Pe9 q2 Mod4 Socialdances Version2

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Government Property


Physical Education
Quarter 2, Wk. 6-8 Module 4
Waltz (Modern Standard Dance)

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Lesson Waltz (Modern Standard Dance)
What’s New

Waltz is one of the most popular Modern Standard dances that travels around the line
of the dance characterized by its “rise and fall” and “ body sway” action played in
triple time signature. The rise and fall indicates the elevating and lowering that a
dancer feels as he/she moves onto the toes, then relaxes through the knee and
ankle, ending on a flat foot that gives couples an up-and-down appearance as they
glide effortlessly around the floor while the body sway gives couples a pendulum-like
look, swinging and swaying their upper bodies in the direction they are moving.

Waltz is known as waltzer from the Latin volvere, meaning rotate. It was born as an
Austro-Gernam folk dance known as the landler, which characterized by the rotating
movements of partners dancing together. The music of Johann Strauss, an Austrian
composer lived in Vienna helped to popularize the Waltz.

Waltz has different styles such as American waltz, International waltz and Viennese
waltz. The American waltz style uses both closed and open movements often moving
toward the nearest wall or the center of the ballroom. It allows more freedom of
expression. International waltz style is danced exclusively in the closed dance
position. It is slower however this style was heavily codified. Viennese waltz style
was the earliest form of the dance that is close to the contemporary forms. It was
prominent in the mid-19th century in Vienna, Austria but until now it is one of the most
popular dance in dance sport competition.

The basic step pattern of waltz is box step or left box step. The illustration below will
guide you on how to execute this step.

1 - Step back with the R foot. 1 – Step forward with the L foot
2 – L foot step sideways to the left 2 – R foot step sideways to the R
3 – Bring your R foot close to your L foot 3 - Bring your L foot close to your R foot
4 – Step forward with L foot 4 – Step back with the R foot
5 – Step forward sideways w/ the R foot 5 - Step back sideways w/ the L foot
6 – Bring your L foot close to your R 6 - Bring your R foot close to your L foot

Waltz Left Foot Change Waltz Right Foot Change

1 – Step your L foot forward 1 – Step your R foot forward
2 - Step forward sideways w/ your 2 - Step forward sideways with your
R foot L foot
3 - Bring your L foot close to your R 3 - Bring your R foot close to your R
foot foot

Waltz Forward Progressive Step Waltz Promenade Step

1 - Step your L foot forward

2 – Step forward sideways w/
your R foot.
3 - Bring your L foot closes to
your R foot.
4 - Step your R foot forward
5 - Step forward sideward L w/
your L foot
6 - Bring your R foot closes to
your L foot.

Counting: 1, 2 3 Time Signature: 3


Natural Turn Waltz Chasse from Promenade Position

1- Step your R foot forward 1 – Step R foot across in Promenade

2 – Step your L foot to the side Position (PP) and contrary body
3 – Step your R foot closes to L foot movement position (CBMP)
4 - Start to turn R. Step your L foot 2 - Step L foot to side and slightly
Backward forward
5- Step your R foot to side 3 - Step R foot closes to L foot
6 - Step your L foot closes to R foot 4 – Step L foot side and slightly forward
to complete the turn. 5 - Step R foot forward in contrary
body movement position

Waltz Technique

Posture and Frame

 Lady:
o Always remember to keep upper body to your left throughout figures, leave the
whole right side to Man. Head follow your elbow.
o It's especially important to stay left for turning figures, otherwise Lady will end in
front of Man and block him. (For example, it's easy to shift to right in Chasse in
promenade position.
o Beat 2 and 5: stretch the head even more (more extension) and bring hips and
ribs to the Man, frame needs to "breathe", allow bigger extension and more open
frame at the top.

Waltz Movement

In all steps, the feet should glide/slide/skimming on the floor before stepping.

Note: Before allowing your students to practice, review or remind the students on the
common injuries happen during the dance training and how to treat them.
Remind them also to do a 5 minute warm-up exercises before training and
5 minute cooling down exercises after training.

