The Roleofmaintenance

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The role of maintenance in improving companies’ productivity and


Article  in  International Journal of Production Economics · February 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2004.06.057


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1 author:

Imad Alsyouf
University of Sharjah


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Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78

The role of maintenance in improving companies’

productivity and profitability
Imad Alsyouf
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Technology and Design, Växjö University, Sweden
Received 7 August 2003; accepted 17 June 2004
Available online 19 May 2006


This paper illustrates how an effective maintenance policy could influence the productivity and profitability of a
manufacturing process. It was possible to show how changes in the productivity affect profit, separately from the effects of
changes in the uncontrollable factors, i.e. price recovery. The main results of the case study performed at a Swedish paper-
mill showed that a paper-mill machine could, ideally, generate extra profit of at least 7.8 million Swedish kronor (SEK)
(approximately US$ 0.975 million) per year, i.e. 12.5% of its yearly maintenance budget, if it avoids all unplanned
stoppages and bad quality production due to maintenance-related causes. Thus, maintenance is not a cost centre, but a
profit generating function.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Maintenance; Cost effective maintenance; Efficiency; Effectiveness; Productivity; Profitability; Paper-mills

1. Introduction capital intensive, industry. Many changes in the

internal environment of the companies are taking
Business conditions are changing rapidly and place: increased use of mechanisation and automa-
continuously. Markets are affected by diverse tion of operations such as flexible manufacturing
customer needs, which demand higher quality, systems (FMS), robots, automatic warehousing,
shorter delivery time, higher customer service level automatic guided vehicles (AGVs); increased trends
and lower prices. At the same time, product life of using just-in-time (JIT) (Yamashina, 1995; Suito,
cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. Success in 1998). Companies within process and chemical
any competitive context depends on having either a industries such as paper mills and refineries are
cost advantage or a value advantage, or, ideally, using extremely expensive and fully automated
both (Christopher, 1998). The survival of any production lines. At the same time, the pressure is
business depends on its ability to compete effec- increasing to protect the ecological environment
tively (Madu, 2000). Therefore, the manufacturing from the danger of harmful industrial waste and
company structure has changed from a labour- pollution. All these changes tie up much invested
intensive industry to a technology-intensive, i.e. capital, which means that the plant should be used
effectively, efficiently, and provide high quality
Tel.: +46 470 70 8494; fax: +46 470 76 8540. products in addition to showing concern for the
E-mail address: environment and safety.

