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Supporting Families:

A Training Program

Rutgers School of Social Work, Institute for Families

Participant Guide

This curriculum was created by the Institute for Families at Rutgers School of Social Work. Title of
the Course was prepared, written and later revised by First Name Last Name with the guidance and
support of IFF staff and the following individuals:
• Person/Group 1
• Person/Group 2
• Person/Group 3

This curriculum and its accompanying materials were created for use by the Institute for Families
at Rutgers School of Social Work. Any use of this curriculum is prohibited without the written
consent of the Institute for Families.

Rutgers School of Social Work

Institute for Families
55 Commercial Avenue, 3rd Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Course Title 2 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

I. Course Overview ............................................................................................................................... #

Course Design ............................................................................................................................. #

Course Goals & Objectives ......................................................................................................... #

Agenda ......................................................................................................................................... #

II. Curriculum ......................................................................................................................................... #

Section 1: Title ............................................................................................................................ #

Section 2: Title ............................................................................................................................ #

Section 3: Title ............................................................................................................................ #

Section 4: Title ........................................................................................................................... #

Section 5: Title ............................................................................................................................ #

Section 6: Title ............................................................................................................................ #

Section 7: Title ........................................................................................................................... #

Section 8: Title ............................................................................................................................ #

III. References ........................................................................................................................................ #

IV. Appendices ........................................................................................................................................ #

Course Title 3 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Course Overview
This training is designed to…

Course Design
This training is structured as follows…

Course Title 4 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Course Goal
Overall Goal
This training will…

Course Objectives
By the end of this training, you will be able to:

• Objective 1:

• Objective 2:

• Objective 3:

• Objective 4:

• Objective 5:

• Objective 6:

Course Title 5 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

1 Title of Section One

2 Title of Section Two

15-Minute Morning Break

3 Title of Section Three

4 Title of Section Four

One-Hour Lunch Break

5 Title of Section Five

6 Title of Section Six

15-Minute Afternoon Break

6 Title of Section Six

7 Title of Section Seven

Course Title 6 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY


Section 1: Title of Section One Goes Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean rhoncus aliquam nulla, eu
accumsan odio ornare sit amet. Donec dui purus, tristique quis volutpat ultrices, maximus id
enim. Nam elementum vulputate est at pharetra. In pellentesque eget nulla id feugiat. Nam
aliquam, orci at tristique aliquet, magna tortor sollicitudin turpis, eu pellentesque erat ipsum et
elit. Nam at condimentum lorem. Ut blandit posuere volutpat. Cras commodo libero fringilla metus
ultrices, sit amet porta lacus ullamcorper. Nam porta, leo eu posuere dictum, justo odio mollis mi,
sed aliquet neque justo vel est.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean rhoncus aliquam nulla, eu
accumsan odio ornare sit amet. Donec dui purus, tristique quis volutpat ultrices, maximus
id enim. Nam elementum vulputate est at pharetra. In pellentesque eget nulla id feugiat.
Nam aliquam, orci at tristique aliquet, magna tortor sollicitudin turpis, eu pellentesque erat
ipsum et elit.”

-Author, Location

Discussion Points:

Sample bulleted list for discussion.

• A
• B
• C
• D
• E


Source: Citation goes here

Course Title 7 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Section 2: Sample Image Layout

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean rhoncus aliquam nulla, eu
accumsan odio ornare sit amet. Donec dui purus, tristique quis volutpat ultrices, maximus id
enim. Nam elementum vulputate est at pharetra. In pellentesque eget nulla id feugiat. Nam
aliquam, orci at tristique aliquet, magna tortor sollicitudin turpis, eu pellentesque erat ipsum et
elit. Nam at condimentum lorem. Ut blandit posuere volutpat. Cras commodo libero fringilla metus
ultrices, sit amet porta lacus ullamcorper. Nam porta, leo eu posuere dictum, justo odio mollis mi,
sed aliquet neque justo vel est.

For example, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean rhoncus aliquam
nulla, eu accumsan odio ornare sit amet. Donec dui purus, tristique quis volutpat ultrices,
maximus id enim. Nam elementum vulputate est at pharetra.

Discussion Points:

Ask a question here? Explain.

Ask a question here?

Note. Graphic source

Course Title 8 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Section 3: Sample Slide Layout

Large Slide:

Sample Slide

Small Slides:

Course Title 9 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Section 4: Sample Activity Layout

Activity Instructions:

1. Step one goes here.

2. Step two goes in this place.
3. Use this space for step three.

Discussion Points:

What do you think about this?

What do you think about that?

Source: Insert source here. (2011). Source title. Retrieved from

Course Title 10 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Section 5: Sample Teaching Points Layout

What is Active Listening?

Making a conscious effort to not only hear the words a person is saying, but going the extra mile to
make sure the complete message is sent. Teaching
Listen activelyPoints
1. Avoiding distractions and paying attention;
2. Using body language and facial expressions that show you’re listening; and
3. Providing feedback by reflecting what has been said and asking questions to clarify
when needed.

Advantages of Active Listening:

• Active listening shows respect to the speaker. It shows that you genuinely want to
understand his or her viewpoint. It helps to develop a good rapport between the speaker and
the listener.
• Active listening and being nonjudgmental facilitate further disclosure. Disclosure and
honesty are important for child welfare workers to help families meet their needs.
• Reflections back allow the speaker to correct you if you have, in fact, misunderstood. (But
try for accuracy—an incorrect reflection is a sign that you don't understand and also may
guide the family member inappropriately.)
• Active listening helps the listener stay focused on the conversation and remember what he
or she hears.
• Active listening defuses conflict. It is hard to keep punching when the other side does not
punch back. There is no fresh fuel for the disagreement from contradictions and arguments
by the listener. It also allows the speaker to vent feelings.

Source: University of Otago Faculty of Law. (n.d.). Negotiation 2004: Active listening [Web lecture notes]. Retrieved from


Course Title 11 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Section 6: Video Exercise Layout

Video Exercise

While watching the video, please complete the following:

1. List what went well.

2. List what went wrong.

3. What other thoughts do you have about the content of the video?

Course Title 12 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Section 7: Sample Case Vignette Layout

Please read the following case vignette assigned to your group. Discuss and answer the questions
at the end of the vignette. Be prepared to share your answers with the larger group.

Mr. Billy Franklin has arrived late for his appointment. There is still time to fit his appointment for
a case review in before noon. However, there are three consumers in line before him. You calmly
explain, “Mr. Franklin, we will definitely see you today, but because you were late, there will be a
wait.” He promptly replies, “I’m not waiting Case
for you orVignette
anyone else. This is my life we’re talking
about! You get someone out here now! I have a big project to oversee at work and don’t have all
day to mess around with you people.” Mr. Franklin is becoming increasingly agitated and
disrupting others in the lobby.

To best manage this personality:

• Understand that they may bully and demand to appear confident. In reality, they are likely
battling insecurity issues.
• Do not fight their fire with fire. Remain calm and maintain eye contact.
• In general, they yearn to feel important and validated. Find ways to do this during the

What elements of this personality do you find most challenging? How will you deal with this

Course Title 13 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Section 8: Sample Action Plan Layout

Based on what you have learned in this training, what strategies will you incorporate into your
practice on a daily basis?

Course Title 14 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Reference A

Reference B

Reference C

Course Title 15 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY


Appendix A: Title

Appendix B: Title

Appendix C: Title

Course Title 16 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

Appendix A: Title of Appendix A

Course Title 17 Participant Guide – Rev MM.DD.YY

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