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Third Grading Period


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Learning Activity Sheet in English
Grade 5

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Learning Competency Page

Distinguish text-types according to

purpose and features: classification ----------- 1
Distinguish text types according to
purpose and features: explanation -----------

Distinguish text-types according to

purpose and features: enumeration ----------- 12
Distinguish text-types according to
features (structural and language) -
----------- 18
Time order (sequence, recounts,
process) ( EN5RC- IVc-3.2.9)

Summarize narrative texts based on

elements (EN5RC-Ic-2.23)

Provide evidence to support

opinion/fact (EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1) ----------- 25

Make a stand (EN5OL-Iih-4) ----------- 30

Table of Contents
Name of Learner: ______________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ______________________________________ Score: _____________________


Classification Text -Type

Background Information for Learners

Classification text-type consists of paragraphs in which separate items are grouped

into categories according to shared characteristics. Depending on the subject, it may classify
people, organisms, things, or ideas. Topic sentence identifies what is to be classified and the
categories used.

The paragraph below is an example of text-type called classification paragraph. Read it

carefully and try to answer the guide questions given.

A first date can end up being categorized as successful, clingy, boastful or

awkward. Successful first dates include both parties expressing information about
what they like, who they are, and so forth. Usually, these dates will end in tentative
plans for a second one. Clingy dates end up with one of the parties practically begging
for information about the other. However, the non-clinger is not interested. On
boastful dates, one member of the duo talks about all of his or her skills, talents, and
abilities. The listening end of the pair is never asked about his or her life. Awkward
first dates generally involve lots of silence or one or both of the partners not knowing
how to act appropriately. While many dates occur every day, they can generally fall
into one of these categories.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about?
2. What do you think is the purpose of the writer in writing this text?
3. How is a first date classified or described in the text?

Take a look on the graphic organizer below that presents the classification paragraph.

First Date


Clingy Boastful

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Remember: A classification paragraph describes various classes related to one category of

Learning Competency with Code

Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1)

Activity 1
Directions: Read the paragraph below, then fill-out the graphic organizer with the correct
classifications of matter.
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. There are three distinct states of
matter: solids, liquids, and gases. Solids are relatively rigid and have fixed shapes and
volumes. In contrast, liquids have fixed volumes but flow to assume the shape of their
containers, such as beverage in a can. Gases, such as air in an automobile tire, have either
fixed shapes nor fixed volumes and expand to completely fill their containers.


Activity 2
Directions: Read each paragraph carefully and identify its text-type. Check the box before the
paragraph that shows classification text-types.
1. Whole year-round typhoons occur. It is always good to prepare for the coming
of any typhoon as predicted. First and foremost, inspect your house if necessary repair or
fixing is needed. With this, cleaning up the house drainage system is a must to avoid clogging
up. Next, store an adequate supply of food and water good for a few days. Everything in the
house should be put in an elevated position, especially those items that generate electricity.
Water should not penetrate into them in case floodwater rushes into your house. Lastly,
always keep flashlights, candles, batteries, and first aid supplies.

2. People looking to lose weight have a few options: exercise, diet, weight loss
pills, and surgery. Exercising involves going to a gym, working out at home, or joining some
sort of class or sports team. Those who are dieting can talk to a doctor about a plan for them.
Weight loss pills can be taken, if proper precautions and directions are followed. Individuals
who are severely overweight can talk to a doctor about having surgery to lose the weight that
they need.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
3. Have you imagined not drinking water or any other liquid within the next
eight hours? This is what you basically do while you sleep. Your body become slowly
dehydrated or water-deprived because it needs fluid for the body organs to function or do
their job while you are sleeping. If you drink a large glass of water upon waking up, it would
fire up your energy for 90 minutes. Water helps your body flush out toxins, especially
through your kidneys. Since your brain tissue is 75 percent water, it needs to be hydrated
enough to operate well. You can feel drained, exhausted, or experience tiredness and mood
swings if you lack water. So, would you now start drinking a big glass of water first thing in
the morning or drop the idea?

4. Different students attend various types of schools; however, they can be

usually classified as either public, private religious, or private non-religious.Public schools
are funded by the government. Private religious schools are based around a particular faith,
and do not receive state funding. Therefore, private non-religious schools are simple just that:
schools which do not receive state funding and have the ability to make their own rules.

5. Weather is the continuous changing conditions of air around us. These

changes can take many different forms, including wind, rain, and snow. They influence how
people live every day. When it rains or snows, many persons are often forced to stay indoors.
Weather also affects one’s choice of clothes. One wears light clothes when the weather is hot
and thick, close-fitting clothes when it is cold.