- Waltz is one of the most popular Modern Standard dances that travels around the
line of the dance characterized by its “rise and fall” and “ body sway” action
played in triple time signature.
- It has different styles namely: American waltz, International waltz and Viennese
- Box step or Left box step is the basic dance step of waltz.
- Counting: 1, 2 , 3 or quick, quick, quick
- Johann Strauss helped waltz become popular through his music.

Assessment: (Post-Test)
Complete the crossword puzzle by answering the questions below.

1. An Austrian who lived in Vienna who composed greatest music for Waltz dances.
4. Waltz music is written in _______ time signature.
7. Waltz is characterized by its “Rise and ______ technique.
9. The International waltz, sometimes called the slow or ________ waltz, is danced
exclusively in the closed dance position.


2. It is a smooth dance that travels around the line of dance.

3. Waltz is known as waltzer from the Latin volvere meaning ___________.
5. At the count of three, men _____ his L foot closed to his R foot.
6. The basic dance step of waltz is a _________ step.
8. This style of waltz uses both closed and open movements often moving toward the
nearest wall or center of the ballroom.
10. At the count of 4 in waltz forward progressive step, men steps his ____ foot forward.


Government Property


Quarter 2, Module 4-7
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippine

Quarter 2, Wk. 4 - Module 4
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse

What’s New
Activity 1: Let’s Read and Learn!

Every individual has its own reason to live in life with different ways. Others believe
that in order to live you must learn to adapt what is in your environment. They believed that
in order survive you must do what you believe, that is why there were individual who goes on
with life miserable, they thought that using drugs of abuse can produce pleasure. In life, the
use and abuse of drugs had a very bad effect in a person when it is continuously used and
abused. A prolonged use and abuse of drugs may result to bad effect of a person. Like
change of attitude towards mental, physical, emotional and social wellbeing, and even death.
But we should know that the effects of drug’s that is taken into the body is not always the
same. Effects usually depend on the amount of a substance may create. Some may create
feeling of pleasure and some will create a feeling of restlessness even in a same amount of
substance use and abuse.

Myths and Misconception about Drug use:

Myth 1: Memory enhancer

It is said that when you need to retain in your memory what you have read, is to take
drugs. The truth is when you take drugs your brain has no capacity to think better and never
perform quickly.

Myth 2: Use and abuse substance may help loss weight

Use and abuse drugs stimulate the production of acid in the lining of the stomach
which dictated by the brain not to eat, that may result to loss of weight .The truth is that
when you skip meals the higher secretion acid from normal will accumulate which can result
to ulcer.

Myth 3: Use and abuse of substance ease problems and worries.

There are many reason why some individual use and abuse drugs. Others may
reason out that they want to forget problems in life. They believe that drugs will help them
forget problems and ease worries. The truth is continuous and prolonged use and abuse
worsen the situation and the added more problems and worries.

Drug is any substance that causes a changes in an organism physiological
or psychological condition when consumed. They are typically distinguished from food and
substance that provide nutritional support. Consumption of drug can be via inhalation,
injection, smoking, ingestion, absorption via a patch on the skin, or dissolution under the
Different chances of drug abuse come across by knowledge base, these chances
that affects individual who use and abuse drugs has an effect which is short-term and long-
term. Some individuals was influenced by myths and misconceptions that they believe it is
true. The signs of abuse drugs to an individual has categorized appropriately influences by
using and abused drugs.

The existence of Drug in the country today is our problem and it’s everybody’s
Responsibility to assist eliminate these .With the continuous learning from the school,
support from the family and program of the government and non-government sector that
gives a great help for the people to eradicate drug addiction in the nation.
The option to be healthy and drug free community is in our hands, with these we will
help one another, encourage, support and uplift healthy environment,

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Modified TRUE or FALSE.

