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WSC Parents, Staff, Community

West Sonoma County, CA

March 8, 2021

WSCUHSD Board Members

462 Johnson Street
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Dear President Noe, Vice Fernandes, Trustees Lewis, Fadave, and Aiello,
We come to the WSCUHSD as a united body of parents, teachers, and community members.
We implore you to choose a path forward that does not involve immediate consolidation of the West Sonoma County
high school campuses. You have seen the community you represent rise and rally hard for our students, teachers, staff,
and families. Though the recent Tax Measures failed to gain a 2/3 super majority in an off-year special election, they
were supported by a majority of voters. That support for the schools you manage is still wide-spread.

Our kids and families have had so much thrown at them the last 4 years: fires, floods, fires again, pandemic, recessions
and remote learning. We do not feel consolidation is appropriate amidst these other stressful events. Consolidation in 5
months would be a hurried mess with many collisions and resentments created by a hasty process. We ask for the
chance at a reasonable transition through the complicated, massive process you are considering. It can be planned
better throughout the next school year. You have heard this many times over, but it remains true: everyone at both
departing and receiving campuses need time to adjust and be prepared for yet another fundamental change. Team
building and inclusivity activities could support a positive consolidation rather than a 5 month forced insertion. The kids
are the number one priority. After all they have endured, they deserve to be part of this process that will be such a huge
change to their lives.

If consolidation is your preferred route, we request that you please keep the El Molino students on their campus while
you work on thoughtful integration of the two campuses. Some ideas for thoughtful incorporation over the 21-22 school
year include: team-building activities between Leadership classes, integrated sports teams, combined Ag program
activities, joint campus clubs, student led committees for more ideas and to gather the buy in that doesn’t exist at this
time. Be sensitive to student needs in this huge impact to them.

The Analy Registrar herself is alarmed, and has asked that the process be pushed out a year.
Teachers need time to coordinate assignments and larger classes. Administrators need time to coordinate staff, class
schedules, curriculum, supplies and ensure classrooms are properly set up for more capacity and COVID compliant. 5
months is very rushed to throw this all together without involving our students.

We ask that you consider the options below to create the bridge of time next school year to allow for planning, and
involvement in the changes for the student’s benefit:

o Stimulus Funds from State of CA – Funds are currently in the works that may be directed to maintaining all campuses
are expected to be $598,000 without strings and should be used to keep our schools open. Gov. Newsom’s new budget
includes a 3.8% COLA increase and a per student increase.
Ca Educator magazine, Feb/March, 2021:
“Per-student spending is projected to be $18,837 in 20-21, $18,000 in 21-22 - the highest
level of per-pupil spending in state history (Estimates for 19-20 are $13,000)”
EdSource, March 5, 2021:
“New law…signed this week. $2 billion in grants…as incentive to offer some in-person
instruction starting April 1st {elementary} April 25 {high schools}.
Also, allocates $4.6 billion for all schools regardless of…timetable.”
We understand the District received $480K in Dec or Jan, for COVID mitigation as well.
o Future Ballot Measure – Unlike Measure A & B, with an acceptable amount of time to educate and engage voters this
is a solid option for gaining revenues and only requires a majority vote if put forward by community members.
o CTE grants – Apply for grants and allocate funds toward financial bridge efforts. Many of the electives we have would
qualify for these funds.
o Donation Fund Campaign – Historically, the school community has stood up financially to support the saving of
electives, such as the 600 Lions campaign, ELMO Ed Fund, and Analy Bandwagon. This campaign will undeniably gain
financial support if it means keeping our kids within their school communities. The Boosters have just this week created
a special fund to accept a large donation and others to contribute to the bridge. Consider the likelihood of asking those
who voted Yes on A to donate that money, to keep their schools intact. 7,000 voters times $48 equals $336,000.
Boosters and Elmo Ed Fund could assist.

