antioxidant, glutathione.

Boosts Nitric Oxide

We all know the value of high testosterone levels to maintain high libido, but
nitric oxide also plays an essential part in sexual function, namely, it defines the
quality of your erections. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that expands and relaxes
your blood vessels, allowing for better blood flow.

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Brazil nuts contain high amounts of the essential amino acid L-Arginine, which
converts into nitric oxide in the body and hence increases blood flow. Of course,
this also translates to more pump in the gym.


Keep in mind that you can overdose on selenium, leading to many

uncomfortable side effects. Excess selenium has been linked to increased risk of
prostate cancer. By the way, selenium deficiency leads to the same effect, so
optimal levels of this mineral are what you want.

The recommended maximum daily intake of selenium is 400 mcg. In studies, the
side effects started to develop when subjects approached a dose of 800 mcg per

One Brazil nut contains about 70-90 mcg selenium, so keep your daily intake to
1-4 nuts at most. If you only consume them once every week, you can probably
consume a few more in one go. Signs of acute selenium toxicity often start with
intense nausea and vomiting, so if you consumed too many, you would notice it
rather quickly.

We suggest you opt for organic Brazil nuts, avoiding any potential pesticides
which can make them do more harm than good.

Also if you’re allergic to nuts, you’d better avoid Brazil nuts altogether and opt
for a good supplement instead.

Also, in case you’re not a fan of nuts, here are a few other good dietary
sources of selenium:

◆ Beef

◆ Egg yolks

◆ Sardines

◆ Oysters

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Key Takeaways

▪ Selenium is an essential mineral for strong health, and yet many guys are
deficient in this element without even knowing it.

▪ Among other things, selenium is important for testosterone production,

optimal thyroid function, and sperm health.

▪ Brazil nuts are the best natural source of selenium. At the same time, they
pack quite a bit of vitamin E, which is also great for general health and
optimal testosterone production.

▪ The recommended maximum daily intake is 400 mcg. Sleep in mind that
side effects start around 800 mcg daily.

▪ One Brazil nut contains about 70-90 mcg selenium, so keep your daily
intake to 1-4 nuts at most.

▪ Other dietary sources of selenium include beef, egg yolks, sardines, and

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Hands down, boron might be the best mineral to boost testosterone levels

The problem here is that modern farming practices are quickly depleting the soil
of minerals, boron being one of the most important ones. Less boron in the soil
means less boron in fruit and vegetables, and you can’t get it from any other
natural sources. The result? An almost universal deficiency in boron among men.

Even though boron might be the mineral you have heard the least about, it is
one of the most interesting. Only about 0.001% of the Earth’s crust is made up of
boron, and it arrived here as emitted particles and meteorites from the big bang.
Boron is not considered an essential mineral necessary for human survival, but
it does pack a punch in terms of health benefits:

◆ Increases free testosterone levels (28%)

◆ Increases DHT levels (10%)

◆ Decreases estrogen levels (-39%)

◆ Has anti-inflammatory properties

When it comes to supplements for athletes, boron supplementation covers

almost all the bases and is a crazy cheap product for all the effects it offers. It
has been shown to be fairly safe, and you have to go beyond 25 mg per day to
start experiencing any toxicity from it. Most supplements on the market come in
a dosage of 3 mg per day. We recommend a dosage of 10 mg per day as this is
what was used in most studies related to men’s health. Along with boron
supplements, you can also increase your boron intake a bit by including more of
the following foods in your diet:

◆ Raisins & Grapes

◆ Gelatin

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◆ Prunes
◆ Apricots
◆ Dates
◆ Avocados
◆ Nuts
◆ Honey

If you want to get your boron from a supplement, you might want to take a look
at calcium fructopyranose borate—arguably the best option on the modern

Calcium Fructopyranose Borate Basics

Calcium fructopyranose borate (CFB) is a form of boron that the human body
can use for its needs. It’s a chemical compound naturally occurring in plants,
including certain fruit and vegetables.

Calcium fructopyranose borate is also known as calcium fructoborate, or organic

boron. Regarding its use as a supplement, it’s relatively new and is usually taken
before a workout to boost testosterone.

But, as experts have discovered, the mineral isn’t just for boosting male
hormone levels. Boron offers so much more for our health, especially when
taken in this form.

Benefits of Calcium Fructoborate

Raise Testosterone Levels

As we’ve mentioned, calcium fructoborate is often used to increase testosterone
levels. But, just to be clear, it doesn’t directly cause any increase in one’s
testosterone. Instead, it lowers sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels.

With lower SHBG, the body gets to have more free (thus bioavailable)
testosterone in the bloodstream. As you should know by now, free testosterone
binds to androgen receptors, which in turn leads to masculinizing effects.

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Prevent Bone Demineralization
Research has shown that individuals with adequate intake of boron experience
less bone mineral loss. A clinical study monitored the urine of test subjects for
the presence of bone minerals. It was discovered that increased boron
supplementation leads to lower levels of bone minerals in the urine.

Bone demineralization mostly happens due to aging, nutrient deficiencies, or

diseases like osteomalacia. This could eventually lead to tooth decay,
osteoporosis, and higher risk for bone fractures.

Relieve Joint Discomfort

Calcium fructopyranose borate has also been found to relieve joint pain associated
with osteoarthritis. Human test subjects reported an improvement from knee
discomfort with just two weeks of CFB supplementation. Furthermore, initial
research using rats shows that symptoms from rheumatoid arthritis are managed
better through supplementation with calcium fructoborate.

Improve Vitamin D Absorption

It’s not only through testosterone that calcium fructoborate can improve your
physique. It also helps your body process vitamin D, which promotes muscle
growth and increases muscle strength.

Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the risk for multiple sclerosis and boost the
body’s resistance to viral infections.

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Furthermore, research had found out that there’s a link between vitamin D
deficiency and a higher likelihood of anxiety and depression.

Improved Blood Markers

Aside from boosting your levels of free testosterone, keeping your bones
healthy, and improving your vitamin D absorption, calcium fructoborate has also
been found to improve blood markers, particularly those that determine
cardiovascular health.

According to several studies, supplementing with calcium fructoborate resulted

in a significant reduction of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), glucose, and
triglycerides – all of which, at high levels, contribute to the development of
various illnesses besides cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, this supplement also increases the levels of high-density

lipoprotein in the bloodstream. This type of lipoprotein (also known as the
"good" cholesterol) keeps your blood vessels healthy and prevents
atherosclerosis that could further trigger strokes or heart attacks.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Calcium fructoborate can help prevent or minimize inflammation.

Naturally, scientists are looking at this supplement as a viable preventive and

therapeutic measure for cancer and other inflammatory diseases. Initial
research suggests favorable effects on certain cancer cells and individuals
suffering from angina.

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Discussing the Side Effects

Research regarding the use of calcium fructoborate is relatively new and short-
term. Most of the studies that saw the benefits of supplementation with this
compound featured a follow-up period of up to six months, which isn't a lot in
terms of scientific evidence.

Therefore, caution is suggested when using these supplements long-term.

Furthermore, just as with any other supplement or performance enhancer, care
and self-awareness must be properly exercised so be sure to keep these in mind:

◆ Taking more than 20 mg of daily supplementation (not necessarily at

once) could harm male reproductive capability.

◆ Take boron supplements at the effective dose as it can be toxic in high

doses. Signs of poisoning include convulsions, weakness, headaches,
diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes and redness, and irritability.

◆ Boron intake may alleviate thyroid disease, although too much has been
associated with increased goiter risk.

◆ Don’t take the supplement if you have problems with kidney function.

◆ If you’re already getting lots of calcium from other sources, you might end
up developing constipation.

◆ Excessive calcium intake may also cause hypercalcemia. This could trigger
such symptoms as rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and nerve-related problems.

◆ Calcium may limit the effectiveness of certain non-steroidal anti-

inflammatory drugs (sometimes referred to as over-the-counter
painkillers) including ibuprofen.

A Simple RecommendaUon

Calcium fructopyranose borate naturally occurs in almonds, raisins, walnuts,

lentils, dates, red kidney beans, and peanuts. But you can also easily get this
mineral through supplementation.

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Regardless of which supplement you’ll eventually pick though, don’t forget to
follow the intake guidelines (scoop per dose or serving) on the label and to check
for any contraindications. That way, you’ll be perfectly safe as you reap the
benefits offered by calcium fructopyranose borate.

Key Takeaways

▪ Boron is one of the best minerals to boost testosterone levels. Sadly, it’s
hard to get your share of this mineral from dietary sources alone. Initially,
boron was naturally present in the Earth’s soil, but modern farming
practices are gradually depleting it of this valuable nutrient.

▪ Boron health benefits include higher free testosterone (through lower SHBG)
and DHT levels, decreased estrogen levels. Boron also has anti-inflammatory
properties and it significantly improves vitamin D absorption.

▪ The best boron supplement is calcium fructopyranose borate (CFB).

▪ We recommend a daily dose of 10 mg of boron, and never more than 20

mg per day to avoid side effects.

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Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin which has powerful antioxidant properties. It

comes in eight forms, namely: alpha-, beta-, delta- and gamma-tocotrienol and
alpha-, beta-, delta- and gamma-tocopherol.

The benefits of vitamin E intake have been established decades ago. But what
exactly can you expect from it?

Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Fights Free Radicals

Free radicals can damage the body’s healthy cells, contributing to the
development of many health issues like premature skin aging, Alzheimer’s
disease, and cardiovascular disorders. Vitamin E is an antioxidant so it fights off
free radicals, corrects skin pigmentation, and enhances immunity.

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Reduces Cardiovascular Risks
According to an interesting study, increased intake of antioxidants, primarily
Vitamin E, is associated with a lower risk of coronary disease.

Vitamin E not only promotes health on a cellular level; it also keeps cholesterol
levels in check. This means that it can decrease your risk of developing heart

Promotes Hair Growth

As we age, our hair becomes more prone to breaking and falling out. The scalp
also loses its moisture and gets more vulnerable to external factors like the sun,
wind, and temperature in general. Vitamin E repairs damaged hair follicles and
tissues. It prevents hair from getting thinner and falling out, if the cause is
nutritional deficiency. Aside from that, it retains your scalp’s natural moisture
and stimulates blood circulation.

Muscle Building
Free radicals, the substances that antioxidants fight, are formed in huge amounts
during and after physical exercise. Free radicals wreak havoc on muscle cells,
damaging them and slowing down recovery. They can even stimulate the
production of cytokines, substances that trigger inflammation and inhibit the action
of growth hormones which are responsible for muscle development.

Boosts Testosterone
Back in the 30s, vitamin E was identified as an antiestrogenic compound and

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generally used for treating blood clots, infertility, diabetes, and connective tissue

A study had suggested that Vitamin E deficiency can reduce testosterone levels.
Here’s how it works.

Lipid peroxidation happens activates the stress hormone cortisol which, as you
already know, drives down testosterone levels. Vitamin E protects the body from
lipid peroxidation, hence indirectly increases testosterone.

Also, when vitamin E is taken together with selenium, it helps improve sperm
activity and increase sperm count.

Vitamin E Deficiency

Although vitamin E deficiency is rare, it’s still best for you to know what
the signs are, just to be safe:

◆ Speech problems

◆ Muscular weakness

◆ Poor nerve function

◆ Changes in eyesight, often cause by retina damage

◆ Dry skin

◆ Reproductive issues

◆ Hemolytic anemia

Recommended Vitamin E Intake

According to the official Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) from the Food and
Nutrition Board (FNB), vitamin E intake for adults must be 30 IU or about 15-20
mg of alpha-tocopherols.

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Foods Rich in Vitamin E

To meet your daily vitamin E goals, focus on the following products:

◆ Avocado

◆ Palm, olive, and fish oil

◆ Sweet Potato

◆ Almonds

Vitamin E: The FerUlity Nutrient

If you were to bring only one supplement with you to a deserted island, Vitamin
E would be a pretty good choice. However, if this deserted island was free of
foods containing PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids), then it is likely you might
not even need it in the first place.

More and more research is pointing towards PUFAs being a problematic part of
the modern diet. They can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and foods
derived from animals that are raised eating mostly PUFAs (soy, grains, etc.).

PUFAs build up in tissues where they over time start to oxidize since they are
less stable than their saturated counterparts (saturated fatty acids such as those
contained in animal foods like beef, butter, cream, milk, cheese but also palm oil,
coconut oil, etc.).

When PUFAs oxidize, they cause oxidative stress in cells and tissues which
produce free radicals that trigger inflammation in our body. It is from this
inflammatory state that many chronic diseases later develop.

Inflammation increases circulating stress hormones in our body and speeds up

the aging process. The stress hormone cortisol has a dualistic relationship with
the androgen testosterone, where if one increases the other one decreases.

Stress and inflammation can result in low testosterone levels which eventually
will make you infertile and impotent.

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One of the mechanisms whereby Vitamin E increases fertility is by protecting the
body from oxidizing (rancid) PUFAs in our tissues and prevents it from disrupting
hormonal balance.

Vitamin E is also a potent aromatase inhibitor that lowers estrogen levels in the
body. Estrogen dominance (estrogen excess) in both men and women will cause
infertility as well as a wide array of other potential problems such as chronic
fatigue, inflammation, sexual dysfunction, hair loss, depression, and obesity.

All in all, Vitamin E is something the majority can benefit from supplementing as
we rarely get enough of it from the foods we eat. It’s one of our most frequently
recommended supplements here at Anabolic Health.

Although the recommended daily intake for vitamin E is 30 IU, higher doses are
needed to treat existing health issues. 200-400 IU daily of Vitamin E is a suitable
maintenance dosage, but up to 1500 IU can be useful for treating certain
conditions such as gyno, erectile dysfunction, and estrogen dominance. It can
even help increase fertility in men who have done a varicocelectomy.

Make sure your vitamin E supplement is derived from natural sources and
contains no soy oil, as well as includes a full spectrum of tocopherols isomers
alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.

Supplementing with only single tocopherols such as alpha will deplete the other
isomers, causing more harm than good in the long run.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Vitamin E is a highly versatile fat-soluble vitamin. It’s essential for a wide

range of processes in the body, from fighting free radicals to supporting
hormonal health.

▪ Vitamin E intake for adults must be 30 IU or about 15-20 mg of alpha-

tocopherols. Higher doses are needed to treat existing health issues.
200-400 IU daily of Vitamin E is a suitable maintenance dosage, but up to
1500 IU can be useful for treating certain conditions such as gyno, erectile
dysfunction, and estrogen dominance.

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Myostatin is a molecule produced by the myokines, which are proteins released

by the muscle cells to regulate muscle mass. Its opposite, on the other hand, is
follistatin, the myokine that indirectly promotes muscle growth by blocking the
signals that activate myostatin.

Unlike other compounds in supplements which aim to inhibit the effects of

myostatin activities, epicatechin is the only compound that was scientifically
studied for its effects in humans.

Epicatechin is a class of flavanoids, a plant pigment which is known for its low
toxicity. High amounts of epicathechin are present in cocoa, grapes and tea.

Consuming some of these foods in large amounts may of course give you some
of the health benefits of epicatechin. But for the purposes of promoting muscle
growth, daily epicatechin supplementation may help you retain and increase
muscle mass much more efficiently.

Key Takeaways

▪ Myostatin is a molecule that inhibits muscle growth.

▪ Epicatechin is the only compound that was scientifically confirmed to

inhibit myostatin, and thus enhance muscle growth.

▪ High amounts of epicathechin are present in cocoa, grapes and tea.

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Carnitine is a popular supplement that has been making its rounds through
most gyms in the past few years in the form of carnitine shots or energy shots.
Advertised as a premier fat loss supplement, as you’ll find out in this chapter, the
science behind carnitine stretches much further than that.

CarniUne Foods for Bodybuilding

Carnitine is an amino acid derivative found in most animal products and meats.
During the golden era of bodybuilding, infamous ”The Iron Guru” Vince Gironda
(Arnold Schwarzenegger’s trainer), was a public advocate of diets high in animal
products such as eggs, butter and steak. His famous Steak & Eggs diet or also
called Maximum Definition diet consisted of nothing but, yes you guessed it,
steaks and eggs.

It is a highly effective diet for weight loss and body recomposition, specifically
used as a 2-4 week prep leading up to shows to bring out a definition and rid
excess water. Much of the diets positive effects can be attributed to the carnitine
contents of animal products, as well as it’s content of another popular weight
loss supplement, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) fatty acids.

Before fats are turned into energy they have to be transported into the
mitochondria, which is the cells furnace that converts fats into energy for the
cell. Carnitine helps shuttle fats around the body thereby reducing fat storage. It
also makes it the ideal supplement for athletes following a low carb or ketogenic
diet, who get most of their energy from fats.

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Carnitine’s benefits in the body are widespread and diverse, including:

◆ Improved energy output

◆ Improved fat burning capabilities

◆ Enhanced respiratory and circulatory function

◆ Cell repair and protection

◆ Improved sense of well-being

◆ Increased sperm potency

Something interesting for all you lifters out there is that Carnitine has also been
linked to a decrease in the breakdown of cells in the body. In other words, it can
enhance the internal repair of muscle tissues after exercise, which is ideal for
rest and recovery.

Key Takeaways

▪ Carnitine is an amino acid derivative found in most animal products and


▪ Eating regimes like the ”Steak and Eggs” diet created by the bodybuilding
legend Vince Gironda are largely based on the action of carnitine present
in the allowed foods.

▪ Carnitine transports fats into the mitochondria, where they can be burned
for energy. This reduces the body’s overall fat percentage, as well as
enhances energy levels.

▪ In general, carnitine also promotes regeneration, enhances cardiovascular

function, and increases sperm quality.

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When it comes to supplements, few of them have actually been proven to be effective
for anyone who takes them. Both your general health and your genes can affect how
different supplements may or may not benefit you. However, NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine)
is one of the few supplements that indeed works for just about anyone.

NAC is a particular form of the essential amino acid cysteine and is most
commonly used in emergency rooms as an acute antidote for people who
overdose on different pharmaceuticals such as acetaminophen. NAC helps the
liver to break down and get rid of the substance, effectively saving people's life
in the process. It can do this because it acts as a potent antioxidant since it
increases the levels of the body’s own master antioxidant glutathione, which
happens to be a very powerful detoxifier.

In research, NAC has been shown to also elicit an antioxidant effect inside the
testes, effectively boosting testosterone production by increasing FSH and LH
signaling hormones. It also improves sperm quality making it an ideal choice as
a supplement to improve reproductive health.

Key Takeaways

▪ N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is one of those rare supplements that work for

everyone without exceptions.

▪ NAC is a form of the essential amino acid cysteine. In terms of function,

NAC increases the body’s production of glutathione, its master antioxidant
and detoxifier.

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▪ Thanks to this antioxidative support, NAC reduces oxidative stress in the testes
and thus may enhance testosterone production and increase sperm quality.

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The world’s favorite and most consumed beverage, coffee, might have more
benefits than just promoting wakefulness. Some studies suggested that caffeine
may also boost testosterone levels, making it even more suitable for use as a
pre-workout supplement. However, keep in mind that when it comes to
stimulants such as caffeine, more is not always better. Too much will raise the
catabolic stress hormone cortisol which inhibits muscle growth. Keep
consumption to around 200-300 mg per day maximum. Just so you know, here’s
the average caffeine content in different types of coffee drinks:

◆ Cold brew coffee (12 oz cup) - 153-238 mg

◆ Brewed coffee (8 oz cup) - about 95 mg

◆ Espresso (1 shot, 1 oz) - 63 mg

◆ Instant coffee (8 oz cup) - 62 mg

◆ Decaffeinated coffee (8 oz cup) - about 2 mg

While there is nothing fundamentally bad about caffeine (it’s a fantastic

metabolic booster), if your intake of it is high without an adequate intake of
fluids and food, you might be dehydrating your body and starving it of energy
(which equals running high on stress hormones).

Caffeine should be viewed as a booster, just make sure you have adequate fuel
beforehand to support it (consume 1-3 liters of fluids daily and salt food
according to taste, do not restrict calorie intake).

Also, for some men, a high caffeine intake might make your sperm slightly bitter
tasting. Just so you know.

As a pleasant bonus besides its testosterone-boosting properties, caffeine is a

powerful ergogenic substance, meaning that it significantly increases physical

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Key Takeaways

▪ Caffeine is a great metabolic booster that has been scientifically confirmed

to enhance testosterone levels and boost physical performance (that’s why
it’s included in many pre-workout blends).

▪ Ideally, keep your intake under 200-300 mg of caffeine per day, which
equals to about three 8-ounce cups of brewed coffee (95 mg of caffeine
each). Going over that limit may increase the body’s cortisol levels, and
cortisol has an antagonist relationship with testosterone.

▪ Make sure to drink plenty of water, as caffeine has a dehydrating action.

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No matter how eager you are about improving your health and physique, you
might want to think twice before taking shilajit powder. After all, it looks like dirt
– and with its origins still unclear even to experts, it could be just that.

Being the logic-driven person that you are though, you’ll still ask one important
question before skipping this particular dietary supplement: does it really offer
any health benefits? Well, as it turns out, shilajit extract can help you in many
exciting ways.

Understanding the Mystery

Black shilajit resin (aka mineral pitch) isn’t something developed in a lab. It’s
actually a viscous tar-like substance found in the Himalayan mountains. Despite

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being new to the rest of the world, those in Russia, China, and India have known
about it for centuries.

While practitioners of traditional medicine (such as Ayurveda) are fully aware of

shilajit’s uses and potency, today’s scientific experts are the ones who finally
managed to evaluate the substance’s composition.

Practitioners found out that Shilajit has more than 85 minerals in ionic form.
They also discovered that it contains humic acid, fulvic acid, and other rare
beneficial compounds.

With these details alone, it isn’t hard to understand why the resin has grabbed
the attention of both the scientific community and the health-conscious crowd.

SupplementaUon Science

What exactly does shilajit powder or extract do though? For one, given its
mineral (and trace mineral) content, it should be able to keep you further away
from micronutrient deficiency, a problem that can affect all aspects of the body,
even hormone production and balance.

Erectile dysfunction, for example, can stem from zinc deficiency (keep in mind
that this mineral is crucial for keeping testosterone at sufficient levels). Likewise,
injuries become much more likely when there isn’t enough calcium, mainly since
bone loss occurs at a faster pace.

Of course, getting micronutrients through other means is possible. If you’d

choose to solely rely on food though, there’s a big chance that you won’t get
enough minerals – unless you’re capable of following a highly specialized meal
plan that prioritizes food variety.

On Reinforced Immunity

Aside from having the capacity to keep micronutrient deficiency at bay,

Himalayan shilajit can strengthen your immunity. The humic acid present in this

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substance exhibits strong complement-fixing activity, meaning it specifically
enhances your antibodies.

As you’d expect, this supplement sourced from the Himalayas reinforces your
immune system through other means – and yes, we’re going to talk about
micronutrients again. Iron, one of the minerals found in shilajit, makes sure that
phagocytes achieve optimal bactericidal capacity.

Zinc, on the other hand, plays an important role in ensuring the development
and proper function of immune cells, including natural killer (NK) cells. If your
army of NK cells doesn’t work as well as it should, you become more susceptible
to viral infections.

Vitamins B6 and B12, micronutrients also found in pure shilajit, are considered
vital to the immune system. Simply put, if you fail to supply your body with
sufficient amounts of these vitamins, you won’t be able to produce enough
immune cells to protect yourself from bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

If you’ve been having problems with urinary tract infection (UTI), you will definitely
appreciate the substance’s immune-boosting effects – especially once you realize
that erectile dysfunction and UTI are linked, and often diagnosed together.

Keeping the Mind Sharp

While having strong immunity will keep you safe from many diseases, it won’t be
able to prevent Alzheimer’s. Fortunately, since shilajit contains fulvic acid, it can
protect you from one of the most damaging neurodegenerative diseases.

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If you’re not that familiar with the disease, just consider the fact that those who
have it mostly end up getting dementia – a group of symptoms that gradually
(yet severely) decreases one's cognitive functions including memory, attention,
concentration, and ability to learn. In general, Alzheimer’s damaging effects
result from tau protein buildup.

The presence of fulvic acid prevents the said protein from accumulating, limiting
the disease’s impact on one's brain function. What’s more interesting is that
existing masses of tau protein get disassembled, hinting at the possibility of
reversing cognitive decline.

Antioxidative Function
At this point, you might be thinking of trying this multipurpose remedy from the
practitioners of Ayurveda. Shilajit does offer more benefits than the usual herbs
and supplements, but one thing seems to be missing: the capacity to fight off
free radicals (which tend to accumulate during exercise).

Well, you don’t have to worry about that since shilajit extract powder has been
found to fight off five different types of free radicals. This translates to increased
protection from cellular damage, inflammation, heart disease, and various cancers.

It’s also important to note that taking antioxidants can effectively improve sperm

On the Right Dosages

Now that we’ve discussed the health benefits of shilajit, it’s about time that we
tackled the issue of dosing. But the truth is that there’s no generally accepted
shilajit dosage for the time being, which isn’t surprising since medical experts
are just beginning to appreciate the substance’s potential.

Therefore, the safest approach would be to follow what’s written on the label of
your chosen shilajit medicine product. If you would opt to buy shilajit in extract
powder form, there’s a big chance that you’ll have to take up to a gram daily.

You might notice though, that using shilajit capsules requires much larger doses
(500 milligrams taken once or twice each day). Taking a small piece of raw shilajit

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is also an option, but it’s something accessible only to those willing to climb the
Himalayan Mountains.

There’s no need to search for organic shilajit since, again, it’s not something
grown or cultivated. Still, you have to make sure that you’re getting real shilajit,
meaning not all commercial forms of this ancient supplement are of the same
purity or quality.

Whether you ultimately choose to take shilajit powder or any of the substance’s
other forms, you’ll surely appreciate the lack of side effects. Nonetheless, for the
sake of safety, if you notice something unusual after starting your new
supplementation regimen, visit your doctor right away.

Key Takeaways

▪ Black shilajit resin (aka mineral pitch) is a viscous tar-like substance found
in the Himalayan mountains. It packs over 85 minerals in ionic form, as
well as fulvic acid, humic acid, and other rare compounds.

▪ Taking shilajit may be great to prevent micronutrient deficiency, enhance

immunity, support cognitive power, and fight free radicals.

▪ Reduced oxidative stress in the testes leads to improved sperm quality

and better testosterone production.

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Phosphatidylserine (PS) has been gaining more attention among scientists and
manufacturers over the years, and for lots of good reasons. One of its many
benefits is a tremendous potential in countering certain mental disorders and

PS is neither a new discovery, nor product. But you will be pleasantly surprised
about what it is and what it can offer you.

What Is PhosphaUdylserine?

PS is a chemical found in the body, particularly in cell membranes of most

species. In humans, half of the phosphatidylserine in the body is located in the

Other notable parts of the body where this chemical has been found

◆ Testes

◆ Skeletal muscle

◆ Liver

◆ Lungs

◆ Heart

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The body produces this chemical, so you might be wondering: If the body
already makes it for itself, why is there any need to take a PS supplement?

Cow brains (bovine cortex), soy, and cabbage, are all consumed as sources of
phosphatidylserine. Recently, sunflowers are also sought after for the
production of PS supplements.

You can also get phosphatidylserine from such foods as:

◆ Potatoes

◆ Carrots

◆ White Beans

◆ Anchovy

◆ Soft-shell Clam

◆ Trout

◆ European Sardine

◆ Cuttlefish

◆ Crayfish

◆ Tuna

◆ Eel

◆ Atlantic Cod

◆ Atlantic Herring

◆ Atlantic Mackerel

◆ Pork

◆ Beef

◆ Veal

◆ Mullet

◆ Turkey Legs and Breasts

◆ Pig Liver, Kidneys and Spleen

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◆ Chicken Legs, Liver, Breasts and Heart

The beauty of supplementation is that you don't have to deal with complicated
meal preparation to get your desired amount of phosphatidylserine.
Nevertheless, it is still better to combine a healthy diet and proper

PS supplements are primarily used as nootropics and to aid in stress reduction

and brain function, particularly short-term and long-term memory.

What Are the Benefits of Taking PhosphaUdylserine


Several studies have established the value of PS in improving cognitive function.

However, the benefits of taking PS supplements are not limited to improving
mental function alone. After all, the chemical is not only found in and produced
for the brain. Below are some of the other unique benefits of taking PS

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Alleviates Some Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease
An Alzheimer patient may rely on PS supplements for a bit of relief.

PS supplements may be beneficial for patients with mild cases of Alzheimer's

and dementia. It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks of treatment and supplementation
before the patient can feel a significant improvement in symptoms.

PS supplements only work on the symptoms of early Alzheimer though.

Researchers are still looking for an overall treatment for Alzheimer disease.

Nevertheless, the relief that PS supplements can provide is better than letting
Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia gradually take over one's life.

Improves Memory and Problem-Solving Skills

As a smart drug, one of the benefits of taking PS supplements is improvements
in memory function. This makes it especially suitable for students, as well as
older adults, who are more likely to suffer from memory impairment.

This nootropic also helps you to think and act faster when you encounter stress,
be it work-related or not. So, if you are either a student, or an elderly, taking this
supplement can be very advantageous for you.

Prevents Cognitive Decline

As a part of cell membranes and especially in brain cells, PS is recognized for its
role in facilitating faster and more efficient cell-to-cell communication.
Sustaining effective cellular communication is key to preventing age-related
cognitive decline and short-term memory loss.

With age comes the increased chance of developing age-related, age-associated

memory impairment. However, whether you are in your twenties or thirties, you
too can suffer from short-term memory impairment, every now and then.

Enhances Concentration
People with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can hardly get things
done. The primary reason is their inability to concentrate on one task for a
significant time.

Without having AHDH, there might also be times when you wanted to finish
tasks but was unable to because of lack of focus.

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With improved memory and analytical skills, thanks to supplementing with PS,
staying focused becomes less of a challenge.

You may say that PS enables you to be able to think of a solution right away
instead of avoiding the problem at hand and continue procrastinating.

Prevents Stress
Cortisol, one of the body’s primary stress hormones, is produced whenever your
brain sends a signal that there is a challenge or threat nearby. This hormone
then helps power you to formulate a way to face or avoid the danger.

Therefore, stress is an integral part of living and a stress response is not

something you would want to be without. Otherwise, how are you supposed to
respond to a dangerous situation?

However, prolonged stress causes high cortisol levels which can be a very
serious health concern.

There are plenty of ways to lower cortisol levels, one of which is taking a PS

In one study, PS dietary supplements were found to be effective in preventing

excessive physical stress. This type of stress is often caused by chronic stress,
overtraining, or any other kind of excessive physical activity.

Boosts Testosterone
In the research study mentioned above, the researchers were able to conclude
that PS supplements can also increase testosterone levels of men who consume
it. So, if you want to enhance your testosterone levels naturally as well as get rid
of stress, go for foods and supplements rich in phosphatidylserine.

Below are some of the advantages of high testosterone levels:

◆ Increased sex drive

◆ More energy

◆ Lower LDL (bad) cholesterol

◆ A healthier heart

◆ A sense of well-being and calmness

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◆ Weight loss

What Are the Possible PhosphaUdylserine Side Effects?

So far, the potential reported side effects of taking PS supplements are mild
stomachaches. Those who take more than 300 mg a day are likely to have to
deal with such effects.

There are currently no studies that can prove that PS supplements made from
cow brains can transfer infections and diseases. However, it is still a good idea to
avoid bovine-made supplements for your own safety.

Why Should You Choose a Soy-Free PhosphaUdylserine


Cow brains were once used for the production of PS supplements. However, the
fear of mad cow disease prompted manufacturers to resort to soy lecithin

Unfortunately, taking PS supplements made from soy can potentially affect your
testosterone levels and lower them, since soy is rich in phytoestrogens (plant-
derived female sex hormones). To avoid this adverse effect, you should choose a
product that is soy-free (and bovine-free) such as one derived from sunflower

What Is the Right PS Dosage?

The proper phosphatidylserine dosage is dependent on many factors like your

reason for supplementing, as well as your general health.

For athletes and men, taking a daily dose of 600 mg is enough to prevent high
cortisol levels and increase your testosterone levels.

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What's great about soy-free PS supplements is that they can help prevent
estrogen dominance, allowing you to maintain appropriate levels of
testosterone in your body and prevent stress from disrupting them. Soy is a rich
source of phytoestrogens, substances that mimic the action of estrogen in the
body. So if you're looking for PS supplements and you want to maintain your
testosterone levels at high levels, opt for the soy-free kind.

Key Takeaways

▪ Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a compound that’s naturally present in the cell

membranes of your body. Half of all your PS is located in the brain, and
there’s quite a bit of it in the testes.

▪ Healthy levels of PS are essential for cognitive function, preventing

neurodegenerative disorders (like Alzheimer’s disease), supporting focus,
alleviating stress, and promoting testosterone production.

▪ Sunflower lecithin is by far the best kind of PS supplement.

▪ For athletes and men, a daily dose of 600 mg is recommended.

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DIM stands for Diindolylmethane, a unique substance that can improve your
testosterone in several different ways.

But how exactly does di-indolyl methane (yes, it can be written that way too), or
DIM, increase the availability of free testosterone in the bloodstream? The
chemical compound actually works on estrogen metabolism.

Whenever the body’s estrogen levels rise, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
is produced in higher amounts. Estrogen binds to SHBG, losing the ability to
wreak havoc on the male system. The problem with this, however, is that
testosterone also gets bound by SHBG.

Instead of achieving hormonal balance, problems emerge given the lack of

unbound testosterone in the bloodstream.

In the presence of DIM, estrogen metabolism shifts away from mostly creating
metabolites with strong estrogenic effects, to the production of weaker

DIM prevents the female hormone estrogen from having too much of an impact
on your body.

This effect of DIM can be very beneficial, especially if you have excessive
aromatase activity and you’re not taking any aromatase inhibitor at the moment.
Keep in mind that aromatase converts testosterone to estradiol, the most potent
form of estrogen, cranking up the female hormone levels in your body.

DIM’s impact on the metabolism of estrogen provides another benefit, since its
effect can increase the levels of "good estrogen". 2-hydroxy estrogen

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metabolites have the ability to free bound testosterone, taking its place instead
(through an estrogen receptor).

Of course, this leads to an increase in available testosterone, meaning the

hormone’s effects will become much more visible. You won’t have to worry as
much about muscle loss, and getting ripped should become even easier with
testosterones ability to ramp up protein synthesis.

Not Just for a Beder Physique

Improving your hormonal balance by taking DIM isn’t merely about getting a
better-looking body. It comes with other remarkable perks, such as having
improved prostate health – even preventing prostate cancer cells from growing
further and causing more damage.

Your chances of suffering from prostate enlargement (a typical problem related

to aging), can also be reduced with the help of DIM.

DIM, by facilitating the conversion of bad estrogen into good estrogen, cuts the
production of prostate-specific antigen protein (PSA).

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To be perfectly clear, it is estradiol or bad estrogen that triggers the secretion of
prostate-specific antigen in the prostate. It’s that buildup of antigen that’s often
associated with prostatic growth, and the increase is even used as an indicator
of prostate cancer risk.

Another benefit comes from the fact that good estrogen serves multiple roles in
the human body. These 2-hydroxy estrogen metabolites (such as 2-hydroxy
estrone and 2-hydroxy estradiol) function as antioxidants, meaning they can
protect you from other kinds of cancer.

In the context of bodybuilding, fighting off free radicals is vital. After all, working
out triggers the production of these dangerous radicals, making you a lot more
susceptible to diseases associated with DNA damage – and don’t forget that free
radicals make you more easily fatigued, as well.

If you’re wondering how effective these estrogen metabolites are in disabling

free radicals, well, just consider the fact that some of them are even more
potent than tocopherol (a vitamin E compound). And unlike the popular
antioxidant, higher levels of good estrogen won’t increase your likelihood of
developing prostate cancer.

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Possible DIM Downsides

Given how scientific understanding is always evolving, it isn’t surprising that

some experts are beginning to question the need for DIM supplementation. A
2016 study, for example, has shown that the chemical compound could
negatively affect sperm quality.

It was also discovered in the same study that DIM intake can trigger an increase
in oxidative stress, particularly in the testicles – partially explaining how sperm
quality suffers. There’s also the possibility of suffering from reductions in
testicular size.

Keep in mind though, that these side effects seem dose dependent, meaning
they will only be a problem if you take in too much DIM. Unfortunately, there’s
no established safe amount for DIM intake – which is why sticking to eating
cruciferous vegetables or only low-dose capsules if you have a confirmed
estrogen problem, might be the best course of action.

Aside from being associated with oxidative stress and testicular troubles, the
chemical compound has been found to prevent dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from
effectively serving its function. While not as important as testosterone in muscle
development, DHT does enhance protein synthesis and libido.

Taking DIM as a supplement may also cause you to have darker urine and
increased bowel frequency. Suffering from migraine and gas isn’t unlikely as well
– but then again, minor side effects such as these don’t always manifest at the
same extent (you might not even notice them).

Even after learning about the potential risks, many still decide to take the
estrogen blocker since the estrogen problem outweighs the risks of DIM
supplements. Again, many of those risks are dose-dependent.

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Three Ways to Consume DIM

If you’re among those eager to continue, you’ll have to consider that there are
three choices available to you – eating cruciferous vegetables, taking DIM
supplements, and supplementing with I3C. Obviously, each of these options
come with their own pros and cons.

Let’s start with eating veggies, which is arguably the safest choice. By going this
route, you won’t have to worry about getting too much DIM that your DHT
balance gets ruined – and it’s also unlikely to affect testicular function.

Unfortunately, that safety is a double-edged sword. Although you won’t be

putting yourself at any realistic risk, you’ll find it harder to benefit from DIM’s
capacity to convert harmful oestrogens into their health-boosting counterparts.

To get enough DIM from food, you’ll need to eat at least two pounds of
cruciferous vegetables daily. That’s quite a lot, but probably not as much as
you’d think – a head of cabbage that weighs a pound, for example, yields just
four cups of shredded cabbage.

Moving on, let’s talk about DIM supplements. As we’ve said, these are highly
recommended and quite popular, mainly since they’re more convenient to take
and don’t cost much – it’s safe to say that they’re even cheaper than vegetables.

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The problem with these supplements, however, lies in the amount of DIM they
contain. You’ll easily find capsules that contain several hundred milligrams of the
chemical compound, even though 60 milligrams should be more than sufficient.

It’s also common for these supplements to have other components that could
either improve your current nutrition, or get you close to surpassing the daily
limit of certain nutrients. That being said, it is important to carefully check your
chosen product against your existing supplementation regimen.

Lastly, there's I3C supplement, which is ultimately broken down in the gut to
release biologically active DIM. You might be wondering why anyone would take
this instead of directly supplementing with DIM – aside from better dosage
control, there’s not much to gain from it.