Activity 3
Directions: Compose your own classification paragraph with your preferred topic. Write
paragraph in the blank lines below.
Please be guided with the provided rubric for scoring.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt Total/
Idea of the Idea of theIdea of the Idea of the Idea was
Clarity classification classificatio
classificati classificatio not
of paragraph n paragraphon n paragraph develope
messa was fully was fully
paragraph was d and not
ge developed developed was developed organized
and well and somewhat but not
organized organized developed organized
Creati Engaging Engaging Somewhat Engaging Not
vity and attention and engaging but not engaging
grabbing attention and attention and not
throughout grabbing but attention grabbing attention
not grabbing grabbing
Artistr Unique use Somewhat Common Very Language
y of the original use use of the common use is not
(Lang medium of the language use of the pleasing
uage medium language

I have learned in this activity _______________________________________________

Joy in Learning English LM-Grade 5
Internet website/Link

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Answer Key
Activity 1


Solid Liquid


Activity 2






Activity 3
Answers may vary.

Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: __________________________ Grade Level: ___________________
Section: _________________________________ Date: _________________________


Explanation Text Type

Background Information for Learners

This lesson introduces you to another text type called the explanation text type.

An explanation tells how something works or why something happens. It details and
logically describes the stages in a process. For example, statements or paragraphs that explain
how water cycle works or why we blink our eyes when we sneeze.

When writing an explanation you should:

• Use the simple, present tense
• Use words showing cause and effect
• Use the passive voice
• Avoid the use of technical language


Identifying Statement A general statement Rhythm is...

identifying the topic to be

Explanation Sequence A series of paragraphs that Rhythm is...

explain how and why Regular rhythm suggests...
things happen. Rhythm in nature is...
This is usually achieved by
discussing cause and effect
and using time

Concluding Statement A paragraph which Rhythm is written down in

summarizes the music...

Learning Competency with code

Distinguish text types according to purpose and features: explanation (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 1

Directions: Read the passage with you child and guide him/her in answering the questions
that follow.

The Water Cycle

The water cycle is also known as the hydrological

cycle. There is the same amount of water on the Earth
now as there was when the Earth began.  The water
cycle is how the earth's water recycles itself.  
The cycle includes precipitation, evaporation,
condensation, and transpiration.  Earth's water keeps
changing from liquid water to vapour and then back
again.  This cycle happens because of the sun's heat and

A. How does the Water Cycle work? Cite at least 5 explanations to justify your answer.






B. Why is water important?


Activity 2

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Directions to parents: Study the following passage with your child. Guide him/her in
writing the important details in a graphic organizer then compose a paragraph about the

How do you survive an earthquake?

Earthquakes are among the most destructive natural disasters. They occur mainly near
the edges of tectonic plates, but they can happen just about anywhere. Earthquakes cannot be
predicted, but your chances of survival are much better if you prepare in advance and you
know what to do when an earthquake strikes.

What do you do if you are in a vehicle?

If an earthquake strikes, stop your vehicle as quickly and as safely as possible. You
must then stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near, or under, buildings, trees, overpasses, and
utility wires. They can fall onto your vehicle, which could cause injury. Stay seated, until the
earthquake is over. You must keep calm - metal will protect you and your family.

When you are in a garage, get out of the car immediately; crouch down next to the
car; cover your head and hold on to the car wheel. Unfortunately, the metal will not protect
you from the concrete (from the roof) that could fall on it. If you are in a multi-level car park,
survival mainly comes down to luck. The best way to maximize your chances of survival, is
to do what you do in a garage - crouch next to the car. Do not try to rush back to your home
because the earthquake may spring into life again. Most major quakes have aftershocks,
which should not be underestimated.

Once you are confident the quake has finished, proceed cautiously. (Avoid roads,
bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake). If you become trapped
or blocked, wait for city relief efforts. Before long emergency relief efforts should arrive to
assist with your freedom.


When: How to survive:



Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Earthquakes are _________________________________________________________
ctivity 3

Directions: Read the passage with your child and guide him/her in writing a simple
paragraph that will explain what the passage is all about.

