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Autoregulated Resistance Training: Does Velocity-Based Training Represent

the Future?

Article  in  Strength and Conditioning · August 2019

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000471


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Jonpaul Nevin
Buckinghamshire New University


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Autoregulated Resistance
Training: Does Velocity-
Based Training Represent
the Future?
Jonpaul Nevin, MSc, CSCS
School of Health and Social Sciences, Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION performed to develop maximal strength

esistance training (RT) is con- and RFD, whereas lower-intensity,
R sidered a key training stimulus
for improving maximal
strength, rate of force development
high-volume RT is performed to elicit
muscle hypertrophy and enhance work
capacity (6,20,25,26,28). RT intensity is
AN INDIVIDUAL’S 1RM. HOWEVER, (RFD), power output, and subsequent characteristically based on a percentage
THERE ARE NUMEROUS SHORT- athletic performance potential. How- of an individual’s 1 repetition maximum
COMINGS WITH THIS APPROACH, ever, physiological adaptations as (1RM) in a given exercise such as the
INCLUDING ITS FAILURE TO CON- a result of RT are highly dependent back squat, deadlift, or bench press,
SIDER AN ATHLETE’S CONDI- on the training prescription and subse- whereas RT volume is usually quantified
TIONAL, DAY-TO-DAY TRAINING quent dose response (26). It has tradi- by multiplying the load by the number
READINESS. IN ORDER TO tionally been assumed that RT should of repetitions and sets performed (vol-
ADDRESS THESE LIMITATIONS, be performed to muscular failure to ume load 5 load 3 repetitions 3 sets).
THE USE OF VARIOUS PROGRES- provide an adequate overload for max- Although the quantification of RT vol-
SIVE AUTO-REGULATED RESIS- imal strength gains. However, recent ume is relatively simple, the accurate
TANCE TRAINING PROTOCOLS evidence suggests training to failure monitoring and quantification of RT
HAS BEEN SUGGESTED IN THE does not produce superior gains in intensity has proved somewhat more
LITERATURE. RECENT ADVANCES strength and may in fact be counter- elusive. The establishment of 1RM is
IN THE MONITORING OF MOVE- productive (7,25,26). With this in mind, typically done via either direct 1RM
MENT VELOCITY OFFER A UNIQUE there is a general consensus within both assessment or performing multiple rep-
APPROACH BY WHICH TO OPTI- the scientific literature and strength and etitions to failure to estimate 1RM via
MIZE THE USE OF AUTO-REGU- conditioning communities that proper a series of predication equation tables
LATED RESISTANCE TRAINING. BY manipulation of several acute training (14). The use of 1RM percentages to
MATCHING ESTABLISHED ACUTE variables, including intensity (load), vol- dictate strength training loads has been
RESISTANCE TRAINING VARIA- ume (repetitions 3 sets), recovery time questioned by several authors (17,19,21).
BLES TO SPECIFIC MOVEMENT between sets, exercise type, and order, is Indeed, multiple shortcomings can be
VELOCITIES THE STRENGTH AND required to ensure sufficient loading, identified with the traditional 1RM
CONDITIONING PRACTITIONER prevent overtraining, and optimize percentage-based approach. First, it re-
CAN OPTIMIZE RESISTANCE strength gains (6,20,25,26,28). quires the direct assessment of 1RM,
TRAINING INTENSITY AND OBJEC- which may increase the likelihood of
Of the aforementioned training varia-
TIVELY IDENTIFY THE ONSET OF injury if performed incorrectly by nov-
bles, intensity and volume are arguably
NEUROMUSCULAR FATIGUE. ice athletes. Second, strength levels can
the most important when it comes to
determining the type and magnitude of
neurological and morphological adap-
resistance training; autoregulation;
Address correspondence to Jonpaul Nevin, tations that occur as a result of RT. Typ-
velocity-based training ically, high-intensity, low-volume RT is

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Autoregulated RT: Does VBT Represent the Future?