A Few More Things About DIM

Choosing a good supplement or eating several pounds of cabbage daily will

allow you tap into DIM’s beneficial effects. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll get
to maximize your newfound testosterone booster – to enjoy its full potential,
you should also get enough calcium D-glucarate and omega fatty acids.

Calcium D-glucarate, aside from being an excellent detoxifier, helps accelerate

estrogen metabolism. As for omega fatty acids, you’ll need them to optimally
process (and digest) DIM – the chemical compound is fat-soluble, highlighting
the need for a carrier in the blood.

Keep in mind that taking omega fatty acids any time of the day won’t cut it. You
must take them together with your chosen DIM supplement, ideally during high-
fat meals – and that applies even if you decide to take I3C capsules or eat
cruciferous veggies.

Overall, while taking DIM for men can be beneficial, it isn’t the perfect
testosterone-raising supplement many believe it to be. While it might increase
your free testosterone and protect you from certain disease, you’ll still have to
think about how it works in relation to what you really need.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Diindolylmethane (DIM) improves estrogen profile by shifting the estrogen

metabolism from creating stronger estrogens to weaker ones, thus
limiting the estrogenic burden on your body.

▪ Additionally, DIM increases the levels of 2-hydroxy-estrogen, a ”good” kind

of estrogen that frees SHBG-bound testosterone and takes its place.
That’s how DIM boosts free testosterone levels.

▪ Additional benefits of taking DIM include prostate cancer prevention and

prostate enlargement treatment.

▪ Side effects include a possible decrease in sperm quality and DHT


▪ The three major ways to enjoy the perks of DIM include eating cruciferous
vegetables, taking DIM supplements, and supplementing with I3C.

▪ For better effects, combine DIM with calcium D-glucarate and omega fatty

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The sex hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the most well-

documented supplements for erectile dysfunction (ED). Normally, DHEA is produced
in the adrenal glands and the testes, even though both men and women produce it.

In addition, DHEA production peaks early in life and begins declining as we reach
adulthood. By age 60, it is believed that body produces only 10-20% as much
DHEA as at it does at the age of 20.

Dietary supplements that contain DHEA (which are also erectile dysfunction
supplements) are produced from soy and wild yam, and they are metabolized into
testosterone and estrogen in the body. As we all know, testosterone and estrogen
are potent sex hormones. This is why those who are looking for supplements for
erectile dysfunction are advised to look for DHEA-containing supplements. Another
option is to look for supplements that boost testosterone directly.

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, there is clinical evidence that DHEA

supplementation can be helpful.

For instance, a study published in 1999 investigated the correlation between

serum levels of DHEA and the incidence of erectile dysfunction. The results
showed that DHEA supplementation at a dose of 50 mg per day significantly
improves sexual performance and was as effective as other ED supplements.

Note that this applies to those who naturally have low levels of DHEA.
Furthermore, this hormone is also of high importance to those suffering from
adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue symptoms, since erectile dysfunction can
also be caused by one of these health issues.

There are several ways to raise your DHEA levels, improve your overall health
and fight off erectile dysfunction. The good news is that you can choose which
way of supplementation works best for you, since there are both pill-based
treatments and topical creams.

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It is worth noting that topical DHEA is superior because smaller dosage is
needed in order to achieve the optimal effect, in addition to avoiding adverse
effects sometimes more prominent with oral use.

DHEA Dosage

Prior to using any kind of erection supplements, you should consult a physician
or at least do some research on optimal dosage. When it comes to DHEA
dosage, the starting dose should be around 15 mg, taken in one daily dose. You
can then build up the dosage to 50 mg per day, which is what numerous clinical
trials proved to be the most effective daily DHEA dosage.

In addition, you should monitor your DHEA levels while using DHEA
supplements every 3 to 6 weeks. There are blood and saliva-based tests
available. Blood tests are preferable if you use topical hormone creams,
since saliva-based tests can often show higher values when using topical

Benefits of DHEA

Dehydroepiandrosterone is sometimes called the master hormone because it

is turned to hormones like estrogen and testosterone and it gives benefits
such as:

Taking DHEA orally may decrease skin pigmentation and help keep the skin
moisturized, making you look younger.

Boosts Sexual Function

Oral DHEA intake increases libido, helps cure erectile dysfunction, and improve
overall satisfaction from sexual activities. DHEA also helps in producing more
sex hormones.

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Improves Bone Density
DHEA improves bone mineral density and may prevent osteoporosis for both
men and women.

Helps Manage Mental Disorders

DHEA may also help to improve one’s psychological well-being by promoting
mental health.

Builds Muscle Mass

As a steroid hormone, it is given that DHEA decreases body fat that will result to
a lean muscle mass.

Aids in Weight Loss

DHEA is also marketed as a dietary supplement as it stimulates weight loss and
control obesity by raising metabolism.

Treatment for Addison Disease

Adrenal Insufficiency or more commonly known as Addison disease is a rare
condition in which the adrenal gland stops functioning. This requires the intake
of replacement steroid hormones for treatment and the continuous intake of a
DHEA supplement helps with it.

Treatment for Sjogren's Syndrome

Low levels of steroid hormones are linked to the development of Sjogren's Syndrome.
A study using a double-blind placebo-controlled study resulted that DHEA taken
together with other agents may improve the symptoms of this condition.

Other benefits associated with DHEA include:

◆ Improved mood and memory

◆ Strengthened immune system

◆ Provide energy

◆ Reduce the risk of depression

◆ Sense of well-being

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Side Effects of DHEA Supplements

Albeit the numerous health benefits of taking DHEA, you should still be very
careful before starting DHEA supplementations. These are the mild DHEA side
effects that you might experience:

◆ Headache and Fatigue

◆ Insomnia

◆ Congestion

◆ Irregular Periods

◆ Acne

◆ Mood Swings

◆ More facial hair and deeper voice in women

◆ Increased breast tissue and high blood pressure in men

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Risks Correlated With DHEA Intake

You need to study the possible risks of taking DHEA and see what it might do to
your overall health. These are some risks that are worth taking into
consideration before regularly taking DHEA supplements:

Prostate Cancer
It is advisable to take Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Tests before starting on
DHEA because DHEA supplements increases the testosterone level of your body
and might cause the prostate cancer cells in your body to multiply.

There are cancers that are affected by hormones aside from prostate cancer,
such as breast and ovary cancer.

High Doses of DHEA

Taking abnormally high doses of anything is not good, and DHEA is not an
exception. If you have a history of heart disease, liver disease, systemic lupus
erythematosus, or thyroid problems, think twice before taking DHEA. Or even
better, go discuss the matter with an experienced physician.

Situational Risks
DHEA is a precursor hormone that affects the production of other hormones
and it is not advisable for women that are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Key Takeaways

▪ Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the most well-documented

supplements for erectile dysfunction (ED).

▪ As much as 50 mg of DHEA per day significantly improves ED symptoms if

you have low levels of DHEA.

▪ Topical DHEA is a better choice than DHEA supplements due to the

smaller dosage needed to achieve optimal effects.

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▪ If you choose to supplement, start with around 15 mg of DHEA taken in
one daily dose. You can then build up the dosage to 50 mg per day if
needed. Monitor your DHEA levels while using DHEA supplements every 3
to 6 weeks.

▪ Health benefits of optimal DHEA levels include anti-aging effects, strong

libido, improved bone density, enhanced muscle mass, and easier burning
of body fat.

▪ Possible side effects of DHEA supplementation include headache, fatigue,

insomnia, acne, mood swings, and others. To avoid side effects, do not
exceed recommended dosage.

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As you grow old, your body begins to decline. Good thing there are hormone
supplements to restore your vitality, improve cognitive function, boost sex drive,
and increase muscle strength.

Pregnenolone is the precursor to many hormones in the body, meaning that it

serves as material for other hormones. Hormone supplements help increase
hormone production while improving overall health.

Pregnenolone is a chemical that’s naturally produced by the human body.

However, with modern medical technology, this parent steroid hormone can
now be developed in laboratories as well. In the US, people are now using it to
treat certain conditions and as a testosterone supplement.

The body uses pregnenolone to create steroid hormones. In its sulfate, it’s also
an excitatory neurosteroid that stimulates some functions of the brain.

Elderly men, especially those with memory issues like dementia, tend to have
lower blood level of pregnenolone. Some studies are looking into pregnenolone
supplementation in order to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Note that as a precursor hormone, not only does it boost the levels of
male hormone in your bloodstream. It is also needed in the production of
female hormones like estrogens, and other important hormones like

Enhanced Libido and Beder Sex Hormones ProducUon

Being a precursor hormone, pregnenolone increases hormone production in the

male body. Its ability to ensure healthier production of sex hormones, thereby
optimizing DHT and testosterone levels, helps boost sex drive.

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As you age, your natural production of hormones, muscle strength, and bone
density declines. Having a quality supplement can help you slow down aging and
mitigate the effects of low testosterone levels.

Generally, pregnenolone is available in 10 to 30 milligrams. You can take one

capsule in the morning and one in the afternoon. 5 milligrams of this hormone
supplement is usually enough for daily intake.

Other Health Benefits of Taking Pregnenolone Supplements in


Despite the potential worsening of anxiety levels and sleep issues as side effects,
there are significant health benefits that you can enjoy by taking this men’s

◆ It has neuroprotective properties, which is why it is excellent for memory

enhancement and boosting brain function.

◆ It also reduces anxiety and helps boost your mood, which makes it
beneficial for those suffering from depression.

◆ It helps improve quality of sleep.

◆ Reduces the negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.

◆ Enhances arousal and improves libido.

◆ Promotes longevity and smooth muscle secretion and contraction.

The Drawbacks You Need to Know About

Every substance has potential side effects. Since the body is using this hormone
to create steroid hormones, expect to have some side effects such as irritability,
thicker facial hair growth, and over-stimulation. It can also impair wakefulness
and make you more sleepy.

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If the side effects are bothering you, it’s good to decrease your daily dose intake
of pregnenolone.

Therefore, taking pregnenolone as a supplement is important to achieve healthy

production of hormones in the body. If you’re in your 40s and you’re taking 5 to
10 milligrams a day, you can take a one or two-week break every month to avoid
negative effects.

Transdermal DHEA/Pregnenolone

One of the safest hormone boosting therapies you can do without shutting
down your own production is using smaller dosages of DHEA and Pregnenolone
on an ongoing basis to promote your production of sex hormones (which avoids
excess buildup).

Both of these are best supplemented transdermally (using creams, gels, or skin
patches), as this route of delivery bypasses the liver and thus gets you more of
the active substance per application. On the contrary, when you take oral forms
of pregnenolone, part of the compound is metabolized in the liver, leaving you
with less of the bioavailable substance to work with.

Applying sex hormone precursors directly to the scrotum and testicles has been
shown in research to have up to 8-fold higher bioavailability compared to other
skin application areas like on the arms, chest, and thighs.

Not to mention that it also enables you to use much smaller amounts of these
hormones making it a much more economical way to supplement.

Pregnenolone applied directly to the testicles has been shown to possess

excellent conversion into testosterone:

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From our experience here at Anabolic Health, transdermally applying small
dosages of DHEA and Pregnenolone directly to the testicles is a great way to
increase libido and sperm production in a safe way that can also be done on a
long-term basis.

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In fact, we recommend all older men aged 40 and higher to try this therapy as
an anti-aging regimen.

Usually, 5 mg of DHEA and 5 mg of Pregnenolone applied to the scrotum is all

you need on a daily basis to see results.

Some men can increase this dosage up to 3 applications per day (5 mg each) if
they are struggling with low testosterone levels.

Key Takeaways

▪ Pregnenolone is the precursor to many hormones in the body, including


▪ Health benefits of taking pregnenolone include DHT and testosterone

enhancement, improved sex drive, and general effects like reduced
anxiety, better sleep, and even longevity support.

▪ Generally, pregnenolone is available in 10 to 30 milligrams. You can take

one capsule in the morning and one in the afternoon. 5 milligrams of this
hormone supplement is usually enough for daily intake.

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▪ Side effects may include thicker facial hair growth, and over-stimulation.
Pregnenolone can also impair wakefulness and make you more sleepy.

▪ Topical Pregnenolone (using creams, gels, or skin patches) is generally a

more effective and safer option than oral supplements.

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If your goal is to reduce estrogen levels one way or another, these are the
supplements you should focus on instead of testosterone boosters (or even
take them at the same time, depending on your situation):

◆ Estrogen blockers (Eucheoma cottonii, for example)

◆ Estrogen inhibitors (red wine, celery, olive oil, oysters, and others)

◆ Estrogen detoxers (calcium D-glucarate, kombucha, etc.)

You’ll find more information on each item in its respective chapters.

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Estrogen is generally associated with women’s health, but it also plays a vital role
in male hormone balance. Balancing hormones can be difficult, especially as you
grow older or if you’re a bodybuilder using steroids.

Impotency, irritability, bloating, weight gain, a decrease in libido, mild

headaches, and gynecomastia are just some of the physical manifestations that
can occur when there is too much estrogen in the body. When this happens,
many men resort to estrogen blockers, aromatase inhibitors or similar
treatments like selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) to counter this

While there are many pharmaceutical types of SERMs on the market, there are
also more natural options that can be found in the form of edible seaweed. But
first, let’s take a closer look at pharmaceutical SERMs.

What Exactly Is a SERM?

The term SERM is an acronym that refers to selective estrogen receptor

modulators. They are pharmaceutically developed drugs that selectively block
estrogen receptors in the body.

Commonly prescribed to breast cancer patients and survivors, SERMs are also
used by many men. Especially by those who are into bodybuilding to increase
testosterone levels, or by patients who suffer from low testosterone levels.

The pharmaceutical products Tamoxiphen (sold as Nolvadex) and Clomid are

some of the most common SERMs for men on the market today.

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SERMs vs. Aromatase Inhibitors: What’s the Difference?

SERMs are different from aromatase inhibitors (AIs), and are touted as superior
because they do not directly alter estrogen levels in the body.

Aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex block testosterone from turning into

estrogen. While it does its work pretty well keeping estrogen levels low, the brain
still continues to receive chemical signals that it needs more estrogen.

Thus, the body still continues to try to produce more of it by ramping up

testosterone production. This causes a cycle that requires continuous intake of
AIs or it can result in a spike of estrogen once treatment stops and aromatase
kicks in on the excess testosterone.

Also If you by accident manage to take too much AIs and bring your estrogen
down too low, there isn’t much to do than succumb to the side effects until your
body manages to rebalance itself (a process that can take 1-2 weeks).

There are some natural, effective and safer aromatase inhibitors available on
the market such as Arimistane.

Contrary to AIs, SERMs just bind to estrogen receptors, tricking the body into
believing it’s estrogen that activated these receptors. When this happens, real
estrogen can no longer attach to said receptors, thereby not allowing excess
estrogen to produce adverse effects.

It should be noted that estrogen is still important in a man’s body and also has
positive effects when its in normal range, which is why this more gentle
approach of occupying the estrogen receptors is preferred to directly modifying
estrogen levels like AIs do. SERMs simply prevent its negative effects. At the
same time, SERMs also stimulate the pituitary and hypothalamus glands to
increase and normalize testosterone levels.

SERMs and Their PotenUal Health Risks

Between the two pharmaceutical treatments for dealing with excess estrogen
and increasing testosterone, SERMs are often recommended as the better

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option. However, even though they are the better option, they also have their
own share of disadvantages.

The most notable disadvantage is the risk of long-term systemic side effects that
they can have on the body. As they are pharmaceutical in nature, these synthetic
chemicals can take a toll on one’s health – particularly when used regularly for a
long time.

Regular intake of Tamoxifen, for example, has been associated with an

increased risk of endometrial cancer. This has been seen among women who
underwent treatment with Tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment.

The risk of getting new types of cancers from your cancer treatment does not
make a whole lot of sense health-wise. It’s also heavy on the kidneys, causing
local damage due to its nephrotoxicity.

Aside from the long-term side effects effects, it can also have short-term side
effects for both men and women. These include weight gain, hot flashes,
neurocognitive issues (memory and thinking), blood clots and vision problems.

Key Takeaways

▪ Estrogen manipulators are different types of compounds that affect

estrogen in one way or another. The most widely used class is called
selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs).

▪ SERMs are routinely prescribed to breast cancer patients and survivor, as

well as men with significantly decreased testosterone levels.

▪ Tamoxiphen (Nolvadex) and Clomid are the most common conventional

pharmaceuticals from the SERMs class.

▪ SERMs are believed to be superior to aromatase inhibitors (AIs) as they

don’t affect estrogen levels directly, but tweak the body’s receptors to
normalize the core of the problem that caused high estrogen levels in the
first place.

▪ SERMs bind to estrogen receptors, tricking the body into believing it’s
estrogen that activated these receptors. When this happens, real estrogen

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can no longer attach to said receptors, thereby not allowing excess
estrogen to produce adverse effects. In the meantime, the body sends
signals to make its systems stop producing estrogen, as it feels as if it has
enough of it (because the estrogen receptors are consistently bound by

▪ Health risks related to SERM usage include weight gain, hot flashes,
memory issues, and increase formation of blood clots. As such, SERMs
should be considered a viable treatment option only when other
approaches (natural, preferably) fail to yield significant results.

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SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) are a class of drugs that interact
with estrogen receptors to produce some estrogenic or antiestrogenic effects,
depending on their respective activities.

Some of the most common SERMs that men use as estrogen-blockers are
Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) and Clomid (clomiphene citrate):

◆ Nolvadex or Nolva works by binding to the estrogen receptors, thus

preventing estrogen hormones from performing some of their functions
in the body.

◆ Clomid is weaker than Nolva but it can significantly stimulate the pituitary
gland to secrete LH-releasing hormones. Clomid is beneficial to
individuals after a steroid cycle when testosterone levels are low and you
want to kickstart natural production.

◆ Enclomiphene Citrate, a derivative of Clomid, is another hormone-

stimulating drug that is probably stronger than Clomid. It can be taken
orally. But it’s manufactured as an off-label drug for men’s use and has
been disapproved by the FDA recently.

If you want to go the natural way to reduce estrogen levels during your PCT
cycle, there are a few natural options to consider as well.

Progesterone is one of them.

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Progesterone Cream

The main role of progesterone in the male body is counterbalancing the effects
of estrogen. What’s unknown to most men is that progesterone also serves as
testosterone’s precursor. This actually becomes more important as men age
because this is the time when testosterone starts declining and estrogen
becomes more dominant.

However, whenever estrogen levels stay elevated, progesterone levels drop –

and when this happens, testosterone levels will likely follow.

Since low progesterone levels limit the availability of testosterone, symptoms

like hair loss, low libido, fatigue, weight gain, and gynecomastia (or man boobs)
may manifest.

Depression, bone loss, impotence, erectile dysfunction, and muscle loss may
also occur. Men with low progesterone levels are at risk of developing serious
conditions like prostatitis and prostate cancer.

What Are the Benefits of Progesterone in Men’s Health?

Inhibits 5-Alpha-Reductase
5-Alpha-Reductase is the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, a hormone
that controls muscle growth, libido, and other important functions. However, too
much DHT can cause prostate enlargement and hair loss. Progesterone helps
inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, thus reducing the probability of these male health

Controls and Reduces Noradrenaline

Progesterone might be responsible in controlling or even reducing
noradrenaline levels, a hormone that acts as neurotransmitter. Noradrenaline
provides the necessary signal for spontaneous erections in males. However, in
high amounts this hormone can cause erectile issues. Progesterone, then, may
be used to treat erectile dysfunction.

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Improves Sleep
Sleep is critical to male health. A good night’s sleep provides energy, improves
mood, and enhances concentration and focus. Progesterone has been found to
play a significant role in the quality of sleep. Some experts even believe this is
the hormone’s main task in the human body. There’s also the possibility that this
is due to testosterone’s role in keeping sleep disorders at bay. This partly
explains why sleep disturbance is a much bigger issue among older men.

Improves Blood Pressure

Hypertension can lead to a myriad of serious health issues, from erectile
dysfunction to cardiovascular diseases. Progesterone was previously thought to
be hypertensive, which means it can increase blood pressure – but recent
studies are proving otherwise. This hormone actually helps in regulating blood
pressure in both men and women. This effect may also help in the treatment of
erectile dysfunction since high blood pressure is one of its main causes.

Increases Bone Mass

Similar to estradiol, progesterone has the effect of increasing bone mass which
can be beneficial for men who are suffering from osteoporosis and osteopenia.
Those trying to improve their physique will also benefit from this effect.
Maintaining the right levels of progesterone along with resistance training may
accelerate improvements in bone density.

Improves Fertility
Progesterone has been found to “hyperactivate” sperm cells which is essential
for the fertilization of the female egg cell. This hormone, therefore, boosts male

Natural AlternaUves to PharmaceuUcals

Ellagic Acid (Natural SERM, Nolvadex/Clomid alternative)

Ellagic Acid is a polyphenolic compound found in many fruits and berries such as
Pomegranates. It has been shown to have natural SERM-like properties, blocking
the adverse effects of excess estrogen levels and preventing estrogen from

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disrupting HPTA recovery. It is already available on the supplement market in
strong enough dosages suitable for PCT use, but as a general health tip you can
also see how eating more pomegranates and berries could be a healthy habit for
any man!

Studies confirm that ellagic acid is a natural substitute for SERMs, which is why it
became widely used as an alternative treatment therapy for menopause. Its
mechanisms of action are similar to that of synthetic tamoxifen (Nolvadex,
Soltamox) and raloxifen (Evista).

Even at low concentrations, ellagic acid exhibits significant anti-estrogenic

activity and interaction with estrogen receptors.

Other proven benefits of ellagic acid include:

◆ Antioxidant and Antiatherogenic action: Promotes healthy blood pressure

by preventing the abnormal deposits of fat in the wall of the arteries

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◆ Antiproliferative and Chemopreventive potential: Helpful for breast, colon,
and prostate cancer, as well as in liver, lung tissues and leukemia cells

Euchoma Cottonii as a Natural SERM Alternative

Euchoma cottonii is an edible seaweed from Southeast Asia. This plant features
another polyphenolic compound that shows the same properties as tamoxifen
and is estimated to be 27% more effective in interacting with estrogen receptors.
It also has strong anticancer properties and it doesn’t cause much toxicity to the
liver and kidneys.

Key Takeaways

▪ SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) are a class of drugs that

interact with estrogen receptors to produce some estrogenic or
antiestrogenic effects, depending on their respective activities.

▪ Some of the most common SERMs that men use as estrogen-blockers are
Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) and Clomid (clomiphene citrate). There are
several natural options as well, like progesterone.

▪ The main role of progesterone in the male body is counterbalancing the

effects of estrogen. Progesterone also serves as testosterone’s precursor.

▪ Benefits of using a progesterone cream include 5-alpha-reductase

inhibition, restoring noradrenaline balance, improving sleep, balancing
blood pressure, supporting healthy bone mass, and enhancing fertility.

▪ Other natural SERM alternatives include ellagic acid (a phenol compound

found in berries and pomegranate) and the seaweed Euchoma cottonii

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You might remember that aromatization is the process through which the
aromatase enzyme transforms testosterone into estrogen.

The aromatase enzyme might not sound too dangerous in general, but it can
actually cause harm in many different ways. For instance, your sex drive, muscle
mass, and even bone density can be severely affected if this enzyme goes out of
hand. That’s why you should consider taking natural aromatase inhibitors to
balance your estrogen issues.

Aromatization happens in the fat tissue, especially subcutaneous fat (the one
under the skin). In other words, the more body fat you have, the more
aromatization will happen, and in turn, more estrogen will be produced from
your precious testosterone. This is one reason why obesity has so many
detrimental effects on the male body: not only do you carry around significant
amounts of excess fat, but also whack your hormonal balance completely.

Acacetin is considered to be one of the best plant-based aromatase inhibitors

because it is derived from natural plant sources such as birch trees and damiana
shrubs. It is a compound that is often combined with other ingredients in men’s
health supplements to produce a more masculine physique.

However, pure acacetin is not available for purchase on the market, so you’ll
have to go for some other options.

In this chapter you’ll find some of the most effective aromatase inhibitors that
Mother Nature has to offer.

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Red Wine
Red wine’s aromatase-inhibiting properties are mainly due to resveratrol, a
compound produced by plants as part of their defense mechanism. This
polyphenol is most commonly found in grapes.

If you’re wondering whether white wine contains resveratrol at all, just consider
this: the compound can only be extracted from grape skins. As you know, white
wine is made exclusively from the grape pulp.

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Resveratrol isn’t merely about preventing the action of aromatase. It’s also
capable of boosting testosterone production, mainly by increasing the amount
of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) within the cells.

StAR determines that rate of steroidogenesis – the process in which steroid

hormones (and that includes testosterone) are formed from cholesterol

It’s unfortunate though that resveratrol is quickly metabolized in the liver. This
means that only a small amount of the compound manages to enter the
bloodstream – and yes, it needs to be there to provide its perks.

Keep in mind that if you want to beat aromatase, you can’t rely on red wine
alone. Also, drinking more than three glasses daily isn’t a smart move since
excessive alcohol intake can damage your body in many different ways.

Olive Oil
Olive oil’s beneficial effects can be attributed to oleuropein – a bitter compound
typically found within olive leaves. This is considered a strong natural aromatase
inhibitor and is on par with resveratrol.

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Though yet to be fully explored, olive oil shows potential in boosting the
effectiveness of other aromatase inhibitors.

This common cooking ingredient managed to enhance the estrogen-suppressive

effects of both letrozole and anastrozole, two well-known estrogen suppressors
used by bodybuilders.

What’s so good about olive oil is that it can easily be added to all kinds of dishes.
Whether you’re preparing salad or seasoning a steak, this Mediterranean
miracle will surely make your food healthier and more flavorful.

You might have heard that celery is an aphrodisiac. Well, it boosts sex drive
because it increases the availability of testosterone (or to be more specific,

Celery’s effectiveness as an aromatase inhibitor though, is due to the fact that it

contains apigenin, a flavonoid commonly found in plants with anti-inflammatory

How does this compound prevent the conversion of testosterone into its female
counterpart? Simply put, it blocks two enzymes that allow aromatization to take
place, namely 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and aromatase itself.

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As you’d expect, celery isn’t limited to that purpose. For one, it can help you get
rid of excess water (trapped in inflamed and swollen tissues, for example), while
keeping you hydrated. That’s made possible by celery’s diuretic effect and its
considerably high water content (it’s actually around 95% water).

Being relatively cheap and safe, natural products are becoming more and more
popular lately, even among the bodybuilding crowd.

Oysters, despite being rather simple in structure, actually rely on sexual steroids
for reproduction. A study examining the androgen metabolism of Crassostrea
gigas (Pacific oyster) detected that aromatase-like activity was suppressed by the
pharmacological compounds present within the oyster.

While the specifics of this interaction are yet to be mapped, the researchers
managed to identify the compounds that exhibited aromatase-inhibiting effects.
These include 4-hydroxyandrostenedione and cytochrome P450 inhibitors.

You’ll be glad to know that oysters are also rich in zinc– a mineral that’s essential
in testosterone production. In fact, deficiency in this micronutrient has been
linked to hypogonadism, which in turn has been associated with erectile
dysfunction, gynecomastia, and even muscle wasting.

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White Button Mushrooms
In a study about the role of estrogen in cancer, it was shown that the
phytochemicals present in white button mushroom suppress aromatization.
This simply shows the potential of mushrooms in controlling aromatase activity.

Actually, they’re so potent that they exhibit the capacity to shrink tumors, aside
from slowing down the spread of cancer itself. This serves as further proof that
the white button mushroom is among nature’s most effective aromatase

Here’s something that should make this edible fungus even more tempting – it
manages to reduce swelling even at the cellular level. Since the formation of
plaque in the arterial walls usually start with inflammation, the mushroom’s anti-
inflammatory effect is definitely welcome.

If you do decide to shop for mushrooms, you should specifically search for
Agaricus bisporous. While it’s likely that other mushroom varieties also have
aromatase-inhibiting effects, this particular kind is the most extensively

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AlternaUves From Laboratories: What’s Good and What’s Bad
About Them

You might be wondering why you should go for any of these natural aromatase
inhibitors. After all, you can easily purchase synthetic estrogen blockers.

Those pills even offer all sorts of perks, much like their natural counterparts.
They won’t require much of your time either, especially since you won’t have to
stay in the kitchen preparing them.

Most importantly, supplementation allows you to take in larger amounts of anti-

estrogen compounds within a shorter time frame. The amount of inhibitors
you’ll get from a glass of wine will surely pale in comparison to a single dose of
these synthetic solutions.

Well, although aromatase is best kept at a minimum, it still plays an important

role in the body. Supplements that block the enzyme (given their potency) can
cause serious health problems if not taken in proper quantities – and to
convince you, here are some examples of those concerns:

Joint and Muscle Pain

Joint pain or arthralgia is a common effect of having too little aromatase. You
might experience pain in your hands, wrists, feet, ankles, knees, and in other
parts of your body.

The good thing is that this is a short-term issue. There are no reports suggesting
that aromatase inhibitors can lead to permanent joint or muscle damage.

Cardiovascular Problems
A severely low estrogen level can cause cardiovascular problems, including heart
attack or stroke. Estrogen helps keep both total cholesterol and low-density
lipoprotein (aka bad cholesterol) levels in check.

Any unnatural changes in the heart’s electrical signals are also mitigated by
estrogen. Aside from that, depriving yourself of the hormone may limit the
blood supply in your heart.

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Mental and Emotional Instability
Estrogen also serves as a neurosteroid, meaning it influences how your neurons work.
Not having enough of the hormone may negatively affect your memory, emotions,
personality, and mood up to a point where major depressive disorder may develop.

While it’s true that testosterone should have a protective effect when it comes to
these things, it still needs to be converted to estrogen to function in that
manner. Also, the conversion specifically needs to occur within the brain.

Go With the Safer OpUon First!

In several key aspects, natural aromatase inhibitors are definitely outclassed by

laboratory-produced estrogen blockers. However, you should be cautious of the
negative effects that these pills can cause.

Even if some of these effects are only temporary, it won’t hurt to be a bit more
cautious – we’re talking about your health and physique, after all. Surely, it
would be hard to justify the joint and muscle pain since you won’t be able to
engage in your daily workout routine.

If you’re just looking for ways to maximize and maintain your gains, it would be
better to choose the safer option and just enjoy meals containing any of the
food items listed here.

However, if you’re really serious about skipping these natural aromatase

inhibitors, you should at least consult with a doctor or run a blood test before
taking any supplements.

Supplements like Arimistane, for example. It’s natural, but powerful as can be—
and thus should be approached carefully.

Arimistane (Androsta-3 5-Diene-7 17-Dione): The Most

Powerful Natural Estrogen Blocker

If, after blood and urine tests, you discover your estrogen levels are elevated,
there are supplements you can take that will help bring you back to balance. Out

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of all supplements available right now, the most effective ingredient is called
Arimistane, also known as Androst 3 5-dien-7 17-dione 3-deoxy-7-oxo-DHEA, 17
dione, and 7 Keto DHEA.

Don’t let those chemical-sounding names put you off though, Arimistane is a

naturally occurring substance and is NOT an anabolic steroid or drug. It is,
however, a very effective estrogen blocker or, more properly, a potent
aromatase inhibitor.

Arimistane as a Natural Aromatase Inhibitor (AI)

Arimistane (Androsta-3 5-Diene-7 17-Dione) is almost on an equally effective
level as pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex, but it is a natural
product with fewer side effects. Arimistane is a metabolite of the hormone DHEA
in the body and is hence completely natural even though it has been handed a

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steroid sounding name. It is best run during and after a cycle to prevent
estrogenic side effects as well as to avoid estrogenic rebound in PCT.

When the body senses that its estrogen level decreases, the aromatase enzymes
are activated to convert testosterone into estrogen. During steroid cycles and PCT,
excess testosterone levels can convert into too much estrogen which is often the
driving force of most of the side effects of anabolic steroids other than toxicity.

Aromatase inhibitors like Arimistane can help with these issues keeping
estrogen and testosterone balanced.

Arimistane is the most effective natural aromatase inhibitor on the market


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Arimistane Benefits

Arimistane has been shown to be a safe and effective supplement for lowering
estrogen, increasing testosterone and improving general health and well-being.
It works in the same way as pharmaceuticals such as Aromasin (Exemestane),
but with less side effects. In fact, some studies have revealed that anti estrogen
supplements containing Arimistane, are the best aromatase enzyme inhibitors
available without a pre-existing medical prescription:

Although many Arimistane supplements are aimed at sportsmen and, in

particular bodybuilders, that doesn’t mean a man with elevated estrogen levels
will not also benefit. Such benefits include:

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◆ Blocks high levels of estrogen and cortisol
◆ Increase in testosterone levels
◆ More muscle mass or/and muscle gain
◆ Weight loss
◆ Boosts libido

Another great benefit of using Arimistane is that it can help you lose fat. This is
because estrogen has an affinity for causing increased fat storage – especially
around the chest, thighs and butt, and cortisol tends to increase abdominal fat
accumulation. Hence, bodybuilders often use Arimistane in cutting protocols to
help reduce fat while maintaining muscle mass.

By lowering both estrogen AND cortisol, you get a one-two knockout punch that
can help you lose fat fast; great if you are struggling to lean out despite eating
right, exercising, weight training and other physical activity.

How Does Arimistane Work?

Arimistane is the closest thing you can get to Arimidex in the supplement world,
Arimidex being a popular estrogen blocker used by bodybuilders and also in the
treatment of breast and other estrogen-related cancers.

As an aromatase inhibitor, Arimistane lowers estrogen by stopping circulating

“free” testosterone being converted to estrogen – something it often does.

By lowering estrogen, your testosterone levels will automatically rise. This also
means that available testosterone is better able to do it’s manly job; it’s a win-
win situation.

Reducing estrogen will lead to an increase testosterone level no matter what

your initial estrogen level is. However, estrogen should not be reduced to boost
testosterone if you’re estrogen levels are within normal range. Men need
estrogen too, it’s not all bad as many guys think, unless it is present in excess.

Lowering estrogen levels too far can cause unwanted side effects and may lead
to serious health implications such as bone loss. If you reduce your estrogen
levels too low, you will also kill your sex drive and may suffer from mental issues
along with painful joints.

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The take home message? Do not use Arimistane capsules or supplements
product without confirming that your estrogen levels are excessively high first.

Another interesting fact is that Erase Pro and other similar products containing
Arimistane, are suicide inhibitors of estrogen, which means that you do not have
to taper down on the dosage at the end of a post-cycle therapy as estrogen will
not be rebound.

However, because it is a suicide cortisol inhibitor, it takes longer for estrogen

rebound back if you happen to drive it too low so be careful and monitor your
estrogen levels during use. Again, do not use these products if your estrogen
levels are within or only slightly above normal levels.

Just How EffecUve Is Arimistane?

Arimistane supplement reviews and research reveal that aromatase inhibitors

containing Arimistane are very effective and do exactly what they say they do,
and in a safe manner.

Key Takeaways

If you have proven elevated estrogen levels, the wisest way to approach the
matter would be to eat some estrogen-lowering foods that contain natural
aromatase inhibitors. For example:

▪ Red grapes and red wine contain resveratrol

▪ Olive oil contains oleuropein, a compound that may enhance the

effectiveness of other aromatase inhibitors

▪ Celery is a great source of apigenin

▪ Oysters and white button mushrooms are also effective in reducing

aromatase activity

If their power isn’t enough in your case, switching to a natural supplement like
Arimistane should do the trick. Arimistane (Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione) may

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help lower your prohormones levels within a few short weeks and the
compound is so effective that you’ll only need one capsule per day to achieve a
noticeable improvement.

Remember though, you still need some estrogen for health and libido so only
use such a powerful supplement if you already know your estrogen levels are
significantly higher than normal.

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The Estrogen Detox Protocol

If you are already struggling with a bad case of estrogen dominance, all is not
lost yet. It is important to take action as quick as possible before your issues
start developing into something more severe and permanent such as
gynecomastia (man boobs).

The following is our recommended nutrient protocol to clean out excess

levels of estrogen effectively:

◆ DIM or Indole-3-carbinol (best dietary source: cruciferous vegetables)

◆ Green Tea (EGCG is what you want)

◆ Calcium D-Glucarate

◆ Kombucha

Dosages should be maximum recommended ones for the products you are
using. Keep track of your estrogen levels by performing regular blood tests every
3-4 weeks, if detox progress is too slow you can often go higher on the dosages.

Concerning green tea, drink as much as you feel comfortable with. Green tea is
preferred over black tea in this regard since it contains more of the antioxidants
such as EGCG which has proven benefits on estrogen metabolism. If you are
sensitive to caffeine, however, keep it in the 1-3 cups per day range, or you
might cause more harm than good. Stress is also often implicated in estrogen
dominance; hence too much caffeine will increase stress levels. Alternatively,
you can get EGCG in isolated form as a supplement.

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And guys, we know broccoli isn’t the tastiest thing in the world but if you are
really serious about getting back your manhood we recommend you consume it
on a daily basis. If you can’t stomach it, invest in a supplement providing either
DIM or Indole-3-carbinol in isolated forms. The type of DIM that's bound to
phosphatidylcholine together with Vitamin E is absorbed better than other DIM

Diindolylmethane (DIM)

When thinking of natural testosterone boosters, DIM for men is definitely one of
the first ones that come to mind. However, if you’re thinking that DIM is a
perfect solution given its popularity, you might be surprised with what you’re
about to read.

You might think that DIM directly affects your testosterone production – the fact
is, it's not that simple. This unique chemical compound keeps testosterone
unbound, free to enter various bodily regions in order to provide its numerous

First things first, getting diindolylmethane (DIM) isn’t hard – and you don’t have
to go about it by taking capsules. Eating cruciferous vegetables will supply your
body with indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which yields DIM upon being broken down into
its by-products.

Of course, we’re not saying that investing in a good DIM supplement is not a
smart move. If you’re the kind who’s not too keen about the taste of broccoli,
kale, cabbage, and brussels sprouts, going out and buying a DIM dietary
supplement is definitely a perfectly viable option.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables suppress aromatase enzyme activity, probably thanks to

their DIM content. This compound is classified as a phytochemical, specifically
the kind that has anti-cancer properties.

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There’s a study in which the anti-estrogenic effect of 3,3′-DIM was analyzed. It
was discovered that the compound can be taken to prevent the development of
thyroid proliferative disease (TPD).

DIM doesn’t simply prevent estrogen from functioning though. It works by

keeping the right balance between good and bad estrogen – the latter being
often associated with increased cancer risk and mood problems, despite
supporting bone health to a certain extent.

