PLT424 Laboratory 1

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Automated Guided Robot Laboratory Module


PLT 424 / 3

DC Motor Wheeled Moving Direction
(Proteus Simulation Programming)

LECTURER : Dr. Sukhairi Bin Sudin

AST. ENGINEER : En. Mohammad Abid Bin Abdul Rahman

1 | Designed by: Ts. Mr. Sofi bin Yahya

Automated Guided Robot Laboratory Module


DC Motor Wheeled Moving Direction


1.1 To demonstrate the moving mechanism concepts of DC wheeled direction

for forward, reverse, right-turn, left-turn and braking.
1.2 To developed the hardware simulation using ISIS PROTEUS software.
1.3 To programmed the simulation using Arduino IDE software


2.1. PROTEUS Software

2.2. Arduino IDE Software


3.1. H-Bridge Motor Driver

Different types of motors are used in different applications like Robotics, precision
positioning, industrial automation etc. Generally, when a DC motor is associated
with any microcontroller-based system, it is often connected using a Motor Driver
IC. A Motor Driver IC provides the necessary current for the motor to run. It can
also control the direction of the rotation. In this project, an Arduino based speed
and direction control of DC motor with using Motor Driver IC which are L293D or
L298. A DC Motor can’t be connected directly to a Microcontroller as the output
because a current of the Microcontroller is very small and it cannot drive the motor

The L293 is a very basic H-bridge. It has two bridges, one on the left side of the
chip and one on the right, and can control 2 motors. It can drive up to 1 amp of
current and operate between 4.5V and 36V. The small DC motor you are using in
this lab can run safely off a low voltage so this H-bridge will work just fine.

The H-bridge has the following pins and features:

• Pin 1 (1,2EN) enables and disables our motor whether it gives HIGH or LOW
• Pin 2 (1A) is a logic pin for our motor (input is either HIGH or LOW)
• Pin 3 (1Y) is for one of the motor terminals

2 | Designed by: Ts. Mr. Sofi bin Yahya

Automated Guided Robot Laboratory Module

• Pin 4-5 are for ground

• Pin 6 (2Y) is for the other motor terminal
• Pin 7 (2A) is a logic pin for our motor (input is either HIGH or LOW)
• Pin 8 (VCC2) is the power supply for our motor, this should be given the rated
voltage of your motor
• Pin 9-11 are unconnected as you are only using one motor in this lab
• Pin 12-13 are for ground
• Pin 14-15 are unconnected
• Pin 16 (VCC1) is connected to 5V

Figure1 is shown a diagram of the H-bridge and which pins do what in our example.
Included in the diagram is a truth table indicating how the motor will function
according to the state of the logic pins (which are set by our Arduino).

Figure1: Diagram of L293 Pins Connection.

For this lab, the enable pin connects to a digital pin on your Arduino so you can
send it either HIGH or LOW and turn the motor ON or OFF. The motor logic pins
are also connected to designated digital pins on your Arduino so you can send it
HIGH and LOW to have the motor turn in one direction, or LOW and HIGH to have
it turn in the other direction. The motor supply voltage connects to the voltage
source for the motor, which is usually an external power supply. If your motor can
run on 5V and less than 500mA, you can use the Arduino’s 5V output. Most
motors require a higher voltage and higher current draw than this, so you
will need an external power supply in your design.

3 | Designed by: Ts. Mr. Sofi bin Yahya

Automated Guided Robot Laboratory Module

3.2. Circuit Simulation Design using ISIS Proteus Software

Proteus software is applicable to use in Arduino family and support at various of

Arduino peripheral devices. The user allows duplicating the library of devices from
Arduino website to copy into Proteus library on the user computer. When to use
the devices user will able to click pick components in Proteus Library. The
simulation will run after the hex file compiling is done and copy to Arduino
simulation hardware. Figure2 below is shown the DC moving direction including H-
bridge driver L923D design circuit via Arduino.

Figure3. DC moving direction including H-bridge driver L923D design circuit.

