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OMBRA - hf

Digital codes method

My name is Ombra, thank you for purchasing this ebook.

This method has been developed by me and a friend of mine

in order to get digital codes for free.

You need:

• an profile
• a profile (verified)
• expensive items photos (consoles, phones etc…)
• a fake facebook profile (verified)

Let’s start with the explanation: is an auctions website where members can list their own items and get
offers from other members. Offers aren’t made with real money but with a virtual
value called “credit” (1.000 credits for convention are around $1, since site owner
sell $10 amazon gift cards for 10.000 credits).

Listia also give you badges which are “rewards” that appear on your profile when
you do a cetain thing (example: you log in for 7 days and get the 7 check ins badge;
you receive 15 feedback ratings and get the 15 feedback ratings badge etc..)
between these badges there are a few that help you in getting trusted; these are:

• Wings
• Seller wings
• Trusted seller
• Verified account level 1

Once said this I can propose you 2 ways to work: the first one is the fast but unsure,
while the second one is the long but 100% successful. I’m going to explain them and
then you have to choose which take.
Fast but unsure way:
• Just list a few items you own, posting photos of them with your name on a
piece of paper.
• Get offers (‘ll be low since you’re not a trusted member)

At the end of the auction contact the winner saiding that you’re going to ship the
item (but in truth you have not to ship). You have just to take time with winner
since 20 days are needed to transfer credits from customer profile to yours.

After 20 days you ‘ll get your credits (if winner didn’t open a dispute on you because
didn’t get the item) and you have to spend them as soon as possible in the rewards
store by purchasing digital items (not physical. Digital items only).

Once you have done this just disappear. Rainse and repeat. Your account ‘ll be likely
closed or turned in negative since credits ‘ll be reverted to the customer and your
credits balance ‘ll be something as “-100.000“.

This is the end of the fast but unsure way.

Long but successful way:

(if you’re wondering, KingOfHunt3rs is my old username)

This way have 100% chance to give you excellent results, but you must be patient
and follow these steps:

• Verify your account by mobile (use pinger or ask somebody on HF

to make a mobile verification for you. Is not vocal, you have just to tip a code)
• Link your account to your fake facebook account (this must be
verified by mobile too)

In this way you’ll get the “Verified account - level 1” badge. This make you seem
more trusted and must be used for next step.

• Now you have to list at least 15 auctions of little items which aren’t expensive
(digital codes as 48 hours xbl codes, receipes for food, or whatever you can
get for free and can be sent by private message on listia). I suggest you
making 20-25 of these auctions because a lot of user didn’t give you feedback
once they win, and for this step you need 15 positive feedbacks.

Now that you have your positive seller feedbacks just “play on listia”: you should
have something as 1.000 credits; well, use these to buy little digital items and
getting customer feedbacks, because you must wait 20 days from your sign up day
in order to get 3 important badges (wings, seller wings and trusted seller. This one is
the most important for this method).
This badge is important because give you a very trusted aspect, and more than this
allow to get credits instantly from the winner at the end of each your auction. What
does this mean?

This mean that you can list a $100 amazon gift card, an iphone or other very
expensive items and once the auction end you’ll get your credits instantly. Consider
that 1.000 credits is around $1. A $100 amazon gift card is sold by members at
around 80-100.000 credits; if you list 2 of these you ‘ll get easily over 150.000
credits, which can be spent in the rewards store to get a true $150 amazon gift card
which you ‘ll receive by mail. This is just an example, you can list 2x$50 amazon gift
cards, 2x$100, 4x$10 and get more credits.

Once you receive your gift cards, disappear, rinse and repeat.
Golden advice: you have not to wait 20 days without doing anything. I suggest you
making 5-6 (even more) listia accounts, in order to get more profits without waiting
cycle of 30 days each time.
Thanks for reading.

Ombra- HF

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