Getting a good dose of DIM doesn’t mean you’ll have to eat cabbages and
Brussels sprouts daily. There are many other cruciferous vegetables for you to
enjoy, such as kale, arugula, broccoli, collard greens, watercress, and cauliflower.

Calcium D-Glucarate

While many guys are obsessed with increasing their testosterone levels, I like to
take a different approach to male hormonal health. The most important aspect
being, balanced estrogen levels. If you get estrogen right, you are guaranteed to
have it easier maximizing your testosterone, sometimes even without much more
effort than that. Even further, most of us know that more testosterone translates
into more muscle mass, less body fat, and increased performance on all levels.

The damaging effects of excess levels of estrogen can be seen in everything

from erectile dysfunction and obesity to hair loss, gynecomastia, and prostate

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cancer. It doesn’t paint a beautiful picture. Estrogen in men is serious business
and if you ever find yourself struggling with your fitness goals or even in feeling
manly, excess estrogen might be at play.

As an athlete, hormones become even more important because of the ergogenic

effects that optimal hormone levels can give you over the competition. But in all
honesty, no matter if you're an athlete, fitness professional, bodybuilder or just
a regular joe, you are living in the modern age, and you owe it to yourself and
others to learn how to avoid hormone-related health problems. They can spell
the end for not only your professional and fitness career but even your
relationships such as with the far too common case of erectile dysfunction.

So how does Calcium D-Glucarate helps with the detoxification of estrogen?

D-Glucarate promotes the conjugation process of toxins, and together with D-

glucarate, the process is called glucuronidation. Basically, ingested Calcium D-
Glucarate is metabolized into glucaric acid (that’s the primary acid in the detox
tea Kombucha, by the way) which then binds to carcinogens and toxins to
promote conjugation that safely brings them out of the body through urine or
the bowels.

Another interesting fact is that D-Glucarate can help your kidneys and liver
process byproducts such as ammonia from a high protein diet at a faster rate.
This is something that can be very beneficial when you are cutting and trying to
lose weight by consuming the majority of your calories from proteins such as

But wait, there is more! Even better, it just so happens that Calcium D-Glucarate
can also inhibit the beta-glucuronidase enzyme. Studies have shown that by
inhibiting this enzyme the glucuronidation process cannot be reversed and
detoxification processes keep rolling on as intended, decreasing the toxins and
estrogenic load in the body.

In a study done in 1988, it was found that supplementation with Calcium D-

Glucarate could lower the number of estrogen receptor sites by 48% and
reverse/halt the growth of breast tumors.

Simply put, this is why Calcium D-Glucarate is indeed one of the best
nutraceuticals to help detox and restore estrogen levels down into healthy

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The negative effects of excessive estrogen manifest in nearly everything – from

obesity and gynecomastia to erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer. Estrogen
in men is a serious matter and if you find it hard to achieve your fitness goals or
even just feeling manly, excess estrogen might be the culprit.

For athletes, a balanced hormone profile is even more important as it can give
you more edge on the competition. Hormonal balance is necessary to achieve
peak fitness.

But honestly, in this modern age, with our food industry and the environment
filled with toxins, pollutants, xenoestrogens and endocrine disruptors, can you
prevent having excessive estrogen and other hormone-related health issues?

One of the ways our body eliminates toxins is through conjugation – a process
where toxins are turned into water soluble substances called glucuronides. After
the conjugation, glucuronides pass through the liver, then to the bile and finally
to the intestine where they are excreted. But high levels of beta-glucuronide can
delay this process. The enzyme works by inhibiting conjugation, separating the
conjugate bone and allowing them to be reabsorbed. The toxins and hormones
reenter into the body’s circulation.

Further, increase in beta-glucuronide increases the number of estrogen

receptors. It means that the estrogen hormones that are supposed to be
excreted now bind to more receptors, causing difficulty to lose fat and increase
in tissue growth such as Gynecomastia. Estrogen dominance is one of the
leading causes of infertility and other health problems in women.

Glucaric acid’s (calcium d-glucarate) detoxifying and even anti-carcinogenic

activities are attributed to its capacity to increase glucuronidation and
elimination of toxic compounds. During Phase II liver detoxification, steroid
hormones, chemical carcinogens and other fat-soluble toxins are bonded with
glucuronic acid and excreted through the bile.

Further, Glucaric acid, which is the primary acid in kombuchas, prevent beta-
glucuronide from disrupting the process. Glucaric acids’s disruption of beta-
glucuronidase let the body get rid of hormones such as estrogen before they

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can be reabsorbed. In a study, large doses of calcium d-glucarate have been
found to lower estrogen levels in mice by 23 percent.

Drinking Kombuchas, a rich dietary source of calcium d-glucarate, provides a

safe and effective solution to ensure your body is processing and eliminating
these harmful substances on a daily basis. It offers a more natural solution to
preventing excessive estrogen and achieving hormonal balance.

Key Takeaways

▪ If you have significantly elevated estrogen levels, going through an

estrogen detox will help your body cleanse its systems from the
detrimental excess of these hormones.

▪ The 4 most effective natural compounds in this aspect are

diindolylmethane (DIM, found in cruciferous vegetables), epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCG, abundant in green tea), calcium d-glucarate, and

▪ Take the maximum recommended doses for each compound and check
your estrogen levels every 3-4 weeks to track your progress.

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There are quite a few available medications that your doctor may prescribe you
after confirming you have significantly low testosterone levels.

In this section, we’ll give you a comprehensive overview of the most popular
testosterone-boosting medications, the science behind them, possible side
effects, and other important details.

However, remember that it’s always better to start with something natural,
check if it works for you, and resort to conventional meds only if you see you
aren’t responding to natural treatment.

Perhaps, the only exception to this principle is a severe case of hormonal

imbalance, already with complications and/or serious impairment of bodily
functions. If that’s the case, conventional meds might help you get out of the
danger zone fast—but it’s still recommended to get off them as soon as possible
and continue your hormone-balancing journey with something milder, simpler,
and natural.

In any case, let’s jump straight to some specific T-boosting meds you should
know about.

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Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a drug that acts as an antiestrogen in the body by

binding to the estrogen receptors in place of estrogen hormone, blocking it from
exerting its effects. Clomid is used in men and women to treat infertility caused by
the body not producing or releasing enough hormones needed for reproduction.

In terms of pharmacology, Clomid is a non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor

modulator (SERM) which means it inhibits certain estrogen receptors in the
brain, particularly in the hypothalamus.

When these receptors are inhibited, the brain sends a signal to ramp up
production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
Luteinizing hormone also has a role in reproduction. In women, for example,
high LH hormone levels can trigger ovulation.

Upon production of these two hormones, the male body responds by increasing
its sperm and testosterone production, which then improves erectile strength,
libido, and mental confidence.

Doctors prescribe Clomid to men who have a low sperm count caused by low
testosterone levels associated with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Clomid is
usually the first line of treatment that men with low testosterone receive from
their doctors as it is easy to use and requires no injections in comparison to TRT.

The drug has research that backs its effects on increasing testosterone levels
and also for improving semen volume as we quote from the following study:

"Clomiphene citrate administration resulted in a statistically significant increase in

the mean semen volume at day 6 (p < 0.05), increase in the sperm density at day 74
(p < 0.05), and increase in the total sperm motility at day 6 (p < 0.05)."

While some guys see good results from Clomid, there are also many who don’t,
and some even suffer side effects that make the drug challenging to use for

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them. Usually what happens is that even though Clomid blocks estrogen
hormone from exerting its effect in your body, it does this by binding to the
receptors in a similar way to estrogen, just at a lower potency. In other words,
Clomid activates estrogen receptors too and can bring on estrogenic side effects
in the same manner as the estrogen hormone. This is often experienced in the
form of mood swings and unpredictable effects on libido.

Keep in mind that most of the potential side effects can be significantly reduced
by using a lower dosage then what is typically recommended, especially if you
are only using Clomid to increase your semen volume.

Like always if you plan on using pharmaceuticals that can influence your
hormonal levels, we highly recommend you to get periodic blood tests done at
least every 2-3 months to keep track of your progress.

When Is Clomid Used?

For Management of Hypogonadism

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH), also known as secondary central
hypogonadism, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, is a condition where
the gonads (testes for men and ovaries for women) do not function optimally.

This sub-optimal performance results in an insufficient production of

gonadotropins — luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH). With low levels of LH and FSH, the body has a hard time maintaining
adequate production levels of testosterone and androgen-binding protein
needed for sperm cell maturation.

This condition can either be classified as primary or secondary. Primary HH is

due to congenital disorders in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary while
secondary HH is either due to brain or pituitary tumors, head trauma, ingestion
of some drugs, obesity, or certain systemic syndromes and diseases.

However, as it has been found effective, Clomid is also prescribed to alleviate

the symptoms of HH even when the person taking it does not have HH. These
symptoms include erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass, decreased body
hair growth, fatigue, difficulty focusing, low libido, and hot flashes.

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When Diagnosed With Non-Obstructive Azoospermia
Non-obstructive azoospermia is a condition where an individual’s semen has no
sperm cells even though there are no blockages anywhere on their production
line. This is usually due to a failure of sperm maturation, or spermatogenesis,
arising from either intrinsic testicular impairment or low stimulation by

With Clomid, men suffering from this condition can boost their sperm count or,
if unsuccessful, have their immature sperm extracted to be artificially matured.

For Spermatogenesis and Testosterone Recovery After Steroid Use

Anabolic steroids disturb the natural production of the body’s testosterone. This
results in insufficient testosterone production when an individual stops using
steroids. Clomid has been found to be successful in bringing estrogen and
testosterone back to their physiological levels.

Studies have shown that, within four to five months of clomiphene citrate
medication, successful cases show significant improvements in seminal patterns
while staying cost-effective unlike other more expensive options.

However, Clomid is not always successful in bringing back testosterone and

estrogen levels back to normal. In these cases, FSH supplementation was seen
to be successful.

Unfortunately, as Clomid is often used without a qualified doctor’s guidance,

those who find little success with its use often continue taking it long term.

Of course, this comes with a whole lot of potential adverse effects.

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Associated Risks
Like any medication, Clomid has its associated risks in the form of adverse
effects. Here are some of the more common side effects that one can
experience with clomiphene citrate:

Blurred Vision
Blurred vision is less likely if one is taking Clomid at a very low dose at 12.5 mg
to a maximum of 25 mg three times per week.

However, do pay attention, as there are cases of blood vessel damage in the
eyes due to careless use of clomiphene citrate. Watch out for this effect and get
in touch with your doctor immediately if you experience any form of vision
irregularity whole taking Clomid.

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Moodiness is often associated with Clomid use among women and is rarely seen
in men who take the compound. But, when it does manifest in men, it’s generally
recommended to stop taking Clomid altogether.

Nausea is also one of the common side effects of clomiphene citrate use in both
men and women. This is quite common for any medication that affects the
production of hormones in one’s body. If the nausea persists for more than a
week, get in touch with your doctor and discuss the matter.

Going All-Natural

If you’re not too excited about the side effects of taking Clomid, you could opt
for ellagic acid—an all-natural SERM with scientific studies backing its potential.

Aside from its ability to counter estrogen, it has been shown to provide other
benefits for cardiovascular health by preventing the buildup of abnormal fat
deposits in the arterial walls that can, eventually, lead to coronary artery disease.
It also helps in preventing cancer in the colon, prostate, and bladder because of
its antioxidant properties.

Another option for a natural alternative for pharmaceutical SERMs is the Sea
Bird’s Nest seaweed, scientifically known as Eucheuma Cottonii. This marine algae
can be found all over the world with especially large concentrations in the Pacific

Eucheuma Cottonii contains trace minerals, vitamins, amino acids, plant growth
hormones, and antioxidants. It’s a fabulous alternative to tamoxifen citrate,
Nolvadex, which is also used off-the-label as a SERM like Clomid.

However, these natural SERM alternatives are only recommended for those who
are thinking of taking pharmaceutical SERMs for their post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Pharmaceutical SERMs are used off-the-label by individuals when they intend to

reduce and to eventually eliminate the use of anabolic steroids. What does off-
the-label mean? It means the usage of a prescription drug in a way that’s not

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intended by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or local health

Therefore, if you were prescribed any SERM and have hypogonadism or non-
obstructive azoospermia, it’s best to follow the doctor’s orders and not explore
with substituting it with natural alternatives.

Key Takeaways

▪ Clomid (clomiphene citrate) is a non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor

modulator (SERM). It acts by binding to the estrogen receptors in place of
actual estrogen, blocking it from exerting its effects.

▪ When these receptors are inhibited, the brain sends a signal to ramp up
production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH). Upon production of these two hormones, the male body responds
by increasing its sperm and testosterone production, which then
improves erectile strength, libido, and mental confidence.

▪ Clomid is commonly prescribed as the first line of conventional treatment

of low testosterone.

▪ Other conditions that are treated with Clomid include non-obstructive

azoospermia (absence of sperm cells in the semen), as well as
testosterone and spermatogenesis support after steroid use.

▪ Since Clomid binds to estrogen receptors to block them, common side

effects of using Clomid are estrogenic in nature: mood swings and
changes in libido, for example. To avoid potential side effects, take Clomid
in a lower dosage than recommended, especially if your only goal is to
increase semen volume.

▪ Don’t forget to get your blood tests done every 2-3 months to keep track
of your progress.

▪ All-natural Clomid alternatives include ellagic acid and Eucheuma Cottonii.

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Anastrozole is a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor. This class of drugs inhibits

the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone and other androgen
hormones into estrogen hormones.

It’s available under the brand name Arimidex and is generally taken in pill form
once per day. It’s not an over-the-counter medicine, so you’ll need a prescription
to buy it.

Anastrozole is commonly given to postmenopausal women to stop or slow the

development of early-stage breast cancer by decreasing the amount of estrogen
they produce.

A doctor may prescribe this medication in addition to radiation, surgery, or

chemotherapy to starve these cancers of the estrogen they use. It’s also
prescribed in cases of late-stage breast cancer when tamoxifen (brand name
Soltamox) no longer works.

In men, Anastrozole is used to reduce the effects of excess testosterone, which

can be converted into estrogen by aromatase. It’s most commonly given to men
who are undergoing testosterone replacement therapy to prevent the effects of
high estradiol levels.

Bodybuilders and other athletes taking anabolic steroids may also take
Anastrozole to dodge the side effects of steroid use, although the drug is not
approved for this purpose.

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Risks and Benefits of Anastrozole

Elderly men may particularly benefit from taking Anastrozole. Past the age of 30
or 40, the testosterone produced in the testes gradually declines by around 1% a

However, the levels of estradiol continue to remain high due to often increased
amounts of fat in middle-age and elderly men, particularly around the abdomen,
as well as rising aromatase activity. This effect is explained but he fact that fatty
tissue produces aromatase.

In particular, Anastrozole can be effective in cases where low testosterone is due

to hypogonadism.

Hypogonadism is a condition in which a problem with the pituitary gland or

testicles prevents the body from producing enough testosterone.

This condition is usually treated through hormone replacement therapy to

reduce the symptoms of low testosterone. Anastrozole, however, may be a
viable alternative to traditional testosterone therapy or treatment.

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At the same time, you should consider the long-term effects of taking
Anastrozole. For instance, it has been associated with lower bone mineral
density, requiring patients with pre-existing osteoporosis to undergo regular
monitoring as well as undertaking strategies to protect bone health.

Also, you’ll need regular blood tests while using Anastrozole to confirm you are
not taking too much or too little of it.

Key Takeaways

▪ Anastrozole (brand name Arimidex) is a non-steroidal aromatase

inhibitor. It blocks the aromatase enzyme and thus prevents it from
turning one’s testosterone and other androgens into estrogens.

▪ In women, Anastrozole is prescribed to treat estrogen-dependent breast

cancer. In men, the dry is used to reduce side effects of excess
testosterone and during testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

▪ Bodybuilders take Anastrozole to mitigate side effects of anabolic steroid

usage, but keep in mind that the drug has never been studies or approved
for this purpose.

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▪ Middle-aged and elderly men are likely to benefit the most from taking
Anastrozole, as they traditionally suffer from increased body fat levels in
the abdominal area, and that’s where the lion’s share of aromatase in
men is produced.

▪ Long-term side effects of taking Anastrozole include reduced bone

mineral density.

▪ Natural alternatives to Anastrozole include diindolylmethane (DIM),

Brassaiopsis Glomerulata, and pine bark extract.

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Although males don’t naturally secrete it, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
for men is often considered an option for improving testosterone levels. Things
get mind-boggling, though, once you realize what this hormone really is.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is produced in the female placenta during

pregnancy. The right amount of this essential hormone ensures that the
pregnancy will advance smoothly and the fetus will develop properly.

But what does it have to do with male health?

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HCG and Testosterone Therapy: How Are They Related?

As HCG is primarily a female hormone, the way it works for men and women will
be quite different. In men, HCG therapy is often administered as a supplement
for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

This is because HCG is known to behave similarly to luteinizing hormone (LH), a

hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates the testicles to produce

LH secretion increases while we are asleep. If you’re the kind of person that
doesn’t catch enough sleep every night, there is a huge chance that your
testosterone levels may drop as a result of reduced LH secretion.

Even when you’re sleep deprived, HCG will be able help your body function as
normally as possible. Sexual dysfunctions can be improved when HCG makes
your androgen receptors more reactive.

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Reasons for Undergoing HCG Treatment

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be the way to go if you would like
to restore your hormone balance. However, when you are undergoing TRT, your
body may stop its own testosterone production sooner or later.

Because of the increased amounts of testosterone during TRT, testosterone

secretion will stop because the body is tricked into thinking it already has too
much of it. Again, the danger happens when your testosterone levels become

Despite giving you the testosterone boost you need, TRT may cause your body
to lose the ability to secrete testosterone on its own. Hence, going for an HCG
shot while undergoing testosterone therapy will help your systems remember
how to produce testosterone naturally.

HCG therapy uses the body’s stimulating mechanisms to increase the amount of
testosterone being secreted. HCG will mimic the role of LH to enhance the
testes’ ability to produce the male hormone.

While HCG works almost identically to LH, HCG seems to have the ability to act
similarly to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as well. It activates the secretion
of gonadal steroid hormones by stimulating the testes’ Leydig cells to produce

The effect of HCG on the Leydig cell will also result in increased testosterone
production. These biochemical stimulating processes will boost plasma
testosterone level as the treatment progresses.

Since HCG will stimulate the testes, there should be a natural increase in a man’s
testosterone production as a result. It will also help prevent testicular atrophy
while undergoing hormone replacement therapy.

HCG Hormone: What Are the Benefits?

For many reasons, be it uncontrollable factors like genetic illnesses or conscious

choices like poor lifestyle and habits, testosterone levels can be reduced.

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Fortunately, HCG can help bring back the balance and help your body to jump
start testosterone production naturally.

Here are some benefits of HCG if you are looking into viable solutions for
testosterone deficiency:

Boosts Testosterone Levels

If you suspect that hormonal imbalance may be the reason behind your
unwanted symptoms, your doctor may prescribe HCG therapy to increase the
levels of testosterone in your bloodstream. Low levels of testosterone are
known to trigger degenerative functions and ill health in males.

Your initial problems can usually be solved by maintaining a healthy balance of

hormones. HCG therapy can help you achieve that by stimulating the testes to
produce the necessary amount of testosterone, helping you improve how your
body functions.

Improved Performance in Athletes

HCG may be able to enhance athletic performance due to increased levels of
testosterone, which usually boosts strength and endurance. In contrast with an
anabolic steroid, HCG doesn’t have any adverse side effects when used as a
testosterone booster.

It must be noted, however, that HCG use has been banned by the International
Olympic Committee in 1987. Although HCG is relatively safe and natural
compared to anabolic steroids, the ban was initiated because HCG made it more
difficult for the committee to detect performance enhancing steroids.

Some athletes still take very low doses of HCG to maintain a desirable
testosterone level for better strength and athletic performance. Steroids are
known to reduce the size of the testicles after prolonged use, which leads to
testosterone deficiency and low sperm count.

Improved Testicular Development and Penile Growth

HCG has been found to promote testicular and penile growth. Regular HCG
treatment typically results in significant improvements in testosterone levels,
testicular volume, and penile length.

Not only will your internal systems and functions improve with HCG, but the

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physical changes in your manhood are sure to make you feel a lot better about
yourself as well.

Increases Energy Levels

Since testosterone increases with HCG, this treatment is also likely to give you an
energy surge. People who improved their HCG level to boost testosterone have
enjoyed increased energy levels.

As a result, they are able to do things more productively and it also allows them
to exercise more. Having the ability to do more exercise consequently leads
them to burn more fat and build more muscle.

Enhances Weight Loss

HCG can also be used by those who wish to lose weight. It might work for
someone who wants to ensure that the weight they’ll be losing comes from fat
rather than muscle.

While on HCG, weight loss will start to kick in once you employ a low-calorie diet.
This will help metabolize your stored fats into energy much faster compared to
trying to lose weight without the help of HCG.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Because of better energy levels and weight loss, you will have less risks of
developing heart issues. Having a lot of extra weight will cause your heart to
work a lot harder because it will need to deliver blood and oxygen to more

Weight loss can also lead to decreased amounts of cholesterol, making it easier
for blood to flow. Cholesterol and extra fat are known to constrict your blood

When blood and oxygen can travel through your body more efficiently due to
the absence of unnecessary fat, your risk for stroke will also be much less.

HCG may not be the direct cause of improvements in hearth health, but the
changes that it brings forth make it a worthy investment in the long run.

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Some Side Effects to Keep in Mind

Although HCG isn’t known to have a lot of adverse side effects, here are
some of the things you may experience:

◆ Headaches and dizziness

◆ Nausea

◆ Fatigue and exhaustion

◆ Irritation or swelling at site of HCG injection

◆ Mood swings

◆ Swollen ankles and feet

HCG can be a good treatment option if you think you’re suffering from
testosterone deficiency. Aside from acting as a reliable testosterone booster,
HCG can also help you improve the overall state of your health by increasing
your energy levels (ultimately leading to weight loss), improving athletic
performance, and enhancing heart health.

Fadogia AgresUs as a Natural HCG AlternaUve

Fadogia Agrestis, the closest natural equivalent of lab-produced HCG, is a herb used
in African folk medicine as an aphrodisiac. Its testosterone-enhancing properties
were confirmed in a study involving rats, but there are no studies on humans yet.

Fadogia Agrestis is a unique aphrodisiac because it does not only increase libido,
but also prolongs the time required to ejaculate (ejaculatory latency) following
repetitive intercourse.

Aphrodisiacs tend to enhance one’s sex drive often because they modulate the
levels of testosterone in the body. Fadogia can help keep your testicles naturally
producing testosterone even while on steroids. The ability of Fadogia Agrestis to
prolong one’s sexual endurance, which is not common in aphrodisiacs, also
makes this herb one of a kind.

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This is interesting because, while the pharmaceutical industry is quite focused
on addressing impotence or erectile dysfunction, not much attention is lavished
on many of the other male problems such as premature ejaculation.

Key Takeaways

▪ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that’s naturally

produced in the female placenta to support pregnancy.

▪ Men don’t produce HCG, but it’s sometimes prescribed as a

complimentary treatment during testosterone replacement therapy. This
is because HCG acts similarly to luteinizing hormone (LH)—it stimulates
the testicles to produce testosterone. During TRT, this is essential to
prevent the shutdown of your own production of testosterone.

▪ HCG has similar effects to the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as well,

stimulating the Leydig cells in the testes to produce more testosterone.

▪ HCG also seems to make the male androgen receptors more reactive,
which is a good thing in most cases.

▪ Other potential health benefits include improved physical performance,

improved testicular development and penile growth, higher energy levels,
enhanced weight loss, and better cardiovascular health.

▪ An effective natural HCG alternative is Fadogia Agrestis, a herb used in

African folk medicine as an aphrodisiac. Its testosterone-enhancing
properties were confirmed in a study on rats, but keep in mind there are
no studies on humans yet.

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Testosterone plays several important roles in the male body, which is why many
are intrigued about the possible benefits of undergoing testosterone
replacement therapy (TRT).

Aside from ensuring proper penile and testicular development, the hormone is
partly responsible for keeping bones healthy. Of course, testosterone also plays
a direct role in boosting sperm production and libido.

The hormone is crucial in keeping away depression since it acts on brain

receptors that control mood. This is why older men are at risk of suffering from
depressive symptoms, given their declining testosterone levels.

Energy, which is closely related to motivation, is also affected whenever there

isn’t enough supply of the hormone. If you’re feeling tired even after you’ve slept
through the entire night, you might be suffering from low testosterone.

As for muscle mass, testosterone is one of the body’s most powerful anabolics,
meaning it promotes muscle growth. Many synthetic steroids are actually
designed specifically to mimic the action of testosterone.

Treatment opUons during TRT

Men who wish to undergo testosterone replacement therapy may choose

among several treatment options, including gels and injections.

Surely, testosterone gels are the top pick among those afraid of needles. Despite
being non-invasive, they work well enough and are quite safe to use (getting too
much testosterone is unlikely if your’e using a gel).

There are, of course, downsides to using gels for TRT. Aside from the issue of
convenience (getting your skin wet after application isn’t an option), there’s the
need to shower right before putting it on.

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Injections, on the other hand, combine both potency and affordability.
Injectables come in two general types, namely intramuscular and subcutaneous.

There are two common testosterone injection preparations, testosterone cypionate

and testosterone enanthate, but they don’t have any noticeable differences.

Risks and Side Effects of TRT

Testosterone replacement therapy comes with short- and long-term risks, which
should be taken into account by anyone interested in it.

While it offers several noteworthy advantages, TRT does come with its own set of
potential downsides. Swelling (particularly in the chest and ankles) and acne
outbreaks are among the most common side effects of TRT.

Some also experience breathing difficulties while sleeping, which might interfere
with recovery – particularly in the case of those taking additional testosterone
for bodybuilding purposes.

As for long-term issues, TRT may increase risks of heart disease as well as
prostate cancer. While there isn’t enough studies to better understand the
specifics of these risks, it’s still important to take note of them.

Increasing your testosterone levels comes with the risk of excessively boosting
your production of red blood cells. An unnaturally high red blood cell count lead
to a higher risk of getting blood clots.

Note that dosages for testosterone, in cases where the hormone’s levels aren’t
abnormally low to begin with, have not been established. Experts are still trying
to learn more about the pros and cons of non-therapeutic TRT.

Key Takeaways

▪ TRT, when administered on those with hypogonadism, has been found to

improve quality of life, physique (lean muscle), and even cholesterol levels
without risking prostate health.

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▪ TRT neither causes cardiovascular disease nor increases cardiovascular
disease risk when carried out correctly, particularly on those diagnosed
with hypogonadism.

▪ In order to be safe and effective, TRT has to be prescribed by an

experienced physician. Undergoing TRT without medical supervision for
non-therapeutic purposes could have serious side effects for your health.

▪ A viable alternative for those who want a safe and effective way to boost
testosterone is to take the natural testosterone boosters we discussed in
the previous chapters.

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Adequate nutrition, proper sleep, stress-management, healthy supplements…

All of those things are great but did you know you can actually train your way to
more testosterone?

Moreover, higher testosterone levels will help you build muscle and improve
your physical performance, so this is a somewhat self-reinforcing cycle.

Sounds good? Get ready to learn the details!

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Best Bodyweight Exercises For Maximizing Testosterone And

Growth Hormone Response

When was the last time you’ve performed a full bodyweight workout? Chances
are, not recently. We don’t blame you; after all it’s not commercially “sexy”.

Yes, even though bodyweight workouts remain an effective way to jack

testosterone and growth hormone levels through the roof, they are
undeservedly frowned upon because they come with zero opportunities to sell
stuff. All you need is, well, you own body.

The Secret Of Bodyweight Training: Isometric ContracUons

Have you ever wondered why ballet dancers have highly developed calf muscles,
regardless of age and gender? Yes, these are athletes that rely on mainly water
and not much else, in a discipline where gaining weight is not a favorable trait.
And yet their level of calf development is significantly greater than that of the
average population (and of many bodybuilders, for that matter.)

The reason? Isometric contractions.

A normal repetition of an exercise usually has two phases, the concentric (or working
phase), when the muscle is shortening, and the eccentric, when the muscle is
lengthening or going to the negative position. Isometric contractions, on the other
hand, involve holding a static position for several seconds, normally around 10.

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But it’s not as simple as just holding a position, because a lot is actually going on
under the surface. Typically, that static hold should recruit a large number of
motor neurons in muscles throughout the body, and not only the body part you
think it should focus on.

Take for example the push up, an excellent isometric bodyweight exercise.
Though you may think you just need to hold the peak position and do nothing,
the ideal way to do it would be to hold in a position just before full lockout, all
the while contracting the muscles of the glutes, calves, chest, and back.

Thus, even though isometric exercise may look easy on the surface, there’s so much
more to it. Ballet dancers spend a large portion of their training time in a tip-toed
position, forcing maximum calf contractions for an extended period of time. This is
ideal for growth of stubborn muscle groups, especially the calves and biceps.

Choosing The Best Bodyweight Exercises For Maximum

Testosterone and Growth Hormone Response

In general, exercises that provoke the greatest extent of testosterone and

growth hormone release are short and intense, something that isometric
training has covered. Try the following exercises and see your strength and size
transform faster that you’ve ever seen before using only your bodyweight:

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The Push Up
The push up is a staple of bodyweight workouts, but an isometric push up is
performed somewhat differently. As briefly mentioned above, it recruits a lot
more muscle groups than only the pectoralis muscles. For best results, perform
the exercise like this:

1. Start by assuming a normal push up position, arms slightly wider than

shoulder width.

2. Press up from the ground and hold at a position just short of locking out the
elbows. This is your “working position”.

3. Squeeze the muscles of your glutes, back, calves and the pectoralis by
simulating the action of moving your elbows inward toward your midline. This
recruits the chest muscles sharply.

4. Hold this position for just 6-10 seconds. This is considered a rep.

5. Pro Tip: you can also perform a variation of this position by keeping the
elbows tucked closer to the sides, and almost fully bent. Your body ends up
almost parallel to the floor in this position.

Biceps One Arm Isometric Hold Curl

This exercise is intense even though the duration per rep is still 10 seconds.
Here’s how you do it:

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1. Hang on a pull-up bar with both hands.

2. Raise yourself to a complete pull-up, using an underhand grip with both arms.

3. At the top position, lower yourself slightly, so that your elbows mimic the
position of a lifted barbell at the middle position.

4. Let go of one arm and use it to grab the forearm of the gripping arm. Hold this
position for 10 seconds.

5. Be sure to contract with peak force as many muscle groups as you can,
without sacrificing loss in tension of any one muscle group.

Single Leg Standing Calf Contraction

As the name implies, this exercise induces massive increases of calf
development. To perform:

1. Stand on one leg, spreading your toes as far as comfortably possible.

2. Press up as far as possible to achieve a peak contraction.

3. Hold for 10 seconds

4. Try to not lose contraction strength for the sake of balance. Repeat with other

Isometric Lateral Hold

If you’ve performed dumbbell lateral raises before, this movement is very
similar. To perform:

1. Place your hands at your sides in a palms down position.

2. Raise your hands up to the sides laterally to a position in line with the
shoulders. This can be done while holding a light weight or without any
additional weight.

3. Try to squeeze the muscle groups in the shoulder along with other muscle

4. Hold for 10 seconds then relax.

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Dip Bar Hold

As the name implies, this exercise involves using a triceps dip bar to
perform isometric contractions. To perform:

1. Get in fully extended triceps position on a dip bar.

2. Fully extend your elbows as far as it comfortably goes.

3. Forcibly squeeze the triceps to get in a strong contraction.

4. Hold this contraction for up to 10 seconds.

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Wall Sit
The wall sit is an isometric exercise that primarily emphasizes the quadriceps
muscle group, although theoretically it will take a lot more to elicit major
hypertrophy in this muscle group. To perform the wall sit:

1. With legs shoulder-width apart, position yourself with your back against a wall.

2. Slowly lower yourself until you are in a position resembling being seated.

3. Hold that position for up to 10 seconds.

Key Takeaways

▪ Isometric contractions involve holding a static position for several

seconds, normally around 10.

▪ Although not very popular, isometric bodyweight exercises are an

excellent way to add muscle and promote hypertrophy.

▪ While the technique can be used alone, it can also be effectively combined
with weightlifting exercises to foster an even greater physique.

▪ Isometric exercise also shows great promise in rehab, being able to

strengthen muscles without bearing any load, as recorded in this study.

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Compound movements are your typical multi-joint movements such as the

deadlift, squat, barbell bench-press and military press. These are the exercises
that involve multiple muscle groups to attain a certain movement, hence their
name. On the either side we have isolation movements—exercises such as
preacher curls and leg extensions. They target, primarily, a single muscle group.

Compound movements are king

There’s a reason why powerlifting and weightlifting are both based on

compound movements.

Multiple muscle groups working in unison to stabilize, propel and hoist a certain
weight, stabilizers firing, core activated… It’s like seeing art.

Compound movements should be the base of any training regimen as they are
optimal for lean muscle gain as outlined by the following study:

“The present study aimed to compare the effects of resistance training

performed with multi-joint or single-joint exercises on aerobic capacity, body
composition and muscle strength in active males. A novel approach of the
present study was equating total work volume which, as far as we know, has
not been previously performed. According to our results, both protocols were
equally efficient in improving body composition; however, training with multi-
joint exercises provided higher gains in physical performance.”

Source: Resistance Training with Single vs. Multi-joint Exercises at Equal Total
Load Volume: Effects on Body Composition, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and
Muscle Strength

A second piece of evidence in favor of compound movements is

electromyography (EMG) activation data. Studies show that compound
movements can activate more muscle groups and to a greater extent compared
to isolation movements. Another benefit of compound movements from a
body-building perspective is that they have a greater ability to elicit symmetrical

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muscle growth. If you want a symmetrical body, compound movements are your
best friends.

This doesn’t mean that isolation movements will cause symmetrical issues. It’s
just that in comparison, isolation movements have a higher tendency to cause
muscle symmetry imbalances and for this reason isolation movements are used
to bring up lagging body parts.

IsolaUon Movements are the Knights

Assistance work or single joint isolation movements are very important. They
may not be the king but nevertheless their power must not be underestimated.
Lagging body parts and resulting weaknesses in compound movements can only
be addressed by isolation work. Isolation movements are essential if you’re
going for a certain look, so they are mandatory for bodybuilding. Assistance
work shouldn’t be picked up at whim. Isolation movements can be selected
based on two goals:

1) Assistance in compound movements (performance-wise)

2) Muscular aesthetics (appearance-wise)

IsolaUon Work Varies

The top reason cookie cutter workout plans work so badly: everybody is

Not everyone needs 6 sets of triceps isolation work per week! Some may need
more, some may need less. Some genetic freaks may have amazing triceps so
they may not need much isolation work for these muscles. Others may have
amazing calves! So, monitor and adjust your isolation work according to your
individual traits and unique body properties.

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Compound Movements and Testosterone ProducUon

Saving the best for last: compound movements and their anabolic value.

We all know that training and exercise trigger a hormonal response in the body.
And still, what gives you the best bang for your buck - compound movements or
isolation work? Which one elicits a greater hormonal response?

There are three hormones at play here:

1) Testosterone. The primary anabolic hormone that does everything from

giving you male characteristics to helping you build lean muscle. Testosterone
stimulates muscle growth and increases protein synthesis.

2) Growth Hormone. This hormone also stimulates muscle growth and

increases protein synthesis by affecting amino acid absorption at a cellular level.

3) Cortisol. A catabolic hormone that breaks down the amino acids and converts
them into carbohydrates; robbing you of your precious gains. It also conserves
glucose, and aids in the breaking down of fat. Consistent high levels of cortisol
can result in overtraining.

To trigger 1) and 2) optimally, it is necessary to perform heavy compound

movements. For optimal hormonal response and muscle adaptation you need to
go heavier than 75% (ideally in the 80-95% range) of your max and perform the
compound movements in the 5-8 rep range. This has scientifically proven to be
the ideal rep range and weight range for provoking a favorable hormonal
response. What this does is recruit the highest number of muscular motor units.
Imagine a factory with 100 workers. Isolation work is like asking for a medium
output: not all the workers will be engaged (they love to slack!) and out of those
100 maybe 60 of them will work and give you the desired output. On the other
hand, compound movements are like tossing the entire factory into overdrive
mode: almost all the workers will be working their asses off!

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Key Takeaways

▪ Compound movements trigger a more significant hormonal response,

mainly from testosterone and growth hormone. For optimal gains and
performance improvement, make compound movements the core of all
your workouts.

▪ Isolation movements are perfect to focus on lagging muscle groups to

improve performance in compound movements or to approach a
particular physique.

▪ For optimal hormonal response and muscle adaptation you need to go

heavier than 75% (ideally in the 80-95% range) of your max and perform
the compound movements in the 5-8 rep range.

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I had a coworker at my last job who was a really fun guy to chat with during
lunch break. He seemed like a true gym bro; always talking about his training
split and ‘meal-prep Saturdays’.

The peculiar thing was, he never changed much; all year round. He had the same
skinny-fat look with some muscularity.

I saw his gym bag daily with his branded apparel; wrist wraps, knee wraps,
compression shorts and what not. So, he did hit the gym daily and, according to
him, his sessions were at least two hours long. This always made me question
his diet but then again; he’s all ‘broccoli and rice’ during lunch time and hardly
any snacks or binges (during work, at least).

Then, one fine day, he asked me if I would like to join him for a training session
that evening. Well, that’s where I got the answers to all my questions.

His workout was a stretched-out sequence of warm-up exercises with LOTS of

resting and social-media whoring (pardon my French). I mean what I would
consider a warm-up set (given the intensity, not the weight lifted) was his top
working set. He was training with weights 50% of his 1 rep max and calling it a

The answer to my wonderment was ‘Intensity’; his training lacked intensity (and
discipline!) and that’s what was the missing piece of the puzzle. The workout
wasn’t hard enough to push his body. It didn’t matter if he continued with the
same intensity for 3 hours or longer; the exercise intensity wasn’t challenging

I think Dorian Yates said it better.

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The Surprising Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates (six times Mr. Olympia and British Bodybuilding champion) on his
high-intensity training regimen:

“Well, if you write it down on a piece of paper, it doesn’t mean much, it

doesn’t look like much. It’s nothing special… But the point is what you put into
it. It’s the intensity that you put into those sets… your body has no reason to
change if it’s working within its capacity. Why would it? You have to overload
it. You have to give it something that it’s not used to, that’s going to be a
shock. Basically, muscle growth is an adaptation to stress. You’ve got to give
your muscles more stress than they’re accustomed to, otherwise they won’t
change. Quite basically, that’s it. That last set you’ve just got to put everything
into it. It’s not about throwing weights around and screaming and shouting.
It’s about concentrating. It’s about doing the movement correctly. It’s about
moving the weights slowly, under control, even when it gets absolutely,
tortuously hard and impossible to do those last reps at the end.”

