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HSK1 Vocabulary

Part 1 代词 Pronouns

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 我 wǒ I, me

2 我们 wǒmen we, us

3 你 nǐ (singular) you

4 你们 nǐmen (plural) you

5 他 tā he, him

6 她 tā she, her

他们 they (male+female / male,

7 tāmen

8 她们 tāmen they (female, plural)

9 这 zhè this

10 这儿 zhèr here

11 那 nà that

12 那儿 nàr there

13 哪 nǎ which

14 哪儿 nǎr where

15 谁 shéi who

16 什么 shénme what 1
多少 how many, how much (to ask
17 duōshao
numbers larger than 10)
几 how many, how much (to ask
18 jǐ
numbers less than 10)

19 怎么 zěnme how

20 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how (is it)

Part 2 名词 Nouns

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 家 jiā family

2 学校 xuéxiào school

3 饭店 fàndiàn hotel, restaurant

4 商店 shāngdiàn shop, store

5 医院 yīyuàn hospital

6 中国 Zhōngguó China

7 美国 Měiguó the U.S.

8 北京 Běijīng Beijing, capital of China

9 上 shang up, above

10 下 xià under, below

11 前面 qiánmiàn front

12 后面 hòumiàn back, behind

13 里 li inner, inside, interior

14 今天 jīntiān today 2
15 明天 míngtiān tomorrow

16 昨天 zuótiān yesterday

17 上午 shàngwǔ morning, before noon

18 中午 zhōngwǔ noon

19 下午 xiàwǔ afternoon

20 年 nián year

21 月 yuè month

22 号 hào (for date of month) number

23 星期 xīngqī week

24 分钟 fēnzhōng minute

25 现在 xiànzài now

26 时候 shíhou time, moment

27 爸爸 bàba father

28 妈妈 māma mother

29 儿子 érzi son

30 女儿 nǚ’ér daughter

31 老师 lǎoshī teacher

32 学生 xuésheng student

33 同学 tóngxué classmate

34 朋友 péngyou friend

35 医生 yīshēng doctor 3
36 先生 xiānsheng Mr. , sir

37 小姐 xiǎojiě miss, young lady

38 衣服 yīfu clothes

39 水 shuǐ water

40 菜 cài dish, cuisine

41 米饭 mǐfàn rice

42 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit

43 苹果 píngguǒ apple

44 茶 chá tea

45 杯子 bēizi cup, glass

46 钱 qián money

47 飞机 fēijī airplane

48 出租车 chūzūchē taxi, cab

49 电视 diànshì television

50 电脑 diànnǎo computer

51 电影 diànyǐng movie

52 天气 tiānqì weather

53 猫 māo cat

54 狗 gǒu dog

55 东西 dōngxi things, stuff

56 人 rén human, people, person 4
57 名字 míngzi name

58 书 shū book

59 汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese (language)

60 字 zì character

61 桌子 zhuōzi table, desk

62 椅子 yǐzi chair

63 工作 gōngzuò job, work

Part 3 动词 Verbs

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 想 xiǎng to want, would like

2 会 huì can, to be able to

3 能 néng can, may

4 爱 ài to like, to love

5 喜欢 xǐhuan to like, to be fond of

6 是 shì to be

7 有 yǒu to have, there be

8 请 qǐng (polite) please

9 看 kàn to look at, to watch, to read

10 看见 kànjiàn to see

11 听 tīng to listen 5
12 说 shuō to speak, to say

13 读 dú to read

14 写 xiě to write

15 叫 jiào to call, to be called

16 吃 chī to eat

17 喝 hē to drink

18 睡觉 shuìjiào to sleep

19 做 zuò to make, to produce

20 买 mǎi to buy, to purchase

21 开 kāi to drive

22 坐 zuò to sit, to be seated

23 住 zhù to live, to stay

24 学(习) xué (xí) to study, to learn

25 工作 gōngzuò to work

26 认识 rènshi to meet, to know

27 来 lái to come

28 回 huí to be back, to return

29 去 qù to go

30 谢谢 xièxie to thank

31 再见 zàijiàn goodbye, see you around

32 对不起 duìbuqǐ to be sorry 6
33 下雨 xiàyǔ to rain

34 打电话 dǎ diànhuà make a phone call

不客气 you’re welcome, don’t

35 bú kèqi
mention it

36 没关系 méi guānxi that’s OK, it doesn’t matte

Part 4 副词 Adverb

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 不 bù no, not

2 没(有) méi (yǒu) no, there is not

3 很 hěn very, quite

4 太 tài too, excessively

5 都 dōu both, all

6 多 duō indicating degree or extent

Part 5 形容词 Adjectives

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 好 hǎo good, fine

2 大 dà (of age) old, big

3 小 xiǎo small, little

4 多 duō many, much 7
5 少 shǎo little, few

6 冷 lěng cold

7 热 rè hot

8 高兴 gāoxìng glad, happy

9 漂亮 piàoliang beautiful, pretty

Part 6 数词 Numeral

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 一 yī one

2 二 èr two

3 三 sān three

4 四 sì four

5 五 wǔ five

6 六 liù six

7 七 qī seven

8 八 bā eight

9 九 jiǔ nine

10 十 shí ten

Part 7 量词 Measure words 8
xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì
序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 个 gè a general measure word

2 岁 suì year (of age)

本 a measure word for books,

3 běn
dictionaries, magazines, etc.

4 些 xiē some, a few, a little

块 a unit of money, same as

5 kuài

6 点 diǎn o’clock

Part 8 数量词 Numeral measure words

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
Number Phrase Pinyin Meaning

1 一点儿 yìdiǎnr a few, a little

Part 9 助词 Particles

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 的 de used after an attribute

1. used at the end or the middle

of a sentence to indicate a
2 了 le change or a new circumstance
2. used after a verb to indicate
an action is completed

3 吗 ma used at the end of a question

4 呢 ne use at the end of a question 9
Part 10 连词 Conjunctions

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 和 hé and

Part 11 介词 Prepositions

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 在 zài in, on, at

Part 12 叹词 Interjections

xùhào cíyǔ pīnyīn cíyì

序号 词语 拼音 词义
number Word Pinyin Meaning

1 喂 wèi hello, hey 10

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