change quite rapidly requiring frequent varying rates, the use of autoregulated determine the working weight for the
testing to ensure the optimal training RT allows athletes to adjust the training next training session. The utility of the
load. Third, 1RM testing can be quite intensity on a daily basis dependent on DAPRE system is somewhat limited, as
time-consuming and impractical for their given level of performance and the there is little variation in the acute RT
large groups of athletes. impact of neuromuscular fatigue (33). variables. Therefore, training accommo-
Arguably, the biggest issue with the The use of an autoregulated approach dation and stagnation may occur over
use of 1RM percentages is that it rep- toward RT was first reported in the lit- the longer term. Based on this observa-
resents a rather arbitrary approach to erature by DeLorme (8), who suggested tion, Siff (33) proposed a system known
training loads, as it fails to consider an a protocol of multiple 10RM sets. De- as autoregulating PRE (APRE). Similar
athlete’s conditional readiness to train Lorme refined the system to include 3 to DAPRE, the goal during the third
on a daily basis. An athlete’s condi- progressively heavier sets of 10 repeti- set of APRE is to establish an RM work-
tional, day-to-day training readiness tions and referred to the program as pro- ing weight. However, APRE uses varying
can be influenced via numerous fac- gressive resistance exercise (PRE). This loading protocols dependent on the focus
tors such as biological variability, was developed further by Knight (18), of a specific training session (Table 1). For
accumulated fatigue, nutrition, sleep, who modified DeLorme’s original maximum strength and RFD, there is
and general lifestyle stressors (16,32). PRE protocol to create a system known APRE 3RM, for strength APRE 6RM,
As stated by Siff (32), “the use of as daily autoregulated PRE (DAPRE). and for hypertrophy APRE 10RM.
numerical computations as sole Within the DAPRE system, RT inten- To date, only one study has examined
descriptor of loading often overlooks sity is based on an estimated 6RM load the effectiveness of APRE. Mann et al.
the fact that apparently objective meas- commonly known as the working (22) demonstrated that in comparison
ures like this do not take into account an weight. During set 1, 10 repetitions at to a linear periodization (LP) training
athlete’s subjective perception of the 50% of the estimated working weight program with set increases in RT inten-
intensity and overall effects of loading.” are performed. This is then followed sity each week, APRE resulted in sig-
Therefore, it can be argued that the use by 6 repetitions at 75% of the estimated nificantly greater gains in back squat
of 1RM percentages to dictate RT inten- working weight for set 2. During the 1RM (APRE 19.6 6 20.28 kg versus
sity may represent a suboptimal third set, the exercise is performed to LP 3.79 6 15.8 kg, p 5 ,0.02), bench
approach by which to develop strength. form failure at 100% of the estimated press 1RM (APRE 9.52 6 10.49 kg
PROGRESSIVE working weight with the total number versus LP 5.05 6 0.4 kg, p 5 ,0.05),
AUTOREGULATING RESISTANCE of repetitions completed used to deter- and bench press repetitions to failure at
TRAINING mine the subsequent training load for 102 kg (APRE 3.17 6 2.86 versus LP
To address the limitations of the tradi- the fourth set. Ideally, one will be able 20.009 6 2.4 repetitions; p 5 ,0.02)
tional percentage-based approach, sev- to complete 6 repetitions when work- over a 6-week training period. Theo-
eral authors have proposed the use of ing to failure. If more than 6 repetitions retically, the utility of APRE could be
various progressive autoregulating RT can be completed, the weight must be developed further through the use of
protocols (8,18,22,33). Autoregulated increased. Conversely, if less than 6 rep- repetition zones matched with appro-
RT can be defined as a form of daily- etitions are achieved, then the load is priate volume and rest parameters es-
undulating periodization that adjusts to too heavy and must be decreased. The tablished from a synthesis of current
an athlete’s conditional, day-to-day same approach is then used during the RTvariable recommendations (Table 2)
training readiness (33). Because individ- fourth set with the total number of rep- (25,26,28). Similar to the standard
uals respond to training stimuli at etitions completed being used to APRE protocol, a working weight

Table 1
Autoregulating progressive resistance exercise (APRE) protocol (33)

Set 10RM hypertrophy routine 6RM strength routine 3RM maximal strength routine
1 12 reps/50% 10RM 10 reps/50% 6RM 6 reps/50% 3RM
2 10 reps/75% 1RM 6 reps/75% 6RM 3 reps/75% 3RM
3 Reps to failure/10RM Reps to failure/6RM Reps to failure/3RM
4 Adjusted reps to failure Adjusted reps to failure Adjusted reps to failure
Load increased by 2.5–5 kg for every 2 reps above or alternatively reduced by 2.5–5 kg for every 2 repetitions below the target RM.