o 6 Period Day: Lets jump on board with the rest of Sonoma County and provide a 6 period day with an optional zero
period for immediate budget savings. Given new information about consolidation, most El Mo families support hard
cuts now, to avoid the worst cut of all. 70% of El Mo students take 7 periods. 241 ELMO students have a TA or leave
early period and would not be affected by a shorter day. 50% of Analy students take 7 periods. Some gaps can be
creatively filled by electives taken at SRJC, and the zero period option. We don’t wish to take away anyone’s programs,
but, we also can’t instantly lose our school over something the rest of the county has already done and that would be a
simple cost saving measure.
o Share Sports, Electives, Teachers, Coaches - This can be heavily expanded upon with community involvement and
potential committee input, specifically from the educators and stakeholders for the affected activities.
o Relocate Laguna & District Office at El Molino –If we keep elmo open and bring the Do and Laguna up to Elmo, it will
physically impact fewer students, a crucial factor for the rural West County community members. Also provides the
opportunity for CTE courses to be shared!
o Work with the Union:
- Freeze raises and acceptance of filling retirees until deficit recovery benchmarks are met.
- Decrease administrative expenses by creatively sharing admin staff and resources.
- See the benefits to teachers and families of avoiding further crowding of smaller classrooms at Analy which would
allow more manageable hybrid teaching of smaller classes and cohorts available to more students overall.
o COVID-take a deeper look at COVID online school savings and consider spacing issues at Analy next year.

Another option is no cuts into the 21-22 school year, utilize the reserves and and push cuts off to 22-23 then use the
stimulus and other revenues to adjust the Fiscal Recovery Plan once received. We have enough reserves to do so now
and the stimulus most likely will be enough on its own

In conclusion, we come to you again as the united community you represent as our school board
Members, to plead you to be reasonable, rational and thoughtful with this decision that greatly affects our future-our
students. We ask your strong support in working through the options we have presented and avoid immediate
consolidation. We ask you to avoid needless collision and confusion, and support the long-term benefits of thoughtful
transitions in the best interests of our students.
Thank you for your consideration.