Dorian Yates was one bodybuilder that brought crazy condition to all his
contests. This is what separated him from the rest of the lot. Another thing that
was unique to Dorian Yates was his training time. His sessions used to be 30 - 45
minutes long. Yes, you heard it right, 6-times Mr. Olympia trained less than an
hour each day and five times a week! His training style was based on Mike
Mentzer’s (Mr. Universe) training style who originally borrowed it from Arthur
Jones, a businessman who used to design bodybuilding equipment. Now, the
unique thing about all these workout regimens is that they were less than hour,
very high-intensity, low rest period workouts with many supersets and drop sets.
The aim was to push your body beyond what it thought was possible to induce a
growth response for lean muscle tissue growth and repair. This is exactly what
most high-intensity workout templates emulate nowadays.

So, the next question is, what is the optimal training intensity for muscle growth?

Testosterone OpUmizaUon & Training Intensity

We all know testosterone; it’s our best friend, the one hormone that can enable
your body to pack on lean muscle! We all know that the testosterone levels vary

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throughout the day and it is our intention to stabilize them for optimal growth &
recovery. Testosterone levels are also prone to crash during endurance type
exercises that have low to intermediate intensity and last for a relatively long
period of time. Such crashes must be avoided.

One thing that you should understand is that there is a difference between
endurance exercise and weight training. When the time you spend at the gym
exceeds 60-90 minutes (this time can vary from one person to another), you’re
essentially moving into the ‘endurance exercise’ zone which can stunt your
muscle growth and recovery time. It is scientifically proven that endurance
training negatively affects you, (or doesn’t affect at all) in terms of anabolic
health. Keeping this in view, the complicated balance of intensity, volume and
frequency must be optimized. Training intensity should be such that your body
does not have the capacity to perform at a certain intensity for over 90 minutes.

HIT or High-Intensity Training System

I never recommend a single workout template to everyone. We’re all different

and what works for you may not work for someone else. High-intensity training
is one regimen worth mentioning because it’s short and scientifically proven to

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give you the best anabolic response. Now, there are many HIT templates out
there and a lot of work has been done by top bodybuilders to develop this
training scheme. Some fine details may vary across the templates but the basic
principles of HIT remain the same. Characteristics of HIT include:

◆ Each training session should be short. Close to 30-45 minutes max.

◆ Exercises are to be performed at a very high intensity, nearing maximal effort.

◆ Cadence of a lift is very important as compared to the actual weight. Each

rep must be controlled.

◆ Special emphasis is given to the eccentric (or negative) phase of the lift
(especially in Dorian Yates-based HIT templates). Maximum number of
muscle fibers are recruited during this phase.

◆ Jerking or bouncing the weight is not allowed!

◆ ‘Holds’ are very important! You must hold your lift at peak position (or at
top of the muscle contraction) to optimize muscle fiber recruitment.

◆ Rest between subsequent sets should be short. Ideally around 30 seconds.

◆ Include rest pauses during your sets. These are very brief 5 to 10 second
rests in your set during maximum effort.

◆ Forced reps are ideally used during the eccentric phase to maximize
muscle recruitment.

◆ Drop sets are used to exhaust the muscle and take it beyond failure.

Training Intensity: Sweet Spot Training & Training ”By Feel”

If HIT or High Intensity Training is not the answer to your question, you can
adopt another training style - sweet spot training.

We hear this all the time: ‘I don’t count reps, I just go by feel’. What exactly is this
”by feel?” How do we go about a set’s intensity based on our perception?

The thing we’re looking for is the sweet spot. You push your body enough to
produce a good-enough growth & repair response but not so much that you’re

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unable to recover from it. This sweet spot is highly individual and cannot be
quantified in terms of repetitions done or weights lifted. Scientists are in pursuit
of developing a scale for strength training that can quantify this perceived effort
or intensity but for simplicity we would like to describe this sweet spot in words,
rather than scientific mumbo jumbo!

The sweet spot intensity can be effectively put into words by saying ‘going all the
way but leaving 1-2 reps in the tank.’ This is the recommended training intensity
for a natural. If you’re enhanced, well; you can go balls to the walls and still
recover from the training stress. But, for a natural, it’s an entirely different ball-
game. Naturals should be working in the hypertrophy rep-scheme and the
weight should be challenging. Your set should be such that you don’t go to
failure (isolation movements are an exception) and leave ONLY 1-2 reps in the
tank. Consistent ‘training to failure’ may eventually lead you to overtraining, and
can be detrimental to your health.

Key Takeaways

▪ In general, the optimal way to induce a growth response in the muscle

tissue is to load it with stress it’s not used to. In other words, high-
intensity workouts with short rest periods between reps are the best to
grow muscle and increase performance.

▪ Bodybuilding legends like Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer trained using
this strategy, and the results are obvious.

▪ Intensity yields results. Focus on your intensity rather than getting bogged
down on training volume.

▪ Couple your training intensity with adequate training frequency. Make

sure you recover from your workouts.

▪ Create a positive and optimal intensity, frequency & volume trio. Balance
these three and see what works best for you.

▪ Optimize your rest periods during sets. 30-60 seconds for isolation
exercises whereas anything around 2 min for multi-joint compound
movements for higher %RPM weight ranges.

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We all have that friend who boasts how they’re at the gym 7 days a week, yet,
they still look quite ‘do you even lift, bro?’

It’s the same type of people who are expected to be at the gym for 2-3 hours per
lifting session. Apparently, many people think there is a direct correlation
between the sheer volume of training and muscle hypertrophy. Although, to an
extent, that’s true (more in the case of enhanced lifters); there’s definitely a limit
to it. For optimal gains it’s highly important that we don’t run into the red zone:

In this chapter, we’ll look at how ‘less can be more’ when it comes to lifting and
we’ll try to discover the optimal training frequency for natural lifters that leads to
the best growth response.

Natural vs. Enhanced Training

Before we kick off into high gear, let’s try to warm up things by making a clear
(although somewhat controversial) distinction. The topic of overtraining and its
recommendations will be highly different for natural lifters (or natties) as
opposed to enhanced lifters. The reason for this distinction is that the body’s
response varies immensely between the two. For enhanced lifters, it’s a different
ball-game when it comes to protein synthesis and the body’s ability to recover.
Essentially, we are looking at the following basic analogies:

1) Faster rates of recovery from a workout. Enhanced lifters are able to

recover quickly from a lifting session.

2) Greater protein synthesis response. The body’s protein synthesis response

(i.e. muscle building) in enhanced lifters is more profound and extended than it
is in natties.

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3) Anabolic/Anti-catabolic state. Steroids are mainly derivatives of anabolic
hormones. Given the elevated levels of anabolic hormones in an enhanced lifter,
their bodies can counterbalance cortisol surges more efficiently.

Without going into too much detail, it’s safe to say that the workout followed by
an IFBB pro is not the optimal workout for a natural recreational lifter; it’s like
apples and oranges! This is our first word of caution when it comes to training
frequency. Stop emulating top professional bodybuilders and their training
regimen because it just doesn’t work that way. In fact, the training protocol for
the average natural gym-goer will differ vastly from someone enhanced who’s
lifting recreationally!

Overtraining: When More is Actually Less

The first thing we need to realize is that the word overtraining is not a myth. You’ll
come across many ‘hardcore’ athletes discounting this word but, as science
explains, overtraining is common in athletes. Now, let’s not confuse overtraining
with training hard since these two are completely different terms. Overtraining
syndrome (OTS) is actually a pathological state and its common symptoms include:

◆ Fatigue or lethargy

◆ Feeling of illness (or actually falling ill)

◆ Low sex drive

◆ Insomnia and general restlessness

◆ Lack of motivation

OTS affects the body’s hormones, which in turn affect the body’s physiological
response. Hormones are chemical messengers that coordinate complex bodily
processes such as metabolism, fertility and growth. So, when the body is pushed
over its threshold levels consistently and without adequate recovery, its
hormonal balance gets wrecked. The hormone that gets the hardest blow from
OTS is testosterone. Specifically, the balance between testosterone and cortisol
is severely impacted during OTS, and this directly affects the body’s ability to
recover, grow and build more muscle. We already know how important

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testosterone is for us, so before you tank your testosterone levels, it’s important
to analyze your training frequency and check if it’s leading you to overtraining.

The UlUmate Training Plan for Natural Lioers

Sorry to disappoint but the sad thing is that there isn’t any!

There is no ‘one size fits all’. Training and nutrition are highly individual things
and what works for you may not work for me. Having said that, not all is lost.
There’s a lot of scientific data to steer us in the right direction and there are
definitely some specific rules (or commandments!) that apply to everyone.

Our RecommendaUons

Check your training volume & balance it with your training frequency

The number one mistake most natty lifters make is that they do too much volume. A
day dedicated to triceps, hitting them with 18 sets, isn’t going to do you any good! You
need to back-off and adjust the volume of training. The main aim of training is to
provide the body with a stress stimulus so that it can recover from it (and grow). There
is absolutely no reason to push it beyond the point of recovery if you’re looking to gain
muscle. Remember, volume and training frequency goes hand in hand.

Optimal training volume is a highly individual thing. However, if we’re talking

exact numbers, there are certain ranges that have been proven to give you the
best bang for your buck. The best thing to do is to find your own sweet spot
when it comes to training volume. Follow this guideline, experiment with the
range and try to find out what volume works best for you. According to our
recommendation (and available scientific data):

◆ Larger muscle groups can sustain a higher training load whereas smaller
muscle groups need a lower training load.

◆ Around 60-120 reps per week are needed for bigger muscle groups such
as the chest, back, quads and hamstrings.

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◆ Around 30-60 reps per week are needed for smaller muscle groups such
as biceps, triceps, abs and deltas.

Frequency matters the most

Frequency refers to how often you train a muscle group per week. The stress
stimulus (the workout itself) should be frequent enough to trigger protein
synthesis and keep you anabolic but not so much that it tanks your testosterone
and increases cortisol levels.

Another point to remember is that there is an inverse correlation between

frequency and volume. This means that if you are decreasing your training
volume, it is necessary that you increase the training frequency and vice versa.

Key Takeaways

▪ For natural lifters, each muscle group must be trained two times per week
for optimal gains.

▪ Whether or not training each muscle group 3 times a week is more

beneficial, remains inconclusive as per scientific assessment.

▪ Frequency is more important than volume and it really helps if you’re

doing short, intense low volume workouts while primarily focusing on
compound movements.

▪ Progressive overload must not be overlooked, especially on the

compound movements. You should try to progressively increase the
resistance (weight lifted) on these compound movements through linear
& nonlinear periodization methods.

▪ On the other hand, accessory movements (or isolation movements) can

be overloaded through training to failure.

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Being fat has never been cool. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t feel good.

Moreover, being fat (or overweight, or obese; however way you want to
categorize it) puts you at a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer,
according to extensive medical studies. This is just the tip of the iceberg as
there’s a myriad of other diseases and health risks associated with a high body
fat rate. In this chapter, we are going to focus on body fat and how it adversely
affects your testosterone levels.

Out of all the problems surrounding high body fat percentage, we will focus on
its impact on hormones, specifically testosterone.

Analyzing Body ComposiUon & Body Fat

Body composition is a very important topic for someone looking to build a good
physique. A good muscular physique that shows off your hard work in the gym
requires you to be at a lower body fat rate. Here, it’s important to acknowledge the
fact that there is a difference in being fat and eating fat. Being fat constitutes as a
body composition problem. Keeping your body weight as a base, you have a higher
percentage of body fat. The other fat is dietary fat that we consume as food. This
one is a macronutrient and must not be confused with having body fat.

Now, let’s disregard dietary fat as’t is not the focus of this chapter (jump back
to chapter 4.4 for that). Let’s analyze body fat—the stuff that jiggles when you
jump up and down! It’s extremely easy to find since its practically everywhere
on your body. However, there are two types of body fat, known as adipose

1. Subcutaneous fat, the fat under your skin. That’s the one that jiggles and the
one you can pinch.

2. Visceral fat, the fat deposited around your organs. You can’t see it, but this is
the fat that contributes to the risk of chronic diseases.

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The Not-So-Loving RelaUonship Between Body Fat & Testosterone

Body fat and testosterone have an inverse relation. The simplistic statement ‘the
fatter you are, the less testosterone you’re likely to have’ holds true. Let’s try to
analyze what causes this crash of testosterone in individuals with a high body fat


The responsible party is an enzyme called aromatase. Also known as estrogen

synthase, this enzyme is responsible for the biosynthesis of estrogens. Now, we
all know what estrogen does to us testosterone-driven simpletons looking to
pack on lean muscle! So, on one side we’re trying to optimize our testosterone
levels to induce protein synthesis while on the other side aromatase is working
against the system; trying to convert testosterone into estrogen.

Another role aromatase plays it’s that it increases the production of leptin which
is a hormone primarily responsible for signaling hunger. In a very weird sense,
this means that the fatter you are, the hungrier you are going to be owing to the
increased leptin production.

Again, production of leptin and testosterone has an inverse relation. Which

means that high body fat acts like a double-edged sword. It makes you hungrier
and it suppresses your testosterone by introducing greater quantities of
estrogen and leptin in your body.

The problem with DHT

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is another powerful androgen that is man’s best

friend. DHT’s role includes:

◆ Regulation of mood

◆ Regulation of body fat

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◆ Delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease

◆ Contributing to sex drive

◆ Contributing to harder erections

◆ Responsible for hair growth

The bad news is that higher belly fat directly affects DHT. It neutralizes the
hormone by converting it to 3β-androstanediol. A research study concluded:

“In conclusion, 5α-DHT inactivation was detected in abdominal adipose tissue

in men, and higher Om adipose tissue 3α/β-HSD activity was found in obese
men. The expression of several enzymes involved in local androgen
metabolism was also detected, with AKR1C1, AKR1C2, and AKR1C3 having
especially high expression levels and large depot-differences compared with
other enzymes measured.”

OpUmizing your body fat for health and aestheUcs

On one end of the spectrum (body fat rate over 20%) you have an increased risk
of developing hormonal problems and life-threatening diseases. On the other
side of the spectrum there’s a possibility of having too little body fat. This is true
especially in the case of bodybuilders who diet down to single digit body fat,
particularly under 6%. Now, this can be problematic if such a percentage is
sustained for long, so the advice is: get done with your show and try to reverse-
diet into a healthier body fat percentage.

Key Takeaways

▪ A too high body fat rate (over 20%) increases your risk of developing
certain health conditions, but an extremely low rate (under 6%) is also
unhealthy. Stay somewhere in the middle for optimal health.

▪ Go for a long, sustained 5-15% caloric deficit diet based on healthy food
choices. Such a diet has minimal impact on your hormones.

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▪ Macronutrient breakdown is essential during, cutting so try to aim for 1-2
grams / lb of protein, coupled with 20-25% of calories coming from fat.
The rest is filled in by carbohydrates.

▪ Stress levels should be maintained as they can trigger Cortisol production.

▪ Alcohol can steal your gains, so manage your alcohol intake responsibly.

▪ Fat loss is accompanied by muscle loss. The goal should be to minimize

muscle loss through proper nutrition by taking care of your micro- and

▪ Crash diets or highly restrictive diets with caloric deficits larger than 20%
of your total TDEE should be avoided. Studies show them to be good for
cutting but a longer sustained diet is always better.

▪ Never underestimate quantity and quality of sleep. It is one of the unsung

heroes when it comes to muscle-building.

▪ HIIT training style is preferred during cutting. Short workouts with high
intensity (based on adequate weekly frequency) should be followed.

▪ Make use of refeeds or semi-cheat days to make sure you don’t crash &
burn during your cut!

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There’s a lot of hype around the topic of alternate-day fasting or intermittent

fasting right now. And, of course, many men are wondering how exactly this
popular eating pattern affects their precious testosterone.

What exactly is intermittent fasting, though? Essentially, it’s a meal timing

schedule in which you’ll have to switch between periods of eating and fasting.
Yes, it’s really that straightforward, and there’s no need to pay too much
attention to your meal’s composition.

Usually, the fasting times are longer than the eating times, and this is set for a
clearly defined period ideal for a short diet. What really makes it special is that it
tells you when to eat your food rather than what foods you should eat.

Intermittent fasting is currently being practiced by fitness enthusiasts all around

the world, specifically for weight loss. It’s often touted as one of the most
effective ways of achieving the ideal physique everyone aims for.

It’s not just about weight, though. Men can rely on it as a natural way to increase
testosterone levels, according to studies. And, of course, it comes with other noteworthy
benefits that affect not just the male hormone, but also your overall health.

Benefits of Intermident FasUng

Testosterone Boost
A study claims that in healthy non-obese men, fasting can lead to a 67 percent
increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. Because LH is a trigger that

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promotes testosterone production in the testes, getting more of the former
leads to a boost in the latter.

How much would that increase be? Well, as reported in the same study,
increasing LH can result in a noticeable male hormone boost—testosterone
levels could rise by up to 180%.

Higher Growth Hormone Levels

A 24-hour fasting period (specifically through intermittent fasting) can stimulate
the production of growth hormone, increasing its levels by 2,000 percent. Why is
that important? For starters, there’s a clear correlation between human growth
hormone and testosterone levels.

Also, with elevated growth hormone and testosterone levels, you’ll get increased
training capacity and accelerated protein synthesis. This makes it easier for you
to build muscle mass, giving you a ripped look even as you lose weight.

Healthier Blood Glucose Levels

Blood glucose levels can be significantly reduced just by going through some 3-4
hours of fasting. By the way, physical activity and drinking alcohol such as beer
and wine are considered factors that can influence your blood sugar levels.

Intermittent fasting can lower cortisol levels and positively affect insulin
sensitivity, specifically by keeping you from having breakfast or brunch. These
improvements affect your blood glucose levels, prevent high insulin levels, and
reduce insulin resistance.

Increased Metabolic Rate

Intermittent fasting slims you down not just by limiting your calorie intake. It
also promotes the whole process of weight loss by accelerating your body’s
metabolic processes.

A study shows that short-term fasting results in a 3.6 to 14 percent increase in

basal metabolic rate. Basal metabolism is crucial because it essentially accounts
for 60 to 75 percent of the body’s overall metabolism.

Basal metabolism allows you to burn calories even when you’re not engaged in
any physical activity. In other words, you get to spend calories even when you’re
in front of the television, standing in line, or taking a short nap.

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Another study claims that intermittent fasting promotes fat loss when body fat
can be broken down with higher growth hormone levels, lower insulin levels,
and increased norepinephrine levels.

Cellular Detox (Autophagy)

Autophagy literally means ”self-eating” in Greek. Although the term sounds
morbid and creepy it’s actually an amazing thing for your health.

Essentially, autophagy is the process through which the body recycles (eats) its
own unneeded parts, like dead or damaged cells and organelles (cell
components). Those components can have a toxic effect, even when kept in
relatively low concentrations.

What ’s even more fascinating is that autophagy also works on

xenoestrogens—natural or synthetic compounds that act like estrogen. You
could say that for men, these xenoestrogens are essentially toxins that need
to be flushed out.

The Downsides of Intermident FasUng

Despite how impressive it is, intermittent fasting can still cause certain side
effects. Therefore, it’s best to approach this activity with caution and preferably
under the supervision of a medical professional.

Low energy can be a side effect of IF, particularly when the fasting hours are
kept far too long. Yes, there are some people who tried to go on a fast for as
long as two days, and many of them ended up suffering because of it (probably
as they tried to do high-intensity interval training).

Bloating, constipation, and heartburn can also occur, especially among those
with acid indigestion or functional dyspepsia. Simply put, alternate-day fasting is
most likely to affect the gastrointestinal tract.

There’s another thing to remember. Although following an intermittent fasting plan

isn’t like being on the ketogenic diet (it is the one that allows increased saturated fat
intake), there is still a need to think about the kinds of food you’ll be eating.

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Calorie restriction comes with an increased risk of suffering from nutrient
deficiency. As you would expect, your hormonal balance will suffer if you don’t
get the right amount and variety of nutrients from the food you eat.

As you have learned, you can lose excess body fat and improve your hormonal
health by having alternating periods for eating and fasting.

Proceed With CauUon

In general, no matter how remarkable this eating pattern is, intermittent fasting
is still far from perfect and definitely not for everyone.

Once again, we would like to remind you to check with your physician (as well as
your dietitian) before engaging in intermittent fasting. Testosterone production
and weight gain will be the least of your concerns if you fail to take the
necessary precautions.

Key Takeaways

▪ Intermittent fasting is the general term for several meal timing schedules
in which fasting periods are intermitted with eating periods.

▪ Most approaches to intermittent fasting don’t pay much attention to what

you eat, but are super strict about when you do it.

▪ Studies reported the following benefits from intermittent fasting: increased

testosterone and growth hormone levels, healthier blood glucose levels,
increased metabolic rate, and autophagy (”cellular detox,” basically)

▪ Side effects of intermittent fasting include low energy levels, bloating,

constipation, and heartburn. We recommend practicing intermittent
fasting under the supervision of a qualified physician, especially if it’s your
first time. Alternatively, just start slow, allow your body to get used to the
process, and listen closely to how you feel.

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It’s impossible to argue against the fact that fertility is an essential component of
a man’s health.

It doesn’t matter if you want to have kids right now or not: it’s good to at least
have this ABILITY. Maybe not today, not tomorrow, but sometimes in the future.

In other words, fertility matters. A lot. And we want yours to be on point.

So, in the following chapters we’ll focus on the crucial factors that determine
male fertility:

◆ Semen health and quality

◆ Libido
◆ Erectile function

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How to Increase Semen Volume: The UlUmate Guide to Your


We all know that guys tend to get obsessed about size, no matter if it's about our
muscle mass, our height, our date’s big boobs or the size of our dicks, we
probably care more about it than our female counterparts. The same applies in
regards to how to increase semen volume (and boost semen health in general),
as this chapter is about. Size matters, or at least for our ego.

Now, is size the end all be all? Far from it, and you’re probably making a bigger
deal about it than you should be. However, in terms of size where you can
actually do something about it and improve it, now that’s something worth
investing time and energy in.

The size of your ejaculation loads might just be one way for you to fuel those
pornstar fantasies (Peter North wannabe?), but it is also intimately connected to
your fertility and manliness. The more you have = the more you have to give.

It might not impress all women but we can all probably agree on one thing: a
large output is always better than a tiny one that might leave you looking like a
joke in front of your partner.

Not to mention that some girls get off on the idea of big loads or that your time
with her is actually so pleasurable that it can be clearly seen when you orgasm.

Women love confirmation, after all. This is why they spend hours dressing up
and doing their makeup before they see you, same as you spend hours in the
gym to look good for her.

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A virile man is a healthy man, and healthy is a turn on for both sexes.

It’s not an evolutionary accident that the majority of people get turned off by
obesity. It’s simply nature’s way of making sure that you pick a suitable, healthy,
and fertile partner for the reproduction of your species.

In other words, how much lead you have in that pencil dictates your overall
health and fertility, or as Traditional Chinese Medicine calls it, your Jing (life

So, how do we go about increasing semen volume?

Improve FerUlity = Improve Semen Volume and Quality (D’oh!)

If you want to increase the number of bullets you have to shoot, start with the gun!

This chapter is a comprehensive guide of sorts, and we will go through

everything that affects fertility in relation to semen health.

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What Is a Normal Semen Volume and Consistency?

A normal semen volume is 2-5 mL, which is about 0.5 to 1 teaspoon. If you’re
shooting anything less than this then we would consider this chapter an
essential read for you. Something is off, and you should aim to find out what
and why!

While increased volume is the goal, a watery or very liquid semen consistency
isn’t something we want. You want to shoot ropes, loads that are sticky and hold

A sticky consistency is a good marker for fertility and healthy sperm volume
since it is the actual amount of sperm in your semen that makes it sticky.

So What Is Semen, Actually?

Sperm and semen aren’t the same thing, this is something the media often gets

Semen (seminal fluid) is the liquid carrier for your sperms. It’s semen that helps
them swim and reach their goal: fertilize the egg, leading to pregnancy.

Increased fertility doesn’t just increase semen volume; it increases sperm

volume as well since they both rely on each other.

The average sperm count contained in semen is about 5%, but thicker and
stickier semen often has higher amounts than this which is a sign that your
loads are healthy.

Semen contains a lot of micronutrients (over 50 different compounds) that are

all good nutrients for the body.

Some of them, just for the record:

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◆ Fructose

◆ Sodium

◆ Potassium

◆ Vitamin C

◆ Lactic Acid

◆ Uric Acid

◆ Nitrogen

That’s why the act of swallowing for women is a healthy thing, and these
nutrients can also be absorbed through vaginal and anal intercourse. Just make
sure you show her all the research and not only talk about your dirty sexual

Healthy semen also has an antibacterial effect which makes both of you cleaner
down there after having sex, funny enough.

Why Improve Semen Quality?

While you might still be young and without a single fertility problem, learning
ways to improve your performance and health should be a goal to always strive
for. The more we can improve semen quality the better.

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Nobody wants to shoot blanks.

Today, we live in a society that only seeks out quick fixes rather than long-term
improvements or prevention. It is this narrow thinking that will end up having
you thank Viagra for sustaining your sorry existence when you reach old age,
rather than being a highly functioning man that’s able to have sex with any girl
no matter his mileage.

Age-related impotence is a myth and an abomination of the modern lifestyle.

Men need to rise and take responsibility for their health or perish; it’s as simple
as that.

The drive to improve and surpass yourself is what separates the winners from
the losers, both in love and in war.

Increasing semen volume is just another tool in the toolbox for improving your
chances at the evolutionary dice roll. To impress the ladies, you want to be an
impressive specimen, not merely a healthy man.

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What Affects Semen?

There is a ton of stuff that affects semen volume and fertility. Before we dive
into the practical details, let’s go through the theory first, so you can get a grasp
of the basics.

The thing with male health is that once you understand the core concepts of
how your body works, it is straightforward to figure out how to improve it when
you have a problem.

Luckily for us guys, we are easier to figure out than women. I mean, if we can’t
get it up or there’s no semen when we orgasm, then it’s clear we have a health
problem on our hands. Duh.

Erectile quality is such a core marker for overall health in men (for example, it’s a
marker for cardiovascular disease, one of the top killers worldwide) that it is no
surprise that a majority of older men experience erectile dysfunction to different
degrees when their chronic health problems start to pile up.

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The T/E RaUo and Sperm ProducUon

One of the things we talk about the most here at Anabolic Health is the
testosterone to estrogen ratio, aka the "T/E" ratio.

This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of low testosterone. Often, the
problem aren’t your actual levels of testosterone but your levels of other
hormones like estrogen. These hormones could be preventing your testosterone
from working as it should even at initially normal blood levels.

Estrogen is made from testosterone by conversion via the aromatase enzyme,

so in other words, if you have low testosterone, maybe you’re just converting a
lot of it into estrogen.

The reason why men experience symptoms such as mood swings, low sperm
count, hot flashes, erectile dysfunction and gyno (gynecomastia, man boobs), is
because their T/E ratio is messed up.

Balancing this ratio often corrects the symptoms and, given enough time,
testosterone levels will climb up to normal levels again.

So, for maintaining a high degree of semen and sperm production, as well as
fertility, normalizing estrogen levels is crucial. Excess estrogen is bad but too low
is not good either as it is required in small amounts for libido and fertility.

A good ratio to shoot for is 30:1 (Total Testosterone to Estradiol, T to E2), but
most men with issues today often reside closer to the 10:1 area.

An abnormal ratio of <10 has been associated with decreased semen volume
and sperm quality in research, correcting the ratio using aromatase inhibitors
was shown to reverse the problem and restored normal semen parameters.

Excess estrogen is not a complicated problem to solve as there are plenty of ways
you can treat it. For example, you can include natural aromatase inhibitors in your
diet, minimize xenoestrogen and phytoestrogen intake, or even try a stronger
estrogen blocking supplement if your issues are nasty (like when you have gyno).

In the case of gyno, prolonged estrogen dominance in combination with TRT, or

if you are unresponsive to natural therapy, you should talk to your doctor about
the option of using pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole.

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However, make sure you only use the drugs under the supervision of your
doctor since it is possible to overdose and drive your estrogen too low instead.

When it comes to fertility, you want to increase sperm count and reduce excess
estrogen. One of the most effective micronutrients for this matter is vitamin E,
so make sure to check out its respective chapter for an in-depth read.

TRT and Low Semen Volume

While TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) is prescribed as a treatment for

impotent and aging males experiencing andropause (low testosterone), it’s not a
therapy that corrects the actual core problem.

TRT treats just the symptoms and has to be maintained for life for the benefits to

Balancing hormone levels during TRT is hard work and in our opinion it’s
impossible to get it 100% right.

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Hormone levels fluctuate on a daily basis according to challenges and needs,
and there is no lab test or injectable in the world that can account for that.

What is even more upsetting is that men with low testosterone that are already
experiencing issues with their testicles and sexual health can get even more
problems from receiving testosterone injections. Why?

Injecting exogenous testosterone will make your body halt its own production by
shutting down the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis (HPTA) and reduce its
output of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This
will eventually result in testicular atrophy and bring semen and sperm
production to a halt.

While TRT might temporarily fix your low testosterone symptoms as long as

you're injecting testosterone, the core problem becomes worse.

The only way to increase semen volume and restore fertility while on TRT is also
to do HCG injections (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone).

HCG is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy in females. HCG can also
be used to stimulates the production of testosterone in men because of its close
resemblance to LH and FSH.

HCG enables TRT patients to maintain fertility but using HCG on its own can also
restore testicular size, improve testosterone levels and increase semen volume
in otherwise healthy men.

Be careful, though, as large dosages of HCG tend to spike estrogen and

prolactin, so stick to small dosages (300-500 IU, 2-3 times per week).

Using HCG in this way can sometimes also be used with success in treating low
testosterone levels without having to resort to TRT.

However, from my personal experience, it is usually not worth the effort as there
are better options out there that we will talk about later in this chapter.

All in all, HCG is a pretty hardcore therapy since it has to be injected

subcutaneously or intramuscularly (best way). If you don’t have a severe fertility
problem and are just looking to increase your already normal semen volume,
then carry on as there are better options than HCG out there for you.

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Also, keep in mind that the so-called ”homeopathic HCG” is a huge scam that
won’t do you any good, especially when it comes to fertility.

DHT: An Overlooked Part of Male FerUlity

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the more potent androgen metabolite of

testosterone which has been falsely blamed for hair loss and prostate

In fact, DHT is one of the most important hormones for men and is a much
better and safer candidate for hormone replacement therapy than traditional
testosterone injections such as TRT.

DHT levels might not directly influence the size of your loads, but indirectly they
promote fertility by improving sexual function and balancing estrogen.

In research, men with low DHT levels have frequently been shown to be unable
to produce sufficient sperm and sometimes not even produce any sperm at all.

If you find yourself having very runny and watery ejaculation (low sperm levels,
only semen) then getting your DHT levels checked might be a good idea.

One popular herb used for increasing semen volume is Pygeum. The problem
with Pygeum is that it’s packed with phytoestrogens that inhibit DHT and
hence make you produce more liquid ejaculation volume and often more

This is not an effect we should strive for. After all, by lowering DHT you will also
decrease your fertility and sexual function. To add to the problem even further,
Pygeum is actually used by some women to increase breast size, so do yourself a
favor and stay far away from it.

The same applies to other popular DHT blocking herbs such as saw palmetto,
fenugreek and pumpkin seeds, where the potential adverse effects on DHT just
don’t outweigh the benefits.

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Other Tips to Improve Semen Health and Quality

Porn: Don’t Drain Your Balls

By far, the easiest way to increase semen volume is by not ejaculating on a daily

Skip a day or two and save up on that semen for when it truly matters, such as
for when you’re actually going to have sex. Orgasms are also more enjoyable
and intense this way.

Chronic masturbation is not beneficial for men; there is a reason for the growing
popularity of the Nofap movement.

No matter how you look at it you are depleting your body of vitamins, minerals
and energy to restore the semen lost as well as chronically disrupting hormonal
homeostasis. This is not something you want to do multiple times a day if you
want to stay in great shape.

While masturbation is fine to do on a semi-regular basis, there are many benefits

related to abstaining from it, especially regarding porn-aided masturbation.

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Our brains haven’t developed to handle the sight of 100 naked women in 5
minutes, as in the case of high-speed internet porn. During prehistoric times,
you would’ve been happy to get to sleep even with a handful of girls in your

Porn, similar to cigarettes, hijacks the dopamine reward pathway and can often
spin out of control into more of an addiction than a harmless pleasure.

Additionally, it also makes men seek out female companions less. Why would
they, after all? Porn is so much easier to put your hands on, always just a few
clicks away.

Not to mention that porn twists and objectifies men's relationships with women,
making it all about sex, which makes you unfit for any healthy relationship with a

o nicotine and requires more cigarettes to experience pleasure. This is how

porn-induced erectile dysfunction progresses.

The bePorn essentially desensitizes you in the same way as repeated smoking
increases your tolerance tst way to go about masturbation is to stick to fantasies
and make a schedule for masturbation that you always stick to, such as only
once a week or once every 2-3 days.

If you really want to take it to the next level, then there is also a technique called
injaculation, which enables you to orgasm without ejaculation, not wasting any
semen in the process.

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Water & Salt Intake

Overhydration is something we often see among the "health crowd,” caused

mainly by the overconsumption of water and a lack of salt.

By drinking too much water, you can end up flushing all the salt and minerals
out of your body which is similar to being dehydrated, triggering higher
adrenaline levels and being more susceptible to stress.

High salt intake is actually protective and helps reduce the intensity of the stress
reaction. People who frequently experience cold hands and feet might benefit
from consuming less fluid and adding more salt to their diet.

Not drinking enough, though, is equally bad as it will end up zapping your
energy levels and lowering semen volume.

You need fluids to produce lubrication, not to mention that your body uses the
water to help flush toxins from your body. If you don’t drink enough, then
these toxins can build up and will influence the taste and volume of your

Try to keep track of your fluid intake and experiment with different amounts of
water and salt to find out when you feel the best.

An extra 1-2 liters of water on the day you know you will have sex is a good
starting point.


While there is nothing fundamentally bad about caffeine (it’s a fantastic

metabolic booster), if your intake of it is high without an adequate intake of
fluids and food, you might be dehydrating your body and starving it of energy
(which equals to running high on stress hormones).

Caffeine should be viewed as a booster, just make sure you have adequate fuel
beforehand to support it. Consume 1-3 liters of fluids daily, salt food according
to taste, and avoid calorie restriction.

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Also, for some men, a high caffeine intake might make your sperm taste slightly
bitter. Keep that in mind.

It does not mean you have to quit consuming caffeine, but it might be beneficial
to balance it with some pineapple. But more on that soon in our section on
improving semen flavor.

Alcohol, Marijuana & Cigaredes

Oh boy, here we go again, about to scatter all your weekend plans. It’s sad but
true; alcohol can contribute to more bitter tasting semen as well as lower your
semen production and overall fertility when consumed in excess.

Both marijuana and alcohol (especially beer) are estrogenic and can contribute
to decreased fertility and hormonal imbalances in men.

Alcohol also impairs liver function. If this effect lasts long, it becomes a sure
recipe for hormonal disaster as it blocks the body’s ability to detoxify estrogens,
making the levels build up over time.

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The perfect example of what’s happening from excess alcohol consumption is
the classic beer belly that is often accompanied by man boobs as well. As we
said, a hormonal disaster...

Smoking cigarettes is correlated with reductions in ejaculate volume, fertility and

sperm count, but this is mainly from the act of burning something and bringing
that smoke into your lungs (carcinogenic and inflammatory). Never smoke
anything if you care about your health.

Nicotine in itself though can be a pretty beneficial substance (if you don’t mind
its addictive properties), since it is anti-estrogenic, lowers prolactin, boosts
dopamine and hence supports cognition.

Nicotine is probably one of the most beneficial substances out there for
lowering the refractory period after sex, but it's not very good for sexual
function before the act, since nicotine can be vasoconstrictive for a short period
after consumption (and thus bad for erections).


Avoiding tight underwear or pants in warm weather can also be beneficial for
your little swimmers.

Just like all other creatures on this planet, we were created to live naked, it is
only our evolving social norms that have developed a need for clothing.

Scrotum temperatures tend to run lower than the rest of the body since a colder
temperature is beneficial for sperm production.

Research has clearly shown that cold temperatures increase sperm motility so
whatever you do, don’t cook your balls!

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It should be common sense that sleep is incredibly important for semen

production and fertility.

In fact, testosterone, the primary sex hormone of men, is produced during sleep.
If you lack it, you’ll be running low on testosterone too.

Aim for 7-8 hours per day and one of the best way to judge your hormonal
health and sleep quality is if you're waking up with morning wood or not.

Time Between EjaculaUons

Like we previously discussed in the section about masturbation and porn,

ejaculating only once every 2-3 days is probably the ideal scenario for ensuring
maximum semen volume.

The body is capable of producing sperm at an incredible rate of 1500 per

second, which translates to 130 million new sperms per day.

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However, when you orgasm and ejaculate you lose a lot of this, so clearly just
skipping a day or two will help you build up a much more significant load for
when you eventually have sex.

Porn stars frequently save up by not ejaculating for a week or more to be able to
add some serious volume to that "money shot."

Improving Semen Taste

For some women taste is important and will dictate if she will allow you to cum
while she is performing oral sex on you or not. Luckily enough, if your flavor is a
problem, there are some easy dietary means to improve it.

Like we previously mentioned, fructose is key to infuse your semen with a sweet
taste since fructose is stored as energy for the sperm in semen. So the emphasis
should be on fruit in your diet, especially tropical ones.

Pineapples deserve special mention as they contain volatile aromatics that are
extra effective at increasing the sweetness of semen and can even infuse it with
a slight taste of pineapple. Pineapple also has other potential health benefits
and is often used by bodybuilders as a potent fat burner.

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While we previously told you to stay away from fenugreek because of its DHT-
inhibiting properties, if you do not have a problem with your DHT levels or can
monitor them properly, then fenugreek might be interesting to try as it can
make your semen taste like maple syrup. The mechanism by which it does this
seem to be from an aromatic compound it contains called Sotoline, which also
makes urine smell like maple syrup.

Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, vanilla not only increases sex drive but its
aromatic flavors also transfer into your semen if consumed on a daily basis.
Make sure you get the real vanilla bean in either whole or powder form as the
synthetic vanillin available for use in baking does not work for improving semen

Increase Semen Volume and Quality

The Pornstar Volume Diet

While not being an exact diet, below are our suggestion on what foods to focus
on in your diet to increase semen volume.