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not and underline the
word/words that made it wrong. Write your answer on the space provide below.
1.____________Use and abuse of substances may not help loss weight.
2.____________Declining interest in studies and work is a sign of physical changes.
3.____________Drugs use and abuse affects monetary limitation on the society because
of addiction.
4.____________Drug use and abuse is prone to serious damage and injury that affects the
5.____________Numbness of the muscles and nerves is a short-term effects on Drugs
use an abuse.
6.____________Incoherent speech is a short-term effect on drugs use and abuse.
7.____________Brain not functioning properly is considered as short-term effects on drug
use and abuse.
8.____________Drugs use and abuse indicates undisciplined behavior.
9.____________Constant use and abuse of drugs to young adult reduce attention in going
to school.
10.___________ Long-term effects can be felt for weeks, even for a life-time.

2, Wk. 5 -
Module 5
Effects of Drug abuse

Drug abuse canof affect not only from oneself, also by abusing the substances can
affect also to your family, to your school, to the community where you live.
are the Effects of drug use and abuse on your family, school, and
e Use

A. Harmful effects of Drug Use and Abuse on Family

 Pain in the Family
 Broken and unhappy family ties
 Ignored duties and responsibilities
 Financial problems
 Expensive treatment and rehabilitation
B. Harmful Effects of Drug Use and Abuse on School
 Poor academic performance
 High percentage of Absences and tardiness
 Multiple incidence of school fights/trouble
 Don’t have any achievements in school
 Disrespectful to School Authorities and Policies
C. Harmful Effects of Drug Use and Abuse in the Community
 High incidence of crime
 High incidence of accidents
 Affected economy due to low manpower production
 Loss of government funds due to drug-related operations, treatment and
Who are affected in drug use and abuse?

1. Self – is an individual person as the object of its own reflective consciousness. A

typical character or behaviour, the basic personality or nature.
2. Family – a group of parents consisting of parents and children living together in a
household. The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing
their children.
3. School – an institution for educating children or people at which instruction is given
in a particular discipline. Its purpose is to provide for the fullest possible development
of each learner for living morally, creatively, and productively in a democratic society.
4. Community – a group of people living in the same place or having a particular
characteristic in common as result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
It is a social unit with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or

5. Society – the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered
community. An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity. It
involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same
spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant
expectations. Its purpose is basically to serve individuals’ needs for survival. It is way
of harnessing the resources and abilities of others in order to increase individuals’
chances of survival and improve individuals’ quality of life.

What’s New

According to the news, addiction of drug and HIV-AIDS are often not related cases.
In the Philippines using (IDUs) Injecting drug user is one reason of transmission for Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which causes the (AIDS) or Acquired Immune Deficiency
HIV is a blood-borne virus which means, it is transmitted from one person to another
through blood transfusion, sexual intercourse, exchange of body fluids, and from mother to
child during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
AIDS is a syndrome because it is a complex pattern of symptoms. Is a disease
which attacks and weakens the body’s immune system.
There are thousands cases of infection. In relationship to drug use and abuse, the
two most recorded means of transmission of HIV-AIDS is through the following:
1. Risky sexual behaviour
2. Sharing of needles through drug use

High Risk behaviours:

A. Injecting Drug Users (IDUs).
To inject drugs through needle sharing during sessions.
B. Poor judgement and risky sexual practices.
Can lead the person to perform risky sexual practices which further aggravate HIV-
AIDS infection.
C. Prognosis of disease and drugs
Is a prediction of a particular future of the disease which viral in brain cells is more
than other cells in the body.
D. Delay in drug abuse treatment
The treatment or medication of a drug user will depend on the user how long they take the
drugs. The longer they keep on taking drugs, the treatment or medication will be delayed.
The earlier a drug user seeks treatment, the better the chance to be cured in a short period
of time.


Drugs by nature are good because it makes us feel better, it treats our illnesses,
help calm down patients with mental disorders or relieve patient’s pain and suffering.
The rampant use of drugs may result to a bad, harmful or dangerous effect to
oneself, family, school, and community. It also gives burden to health, socio-cultural,
psychological, legal, and economic dimensions.
Various risk of drug use has been discovered by medical science. These risks
are called effects. Effects are either short-term or long-term. One of the effects of
drugs particularly those injected into the blood stream is the risk of HIV-AIDS
contamination. HIV-AIDS in the Philippines is continuously growing and posing threat
to every Filipino. We must move now and make a difference to give our children
hope of living a better life tomorrow.

