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Consult your physician or a health care professional before
starting any fitness program to determine if it is right for your
needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a
history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have
ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have
experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged
in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese,
or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by
a change in physical activity.

Do not start any fitness program if your physician or health

care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness,
dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while
exercising you should stop immediately.

This book offers health, fitness and nutritional information and

is designed for entertainment purposes only. You should not
rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace,
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you

should always consult with a physician or other health-care
professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining
medical or health related advice from your health-care
professional because of something you may have read in this
book. The use of any information provided in this book is
solely at your own risk.
It’s an age old question that far too many of us struggle with.
There is no magic pill, diet, or workout that “sheds fat”
without consistent calculated effort. However, it doesn’t have
to be hard! While there is no one perfect one size fits all
method, one or a combination of the following strategies will
have you reaping the success of your efforts in your fat loss


Coffee, the miracle juice!

Widely known for its ability
to keep us energized and
alert, coffee is also a natural
appetite suppressant as well
as diuretic. Caffeine
stimulates both the nervous
system as well as our
metabolism to not only keep you awake and alert, but also
aids in suppressing appetite. Moderate use has been shown
to enhance fat loss, cognitive function, as well as alertness.
Have you ever noticed your morning hunger seems to fade
after you’ve had your cup of Joe?

Caffeine is a fantastic stimulant for fat loss when used

mindfully. It is recommended that the average adult consume
a maximum intake of about 400mg of caffeine per day which
can be done through coffee, energy drinks, teas etc. An
important note to make is that while caffeine is typically
consumed in liquid form, it is not the same as hydrating with
water and caffeine intake should be balanced out with
adequate water as caffeine is a natural diuretic and can
dehydrate the body. With that said, utilizing caffeine between
meals is a fantastic way to ward off hunger, boost your
metabolism, and stay energized! Interestingly,  decaffeinated
coffee may produce the highest reduction in hunger.


Okay hear us out! We aren’t talking chugging those protein

shakes pre and post workout. A high protein diet is proven to
be beneficial for optimal function in healthy active adults!
Protein is the backbone macronutrient of muscle building and
repair. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a fuel source
needed for quick bouts of energy, but instead the fuel that
feeds our muscle growth and keeps our bodies functioning
optimally. A higher protein diet actually increases levels of
appetite reducing hormones, so by replacing extra calories
from fats and carbohydrates with protein you are helping to
satiate your body and stay full longer! This can lead to an
easy and automatic reduction in your overall caloric intake,
just by being mindful of your protein consumption!

While you absolutely

can consume your
protein through those
pre and post workout
shakes we don’t
recommend your
protein intake come
entirely from those
sources (see tip 5).
Overall, a proper balanced diet will keep cravings and hunger
at bay and protein plays a huge role in that. The boost in
satiety that protein provides means maintaining a calorie
deficit for fat loss becomes much easier. Opt for lean protein
sources like chicken breast, lean cuts of steak, white fish and
tuna, legumes, and beans! Casein proteins are also a fantastic
option as they are slow digesting and are a great way to
increase protein in recipes or use stand alone throughout the
day to stay full. Aim for 0.8-1g of protein per pound of lean
body weight daily to reach your daily protein requirement of
building muscle!

While it doesn’t work for everyone, many people find success

in implementing an intermittent fasting protocol. In a nutshell,
intermittent fasting is time
restricted eating. There are
eating windows and fasting
windows. For example, a
common ratio 8/16 would
mean your eating window
for the day would be limited
to 8 hours, while you fast for
the other 16 hours. Typically,
the fasting window includes your night of sleep and the
remaining hours in prior to your first meal.

While the effectiveness of intermittent fasting is not a blanket

method for everyone, many do find success with it. The
simple act of having to plan ahead for your day of eating in
time blocks prepares your mind to follow that plan, which
enables your success. Keep in mind this does not mean that
you should treat your eating window as a free for all and
binge, calories in are still calories in. With that said, there are
many different ratios that people find success with
intermittent fasting, some even go so far as to eat their entire
daily caloric intake in 1 meal (OMAD) by doing a 1/23 window.
Success with this method can be found through trial and


Fibre is the real MVP here when it comes to keeping hunger

at bay. Fibre is an incredible nutrient that can help to promote
fat loss as well as lower blood sugar levels and fight
constipation. Who doesn’t want to be less bloated? While it
might be tempting to fill your calories and macros with fluffy

processed foods, don’t forget that fibre is your friend. Fibre

can be found in most vegetables, fruits, as well as several
complex carbohydrates. Our bodies require fibre for optimal
function, especially digestion. Fibre is slow digesting which is
absolutely perfect when you are aiming for fat loss. Slow
digesting foods mean the longer your body is working to
digest what you have eaten, the longer you stay full! 

This doesn’t mean you need to be stuffing your face and over
filling, you can eat diet friendly portions sizes and keep that
belly full for hours! Ensuring you are hitting your daily fibre
intake means your digestive system will remain regular.
Ideally, adults should consume 20-35g of fibre a day through
their diet. Simple swaps like opting for whole wheat, whole
grain, or sprouted bread and pasta options can easily
increase your fibre intake. Ensure your vegetable choices are
high in fibre as well as fruits. In general, the darker the whole
food the higher the fibre content of it so foods like carrots,
broccoli, dark leafy greens, and berries are fantastic options!
Not only do foods like this contain high amounts of fibre, but
whole foods contain a plethora of healthy micronutrients
which are highly satiating helping you avoid those between
meal hunger pangs!