Chemical and Physical Changes

All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically.
Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those
that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or
flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical
change, and does not change the matter’s identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into
a new kind of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it
becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between them is that physical
changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are permanent,
which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of

What are chemical and physical changes? _________________________________________


Paragraph writing rubric:

4 3 2 1 Score
Strong main Adequate main Weakly stated Unclear main
idea idea main idea idea
Main Topic restated in the restated in the weakly restated not restated in
closing closing in closing closing
sentence sentence sentence sentence
Three or more Two
One supporting
Supporting supporting supporting No supporting
Sentences sentences per sentences sentences
per paragraph
paragraph per paragraph
Several errors Many errors
Many errors that
Few, if any, that that
Grammar interfere with
errors do not interfere make it
with meaning illegible


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Complete this statement:

What I have learned in this activity ______________________________________________



Answer Key

Activity 1 Answers may vary but with these ideas.

How does the Water Cycle work?

1. First of all, water molecules from lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, and the sea get heated
up by the sun and then turn into vapour that rises into the air.
2. Next, these water molecules form into clouds, this is because a process called condensation
3. When the air and the water cool, they form drops of water which then fall to the earth as
rain.  If they are frozen, they become snow or sleet. 
4. Once the water reaches the ground, it can flow across the land until it reaches rivers, lakes,
streams, or the sea. 
It can also sink into the ground and flow because of gravity through gaps in rock, gravel and
sand. Because of this, it reaches these bodies of water too. 
5. Now the cycle begins again, when water is evaporated once more.

Why is water important?

     Many of us think water will always be there for us when we want it.   Without water,
living things would die.  You will die if you go without water for more than a week.  Plants
will die without water and that would kill all of the animals that eat the plants.

Activity 2
What: Earthquakes
are the most
destructive natural

How to survive:
When in a vehicle,
When: They stop your vehicle.
cannot be Earthquake When in a garage,
predicted. crouch down next to
the car.

Where: They occur

mainly near the edges
of tectonic plates.

Answers may vary.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Earthquakes are among the most destructive natural disasters. They occur mainly near
the edges of tectonic plates, but they can happen just about anywhere. Earthquakes cannot be

If an earthquake strikes, stop your vehicle as quickly and as safely as possible. You
must then stay in the vehicle. When you are in a garage, get out of the car immediately;
crouch down next to the car; cover your head and hold on to the car wheel.

Activity 3

Students output may vary

Prepared by:



Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: _______________________ Grade Level:_______________________
Section:_______________________________ Date:_____________________________


Enumeration Text Type

Background Information for Learner

An enumeration paragraph or text records the kinds, characters, classes, types, parts,
ways, and groups of a thing or a subject. Transition/ signal words used to show enumeration
are the following: in many ways, such as, first or one, second, or next, and so on. These are
called enumerations.
Read the text below. Note how the ideas are being organized.

The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram shows the three different types of stars. The first
type is called the Main Sequence which includes the sun. These stars are fuelled by
nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen into helium. The hotter they are, the brighter they
become. They last for about five billion years. The second type includes the supergiants.
As they reach old age, they deplete their hydrogen supply. Their core contracts as their
outer layers expand. Eventually, they will explode becoming nebula or supernova, then
white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. Third, smaller stars consequently become
white dwarfs, shrinking and depleting their nuclear fuels, finally becoming cold, dark,
black dwarfs.

What is the paragraph about? What things are enumerated to show the different types
of stars? What words or phrases signal the enumeration or listing?
See how an organizer shows the structure of the paragraph.

General Subject
Types of Stars

Type Type Type

Main Sequence Supergiants Smaller Stars

Learning Competency with code

Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features. (Enumeration) EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 1

Directions: Read each paragraph. Complete the organizer that follows by filling-in the
needed texts in the box provided.

1. As a grade five pupil, Emmanuel was already self-motivated and self-directed in

many ways. He would assist his mother in some household chores and some errands, on days
when there would be no classes; he would go with his father in the farm and would pasture
carabao to the fields. On weekdays, he would burn the midnight oil working on his
assignments and studying his lessons.

General Subject

characteristic characteristic characteristic

2. The Earth’s surface is constantly changing through slow processes that we don’t
usually see. One is erosion. This has worn away rocks and mountains over millions of years,
caused by air, water, and wind. Another change is caused by earthquakes that originate deep
inside the planet. More sudden and violent than erosion, and earthquake results when strains
between Earth’s plates produce shock waves. And, the third process results when molten
rock- forming material called lava, escapes onto the surface through gaps in the crust. What
we experience is volcanic eruption.