The number 1 thing for men to avoid nutrition-wise when increasing their
semen volume is any kind of vegan diet. Vegan diets utterly destroy sperm
quality and fertility in men as clearly outlined in this study following vegetarians
living in the Loma Linda blue zone (blue zones are famous for the longevity of
their inhabitants). It’s now speculated that their longevity probably has nothing
to do with their diet at all; instead, it's from living a life free of stress.

Saturated fat from animal foods such as grass-fed beef, butter, cheese, and milk
is important to include in the diet for healthy hormone levels.

We also like to emphasize eggs since they contain a wide array of micronutrients
needed by the body as well as cholesterol which is a building block for testosterone.

Second, focus on fruits as the primary carbohydrate source, remember what we

said that sperm uses fructose for energy.

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Tropical fruits are the best choices and juices are excellent too. Watermelon
packs an extra punch in its L-citrulline content which helps increase erectile

Include lots of foods daily that are high in Vitamin E such as:

◆ Avocado

◆ Palm oil

◆ Sweet potato

◆ Olive oil

◆ Almonds

Fructose: The Energy Source of Sperm

While fructose has been getting a bad reputation in the media because of the
high fructose corn syrup content in popular soda’s, natural unrefined fructose as

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found in fruits is very beneficial for the body and the preferred carbohydrate
source by sperm.

Fructose is a much more efficient fuel (especially for sperm) and is stored in
large amounts in the liver where it also helps detox toxins. An example would be
that fructose more than doubles the body’s ability to detox alcohol.

Good sources of fructose in the diet are tropical fruits and juices. In fact,
consuming more of them in your diet will increase the sweetness of your sperm,
which can be seen as a useful fertility marker as well since it means that your
sperm has adequate fuel to thrive.

Of course, the more semen you produce, the more fructose your body can
benefit from for its production. We often recommend fruit as the primary
carbohydrate source in any diet.

Consume oysters as often as you can, preferably even on a daily basis. One easy
way to consume them is to fry them and make an oyster omelet.

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Oysters are the best natural source of zinc which is a mild aromatase inhibitor
and a mineral required for hormone and sperm production. Oysters also
contain some rare amino acids that trigger hormone secretion in men.

Casanova, the famous 18th-century womanizer, is rumored to have been eating

50 oysters for breakfast every day.

Brazil Nuts
Selenium is an often deficient mineral that is closely connected with fertility and
testosterone levels.

It’s hard to reach the recommended amounts through following a conventional

diet so what we usually recommend is consuming about 2-3 brazil nuts per day
(matches the RDA for selenium) since they are one of nature’s selenium-richest

Tim Ferriss popularized the use of Brazil nuts to increase testosterone levels in
his famous The New York Times Best Sellers book The 4-Hour Body.

Celery is commonly known as an aphrodisiac because it contains the potent
male hormone called androsterone. In fact, Peter North (a pornstar famous for
his huge loads) credits much of it to consuming a whole bunch of celery sticks on
a daily basis. Celery also contains apigenin which is a mild aromatase inhibitor.
For optimal effects, consume at least 3 celery sticks daily.

Red Palm Oil

Palm fruit is one of natures best natural sources of Vitamin E complex and has
lots of research to back its effectiveness. One example is its remarkable ability to
reduce oxidative stress in sperm cells and preserve fertility. We will skip going
into much more detail on it here as the image below covers it all well. Consume
0.5 - 1 cup daily, or take a supplement.

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Lecithin is a substance contained in a wide array of foods and when consumed
promotes survival of sperm by preserving the sperm membranes.

Many guys swear by its effectiveness for increasing semen volume, erections,
and orgasm intensity. The mechanism by which it has this effect is by increasing
concentrations of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the body, which
strengthens the nervous system.

Make sure to buy sunflower-sourced liquid lecithin (NON-GMO) and not the soy
version as soy can have estrogenic side effects and defeats the purpose of using
it in the first place. Consume 1 tablespoon daily.

Summarizing: The Pornstar Volume Juice

Juicing is a convenient and easy way to get all the nutrients in vegetables and
fruits without the fiber. In fact, lower consumption of fiber correlates with higher
testosterone levels.

The only time we recommend a high intake of fiber is to detoxify estrogen when
it's really high. If you don’t have this problem, you’re better off minimizing fiber
in your diet.

Here’s our recommended recipe for a daily juice (use a juicer and/or blender) to
increase semen volume:

◆ X sticks of celery (as many as is palatable for you)

◆ X slices of watermelon or pineapple (or both: watermelon for erection

hardness, pineapple for semen flavor; adjust amount for preferred flavor)

◆ 1 teaspoon ground vanilla bean

◆ 0.5 cup red palm oil

◆ 1 tablespoon sunflower lecithin

Increasing EjaculaUon Force

As previously mentioned, if you want to be able to shoot a lot of liquids, you have to
make sure you’re loaded with lots of liquids. It’s not "rocket science" right?

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Don’t over-hydrate but make sure that you get a couple of liters of water every
day. Being dehydrated is a sure recipe for low semen volume.

Concerning increasing ejaculation force, there are really only two options out
there. First, making sure your body is adequately hydrated. Second, kegels.

Kegels are exercises used to strengthen the muscles below the bladder for both
women and men. In men, these muscles control urination but also ejaculation
during orgasm.

Resistance training confers systemic androgenic and growth-promoting effects

in the whole body, substantially increasing muscle growth everywhere even with
the use of only a few different compounds movements.

That includes the muscles controlling the bladder as well, so the first step should
always be simple strength training twice a week.

However, specific training such as kegels can maximize the strength of these
muscles even further essentially helping to increase the distance you can
ejaculate. They can also help you last longer in bed.

Kegel exercises mainly involve repeatedly squeezing the muscle you would
normally squeeze to stop urinating. Do this following a program such as this:

1. Do kegel exercises 3 times a week leaving 1-2 days of rest between your
trainings. For example, exercise on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then take
the weekend off.

2. For every day you do kegel exercises, exercise in the morning, afternoon and
evening. One tip is to put an alarm on your phone to remind you to do them.
They are easy to do even at work or out in public since you can do them anytime
you have 5 minutes free to sit down.

3. Start at 3 sets of 20 reps (squeezes) each. Increase intensity by holding the

squeeze longer or adding more reps as you progress week by week.

4. Every once in awhile it’s good to take a few weeks off any kegel exercises to let
your muscle rest and fully recover.

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It will probably take around 2-4 weeks of exercises before you start noticing any
benefits in the bedroom from your kegel practice. However, when combined
with resistance training the benefits can come on much quicker than that since
the muscle growth will be synergistic.

When you feel like you have mastered kegels, then it is time to take it to the next
level by practicing kegels when you have an erection and hanging a towel on
your penis as added weight. Start with the towel close to the base and move it
more towards the tip the further you progress. Practice this on a similar
schedule as regular kegels. Extra weight in the form of wet towels can also be

Key Takeaways

▪ While your goal might not necessarily be to transform yourself into the
next Peter North pornstar, all men can benefit from the improved fertility
aspects of increasing semen volume and quality.

▪ Fertility, semen volume and testosterone are all intimately connected in

men. Increased semen volume is, in the end, just a nice side effect of a
more hormonally healthy (superior) man.

▪ One of the core factors that defines semen health (and hormonal balance
in general) is your testosterone to estrogen (T/E) ratio. Aim for a T/E
around 30:1 for optimal semen health.

▪ Other major factors that affect semen health include maintaining normal
DHT levels, abstaining from too frequent masturbation, and staying
properly hydrated at all times.

▪ Major risk factors of impaired semen health and decreased fertility

include sub-optimal hydration, excessive caffeine intake, alcohol,
marijuana, smoking, sleep derivation, and tight underwear.

▪ The best nutrients for semen quality and health are vitamin E, fructose,
zinc, selenium, and lecithin.

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Since ancient times, the health and manliness of men have been closely tied
together with our virility. Impotence being the opposite of manhood, is almost
considered similar to being castrated. In this chapter, we will take a closer look
at the best 40 natural aphrodisiacs for men to boost libido and restore virility.
Our sexual health and appetite is a crucial key player in what we define as a
healthy lifestyle. Sex matters and it is important for a happy life. In the end, sex
is not only our way to reproduce and carry on our legacy, but it is also one of the
most intimate ways we can connect with our partner.

If humans can be considered to be obsessed with anything, sex probably

qualifies for that spot. After all, 30% of all internet traffic is porn, and we
repeatedly think about sex multiple times a day (yes, women too!).

Not convinced? Here are some further historical anecdotes!

"Henry IV (The French King) drank a shot of cognac with egg yolk for breakfast
every day to increase his “manly powers”".

"Early Italians were known to eat chilli peppers, chocolate, caviar and oysters to
increase their potency."

"It’s written in The Kamasutra that before sex you should eat a meal of rice."

"1 in 200 men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan."

"The infamous 18th womanizer Casanova was rumored to maintain his fabled
Venetian stamina by consuming a daily breakfast of 50 raw oysters."

Why Is Sex So Important to Us?

Humans, just like all other animals, choose their partners judging how healthy,
virile and beautiful they are.

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Many of the traits that men find attractive in women are also the physical
markers of fertility—and the same is true for what women like in men.

This is not just some random evolutionary accident. Men pick their female
partners depending on how fertile they are for the best propagation of the
human species (even though we might not be aware of it ourselves). It’s natural
selection in action.

In this matter, we’re not different from any other animal on this planet. Big
boobs, slender bodies and long hair are all examples of markers that indicate
good hormonal health in women (fertility).

Needless to say, when our sexual appetite goes missing on us, shit really hits the
fan… This is when aphrodisiacs may come in handy.
Natural aphrodisiacs have been known and used in traditional medical systems
throughout almost all of human history.

An aphrodisiac is described as “a drug or preparation stimulating venereal

desire”; in other words, an agent that increases sexual drive.

It has traditionally been viewed that the older men become (while still having
their physical health intact) the wiser, manlier and more of a role model they
become. Older men have naturally always been the leaders.

In less developed parts of the world, younger women still often look to marry
older men since traditionally it is considered that older men are the most
successful and influential.

Of course, you might get wiser with age, but that youthful virility from your teens
will eventually get lost with time. This could be seen as an evolutionary trade-off
of sorts, but still, it is a thing that no man wants to lose.

This, of course, proves the incredible success of erectile dysfunction drugs such
as Viagra, being some of the highest grossing pharmaceuticals of all time.
However, natural aphrodisiacs are a much better option because of their safety.

While some of them might just seem like one of your grandma’s home remedies,
even some specific foods have the potential of increasing libido and making men
and women more “powerful” in bed. And, yes there is research to prove this

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In this chapter, we will focus on natural aphrodisiacs for men, but the majority of
these also have benefits for women’s libido.
So keep that in mind and start thinking about ways to convince your girlfriend or
wife to take them too.

But first, let’s take a look at what is actually involved in a healthy libido.

The Different Aspects of a Healthy Libido

There are quite a few things involved in facilitating sexual response, which is why
issues with libido and erectile function are so hard to treat.

Dopamine is the motivational and feel-good neurotransmitter that’s crucial for

libido. Without it, you just don’t have any interest in sex, nor you get a lot of
pleasure from it.
For example, when you orgasm, massive amounts of dopamine are released,
which is why it feels so amazing.

To facilitate erections, adequate blood flow to your genitals is needed along with

the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is responsible for activating the ”rest-and-digest” nervous system

(parasympathetic) and inhibiting the fight-or-flight response (sympathetic
nervous system).

This inhibits norepinephrine release which basically turns off stress in the

organism, relaxing the arteries and triggering nitric oxide release, which
increases blood flow.

On the contrary, stimulants such as cocaine trigger the sympathetic nervous

system and stimulate norepinephrine release, which is why they have adverse
effects on your ability to gain and maintain an erection.

The last two pieces of the puzzle are hormonal, your balance between
testosterone and estrogen.

In both men as well as women, testosterone is responsible for increasing libido.

Low testosterone levels = low sex drive, no matter your gender.

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There is a relationship between dopamine and testosterone in which one
increases the other, and people with high levels of testosterone tend to produce
plenty of dopamine as well. Most supplements that increase dopamine also
increase testosterone, and vice versa.

Estrogen is also an essential hormone for healthy sexual function, but only in the
right amounts.

Too much and you will end up in a state of estrogen dominance, driving your
testosterone and dopamine levels low, and eventually resulting in zero libido
along with a whole host of other issues.

Too little estrogen and you will end up depressed instead, with joint pain—and
also zero libido. Balance is key!

Different Fixes for Different Sexual DysfuncUons

There is a multitude of different sexual dysfunctions. All have their own causes
and ways in which they have to be addressed. Here are a few examples:

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◆ Erectile dysfunction (inability to get or maintain an erection)

◆ Premature ejaculation

◆ Inability to ejaculate or rgasm

◆ Low semen volume or sperm count

◆ Failure of detumescence (priapism, prolonged erection)

◆ Compulsive sexual behaviour (such as porn addiction)

While many of the above are indirect side effects of other health issues, they do
have some core characteristics in common. Below is a rough overview along
with potential natural treatment options.

Erectile Dysfunction
Can have a multitude of complex causes but most often related to blood flow,
neurotransmitters or hormones such as in atherosclerosis (restricted blood
flow), low dopamine, low acetylcholine, low testosterone or estrogen dominance
(estrogen excess).

If blood flow related, these herbs and foods are beneficial: Panax Ginseng,
Cistanche, Arginine, L-Citrulline, Black Ginger, Chocolate, Pomegranate,
Cinnamon, Garlic, Ginger, Watermelon and Beetroot.

If related to low testosterone levels: Panax Ginseng, Cistanche, Tongkat Ali,

Ashwagandha, Mucuna Pruriens, Butea Superba, Celery, Oysters, Coconut, Raw
Eggs, Mushrooms, Olive Oil and Onions.

If estrogen dominant: see below under Premature Ejaculation treatment options.

Also increasing dopamine and acetylcholine is directly erectogenic no

matter your current state of sexual health. Good options for increasing
these neurotransmitters are: Mucuna Pruriens, Panax Ginseng, Cistanche,
Muira Puama, Catuaba, Black Ginger, Alpha GPC (acetylcholine) and
Phosphatidylcholine (acetylcholine).

Premature Ejaculation
Often caused by estrogen dominance (excess levels of estrogen). Estrogen
stimulates the nerves in the penis as well as is stimulating for the brain,

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essentially making you hypersensitive both sexually and emotionally. For some
men, excess estrogen also causes erectile dysfunction, for some men it doesn’t.

Supplements, herbs and foods beneficial for this condition include:

Progesterone, Pregnenolone, Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha, Butea Superba,
Celery and especially Mushrooms. Also, all types of aromatase inhibitors are

Inability to Ejaculate/Orgasm
The opposite of premature ejaculation, often caused by too low levels of
estrogen having a numbing effect. The majority of the time it’s not possible to
get low estrogen unless your testosterone is also very low (since estrogen is
made from testosterone), in that case, try to bring your testosterone levels up. If
you are using estrogen blocking supplements, then stop these as they might be
bringing your estrogen levels too low. It is also possible to have difficulties to
orgasm when you are low on dopamine so dopamine supplements can help.

Low Semen/Sperm Volume

This indicates infertility and is common when having low testosterone levels.
There are many potential causes, but most often it’s because of a hormone
imbalance and/or nutritional deficiency such as a lack of zinc.

Herbs and foods recommended for this condition: Maca, Oysters, Celery and
Raw Eggs are particularly good options.

Failure of Detumescence
This is when your erection won’t go down even after orgasm, a condition which is
often a side effect of excess Viagra consumption. Contrary to what you may think,
this condition can actually be dangerous, so seek medical assistance if you
experience this. Avoid conventional ED drugs, and you’ll likely avoid this condition.

Compulsive Sexual Behaviour

As we can also see in most models of addiction, porn addiction is primarily a
down-regulation of your dopamine receptors which makes you less sensitive to
the effects of the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine.

This is caused by an excess of stimulation of these receptors such as from

chronic masturbation with porn multiple times a day. The body always seeks to

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maintain homeostasis so no matter the type of pleasure or drug, the body will
downregulate and create tolerance when excess is presented.

Herbs or foods that upregulate or increase dopamine activity: Ginseng, Muira

Puama, Catuaba, Mucuna Pruriens, Black Ginger and Chocolate is beneficial for this
condition. Complete avoidance of Porn has many benefits of its own too.

Experimenting with herbs and foods outlined in this natural aphrodisiacs list will
give you the best results in terms of boosting your libido, make your erections
stronger as well as infuse you with the stamina of a stallion

Our Natural Aphrodisiacs For Men List

Next is our list of the best natural aphrodisiacs for men. When you decide to
experiment with some of these, try to select them on the basis of your current sexual
health and any sexual issues you might have similar to those we just discussed.

Also, most aphrodisiacs can be categorized as either agents that directly increase
libido, or agents that build potency and indirectly increase libido by improving your
ability and the frequency at which you can engage in sexual activity.

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Most of the herbs presented next directly enhance sexual function and our list
of foods further down in this chapter highlight what to include to build long-
term potency.

We’ve already discussed many of these natural supplements, herbs, and foods
throughout the previous chapters of this book, but hey—repetition is the
mother of all learning, right? Let’s take a good look at all of them again, now in
the context of sexual health, libido, and fertility!

Natural Aphrodisiac Male Herbs

Korean Black Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)

Korean black Ginseng is cultivated in the mountainous Geumsan region of South
Korea. Essentially, it's just fresh Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) steamed nine
times, and then dried.

The multiple steaming process increases the plant's concentration of

ginsenosides, the compounds that give ginseng its therapeutic effects.

Korean black Ginseng has more of the ginsenoside Rg3 than White and Red
Ginseng. This compound is responsible for Ginseng’s ability to improve one’s
sexual performance, libido, and hormone production.

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Its sexual function benefits stem from a boost in nitric oxide release in the penile
cavernous bodies, allowing more blood to enter the organ and ensure rock-hard
erections. As for its libido and hormone benefits, this is due to Korean Black
Ginseng being able to increase blood testosterone by boosting luteinizing
hormone secretion. 

Siberian Ginseng
Funny as it may sound, the Siberian ginseng, scientifically referred to
as Eleutherococcus senticosus, cannot be considered a ginseng even though it's
often called that. After all, it does not contain ginsenosides. Instead, it contains

In Siberian Ginseng, the main active ingredient is an eleutheroside known as

Eleutheroside E or EE. Studies on animals have shown that EE can improve
insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.

Although more research is needed, this effect of EE could be what gives its
aphrodisiac effects, as low testosterone is often associated with high insulin

Also known as desert hyacinth, cistanche has been used for centuries in
traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of sexual issues. Its dried and
fleshy stems are used for making the tonic known as rou cong-rong, or herba

There are three ways Cistanche can help you in the bedroom: increasing your
stamina, boosting your testosterone levels, and improving blood circulation.

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According to clinical studies, the increase in blood testosterone levels is due to
Cistanche deserticola triggering androgen-like effects in the testes. This results
in increased testosterone production along with improved sperm quality and

Cistanche also improves nitric oxide release, resulting in better dilation of the

blood vessels and enhanced blood flow to all organs in your body,

Maca, or Lepidium meyenii, is a plant from the crucifer family, grown primarily for
its root. Native to the Peruvian Andes, maca can be eaten mashed as an
ingredient or taken in its powdered form as a supplement. 

According to different studies, it can boost one’s sexual function, libido, sperm

count and motility.

In all of these studies, one consistent takeaway is that maca supplementation

should be at least 3 grams per day. Studies that featured a lesser amount did
not report significant changes in the participants.

Unfortunately, although there are studies confirming its effects, researchers still
have yet to establish how Maca provides the mentioned benefits. 

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Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali is a plant native to the rainforests of Malaysia, Thailand, and
Indonesia. Its root is valued for its sexual enhancing effects in men.

Specifically, it increases one's testosterone levels by promoting the development

of Leydig cells, which are responsible for the production of this hormone in the

As for its aphrodisiac effects, it reduces the refractory period between orgasm
and the next chance of getting an erection. This is due to its ability to block the
estrogen from triggering receptors that release oxytocin, which is responsible
for the male refractory period.

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Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Ginseng, is an herb widely used in

Ayurvedic medicine. It is the go-to herb for any problem stemming from low
testosterone in traditional Indian medicine. 

Since cortisol can lower your testosterone and low testosterone can actually
decrease your libido, ashwagandha can be helpful in tackling this issue in your
body. Studies have confirmed that Ashwagandha supplementation is
an effective way to manage one’s cortisol levels.

Aside from this, it can also improve erectile function and sperm count. This is
due to it increasing factors affecting testosterone production such as follicle
stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and serum DHEA.

Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

Damiana, also known as Turnera diffusa or Turnera aphrodisiaca, is a native
Central and South American low-growing plant with fragrant leaves and yellow
flowers. Its leaves are dried and consumed or drank as tea for its diuretic,
neurological, antiseptic, and aphrodisiac benefits.

Its aphrodisiac effect is similar to how Viagra relaxes the arteries of the penis,
which results in an erection for someone who has erectile dysfunction. The

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difference with damiana is that it relaxes arteries by 50 percent more than
Viagra and does not have the negative side effects of said drug.

Aside from this, damiana has been found to shorten male refractory periods and
increase the libido of impotent animal test subjects. This is mainly attributed to
damiana’s antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects.

Moringa or malunggay is a green leafy vegetable native to tropical countries like
India and Philippines. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

In studies, it was able to increase the testosterone of test subjects in a state of

stress. However, the testosterone increase is attributed to the antioxidant
content of moringa and not its direct aphrodisiac properties.

Moreover, it has been found to increase prolactin levels which could promote

lactation in females but decrease testosterone in males. This means there is
much research needed before it can be claimed as a dependable aphrodisiac.

Yohimbine is the active ingredient from an extract derived from the bark of
Yohimbe, a tree native to central African. It has a great affinity with the receptors
responsible for the release of nitric oxide and subsequent relaxation of penile
smooth muscle.

It is this affinity of Yohimbine that makes it a popular tonic for erectile
dysfunction in African traditional medicine.
This is also what gives its libido-increasing effects without affecting one’s
testosterone levels. By triggering these receptors, the body responds by
increasing arousal and blood flow.

Arginine is an amino acid abundant

in such food sources as cheese, eggs, nuts, and meat. In relation to sexual
function, it is used to synthesize nitric oxide in the body.

It has been found to benefit impotent male and female individuals. For men, a
six-week course of L-arginine supplementation has been able to improve organic

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erectile dysfunction by 80 percent. For women, it has increased response to
psychological sexual stimuli.

Aside from this, L-arginine has long-term benefits that may improve one’s sexual
health. This includes promoting insulin sensitivity, decreasing blood pressure,
improving sperm production and motility, and stimulating growth hormone

Like L-arginine, L-citrulline is an amino acid that aids in the production of nitric
oxide in your body. The difference is that citrulline can be converted by the body
to arginine as well.

This makes citrulline supplementation a more effective way of increasing nitric

oxide levels than supplementing only with arginine. Higher NO levels mean
harder erections, which often translate to higher sex drive in most men.

Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum)

Muira Puama is a plant native to the Amazon rainforest. In Brazilian indigenous
medicine, it has been used for centuries to restore the sexual function of old

This plant is rich in sterols like campesterol and lupol, which activate

testosterone receptors. In turn, this increases one's responsiveness to sexual
stimuli and boosts physical performance.

In long-term use, muira puama increased the production of sex hormones for
both men and women. This resulted in improved erection for men with erectile
dysfunction and increased libido for women with a low sexual drive.

Catuaba Bark
Another aphrodisiac from the Amazon rainforests, Catuaba is a small flowering
tree that contains yohimbine and various alkaloids. These are substances that
define its sexual enhancement benefits.

As mentioned previously, yohimbine has an affinity for the receptors

that release nitric oxide in the blood and thus relax the penile structures
responsible for erections. Combine these two: you get stronger and bigger

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Aside from this, the alkaloids it contains increase your sensitivity to dopamine. This
helps alleviate low libido related to depression and other behavioral disorders. 

Cordyceps is a genus of fungi that includes around 500 specimen. The most
common is the Cordyceps sinensis, which is often used in supplements.

Preliminary studies have shown that it can increase testosterone

production through the Leydig cells in the testes.

Since this increase in testosterone is brought from the testicles, cordyceps also

increases sperm quality and motility.

Unfortunately, studies are currently limited mostly to in vitro and animal testing.
Therefore, the use of cordyceps may have some unknown effects related to it.

Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshura)

Tribulus terrestris is a weedy plant species native to areas with dry climate all
around the world. It is known by many other names such as goat’s head, burra
gokharu, bindii, and tackweed.

As a testosterone booster, there’s no study yet that has proven its claim of
raising the male sex hormone. The only promising research has been carried out
on animals injected with gokshura, resulting in temporary testosterone increase.

However, Tribulus terrestris could be an aid for increasing sperm count. Studies

have shown that, although there’s no increase in total testosterone, tribulus was
able to ramp up sperm production in animal test subjects.

Although there’s no human testing done for it, this shows that tribulus terrestris
can be a good aid for individuals seeking to boost their sperm production.

Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium sagittatum)

Horny goat weed, or Epimedium sagittatium, is a flowering plant native to China
and various parts of Asia and the Mediterranean region. It contains flavonoids
and phytoestrogens that garnered interest to it as a supplement.

Icariin is one of these compounds. Studies indicate that icariin inhibits the PDE5
receptor, so basically it's an all-natural version of Viagra. Icariin also boosts the
production of nitric oxide, which enhances blood flow for an improved erection. 

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Since this doesn't affect one’s testosterone levels, horny goat weed can be an aid
to improve erectile dysfunction without affecting your hormonal balance.

Mucuna Pruriens
Mucuna pruriens, or cowhage, is a vine native to various regions of Africa, India,
and the Carribean. Its parts are valued in Ayurvedic medicine for treating various
conditions including what we know as Parkinson's disease.

Its seeds contain a potent amino acid known as L-DOPA (levodopa), which is the
precursor of dopamine. This neurotransmitter is essential for inducing sexual
desire and regulating various hormones. 

Supplementation with the levodopa from mucuna pruriens has been found
to increase the testosterone and sperm volume in infertile men. This is mainly
due to L-DOPA’s effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis.

Moreover, this amino acid has been found to regulate cortisol and other

hormones promoting it. Since cortisol has a negative effect on one’s
libido, mucuna pruriens can reduce the effects of psychological stress,
simultaneously promoting a healthy sex drive. 

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Butea Superba
Butea Superba originates from Thailand and is a staple component of the Thai
traditional medicine. The locals use it to revive and increase virility in men.

Based on clinical studies, this is achieved through the increase of DHT or

dihydrotestosterone. DHT strengthens the libido, alleviates erectile dysfunction,
and significantly boosts confidence. 

Additionally, butea inhibits the cAMP phosphodiesterase receptors. This causes

the release of nitric oxide and increases blood flow to the penile tissues. 

It also has anti-estrogenic effects, aiding those men who suffer from estrogen

Black Ginger
The extract of black ginger (Kaempferia parviflora), is traditionally used as a tonic
and aphrodisiac in traditional Thai medicine. It is used to increase the
endurance, vigor, and strength of Muay Thai fighters.

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Clinical studies have confirmed its effects. Black ginger enhances the blood flow
to one's reproductive organs, increases the length and girth of the penis (in both
erect and flaccid state), and improves physical performance.

This is due to the extract inhibiting the PDE5 (phosphodiesterase)

receptors, activating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), and increasing nitric
oxide release.  

Fadogia Agrestis
The Fadogia agrestis is a flowering plant of the Fadogia genus. It is abundantly
found in tropical African countries like Angola, Congo, Central Africa, Tanzania,
and Zambia.

Due to its saponin content, it has been observed to increase the libido and
serum testosterone levels in the short term. However, Fadogia agrestis also increases
the body’s free radical content and eventually causes testosterone to drop below
regular levels after supplementation. 

More research is needed for this supplement as only short-term animal studies
have been conducted. With the fact that there are no human studies, taking
Fadogia Agrestis presents a risk for those under medication or have an existing
medical condition.

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Pine Pollen
Pine pollen is just what the name suggests: pollen derived from pines, trees of
the Pinus genus. Usually, it's taken for its nutritional and adaptogenic value
either as a tincture or in powder form.

It can increase your testosterone levels due to it containing androstenedione,

testosterone, DHEA, and other naturally occurring plant steroids. Pine pollen is
literally a natural source of REAL exogenous testosterone.

However, proper caution should be taken when using this supplement. Excess
testosterone can cause severe disruption in one's hormonal balance, thus
leading to nasty long-term consequences. It is important to take pine pollen only
in recommended doses.

Bulbine Natalensis
The Bulbine natalensis is a bulb-shaped tuber plant native to South and South-
Eastern Africa. It contains steroidal saponins, tannins, glycosides, alkaloids, and

Preliminary studies on male rats have shown that Bulbine can increase
one's libido, testosterone, and erection quality. This is attributed to the high
content of saponins and alkaloids in the plant.

However, the same studies also observed adverse effects on the kidney and liver
tissues. This was further confirmed in human liver enzyme studies, so it's
important to take this plant with extreme caution. 

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Natural Aphrodisiac Foods

Cacao, chocolate’s main ingredient, is rich in flavonoids, mainly of the flavonols
group. Among them all, epicatechin is one of the most powerful.

Epicatechin was scientifically confirmed to promote nitric oxide production. This

expands the blood vessels, improving blood flow and leading to improved

Also, it stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more luteinizing hormone (LH)
and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH). LH and GRH stimulate the Leydig
cells to produce testosterone, a staple component of healthy libido.

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Pomegranate has been proven to boost one’s blood circulation. This is due to
the high punicalagin content in its juice, which increases enzyme system activity.

Increased enzymatic activity then increases nitric oxide release, dilating one's
blood vessels and enhancing blood flow.

Pomegranate is also rich in dietary nitrate, which is converted by the intestinal

bacteria to nitric oxide. 

Lastly, pomegranate juice also protects nitric oxide from oxidative damage. This
is due to the juice inhibiting the free radicals that can damage NO molecules. 

Arugula (Eruca sativa) is known for its pungent and bitter flavor. Since ancient
times, the Greek considered this vegetable to be a powerful aphrodisiac. By the
way, you may know this leafy green by another name: rucola.

Recent studies explained that it's aphrodisiac action is mainly due to the plant's
high content of trace mineral and antioxidants. Examples of such
are magnesium, which improves testosterone levels, and sulforaphane, which
can restore sexual response.

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It is also considered as a nitrate-rich vegetable. For you, this means more NO,
enhanced blood flow, and harder erections as a result.

Unfortunately, due to its popularity for cooking, farmers use pesticides in

growing it to ensure a consistent production. Whenever possible, always get
arugula from organic farmers that stay away from pesticides that could disrupt
your endocrine function.

Celery is another common vegetable that you would usually see as a part of your
salad. But it turns out that celery can also increase your sex drive by boosting
your testosterone levels.

This is due to it containing apigenin, which is an effective aromatase inhibitor.

This prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
However, be careful with taking such inhibitors as they can increase your insulin
resistance. If left unchecked, this could increase the risk of developing type-2
diabetes, so keep intake in moderation.

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Ceylon cinnamon, or real cinnamon, is a variant of cinnamon that has a tan
brown color, paper-like texture, and a delicate and sweet taste. 

It has been proven to increase sperm motility and quantity, along with
testosterone levels. This is due to its vitamin A, B, C, and E content that can
strengthen the testicular blood barrier and protect sperm DNA from free radical

It also aids the body in metabolizing and regulating blood sugar. This can aid in
improving type-2 diabetes-induced infertility.

Dates are the fruit of the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera. It is widely cultivated in
the Middle East, Northern Africa, and South Asia.

It contains phenolic acids such as caffeic acid, gallic acid, and vanillic acid. These
can aid in increasing sexual stamina and treating infertility. 

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Garlic has been acclaimed to aid in curing cardiovascular disease, fighting
tumors, alleviating diabetes, acting as an anti-microbial agent, and fighting viral

Its cardiovascular benefits define its action as an aphrodisiac. Atherosclerosis is

often associated with erectile dysfunction, and is one of the diseases that garlic
can aid in preventing.

Garlic reduces cholesterol level, thus decreasing the amount of lipids that could
potentially accumulate along the blood vessels. It also helps manage the blood
pressure that, if elevated, can make prolonged sexual acts difficult to achieve. 

Ginger extract is beneficial for your overall health, and one of the main reasons
for that is the plant's high antioxidant content.

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Antioxidants have been found to decrease lipid peroxidation, which can cause
testosterone levels to fall. Also, thanks to ginger extract, the body produces
more testosterone due to a rise in follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

Ginger is also able to lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Both of these conditions are associated with increased chance of having erectile

Honey contains scores of stable nitric oxide metabolites that the body can use
for synthesizing its own nitric oxide.

Clinical tests have shown that honey can increase nitric oxide synthesis. At the
same time, it can reduce the inhibiting effect of prostaglandin on testosterone

This can only occur if the honey is raw, not processed. Processing removes the
valuable nitrates that give honey its aphrodisiac effects.

Moreover, raw honey of a darker shade is preferable as it usually has a higher

content of said metabolites.

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Nutmeg, or Myristica fragrans, is used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine as a
treatment for male sexual disorders. Modern science has attributed this to
its stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Tests have shown that nutmeg extract increased the libido and sexual
performance of test subjects. This has also led to decreased refractory period
and improved penile stimulation.
However, supplements should not exceed more than 50% of nutmeg extract
content due to the psychoactive effects of nutmeg in greater amounts. 

Oysters are among the most famous aphrodisiacs mentioned in popular culture.
It turns out this repute is earned due to its high zinc content. 

Zinc can increase the free testosterone in your bloodstream. It does this
by lowering the sex hormone-binding globulin’s (SHBG) ability to bind with

With more free testosterone available for your body to use, zinc thus increases
the rate of effects that testosterone triggers. These include semen production,
sexual performance, and libido.

Tests have shown that zinc can aid even those who have been infertile for five
years. Specifically, it increased their serum testosterone, dihydrotestosterone,
and sperm count. 

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Watermelon contains the amino acid L-citrulline. Citrulline boosts NO
production, helping the blood vessels to dilate and let in more blood. Enhanced
blood flow improves the function of all organs and, naturally, leads to better

Aside from this, watermelon is also rich in lycopene. This carotenoid is able to
effectively neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. 

Lycopene has been found to decrease the damage inflicted by free radicals on
spermatozoa. This enhances and protects the gene expression in the male
reproductive cells.

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Coconut has a variety of uses from food to cosmetics. With its significant
micronutrient content, it is no wonder that it can be considered an aphrodisiac. 

In particular, coconut water is rich in Vitamin C, which aids in nitric oxide

production and cortisol management.

Aside from this, coconut water has been found to contain the amino acid L-
arginine, which boosts nitric oxide production in the body. 

Tea and extract made from coconut fiber are rich in epicatechin, tannins, and
flavonoids. These substances also boost nitric oxide production, supporting
healthy blood flow for better erections. 

Raw Eggs
One nutrient abundant in eggs is the vitamin D. This vitamin acts like a hormone
as it has its own receptors in different target cells in the brain, heart, skin,
gonads, and prostate. Deficiency and surplus of it can lead to abnormal levels of
thyroid hormones, which play a crucial role in ensuring testosterone balance. 

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Eggs also provide the crucial cholesterol that is needed to produce
testosterone. Cholesterol serves is the precursor for all male hormone in the

So, why raw eggs are preferred? Heat can damage the nutrients and degrade
them in quality. By consuming raw eggs, you are getting its nutritional potential
in the fullest. 

White Button Mushrooms

Although aromatase is needed by the body to regulate testosterone in males, it
can be abnormally high when there’s too much testosterone. Well, white button
mushrooms, also known as Agaricus bisporus, are natural aromatase inhibitors. 

Unlike pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors, natural ones like white button

mushrooms are only used by the body when needed. This prevents the
problems associated with too little estradiol and too much testosterone.
The recommended daily intake is at least 10 ml of its extract (or 100 grams of
the mushrooms). As its effects are dose-dependent, it is advised not to go
overboard in its consumption. 

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Olive oil
Olive oil is rich in essential fatty acids and is easily metabolized by the body. This
makes it an ideal source of cholesterol for testosterone synthesis in the body. 

It also contains the major phenolic compounds of simple phenols, secoiridoids,

and lignans. These provide protection against free radical damage on the heart
and blood vessels, which helps ensure a healthy blood flow to your reproductive
Aside from this, these same antioxidants also protect testosterone
precursors from free radical damage. This ensures the body has an optimal
supply of compounds for hormone production. 

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The onion, or Allium cepa, is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals. 

One of them is quercetin that protects the body from excessive cholesterol and
hypertension, which are both associated with decreased erectile function. This
particular phytochemical has been found to protect the testes and prostate from
oxidative damage, especially those brought about by diabetes. 

Aside from this, it also contains apigenin. This phytochemical has been seen to
improve testosterone production by increasing the sensitivity of aging Leydig cells.

Beetroot contains lots of natural nitrates that can be converted by the body to
nitric oxide. This could then increase the blood flow through increased dilation
of the blood vessels. 

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This plant also contains an abundant amount of dimethylglycine (DMG), which
helps preventing chronically-elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance. Also, it
has shown to improve the libido and semen quality in animal test subjects.

Beetroot is best consumed in juice form to ensure the purity and quality of its
acting compounds.

Key Takeaways

▪ Although there are dozens of factors that define one’s libido, the most
important are a healthy neurotransmitter levels (dopamine and
acetylcholine being the top guns) and an optimal hormonal profile
(particularly androgen and estrogen balance).

▪ Natural aphrodisiacs either boost libido directly or improve other aspects

of sexual function (stamina, for example), supporting libido in an indirect

▪ The most effective aphrodisiac botanicals for men include Korean black
ginseng, Siberian ginseng, cistanche, maca, tongkat ali, ashwagandha,
damiana, moringa, yohimbine, muira puama, catuaba bark, cordyceps,
tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed, mucuna pruriens, butea superba,
black ginger, fadogia agrestis, pine pollen, bulbine natalensis.

▪ If you need some aphrodisiac foods instead of specific botanicals, try

eating more chocolate, pomegranate, arugula (rucola), celery, cinnamon,
dates, garlic, ginger, honey, nutmeg, oysters, watermelon, coconut, raw
eggs, white button mushrooms, olive oil, onions, and beetroot.

▪ Other popular aphrodisiacs are arginine and L-citrulline. Take them in

supplement form or focus on dietary sources.

