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When viewing a specimen through a light microscope, scientists use ________ to distinguish theindividual
components of cells.
a. a beam of electrons
b. radioactive isotopes
c. special stains
d. high temperatures

2. The ________ is the basic unit of life.

a. organism
b. cell
c. tissue
d. organ

3. Prokaryotes depend on ________ to obtain some materials and to get rid of wastes.
a. ribosomes
b. flagella
c. cell division
d. diffusion

4. Bacteria that lack fimbriae are less likely to ________.

a. adhere to cell surfaces
b. swim through bodily fluids
c. synthesize proteins
d. retain the ability to divide

5. Which of the following organisms is a prokaryote?

a. amoeba
b. influenza A virus
c. charophyte algae
d. E. coli

6. Which of the following is surrounded by two phospholipid bilayers?

a. the ribosomes
b. the vesicles
c. the cytoplasm
d. the nucleoplasm

7. Peroxisomes got their name because hydrogen peroxide is:

a. used in their detoxification reactions
b. produced during their oxidation reactions
c. incorporated into their membranes
d. a cofactor for the organelles’ enzymes

8. In plant cells, the function of the lysosomes is carried out by __________.

a. vacuoles
b. peroxisomes
c. ribosomes
d. nuclei

9. Which of the following is both in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

a. nucleus
b. mitochondrion
c. vacuole
d. ribosomes
1. Which of the following components is not used by both plants and cyanobacteria to carry outphotosynthesis?
a. carbon dioxide
b. chlorophyll
c. chloroplasts
d. water

2. Why are chemoautotrophs not considered the same as photoautotrophs if they both extractenergy and make sugars?
a. Chemoautotrophs use wavelengths of light not available to photoautotrophs.
b. Chemoautotrophs extract energy from inorganic chemical compounds.
c. Photoautotrophs prefer the blue side of the visible light spectrum.
d. Photoautotrophs make glucose, while chemoautotrophs make galactose.

3. In which compartment of the plant cell do the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis takeplace?
a. mesophyll
b. outer membrane
c. stroma
d. thylakoid

4. What is a part of grana?

a. the Calvin cycle
b. the inner membrane
c. stroma
d. thylakoids

5. What are two major products of photosynthesis?

a. chlorophyll and oxygen
b. oxygen and carbon dioxide
c. sugars/carbohydrates and oxygen
d. sugars/carbohydrates and carbon dioxide

6. What is the primary energy source for cells?

a. glucose
b. starch
c. sucrose
d. triglycerides

7. Which portion of the electromagnetic radiation originating from the sun is harmful to livingtissues?
a. blue
b. green
c. infrared
d. ultraviolet

10. What is the function of carotenoids in photosynthesis?

a. They supplement chlorophyll absorption.
b. They are visible in the fall during leaf color changes.
c. They absorb excess energy and dissipate it as heat.
d. They limit chlorophyll absorption.

11. Which of the following structures is not a component of a photosystem?

a. antenna molecule
b. ATP synthase
c. primary electron acceptor
d. reaction center
12. Which complex is not involved in producing the electromotive force of ATP synthesis?
a. ATP synthase
b. cytochrome complex
c. Photosystem I
d. Photosystem II

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