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Slave Narratives:

o A firsthand account written or orally recounted by a former slave.

o T he majority of slave narratives were written during the Civil War and published by anti
slavery newspapers and journals.
o A recollection of what slaves went trough
o Tales of harrowing journeys from enslavement in the South to freedom in the North:
detailed record of the historical period
o Detailed records of the mental as well as physical oppression of the narration: they
retell their experiences with intense emotion. As a result we are able to know what
really happened
Slave Narratives are important parts of American Literature:
o They serve as historical documents that provide eyewitness account of slavery
o As autobiographies, they give voice to generations of enslaved people.
o They constitute the beginning of a literary movement by African Americans.
Abolitionists used these methods to end slavery:
o Speeches to educate the public
o support of public policies that would help make slavery illegal: voiced their support
publicly (actions)
o Antislavery publications such as journals and newspapers
One of the most effective weapons abolitionists used was the testimony of former slaves:
o While helping black runaways escape to the North, the abolitionists interviewed the
fugitive slaves.
o They recorded their firsthand account of the inhumanity of slavery
o The interviews were published in antislavery newspapers
Frederick Douglass:
o His autobiographical work gave a remarkably accurate picture of slavery and offered a
convincing portrait of African American humanity.
Slave Narratives by Women:
o One harsh reality of slavery was that it tried to turn human beings into helpless,
hopeless victims
o Former slaves such as Harriet A. Jacobs spoke and wrote of her heroic efforts to
preserve her self-respect as women in the face of enslavement.
o Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass:
- epoch: noteworthy period of time
 synonym: period
- comply: agree to a request or command
 synonym: obey
 antonym: disobey
- subjected: made to experience some action or treatment
 synonym: exposed
- interpose: put forth in order to interfere
 synonym: insert
- gratification: satisfaction, delight
 synonym: fulfillment
 antonym: dismay, displeasure
o Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl – Jacobs
- Malice: ill will; desire to harm.
 synonym: hatred, cruelty
 antonym:
- Fervently: with intense feeling.
 synonym: passionately, enthusiastically
 antonym: unemotionally
- provocation: something that stirs up action or feeling
 synonym: aggravation, frustration
 antonym: conciliation
- cunning: sly or crafty
 synonym: sneaky
 antonym: straight forward
- compelled: driven; forced
 synonym: required
 antonym: persuaded
o Letters:
- calamity: great misfortune
 synonym: disaster
 antonym: blessing
- strife: bitter struggle
 synonym: conflict
 antonym: peace, success
- impelled: urged; strongly driven
 synonym: forced
 antonym: voluntary
- exempt: freed from a duty or other binding restriction
 synonym: excused
 antonym: liable
- detract: take away importance from
 synonym: diminish
 antonym: increase, maximize
o A literary movement that sought to portray ordinary life as real people live it.
o Attempts to show characters and effects in an objective, almost factual way.
o It is the complete opposite of romanticism
What caused Realism to occur?
o The Civil War: Four-year conflict in the US that destroyed cities, industries, and lives; left
bitter memories and economic desolation in the south; this literature will reflect the
frustration of those affected.
o Advances in Science and Education: advances in psychology, biology, geology
contradicted long held beliefs about nature of humans, the world, and the universe.
o Advances in Technology: Photography allowed people to see real, sometimes
dismaying, images of war & poverty. Telephones and coast-to-coast railways allowed
more people than ever to hear about that affected nation.
o Social Changes: 1865, the 13 Amendments to the US Constitution outlawing slavery,
was ratified. Industrialization led to overpopulation and poverty in the cities. The
agrarian economy of the south was devastated by the war and by the loss of slave labor.
Many newly fired slaves and other southerners moved to northern cities looking for
work. Immigrants from a strife-torn Europe arrived in great numbers. Northern cities
grew quickly and without planning. Slums housed the new arrivals.
Characteristics of Realism
o Revolt against Romanticism
o Rejection of the idealized, larger-than-life hero of Romantic literature
o Detailed depiction of ordinary characters and realistic events
o Emphasis on characters from cities and lower classes
o Avoidance of the exotic, sensational, and overly dramatic
o Use of everyday speech
o Focus on the ethical struggles and social issues of real life situations
Comparison and Contrast between…
Realism: Romanticism:
1.emphasizes accuracy and objectivity 1.Emphasizes imagination and emotion
2.depicts common everyday heroes 2.depicts larger than life heroes
3.views the world scientifically 3.views the world poetically
4.focuses on real life situations 4.focuses on exotic, supernatural and
imaginary worlds
Outstanding Authors:
o Daniel Defoe o Anthony Trollope o Gustave Fleubert
o George Elliot o Leo Tolstoy o Stendhal
Outstanding American Authors:
o Kate Chopin o Willa Carther
Letter to His Son; Letter to Sarah Ballou; from A Diary from Dixie; The Gettysburg Address
Writer Audience Writer’s Beliefs How
Affect Content
Robert E. Lee His son -Southern He wants his son to
-He disagrees with remember his ideals
the Secession and southern beliefs
He wants to state his
point of view to his
son and to be
completely honest to
Major Sullivan Ballou Sarah Ballou, his wife -Northern He wants her to know
-The love for his that she is his
country is bigger than inspiration
anything He is going to do
-He believes he has a everything he can to
duty to his country to survive
preserve the union
- He felt obligated to
Mary Chesnut To her diary, herself -Southern She is being honest,
-Patriotic her expressions are
- She is desolate more sincere since
because she knows she is writing in her
her side is losing private diary
Abraham Lincoln Dignitaries that -Northern He must have
attended the -Unity of the nation formality in his
memorial at - We should not let speech and he has to
Gettysburg memorial them die in vain be eloquent due to
cemetery - He believes in his audience
- He wants to
preserve the union

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