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78 71

Maintenance impact on business performance perspective applied (Pintelon and Van Puyvelde,
aspects such as productivity and profitability has 1997): accountants think of maintenance in terms of
increased. A day’s output lost because of an costs, top management is only interested in budget
unplanned stoppage will never be recovered without performance, engineers focus on techniques, and
additional costs being incurred, e.g. overtime work- production sees performance in terms of equipment
ing. Customers who go elsewhere are lost business, availability and support responsiveness. Therefore,
sometimes forever. The importance of the main- we can notice the lack of common language, which
tenance function has increased, due to its role in enable the different functions in the organisation
keeping and improving availability, performance understand each other. For example, top manage-
efficiency, quality products, on-time deliveries, ment wants to have technical suggestions inter-
environment and safety requirements, and total preted in economic terms, which are meaningful to
plant cost effectiveness at high levels (Al-Najjar, their way of handling company matters (Ahlmann,
1997, 1998, 2000a, b; Riis et al., 1997; Mckone and 1984). For overcoming this obstacle, one should not
Elliott, 1998). For example, Implementing JIT only translate the maintenance problem into eco-
requires an effective maintenance, which can ensure nomic measures, but also link it to the capital return
a smooth flow of production and, ideally, 100% and cost-revenue models of economy. Therefore, it
quality cost effectively (Charlene, 1989). While is important to find the relationship between the
maintenance is still considered as a cost centre, maintenance performance and its impact on the
research has highlighted the impact of the main- corporate profitability.
tenance function on the overall plant performance,
i.e. productivity and profitability (Al-Najjar, 2000a; 2. Maintenance approaches
Al-Najjar et al., 2001; Carter, 2001; Kutucuoglu
et al., 2001; Al-Najjar and Alsyouf, 2004). Dis- Several maintenance approaches, i.e. strategies
turbances in production processes due to mainte- and concepts, have been implemented by practi-
nance and other causes reduce productivity, tioners or suggested by intellectuals (Mckone and
increase product cost and thereby reduce profit- Elliott, 1998; Moubray, 1991a; Dekker, 1996;
ability. A failure in equipment or facilities not only Sherwin, 2000; Swanson, 2001a).
results in loss of productivity, but also in a loss of A maintenance strategy involves the identifica-
timely services to customers, and may even lead to tion, researching and execution of many repair,
safety and environmental problems which destroy replace and inspect decisions (Kelly, 1997). It is
the company image. There is a need to show how concerned with formulating the best life plan for
maintenance could contribute to the overall busi- each unit of the plant, and formulating the optimal
ness objective. maintenance schedule for the plant, in co-ordina-
Traditionally, maintenance has been considered tion with production and other functions con-
as a necessary evil, but in fact it is a profit centre cerned. A maintenance strategy describes what
rather than just unpredictable and unavoidable events (e.g. failure, passing of time, condition)
expense (Al-Najjar et al., 2001; Al-Najjar and trigger what type of maintenance action (inspection,
Alsyouf, 2004). The question of how maintenance repair, or replacement). A maintenance strategy
could improve the company productivity and consists of a mix of policies and or techniques,
profitability need to be investigated further. Using which vary from facility to facility (Dekker, 1996;
effective maintenance policies, failures can be Zeng, 1997). It depends on several factors such as
reduced to a minimum level. This could result in the goals of maintenance, the nature of the facility
great savings. Therefore, maintenance is gaining or the equipment to be maintained, work flow
more and more significance because of its role in the patterns (process focus, product focus), and the
corporate long-term profitability. It has an impact work environment (Gallimore and Penlesky, 1988;
on the production and its operational aspects such Pintelon and Gelders, 1992).
as capacity, quality, costs, environment and safety A maintenance concept is defined as the set of
(Al-Najjar, 2002). But, because maintenance is various maintenance interventions (corrective, pre-
considered a support function for production ventive, condition based, etc.) and the general
(which means that it has indirect effects on other structure in which these interventions are foreseen.
function) it is difficult to footprint its impacts. The The maintenance concept forms the frameworks
maintenance performance perceived depends on the from which maintenance strategies are developed
72 I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78

and is the embodiment of the way a company thinks maintenance department and was considered as a
about the role of maintenance as an operation technical matter ‘‘I operate- you fix’’ (Sherwin, 2000;
function (Waeyenbergh and Pintelon, 2002). In the Waeyenbergh and Pintelon, 2002). Thus, the second
literature one can find quite some maintenance maintenance approach could be described as a
concepts such as reliability centred maintenance preventive approach. Preventive maintenance is
(RCM), total productive maintenance (TPM), busi- formally defined as ‘‘the maintenance carried out
ness centred maintenance (BCM), terotechnology, at predetermined intervals or corresponding to
capital asset management, and integrated logistic prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the
support (ILS). Review and more description of probability of failure or performance degradation
some of these maintenance concepts can be found, of an item’’ (British Standard, 1984). These pre-
for example, in Al-Najjar (1997), Mckone and determined intervals can be either time-based
Elliott (1998), Moubray (1991a), Dekker (1996), (calendar time) or use-based (total operating time,
Sherwin (2000), Kelly (1997) and Waeyenbergh and number of operations, mileage, Waeyenbergh and
Pintelon (2002). Pintelon, 2002; Kumar, 1996). These intervals are
determined using statistical-based models and opti-
2.1. Development of maintenance approaches misation, which is the case when implementing
preventive maintenance (PM) policies such as age
Maintenance has passed through several major and block replacements (Sherwin, 2000).
developments. Fig. 1 illustrates the development of During the 1970s manufacturing plants became
maintenance approaches. even more automated and complex. Reliability,
Until World War II, industry was not very highly availability and maintainability (RAM), safety,
mechanised. Most of the equipment was simple and quality, environment, multi-skilling were considered
over-designed. Failure consequences were not vital very important. Maintenance management informa-
and had a neglected effect. Therefore, industrial tion systems (MMIS), condition monitoring (CM)
equipment was operated until it failed, at which and condition based maintenance (CBM) that was
point it was either repaired or replaced ‘‘fix it when started mainly in the aircraft and defence industry,
it breaks’’. Maintenance was considered as a began to be used in the industry (Williams et al.,
production task and a necessary evil. The first 1994). CBM is defined as ‘‘Maintenance carried out
maintenance approach could be described as according to need as indicated by condition
reactive maintenance where no action is taken to monitoring’’ (British Standard, 1984). Automation
prevent failures or to detect the onset of failure. The and development in information technologies have
maintenance related costs are usually high, but this made it easier to use techniques of CBM in industry
approach could be considered cost-effective in (Kumar, 1996). Therefore, more integration efforts
certain cases (Al-Najjar, 1997; Kelly, 1997; Pintelon have been done and maintenance became ‘‘Not an
and Gelders, 1992). isolated function’’ (Sherwin, 2000; Waeyenbergh
After World War II, the shortage of industrial and Pintelon, 2002). Thus, these practices can be
manpower and the increase in demand of various described as a predictive approach, which is
products, among other things, led to increased concerned mainly with detecting hidden and poten-
mechanisation. The manufacturing plants became tial failures and predicting the condition of the
complex. Availability, longevity and cost were equipment. This is the case when using almost all
considered important factors for achieving business condition-based maintenance systems, e.g. vibra-
objectives. Maintenance became a task of the tion-based maintenance.
By the beginning of 1980s many systematic
concepts to maintenance have been proposed such
Holistic (process oriented) as terotechnology, RCM, TPM (Sherwin, 2000;
Waeyenbergh and Pintelon, 2002; Kumar, 1996;
Department of industry, 1978; Nakajima, 1988;
Preventive Moubray, 1991b). However, nowadays because of
globalisation (crossing boundaries) more efforts
Reactive have been done to create internal and external
partnership between maintenance and other ele-
Fig. 1. Development of maintenance approaches. ments in the supply chain. For example, helping in
I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78 73