General Idea

Process Process Process

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 2
Directions: Study each paragraph with your child. You may guide him/her in completing the
organizer that follows.
1. As you are exposed to more and more difficult lessons, you need to have the
following effective study strategies. One, write down every task in a to-do list with the due
date. For long term projects, set due dates for certain stages for each project before the
submission. Another is that make flash cards for memorizing vocabulary words and create
charts or graphs for key figures, dates and concepts. Still another helpful strategy, take good
notes in class and review them after school to reinforce the material early on. And of course,
make learning a habit- rereading your lessons after school, understanding them, and then
summarizing the things you learned. This strategy makes you always ready and confident to
any examination, either announced or not. Follow these proven effective strategies and you
will surely achieve academic success.

General Subject:

First Strategy:

Second Strategy:

Third Strategy:

Fourth Strategy:

Fifth Strategy:

2. According to David DiSalvo, there are five characteristics of highly respected

achievers that make them different. One, respected achievers are tenacious. They are
unstoppable when it comes to seeking out ways of reaching a goal. Thinking the well-being
of others, they do not resort to means that unnecessarily harm others, however. Another
hallmark of these people is their consistent commitment. They do what they say they will do
despite failure or unforeseen circumstances. Still another distinct characteristic of respected
achievers is their sense of practicality. They focus on what practically works, adjusting in
any way until the desired outcome is achieved. A fourth hallmark of respected achievers is
their way of resolving negative or painful experience strategically called strategic resolution.
The fifth one is responsibility ownership. Respected achievers willingly and readily takes or
owns responsibility in the event of any failure by the team even if other members do not.
The “Golden Rule” likewise guides their behaviour.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
General Subject

Characteristic Characteristic

Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic

Activity 3
Directions: Read each paragraph below and make a list of the ideas shared in your own-
designed graphic organizer. Please guide your child in this activity.
1. There are number of good reasons for immigrating to Finland. First, everyone speaks
English. Second, Finland has a superior, free health system and education is
addition, most public transport is free. A third reason is that Finns are friendly,
outgoing people. Finns also value equality between the sexes. Finally, where except in
Finland you can swim outside during the winter.

2. There are essentially three types of parents. The first type of parent acts like a
consultant who provides loving and logical guidance for his/her child. In addition, the
consulting parent shares feelings about responsibilities and helps the child explore
alternatives in order to make his or her own decisions. This allow the child to explore
solutions and learn from them. The second type of parent is called the helicopter
because this parent hovers over the child constantly. The helicopter parent tries to
protect the child by making all decisions implying that the child is not capable of
handling any responsibility. Moreover, this parent assumes the child always needs
rescuing from a hostile world. The last type of parent is the drill sergeant who
commands and directs the life of the child. This parent makes a lot of demands and
tells the child how s/he should handle responsibility. To do this, this parent sometimes
makes threats and uses punishment as the teaching method. In conclusion, it seems
the best parent is the consultant although most parents probably have characteristics
of all three types to a certain degree.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
What I have learned in this activity, ______________________________________________

Kristine Erika C. Castillo, Evelyn B. Angeles, Joy in Learning English 5 Textbook, Page 273-
Alicia R. Bambico, Evelyn B. Angeles, Rainbows in English, Page 530-533

Answer Key
Activity 1

Assissts his mother in Goes with his father to burns the midnight oil to
household chores pasture carabao study his lessons

Processes on Earth's

Erosion Earthquakes volcanic eruption

Activity 2
Study Strategies

Write down every task in a to-do-list with due date.

For long-term projects, set due dates for certain stages before the submission.

Make flash cards for memorizing vocubalry words and create charts of graphs
for key figures, dates and concepts.

Take good notes in class and review them after school to reinforce the material
early on.

Make learning a habit.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Characteristics of

Tenacious Committed

Resolves negative takes or owns

Practical experiences strategically responsibility

Activity 3
(Graphic organizers may vary)
1. Good reasons for immigrating to Finland.
a. Finns speak English.
b. Finland has a superior, free health system and education is addition, most
public transport is free.
c. Finns are friendly, outgoing people.
d. Finns value equality between the sexes.
e. you can swim outside during the winter in Finland

2. Three Types of Parents

a. consultant parent
b. helicopter parent
c. drill sergeant parent

Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner____________________________ Grade Level: ____________________
Section: __________________________________ Score: _________________________


Time Order Text Types

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet is about another text type which organizes ideas according to how
things are done or processed, arranged following time or by sequence -the time order text
1. Process or how – the text gives explanations or directions. Each sentence tells the
next step in carrying out a process or in getting from one place to another.
Transitional or signal words that may be used to show order of steps include first,
second, third, then, before, after, during, meanwhile, etc.
How to Purify Cloudy Water
Boiling is perhaps the safest way to purify cloudy water. You will need
a boiling pot, fire, salt, a coffee filter or cloth, charcoal and cotton. First, pre-
filter the cloudy water with a coffee filter cloth or folded cloth. Then boil the
filtered water. Add a small amount of salt to improve the taste of water as it is
boiling. If you are above 2000 feet altitude, boil for three minutes. Next, let
the water cool. Meanwhile, make a cotton and charcoal filter by crushing the
charcoal and putting it in the cotton as trap. This will remove impurities and
still some bad taste from the boiled water. Finally, filter the boiled water
through the cotton trap.