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Feeling like your sex drive has been in idle mode lately? Well, you are not alone.
Research shows that 20 percent of romantic relationships in the US are
considered ‘sexless’ – which means having sex 10 times a year, or less than once
a month on average. And despite the misconception that women are the ones
who always refuse sex, in fact men decline intimate contact just as often.

Sex drive is a key marker of health. It involves a constellation of psychological

and hormonal factors directly influenced by almost everything – genetics,
gender, lifestyle, current health status, relationship and even personality. It’s
tricky, inconsistent, emotional, and very personal.

Most people think testosterone makes you a man, in terms of your sex drive. However,
testosterone actually doesn’t affect your sex drive directly: dihydrotesterone (DHT) does.

What exactly is DHT?

Like testosterone, DHT is an androgen hormone. DHT is converted from

testosterone by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. Unlike testosterone, which mostly
acts in the muscle tissues (anabolic), DHT works in the cells as a central nervous
system (CNS) stimulator. Compared to testosterone that can help you build
muscle mass, DHT promotes metabolism and directly boosts strength.

How DHT Affects Your Sex Drive

While testosterone may be vital for men’s health, it is not the focal factor in the
ideal male hormonal profile. In some ways, testosterone’s real benefit is by
converting into a much stronger male hormone, dihydrotestosterone.

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So, how powerful is DHT when compared to testosterone for boosting sex drive?
According to Stephen Harrod Buhner, author of Natural Remedies for Low
Testosterone, DHT is much more powerful than testosterone as it binds 10 times
more to the androgen receptors, it cannot be converted to estrogen (unlike
testosterone), and it can actually block the aromatase enzyme – the enzyme that
converts testosterone to estrogen. Hence, aside from being more potent than
testosterone, DHT is a powerful aromatase inhibitor too.

Having an adequate amount of DHT in the body offers a wide range of benefits:

◆ Has an antidepressant-like effect

◆ Increases strength

◆ Improves libido, mood and well-being

◆ Is a potent estrogen receptor antagonist

◆ Promotes facial hair growth

◆ Is a cortisol antagonist

Unfortunately, DHT levels decline for different reasons like excessive conversion
of testosterone to estrogen or low production of testosterone.

Of course, testosterone and DHT are not the only key players that influence your
sex drive. Another major factor is dopamine, so make sure to read its respective
chapter carefully.

Key Takeaways

▪ Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen that has a massive impact on

your sex drive.

▪ DHT is converted from testosterone by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. So,

if your DHT is low, you either have low testosterone—or low / inactive 5-

▪ In terms of androgen activity and power, DHT is 10 times more powerful

than testosterone. It also has aromatase-inhibiting properties, an
antidepressant-like effect, and several other general health benefits.

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By now you should already know all the important principles of restoring
hormonal balance, pinpointing possible problems and avoiding them, boosting
your manliness, and generally keeping good care of your health.

That’s good. No, that’s GREAT, but how about stepping up your game even

In this chapter, we’ll take a look at a few ”lifehacks”—supercharged secrets that

will help you get ahead of the competition.

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Many people don’t give enough credit to traditional healing systems in their
abilities to heal and promote health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has
existed and been used for thousands of years, yet people discredit it as being
inferior to modern treatments. The fact remains that if something was good
enough to be used for thousands of years, there must be at least SOME merit to
its effects. Besides, did you know that in China, acupuncture is sometimes used
along with conventional anesthesia when doing open heart surgery?

In this chapter, we’re going to take a closer look at two of the most wide-known
oriental techniques that may support your health and masculinity: acupuncture
and acupressure.

Acupuncture: An AlternaUve View Of The Body's Energy Systems

You’ve probably heard the terms “acupuncture” and “acupressure” tossed

around loosely by friends, or health experts for that matter. And for the most
part, you think they are synonyms. Well, theoretically their end goals are roughly
the same: restoring energy flow (also called life energy, Qi or Chi) via stimulation
of specific points on the body known as acupoints.

The major difference between the two techniques, however, is the fact that one
(acupuncture) uses special needles that are inserted into the skin, while the
other (acupressure) makes use of external force to stimulate the acupoints,
without penetrating the skin.

So how exactly does this benefit you in your quest for supreme masculinity,
health, and physical performance?

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Stimulating Acupoints Can Boost Energy Levels
Let’s face it; there are days (or weeks, or months) when you don’t feel like doing
a damn thing. We’ve all likely experienced such a phase, probably occurring after
you’ve run out of preworkout powder (ha!). Luckily, this is one of the issues
acupuncture or acupressure may help address, as the Chinese believed that if
Chi is blocked from flowing in channels known as meridians, a lack of energy or
drive can result.

Likewise, they strongly believed in the concept of Ying and Yang. In theory, if
these two powers are not in an acceptable balance of sorts, all sorts of health
issues arise. Yang is associated with stimulatory effects, while Ying is believed to
have calming, inhibiting properties. So, if you’re feeling underwhelmed from
getting up off the chair, your Ying traits are probably dominant.

Acupuncture Can Promote Detoxification

The way acupuncture can promote detoxification is a bit complex. The basic
theory is that the needles are able to either attract or repel certain ionic
compounds, which improve chi flow in meridians. Blockage of chi is believed to
be a major contributor to dysfunction as it occurs in the body, so it only makes
sense to re-establish normal flow.

Pain Relief
Pain has a much deeper origin that merely at the point felt, as it has been
proven to have a strong neuronal connection as well. In fact, pain relief is
responsible for the largest collective body of studies conducted on acupressure
and acupuncture, for one simple reason: they work.

Researchers have performed brain scans while acupuncture or acupressure was

being performed, and have identified changes in cerebral blood flow that
indicate pain relief. But pain doesn’t just “magically” stop because of a blood flow
pattern in the brain, as in reality many neurotransmitters are involved as well.

Among these neurotransmitters are the endorphins, ”feel-good” chemicals

associated with pleasure and joy. One theory also states that the metal needles
used in acupuncture have a way of interrupting the electrical nerve pain impulses,
“breaking” the effect of discomfort which would have been propagated otherwise.

Numerous studies have been conducted investigating the effect of these

techniques on relative pain, with as much as 85% of subjects observing a

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measurable degree of pain relief. Among the most popular uses for acupuncture in
particular is its application for back pain, for which its efficacy has been confirmed.

Acupuncture Can Help Prevent Muscle Atrophy

Muscle atrophy and catabolism are two things no strength athlete wants to hear,
as it signifies loss of muscle mass, with a huge drop in strength. There are cases
whereby changes to the level of mRNA result in decreased expression for
protein synthesis, inhibiting the ability of the body to gain or retain muscle mass.
Acupuncture can help to significantly reverse this effect, which may be fabulous
when you’re recovering from an injury, for example.

Acupuncture Increases Strength Output

This is possibly the most earth-shattering reason to add acupuncture to your
strength training workout. A study conducted in Germany during 2010 on 33
recreational athletes, compared the effects of acupuncture to incorrectly done
“sham” acupuncture (using fake acupoints). In particular, the quadriceps muscle
was subjected to the investigation analyzing changes in isometric strength. The
result was, well, a noticeable increase in isometric strength . These findings are
important since they signal the fact that acupuncture may be used for
performance enhancement, as well as rehabilitation aimed at the
neuromuscular aspect of recovery.

Both Acupressure And Acupuncture Improve Blood Flow

Blood flow is essential to getting the most out of your workout, as it can
determine the rate of protein synthesis, the speed at which waste and metabolic
byproducts are removed from your blood, or just the sheer feel of “pump” which
is what many strength athletes are after during a workout. Acupressure and
acupuncture have been used to stimulate blood flow and enhance the flow of
Chi in meridians under the skin.

Which Is Superior?

It would be unfair to rate one as better than the other, as they both possess
unique advantages over each other.

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For example, acupressure may be a better choice in persons with a phobia of
needles, or for more localized cases of pain. Acupressure is relatively easy to
learn, and can be easily learned by a skilled massage therapist. There are even a
few acupressure techniques you can learn to do on yourself, such as applying
pressure between your thumb and index finger when you have to improve focus
and attention.

Acupuncture, on the other hand, has the distinct advantage of being able to alter
electrical neuronal activity, modulate pain or spasms, and many other things.
Acupuncture, in contrast to acupressure, requires skill to properly locate and
puncture acupoints. It’s not just blindly poking the body with needles, you know.

A mix of both techniques may yield best results for strength athletes, as they can
synergistically be used to improve performance, relieve pain and more.

Key Takeaways

▪ Acupuncture and acupressure are staple components in many oriental

healing doctrines, and recent studies indicate they may have quite a few
health benefits.

▪ Traditional and scientifically confirmed benefits of acupressure and

acupuncture include improved energy levels, more effective
detoxification, pain relief, and even increased strength. However, most
evidence is a bit anecdotal, so keep that in mind.

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Dopamine desensitization is a serious issue, but there’s an unconventional (yet

fairly effective) way of fighting it.

Just subject your brain to more sensations, and the more unusual they are—the
better! A good starting point it the sensation of cold, since in most cases that’s
something that most people avoid at all costs.

James Bond had it right all along. Cold showers can help you feel more manly,
happier, improve your performance, and enhance stress tolerance. This works
by stimulating the dopamine transmission pathways in areas of the brain known
as the mesocorticolimbic and nigrostriatal pathways. In other words, it is not by
stimulating the receptors themselves, but rather by increasing the stimulating
effect of the transmission. Signal strength, if you will.

This pathway in the brain is closely rated to emotions and feelings of happiness
and wellbeing. We like to explain it simply in this way, if you subject your brain to
tough challenges such as ice baths, it will grow stronger and this strength
translates into other areas of life, such as your emotional wellbeing. Studies
have even shown cold showers to be able to treat depression.

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Key Takeaways
▪ Cold showers are a great way to fight off dopamine desensitization—if
you’re not taking cold showers regularly, that it. The idea is to subject your
body and mind to strong sensations they’re not used to.

▪ In terms of physiology, cold showers are able to stimulate and enforce the
dopamine signaling pathways in the brain, basically increasing dopamine
signal strength.

▪ As a result, people who start taking cold showers report feeling happier
and more energized than usual.

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In general, porn can help you explore your erotic desires if used properly. Some
studies have shown that porn can boost your libido and improve your
relationship. However, there is also a much darker side to porn, due to how it
affects your brain. Once again, this is due to excessive masturbation side effects
and excessive porn watching.

Long story short, our brains have not evolved to handle the high stimulation that
comes with excessive porn use. There is a lot of research pointing to erectile
dysfunction among young men that can often be attributed to excessive porn
use. So indeed, there are some forms of side effects of masturbation, but only in
combination with excessive porn use.

Over-masturbation with porn floods dopamine receptors and eventually makes

them less responsive in all areas of life. In other words, your brain will need
more dopamine each subsequent time in order to feel the same effects.
Masturbation affects many parts of the brain and for more than just the
duration of masturbation.

Ultimately, too much masturbation like this can have psychological effects such
as depression, social anxiety, lack of motivation, and an inability to get an
erection while having real sex. This is a serious problem.

It’s also interesting to note that the brain of a porn addict can be compared to that
of a drug addict. A 2014 Cambridge University study tried to examine this problem
and concluded that there are three regions in the brain that were more active in
chronic masturbators and people with compulsive sexual behaviors. These same
regions are also highly active in drug addicts when shown their drug of choice.

This means that porn can be addictive and highly harmful, which is why it’s
important to take a step back once you realize that porn affects your everyday

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And THIS is the main problem with fapping: not the masturbation itself, but the
porn that usually comes with it. Roughly speaking, you could rename the NoFap
benefits for NoPorn benefits and get pretty much the same picture (or an almost
identical one).

How to Start a Sexual Reboot

Quitting excessive porn use (often called no fapping, NoFap challenge, NoFap
November, or Quit Fapping) and seeking help for over-masturbation can be a
challenge, but it is essential to anyone who wants to regain control over their lives,
get rid of side effects of excessive masturbation, and reap all the NoFap benefits
that were confirmed by scores of fapstronauts (yep, that's what no-fappers often
call themselves). Keep in mind that these perks are achieved not by sheer fapping
abstinence, but through abstaining from PMO (porn / masturbation / orgasm), once
again pointing at the crucial role or pornography in the equation.

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NoFap Benefits

Most fapstronauts report the following advantages of finally getting in control of

their fapping and porn habit:

◆ Alleviation of general and sexual anxiety (also known as performance

anxiety, a phenomenon closely linked to porn-watching). Roughly
speaking, porn is always just a movie and by watching too much of it we
set unrealistic standards for ourselves. Let go of them, and performance
anxiety will fade as well.

◆ Boosted confidence, especially with the opposite sex. Masturbating is like

"grabbing the low-hanging fruit," so consciously refusing to do this would
naturally increase your drive and confidence to pursuit the real reward:
actual sex.

◆ Increased creativity, motivation, artistic vibes. After all, you've got to

impress your crush to actually reach the sex stage, right?

◆ A deeper and closer emotional connection. Contrary to fapping, actual sex

always brings some kind of intimacy and emotional "click" between
people. If you have less of the former and more of the latter in your life,
most likely your emotional connections both with love partners and with
people in general will be greatly improved. Read: you'll have a much more
vibrant social life.

◆ Mental clarity, relief from "brain fog." One of the most widely-discussed
health benefits of NoFap is the clearance of the so-called brain fog, which
is likely a result from normalized dopamine metabolism in the nervous
system. Fap less, watch less pornography, think clearer!

NoFap Benefits: Top Reasons to Stop BeaUng Your Meat For Good

Testosterone and sex drive are inextricably linked. In fact, it's the absence or lack
of sex drive that often drives men to investigate testosterone and take steps to

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increase their levels of this vital hormone. So, if testosterone and sex are so
closely related, this raises the common question on whether masturbation and
testosterone are linked as well. And what about masturbation abstinence, the
famous NoFap attitude? Are there any substantial NoFap benefits such as
boosted testosterone and improved health?

The answer is, yes, there are a lot of benefits, but the whole story isn't as simple
as you may think. Let's move on to the tasty details.

Boxers, AbsUnence, and Testosterone

It’s a long-held belief by many boxers, including “The Greatest” Mohammed Ali,
that sexual abstinence for several weeks before a fight will cause testosterone
levels to rise. Ali himself would quit sex for six weeks prior to a big matchup,
where many others followed suit – and not only boxers.

This belief suggests that ejaculating (either through sex or masturbation) would
lower testosterone levels and therefore abstinence would increase it. Rocky’s
trainer Mickey said it best when he told Rocky that “women weaken legs”. Most
likely, the same goes for masturbation as well.

All in all, semen retention is a well-known practice in the world of professional

athletes. The main goals of this attitude are elevated testosterone and increased
energy levels. After all, semen is a complex mixture of calcium, phosphorus,
lecithin, cholesterol, albumin, and nucleoproteins. Ejaculating would mean losing
all of those nutrients and a whole lot of precious sexual energy, which is why
numerous professional athletes abstain from sex before important events.

This is what former world heavyweight champion David Haye said about this topic:

"Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got one dangerous
cat. I don’t ejaculate for six weeks before the fight. No sex, no masturbation, no
nothing. It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients
that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees
and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a
dangerous cat. So there won’t be a drip from me. Even in my sleep — if there are
girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, ‘I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do
anything. I can’t do it.’ That’s control. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and its

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part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why I am who I am today — it’s
down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice,
and you’ll find another champion."

In contrast, Roman gladiators were given slaves to have sex with the night
before going into the arena in the belief that it would make them more
aggressive. Although, in all honesty, this could easily have been just a way to
give the guys a good send-off before the combat that would kill many of them.

In reality, it’s not the sex (or ejaculation) that is the testosterone-lowering
problem but staying up all night looking for it! Lack of sleep is much more likely
to lower testosterone levels than long-term sexual abstinence.

Not having sex for six weeks, when you are used to regular sexual activity, could
lead to increased aggression but mainly because sex increases both endorphin
and dopamine production, two well-known types of feel-good hormones. That’s
the stuff that gives you that after-sex glow.

A decrease in dopamine and endorphin levels would certainly decrease your mood
which would potentially increase aggression. Sexual frustration could also increase
the urge to fight. Neither are directly linked to altered testosterone levels though.

However, before we discard the wisdom of boxing coaches around the world, it’s
interesting to note that studies reveal that a brief break from sexual activity –
three weeks – resulted in slightly elevated testosterone levels in the males
tested. While this is significant, the cohort of subjects was very small, only ten
men. The same study concluded that regular sexual release, through
masturbation or sex, did not lower testosterone levels.

Another study concluded that long-term (three months) sexual abstinence can
actually lower testosterone so it seems that masturbation, at the very least, will
not lower T-levels much, if at all.

Testosterone’s Role in EjaculaUon

Whether we’re talking sex or male masturbation, testosterone production and

semen ejaculation are not controlled by the same mechanisms. Ejaculation is a
muscular reaction while testosterone production is a hormonal one.

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Yes, healthy testosterone levels are important for producing healthy ejaculate
(mobile, robust sperms), but other than affecting sex drive, testosterone plays a
relatively small role in actually busting a nut.

Men suffering from erectile dysfunction do not necessarily have low

testosterone levels and ED can often be relieved without raising T-levels. Viagra,
for example, increases circulation and blood flow to the penis and does not
affect testosterone levels at all.

If you are suffering from ED a safer option than relying on Viagra is using DHEA
as an ED supplement. DHEA can help rebalance your hormones and potentially
cure your ED for good.

Testosterone is produced mainly in the testicles though and while masturbation

is both healthy and normal, too much masturbation could damage the testes
resulting in reduced testosterone levels. This is, however, highly unlikely unless
you are a particularly rough masturbator or practice excessive fapping! (In which
case the NoFap movement could be quite the salvation for you.)

Does MasturbaUon Side Effects Lower Testosterone or Increase


If masturbation doesn’t lower testosterone, does it actually increase it? The

answer is yes, but not as much as actually having sex with a partner. Having sex
with a partner has been revealed to increase testosterone more than
masturbating alone.

In an interesting study in which researchers observed and tested men in a sex

club, those who engaged in sex experienced a whopping 72% increase in
testosterone levels whereas those with more voyeuristic tendencies only
experienced an 11% rise. Clearly having sex is superior to masturbation when it
comes to boosting testosterone.

Another study revealed that testosterone levels rise significantly after sexual
activity and that sexual activity affects testosterone more than initial
testosterone affects sexual activity.

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The conclusion from these and similar studies is that male masturbation is no
negative impact on testosterone production and is safe, healthy, and contrary to
the all-too-common myths, will not make you go blind or get hairy palms!

Woah, woah, wait a second: if you're telling me masturbation could be good for my
testosterone, why are we talking about NoFap benefits to begin with?

One step at a time, my friend, we'll get to it. For now, let's start with some myth

Common Myths on Daily MasturbaUon

Even though masturbation is a normal part of sexuality, there is still some

stigma involved. There is nothing wrong if you masturbate, or even if you choose
not to. However, there are some myths surrounding masturbation that need to
be debunked.

Myth 1: Masturbation can cause blindness

This is a common misconception that is usually associated with guilt. In all
fairness, this was something that many of us heard during our childhood.
However, there is absolutely no truth in this. Studies conducted on this point
showed no correlation between people who masturbate and blindness. On the
contrary, these studies showed that individuals who even masturbate 4 times
daily or more for years haven’t been found to suffer from any diseases usually
attributed to masturbation.

Myth 2: Masturbation causes erectile dysfunction

When it comes to research on this topic, erectile dysfunction is not associated
with masturbation. However, there is a psychological component to this, since
you can have a hard time reaching orgasm, which is connected to chronic
masturbation. This is because you can become too used to your own touch, or
to a certain kind of sensation.

Myth 3: Masturbation doesn’t provide any long-term health benefits

When practiced in moderation, masturbation can be good for you. It is a well-
known fact that masturbation improves concentration, helps in relieving stress

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and headaches. This is caused by the release of endorphins, which gives you a
sense of well-being.

Myth 4: People in relationships don’t masturbate

Oh come on, we all know this is a myth. No matter if you’re single or in a
relationship, masturbation is still a healthy sexual activity. Numerous studies
have shown that masturbation is a very common behavior, where about 92% of
men and 62% of women masturbate. Once again, this can be beneficial for both
partners when practiced moderately.

Myth 5: There is no limit to how much you can masturbate

Just like with most things in life, masturbation should be practiced moderately,
since too much masturbation has its own share of side effects. According to the
American Psychological Association, too much masturbation can affect your
daily life, which is when an individual should seek professional help. If
masturbation doesn’t cause problems in your everyday life or if it doesn’t disrupt
your relationship, you don’t have anything to worry about.

So how do you reap all of these fabulous NoFap benefits?

There are numerous pieces of advice on how to do this, even though the most
important one is your motivation to stay on the right track. Here are some
additional tips:

1) Stay clear of any behavior that's close to your porn addiction. For
example, unsubscribe from those subreddits with erotic pictures and stuff. Also,
it's a great idea to keep yourself busy at all times ("Idle hands are the devil's
tools", remember?). Some individuals like to invest their time in pursuing long
forgotten hobbies, while others distract themselves with working extra hours.
Either way, you should still be careful about what you do in your free time since
you don’t want to develop some brand new bad habits during your NoFap

2) Restrict the areas where you use your smartphone or computer, and be
careful with social networks. Most guys have a favorite place to watch porn and
masturbate, which is why it’s important to stay away from those places and

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situations. For example, if you use your smartphone or computer to masturbate in
bed, make sure to leave these devices elsewhere once you decide to go to sleep.

3) Create a support system. It can be very hard to stay in the right mindset
for a certain period of time, which is why you need some kind of support.
Since it can be hard to find this kind of support in real life, you can find it
online. As you can see, the web isn't just for internet porn: it can also be a
helpful place if you use it right. There are numerous online communities (like
the NoFap community) and forums that are used by those who decided to
turn to healthier lifestyles free of porn and excessive masturbation. You can
also seek professional help if you feel like the problem is really spinning out of

4) Take care of your body. In order to be in the right mindset, you also need
to be physically capable. This is why it’s a good idea to join the gym and to start
exercising regularly. This can help you stay focused and keep clear of lethargy.
Also, you’’ll be grateful that you’ve invested your time in building this habit when
you start seeing results in your physique. Consider this a bonus NoFap benefit.

5) Take care of your mind, as it is one with your body. If one suffers the other
one will too. There are many good ways in which you can strengthen your mind
and increase your resilience to the ups and downs of life. This is also the 1 way
to build mental strength which you so much need to change your life and habits.
We recommend meditation (especially vipassana meditation) and cold-showers
or ice baths. These work especially well to fight back wet dreams and are
extremely effective for strengthening your mind in general. Naturally, they come
with many other benefits too, besides the NoFap ones.

6) Keep track of your progress. No matter what kind of a bad habit you’re
trying to break, it’s always wise to keep track of how it is going. This can improve
your focus and motivation, and help to avoid relapses. Dominate your first
milestone (5 days, for example) and you will feel eager and ready for the next
one. That's a champion's mindset.

7) Respect yourself. During your reboot, there may be times when you’ll think
that quitting porn is impossible. This is when those negative emotions kick in,
which is why you need to embrace them. After all, this is what you’ve been
escaping through porn. If you feel overwhelmed for a long time, you should seek
out a professional help to help you sort through these things. There are

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numerous therapists that specialize in chronic over-masturbation side effects,
who are trained to help you.

Key Takeaways

▪ There is nothing fundamentally wrong with watching pornography.

However, excessive porn consumption, especially when accompanied by
masturbation, has been found to impair dopamine signaling in the brain
due to the frequent overstimulation of dopamine receptors.

▪ Due to frequent overstimulation, dopamine receptors become much less

responsive and require more stimulation to bring forth their effects.
Eventually, this state may contribute to the development of depression,
social anxiety, and even impotention.

▪ Excessive porn watching and compulsive masturbation has also been found to
cause the same changes in the brain as those in the brain of a drug addict.

▪ As soon as you notice that porn and masturbation are affecting your
everyday life, it’s important to make a ”sexual reboot” and abstain from
porn and masturbation for a while. One of the best opportunities to do so
is by taking part in the NoFap November, which is basically a one-month
period of abstinence from PMO (porn / masturbation / orgasm).

▪ The benefits of PMO abstinence include anxiety alleviation (particularly

performance anxiety), a boost in confidence and libido, enhanced
emotional connection with you significant other, mental clarity, and even
an increase in testosterone levels (after at least 3 weeks of abstinence).
The main benefit, however, is a reset of your dopamine signaling.

▪ In the context of boosting testosterone levels, actual sex is always better

than masturbation—resulting in up to 72% more testosterone produced.

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How MeditaUon Make Men More Manly

When men hear the word yoga, the first thing they probably imagine is ladies in
tight yoga pants. It’s understandable for the average male to think that, since
yoga is still stereotypically seen as a woman’s kind of activity. However, that
couldn’t be further from the truth.

Yoga actually has numerous benefits for men, especially the relaxing
meditational aspects of the practice. In fact, meditation can actually make men

The Yoga-MeditaUon ConnecUon

To fully understand how meditating could help men support their manliness, it’s
important to know the relationship between the two.

Yoga and meditation are irrevocably connected. To illustrate this, it’s often said
that yoga has eight limbs (fundamental parts), and dhyana (meditation) is the
seventh of these limbs.

Meditation involves going inward and yoga is all about fluidity. In yoga, the body
executes moves, or relishes in the stillness of certain poses to strengthen both
body and mind. It is without a doubt a physical activity; however, it also paves
the way for meditation and contemplation. The physical activity of yoga and the
mental strengthening of meditation combine to form a complete body and mind

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How Yoga and MeditaUon Make Men Manlier

There are numerous physical and mental benefits of meditation for men. Here
are the facts:

Lowers Cortisol Levels and Boosts Testosterone

Cortisol and testosterone are two different hormonal messengers produced by
the body. Cortisol is produced during times of stress and is responsible for
elevating blood glucose levels in fight-or-flight situations to provide quick
energy. Testosterone, on the other hand, is responsible for the development
and maintenance of manly traits, whether physical or behavioral.

Cortisol and testosterone are interrelated in such a way that when levels of
cortisol in the body are high, testosterone production becomes low. Meditation
helps to maintain optimal testosterone levels by reducing stress levels.

Studies showed that when men practice relaxing activities such as meditation,
their stress and cortisol levels decrease significantly, and in turn, their
testosterone levels go up. Additionally, practicing meditation trains an individual
to have a high tolerance to common stressors, thereby preventing cortisol levels
from rising frequently.

Increased Sex Drive

Meditation indirectly increases a man’s libido by increasing testosterone levels
and decreasing stress. As previously mentioned, performing relaxing activities
would boost a man’s testosterone levels. High testosterone levels are associated
with a high libido, and your partner would surely love the boosted desire you’d

Look And Act More Masculine

While doing relaxing meditation or yoga, men benefit from better digestion,
contributing to an improved metabolism in general. Yoga movements help with
digestion. Moreover, they also massage the intestinal tract, thereby promoting
good bowel movement.

Not only does yoga help reduce body fat, it also tones and conditions men’s
muscle in places that would normally be hard to reach through regular

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weightlifting. The physical movements created in yoga help to even muscle
mass. Strengthening of the core is also a major advantage when performing
yoga and aside from having a well-chiseled body, yoga also conditions a man’s
body by increasing its flexibility despite muscle size. Being full of muscle but
barely able to move is not a great sight.

Improved Sexual Performance

All the core and body weight exercises in yoga make a good workout that could
boost your stamina and allow you to perform better in bed. You also get more
flexibility so you are free to explore various positions. These effects, combined
with an increased libido, could result in a more exciting sex life.

Improved Self-Confidence
Having the appropriate mentality will allow you to project an aura of masculinity.
Self-confidence, for starters, would definitely boost your manliness.

Having confidence will enable you to believe in yourself and in your capabilities.
It would also allow you to fully accept your own limits. All these are attractive
qualities in men but what makes them more potent is that, if you like who you
are, and you are genuinely not bad to others, most likely people will value you a

With meditation, you can train your mind to view things from another
perspective and understand how others see you. You can train yourself to focus
on the inside, and to open your mind up to the rest of the world. These activities
also give a sense of greater personal power to fully deal with tricky or
challenging situations.

Yoga makes men walk taller and prouder, thereby inhibiting the development of
uneven muscularity and promoting good posture. Furthermore, with mind-body
training, your limits will be tested and extended, making you realize that you
could now do things you once thought were impossible for you.

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Enhanced Discipline and Self Control
Being manly means being a gentleman and having full control of your resources.
By practicing meditation, the mind trains to focus on one goal. It limits
distractions and trains the brain to concentrate on what is really important at
any given moment.

Self-control is also an important thing when it comes to confrontations, which

are often a showdown of who can be the most rugged out of the men involved.
But, when you think of it, is it manly to start a fight and be confrontational?

By doing meditation, you can focus on the things that truly matter and be more
mindful of the possible repercussions of what you do.

Be More Relaxed
It’s true that aggressiveness is traditionally considered a masculine trait, but
being aggressive bordering on violent is no way to live. Instead of being high-
strung, you can be the epitome of confident calmness and benefit from being
able to respond to any adverse situations. Being calm and collected further adds
to your manliness and character, especially because it would allow you to take
charge of a situation, like a man should.

Key Takeaways

▪ Meditation has numerous benefits for men’s health, and so does yoga—
thanks to its meditative component.

▪ Benefits of meditation for men include decreased cortisol and increased

testosterone levels, higher libido, enhanced sexual performance, and
even improved confidence, discipline, and self-control.

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Red light therapy is one of the least known natural remedies for low testosterone
levels in men. And yet, it’s generally safer and more effective than other methods of
light therapy—and strategies to boost testosterone, for that matter.

Other light treatments (including sunlight and artificial lights) have been studied
time and again to determine if they are effective. So what’s the verdict? Well,
similar to drugs and other kinds of treatment, these types of light therapy may
come with harmful side effects.

For example, the ultraviolet (UV) light that’s present in sunlight increases vitamin
D production and improves mood. At the same time, however, prolonged
exposure to UV radiation may result in skin issues like sunburn or even skin
cancer. The blue light in artificial light may remove acne, but at the same time it
harms the cell mitochondria.

To remove those dangerous effects of other light wavelengths, one solution is to

focus on the red light alone. In this chapter, you’ll discover the healing power of
red light therapy and its benefits for you, especially in terms of maintaining
healthy testosterone levels.

What Are the Benefits of Light Therapy?

The idea that exposure to sunlight has many beneficial effects is the main
reason why various types of light therapy were discovered. The earliest study
about this field started in the 1930s.

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After that, a lot of trials were conducted to find whether light can really be
applied as a treatment for various disorders.

One study proved that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is effective in helping with
hair loss in both men and women

During winter, some people experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or

seasonal depressions due to the lack of sunlight. Fortunately, light therapy
features an amazing 75% success rate when used as treatment for SAD.

◆ In one research, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy was able to improve
the tear films of patients with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). MGD
causes dry eye syndrome.

◆ LLLT is also effective in improving the functions of the thyroid gland. For
instance, one study concluded that it can cure hypothyroidism, meaning
low thyroid hormone levels.

◆ LLLT was also found to be effective in reducing pain in patients with

chronic joint disorders.

◆ For patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, LLLT can also improve their
hand grip and pinch grip.

Light Therapy and Testosterone

Animal studies reported that exposing one’s testicles to sunlight can increase
testosterone levels.

However, who would dare to sunbathe naked in public? And more importantly,
how would you manage the harmful effects of the UV rays? Rub sunscreen on
your whole body?

As a solution to that problem, the light box was invented. This technology is
used for light therapies as it emits bright light; thus, it helps address the lack of
regular exposure to sunlight.

But thanks to technological advancements, the light box evolved into more
handy and more effective light therapy devices. Now, you can use these tools to
increase your testosterone levels anytime and anywhere.

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What Is Red Light Therapy?

The red light is part of the light spectrum. The red wavelength (630-700 nm) falls
under the visible light; whereas, the infra-red light (700-1200 nm) is part of the
invisible spectrum.

The red and the infrared lights are particularly important, among all wavelengths
of light, due to their relative safety and penetration ability. Their use in the
medical field is called photobiomodulation.

There are two kinds of red light therapy: the Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation (LASER) therapy and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) light therapy.

Laser therapy emits only one wavelength of light and focuses light in only one
direction, while LED light therapy emits a broader wavelength of non-coherent light.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a kind of laser therapy; however, it only uses
energy wavelengths that are lower than those applied in laser surgeries. Thus, it
is safer for living cells.

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LLLT is often used to promote wound healing and enhance brain rehabilitation.
LED therapy, on the other hand, is used to promote skin regeneration and
promote muscle repair.

When the body’s tissues are exposed to these types of light therapy, both of
them act on the cell mitochondria by boosting ATP production (the ”energy
currency” in the cells). Therefore, both LLLT and LED therapy can be used for red
light therapy.

How Does Red Light Therapy Work on Your Testosterone?

There are many ways in which red light could help you.

Red light increases ATP production in the Leydig cells

Testosterone production, like other body activities, is dependent on ATP
production. Upon exposure to red light, the cytochrome C oxidase in the
mitochondria’s respiratory chain will trigger the increase in ATP production.

So when red light is applied directly to the testicles, the testosterone-producing

Leydig cells will also increase its energy production. Thus, its cells will function
more and will produce more testosterone.

Red light improves productions of luteinizing hormone (LH)

This hormone further regulates testosterone production, and this interaction is
particularly important when the testicles are not directly exposed to the light.
The energy produced by the whole body triggers the production of other
hormones, including the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the pituitary gland.

With blood, the LH reaches the Leydig cells in the testicles. This hormone signals
the Leydig cells to produce and release more testosterone.

Red light may stimulate the photoreceptive proteins in the testicles (opsin
The opsin proteins are also located in other parts of your body and are
especially sensitive to red light. Therefore, when these proteins are exposed to
red light, they could induce several cellular reactions in the Leydig cells, such as
testosterone production.

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Other Benefits of Increasing Your Testosterone Levels via Red
Light Therapy

When your testosterone production increases, the problems associated with its
low level will be eliminated. The following situations are the highlighted benefits
of increasing your testosterone level using red light therapy.

Red light therapy can improve fertility

Like with LH, the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) also go up when the
body produces additional energy. FSH will then signal the Sertoli cells to
synthesize and produce more sperm cells.

Moreover, it has been reported that the presence of red wavelength can
increase the motility of both the free sperms and the post-ejaculated sperms.
Therefore, the sperms can reach the egg cell faster.

Light therapy can cure hypoactive sexual desire disorder

The hypoactive sexual desire disorder is characterized by lack or absence of
sexual fantasies. Red light therapy addresses this problem in two ways:

First, the light therapy accelerates the nitric oxide production by releasing this
compound from the blood hemoglobin. Nitric oxide is an essential component
for healthy erectile function.

Second, it cures sexual dysfunction by inhibiting the actions of the pineal gland.
The pineal gland produces melatonin which has negative effects on your

LLLT promotes hair re-growth

Hair loss occurs when the hair follicles become too sensitive to
dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Fortunately, a study proved that LLLT can stimulate
hair-regrowth in individuals who suffered from male pattern hair loss (MPHL)
and female pattern hair loss (FPHL).

Aside from all of these benefits, red light therapy has been proven to be safe.
Unlike other types of light therapy, it does not harm living cells, and unlike
testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), it does not cause other health risks
such as cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Red light therapy is a safe and effective method of enhancing general

health and supporting healthy testosterone production.

▪ The two most common types of red light therapy are the Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) therapy and
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) therapy. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a
kind of laser therapy, and it’s also suitable for red light therapy.

▪ Red light therapy increases production of ATP in the testosterone-

producing Leydig cells of the testes and improves luteinizing hormone
(LH) production in the pituitary gland. Both effects are essential for
healthy testosterone levels.

▪ Red light therapy can also improve fertility by increasing one’s follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and thus increasing sperm count and

▪ Visiting a doctor and discussing the possibility of undergoing red light

therapy is highly recommended, but you can also purchase your own red
light therapy device on your own. Since the therapy is fairly safe, side
effects are unlikely.

▪ LED therapy devices are recommended for personal use because they
emit relatively colder light and a wavelength range of 600-950 nm.

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Times change, everything evolves—including our knowledge on men’s health,

male hormones, bodybuilding, and everything related to these topics.

In this section, we’ll go through a museum of sorts: a collection of old school

bodybuilding tips, diets, and approaches that helped legends like Vince Gironda
and Arnold Schwarzenegger on their way to success.

Should you follow these tips? That’s up to you.

After all, there have been quite a few new discoveries and studies suggesting
that these approaches could be… Well, somewhat extreme. That doesn’t mean
they don’t work, but they’re sure as hell not always an optimal approach.

There, we said it. Now lets’ get to the interesting stuff.

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One of the most controversial bodybuilding strategies ever is the famous Steak
and Eggs diet by Vince Gironda. A diet of only steak and eggs may sound wicked
in the media, and modern experts may shout that it should be nowhere near a
good fitness regimen.

However, you'd be surprised at what this unique diet can do for you, just like it
did for Vince Gironda.

Introducing The Legendary "Iron Guru", Vince Gironda

When people think about bodybuilding, the person who usually pops up in their
mind first is the Governor himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold is one of the
most acclaimed bodybuilders of all time, and one of his first trainers was no
other than the equally legendary “Iron Guru”, Vince Gironda.

Gironda became famous not only because of the significant amount of

Hollywood celebrities he trained but also because he broke many norms and
went against the mainstream in his style of training as well as views of nutrition.
His student Larry Scott won the first Mr Olympia in 1965, proving that Gironda’s
controversial bodybuilding techniques are effective on a major scale.

Vince Gironda was an early proponent of low-carb and high-fat diets, something
that is still not widely accepted in bodybuilding circles. Gironda advocated that
bodybuilding is 85% nutrition, and only 15% of the work is done in the gym.

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One of his other controversial ideas are, for example, that his gym completely
lacked a squat rack. In Gironda’s opinion, squats promoted unequally large
gluteal and hip development, and he always recommended his acclaimed ”sissy
squats” instead. He was also not a fan of the flat bench press because it involves
too much front deltoid.

Gironda was one of the most famous natural bodybuilders of all time and was
strictly against all kind of steroid use, implying that they cause abnormal muscle
growth of the grotesque kind.

If Vince Gironda managed to create all the incredible physiques of his students
using 85% nutrition, he was clearly on to something. Many of his dietary routines
are quite infamous even up until this day, let's dig into some of them and see
what all the noise is really about.

A Closer Look at the Infamous Steak and Eggs Diet

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This diet is not some special eating regime that requires exotic ingredients,
tedious calculations, or strict meal plans. It's simple, straightforward, and highly
effective in burning fat and building muscle. It can help you get in the best shape
of your life faster than any other bodybuilding or fat-burning method.