RM 5 repetition maximum.

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019

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Table 2
Synthesis of recommended resistance training load variables (25,26,28)

Strength Endurance Hypertrophy Maximal Strength Explosive Strength

Intensity 0–70% 1RM 70–80% 1RM 90–100% 1RM 0–80% 1RM
Repetition range +12 6–12 1–6 1–6
Set range 4–5 4–6 4–7 4–8
Recovery (mins) ,01:00 .02:00 .03:00 .03:00
RM 5 repetition maximum.

could be established during the third precision, determine RT loads based fluctuate over time, MVT and %1RM
set. However, this load would subse- on a given movement velocity (Figure). movement velocities have been shown
quently be maintained for further sets Movement velocity has also been sug- to remain relatively consistent (11,23).
in line with the planned training ses- gested to be a valid, objective, and prac- Therefore, to optimize RT intensity
sion variables. tical indicator of neuromuscular fatigue and control the impact of neuromus-
(29). Neuromuscular fatigue is a com- cular fatigue, velocity bands and/or
VELOCITY-BASED RESISTANCE velocity stops can be set based on an
TRAINING plex multifactorial phenomenon that
typically results in a reduction in individual’s load-velocity profile. These
Several authors have proposed that the can then be matched to appropriate
monitoring of movement velocity may force-generating capability, muscle fiber
shortening velocity, and power output repetition zones established from a syn-
allow for more precise and objective thesis of current acute RT variable rec-
quantification of RT intensity (9). RT elicits both mechanical and met-
abolic stress, resulting in the onset of ommendations (25,26,28) to ensure the
(11,16,23,29). Movement velocity can optimal training stimuli.
now be easily and accurately measured neuromuscular fatigue (9,29). Several
using commercially available linear posi- studies have shown that as the number For example, let us assume that an ath-
tion transducers, rotary encoders, and of repetitions increases, neuromuscular lete presents with a bench press 1RM of
accelerometer-based technologies (16). fatigue develops, and movement veloc- 200 kg and an MVT of 0.15 m/s. If the
Consequently, the monitoring of move- ity slows (3,4,12,13,24,29). Interestingly, objective of the training session is to
ment velocity in a gym setting is now far MVT also appears to be the speed at enhance maximal strength, a RT inten-
more feasible, making the application of which exercise-specific, muscle failure sity of 90% 1RM (e.g., 180 kg 3 3 rep-
velocity-based RT a more viable propo- will occur when repetitions to failure etitions 3 3 sets) would be prescribed
sition. Several authors have proposed are performed irrespective of the rela- using the traditional percentage-based
that movement velocity may be a more tive load (16). Fundamentally, the load method. However, this represents a rel-
sensitive and accurate indicator of rela- lifted during RT directly corresponds to atively arbitrary approach that does not
tive intensity than the traditional 1RM the number of repetitions that can be consider the athlete’s conditional, day-
percentage-based approach (11,13). performed because of the inverse rela- to-day training readiness, nor the
This is based on the observation of tionship between load and volume. impact of neuromuscular fatigue. If
a strong linear relationship between Therefore, it is important to monitor using movement velocity, an athlete
movement velocity and %1RM in exer- the impact of RT volume, as it will could be prescribed a RT intensity based
cises such as the back squat (5,31), bench directly affect the intensity of RT that on a set velocity band that equates to
press (10,11,15,30), prone bench pull can be performed and vice versa. 90–95% 1RM (e.g., 3 repetitions at
(30), leg press (5), pull-up (2), and over- Given that movement velocity can a movement velocity of between 0.20
head press (1). The mean concentric accurately predict RT intensity and and 0.25 m/s). Alternatively, a velocity
velocity produced during a successful act as an objective indicator of neuro- stop may also be used (e.g., when move-
1RM lift is commonly known as the muscular fatigue, it is proposed that ment velocity drops below 0.20 m/s). If
movement velocity threshold (MVT). the use of velocity-based RT may allow the velocity band or stop is exceeded,
Interestingly, MVT and %1RM move- for the optimal autoregulation and then the load would be increased until
ment velocities have been shown to individualization of RT intensity and the movement velocity meets the
remain relatively consistent even when volume dependent on not only the required speed. Conversely, if the speed
absolute strength increases (11,23). desired training outcome but also an of movement drops below the set veloc-
Therefore, it is possible to create a move- athlete’s conditional, day-to-day train- ity band or stop, then the load could be
ment velocity profile and, with some ing readiness. Although 1RM may reduced or the set terminated.

