B - 02chief - Method v1.11

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Chief’s Business Suite 

Hello, and welcome to my personal business suite that I have 
handcrafted for you, my mentee. The moment you purchased 
this guide you made a promise to yourself you would begin 
again, learn, unleash the wolf, and make money. 
On this cover page, I am asking you to renew that promise. Ask 
yourself why your purchased this guide, my mentoring, I want 
you to find the deeper reason behind it all.  
On this cover page, I want you to renew your commitment to 
yourself. You might be broke, poor, in bad conditions, but I 
want you to commit to the fact YOU ALONE have the power to 
change that. YOU ALONE must complete the steps necessary 
to unleash your full potential.  
On this cover page, I want to renew my promise to you. My 
promise to you is that I, Chief, will do my absolute best to 
bring out the absolute best in you. My journey to tens of 
thousands of dollars began with one step, one mentor, and one 
single dolar.  
I will finish this cover page with a listing of my contact 
methods, you may reach me through the following, and I 
normally reply within minutes.  
Skype: apockthecat 
Discord: agentgod#1110 
Believing in yourself 
The first step to becoming a true entrepreneur and businessman is 
believing that you can be. I have seen so many promising people with 
potential throw
​ it all away because ​“its too hard” or “​ only the pros can do 
that, it’s not for me”. 
The moment you adopt the quitter and lazy mindset is the moment you 
set yourself up for failure. You’re not doing yourself any favors by doing 
The ones you’re doing favors by doing nothing are the non-believers, 
the haters are doubters. Do you want to prove them right? NO YOU 
Haters, doubters, and non-believers are the entrepreneurs fuel, words 
of discouragement don’t hurt the businessman, they bounce off of him 
and he rebounds harder and stronger.  
Have you ever done anything in life and felt like giving up? Of course, 
that’s life. Have you ever seen it through and finished? If not, then 
under my mentoring may be the first time you do. I ​GUARANTEE ​it is 
the best feeling in the world.  
While you’re working on my method, following my mentoring, I want 
you to remember that more valuable than the tools I am providing you 
and the help I am giving you is the belief that you must find within 
yourself. The belief that says I can and I will do it, truthfully, that is the 
most valuable thing you can have.  
Without further ado, you are ready to begin your journey, I can’t wait to 
Ground Floor 
In architecture, there are floors to a building. All buildings start with a 
ground floor. Business is not much different from architecture. You 
must start somewhere, and always will be starting at the bottom. 
The good thing about business, and about buildings, is that if you have 
the drive and motivation to, you will not stay at the bottom. The first 
thing you need to do is find a way, even with no investment or capital, 
to move up a level. All of life is about moving up a level, up a level, 
another level, until you’re at the top.  
Step 1: ​What we’re going to begin with absolutely is defining what you 
have an interest with. Is is sports, or clothes, or music, or art, or tech? 
You will have a much easier time making money by doing what you 
already enjoy. For an example of my first business experience, it began 
when I was 13 years old, I asked my mother for $10 to buy a box of 30 
bags of chips. I then took those bags to school the next day and sold 
them for $1 each. This brought me a $20 profit everyday from just 
selling chips. In the beginning, I want you to apply that simple 
knowledge of buying bulk product and selling it individually, sniping 
(means to quickly buy very cheaply) under-market product and selling 
it at a premium, and flipping whatever you can. I know it is simple, but 
it is crucial that you have capital to truly build, manage, and create a 
successful business.  
**For Step 1, if you already have $100 or so in capital, it is not crucial for 
you to complete, however it is good practice nevertheless.** 
The goal of completing this simple, but somewhat tedious step, is to get 
some starter money, but also to get your name out there. The more 
business you conduct, the more trustworthy and known you are in 
future, more profitable ventures.  
Now that you have been doing that, your name should be out there 
**​always stick to one name/alias, you will build a reputation on that!!** 
Those who stick to buying small product amounts low and selling them 
high will not reach the profit margins a true entrepreneur would like to 
see. $20 profit a day selling chips was not enough for me, I wanted 
more, so I got more (you must keep this greed mentality always).  
Step 2: ​The second step in this guide is now that you’ve got the 
groundwork established, you will want to make connections with those 
you’ve done business with and continue building your name up as a 
trustworthy and honest businessman.  
The goal of this step is that even if you are still dealing small, not 
making huge moves, you will earn the attention of those around you. 
No matter what website you are on, these laws of business remain true.  
Step 3: ​This is the final step of this part of the guide. Step 3 is when you 
have earned your rightful place among other entrepreneurs and 
businessmen in your section. However, you should ​not​ be content here. 
Being at this level will allow you to sell and market products specifically 
chosen, with my help, for maximum profit.  
Overview:​ Pages 1-4 of this guide were written by me, Chief, to give you 
a short and sweet explanation about the important parts of business. I 
began with the singular most important business idea, persistence, 
believing in yourself, and not giving up. I then ventured into my 3 steps, 
in which step 1 included beginning to practice business and gain capital, 
step 2 described up-scaling your improved business practices, and step 
3 described using your now heightened business senses to achieve your 
goals. These first four pages are crucial, you must be familiar with 
customers, sales, and marketing to achieve the profit and goals of your 
In the following pages we will get very much into what you can sell, 
where you can sell it, and how you can truly cash out, this is what you 
invested in my knowledge for, this is where you are going to make your 
Method - Sales 
From completing the steps, and reading the text of pages 1-4, you 
should now have a very good idea of what business is, how to conduct 
it, and how to maximize your profit doing it. However, I have not told 
you what to sell or where to sell it, or how to sell it. In this section, I will 
be doing exactly that.  
In March of 2018 I realized something. I saw that on Ebay, people were 
paying top dollar for something I could get for one dollar. They were 
paying for premium non-free accounts.  
If you are familiar with hackforums, you know that there is an entire 
section dedicated to non-free accounts. Netflix, Spotify, and many 
other accounts are sold in that section all the time. Below is a current 
screenshot of the non-free accounts section, the average price of 
accounts is about $1.50 per account, however almost all sellers will offer 
bulk deals.  