The steak and eggs diet does not involve calorie counting (that's right boys,
devour that steak with pride!). There are no macros counting, food measuring,
or meal scheduling.

All you have to do is to eat a reasonable amount of steak and eggs two times per
day. Next, you hit the weights, then watch your body transform and eventually
acquire a ripped physique.

According to the Iron Guru, Vince Gironda, this diet creates maximum muscle
definition and at times he called it "The Maximum Definition Diet". His clients,
actors, and bodybuilders alike, got ripped faster than anyone. This diet was a
mainstay in his routine.

The steaks and eggs diet promotes optimum fat burning. It has close to no
carbs, meaning you aren't likely to store any fat. The fats and protein contained
in steak and eggs will burn slowly. This enables your body to perform better, last
longer, and achieve more.

Gironda and his clients got their amazing results without the aid of anabolic
synthetic steroids, just nutrition and hard work. Gironda repeatedly said that
bodybuilding is 85% nutrition.

Steak and eggs are high-protein foods. Anabolism (muscle building) needs
adequate protein. If you want to build muscle faster, make sure you're
consuming enough protein. 100-150 g per day minimum is good for most.

What are the benefits of the steaks and eggs diet?

The main advantage of this diet is getting shredded fast without losing any
muscle mass. There are plenty of other benefits as well, such as:

Burn fat and lose weight

Your muscles will be more visible if you lose excess body fat and fluids. Also,
your body will switch to burning fats to fuel the muscle building process so that
you continue to build even while you sleep or fasting in-between meals.

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Eat as much as you want and still get the results you want
It’s possible to enjoy eating while also losing fat on this diet, you don't have to
feel like you are starving yourself.

Meals will always be filling, and you won't feel deprived. Also, all the meals are
low in carbs, so they won’t disrupt your blood sugar levels and you’ll be in full
control over your cravings and appetite.

Benefit from the testosterone boost

This diet is high in healthy saturated fats and cholesterol, meaning you’ll have
plenty of building blocks for your testosterone production.

Enjoy its simplicity

No calorie restriction needed like during most weight loss diet plans. It's just
eggs and steak. Simply steak and eggs, and eggs and steak, and then some
steak, and some eggs again. And then some more steak...

You get the picture.

How to Do the Steaks and Eggs Diet

Like we said, it's REALLY simple:

1) You eat steaks and eggs

Broil, pan-sear, grill, or bake your steaks in any way you prefer. You can even eat
them raw if you want something hardcore Paleo.

Also, you can have your eggs in any way you want too. Have them fried, sunny-
side-up, over-easy, scrambled, or poached. You may also drink them raw or
mixed in one other Gironda's iconic methods for muscle gains, the Hormonal
Precursor Shake (think of Rocky's fresh eggs drink).

2) You don’t have to eat steak only

You can have beef in any form. For example, you can have sirloin steak, or
ground beef (the cheaper choice) with eggs. Enjoy your red meat in whatever
way you can think of—just pair it with eggs, and that’s it. Also, beef liver is a

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great way to get plenty of extra nutrients, and Gironda was a big fan of eating
liver in any form.

Butter and seasonings like sea salt and pepper, may be added to your steak and
eggs to make them taste better. Experiment with different herbs and spices for
both the meat and the eggs. You can add sauces, or change the way you cook
these foods, just make sure to keep the carbs at zero.

3) Eat just two of these meals a day

You can eat these meals at any time, as long as you eat two each day. You can
choose to have breakfast and dinner, lunch and dinner, or whatever works for

The timing of your meals does not matter as long as you eat steak and egg every
day. What works with your schedule is enough. This diet also works well with
Intermittent Fasting.

4) Don't worry about counting calories

In a nutshell, you can eat as many steaks and eggs per meal as you want
because the body just excretes excess proteins, while if you eat carbs, your body
is likely to store them as fat.

Your body will naturally adjust to steak and eggs in every meal. We are hard-
wired for these things. Many of our ancestors lived for decades on all-animal
diets. In fact, meat was their primary sustenance in the era before agriculture.

Eggs provide the minerals, healthy fats (such as omega fatty acids), and vitamins
that our bodies need to function normally. But in case you need variety, a cheat
meal is OK on the 5th day of each week.

5) Cheat day
Aside from trying numerous spices to keep your meals more interesting, you can
get a one-day break on steaks and per week. Your cheat day is every 5th day on
the diet: make this your opportunity to fill up on other foods! This is the day you
replenish the glycogen stores in your muscles through eating some carbs. You
also get to replace the essential minerals and vitamins.

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Fill up on vegetables and fruit. Enjoy some flavors to give your palate a break.
Take this time to eat more of the foods that promote other processes
contributing to lean muscle mass building.

Load up on fiber during your cheat days. Fiber is vital because it keeps your
digestive tract functioning well. It absorbs the toxins and makes defecation
easier. Eating all that protein can do some unpleasant things to some people’s
bowel movements, so some folks may experience constipation if they don’t
watch their water intake. Eating fiber helps move your bowels more regularly,
just like proper hydration does.

You can eat anything on your cheat day. There are no limits, no calorie
restrictions. If you want to eat an entire pizza with all available toppings, go
ahead. If you want to eat three plates of pasta, that's fine. If you want to go to
Taco Bell, then go to McDonald’s, and then grab a huge cone at Dairy Queen on
your way home? There is no stopping you. It's your cheat day after all. Don't
worry about counting calories!

6) Drink black coffee and water only

Except on cheat days. On non-cheat days, have eggs, meat, and water. Dieting
also means watching what you drink. On the steak and eggs diet, your only
beverages will be water and black coffee. Lots of water. No matter what diet you
are on, water is crucial. If you want to drink anything else, black coffee is okay.

On your cheat day, drink anything you want. Dirty martini? A bottle of coke?
Anything. Go for it!

Why Should any Bodybuilder Try the Steaks and Eggs Diet?

This diet is great for recomp since it improves body composition quickly. This is
when the body gets rid of fat and gains muscle at the same time. It’s a
challenging process, but this is what makes the diet perfect for bodybuilding.

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The best results are often seen within four weeks.

A Final Important Reminder

The steak and eggs diet is adequate, as long as you get high-quality ingredients.
Not all eggs and meats are equally healthy. Some are from commercially raised
animals that were exposed to loads of artificial hormones and antibiotics.
Loading up on food tainted with these will do more harm than good.

Your eggs should be from organically raised free-range chicken. Your steaks
should be grass-fed beef. This will ensure you get the best results.

Also, you may further increase your gains by supporting the building process
with the natural steroids and testosterone-boosting compounds we discussed in
the previous chapters.

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Key Takeaways

▪ The Steak and Eggs diet was created by Vince Gironda in the 1950s. As you
might expect from the name, it consists only of steak and eggs.

▪ Another name that Vince himself used for this diet is the ”Maximum
Definition Diet,” as it leads to significant burning of fat and creates
outstanding muscle definition.

▪ To follow the steaks and eggs diet, eat only TWO meals per day, both
consisting of ONLY red meat and eggs (in any form). So, you could eat
ground beef and an omelette for breakfast—then a sirloin steak and
some hard-boiled eggs for lunch or dinner.

▪ You don’t need to count your calories. As long as they consists of only red
meat and eggs, eat as much as you want. The timing of your meals is also
irrelevant, as long as you limit yourself to two meals per day (breakfast
and lunch, or lunch and dinner, etc.)

▪ To liven up your menu, experiment with different herbs, spices, and

preparation methods. As long as your meals stay close to zero-carb,
everything is good to try.

▪ Drink only water and black coffee, with water being your primary focus at
all times.

▪ Follow this approach for 4 days straight, then do a cheat day. Anything
and everything is allowed on your cheat day, but our recommendation is
to focus on nutrient-dense foods with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and
fiber. Fruits and vegetables are a great option, for instance.

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Being a proponent of low-carb nutrition, all of Vince Gironda’s diets included lots
of fat and minimal carbohydrate. To maximize muscle growth, you need to
promote an anabolic environment in the body as well as max out your hormone
production. We now know through research studies that diets low in fat are a
real killer for your testosterone levels, so indeed Gironda was on to something
way before everyone else was.

According to Gironda, a diet high in fat and protein was optimal for muscle
development, and hence his Hormone Precursor Diet was born.

A typical day on The Hormone Precursor Diet looked like this:

Vince’s Hormone Precursor Shake

1 lb. Hamburger or other meat

Mixed green salad or raw vegetables

1-2 lb. steak or roast meat

Raw or steamed vegetables or salad and cottage cheese

As you can see the diet follows a paleo/ketogenic style and most of the fats are
provided from the shake and meat.

The core principle of the Hormone Precursor Diet was his Hormone Precursor
Shake recipe, specifically designed for bulking and gaining mass. Here is the
original recipe:

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◆ 12 oz half-and-half (50% milk and 50% cream)

◆ 12 raw eggs

◆ 1/3 cup quality milk-and-egg protein powder

◆ 1 banana (for taste, can be omitted if strict low carb)

As you can see the Hormone Precursor Shake contained an impressive 12 raw
eggs, and this shake was consumed 1-3 times per day between meals for

Drinking this shake 3 times a day equals to consuming 36 raw eggs per day,
which many people would consider an extreme amount. However, eggs are
completely safe to consume in large quantities (as reported by modern studies)
and are not associated with a higher incidence of heart disease. In fact, it’s high
triglyceride levels that are the determining factor for heart disease, and
excessive sugar consumption is one of the leading causes of high triglycerides.

The cholesterol in eggs is a building block for testosterone, and Gironda often
said that consuming raw fertile eggs in bulk was of similar anabolic effects as the
steroid Dianabol.

Eggs also contain Omega-3 fatty acids and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which
has been proven to both increase testosterone and reduce fat mass. Eggs are
indeed one of the most anabolic foods containing all the essential building
blocks needed for testosterone production. They are also loaded to the brim
with vitamins D, A, E, iron, zinc and many B vitamins.

To highlight even further the impact that eggs can have for building muscle, as
well as attest to their safety, recent studies have shown that eggs can help
normalize lipids and lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease! As with most
things, The Iron Guru was way ahead of his time.

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Key Takeaways

▪ Vince Gironda’s Hormone Precursor Diet is a high-fat, high-protein, and

low-carb diet that’s somewhat less extreme than his steak-and-eggs diet,
but still fabulous for burning fat, building muscle, and supporting healthy
hormone levels.

▪ The core component of the diet is the Hormone Precursor Shake that
Gironda recommended to take 1-3 times per day between meals to
kickstart gaining muscle mass. It consists of 12 oz half-and-half, 12 raw
eggs, 1/3 cup of quality protein powder, 1 banana for taste (can be
omitted for a lower carb count).

▪ Remember that eggs are completely safe to consume in large quantities

(as reported by modern studies) and are not associated with a higher
incidence of heart disease.

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Like countless others, you’re searching for that one diet that can give you the weight
loss you need without taking away precious muscle or ruining your body
composition. Well, the anabolic fasting diet is probably what you’ve been looking for
all this time.

Anabolic Fasting was developed by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale (”The Anabolic Doc”)
back in 1995, and was meant to replicate the effects of steroids (both
prescription and over-the-counter)—without taking any steroids.

Why Not Use Steroids Instead?

As you probably know, those bulking pills are popular since many of them offer
unbelievable results.

However, the gains from using an anabolic steroid (even if it’s a legal steroid)
come at a high price. Anabolic steroids can cause all sorts of serious health
problems including liver and kidney damage, as well as heart issues.

Dodging Carbs and Making the Shio

The first and most important step in the anabolic diet is to minimize your carb intake.
Of course, supplying the body with carbohydrates is important (they serve as a quick
source of energy), but the amount most of us tend to eat is way too much.

Loading yourself with carbs is a surefire way of gaining pounds – and it’ll also
make losing weight a lot harder than it should be. If you’re wondering about the
degree at which you’ll have to limit your carb intake, well, your ideal goal is to get
as close to zero as possible.

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Of course, you have to ensure your body has enough energy throughout the
entire day – and that energy will come from other kinds of food. It means you’ll
be replacing the carbs you took out of your plate with proteins and fats.

The body is naturally inclined to turn food into energy – and yes, we’re talking
about all kinds of food, not just carbs. You can burn protein and fat (including
body fat) for that much needed boost, but you’ve been relying for so long on
carbs that your body takes a while to start the process.

Following Two New Dietary Guidelines

Train yourself (and by extension, your metabolic processes) by eating very few
carbs for twelve consecutive days – you’ll have to get energy and nutrients from
protein, amino acid, and fat. Afterwards, you can load up on carbs for two days
(this is often referred to as the refeed period).

The goal in having these high-carb days is to reset your insulin levels – and that’s
necessary if you wish to jumpstart your metabolism and speed up fat-burning.
Once you’re done with this cycle, you’ll be transitioning to another meal plan.

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This time, you still have to maintain a low carb intake for five days, but your
target is much more specific – 25 grams or less per day. As you’ve probably
guessed, you have two days to enjoy carbohydrate-rich food after the five-day

Your new diet will be something like this:

On Weekdays
Again, your daily carbohydrate intake shouldn’t exceed 25 grams, so ideally you’ll
be getting it through protein or fat-rich food. If you’re not too keen about that
approach, you could also go for a serving of salad greens or even coleslaw.

Most of your meals though, should consist of 60% fat and 40% protein. A good
example would be steak with the fat intact, drizzled with a bit of gravy.
Cheeseburger with everything on it but without the buns is another good option.

Here’s something important to keep in mind: while you’re following this diet
plan, you have to avoid dairy and grains. Though they don’t seem to contain a lot
of calories, those food items still have enough carbs to make it hard to stay
below your target intake.

On Weekends
This lets you enjoy some of the carb-rich foods you love. Your meals can now be
60% carbohydrate, 25% fat, and 15% protein – be sure to stick to this ratio (no
matter how much you miss carbs, you really shouldn’t overdo it).

You shouldn’t have a huge plate of pasta, a large slice of pizza, or a massive
serving of cake. You just need enough carbs to help your body recover from all
the muscle-building, and to prevent it from burning muscle tissue as fuel, a
process that wastes protein synthesis.

Your goal should be to eat as few carbs as possible, just the amount that will
help your body recover from all the muscle-building process, preventing it from
burning muscle tissue as fuel.

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A Few Meal Ideas to Get You Started

Truth be told, everyone has a terrible time during the first few no-carb days. It’s
likely that you’ll feel tired and irritated. Chances are, your concentration will also
suffer, especially since you’ll be dealing with constant cravings for that sweet,
sweet carbs.

These will eventually go away as your body gets used to your new eating habits
and start its anabolic response. Do remember though, that carbs are not the
only things you can eat – and most importantly, they’re not the only thing that
determines palatability.

Sure, a burger is not really a burger if you take out the buns, and cake is a great
addition to any lavish lunch. Still, you really don’t need them to enjoy your meals
– check out these sample ideas and you’ll realize that with the right anabolic
cooking, you don’t have to be a slave to carbohydrates.

◆ Spanish or Italian ham

◆ Mackerel drizzled with olive oil, served with salad and some cheese cubes

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◆ Bacon, whole eggs, and spinach

◆ A bit of oats, milk, and raisins

◆ Quinoa salad with spinach and grilled chicken breast

You should also take note of what you eat for pre-workout meals, and you’ll
have to consider your post-workout meals as well. These can support your
bodybuilding goals, allowing you to get the most out of your training and fast
cardio sessions.


◆ French or Italian cheese and a small amount of ground flaxseed

◆ A few fruit slices (banana, for example)


◆ Whey protein, olive oil

◆ Berries, cottage cheese, and quinoa

Reaching Your Goal, the Right Way

Fasting takes on many forms, such as intermittent fast and the wolverine diet,
and these can be incorporated into the anabolic diet. What’s important is to
manage your carb intake to maximize muscle growth and fat loss, without
compromising health and form.

On that note, you should be more observant of how your body reacts to this
diet, or to any diet for that matter. Always keep in mind that diets (even the one
we’ve discussed here) tend to work to different extents, and even fail to provide
results in some cases.

Evaluate how your body responds and make adjustments as necessary, such as
in the case of people with insulin problems (they really shouldn’t go on an
extended anabolic fast). These folks may add a little more carbs or healthy sugar
sources to fuel their bodies without sacrificing muscle gain.

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Aside from following a diet plan, you could go for food that can help to speed up
the bodybuilding process. We’re talking about food that can improve the balance
of testosterone and human growth hormone. These hormones are important in
building and maintaining lean muscle mass.

You may also further improve your health regimen by taking natural
supplements or an anabolic supplements. However, be sure to carefully check
the bodybuilding supplement you’re planning to buy – pay attention to any

Lastly, please do things in moderation, even with anabolic fasting or when you’re
under a hypocaloric diet. Extreme measures produce quick results but tend to
come with serious consequences. In your journey towards achieving a great
physique, you should also aim to improve your health.

Key Takeaways

▪ The Anabolic Fasting or Anabolic Diet was developed by Dr. Mauro Di

Pasquale (”The Anabolic Doc”) back in 1995, and was meant to replicate
the effects of steroids (both prescription and over-the-counter)—without
taking any steroids.

▪ Anabolic steroids can cause all sorts of serious health problems including
liver and kidney damage, as well as heart issues. That’s why following an
alternative approach is always a great idea.

▪ The core principle of the Anabolic Diet is to minimize your carb intake as
much as possible (with no specific goal) for 12 consecutive days. Then, the
following 2 days would be a refeed period to load up on carbs and reset
your insulin levels (your meal should now be around 60% carbohydrate,
25% fat, and 15% protein). After that, go back to a low-carb diet for 5 days,
but now with a specific goal: focus on having no more than 25 grams of
carbs per day. After that, give yourself 2 days of carb-refeed.

▪ Keep in mind that diets bring varying results to everyone, so make sure to
keep an eye on your health and progress to see if this particular strategy
is good for you.

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We are not here to preach you the next overhyped pill to fix all your life
problems. Sorry bro, but there is no such thing.

We founded Anabolic Health as a passion project of sorts, stemming from a

genuine interest in empowering men to man up and fix their own health issues.
You're reading this book. You're on the right track!

While the medical establishment still holds an important place in society we

have to recognize the primary driving force behind it, and that is money...

Pharmaceutical companies are in it to earn money on selling you pills and

injections to treat your symptoms, not to cure them.

There is no money to be made in curing you, but there is money to be made in

setting you up with a prescription (or should we say subscription) for life... Yes
we are talking about TRT (testosterone replacement therapy).

While low testosterone might seem similar to the female menopause, it is still
just another label for a condition that does not really exist to begin with. What
you have is a systemic imbalance in your body, and it’s fucking up your
manhood, period.

Testosterone is also responsible for maintaining healthy sexual and reproductive

function, which lies at the core of what is often considered manhood.

If you’re a man you know exactly how important healthy sexual function is. The
famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that sexuality is everybody’s
weakness as well as strength, and it is a core motivator of life.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the male vital life force is called Yang,
and the female Yin, hence Yin & Yang. The concept is the same and in TCM,
Yang tonics (often testosterone boosting herbs) are used to treat male

All in all if you deprive a man of his libido you also deprive him of his lust for life.

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The good news is you do not have to be on artificial testosterone injections and
a cocktail of pills everyday for the rest of your life to fix this problem. However, it
is not something that is fixed overnight, it requires some serious lifestyle
adjustments and time to normalize.

Remember that the lifestyle conditions you find yourself in when you get this
problem are the ones you need to change to get yourself out of it.

Skim through these pages again and again, go over the key takeaways
compilation chapter according to your needs, and get a complete picture of
what your issues are and how to solve them. It's that simple.

Balance can be restored, and this book was created to give you the information
and tools to make that happen.

Now go make it happen!

Quick Summary - Our Prescription for Hormonal Health

◆ Aim to get at least 100 g protein from various food sources per day.

◆ Consume plenty of healthy saturated fats in your diet (animal foods,

coconut etc)

◆ Consume sugar and carbohydrates according to your energy needs

(especially in the form of fruit and honey)

◆ Be careful about what plant foods you choose to eat (lectins, allergens,
anti-nutrients etc can all contribute to inflammation)

◆ Make sure you get all the daily micro-nutrients you need (for example
vitamin D, zinc, selenium, magnesium and more)

◆ Consume salt according to taste

◆ Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night (limit blue light and stimulants in
evenings, a pre-bed snack can help)

◆ Get 1 hour of direct sunlight per day (or use a bright light device)

◆ Minimize excess mental, physical and environmental stress (supplements,

avoid environmental toxins, meditation, sex, enjoy life!)

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Recommended Tools

◆ Bright Light Device (when adequate sun light is not possible)

◆ Blue Light Blocking Glasses (helps regulate sleep cycles)

◆ Body by Science book (minimalist routine for building muscle)

◆ Avatar Nutrition (personal diet coaching app for improving body


◆ Cronometer (food logging app to track micro-nutrients)

◆ Lab Testing Service (for monitoring hormone levels if issues arise)

General Guidelines for Solving Hormonal Imbalances in Men

The following are our general guidelines if you are suffering from low testosterone,
sexual dysfunction, chronic fatigue and overall feel less manly than you should:

1. Test free testosterone (calculate with Total T & SHBG) and DHT, they are the
most important markers, aim to get these into normal ranges.

2. Testicular function can be assessed by testing LH and FSH, especially together with
a HCG injection before running labs. Unless these come back very low to non existent
after HCG, then you only have secondary hypogonadism and are not a suitable
candidate for TRT (look into natural means, there's still hope for your balls!).

3. Aim for high metabolism and thyroid function, this can be best assessed by
checking morning temperature and pulse, the ideal is close to 98.6f, 75-85bpm.
Anything below is sluggish metabolism which will affect your overall hormonal

4. Check for estrogen dominance, too much estrogen and/or prolactin (if
present, correcting this can often solve low testosterone problems)

5. Low progesterone can often be a problem as well if you’re estrogen dominant

or under chronic stress (consider supplementing with pregnenolone or

6. Low levels of SHBG can often indicate some other health condition such as
diabetes, consider investigating further if this is the case.

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7. If DHEA is low, supplement in small amounts (5mg per dose) until within
normal range for your age and/or symptoms resolve. Low dosage will make sure
it converts mostly into DHT and not estrogen. Can also be combined with a small
dose of progesterone/pregnenolone to further prevent estrogen conversion.

8. If you suffer from hair loss, gyno or prostate problems, it is likely excess
estrogen related and not DHT contrary to what the mainstream might say (i.e.
anti-DHT propaganda).

9. For frequent insomnia sufferers and other sleep problems, make sure to test
cortisol to get an accurate view of your circadian rhythm. You want a curve that
goes up in the morning and gets lower and lower towards bedtime.

10. Periodically checking IGF-1 levels can be good for anti-aging purposes.

While the above pointers serve as general principles to follow, the subject of
hormones are often more complicated than that.

These guidelines should be used to help suggest a direction of treatment for

you, but make sure you research your issues more in detail as well as also
consult with your doctor.

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No time to read the whole book or even a specific chapter? Or maybe you need
a quick and easy way to refresh all the valuable information you’ve learned so

If that’s so, this chapter is perfect for you!

Here, you’ll find a quick rundown of ALL the Key Takeaways lists we’ve put at
the end of every chapter throughout this book. Whenever you need a quick
recap of something related to men’s hormonal health, natural supplements for
men, or anything else mentioned in this book—jump straight to this chapter,
and you’re all good! Then, for more information, you can open up the respective
section or chapter and re-read it to better internalize its contents.

So, ready for a TL;DR version of our men’s health encyclopedia?

Let’s go!

SecUon 1 Key Takeaways: IntroducUon to Testosterone

◆ Testosterone was first isolated in 1935, but the first experiments using
animal testicle extracts go way back to the 1800s.

◆ Androgen production is controlled by what’s known as the hypothalamic-

pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis—the physiological complex including the
hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the testicles.

◆ The hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) that

signals the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH
reaches the Leydig cells in the testes, it makes them produce testosterone.

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◆ Testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol.

◆ Any abnormality in the HPG axis, as well as a lack of cholesterol, may

impair testosterone production.

◆ Directly or indirectly, testosterone is the primary factor that defines all

masculine traits. The core set of masculine traits is: strength, body
language, stature, virility, confidence, intelligence and resourcefulness,
ability to listen, versatile skill sets, respect and authority, kindness.

◆ There are three types of testosterone: free testosterone (which makes

2-3% of one’s total testosterone), albumin-bound (53-55%), and SHBG-
bound (around 45%)

◆ Only free testosterone is bioavailable. Bound testosterone can’t interact

with testosterone receptors, so it basically doesn’t work.

◆ The benefits of testosterone go far beyond sexual function and muscle

mass. This essential hormone controls metabolism and body composition,
orchestrates healthy puberty and aging, promotes healthy red blood cell
production, and even ignites competitiveness, protectiveness, and risk-
taking behavior.

◆ Maintaining normal levels of testosterone in the body should be one of

the top priorities in men who want to remain at their peak performance.
Luckily, this is what this book is all about!

SecUon 2 Key Takeaways: How to Test Your Testosterone at Home

Below you’ll find a detailed list of hormones to test for a comprehensive

overview of your hormonal health.

◆ Total Testosterone

◆ SHBG (Sex hormone-binding globulin), will be used together with total

testosterone to calculate bioactive free testosterone

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◆ Estrogen (most often E2, estradiol) is what is tested but there is reason to
rather test for estrone (E1) if possible, since it seems to be an overall more
accurate marker of systemic levels of estrogen. Ideally test for both.

◆ Prolactin (key for gyno and sexual problems) also helps paint a picture of
how much of a estrogenic state your body is in

◆ Progesterone, a much forgotten hormone for men which is crucial for

balancing estrogen and the stress response, probably one of the most
important hormones in the body

◆ Pregnenolone, the master building block of all hormones and preferably

the one men want to supplement with. Not commonly tested for but if
possible it is good to test this one

◆ DHEA. Dehydroepiandrosterone, the building block of testosterone and

estrogen. If deficient, then a DHEA supplement can help bring up levels of

◆ DHT. Dihydrotestosterone, the most potent male androgen responsible

for sexual function and mood. If you have ED issues or low libido, this one
is especially important

◆ FSH, Follicle-stimulating hormone, important for fertility

◆ LH, Luteinizing hormone, stimulates the production of testosterone in the

testicles. Good marker for testicular function

◆ Cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone. If excess stress is a problem,

then testing this as a saliva test in the morning, midday and evening can
be helpful. Good marker for circadian rhythm

◆ IGF-1. Insulin-like growth factor 1, a growth hormone, something you

want enough of but not too much. Important for injury recovery and
muscle growth but excess is bad for longevity

In addition to the above, it is also important to get a thyroid hormone panel

since the thyroid is responsible for metabolism and affects all other hormones
as well. In fact increasing thyroid function often increases testosterone.

Test for the following:

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◆ TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)

◆ Free T3 (Triiodothyronine)

◆ Free T4 (Thyroxine)

◆ Optimal testosterone levels are different for every age group.

◆ Testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, peaking in the early


◆ Having no morning wood when you wake up is only a symptom of an

imbalance that your body is experiencing. Be conscious of your body and
listen to it. Do what you have to do to keep it in top shape and you will be
rewarded whether it may be in your daily life or in your sex life.

◆ In general, all issues with erections are due to poor blood circulation or
hormonal imbalances.

◆ Even young men in their 20s or 30s can have low testosterone due to
many ecological, lifestyle-related, and medical factors.

◆ Common symptoms of low testosterone include general weakness, low

libido, ED, loss of muscle mass and bone density, weight gain, and even

◆ In any case, low testosterone is a treatable condition, so don’t despair too

much. We’ll fix that together!

◆ You CAN have too much of a good thing, including testosterone.

Unnaturally high testosterone levels cause unpleasant side effects
including anger outbursts, aggression, acne, fertility issues, and hair

◆ In most cases, too high testosterone levels are caused by testosterone

replacement therapy (TRT) or anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders.

◆ Natural strategies approaches to increasing testosterone rarely lead to

excessive testosterone production, and that’s just one more reason to try
them first.

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SecUon 3 Key Takeaways: The Many PotenUal Causes of Low

◆ Overtraining is a real thing, and its threshold varies from person to

person. If you believe you are overtraining and suspect you have low
testosterone levels, you should now know what you need to do: give
yourself enough rest.

◆ The Five Pillars of Health are five fundamental lifestyle components that
are essential for a healthy hormonal balance. These include: healthy
sleep, enough sun / light exposure, a balanced circadian rhythm,
minimizing mental, physical & environmental stress, and adequate
nutrition. Conversely, five major testosterone-killers are: poor sleep,
not enough sun / light exposure, a wrecked circadian rhythm, stress and
chronically elevated cortisol levels, inadequate nutrition.

◆ Good sleep is essential for healthy testosterone levels, and luckily—it’s

one of the easy factors to fix for improved hormonal health.

◆ Make sure you limit blue light in the evening. Use blue light blockers or no
electronics for 2 hours before bedtime.

◆ Make sure your bedroom is dark and well ventilated. A cooler room
temperature in your bedroom helps improve sleep quality (think hibernation).

◆ Limit caffeine and other stimulants at least 6 hours before bedtime.

◆ A sugary snack before bed can also help lower stress hormones, induce
relaxation, and prevent hypoglycemia during sleep by replenishing liver
glycogen (we recommend 1-2 tbsp of honey).

◆ Getting enough sun exposure every day is important to keep your

progesterone and melatonin levels healthy. About 1 hour of sunlight per
day should be enough.

◆ Not getting enough sun / light exposure wreaks havoc in your hormonal
system, decreases metabolism, and increases your stress response.

◆ All of these unpleasant developments lead to a decrease in testosterone.

Go get some sunlight!

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◆ Having a stable circadian rhythm is extremely important for your health in
general and your testosterone production in particular.

◆ Try going to sleep at the same time every day and waking up at roughly
the same time in the mornings.

◆ If you have trouble falling asleep, limit your exposure to blue light and
your stimulants intake 6 hours before bedtime.

◆ If you are suffering from any high cortisol symptoms, it makes sense to
avoid and manage stress better and reduce your cortisol levels using the
lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements listed in this chapter.

◆ Ashwagandha, Phosphatidylserine, and L-Theanine are the most effective

natural supplements to reduce cortisol.

◆ In terms of nutrition, aim for at least 100 g of protein from various animal
sources per day.

◆ Consume plenty of healthy saturated fats (animal foods, coconut, etc.)

◆ Consume sugar & carbohydrates according to your energy needs

(especially in the form of fruit and honey).

◆ Be careful about what plant foods you choose to eat (remember about
lectins, allergens, and anti-nutrients).

◆ Make sure you get all the micronutrients you need (vitamin D, zinc,
selenium, magnesium and more).

◆ Consume salt according to taste.

◆ Alcohol has plenty of negative effects on hormonal balance: alcohol and

testosterone don’t get along very well. This doesn’t mean that you can’t
enjoy the occasional glass of wine or bottle of beer. It’s just that you’ll
have to keep it occasional for optimal results. So, whether you want to
increase testosterone for muscle building or general wellness, make sure
that you moderate alcohol consumption.

◆ The four most important micronutrients for men (especially in terms of

testosterone levels) are zinc, magnesium, boron, and selenium. Sadly,
most men are deficient in at least one of these minerals, so make sure to
eat enough of the foods we mentioned in chapter 3.9.

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◆ Keep in mind that a not-so-known reason that can contribute to
many people getting deficient in essential minerals is a high dietary
intake of grains. Grains contain many anti-nutrients that can block
mineral absorption in the gut. This is why it is complete insanity to
be recommending whole grains as a nutrient source for someone
who is mineral-deficient (something many doctors do unknowingly).

◆ The debate over phytoestrogens still continues in the research

community, but if you take the available facts on phytoestrogen into
account, you can get the most of the benefits of estrogen-rich foods while
curbing their potential negative side effects.

◆ In general, for most men without an estrogen deficiency, it would be wise

to avoid foods like beer, mint, liquorice, flaxseed, and soy.

◆ As with all things in life, you have to strike a healthy balance when it
comes to exercise. Both overtraining AND lack of physical activity can be
detrimental for your general health and testosterone particularly.

◆ Body fat (especially abdominal fat) is rich in aromatase, an enzyme that

transforms testosterone into estrogen.

◆ Estrogen promotes accumulation of fat. More fat essentially means more

aromatase and less estrogen.

◆ To escape the vicious cycle of fat and aromatase, you’ll have to address
the issue from both sides of the problem. Specifically, you’ll have to lose
weight AND reduce your estrogen levels.

◆ IMPORTANT: increasing testosterone levels if you’re overweight is largely

pointless since the aromatase in your body fat will just convert it into
more estrogen.

◆ That said, estrogen isn’t always bad for men. In fact, you need some
estrogen for strong health, just not too much of it.

◆ The healthy estradiol range for men is between 10 to 40 pg/mL or 20 to 55

pg/mL, depending on the source.

◆ Having both too low or too high estrogen levels is detrimental for male

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◆ We recommend that you test your estrogen levels every once in a while to
make sure they are in the normal range. Testosterone isn’t the only
hormone you should keep an eye on.

◆ High prolactin levels can be extremely detrimental to male health.

◆ Common symptoms of high prolactin levels include loss of libido, excess

weight, painful nipples, treat tissue growth (gynecomastia), and low
testosterone levels.

◆ You can reduce your prolactin levels naturally using a wide range of natural
approaches. Foods and nutrients like ashwagandha, mucuna pruriens,
vitamin E, and vitamin B6 are some of the most effective strategies.

◆ Progesterone is important not just for women, it is also important in men.

It affects the balance of other hormones and has a huge impact on overall
health as well. Keeping progesterone levels within normal ranges is
crucial. Using natural supplements and progesterone creams for men are
some effective ways to ensure that you maintain those levels even while
aging or during prolonged periods of stress.

◆ Having a lot of testosterone is not enough for optimal health because its
usability is affected by how much of it is freely flowing in the bloodstream
and how much is bound to sex hormone binding proteins like SHBG.

◆ Maintaining healthy levels of SHBG is actually quite easy. Here’s a

quick rundown of the important stuff: keep estrogen levels within low-
normal ranges, supplement with a good mineral complex
(magnesium, boron, and zinc), get enough sun exposure daily, limit
consumption of alcohol and medications if possible.

◆ Remember that SHBG is an essential part of your endocrine system

that’s meant to balance your hormones. SHBG becomes a problem for
your free testosterone levels only when such issues as excess estrogen,
toxin buildup or nutritional deficiencies are present.

◆ Dopamine and testosterone share a direct relationship in which a rise in

one hormone generally leads to a an increase in the other.

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◆ Some of the most important dopamine function include sex drive support,
healthy erectile function, concentration, and motivation.

◆ One of the biggest dangers related to dopamine is reaching a state of

dopamine desensitization, during which the body demands higher and
higher dopamine levels to trigger its action. This happens, for example,
during porn addiction.

◆ Although it’s impossible to keep your dopamine levels high at all times,
you can support its production by eating enough foods rich in healthy fats
and tyrosine.

◆ Natural supplements that may boost dopamine include mucuna pruriens,

probiotics, and tea.

◆ The gut microflora has a significant positive effect on testosterone levels,

although scientists don’t know exactly how they are connected.

◆ Some of the most beneficial strains seem to be Lactobacillus Reuteri and

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus.

◆ To support your gut microflora, get plenty of probiotics and prebiotics

every day. The best options include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, blue cheese,
and kimchi.

◆ Testosterone works only when it interacts with its receptors.

◆ Low androgen receptor density leads to the same symptoms and health
issues that low testosterone levels since the hormone won’t be able to
work without its receptors.

◆ An effective and convenient way to increase androgen receptor density is

by supplementing with carnitine.

◆ Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays a huge role in improving physical

performance, preventing anxiety and depression, and bringing down
estrogen levels.

◆ Low DHT levels may be a symptom of low testosterone levels since DHT is
produced from testosterone through the 5a-reductase enzyme.

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◆ DHT-boosting foods and supplements include coffee, sorghum, creatine,
butea superba.

◆ Other natural ways to increase DHT levels are managing your body
weight, engaging in resistance training, and following a healthy diet.

◆ Selfdecode is a simple genetics tool that analyzes the raw data from your
genetic test, presenting it in an easy to interpret and actionable medium
for you to make the appropriate changes to your life, including the best
ones to increase testosterone levels.

SecUon 4 Key Takeaways: How to Increase Testosterone With

the Right NutriUon

◆ The 50 foods listed in chapter 4.1 are essential for any man’s healthy
testosterone levels—no matter if he’s 20 or 70. Write them down and use
the list as your go-to grocery list!

◆ Keep in mind that some of those foods serve as a basis for a healthy diet
(the ones in the ”Focus on” section) while others are good in moderation
and serve to provide a mild boost (see ”In moderation” section).

When you go shopping for your testosterone-boosting foods, remember these points:

◆ The sooner the plant goes from the soil/tree to your plate the better.

◆ Focus on whole foods that retain all their original nutrition without adding
extra sugars, preservatives or oils.

◆ Stick to organic and non-GMO.

◆ Avoid food groups that almost always contains added sugar such as sodas
and other readily made drinks.

◆ Split and base your meals up into categories and pick one food from each
group to form the basis of the meal, such as fresh meat, eggs & dairy,
vegetables and combine with a natural carb source as needed for
performance (wholegrain & fruits).

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◆ For quick snacks that are portable, focus on fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds.

As for protein:

1. Protein will not increase your testosterone levels.

This has been established in multiple studies and is counterproductive. Yes, we

understand your tightly held belief that protein builds muscle faster than anything
else, but it is time to understand that studies paid for by the supplement
manufacturers aren’t all that they're hyped up to be. They need to sell products and
make money and will provide you viable “pseudo-science” to back it up.

2. Do not go crazy drinking protein shakes at the pre, intra and post-
workout periods.

Research has also shown that the higher protein consumption is before working
out, the lower it will make your testosterone spike from the workout. With less
testosterone to go around, cortisol will spike, and eat away at the little muscle
you might have gained.

3. Diets with a higher carb to protein ratio, and higher carb/fat to protein
ratio are superior for muscle growth since testosterone levels are not
suppressed significantly. The opposite is also true, with higher protein diets
corresponding to lower serum testosterone levels.

4. Protein supplementation does not lead to enhanced anabolic effect

following training. Instead, consume a meal with higher carb/fat to protein
ratios, as this will aid recovery and not blunt the effect of testosterone.

5. Although a diet containing both carbs and fat is desirable, your choice of
either a higher fat or higher carb diet is an individual choice, based on
factors such as insulin sensitivity.