3.3. Arduino Coding using Arduino IDE software

Student must know to write the coding in language of Arduino coding IDE software
for DC motor moving and breaking. The coding able to get at many of programmer
Arduino website. The technique or skill how to write the coding should be learned
by own self. While finish the coding writing user must remember to open the
Preferences in File menu bar box and select the compilation before compile the
target or coding. After finish verification, the hex file is created and copy the target
to the Proteus simulation for running.

4 | Designed by: Ts. Mr. Sofi bin Yahya

Automated Guided Robot Laboratory Module


i. Develop the circuit simulation using ISIS Proteus such as Figure2.

ii. Copy the Arduino Library from Arduino website to Proteus LIB and
pick the components in Proteus Library.

iii. Write the coding such as shown in Figure3 and add the coding for
reverse, right-turn and left-turn and compile the coding successfully
in Arduino IDE software

iv. Attach the hex code after compilation to Arduino hardware

simulation and run the simulation.

v. Fill in the table1 for each function of pins for L923 H-Bridge driver
for wheeled moving characteristic.

vi. Draw the flow chart in Lab Assessment below, where is the robot
car has moving forward in 4 seconds then reverse in 2 second,
after that it turn right and move forward in 2 second and it turn left
to and moving forward in 3 second then the robot car has stopped
at destination.

5 | Designed by: Ts. Mr. Sofi bin Yahya

Automated Guided Robot Laboratory Assessment


Name:________________________________________ Matrix Num:______________

Group:__________ Date:________________ Program:_______________________

EN1 EN2 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 Moving


Table 1: wheeled Moving Characteristic

Flow Chart of Robot Car’s Destination

1 | FTKE
Automated Guided Robot Laboratory Assessment



*Attached your programming code.

2 | FTKE

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Contents Marks
5 4 3 2 1
Very good performance in
Excellent performance in Satisfactory performance in Unsatisfactory performance
Fundamental fundamental concepts of
fundamental concepts of DC fundamental concepts of DC in fundamental concepts of No efforts at all
concepts DC motor moving
motor moving application motor moving application DC motor moving application
Able to analyze and
Able to analyze and design Unable to analyze and
Able to analyze and design the design the operation of Able to analyze and design
the operation of DC motor design the operation of
operation DC motor moving DC motor moving the operation of DC motor
Circuit & moving simulation and DC motor moving
simulation and programming simulation and moving simulation and
Programming programming simulation and
without error and high programming programming with minor
Constructing with major error and low programming. Fails to
neatness. without error and low error and low neatness.
neatness. meet the requirement.
Very lower-level
Very higher-order thinking Higher-order thinking Medium-level thinking ability Lower- level thinking ability
Problem thinking ability and fully
ability and independently in ability and with guidance and with minor guidance in and with major guidance in
Solving guidance in
troubleshooting. in troubleshooting. troubleshooting. troubleshooting.
Demonstrated reasonable Demonstrated some Did not demonstrate
Demonstrated proficiency
understanding able to similarity with the result Did not demonstrate but able and not perform the
being able to approve in the
Demo approve in the degree of function. There is some to complete the robot necessary result.
highest degree of confidence
confidence in the question about the accuracy construction results. The computed results
in the computed results.
computed results. of the computed results. contain obvious errors.
Able to complete the
Able to complete the results Unable to complete the
Able to complete the results results with some minor Able to complete the results
and with some errors and results and with major
Result without any error and testing and troubleshoot the and with major errors and
troubleshooting testing not errors and failed
successful. errors and testing testing.
successful. testing.
Very good explanation in
Excellent explanation in Satisfactory explanation in Unsatisfactory in discussion
discussion of fundamental
discussion of fundamental discussion of fundamental of fundamental concepts of Not related it all
Discussion concepts of AGR
concepts of AGR application in concepts of AGR application AGR application and some discussion.
application and related
experimental and related in experimental. related in experimental.
with experimental.
Very good explanation in
Excellent explanation in Satisfactory explanation in Unsatisfactory in conclusion
conclusion of fundamental
conclusion of fundamental conclusion of fundamental of fundamental concepts of Not related it all
Conclusion concepts of AGR
concepts of AGR application in concepts of AGR application AGR application and some conclusion.
application and related
experimental and related in experimental. related in experimental.
with experimental.


3 | FTKE

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