Assessment: (Post-Test)
Multiple choice: choose the letter of your correct answer

1. Separation of family members

a. Harmful effect to family
b. Harmful effect to self
c. Harmful effect to school
d. Harmful effect to community

2. What does the effect of drugs to school?

a. Ignored duties and responsibilities
b. Poor academic performance
c. High incidents of accidents
d. Always on fighting
3. Loss of government funds due to drug related operations, treatment and
rehabilitations is a
a. drug effect to self
b. drug effect to school
c. drug effect to community
d. drug effect to family
4. A typical character or behaviour, the basic personality or nature.
a. Family
b. Community
c. School
d. Self
5. The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children.
a. Family
b. Society
c. Community
d. School
6. An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.
a. Family
b. Society
c. Community
d. School
7. An institution for educating children or people at which instruction is given in a
particular discipline.
a. Family
b. Society
c. School
d. Community
8. It generally meant to describe the emotional and mental process that is associated
with the development of human brain
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
9. The physical aspect of an individual will function abnormally.
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
10. The effects of drugs particularly drugs those injected into the blood stream is a risk of
a. Disease

c. Tuberculosis
d. Addictive

The health, socio-cultural,
psychological, legal, economic
dimension of substance use
6 and abuse
How will you explain the health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal, and economic
dimensions to substance use and abuse?

1. Health - because of drug abuse the health will be at stake, and it’s because of the
rampant abused of drugs. The physical aspect of an individual will function
2. Socio-cultural – drug has its big contribution with the change of an individual values
to the society. The common characteristics in the community will become
uncommon. The norms, custom, attitude, respect, and etc. are being vanished.
3. Psychological – psychology is the study of behaviour of person. It generally meant
to describe the emotional and mental process that is associated with the
development of human brain. Thru drug abuse the normal process of the human
system will be change. Because drugs are chemical substance that can alter the
mind and body.
4. Legal – it is against the law to posses, make, use, import, or sell drugs. Penalties for
violating various aspects of the law, will become hunted by the authority.
5. Economic – substance of abuse is taking a major toll on in terms of costs and
productivity. It will affect economy due to low manpower production.


Drugs by nature are good because it makes us feel better, it treats our illnesses, help
calm down patients with mental disorders or relieve patient’s pain and suffering. The
rampant use of drugs may result to a bad, harmful or dangerous effect to oneself, family,
school, and community. It also gives burden to health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal,
and economic dimensions.
Various risk of drug use has been discovered by medical science. These risks are
called effects. Effects are either short-term or long-term. One of the effects of drugs
particularly those injected into the blood stream is the risk of HIV-AIDS contamination. HIV-
AIDS in the Philippines is continuously growing and posing threat to every Filipino. We must
move now and make a difference to give our children hope of living a better life tomorrow.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Multiple choice: choose the letter of your correct answer

1. Separation of family members
a. Harmful effect to family
b. Harmful effect to self
c. Harmful effect to school
d. Harmful effect to community
2. What does the effect of drugs to school?
a. Ignored duties and responsibilities
b. Poor academic performance
c. High incidents of accidents
d. Always on fighting

3. Loss of government funds due to drug related operations, treatment and
rehabilitations is a
a. drug effect to self
b. drug effect to school
c. drug effect to community
d. drug effect to family
4. A typical character or behaviour, the basic personality or nature.
a. Family
b. Community
c. School
d. Self
5. The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children.
a. Family
b. Society
c. Community
d. School
6. An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.
a. Family
b. Society
c. Community
d. School
7. An institution for educating children or people at which instruction is given in a
particular discipline.
a. Family
b. Society
c. School
d. Community
8. It generally meant to describe the emotional and mental process that is associated
with the development of human brain
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
9. The physical aspect of an individual will function abnormally.
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
10. The effects of drugs particularly drugs those injected into the blood stream is a risk of
a. Disease
c. Tuberculosis
d. Addictive

Decision – Making Skills and
Resistance Skills to Prevent
Module Substance Use and Abuse
Drugs are chemical substances that alter the mind and body. It can turn harmful and
even worse end up the life of an individual.
Prevention is the best way to fight and avoid the harmful effect of drugs. People
need to know and understand the factors that may harm them and protect them from
this kind of harmful substance.
The following are the risk factors that you should avoid:
 Poverty
 Aggressive behaviour
 Lack of self esteem
 Peer pressure
 Curiosity
 Less family supervision
 Boredom
 Availability of drugs

Decision – making skills – are skills which is relevant to resistance skills, in this skills you
should gain confidence. Learn to motivate yourself with other things.
-is a personal decision of young individual to with stand social pressure or self pressure.