Concerning dietary fat:

The way we think about dietary fat is changing; high-fat ketogenic diets are now
being introduced into the medical field as treatments for type 2 diabetes and
obesity. Plant-based, high-carb diets no longer seem to be the only diets
advocated by health "gurus". Whatever your opinion concerning fats is, it cannot
be denied that they come with far too many benefits to leave them out of your
diet if you are a serious athlete.

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To make all of this easy to implement for you, our recommendations are as

1. Use grass-fed butter for cooking (most stable fat)

2. Consume MCT oil in your shakes, smoothies or other hot beverages (coffee,
tea, etc.)

3. Use olive oil in all salads as a dressing

4. Consume dark chocolate as a pre-workout snack (70% cacao or more)

5. Consume red palm oil as a supplement

Concerning carbs and sugar:

◆ There’s nothing inherently unhealthy or evil about sugar. Just like with
anything else, ”the dose makes the poison.”
◆ Sugar is a great source of energy. It also helps to lower cortisol levels and
improve resistance to stress.
◆ As long as you don’t eat too much sugar, there’s nothing wrong with
having it in your diet.

SecUon 5 Key Takeaways: Pro-Testosterone Supplements

◆ There are many natural testosterone-boosting supplements out there, but

DAA (D-aspartic acid) isn’t one of them. Studies indicate it doesn’t work, and
the old studies that said otherwise were sponsored by DAA manufacturers.

◆ Maca is a great natural way to boost libido and fertility. It’s also effective
against stress, fatigue, and mood issues.

◆ Whenever possible, go for powdered maca root instead of capsules and


◆ Raw maca root powder is the best maca supplement available, but it may
be too strong for people with sensitive stomach. In that case, look for
gelatinized maca root powder.

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◆ Black ginger is a natural nitric oxide (NO) booster that works by
suppressing the type-5 phosphodiesterase (PDE5) enzyme.

◆ Higher NO levels enhance blood circulation throughout the body. This

results in better erections, cardiovascular health, and physical

◆ The most popular and famous PDE5 inhibitor on the market is Viagra
(sildenafil). Black Ginger works in the same way, but has a milder effect.
On the bright side, it has none of the troublesome side effects that Viagra
has—headache, nausea, dizziness, among others.

◆ Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. If you don’t
like the taste of liver and can’t eat it as it is, desiccated liver tablets are
your best way to reap all the benefits of this natural wonder.

◆ Common effects reported from desiccated liver tablets consumption

include a boost in endurance and faster recovery from exercise.

◆ Liver is one of the best natural sources of heme iron. This form of iron has
a bioavailability level much higher than plant sources of iron.

◆ While it’s possible to overdose on artificial sources of iron (iron

supplements or multivitamins with iron), it’s impossible to achieve the
same effect with natural iron sources like liver or desiccated liver tablets.

◆ Mushrooms are some of the most powerful aromatase-inhibiting foods.

◆ However, most mushrooms also inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (5-
AR) that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is an
androgen that’s much more powerful than testosterone, so getting less of
it goes against most men’s goals.

◆ Among all mushrooms, white button mushrooms have the weakest 5-AR-
inhibiting action, about 1-2.5% of inhibition. For comparison, lingzhi
mushrooms have a whopping 80% inhibitory activity and oyster
mushrooms show about 60% inhibition. In other words, white button
mushrooms are the best mushrooms to inhibit aromatase and lower
estrogen levels without lowering DHT at the same time.

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◆ If you don’t like to eat mushrooms, you can prepare white button
mushroom extract at home.

◆ Tongkat Ali is great for any and all kinds of sexual issues: libido, erectile
function, premature ejaculation, infertility.

◆ In terms of hormones, it has anti-estrogenic properties, reduces cortisol

levels, and lowers SHBG levels (thus increasing free testosterone).

◆ Keep in mind that real Tongkat Ali supplements are quite expensive, so be
wary of cheap fake products that have flooded the market recently.

◆ Even though testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is growing in

popularity, remember that it comes with serious side effects including a
total and irreversible shutdown of your body’s own testosterone
production in the worst case scenario.

◆ Pine pollen is a rich source of real androgens including androstenedione,

testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Basically, it’s as close to a
natural TRT alternative as it gets.

◆ The two main types of pine pollen supplements are powder and tincture.
Pine pollen powder isn’t effective in increasing androgen levels when
taken orally, as stomach acid destroys the hormones. In tinctures, the
androgens are dissolved in alcohol, allowing them to be absorbed by the
mucous membrane in the mouth. Put a few droppers of pine pollen
tincture under your tongue, keep it there for a minute, then swallow.

◆ Pine pollen powder, on the other hand, is an amazing source of vitamins

and minerals.

◆ Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that can stimulate the

Leydig cells in the testes to produce more testosterone.

◆ HCG injections are often prescribed along or after TRT to help prevent the
shutdown of the body’s own testosterone production.

◆ Fadogia Agrestis taken by mouth seems to have similar effects as HCG

injections, increasing testosterone by stimulating its production in the testes.

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◆ Other effects include libido support and an increase in ejaculation latency
(time required to reach ejaculation).

◆ Mucuna Pruriens, also known as Velvet Bean, is a psychoactive (kinda like

coffee) plant that has been widely used in Ayurveda healing doctrines.

◆ Mucuna is the best natural source of L-Dopa, the precursor of many

neurotransmitters including dopamine. It also contains a bit of serotonin
and tryptophan, and thus is a great mood-enhancing and antidepressant

◆ The beneficial effects of taking Velvet Bean include higher testosterone

levels, increased libido, relaxation, as well as improved mood and energy
levels—all through the action of dopamine.

◆ The best time of the day to take Mucuna supplements is before bed in
order to stimulate your natural growth hormone production.

◆ Cistanche deserticola (desert hyacinth) is used to enhance immunity,

increase energy levels, improve hair growth, support healthy libido,
promote testosterone production, and enhance fertility.

◆ Sadly, Cistanche is classified as endangered, so you might have a hard

time finding a real supplement with the herb. Cistanche tubulosa is a
somewhat different plant with roughly the same effects that could be a bit
easier to find.

◆ Cistanche extracts may increase body temperature, so better avoid them

on hot and humid days.

◆ Korean black ginseng is a newly developed, cutting-edge variety of


◆ Essentially, black ginseng is ginseng that has been steamed up to 9 times.

This process significantly increases the levels and bioavailability of
numerous ginsenosides, which are the main active compounds of

◆ Black ginseng features much higher levels of ginsenosides Rg3, Rg5, and
compound k than other ginseng varieties.

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◆ Some of the main effects you can expect from taking black ginseng is an
improvement in mental performance, sexual function, and stress
resistance, along with dozens of general health benefits. Black ginseng
also boosts total and bioavailable testosterone levels.

◆ Black ginseng is generally tolerated well, with rare and mild side effects.
Be aware, though, that it may increase the power of caffeine. It also has
blood-thinning properties, and thus should be taken with caution at the
same time with other blood-thinning medications or natural compounds.

◆ Butea Superba increases DHT levels. In turn, DHT may boost your libido,
enhance erectile function, and even promote facial hair growth in some

◆ Butea Superba can also increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the
cAMP phosphodiesterase enzyme. At the same time, it has anti-estrogenic

◆ By increasing sperm count and motility, Butea can also serve as a fertility
booster for men.

◆ The general health benefits of Butea include cognitive enhancement, stress

relief, antioxidative action, cardiovascular support, and many others.

◆ Ashwagandha increases the production and release of follicle stimulating

hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and serum DHEA levels. These
effects lead to higher testosterone.

◆ In terms of sexual health, ashwagandha can improve erectile function and

promotes fertility by improving sperm count.

◆ As an adaptogenic herb, ashwagandha can relieve stress, improve sleep,

and support the immune system.

◆ Bulbine Natalensis can increase testosterone levels by improving GnRH

signaling and promoting LH production.

◆ In terms of sexual health, it’s believed to be an aphrodisiac and fertility booster.

◆ Preliminary scientific findings report that the herb is fairly safe to take in
adequate doses.

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◆ Vitamin D is a fat-soluble prohormone synthesized in the skin after a brief
period of sunlight exposure. You can also get it from dietary sources.

◆ Some of the most important vitamin D benefits include testosterone and

fertility support, bone and muscle mass regulation, and enhancing insulin

◆ Good dietary sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, beef liver, cheese,
eggs, and fortified milk.

◆ As for sunlight, the National Institutes of Health recommends 5 to 30

minutes of sun exposure, ideally between the hours of 10 AM to 3 PM.
This allows the body to produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

◆ Alternatively, you can take vitamin D supplements to meet your daily goal.

◆ Magnesium takes part in over 300 vital body processes. One of them is
boosting your levels of bioavailable testosterone.

◆ Almost 70% of US adults are deficient in magnesium, so it’s essential to

keep an eye on your intake of this mineral.

◆ Purchase a reliable supplement or eat enough natural sources of

magnesium like dark chocolate, beef, mineral salts, nuts, and dark leafy

◆ Zinc boosts testosterone levels by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme.

◆ The best sources of zinc include oysters, meat, dark chocolate, egg yolks,
and liver.

◆ If you’d rather take a zinc supplement, opt for zinc picolinate as it has the
highest bioavailability among all zinc supplements.

◆ Selenium is an essential mineral for strong health, and yet many guys are
deficient in this element without even knowing it.

◆ Among other things, selenium is important for testosterone production,

optimal thyroid function, and sperm health.

◆ Brazil nuts are the best natural source of selenium. At the same time, they
pack quite a bit of vitamin E, which is also great for general health and
optimal testosterone production.

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◆ The recommended maximum daily intake is 400 mcg. Sleep in mind that
side effects start around 800 mcg daily.

◆ One Brazil nut contains about 70-90 mcg selenium, so keep your daily
intake to 1-4 nuts at most.

◆ Other dietary sources of selenium include beef, egg yolks, sardines, and

◆ Boron is one of the best minerals to boost testosterone levels. Sadly, it’s
hard to get your share of this mineral from dietary sources alone. Initially,
boron was naturally present in the Earth’s soil, but modern farming
practices are gradually depleting it of this valuable nutrient.

◆ Boron health benefits include higher free testosterone (through lower SHBG)
and DHT levels, decreased estrogen levels. Boron also has anti-inflammatory
properties and it significantly improves vitamin D absorption.

◆ The best boron supplement is calcium fructopyranose borate (CFB).

◆ We recommend a daily dose of 10 mg of boron, and never more than 20

mg per day to avoid side effects.

◆ Vitamin E is a highly versatile fat-soluble vitamin. It’s essential for a wide

range of processes in the body, from fighting free radicals to supporting
hormonal health.

◆ Vitamin E intake for adults must be 30 IU or about 15-20 mg of alpha-

tocopherols. Higher doses are needed to treat existing health issues.
200-400 IU daily of Vitamin E is a suitable maintenance dosage, but up to
1500 IU can be useful for treating certain conditions such as gyno, erectile
dysfunction, and estrogen dominance.

◆ Myostatin is a molecule that inhibits muscle growth.

◆ Epicatechin is the only compound that was scientifically confirmed to

inhibit myostatin, and thus enhance muscle growth.

◆ High amounts of epicathechin are present in cocoa, grapes and tea.

◆ Carnitine is an amino acid derivative found in most animal products and


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◆ Eating regimes like the ”Steak and Eggs” diet created by the bodybuilding
legend Vince Gironda are largely based on the action of carnitine present
in the allowed foods.

◆ Carnitine transports fats into the mitochondria, where they can be burned
for energy. This reduces the body’s overall fat percentage, as well as
enhances energy levels.

◆ In general, carnitine also promotes regeneration, enhances cardiovascular

function, and increases sperm quality.

◆ N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is one of those rare supplements that work for

everyone without exceptions.

◆ NAC is a form of the essential amino acid cysteine. In terms of function,

NAC increases the body’s production of glutathione, its master antioxidant
and detoxifier.

◆ Thanks to this antioxidative support, NAC reduces oxidative stress in the

testes and thus may enhance testosterone production and increase
sperm quality.

◆ Caffeine is a great metabolic booster that has been scientifically

confirmed to enhance testosterone levels and boost physical
performance (that’s why it’s included in many pre-workout blends).

◆ Ideally, keep your intake under 200-300 mg of caffeine per day, which
equals to about three 8-ounce cups of brewed coffee (95 mg of caffeine
each). Going over that limit may increase the body’s cortisol levels, and
cortisol has an antagonist relationship with testosterone.

◆ Make sure to drink plenty of water, as caffeine has a dehydrating action.

◆ Black shilajit resin (aka mineral pitch) is a viscous tar-like substance found
in the Himalayan mountains. It packs over 85 minerals in ionic form, as
well as fulvic acid, humic acid, and other rare compounds.

◆ Taking shilajit may be great to prevent micronutrient deficiency, enhance

immunity, support cognitive power, and fight free radicals.

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◆ Reduced oxidative stress in the testes leads to improved sperm quality
and better testosterone production.

◆ Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a compound that’s naturally present in the cell

membranes of your body. Half of all your PS is located in the brain, and
there’s quite a bit of it in the testes.

◆ Healthy levels of PS are essential for cognitive function, preventing

neurodegenerative disorders (like Alzheimer’s disease), supporting focus,
alleviating stress, and promoting testosterone production.

◆ Sunflower lecithin is by far the best kind of PS supplement.

◆ For athletes and men, a daily dose of 600 mg is recommended.

◆ Diindolylmethane (DIM) improves estrogen profile by shifting the estrogen

metabolism from creating stronger estrogens to weaker ones, thus
limiting the estrogenic burden on your body.

◆ Additionally, DIM increases the levels of 2-hydroxy-estrogen, a ”good” kind

of estrogen that frees SHBG-bound testosterone and takes its place.
That’s how DIM boosts free testosterone levels.

◆ Additional benefits of taking DIM include prostate cancer prevention and

prostate enlargement treatment.

◆ Side effects include a possible decrease in sperm quality and DHT


◆ The three major ways to enjoy the perks of DIM include eating cruciferous
vegetables, taking DIM supplements, and supplementing with I3C.

◆ For better effects, combine DIM with calcium D-glucarate and omega fatty

◆ Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the most well-documented

supplements for erectile dysfunction (ED).

◆ As much as 50 mg of DHEA per day significantly improves ED symptoms if

you have low levels of DHEA.

◆ Topical DHEA is a better choice than DHEA supplements due to the

smaller dosage needed to achieve optimal effects.

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◆ If you choose to supplement, start with around 15 mg of DHEA taken in
one daily dose. You can then build up the dosage to 50 mg per day if
needed. Monitor your DHEA levels while using DHEA supplements every 3
to 6 weeks.

◆ Health benefits of optimal DHEA levels include anti-aging effects, strong

libido, improved bone density, enhanced muscle mass, and easier burning
of body fat.

◆ Possible side effects of DHEA supplementation include headache, fatigue,

insomnia, acne, mood swings, and others. To avoid side effects, do not
exceed recommended dosage.

◆ Pregnenolone is the precursor to many hormones in the body, including


◆ Health benefits of taking pregnenolone include DHT and testosterone

enhancement, improved sex drive, and general effects like reduced
anxiety, better sleep, and even longevity support.

◆ Generally, pregnenolone is available in 10 to 30 milligrams. You can take

one capsule in the morning and one in the afternoon. 5 milligrams of this
hormone supplement is usually enough for daily intake.

◆ Side effects may include thicker facial hair growth, and over-stimulation.
Pregnenolone can also impair wakefulness and make you more sleepy.

◆ Topical Pregnenolone (using creams, gels, or skin patches) is generally a

more effective and safer option than oral supplements.

SecUon 6 Key Takeaways: AnU-Estrogen Supplements

◆ Estrogen manipulators are different types of compounds that affect

estrogen in one way or another. The most widely used class is called
selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs).

◆ SERMs are routinely prescribed to breast cancer patients and survivor, as

well as men with significantly decreased testosterone levels.

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◆ Tamoxiphen (Nolvadex) and Clomid are the most common conventional
pharmaceuticals from the SERMs class.

◆ SERMs are believed to be superior to aromatase inhibitors (AIs) as they don’t

affect estrogen levels directly, but tweak the body’s receptors to normalize
the core of the problem that caused high estrogen levels in the first place.

◆ SERMs bind to estrogen receptors, tricking the body into believing it’s
estrogen that activated these receptors. When this happens, real estrogen
can no longer attach to said receptors, thereby not allowing excess estrogen
to produce adverse effects. In the meantime, the body sends signals to make
its systems stop producing estrogen, as it feels as if it has enough of it
(because the estrogen receptors are consistently bound by SERMs).

◆ Health risks related to SERM usage include weight gain, hot flashes,
memory issues, and increase formation of blood clots. As such, SERMs
should be considered a viable treatment option only when other
approaches (natural, preferably) fail to yield significant results.

◆ SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) are a class of drugs that

interact with estrogen receptors to produce some estrogenic or
antiestrogenic effects, depending on their respective activities.

◆ Some of the most common SERMs that men use as estrogen-blockers are
Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) and Clomid (clomiphene citrate). There are
several natural options as well, like progesterone.

◆ The main role of progesterone in the male body is counterbalancing the

effects of estrogen. Progesterone also serves as testosterone’s precursor.

◆ Benefits of using a progesterone cream include 5-alpha-reductase

inhibition, restoring noradrenaline balance, improving sleep, balancing
blood pressure, supporting healthy bone mass, and enhancing fertility.

◆ Other natural SERM alternatives include ellagic acid (a phenol compound

found in berries and pomegranate) and the seaweed Euchoma cottonii

◆ If you have proven elevated estrogen levels, the wisest way to approach
the matter would be to eat some estrogen-lowering foods that contain
natural aromatase inhibitors. For example:

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◆ Red grapes and red wine contain resveratrol

◆ Olive oil contains oleuropein, a compound that may enhance the

effectiveness of other aromatase inhibitors

◆ Celery is a great source of apigenin

◆ Oysters and white button mushrooms are also effective in reducing

aromatase activity

If their power isn’t enough in your case, switching to a natural supplement like
Arimistane should do the trick. Arimistane (Androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione) may
help lower your prohormones levels within a few short weeks and the
compound is so effective that you’ll only need one capsule per day to achieve a
noticeable improvement.

Remember though, you still need some estrogen for health and libido so only
use such a powerful supplement if you already know your estrogen levels are
significantly higher than normal.
◆ If you have significantly elevated estrogen levels, going through an
estrogen detox will help your body cleanse its systems from the
detrimental excess of these hormones.

◆ The 4 most effective natural compounds in this aspect are diindolylmethane

(DIM, found in cruciferous vegetables), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG,
abundant in green tea), calcium d-glucarate, and kombucha.

◆ Take the maximum recommended doses for each compound and check
your estrogen levels every 3-4 weeks to track your progress.

SecUon 7 Key Takeaways: PharmaceuUcals

◆ Clomid (clomiphene citrate) is a non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor

modulator (SERM). It acts by binding to the estrogen receptors in place of
actual estrogen, blocking it from exerting its effects.

◆ When these receptors are inhibited, the brain sends a signal to ramp up
production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone

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(FSH). Upon production of these two hormones, the male body responds
by increasing its sperm and testosterone production, which then
improves erectile strength, libido, and mental confidence.

◆ Clomid is commonly prescribed as the first line of conventional treatment

of low testosterone.

◆ Other conditions that are treated with Clomid include non-obstructive

azoospermia (absence of sperm cells in the semen), as well as
testosterone and spermatogenesis support after steroid use.

◆ Since Clomid binds to estrogen receptors to block them, common side effects
of using Clomid are estrogenic in nature: mood swings and changes in libido,
for example. To avoid potential side effects, take Clomid in a lower dosage than
recommended, especially if your only goal is to increase semen volume.

◆ Don’t forget to get your blood tests done every 2-3 months to keep track
of your progress.

◆ All-natural Clomid alternatives include ellagic acid and Eucheuma Cottonii.

◆ Anastrozole (brand name Arimidex) is a non-steroidal aromatase

inhibitor. It blocks the aromatase enzyme and thus prevents it from
turning one’s testosterone and other androgens into estrogens.

◆ In women, Anastrozole is prescribed to treat estrogen-dependent breast

cancer. In men, the dry is used to reduce side effects of excess
testosterone and during testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

◆ Bodybuilders take Anastrozole to mitigate side effects of anabolic steroid

usage, but keep in mind that the drug has never been studies or approved
for this purpose.

◆ Middle-aged and elderly men are likely to benefit the most from taking
Anastrozole, as they traditionally suffer from increased body fat levels in
the abdominal area, and that’s where the lion’s share of aromatase in
men is produced.

◆ Long-term side effects of taking Anastrozole include reduced bone

mineral density.

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◆ Natural alternatives to Anastrozole include diindolylmethane (DIM),
Brassaiopsis Glomerulata, and pine bark extract.

◆ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that’s naturally

produced in the female placenta to support pregnancy.

◆ Men don’t produce HCG, but it’s sometimes prescribed as a

complimentary treatment during testosterone replacement therapy. This
is because HCG acts similarly to luteinizing hormone (LH)—it stimulates
the testicles to produce testosterone. During TRT, this is essential to
prevent the shutdown of your own production of testosterone.

◆ HCG has similar effects to the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as

well, stimulating the Leydig cells in the testes to produce more

◆ HCG also seems to make the male androgen receptors more reactive,
which is a good thing in most cases.

◆ Other potential health benefits include improved physical performance,

improved testicular development and penile growth, higher energy levels,
enhanced weight loss, and better cardiovascular health.

◆ An effective natural HCG alternative is Fadogia Agrestis, a herb used in

African folk medicine as an aphrodisiac. Its testosterone-enhancing
properties were confirmed in a study on rats, but keep in mind there are
no studies on humans yet.

◆ TRT, when administered on those with hypogonadism, has been found to

improve quality of life, physique (lean muscle), and even cholesterol levels
without risking prostate health.

◆ TRT neither causes cardiovascular disease nor increases cardiovascular

disease risk when carried out correctly, particularly on those diagnosed
with hypogonadism.

◆ In order to be safe and effective, TRT has to be prescribed by an

experienced physician. Undergoing TRT without medical supervision for
non-therapeutic purposes could have serious side effects for your

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◆ A viable alternative for those who want a safe and effective way to boost
testosterone is to take the natural testosterone boosters we discussed in
the previous chapters.

SecUon 8 Key Takeaways: Training

◆ Isometric contractions involve holding a static position for several

seconds, normally around 10.

◆ Although not very popular, isometric bodyweight exercises are an

excellent way to add muscle and promote hypertrophy.

◆ While the technique can be used alone, it can also be effectively combined
with weightlifting exercises to foster an even greater physique.

◆ Isometric exercise also shows great promise in rehab, being able to

strengthen muscles without bearing any load, as recorded in this study.

◆ Compound movements trigger a more significant hormonal response,

mainly from testosterone and growth hormone. For optimal gains and
performance improvement, make compound movements the core of all
your workouts.

◆ Isolation movements are perfect to focus on lagging muscle groups to

improve performance in compound movements or to approach a
particular physique.

◆ For optimal hormonal response and muscle adaptation you need to go

heavier than 75% (ideally in the 80-95% range) of your max and perform
the compound movements in the 5-8 rep range.

◆ In general, the optimal way to induce a growth response in the muscle

tissue is to load it with stress it’s not used to. In other words, high-
intensity workouts with short rest periods between reps are the best to
grow muscle and increase performance.

◆ Bodybuilding legends like Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer trained using
this strategy, and the results are obvious.

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◆ Intensity yields results. Focus on your intensity rather than getting bogged
down on training volume.

◆ Couple your training intensity with adequate training frequency. Make

sure you recover from your workouts.

◆ Create a positive and optimal intensity, frequency & volume trio. Balance
these three and see what works best for you.

◆ Optimize your rest periods during sets. 30-60 seconds for isolation
exercises whereas anything around 2 min for multi-joint compound
movements for higher %RPM weight ranges.

◆ For natural lifters, each muscle group must be trained two times per week
for optimal gains.

◆ Whether or not training each muscle group 3 times a week is more

beneficial, remains inconclusive as per scientific assessment.

◆ Frequency is more important than volume and it really helps if you’re

doing short, intense low volume workouts while primarily focusing on
compound movements.

◆ Progressive overload must not be overlooked, especially on the

compound movements. You should try to progressively increase the
resistance (weight lifted) on these compound movements through linear
& nonlinear periodization methods.

◆ On the other hand, accessory movements (or isolation movements) can

be overloaded through training to failure.

◆ A too high body fat rate (over 20%) increases your risk of developing
certain health conditions, but an extremely low rate (under 6%) is also
unhealthy. Stay somewhere in the middle for optimal health.

◆ Go for a long, sustained 5-15% caloric deficit diet based on healthy food
choices. Such a diet has minimal impact on your hormones.

◆ Macronutrient breakdown is essential during, cutting so try to aim for 1-2

grams / lb of protein, coupled with 20-25% of calories coming from fat.
The rest is filled in by carbohydrates.

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◆ Stress levels should be maintained as they can trigger Cortisol production.

◆ Alcohol can steal your gains, so manage your alcohol intake responsibly.

◆ Fat loss is accompanied by muscle loss. The goal should be to minimize

muscle loss through proper nutrition by taking care of your micro- and

◆ Crash diets or highly restrictive diets with caloric deficits larger than 20%
of your total TDEE should be avoided. Studies show them to be good for
cutting but a longer sustained diet is always better.

◆ Never underestimate quantity and quality of sleep. It is one of the unsung

heroes when it comes to muscle-building.

◆ HIIT training style is preferred during cutting. Short workouts with high
intensity (based on adequate weekly frequency) should be followed.

◆ Make use of refeeds or semi-cheat days to make sure you don’t crash &
burn during your cut!

◆ Intermittent fasting is the general term for several meal timing schedules
in which fasting periods are intermitted with eating periods.

◆ Most approaches to intermittent fasting don’t pay much attention to what

you eat, but are super strict about when you do it.

◆ Studies reported the following benefits from intermittent fasting: increased

testosterone and growth hormone levels, healthier blood glucose levels,
increased metabolic rate, and autophagy (”cellular detox,” basically)

◆ Side effects of intermittent fasting include low energy levels, bloating,

constipation, and heartburn. We recommend practicing intermittent
fasting under the supervision of a qualified physician, especially if it’s your
first time. Alternatively, just start slow, allow your body to get used to the
process, and listen closely to how you feel.

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SecUon 9 Key Takeaways: FerUlity

◆ While your goal might not necessarily be to transform yourself into the
next Peter North pornstar, all men can benefit from the improved fertility
aspects of increasing semen volume and quality.

◆ Fertility, semen volume and testosterone are all intimately connected in

men. Increased semen volume is, in the end, just a nice side effect of a
more hormonally healthy (superior) man.

◆ One of the core factors that defines semen health (and hormonal balance
in general) is your testosterone to estrogen (T/E) ratio. Aim for a T/E
around 30:1 for optimal semen health.

◆ Other major factors that affect semen health include maintaining normal
DHT levels, abstaining from too frequent masturbation, and staying
properly hydrated at all times.

◆ Major risk factors of impaired semen health and decreased fertility

include sub-optimal hydration, excessive caffeine intake, alcohol,
marijuana, smoking, sleep derivation, and tight underwear.

◆ The best nutrients for semen quality and health are vitamin E, fructose,
zinc, selenium, and lecithin.

◆ Although there are dozens of factors that define one’s libido, the most
important are a healthy neurotransmitter levels (dopamine and
acetylcholine being the top guns) and an optimal hormonal profile
(particularly androgen and estrogen balance).

◆ Natural aphrodisiacs either boost libido directly or improve other aspects of

sexual function (stamina, for example), supporting libido in an indirect fashion.

◆ The most effective aphrodisiac botanicals for men include Korean black
ginseng, Siberian ginseng, cistanche, maca, tongkat ali, ashwagandha,
damiana, moringa, yohimbine, muira puama, catuaba bark, cordyceps,
tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed, mucuna pruriens, butea superba,
black ginger, fadogia agrestis, pine pollen, bulbine natalensis.

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◆ If you need some aphrodisiac foods instead of specific botanicals, try
eating more chocolate, pomegranate, arugula (rucola), celery, cinnamon,
dates, garlic, ginger, honey, nutmeg, oysters, watermelon, coconut, raw
eggs, white button mushrooms, olive oil, onions, and beetroot.

◆ Other popular aphrodisiacs are arginine and L-citrulline. Take them in

supplement form or focus on dietary sources.

◆ Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen that has a massive impact on

your sex drive.

◆ DHT is converted from testosterone by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. So,

if your DHT is low, you either have low testosterone—or low / inactive 5-

◆ In terms of androgen activity and power, DHT is 10 times more powerful

than testosterone. It also has aromatase-inhibiting properties, an
antidepressant-like effect, and several other general health benefits.

SecUon 10 Key Takeaways: Supercharged Secrets

◆ Acupuncture and acupressure are staple components in many oriental

healing doctrines, and recent studies indicate they may have quite a few
health benefits.

◆ Traditional and scientifically confirmed benefits of acupressure and

acupuncture include improved energy levels, more effective
detoxification, pain relief, and even increased strength. However, most
evidence is a bit anecdotal, so keep that in mind.

◆ Cold showers are a great way to fight off dopamine desensitization—if

you’re not taking cold showers regularly, that it. The idea is to subject your
body and mind to strong sensations they’re not used to.

◆ In terms of physiology, cold showers are able to stimulate and enforce the
dopamine signaling pathways in the brain, basically increasing dopamine
signal strength.

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◆ As a result, people who start taking cold showers report feeling happier
and more energized than usual.

◆ There is nothing fundamentally wrong with watching pornography.

However, excessive porn consumption, especially when accompanied by
masturbation, has been found to impair dopamine signaling in the brain
due to the frequent overstimulation of dopamine receptors.

◆ Due to frequent overstimulation, dopamine receptors become much less

responsive and require more stimulation to bring forth their effects.
Eventually, this state may contribute to the development of depression,
social anxiety, and even impotention.

◆ Excessive porn watching and compulsive masturbation has also been

found to cause the same changes in the brain as those in the brain of a
drug addict.

◆ As soon as you notice that porn and masturbation are affecting your
everyday life, it’s important to make a ”sexual reboot” and abstain from
porn and masturbation for a while. One of the best opportunities to do so
is by taking part in the NoFap November, which is basically a one-month
period of abstinence from PMO (porn / masturbation / orgasm).

◆ The benefits of PMO abstinence include anxiety alleviation (particularly

performance anxiety), a boost in confidence and libido, enhanced
emotional connection with you significant other, mental clarity, and even
an increase in testosterone levels (after at least 3 weeks of abstinence).
The main benefit, however, is a reset of your dopamine signaling.

◆ In the context of boosting testosterone levels, actual sex is always better

than masturbation—resulting in up to 72% more testosterone produced.

◆ Meditation has numerous benefits for men’s health, and so does yoga—
thanks to its meditative component.

◆ Benefits of meditation for men include decreased cortisol and increased

testosterone levels, higher libido, enhanced sexual performance, and
even improved confidence, discipline, and self-control.

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◆ Red light therapy is a safe and effective method of enhancing general
health and supporting healthy testosterone production.

◆ The two most common types of red light therapy are the Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) therapy and
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) therapy. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a
kind of laser therapy, and it’s also suitable for red light therapy.

◆ Red light therapy increases production of ATP in the testosterone-

producing Leydig cells of the testes and improves luteinizing hormone
(LH) production in the pituitary gland. Both effects are essential for
healthy testosterone levels.

◆ Red light therapy can also improve fertility by increasing one’s follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) levels and thus increasing sperm count and motility.

◆ Visiting a doctor and discussing the possibility of undergoing red light

therapy is highly recommended, but you can also purchase your own red
light therapy device on your own. Since the therapy is fairly safe, side
effects are unlikely.

◆ LED therapy devices are recommended for personal use because they
emit relatively colder light and a wavelength range of 600-950 nm.

SecUon 11 Key Takeaways: Oldschool Secrets

◆ The Steak and Eggs diet was created by Vince Gironda in the 1950s. As you
might expect from the name, it consists only of steak and eggs.

◆ Another name that Vince himself used for this diet is the ”Maximum
Definition Diet,” as it leads to significant burning of fat and creates
outstanding muscle definition.

◆ To follow the steaks and eggs diet, eat only TWO meals per day, both
consisting of ONLY red meat and eggs (in any form). So, you could eat
ground beef and an omelette for breakfast—then a sirloin steak and
some hard-boiled eggs for lunch or dinner.

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◆ You don’t need to count your calories. As long as they consists of only red
meat and eggs, eat as much as you want. The timing of your meals is also
irrelevant, as long as you limit yourself to two meals per day (breakfast
and lunch, or lunch and dinner, etc.)

◆ To liven up your menu, experiment with different herbs, spices, and

preparation methods. As long as your meals stay close to zero-carb,
everything is good to try.

◆ Drink only water and black coffee, with water being your primary focus at
all times.

◆ Follow this approach for 4 days straight, then do a cheat day. Anything
and everything is allowed on your cheat day, but our recommendation is
to focus on nutrient-dense foods with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and
fiber. Fruits and vegetables are a great option, for instance.

◆ Vince Gironda’s Hormone Precursor Diet is a high-fat, high-protein, and low-carb

diet that’s somewhat less extreme than his steak-and-eggs diet, but still fabulous
for burning fat, building muscle, and supporting healthy hormone levels.

◆ The core component of the diet is the Hormone Precursor Shake that
Gironda recommended to take 1-3 times per day between meals to
kickstart gaining muscle mass. It consists of 12 oz half-and-half, 12 raw
eggs, 1/3 cup of quality protein powder, 1 banana for taste (can be
omitted for a lower carb count).

◆ Remember that eggs are completely safe to consume in large quantities

(as reported by modern studies) and are not associated with a higher
incidence of heart disease.

◆ The Anabolic Fasting or Anabolic Diet was developed by Dr. Mauro Di

Pasquale (”The Anabolic Doc”) back in 1995, and was meant to replicate
the effects of steroids (both prescription and over-the-counter)—without
taking any steroids.

◆ Anabolic steroids can cause all sorts of serious health problems including
liver and kidney damage, as well as heart issues. That’s why following an
alternative approach is always a great idea.

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◆ The core principle of the Anabolic Diet is to minimize your carb intake as
much as possible (with no specific goal) for 12 consecutive days. Then, the
following 2 days would be a refeed period to load up on carbs and reset
your insulin levels (your meal should now be around 60% carbohydrate,
25% fat, and 15% protein). After that, go back to a low-carb diet for 5 days,
but now with a specific goal: focus on having no more than 25 grams of
carbs per day. After that, give yourself 2 days of carb-refeed.

◆ Keep in mind that diets bring varying results to everyone, so make sure to
keep an eye on your health and progress to see if this particular strategy
is good for you.

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1. Introduction to Testosterone

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1.2 Testosterone Overview: The Genesis of Man

1.3 Masculine Men Traits: How to Exude a Powerful Presence Among Your

1.4 Testosterone Functions

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1.5 Types of Testosterone !divAbstract

2 How to Test Your Testosterone at Home

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2.1 Normal Free Testosterone Levels: How to Pay Attention to the Right

2.2 No Morning Wood? Check Your Testosterone

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2.3 Low Testosterone in Young Men: The Alarming Truth

2.4 High Testosterone and Signs of Too Much Testosterone

3.1 Overtraining

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3.3 Poor Sleep

3.4 Not Enough Sun / Light Exposure

3.5 A Wrecked Circadian Rhythm

3.6 Stress and High Cortisol Levels



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3.7 Adequate Nutrition

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3.8 Alcohol and Testosterone: Are They Really Arch-enemies?

3.9 Micronutrient Deficiencies

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3.10 Endocrine Disruption

3.12 Obesity

3.13 Estrogens Everywhere: The Double-Edged Sword

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3.14 Prolactin: The Bane of Manhood

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3.15 Progesterone or Pregnenolone Deficiency

3.16 SHBG: Friend or Foe?

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3.17 Dopamine: Hand in Hand With Testosterone

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3.18 Testosterone & Gut Health: A Little-Known Link

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3.19 Low Androgen Receptor Density

3.20 Low DHT: Making Men Feel Worse, One Finasteride Pill at a Time

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3.21 Genetics

4.1 The Essential Grocery List

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4.2 Why Food Quality Matters

4.3 Protein: Does Meat Make You Manly?

4.4 Fats: A Source of Vitality

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4.5 Carbohydrates & Sugar

5 Pro-Testosterone Supplements

5.1 Maca

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5.2 Black Ginger

5.4 Mushrooms: The King of Defeminizing Foods

5.5 Tongkat Ali

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5.6 Pine Pollen

5.7 Fadogia Agrestis (HCG Alternative)

5.8 Mucuna Pruriens

5.9 Cistanche Deserticola: The Imperial Longevity Herb

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5.10 Ginseng

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5.11 Butea Superba

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5.12 Ashwagandha & Testosterone: A Powerful Natural Anabolic from


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5.13 Bulbine Natalensis

5.14 The Link Between Vitamin D and Testosterone: Benefits For Men’s

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5.15 Magnesium

5.16 Zinc

5.17 Selenium

5.18 Boron

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5.19 Vitamin E

5.20 Epicatechin as a Natural Myostatin Inhibitor (Natural Anabolic)

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5.21 Carnitine

5.24 Shilajit Powder: A Blessing From The Himalayan Mountains?

5.25 Phosphatidylserine Benefits: Anabolic Nootropic To Make You a Better


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5.26 DIM for Men: Diindolylmethane, a Unique Testosterone Supplement

5.27 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

5.28 Topical Pregnenolone

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6.1 Estrogen Manipulators

6.2 Estrogen Blockers (SERMs): Natural SERMS

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6.3 Natural Estrogen Inhibitors (AIs): Do Natural Aromatase Inhibitors

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6.4 Estrogen Detoxers

7.1 Clomid for Men: How To NOT Cook Your Balls & Actually Increase

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7.2 Anastrozole Arimidex for Men: Say Goodbye to Unwanted Estrogen

7.3 HCG for Men: How the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone Can
Boost Your Manliness

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7.4 Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)

8.1 Calisthenics: Isometric Contractions

8.2 Compound Movements

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8.3 The Intensity Factor

8.4 Training Frequency

8.5 Cutting: Body Fat & Aromatase

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8.6 Intermittent Fasting: Testosterone Booster & Male Health Enhancer

9.1 Semen Health

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9.2 Libido and Aphrodisiacs

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9.3 How DHT Affects Libido and Erectile Function

10.1 Oriental Secrets for Strength Training

10.2 Cold Showers, aka James Bond Showers

10.3 Pornography: Friend or Foe?

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10.4 Meditation: The Zen of Men

10.5 Red Light Therapy & Testosterone: A Natural Solution to Low

Testosterone Levels

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11.2 The Hormone Precursor Diet

11.3 The Anabolic Diet

12. Conclusion Chapter

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