improving the production process, helping the Based on the APQC model a model was developed
purchasing department in selecting the original to measure changes in profits as a result of changes
equipment manufacturer (OEM), helping designing in productivity and changes in price recovery
the production process, using company wide in- (Loggerenberg et al., 1981). The model is suitable
formation systems, etc. (Swanson, 2001b). Also, for analysing the effects of changes in machine
more emphasises are placed on monitoring the utilisation, changes in product price and input costs
deviations in both the machine condition and on profitability. The changes in the index value
product quality (Al-Najjar, 1997). Thus, these point out what are the causes of changes in profit-
practices can be described as process oriented ability. The price recovery index represents the
‘‘holistic’’ approach. effect of the uncontrollable factors, while the pro-
It should be noticed that in practice more than one ductivity index represents the effect of the internal
approach could be used at the same time. Therefore, controllable factors, i.e. machine utilisation.
it is very important to know which maintenance Efficiency is related to the process inputs and it
approach, from the various applicable maintenance could be defined as the ratio of the prescribed
approaches is the most cost effective and suits the resources expected to be used, ideally, over
technical system in its operating context. resources actually used (Sink and Tuttle, 1989). It
measures how economically the firm’s resources are
3. Firm profitability utilised when providing a given level of objective,
e.g. output requirements. While effectiveness is
Recently much of the strategy research has concerned with the process output and it could be
emphasised resources internal to the firm as the defined as the ratio of the actual output over the
principal driver of firm profitability and strategic expected output. It measures the degree to which the
advantages. Several studies showed that resources relevant goals or objectives are achieved. In fact, in
are specifically said to confer competitive advan- spite of the common use of the productivity,
tages to the extent that the resources must be efficiency, and effectiveness terms, there are misuses
difficult to create, buy, substitute, or imitate of these terms. For example, production improve-
(Pehrsson, 2000). Profitability is the result of ment does not necessarily mean productivity im-
interaction of controllable and uncontrollable fac- provement. The former is concerned with the
tors. Among the uncontrollable factors are the activity of producing goods and services, while the
economic and political environment, market growth latter is concerned with the efficiency and effective-
or decline, inflation, etc. These uncontrollable ness with which these goods and services are
factors could impose significant positive or negative produced. Also, efficiency improvement does not
impact on profitability (Loggerenberg et al., 1981). guarantee productivity improvements. One can be
The impact should be measured in a way that allows very efficient and still not be productive, for
knowing if the change in profit is due to the changes example, assume a job was done in half the
in the uncontrollable factors or the controllable prescribed time but with unaccepted quality. Here,
factors. During the late 1970s and early 1980s the the efficiency was improved 100% while the effec-
American Productivity and Quality Centre (APQC) tiveness is zero. Thus, to be productive one must be
defined profitability as the product of productivity effective as well as efficient in that order (Sumanth,
and price recovery (Sumanth, 1998). The produc- 1998).
tivity could be defined as the ratio of output
quantity produced (in a specific time period) to 4. Maintenance impact on firm’s profitability
the sum of one or all input factors required to
produce the output quantity such as manpower, According to the APQC profitability is defined as
materials, and energy. The price recovery measures the product of productivity and price recovery.
the ratio of the price of the output product(s) to the Since productivity could be defined as the actual
allocated cost of the consumed inputs units, as output compared to the actual inputs. This means
shown in the following equation: that the productivity is function of the production
PROFITABILITY ¼ PRODUCTIVITY  PRICE RECOVERY process efficiency and effectiveness. Also, since it is
possible to analyse the causes of the changes in
profitability, and know how the changes in produc-
ð1Þ tivity affect the profit, separately from the changes
74 I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78