2. Recount text- discusses time or chronological order; the sentences are arranged in
the order in which the events they describe happened.
3. Sequence- in sequence of importance, the ideas are built from the least important
detail to the most important detail or from the most important to the least

Learning Competency with Code

Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language) - Time order (sequence,
recounts, process) ( EN5RC- IVc-3.2.9)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 1
Directions: Read (and guide your child) to analyze the following time orders text types.
Identify if it is a process, recount or sequence.

1. How to Propagate Plant through Air Layering

Air layering is one of the easiest way to propagate plants that is being practiced by
many nowadays. First, prepare the tools and materials and the plant that you want to
propagate. Soak the moss in water, squeezed out water and set aside. Next, using a knife,
cut at least two inches long and remove the skin/bark of the pant. Put the moss and wrap it
with clear plastic and tie it well on both sides. Then, wait for one to two month for it to
have roots. Finally, cut it from the mother plant and is now ready to be planted directly on
the soil or in your pot.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

2. Daniel Enrico was the first to notice the flames coming from the storage room
at around 7:30 pm on June 9, 2020. A problem with the alarm box made it impossible for
the people in the area to call for the fire department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block is
blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all over the place. The heavy wind only made
the fire bigger. Another day had passed the fire was completely out. By that time, many
buildings had been burned.


Activity 2
Directions: Read and analyze the following text with your child and let him/her underline the
transition/signal words used to introduce the details.
 Once upon a time there was a king and queen who had no children. After a long
time, the queen gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Three fairies gladly offered
wonderful gifts. First, a blue fairy offered her a gift of wisdom. She wished the baby
to be wise and kind princes someday. Then, the pink fairy offered the gift of music,
singing as sweetly and melodiously as a nightingale. Before the green fairy could
offer her gift, a witch came along to the palace and offered her a terrible gift, the gift
of death. Everybody began to weep. At this very instant the green fairy spoke up and
said that the princess will not die. Instead she will fall asleep. After that, a king’s son
shall come and waken her.

Activity 3
Directions: Guide your child in reading and analyzing the text. Let the child answer the
questions after reading the text
 Vanessa was a woman of contentment - in what she did and what she had in her
life. First, she never pressured her parents to give her the things and comfort that her
classmates enjoyed as a teenager. Next, she never questioned nor compared their way

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
of living with her classmates. She believed that God blessed every one of us
differently. Most importantly, Vanessa valued the opportunity to be able to study – a
venue of challenge towards excellence.

a) What is the text type? ________________________________________________

b) How are the details presented? _________________________________________
What words or phrases help you understand that the details are sequenced from the
least important to most important? ______________________________________

What I have learned in this activity_______________________________________________

Joy in Learning English 5 copyright 2016 by Vibal Group Inc. pages 286-288

Answer Key

Activity 1 process
Activity 2
 Once upon a time there was a king and queen who had no children. After a long
time, the queen gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Three fairies gladly offered
wonderful gifts. First, a blue fairy offered her a gift of wisdom. She wished the baby
to be wise and kind princes someday. Then, the pink fairy offered the gift of music,
singing as sweetly and melodiously as a nightingale. Before the green fairy could
offer her gift, a witch came along to the palace and offered her a terrible gift, the gift
of death. Everybody began to weep. At this very instant, the green fairy spoke up
and said that the princess will not die. Instead she will fall asleep. After that, a king’s
son shall come and waken her.
Activity 3
a) Sequence
b) Ideas were presented from least important to the most important.
c) First, next, most importantly

Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ___________________
Section: ___________________________ Score_________________________


Summarizing Narrative Text

Background Information for Learners

A summary restates only the main points of a text without giving examples or details
such as dates, numbers, or statistics. When you summarize, you keep in mind the answers to
the five (5) Wh's and How questions.