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Autoregulated RT: Does VBT Represent the Future?

considerations that must be considered.

First, MVT is both individual and
exercise-dependent; thus, the same
absolute velocity will represent different
training intensities dependent on the
individual and the selected exercise.
Second, when measuring movement
velocity, it is important to consider
whether the measurement of mean or
peak velocity is more suitable. The use
of mean concentric velocity is seen as
a more stable metric during nonballistic
strength exercises such as the bench
press and back squat (15). Conversely,
the measurement of peak velocity has
Figure. Example of different load-velocity profiles for the back squat and bench press been proposed to be more suitable
exercises (16). RM 5 repetition maximum. when determining the load of ballistic
weightlifting movements (e.g., snatch
and clean and jerk) and their derivatives.
In addition, to optimizing RT intensity RT, its combination with an autoregu-
This is due to the fact that the attain-
and volume, monitoring of movement lated type approach may enable the
ment of a high peak bar velocity is a key
velocity enables immediate, real-time, optimization of a RT stimuli dependent
variable in determining whether a lift is
performance feedback that research on set training program objectives and
successful or not (23,34).
suggests may enhance physiological day-to-day fluctuations observed in an
adaptations to RT and motivate athletes athlete’s conditional training readiness. Although velocity-based RT training
to apply consistent maximal effort (27). For example, the first set of a RT pre- may enable a more precise and objective
Training with the intent to move a load scription could be performed at maxi- quantification of RT intensity dependent
as fast as physically possible is believed mal velocity with the load increased, on an athlete’s conditional, day-to-day
to enhance neurological adaptations to maintained, or reduced for subsequent training readiness, there does exist several
RT such as motor unit recruitment, fir- sets dependent on the predetermined shortcomings with its use. One RM test-
ing frequency, intermuscular/intramus- movement velocity band/stop. Train- ing will still initially be required when
cular coordination, and corticospinal ing loads could then be adjusted for using velocity-based loading to establish
excitability (6). All of which have been subsequent sets, enabling a more pre- exercise-specific MVT. However,
shown to enhance maximal strength, cise and objective quantification of RT exercise-specific MVT has been demon-
RFD, and power output. In addition, intensity. Another more novel strated to remain relatively consistent,
the provision of real-time, movement approach to velocity-based RT may despite increases in maximal strength
velocity information has been suggested be rather than performing a predeter- (11,23). Therefore, 1RM testing would
to help motivate athletes to increase mined fixed number of repetitions, be required considerably less than when
their speed of movement by providing training volume could be set based using the traditional percentage-based
a bench mark with which to compare on the magnitude of velocity loss, with approach. The cost of technology to
their own past performance and that of a set terminated when a given percent- accurately and reliably measure move-
others. This knowledge of results may age of velocity loss (e.g., 10, 25, or 50%) ment velocity can also be seen as another
motivate athletes to improve their own has been reached (13). For example, to limiting factor. However, the cost of lin-
performance while competing against develop maximal strength and RFD, ear position transducers, rotary encoders,
others, which in turn will help drive a minimal velocity loss (e.g., 5%) would and accelerometer-based technologies
consistent maximal intent during every be desirable, whereas a greater velocity has dropped considerably in recent years,
repetition, set, and training session (23). loss (e.g., 50%) would be targeted to although this is still likely to remain a lim-
elicit a sufficient amount of mechanical itation for many strength and condition-
VELOCITY-BASED and metabolic stress to promote mus- ing practitioners. Finally, further research
AUTOREGULATED RESISTANCE is required to investigate the long-term
cle fiber hypertrophy or enhance work
capacity. efficacy of a velocity-based, autoregula-
Several studies have demonstrated that tory approach toward RT.
the use of movement velocity to dictate AUTOREGULATED RESISTANCE
RT intensity can elicit significant gains TRAINING CONSIDERATIONS CONCLUSION
in maximal strength and athletic perfor- Although velocity-based loading offers Intensity and volume are arguably the
mance potential (3,4,12,23). Given the a unique way by which to optimize RT most important acute RT variables.
potential advantages of velocity-based intensity, there are several important Traditionally, RT intensity has been

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019

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