Changes in profits = Changes in productivity + Changes in price recovery

Production Process Efficiency Production Process Effectiveness

Productive Maintenance

Fig. 2. Conceptual model illustrating maintenance impact on firms’ profits.

in the uncontrollable factors, i.e. price recovery. Current Maximum

Thus the following model is suggested, see Fig. 2. capacity capacity
The model illustrates how could a productive, i.e. 1
effective and efficient, maintenance approach affects Total cost per unit
the production process efficiency and effectiveness.

Both the manufacturing process efficiency and Unit price
effectiveness impact the profitability equation ele- 4
ments, i.e. productivity and price recovery. We will
2 Profit margin
focus only on analysing the impact of maintenance Fixed cost per unit
on the productivity index, since it is hard to trace 3
the changes in the price recovery index. This is Variable cost per unit
because the price recovery is affected by the
fluctuation of the external and uncontrollable
factors that have an effect on the products’ prices Quantity
or input costs, furthermore, time length of produc-
Fig. 3. Quantity of quality product produced and total cost per
tion can be improved by prolonged machine life due unit.
to effective maintenance. Based on this model, we
can show how does maintenance affect the profit-
ability of a business by increasing the total system’s productivity and profitability, as concep-
productivity. In general the improvement in pro- tually illustrated in Fig. 3.
ductivity can occur by one of the following ways We argue that for a given period of time, the
(Sink and Tuttle, 1989; Neely et al., 1995): variable cost per unit quality item, e.g. the cost of
raw material per item, can be considered constant in
1. Output increases with reduced level of input (the the short run regardless of how many items were
ideal). produced. On the other hand, the fixed cost per unit
2. Output increases with the same level of input quality item will decrease based on how many items
(working smarter). were produced in that period. This will result in a
3. Output increases faster than that of the inputs decreasing total cost per unit item. Given a steady
(managed growth). product price and stable input costs, i.e. a constant
4. Output remains constant while reducing the price recovery index, which is reasonable assump-
input (greater efficiency). tion for a certain time period. Also, assuming a
5. Output decreases, but decreasing the level of trade boom market, i.e. high demand in the market.
input more (managed decline). We argue that using an effective maintenance policy
will result in increasing the utilisation of the
manufacturing systems as shown in position 1. This
5. The role of maintenance in company’s productivity is due to higher quantity produced with good
and profitability improvement quality due to maintenance effect on the process
efficiency and effectiveness (e.g., less unplanned
We use the relationship between a manufacturing stoppages, better product quality, less short stop-
system’s capacity and the total manufacturing pages, etc.). This will result in increasing the profit
costs per unit quality item, to describe and illustrate margin as a result of decreasing the manufacturing
how maintenance could affect the manufacturing costs, i.e. fixed cost per unit quality item due to
I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78 75