1. Who- refers to the characters in the story

2. Where-refers to the place the story took place
3. When- refers to the time the story took place
4. What – tells what the story is about
5. Why and How- refer to the plot or series of events from the beginning to the end as conflict
arises and then solved.

Remember to do the following in writing a summary.

1. Refer to the central and main ideas of the original text.
2. Keep the five (5) Wh's and How questions in mind.
3. Do not include your opinion on the story or topic.
4. Keep your summary brief.
5. Use your own words.

This is the original text.

Long ago, people spent their lives roaming in search for food. They went from place
to place looking for wild plants. They hunted fish and fished wild animals. Then, people
found they could tame certain animals. They learned to grow plants, such as rice and wheat.
People stopped roaming and settled down as farmers.

This is how the text has been summarized.

Long ago, people gathered wild plants and hunted wild animals to eat and later on,
settled as farmers.

Learning Competency with code

Summarize narrative texts based on elements (EN5RC-Ic-2.23)

Activity 1

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Directions: Read the paragraph. Circle the letter of the best summary.

1. The first farmers planted seeds by scattering them on the ground which was quite
wasteful. Some of the seeds were blown away. Birds ate some seeds that remained on the
soil's surface. Still, farmers used this method of planting for hundreds of years.

a. Seeds planted by scattering were blown away by the wind.

b. Farmers were not aware that scattering seeds was a wasteful method.
c. For many years, seeds were planted by a wasteful method-scattering.

2. In the beginning, there was no human life on earth. A giant hawk pecked at a floating
bamboo. The bamboo split open. Out came Malakas, the first man and Maganda, the first
Malakas and Maganda lived together. They had many sons who grew up lazy and
stubborn. Malakas drove them away.
Some of the sons went away to the forests. They became serfs or slaves. Some lived
in rocks and caves and became timawas or freemen. The rest roamed around and became
nobles or maharlikas.

a. The first man and woman came from a bamboo that split open and they had many sons
who later became serfs and slaves, freemen, and nobles.

b. There was no life in the beginning-the first man and woman drove their sons away who
lived in the forest, settled in caves, and roamed around.

c. A giant hawk found a bamboo, split it open, and the sons became slaves when they left
their parents.

Activity 2

Directions: Summarize in four to five sentences the fable “The Lion and the Mouse”. Be
guided by the five (5) Wh's and How questions. (where, who, what, when, why, how). Please
guide your child in this activity and refer to the rubrics below the activity for scoring.

The Lion and the Mouse

One day, a lion was sleeping. A mouse runs over the lion's nose and the lion
wakes up. The lion is angry. The mouse is scared. "I’m very sorry," says the mouse.
"Don’t eat me! I can help you one day."
The lion laughs. "That’s funny!" It says. "You are little! How can you help me?"
But the lion is not angry now. The mouse runs away.
One year later, the lion is walking in the jungle. A big net falls over the lion. The
lion opens its mouth and roars. The mouse hears the lion and it runs to help.
"Don’t move," says the mouse. "I can help you."
The mouse chews the net and makes a big hole. The lion is free. "Thank you,"
says the lion. "You are little, but you are kind."

Use the rubrics to score your summary.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
4 3 2 1
Your summary Your summary Your summary Your summary does
includes the most includes some of the includes a few of the not include the most
important facts of the most important facts most important facts important facts from
text. from the text. from the text. the text.
Your summary Your summary Your summary Your summary does
shows strong shows evidence of shows some not show evidence of
evidence of the the structure of the evidence of the the structure of the
structure of the text text. structure of the text. text.
Your summary Your summary Your summary Your summary does
strongly reflects the reflects the author's slightly reflects the not reflect the
author's purpose for purpose for writing author's purpose for author's purpose for
writing the text. the text. writing the text. writing the text.

Activity 3

Directions: Read the text with your child. Guide him/her in writing a five-to-six sentence summary. Please refer
to the rubrics in activity 2 for scoring.

The Wind and the Sun

From Aesop’s Fables

The wind and the sun were having an argument.

"I’m stronger than you," said the wind.
"No, I’m the stronger one!" said the sun.
Just then a man came walking along the road.
The sun said, "I see a way to decide who is right. Whichever one of us can make that man
take off his coat would be stronger. You begin."
So the sun went behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow on the man as hard as it
could. But the harder it blew the more closely the man wrapped his coat around him. At
last, the wind had to give up.
Then your
Write the sun came out
summary from behind the cloud and shone in all its glory upon the man. The
man walked for a while. Then he found he was too hot. He took off his coat.