Drinking your calories is one of the fastest ways to make fat

loss harder on yourself. Oftentimes, meal replacement shakes
are marketed as something you should be having when trying
to lose fat. While these options are convenient, they aren’t
ideal when your goal is to lose fat without feeling hungry too
often. The act of eating, meaning chewing bite by bite
actually satiates your mind along with your stomach! Drinking
your calories means you miss this vital step in digestion which
can lead you to feeling hungry again within a very short
amount of time after having a meal replacement.

So what does that mean? Ditch the smoothies, sodas, and

meal replacement shakes. These are often marketed as a
quick and easy way to get in your micronutrients and are
often used as a “meal replacement” as opposed to eating a
full meal. The irony here is that usually smoothies typically
have more calories than the average sandwich. Let’s not take
chewing for granted!

While smoothies and meal replacement shakes can be

incredibly convenient, they aren’t necessarily the greatest
fuel source when it comes to staying full. Opt for high volume,
low calorie foods that will fill your stomach up and help you
feel full!


This is not a news flash to anyone but hey, water is important!

Hydration is key in human survival, and it should not be
overlooked for its importance in helping you lose fat! Water
serves to feed our bodies main functions, aids in digestion
and nutrient absorption, makes our skin glow, and flushes out
waste through perspiration and elimination. We need it for
cell function, brain function, and you got it...overall optimal
function of the body. So we know we need water to survive,
but have you ever considered the role it plays in helping you
through your fat loss journey?

Countless surveys and statistics will tell you the average

person is not drinking enough water. While this can be for a
multitude of reasons it is important to recognize early on in
your efforts towards fat loss as this is the holy grail of pro tips.
Repeat after me, “Hydration is key!” Studies have shown that
staying hydrated helps to improve athletic performance
meaning staying hydrated is going to help you finish those
workouts strong! Not only does it amplify your performance in
and out of the gym, water can also help to keep your stomach
feeling full longer. Oftentimes, we mistake hunger for thirst,
and it can be easy to lean into cravings and snack when our
body is really just telling us “I’m thirsty!”

A hydrated body is less likely to give into cravings and a

consistently hydrated body is more likely to just reach for the
water bottle. Let’s not forget to mention that water is zero
calories, so ditch the soda’s because deep down you know
they aren’t really what your body is asking for. Staying mindful
of your water intake especially between meals aids in
digestion and keeps your stomach full. Hunger and the
overall feeling of being peckish is one of the main reasons
we tend to overeat on our calories when trying to lose fat, so
staying hydrated and keeping that water bottle close is one of
the best things you can do for yourself!

Adequate sleep is
far too often
overlooked, it
tends to be the
first thing to get
slashed when our
to-do list is being
prioritized. How
frequently do you
tell yourself “I’ll
just stay up late to get X done,” or “I’ll get up early to finish X,"
or even just hitting that ‘I’m still watching’ button on Netflix
one too many times on a weeknight? We’ve all done it, and
continue to do it. Skimping on sleep has a long list of
detrimental effects on our health, fat gain being one of them.
Sleep is our body’s process of recharging, repairing, and
preparing for the next day. Without adequate restful sleep our
body is ill equipped to function at its best. Several studies
findings support that reduced sleep is correlated with fat gain
and a higher BMI in adults. So what gives? 

When we lack the benefits of a good night’s rest, our

hormonal function, hunger cues, alertness, energy, and
cognitive abilities are all negatively affected. That’s right, you
eat more, burn less calories, and tend to have more cravings
when you are not well rested. A restful night's sleep is one of
the simplest efforts you can take towards helping yourself
reach your fat loss goals!

Aim for 6-8 hours of sleep every night by setting a hard

bedtime for yourself. Putting the screens away 30 minutes
before your bedtime, reading or practicing meditation before
bed helps to relax the mind in anticipation of a restful sleep.
Get those z’s so you can shed those lbs!


Stress is an unavoidable part of our lives and we know that

reducing it involves a lot more than just simply relaxing.
Although stress generally comes from external factors, it has
a very real internal effect on our body’s functional capacity.
Stress affects our sleep, appetite, mood, and even the
function of bodily systems! This is caused by specific stress
hormones in our “fight or flight” response which has been
known to lead many to overeat or binge eating on comfort
foods when experiencing higher stress levels. Cortisol is the
stress hormone and high levels of it in the body can turn over
eating into a habit and leave you feeling restless. As stated
above we know a certain amount of stress is unavoidable for
us, but there are steps that we can take to reduce that
amount of stress and create a more successful path for fat

The most obvious suggestions are

to ensure you are hydrated,
sleeping well, eating a balanced
diet, and moving your body
everyday, but there are additional
steps to help reduce the stress in
your life!

Things like time blocking to better

manage your time can help to
alleviate stress, as well as
practicing mindful meditation and
yoga as a means to wind down
from your busy days! Ensure that
you are setting aside time for yourself daily whether that’s a
10 min walk, a few minutes writing in a journal first thing in the
morning, or having a warm bath before bed. Reducing stress
is critical for fat loss as well as achieving your overall happiest
and healthiest self. 

It’s important to not get caught up in diet trends, fads, and
false information. These strategies are proven effective, tried
and true methods to bring you success in your fat loss goals.
Diet hacks and methods don’t need to be complicated or
overwhelming, and more often than not, the best methods
are the ones we already know to be true, but just need
someone else to confirm what we already know!

Our goal at DRVNBODY. is to educate you with the most
effective and sustainable methods using science-based
research that will save you years of trial and error.

Click here to start your transformation now!

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