Resistance Skills – are skills that a person will say No and leave on a harmful situation. It
will help individuals practice on how to reinforce decision making.

1. Have confidence in Answering
2. Make your reasons brief and to the point
3. Make yourself busy at all times to avoid boredom
4. Be a good influence with other people
5. Be positive always
6. Express your ideas in the right manner

Quarter 2, Wk.8 - Module 8

Healthy Alternatives to Substance Use and
Healthy Alternative – are healthy tips and ways to avoid substance use and abuse. These
are diversion act to keep from using drugs. It will help sharpen your mind and will think
straight and made a right decision

1. Involved in healthy community activity
- Is working with community to improve the built environment as part of Active
- An equitable community is one that offers complete social, physical and mental

2. Keep yourself busy

- Create new challenge, you must talk to your favourite fictional characters, read
some books to keep your mind busy and might travel alone.

3. Eat properly don’t skip meals

- Skipping meals can also cause your metabolism to slow down, when you skip a
meal or go a long time without eating, eating regularly can keep you think well
and good.

4. Be engage in sports
- Through casual or organized participation, aim to use, maintain or improve
physical ability and skills. It will help you fight depression and anxiety.

5. Sleep well
- It plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting
enough quality sleep at the night times can help protect your mental health,
physical health, quality of life and safety.

6. You must not have a long break

- It provides opportunities for people to learn important life skills, that when people
mingled together, they learn how to take turns, resolve conflicts, and solve

Drug is good when it is used to treat people’s illnesses, it can help to eases the pain of the
person who uses it as treatment. The present drug scenario in the Philippines is changing.
The local and international drug syndicates are being apprehended and prosecuted as
mandated by the law.
The proliferation of drug use and abuse is the result of greediness of people to earn
more money from drugs and create an issue of health concern in the society. In the
Philippines the most commonly used drugs are shabu, marijuana and inhalants or solvents.
The government along with non-governmental organizations and private institutions
find alternative ways to prevent and control the spread of drug addiction and dependence in
the country. These healthy alternatives are effective strategies to educate, advocate and
promote a drug free-community and instill in our youth that drugs are not good and will only
destroy their lives and that their family and community

Assessment: (Post-Test)
Multiple Choice: Encircle the answer of your choice.
1. This is the best way for people to avoid the use and abuse of drugs?
a. Prevention c. Control
b. Cure d. All of the above
2. These are helpful skills that will enable a person to say No?
a. Control c. Decision-making
b. Resistance skills d. All of the above
3. It is identifying and choosing alternative ways?
a. Resistance skills c. decision-making
b.Control d. All of the above
4. The following are various modes of treating drug dependents except one.
a. Eclectic Approach c. Therapeutic Approach
b.Spiritual Approach d. Voluntary
5. Among the choices provided which one that can be used to develop resistance skills.
a. Give confidence in saying No to drugs
c. Be friends with drug users
d. Do not have confidence in saying No to drugs
e. Lack of self confidence
6. The following are healthy alternative ways in prevention of drugs except one
a. Go with friends always
b.Eat , exercise, and sleep in time
c.Always be with bad influence friends
d.Skip meals and sleep
7. The drug dependent decides on his/her own to be examined and admitted.
a.Compulsory confinement
b.Voluntary thru representations
d.All of the above
8. This approach uses Bible teachings as a source of inspiration to change drug
a. Eclectic approach
b. Therapeutic approach
c. Hazelden-Minnesotta Model
d. Spiritual approach


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