What I have learned in this activity ______________________________________________


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Kristine Erika C. Castillo, Evelyn B. Angeles, Joy in Learning English 5 Textbook, Pages 38,
43, 53.

Internet Website/Link

Answer Key

Activity 1
1. c
2. b

Activity 2-Pupils answer may vary

Activity 3-Pupils answer may vary

Prepared by:


Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ____________________________________ Score: _____________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Fact Or Opinion

Background Information for Learners

You have learned that fact refers to truth and can be verified as real whereas opinion
refers to one’s feeling, thoughts, belief or judgement.

However, when you state a fact or an opinion, you have to support such claim with
evidence. This may include observations, experiences, or conclusions based on experiments
or studies.

There are signal words and phrases that often precede a statement of fact or opinion:

Fact Opinion
 The annual report confirms…  He claimed that…
 Scientists have recently discovered…  It is the leader’s view that…
 According to the results of the tests…  Many scientists suspect that…
 The investigation demonstrated…  In my own belief…

Study the chart on how to give support/evidence to a fact or opinion

Learning Competency with code

Provide evidence to support opinion/fact (EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1)

Activity 1
Directions: Read each sentence. Determine if each sentences is a fact or opinion. Write F if it
is a fact and O if it is an Opinion on the line provided.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
______ 1. As of July 3, 2020, there are 29,087 active cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines.
______ 2. Batanes and Quirino are still COVID-free on that date.
______ 3. We had a great day at the beach.
______ 4. I live in a farm surrounded with vegetable garden.
______ 5. I am happy and comfortable seeing my plants every day.
______ 6. Brazil is located in the continent of South America.
______ 7. Manny Pacquiao is a Filipino professional boxer and Senator of the Philippines.
______ 8. It’s a pleasant day for fishing.
______ 9. Bicycling is one kind of exercise that all people enjoy.
______ 10. The Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras are example of a developed,
living cultural landscape.

Activity 2

Directions A: Copy the sentences and underline the word or phrase which proves that the
statement is an opinion.

1. Martha believed that children nowadays are more creative than those born in the
2. I’m sure we can be more productive during this time of pandemic because everybody
wants to survive.
3. If I were the group leader, I will require everybody to submit a report on their project as
environment caretaker.
4. Waiting for hours to get a ride for me is the most stressful part of a commuter.
5. Filipinos are probably not united because of the different languages used in each region
and the geographical condition of the country.

Directions B: Copy the sentences and underline the phrase that proves the statement is a fact.

1. Modern cars that have computers control the amount of fuel or check if they are safe to
2. Washing machines are programmed to wash clothes.
3. Charts and diagrams seen on TV screens are called computer graphics.
4. People with disabilities make use of computers to make them move and speak.
5. In offices, computers make work light, easy and free from hassles

Activity 3

Directions: Read the following sentences. Copy the sentences onto the graphic organizer they
belong, and explain or tell your reasons why they belong to fact or opinion.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
1. Sunny days are the most fun kinds of days.
2. Harry potter is a movie about wizards and their adventures.
3. Drums are loud and not good to listen to.
4. The sun heats our earth and provides light.
5. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals.
6. Drums are part of the percussion group and have been used in music for centuries
7. Harry Potter is the best movie ever made.

Fact Reason/proof Opinion Reason/proof

1. _________________ 1. _______________
2. _________________ 2. _______________
3. _________________ 3. _______________
4. _________________ 4. _______________
_________ __

Activity 4
Directions: Read the statements carefully then determine if the underlined statement/ phrase
is an evidence showing a FACT or an OPINION. Write Fact or Opinion in your answer sheet
1. A “kimono” is a loose, wide-sleeved robe fastened at the waist with a wide sash. It has a
small pillow in front and at the back. It is the national costume of the Japanese.
2. May sister believed that staying with our grandmother for many years made her an expert
in cooking native delicacies.
3. I am just thinking that the writer expresses his emotions to complete the poem or story he
is writing. The more intense, the better outcome.
4. Mohandas Karamchan Gandhi was born of a rich family on October 2, 1869, in
Porbandas , India. Gandhi studied Law in England where he was considered second-class
citizen because of his color and religion.
5. In modern times, Thai-writings show western literacy forms. Their realistic novels
dealing with psychological problems have enjoyed popularity among the better educated.

Guide Questions
1. What is fact? What is opinion?

