Fernand A. Claud Ba Polsci 2A: Reflections On Child Trafficking

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Reflections on Child Trafficking

According to Martin Luther King Jr. “Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter,” the quotation described the real scenery on children
being victimize by Human Trafficking. The horrible spread of human transaction globally
is pushing the particular agencies concern families and other people to be more vigilant
and be educated in this transcending phenomenon.

I feel so saddened seeing the number, 1.2 billion of children and babies being
trafficked annually worldwide, this reality is not a minor concern instead this should be
taken seriously and address firmly by the society. I cannot imagine how these children
will grow in an environment that extremely treats them inhumane, our generation is not
for sale and it is not for the purpose of oneself. To me, the hatred and anger to these
human traffickers is overflowing, hearing the wonderful voice of an infant but ended into
a miserable life because of parents selling their children, because of people giving false
promises, people who has no heart but have only the desire for their own and violently
exploiting children, truly these people do not deserve the word forgiveness.

After watching the video clip, the woman who speaks on the video captures my
admiration as she becomes one of the biggest contributors in the movement of stopping
child trafficking. This Indian woman has also been into nightmare of her life being raped
by 8 men, this really is a heart breaking for a young innocent woman being use to give
pleasure for men who is longing for intercourse and has a deeper lust. Children
particularly are the most affected in this predicament that result to various effects on the
physical and psychological aspect. Children are exploited, often far from home because
their families lack means to provide for them. They seek better lives elsewhere, sweet-
talking traffickers seize on this pattern. But poverty is not the only push. In much of the
world, religion, race, gender and origin determine how marketable children are. In
places with war or few resources to live off, many children are left to wander on their
own. They no longer have a family or their family is unable to care for them. Their
unsafe migration makes them very vulnerable, these children often disappear and they
are force to work anywhere or as house slaves.

After listening and reading a documentation concerning child trafficking in this

lesson, I felt compelled to delve further into this issue. While researching some articles,
I discovered the horrors behind the world’s fastest growing illegal industry. Quickly, I
knew that one of the most important things for the community to do to combat the
different methods of trafficking is through education . This unfortunate life of victims
delivers a message to us that we must love and takes good care of our children, our
women and our family. It is our role to impart and raise awareness to people especially
the younger generation that such kind of violent is occurring. Education plays a vital role
in abolishing the growing industry of child and human trafficking.  

The victims of human trafficking are traumatized, abused, and trapped.  After
months of abuse and enslavement she is dependent on drugs for which she has to pay.
This adds to her debts and she comes to accept her fate as it is. The drugs keep her
submissive, cooperative and docile when being abused by customers. She is forever in
debt. The minors are trained to have a “loyalty” to their pimp or “master.” Contrary to
what one might expect, not all the girls trafficked want to be “rescued’ or saved from the
sex bars. The bar owners convince them that it is their life job and the only thing they
are fit for and if they get saved they have to pay back their debts. They have been
conditioned and coerced and threatened. It is common that they have a low self-esteem
and accept their fate as inevitable.
People in general give little value to children that are not their own. The street
children are seen as petty criminals and expendable. The minors are not considered
victims by the police if found in sex bars but are considered guilty of a crime and fall into
police power are then sexually exploited by the corrupt police. They are threatened with
criminal charges into giving sexual favours in some cases. Foreign governments must
ban convicted pedophiles from travelling abroad where they can abuse women and
children- girls and boys- with impunity. This is something we can do and this is what I
stand for, stop “Child trafficking and invoke the rights of this victims to be rescued.”

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