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Daniel Santillan

Professor Gonzales

English 102

28 February, 2021

Short Story #1

A) Subject #1: Hunters in the Snow-Tobias Wolf THEME: This short story's main idea or

theme is about friendship towards three friends. As well as iniquity against each other which

brings up another theme.

1) When Tub got a closer look, “ You almost ran me down,” Tub said. “You could’ve killed

me”. (Paragraph 6)

2) The man responded to the tub, “ Come on tub said beside the driver. Be mellow. Kenny

was just messing around”. (Paragraph7)

3) Kenny killed the dog, “ I was just kidding around,” Kenny said. “It was a


4) When Tub shot Kenny ,“ I mean where did it go in?” Frank said. “Here.” Kenny pointed

at the wound in his stomach”. (Paragraph 54 )

5) What they are going to say if they go to the hospital,“ Exactly what happened” Tub said.

“He was going to shoot me but I shot him first”. (Paragraph 59 )

6) After Kenny tumbled out “You fat moron” Frank said. “You aren’t good for diddly.


Short Story #2

Subject#2: The Worn Path THEME: The theme or main idea of this story is based

off of racism. In the story there are so many obstacles that the main protagonist faces.

1) "Far out in the country there was an old Negro woman with her head tied in a red rag,

coming along a path through the pinewoods", It was early in the morning.(Paragraph 1)

2) After the path runs up a hill, "Seem like there are chains about my feet, time I get this far,'

she said, in the voice of argument old people keep to use with themselves". (Paragraph 5)

3) As she was safe through the fence,"Big dead trees, like black men with one arm, were

standing in the purple stalks of the withered cotton field". (Paragraph 15)

4) The man came along, " I know you old colored people! Wouldn't miss going to town to see

Santa Claus!". ( Paragraph 31)

5) After the fog was found,"A white man finally came along and found her—a hunter, a

young man, with his dog on a chain". (Paragraph 41)

6) After she smelled wood smoke,"Dozens of little black children whirled around her. There

ahead was Natchez shining. Bells were ringing. She walked on. (Paragraph 49)

Short Story #3

) Subject#3: Life After High School Theme: This short story’s main idea or

theme is about growing up. As well as facing the real world.

1) When Zachary talks to Sunny, “ In fact, Zachary spoke, in his intense,obsessive way, of

impersonal subjects: the meaning of life, the future of earth, whether science or art best

satisfies the human hunger for self expression”. (574)

2) Sunny did not like to lie ,“Still,though she had confided in her mother all her life, she did

not tell her mother about Zachary’s desperate proposal;perhaps,so flattered, she did not

acknowledge it as desperate”. (581)

3) After Sunny changed her name, “ When in fall she enrolled at Cornell University, she was

Barbara Burhman”.

4) Now known as Barbara ,“Barbara Burhman excelled as an undergraduate, concentrating on

academic work almost exclusively; she went on to graduate school at Harvard, in American

studies”. (584)

5) After she got her degree, “she taught at several prestigious universities,rising rapidly

through administrative ranks before accepting a position,both highly paid and politically

6) As she looks over her life, “ She would have not wished to think of herself as

extraordinary in the world she now inhabited,she was surrounded by similarly,energetic,

professionally engaged men except in recalling as she sometimes did,with a mild pang of

nostalgia,her old,lost self”.

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