Your voters, community, and Elmo/Analy students currently attending and many teachers!!!!!
(grammar school students not included)
Gillian Hayes Kari Morrissey Calia Jones-student
Tyler Haen Hannah Berkheimer-student Carmen Jones-student
Sharon Garcia Olivia Saxe Coleen Lynette Bowen
Miguel Garcia Rosalee Murphy Wendy Gianni Flowers
Martina Kitzmueller Seamus Becket-student
Brooklynn Hayes Curby Dimond-student Rebecca Crawford
Colman Hayes Erik Dimond-student Liana Whisler
Elizabeth Griffith Lily Dimond Debbie Ramirez
Steve Griffith Claire Wood Kara Mendez
Jessalee Mills Tasha Mattison Victor Mendez
Patrick Mills Laurel Bush Tina Bush
Serena Holdren Linda Strauss Tom Bush
Reno Holdren Leslie Grassl Westley Bush-student
Katie Holdren Bear Grassl Sherry Rupp
Kali Holdren Jack Grassl Kyle Rup
Leslie McCormick Luke Grassl-student Kaylynn Rupp
Cory McCormick Emily Dulaney Chelsea Serrano
Grace McCormick Rosanna Fikes Audrey Serrano
Rose McCormick Kate Aldridge Ceylan Crow
Josh Nultemier Paige Greco Vesta Copstakes
Ame Nulteimier Rachel Lasek Amber
MacKenzie Nultemier Alexandria Dido Rick Pollio
Clay Thistle John Grech Kaitlyn Pollio
Alana Thistle Jolene Johnson Olivia Rabellino
Domenica Sheets Leah Woody Ryan Rabellino
Derek Sheets Gina Macias Joanie Blechel
Drew Sheets Ed Trujillo Tiffany Wood
Kolby Garcia Stephen Sumner Marissa Elder
Ivy Garcia Brooke Bell Heather Best
Kristie Sheets Darlene Packard Rob Best
Naomi Huffstutter Megan Gilmore Jensen Best
Micheal Hiffstutter Mei Ibach Donia Parisian
June Smith Marilu Saldana Jon Parisian
Ava Huffstutter-student Mike Roan Jamie Parisian
Lilly Huffstutter-student Anthony Trujillo-student Lynda Hopkins
Dan Northern Julie McClelland Janie Roberts
Gaylynne Sword Tracy Klien Michelle Bunkley
Tyler Sword Mary Beth Smith Justin Bunkley
Terra Del Drago Michelle Schiavone Stella Bunkley-student
Waylon Del Drago Jim Schiavone Ted Babcock
Marli Del Drago Mason Schiavone Lori Babcock
Chandler Del Drago Johnny Wheeler-Schiavone Kasey Babcock
Eleanor Gorman Jeanne Chernilla Spencer Babcock
Max Broome Matt Helman Tony Groves
Jeanne Broome Laure Hellman Rachelle Groves
Teddy Broome Kasey Deis Michael Romeo
Liane Dimond Malea Deis-student Catherine Romeo
Nick Dimond Peggy Gromala Ron Dewey
Carol Dewey Vickie Holden Kim Drake
Ashley Dewey Ryan Holden Barry Drake
Logan Dewey Jacob Holden Corbin Drake-student
Justine Anderson Heather Owens Tracey Orlandi
Daryl Anderson Holly Torres Tadd Orlandi
Curtis Anderson-student Shana White Lewelyn Orlandi-student
Bradley Anderson-student Aliyah White Tyerl Orlandi-student
Aki Ransome Elizabeth White Deneen Bell
Erick ransome Shane White-student Chris Bross
Avery Ransome Stephanie Maddocks Clare Mills
Ethan Ransome Mike Maddocks Tom Kenny
Finn Ransome Carlie Maddocks-student Amy Davis Ludwick
Lisa Klaus Kali Dukes Wagner Gary Harris
Tyler Klaus Noah Wagner Jack Crimmins
Trey Klaus-student Wyatt Wagner-student Lisa Nahmanson
Sierra Klaus Shakirah Wilson Amanda Atkinson
Amy Chevrolet Jennifer Cowles Ryan Atkinson
Kayte Guglielmino Greg Cowles Ben Atkinson-student
Sherie Hill Danielle Cowles Patrick Atikinson
Haley Midtlie-student Kathryn Cowles Chris Westover
Lianer Whisler Michaela Cowles Allie Westover
Kris McKelvey Pam Fasseii Skyler Westover-student
Maggie McKelvy Mark Fassett
Meredith McKelvey-student Becky Sani-coach Jessica Hawkes 239
Julie Hunter Junir Sanir-coach Mike Hansen
Henry Dreup Kimberly Lambert Elise Hansen
Olivia Hunter-student Andalina Jones Amy McClintock
Jennifer Carson Alex Jones Bill McClintock
Akil Brown Calila Jones-student Keith Clements
Niya Brown-student Carmen Jones-student Keith Clements II-student
Theresa Emory Giovanni Vistin-student Cathy Lunardi
David Emory Gwen Taylor Ron Lunardi