increasing the volume of quantity produced with We assume that Q1 is the quantity of quality
accepted quality, as shown in position 2. On the product produced when using a certain maintenance
other hand, there is a possibility, in the long run, to policy, which resulted in total manufacturing cost
decrease the total manufacturing costs, see position TC1, see position 1 in Fig. 4. If the company
3, due to factors such as reduction in spare parts improves the effectiveness of the implemented
inventory, less buffer and work-in-progress (WIP) maintenance policy, or uses more effective main-
costs, less product liabilities claims, etc. Finally, tenance policy that requires a new investment
there is an opportunity to increase the product of (I), this could result in increasing the quantity
price, as illustrated in positions 4, due to improved produced to Q2. Assuming no other actions were
product quality image and company goodwill as a performed, then, the new total manufacturing
result of factors such as time product delivery, cost (following the same curve) has a value of
higher customer satisfaction, etc. Consequently, TC2. The effect of using more effective maintenance
better productivity and profitability could be policy on the productivity can be calculated
achieved. using Eq. (1). Consequently, the impact on the
company profitability can be estimated using the
5.1. Improved productivity and profitability following as:
Profit after improvement F 2 ¼ Q2ðPrice  TC2Þ,
In general, improvements in maintenance aim to
reduce operating costs and improve product quality;
therefore, the cost effectiveness of each improve- Profit before improvement F 1 ¼ Q1ðPrice  TC1Þ,
ment action could be examined by assessing the
relevant cost parameters before and after improve- (3)
ments. In the following we illustrate how could Net Profit ¼ F 2  F 1. (4)
improvements in maintenance effectiveness increase
the manufacturing company productivity, hence its If the net profit is greater than the cost of
profitability. Fig. 4 illustrates the relationship of improvement, i.e. I, required for achieving the
quantity of good quality items produced with both increase in output, then the investment is cost
of total cost per unit (TC/unit) curve and product effective. The relation between the costs of invest-
price. ment needed to improve maintenance effectiveness
Here we assume that the product has a constant and the expected savings is not easy to predict. As
price and unchanged input costs. Furthermore, the far as the absolute level of maintenance improve-
market is in a boom condition, i.e. high demand in ment is concerned, there is a finite limit to the
the market. The total costs consist of variable costs impact that maintenance improvements can have
and fixed costs. The variable cost per unit quality upon the generated savings. In other words, after
item is assumed to be constant on the short run, some point diminishing returns will start. Beyond
while the fixed cost per unit quality item decreases this point we are in a region where additional
with quantity produced. investment on improving maintenance does not
payback. A model that identifies, reclassifies, and
assesses maintenance-related costs was developed
(Al-Najjar and Alsyouf, 2004). Using that model,
11 22
one could reveal maintenance-costs, -benefits,
Product Price (P)
and -profit, analyse the situation, identify problem

areas, help the decision-maker to perform the

continuous improvement process, and assess the
cost effectiveness of the implemented maintenance
TC2 6. Case study

Q1 Q2 The case study was conducted at StoraEnso Hylte

Fig. 4. Detailed relation between quantity of quality product AB (a paper company in Hyltebruk in southern
produced and total cost per unit. Sweden). The study was conducted at PM2, one of
76 I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78

the company’s four machines, which was selected stoppages (about 8 h each) were planned, in general,
because of its valuable database, particularly during every other week to perform certain operational
the period studied (1997–2000). tasks. This planned stoppage time creates a great
opportunity that could be utilised to perform a pre-
6.1. Data gathering planned maintenance tasks if an effective main-
tenance policy is implemented. It was estimated that
A special data sheet was designed for manually at least about 3.6 million Swedish kronor (SEK)
collecting the relevant technical and economical were generated as maintenance profit due to
information parameters from the company data- performing vibration based maintenance tasks
bases. Technical and economic data were used for during these planned stoppages (Al-Najjar and
verifying the suggested conceptual model, shown in Alsyouf, 2004). The causes of the unplanned
Fig. 2. Technical data included parameters such as stoppages and the percentage of each reason with
planned operating time; planned production rate; respect to the total unplanned stoppages are
planned stoppage time; unplanned stoppage time, illustrated in Fig. 6. The company estimated the
i.e. failures and unplanned-but-before-failure repla- bad quality production due to maintenance
cements (UPBFR); short stoppage time; bad quality causes to be about 7.5% of the total bad quality
products. The collected parameters covered all types produced.
of stoppages such as mechanical, electrical, hydrau-
lic and instruments. Economic data including 6.3. Model verification
parameters such as fixed and variable operating
costs, profit margin, net profit, working capital, In the following we illustrate using empirical data
maintenance costs, investments in maintenance and how improvements in maintenance effectiveness
spare parts inventory were collected. could increase the manufacturing company produc-
tivity, hence its profitability. It was found that the
6.2. Analysis and results actual annual quantity produced during the case
study period, i.e. years 1997–2000, was Q1 ¼
As the economic data were confidential, the data 176 963 tons. The average selling price was about
used in the analysis were transformed using several 3000 SEK per ton. The average total production
suitable factors, which still allowed accurate analy- cost, i.e. TC1, at Q1 was about 1949 SEK per ton,
sis. It was found that about 5.8% of the planned and the fixed cost per ton was about 724 SEK. The
working time, the machine was stopped due to average quantity of production lost because of
several reasons such as failures and UPBFR, unavailability due to all types of unplanned
planned stoppages and short stoppages. The total stoppages such as mechanical, electrical and hy-
stoppage time was distributed as short stoppages draulic, were 3775 tons. The average quantity of
48%, unplanned stoppages 34%, and regular bad quality production lost due to causes related to
planned stoppages 18%, see Fig. 5. maintenance problems was about 432 tons. This
The short stoppage constitutes the largest portion figure was estimated according to the company
of the stoppage time, on average it resulted from personnel’s experience, it was about 7.5% of the
about 1624 short stoppages. Regular planned total bad quality production. This means that if,
ideally, an effective maintenance policy is used
which can get rid of all the unplanned stoppages
and all the bad quality production related to
Causes of Stoppage Time
60 maintenance problems, the new output quantity,
50 i.e. Q2, could become 181 170 tons. Thus the new
40 fixed cost per ton would become about 707. Thus