2. How do you support a statement if fact or opinion?


Complete this statement:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
What I have learned in this activity…

References for learners

Joy in Learning English 5, pp.155
Essential English 6 Work Text in Language and reading, pp.190-192

Internet Website/Link

Answer Key
Activity 1
1. fact 6. fact

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
2. fact 7. fact
3. opinion 8. opinion
4. fact 9. opinion
5. opinion 10. fact

Activity 2
A. B.
1. Martha believed 1. Modern Car
2. I’m sure 2. Washing machines
3. If I were the group leader 3. Computer graphics
4. for me 4. People with disabilities
5. probably 5. computers

Activity 3 Answers may vary

Fact Reason/proof Opinion Reason/proof
1. Harry Potter is a I watch Harry 1. Sunny days are Its only feeling of
movie about wizards Potter the most fun others
and their adventures. kinds of days.
2. The sun heats our We experience the 2. Drums are loud Drummers love to
earth and provides heat and its and not good to listen so not true to
light. brightness listen to. all.
3. Fruits and vegetables From scientific 3. Harry Potter is That his/her feeling
have vitamins and study the best movie towards harry potter
minerals ever made. (Answer may vary)
4. Drums are part of the It was being studied
percussion group and
have been used in (Answer may vary)
music for centuries

Activity 4
1. Fact
2. Opinion
3. Opinion
4. Fact
5. Fact
Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: ________________________________ Grade Level: ______________
Section: _______________________________________ Score: ___________________


Make a Stand
Background Information for Learners
Making a stand means to hold firm against something or someone or to make an effort
to defend something or to stop something from happening. Standing for something means
setting aside your fear of making fun of and saying what you really believe. Say it. Say it and
mean it and don’t say you’re sorry when someone disagrees.
When you make a stand, you have to express your side clearly-say if you agree or
disagree to something and give all the reasons to support your answer or your side.

Learning Competency
Make a stand (EN5OL-Iih-4)

Activity 1
Directions: Read the following statements and give your judgment to each sentence. Write
AGREE or DISAGREE and write a sentence to support your answer.
______ 1. Not wearing school uniforms can be expensive for parents.
______ 2. Wearing of school uniforms limits students’ self-expression.
______ 3. School uniforms do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or exam
______ 4. Wearing school uniforms can improve punctuality.
______ 5. School uniforms provide a safer environment.

Activity 2
Directions: Read the following sentences. Then, write AGREE or DISAGREE and the reason
why you agree or disagree to each of the statement. A rubric is provided as your guide in
formulating your stand.
_______ 1. One must wear face mask at all times.
_______ 2. The Local Government Units or LGUs should not allow the entry of Locally
Stranded Individuals or LSIs.
_______ 3. Philippines will buy vaccine against COVID-19 to China where the virus
_______ 4. Philippine government to put up a separate hospital for the COVID-19 positive
patients to reduce the number of confirmed cases.
_______ 5. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte approves the face-to-face learning modality to
COVID-19 low-risk provinces.
Rubrics for scoring Activity 2:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Well-defended stand 3
Fairly-defended stand 2
Poorly-defended stand 1

Activity 3
Directions: Read the article on Corporal Punishment and give your opinion regarding it.
Make sure to have a clear stand. Be guided with the rubrics.

In article 233 of Family Code 1987 and was also confirmed in the Public Schools
Service Manual 1992 and the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools 1992, corporal
punishment is prohibited in both public and private schools. Corporal punishments include
spanking, slapping, yelling, and pinching.
Despite that many studies have shown that physical punishment can lead to increased
aggression, antisocial behavior, physical injury and mental health problems for children, still
some believed that corporal punishment is a discipline method to a child’s unacceptable
behavior or inappropriate language which can prevent its recurrence and set an example for

Viewpoints are Viewpoints are
Most viewpoints
Viewpoint clear and unclear and
are clear
organized disorganized
Arguments are Most arguments
Use of facts Arguments lack
supported with are supported with
and examples factual support
facts and examples facts and examples
Many, but not all,
Relevance of All supporting Few supporting
supporting arguments are arguments are
arguments are
arguments relevant relevant
Sentences sound
All sentences are Most sentences are awkward and
well constructed well constructed difficult to
and no errors in and makes a few understand and
grammar and errors in grammar has numerous
spelling and spelling errors in grammar
and spelling
All arguments are
Strength of Some arguments Arguments are not
strong and
arguments are convincing convincing

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Complete this statement:
In this activity, I learned _______________________________________________________

Answer Key

Activity 1.
Answers may vary
Activity 2.
Answers may vary
Activity 3.
Answers may vary

Prepared by:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

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