Thaddeus Emory-student Owen Hinkley-student Taylor Lunardi
Ceylan Crow Tamara Hinkley Craig Strelow
McKeena Miller Brenna Hinkley Julie Strelow
Andrew Van Rillaer-student Blackstone Hinkley Zach Strelow
Austin Van Rillaer-student Josh Leone CJ Mattison
Laura Rewerts Robin Leone Sandy Harra
Rich Rewerts LoraAnn Meeks Ed Harra
Marley Rewerts-student Joshua Thorp-student Marche Bowmen
Mark Gellet Nicol King Dara Peloquin
Amy-beth Gellet Joel King Russ Peloquin
Kendall Lopes-student Payton King-student Carin Johnson
Aimee Marshall Rylie King-student Kerri Sturtevant
Jahnhya Kofalk-stident Kristen Boland Ben Sturtevant
Liz Junge Shawn Boland Jamie Jean Wilson
Chris Junge Shamus Boland-student Ian Hocheder-student
Colin Junge-student Maise Boland-student Ava Hocheder-student
Nathan Junge Mariana Krambs Belew Yolanda Mejia
Andy Junge Kevin Krambs Belew Ricardo Mejia-student
Anne Fox Lesa Tanner Mackenzie Blechel
Alana Haldan Chris Westover Taylor Blechel
Don Holden Melissa Hall Michell Pitois-Yokoyama
Lee Martinelli Ryan Strauss Trevor Watson
Pamela Martinelli Martha Lopez Will Rupe
Madeleine Martinelli-student James Guerra Erin Latham-Ponnek
Mahrya Mirante Emely Guerra Aaron Krzesowiak
Mike Mirante Cathy Ruellan Robin Latham
Evan Mirante-student Andrea Myers Chelsea Medina
Claire Raggio Erica McLeod Allen Noel Medina
Peter Stoufer Dylan Hart Debbie Sanderson
Richelle Stoufer Blossom Lievore Ken Gooler
Jennifer Nely Liam Entriken-student Jason Gooler
Bridgette Neely Glen Schultz Dustin Gooler
Natalie Neely-student Tanya Schultz Jolene Gooler
Sophia Neely-student Julia Schultz-student Gene Burch
Jessica Collins Amy Bush Yvonne Burch
Carter Crane-student Asa Bush-student Jack Burch-student
Myles Crane-student Kari Lynn Gellet-Cameron Noel Corwder
Ryker Thornton-student Kyle Cameron Evan Crowder
Monica Dean Gerry Gellet Dana Dunne
Emily Dean George Mattison Jonathan Dunne
Madison Dean Kyle Mattison Emily HIrst Brunton
Michael Young Alina Mattison Lucy Saldana
Audrey Sheets Priscilla Carpenter Sandra O’halloran
Kyle Sheets Carrie McCarthy Patrick O’Halloran
Joe Ochoa Shaun McCarthy Amber Flockton Battles
Heidi Ochoa Claire Odie Kimberly Duener Wright
Jennifer Zapp Connor Smith Nicole DeCalvo
Brandon Zapp Timothy Sean Kelly Nicole D’Ambrosi Heffel
Jackson Zapp-student Robin Lander Celeste Goodwin
Nicolas Zapp-student Bob LaMonico Barry Latham Ponneck
Claire Smith Brooke LaMonico Joann Beckman
Megan Young Elida Velasquez Jack Crimmons
Jacob Bayles Yoli Velasquez Lois Stopple
Katy Bayless Alejandro Mejia-student Scott Brown
Briana Butters-Milan Ashley Armstrong Bill Olzman
Roberto Milan Cayla Kalani Laura Malcolm
Sarah Butters Oralia Kalani-Baker Paul Huberty
Michael Butters Joelle Fecteau-Rapolo Noelle Huberty
Jenifer Butters Joseph Fecteau Shannon Wesley
Debbie McIrvin Gulling Bonnie Fecteau Kai Miller
Robin Gulling Amy Lemmer John Wilson
Chris Conklin-McIrvin-student Shelley Sweeney John Kuntz
Julie Kitchens Michaela Baxter-student Julie Strehlow
Owen White-student Alfonso Robles Craig Strehlow
Madden White-student Barbie Robles ’Zach Strehlow
Charity Epperson Alfonso Robels Jr-student Bill Baseman
Jackie Marcucci Peterson Isaiah Robles-student Emily Baseman
Jacob Peterson Megan Noland Mike Baseman
Amanda Peterson George Woods CCe Baseman
Tracy Genovese Mike Brady Patty Sullivan
Lilly Genovese-student Rahine Brady Paul Sullivan
Brett Dewitt Jaden Brady-student Pam Baseman
Amy DeWitt Yvonne Dorr Dana Gordon
Jayden DeWitt-student Becky Perkins Mike McMinimy
Molly McMinimy
Sam McMinimy
Frank Anderson
Nora Anderson
Wayne Gibb
Karen Smith
Rikki Barron
Sean Barron
Kelsey Barron
Shane Barron
Bob Hermann
Ellie Hermann

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