30 total production costs, i.e. TC2, would become

20 34 about 1932 SEK per ton.
10 18 Based on the above-mentioned data, the produc-
0 tivity index calculated according to Eq. (1) at point
Short Stoppages Unplaned Planned Q1 is about 1.539. Also, the value of productivity
Stoppages Stoppages
index could be improved to about 1.553 at Q2.
Fig. 5. Causes of total stoppage time at one paper-mill machine. This means that the productivity index of one paper
I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78 77

Causes of Unplanned Stoppages


20 45

10 10 11 11 13













Fig. 6. The causes of unplanned stoppage time at one paper-mill machine.

mill machine, i.e. PM2, could be improved by an WIP, finished goods, etc. Further more, the price
increment of about 0.014 if more effective main- could be improved due to providing value advan-
tenance policy is used. Thus, the ideal net impact on tages to the end customer such as on time and
the company profit without the cost of investment consistent delivery.
can be calculated using Eqs. (2)–(4) as:

F 2 ¼ 181 170ð3050  1932Þ ¼ 202:6 million SEK, 7. Conclusions

F 1 ¼ 176 963ð3050  1949Þ ¼ 194:8 million SEK,
F 2  F 1 ¼ 7:8 million SEK. Using the conceptual model, which was illu-
strated in Fig. 2 and tested empirically in a case
This means that in this case, ideally, at lease 7.8 study, enables the decision-maker to trace how an
million SEK (approximately US$ 0.975 million) per effective maintenance policy could influence the
year, i.e. about 12.5% of the machine yearly productivity and profitability of a manufacturing
maintenance budget, could be gained as a result of process through its direct impact on quality,
the productivity improvement of one paper-mill efficiency and effectiveness of operation. It was
machine, if more effective maintenance policy has possible, by analysing the causes of the changes in
been used. This value will increase according to how profitability, to show how changes in the produc-
the maintenance actions are linked to the causes of tivity affect profit, separately from the effects of
other elements of the overall equipment effective- changes in the uncontrollable factors, i.e. price
ness (OEE), i.e. short stoppages and planned recovery. It was proved that maintenance is not a
stoppages. Practically, we cannot avoid all un- cost centre, but a profit generating function.
planned stoppages. To assess the cost effectiveness
of a new investment in maintenance, the savings
increment due to the output achieved by improving Acknowledgements
maintenance effectiveness could be compared to the
investment. This paper was one of the results of a project
This represents just the economic result of an that was financed by the Swedish National
effective maintenance due to its impact on the profit Board for Industrial and Technical Developments,
margin value only. In addition, there are other NUTEK, and the following Swedish companies:
factors such as the lost expenses due to not utilising StoraEnso Hylte AB, Volvo Trucks Components
the fixed cost elements such as the idle labour, idle AB in Köping, SKF Condition Monitoring, and
machine, etc. On the other hand, there is a ABB Alstom Power AB in Växjö. I would like to
possibility in the long run to decrease the total thank all who have participated in this project.
manufacturing costs (when using more effective Also, I would like to thank the university of Jordan
maintenance policy) due to maintenance effect of and the centre of industrial competitiveness (CIC) at
element such as less tied capital in raw materials, Växjö University for their financial support.
78 I. Alsyouf / Int. J. Production Economics 105 (2007) 70–78

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