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Final Examination

International Law
ICP/ 2020


1. This research paper will count for 40% of your final grade
2. It is an open book, take home examination. You should not, however, discuss the
question with others in the course. You should not copy any part of an answer from
another student, or allow yours to be copied.
3. Credit will be given primarily for your analysis, reasoning and structure of your legal
arguments. You should cite all cases, articles and quotations you refer to. Those who
plagiarize articles or any other work by other persons will face severe penalties on the
4. Your answer should be minimum 1500 words and maximum 3000 words. It should be
5. The deadline for the assignment is Tuesday, 22 December 2020. Your assignment should
be submitted to my email before 23.00 am. Assignment
that submitted after that period will be penalized.
6. Subject email : International Law IC FINAL EXAM
8. Please state your name and your student number in the first page of your answer sheet.


Plagiarism means using the exact words, opinions, or factual information from another
person without giving that person credit. While direct quotations do need citations, so do
paraphrase and summarize of opinions or factual information formerly unknown to the
writers or which the writers did not discover themselves.

Exception for this include factual information which can be obtained from a variety of
sources, the writers own insights or findings from their own field research, and what has
been termed common knowledge. What constitute common knowledge can sometimes be
precarious what is common knowledge for one audience may not be so for another. In such
situations, it is helpful, to keep the reader in mind and to think of citations as being “reading
friendly”. In other words, writers provide a citation for any piece of information that they
think readers might want to investigate further.
Questions :

1. Give your explanation on how international law regulate about State responsibility!
2. Immunity is one of the basic principles in international law that applied by all states.
Give your opinion on why immunity is important and give some examples!
3. Recognition is a political act with legal consequences.
Critically discuss the statement, stating whether you agree or disagree by giving
some examples!
4. There is a flight of an Arcadian aircraft through International airspace.
Unfortunately, 3 passengers from Brunian was killed by a another passenger form
Mindonesia. After few hours, pilot has landed the aircraft successfully in Malangsia.
Give your opinion, which jurisdiction should apply in such case?
Note : Arcadian, Brunian, Mindonesia and Malagsia is just a fake name of states.

*Good luck*

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