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Human Rights 1

ELCC 101

Human Rights

Sarabjit Kaur Bhatal

Linda Langevin

January 29, 2020

Human Rights 2

 In 1989, leaders were come together, and they promise to protect the children and

prepare one legal framework for the kids to protect their rights. The name of the

framework is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Based on the

Convention on the Right of the child that United Nations has proclaimed the Human

Rights which declare that everyone is entitled to all rights without any difference

based on color, race, sex and religion[CITATION UNI90 \p 1 \l 4105 ]. They declared that

children have their own rights without their parent’s interference. But instead of

making this legal framework children in today’s world still suffer from violation of

health, nutrition and in the field of education. They were forced to leave the school

and to do hazardous work. So, it is the duty of today’s generation to demand the

children rights from government so that surely every child has every right without

any restrictions[CITATION UNI90 \p 1 \l 4105 ].

 The nine articles in the Convention of the Rights are described below with the brief


1. Article 2 explains that states parties must need to respect and ensure that every child is

having conventional rights of child without any judgement[CITATION UNI90 \p 2 \l 4105 ].

States party must take some important measures to protect the child from all kind of

discrimination on the basis of status, activities. They must protect the children from the

different beliefs of their parents and legal guardians.

2. Article 3 states that government or other states parties must ensure that all the institutions

and services which work for the care of children and for the protection, need to follow the

standards which are established by experienced authorities. Especially in the areas of

Human Rights 3

safety and health. This must be supervised by the skilled persons[CITATION UNI90 \p 9 \l

4105 ].

3. Article 8 states that parties of all states should give respect to kids based on their real

identity which include their nationality and family relations without any

interference[CITATION UNI90 \p 4 \l 4105 ]. If any child is not having their legal identity

than states parties should start working to establish that kid identity.

4. Article 33 explains that State parties must take all appropriate actions to provide children

proper knowledge about social, legislative, administrative and educational procedures.

So, that kids are protected from illegal use of drugs like narcotics and other harmful

substances[CITATION UNI90 \p 13 \l 4105 ].

5. Article 39 clarifies that states parties must need to work to promote the all kinds of

recoveries of kids when they are neglected, abused, torture, degrade treatment or

punishment. They need to provide an appropriate environment to kids for their respect

and dignity[CITATION UNI90 \p 15 \l 4105 ].

6. Article 30 explains that any child belonging to Indigenous or any kind of minority group,

should be given equal rights to represent their religion, culture and custom and shall not

be denied or should not be opposed on enjoying their culture or religion[CITATION

UNI90 \p 12 \l 4105 ]. They should be given full authority to live in their group and speak

their language.

7. Article 6 states that every child have inherent right to live a life freely. States should

make sure that they provide their maximum service to the child for the development of

the child and to increase possibility of extending their life span to its maximum[CITATION

UNI90 \p 3 \l 4105 ].
Human Rights 4

8. Article 7 states that a child after the birth should be given the right of acquiring the

nationality immediately. The child should also be provided with the right of being cared

by the parents or the guardians[CITATION UNI90 \p 3 \l 4105 ].

9. Article 36 states that the child should be protected by the States against being exploited

by any means and should be provide with the full protection and safety by the

states[CITATION UNI90 \p 14 \l 4105 ].

 According to my viewpoint, the articles are ranked as below:

1. I rank article 4 as most important according to my viewpoint because this article

states the right to education for children which is most important for the future of

the child and his family. Moreover, this article supports the avoidance of illicit

use of drugs for the growing generation which is necessary as it saves the future

of kid from the dark story of drugs.

2. I rank article 2 as second most important according to my viewpoint because this

article states that every child need to live his life without any discrimination.

Because on being discriminated, the child is raised in the darkness of racism and

may suffer from mental illness and many more mental problems.

3. I rank article 3 as third most important according to my viewpoint because this

article states that every child institution needs to follow the standards of skilled

authorities for benefits of the children. Because if they are going to follow the

rights procedures than it will be beneficial for the health and safety of the

children. If the safety of child is not treated as major factor, it will put threat to

coming generation of the country.

Human Rights 5

4. I rank article 6 as fourth important because this article provide children the right

to live freely. And talk about the services that should be provided to the children

for their development. If children are provided the maximum services, they need

to improve quality of their life, than this will lead in long life span which is a

positive indication for the development of the country and the family of the child.

5. I rank article 8 as fifth important according to my viewpoint because it is very

important that every child should get proper respect which he/she needs to

survive. It is the responsibility of government and each person to give respect to

the real identity of the kid with out any judgement. Because if every child is

getting respect than he is going to feel equal in between the other kids and this is

beneficial for the future of the children. States parties need to work on the child

who have no identity to provide him identity so that he feels respected in the


6. I rank article 36 on number sixth according to my perspective because this right

should be given to all children to protect them from being abused. Proper safety

and protection should be given to the child if he/she is suffering from any kind of

manipulation. It is very necessary for all children. Sometimes because of these

manipulations’ child goes in mental disturbances which is very harmful for them

and for their future.

7. I rank article 30 on seventh rank according to my viewpoint because this right is

given to all children to represent their own group, religion and culture. They must

have that right to speak their own community language. So, children have that

right to choose their own thought and religion, but this should not stop by any
Human Rights 6

people to enjoy them this right. So, they have the right to use their own language,

culture even if this is not common where they live.

8. I rank article 39 on eighth position according to my viewpoint because this article

states that if any child is abused, torture and neglected than he/she must need to

get help so that they can come back their health and dignity. States parties need to

work on this child’s recovery is very important if they abused, torture and treated

badly because this will cause many other problems with this for the lifetime for

the kid.

9. I put article 7 on ninth rank according to my assumptions because this article

states the providing of immediate nationality and registration to a newborn child.

So that he/she can come to know about their parents who are going to look after

for that kid. This right will protect the child from being neglected by their parents.

 Strengths of the convention: it is a legal framework which include responsibilities of

government to children with their power[CITATION UNI04 \p 1 \l 4105 ].

This include some duties based on different level of the society to respond to the different

rights of the child. This will provide knowledge to understand the resources to fulfil those

duties which are necessary for children.

The main strength of this conventions is that they are working for the development,

survival and protection of children and their rights. Otherwise children are ignored by

most the authorities.

Challenges of the convention: Being having progress, but still convention is not fully

applied or widely known and understand by the different countries and because of these
Human Rights 7

many children are still suffering from the violation of their rights in the areas of health,

nutrition and protection from violence.

One challenge that is worldwide is that eliminating discrimination against children and

parents based on their gender identity and sexual orientation.

Convention of rights are tie with ELCC curriculum as this also describe about many

rights of the children same as explained in the convention of right of children (UNICEF).

ELCC curriculum explained that children are democratic citizen and they have

opportunities to participate and make choices to express their ideas[CITATION Mak142 \p

20-21 \l 4105 ]. Curriculum also reflect the right to get equal treatment and get equal

respect for their views, culture and race. Overall, there are many similarities between the

convention of rights and ELCC curriculum framework. As they both are for the benefits

and bright future of children.

Human Rights 8


Makovichuk,L., Hewes, J., Lirette,P., &Thomas, N. (2014). Flight. Retrieved from Alberta's

early learning and care framework:

UNICEF. (1990, September 2). Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved from unicef:

UNICEF. (2004, September). Conventions strength's and weaknesses. Retrieved from Unicef:
Human Rights 9


UNICEF. (2004, September). Unicef's strengths and weaknesses. Retrieved from unicef:

UNICEF. (1990, September 2). Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved from

Human Rights

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