Look through individual threads to find the best possible option for you. 
This will require a bit of whats called “market research” and is very 
valuable to know how to do when you engage in future business 
ventures. At the time of this writing the average price of a Hulu account 
(Lifetime warranty) on Hackforums was $2.50. Here is Hulu accounts 
being sold on Ebay. 

Most businessmen aim for a profit return of about 45%, ($100 -> $145), 
this profit margin blows that right out of the water. $2.50 -> $12.00 is 
nearly a ​1000x ​return of investment. Insane.  
If you need any help finding a good person to buy from, or if you need 
any help setting up your listing on Ebay, please let me know and I will 
be more than happy to assist you.  
Ebay is a very busy website. There are over 100,000 daily visitors to 
ebay.com, all you need to do is capture 20 peoples attention and get 
their sales, and you’ll be making $200 a day doing nothing but sending 
out usernames and passwords.  
Method - Cashout  
For this method we will be utilizing ​https://www.paxful.com​, Paxful is 
a website where you can deposit bitcoin and trade it with sellers for gift 
cards, cash, or whatever else pleases you.  
Paxful sellers often offer ridiculous rates, the cool thing about that is 
you can deposit $100 worth of bitcoin and get, say, $350 worth of 
Dominos Pizza gift cards, you can then sell that gift card/code for close 
to face value on Ebay or to a real life friend, here is a screenshot.  

As you can see there, you are getting $100 worth of Dominos for $29. 
You can sell that anywhere you want, using business knowledge you 
hopefully learned in pages 1-4.  
Another example of this can be seen using Skrill, the process will work 
as follows. 
1. Visit this link https://paxful.com/sell-bitcoin/skrill, find a seller 
offering a good rate so that you are getting $1.40~ Skrill for $1 
bitcoin. (40% profit). 
2. Make or purchase a fake Skrill account, you can find these on the 
deep web or possibly https://www.bitify.com, you will also need 
a remote desktop protocol, here is a guide to getting a RDP for 
free ​https://pastebin.com/uYgDf8m2​, I recommend this because 
Paxful sellers are a little suspicious. After you’ve done this make a 
real Skrill account with legit info. Remember to use different IP’s 
for both your accounts. 
3. When you have paid the Paxful seller, and gotten your fake Skrill 
account, you will want to send the money from the fake account 
to the real account. 
4. You should now have $140 on your Skrill account from a $100 
investment. You can withdraw this to your bank/card, or spend. 
This is very easy to rinse and repeat. 
5. **Extra**, you could in theory skip the stealth Skrill account and 
have the money sent directly to your main, but I do not 
recommend this simply because Paxful sellers are unreliable. 
After converting most of my Skrill to my bank, and then sending some 
of that to my PayPal, I worked my way all the way up to this from only a 
$50 initial investment.  

Reaching the end of this guide means you’re ready to get to work. The 
sooner you take action the better. I don’t want to hear any sorry 
excuses about “​its too hard”, “I can’t do this”. We talked about those 
sorts of thoughts in the first four pages of this guide, they are 
self-destructive and will lead to nothing but negativity and loss of 
I want you to know, again, that I am here for you 100% along the way of 
this journey. Your success is my utmost concern and I am here for you 
at almost all hours of the day. My time zone is pacific standard time, so 
keep that in mind if I do not reply that I may be sleeping.  
My fastest contact method is Skype, my second fastest is HF PM’s, my 
slowest is Discord, keep that in mind when contacting me as well.  
I look forward to seeing you grow as a entrepreneur and businessman, 
and I am excited for our work together, lets get started!  

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