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What does this case study

suggest are the main challenges
for different stages of introducing
a wiki or other Web 2.0
approaches in a large
The main challenges for introducing a Wiki or
other Web 2.0 approaches in a large
organization are:
MBA FT- 7601 1. Lack of Clear Purpose
Managing E-Business Many employees of the organization don’t
even know what the problem is. They become
so adapted to the current way of working that
they turn an ignorant eye towards the probable
solutions. If change feels like walking off a cliff
Case Study 3 – blindfolded, then people will reject it. People
will often prefer to remain mired in misery than
Janssen-Cilag Wiki to head toward an unknown. As the saying
goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil
Solution you don’t know.” To overcome inertia requires
a sense of safety as well as an inspiring vision.
It is extremely important for senior
management to bring each and every person on
Submitted To: the same table regarding the issues at hand so
that they know the clear purpose of
Prof. Jyoti Prakash Das implementing the change. This helps to
remove the usual barrier that employees have
towards the change.

Submitted By: 2. Familiarity

Group-4 Familiarity with the concept that is being
implemented is important since if people aren’t
127 Lakshya aware of the new concept, they’ll find it hard to
166 Aayush Goyal adhere to the change. In the given case study,
217 Baishali Roy people had used Wikipedia to find information
in the past, so there were no objections to the
245 Sachin Kumar
concept but if people wouldn’t have been
304 Abhishek Kumar familiar, they would need time and energy to
359 Aditya Turalapati get used to the new concept, which is tiresome
to an extent so may propagate resistance to

change. Thus, either the familiar concepts must level (The Intranet). This change could involve
be used or people might be given a prototype many complexities like feature overloading,
of the concept so that they can familiarize information overloading, etc. and the
themselves to that concept. organization needs to beware of that. Any
change when simple, counters the resistance
3. Accountability (in Open Source) and is welcomed easily into the organization.
Since the Wiki-style is based on open source, it 6. Pilot Launch
raises issues on the accountability of the
information. People might argue for a It is very important that a pilot launch be a
regulatory control on the information which in success, and this includes the time taken by
itself is very difficult to handle because of the employees to adopt it, the employees’
quantity and diversity of data involved in the feedback, etc. If the pilot launch becomes a
working of an organization. The verification of success, then only the concept or the change
the data, too may be a tiresome process. This will be implemented in the organization. On
could also result in probable quarrels among other hand, if the pilot launch fails or even if it
the employees as well as the environment of experiences a minor problem, questions may
distrust may inhibit the organization. A proper be raised about the change. In worst cases, this
procedure must be there for accountability of may lead to scrapping the idea of change.
the information present on the server.
7. User Training
4. Selection of Alternative and
This is one of the crucial challenges before
Functional Challenges implementing a change. Employees need to be
In order to implement the concept, there needs trained on using the new technology or service.
to be evaluation of alternatives present in the Since the change is being done on the
market. This could involve feature or quality organizational level, it is imperative to have
trade-off and organizations must seek the some kind of arrangement where the queries of
alternative best suited to them. In the case the employees could be addressed and
study given, Janssen-Cilag went ahead with resolved. This challenge includes several sub-
Confluence by Atlassian. The selection also challenges like - What training needs to be
included functional challenges like Hierarchy delivered; Who will deliver the training; Who
of Pages, LDAP Integration, News Feature, will develop the training material; Distribution
High Quality Search, Decent Rich Text Editor, of Training Material, etc.
and Strong attachment capabilities. Similarly,
8. Adoption and Trust
an organization needs to check for these
challenges and it should try to find a solution. Since Wiki-Style solution is an open source
solution, it needs each and every employee to
5. Simplicity participate and adopt in order for it to be
If the change is an organizational level change, successful. It is imperative in such a concept
then simplicity needs to be ensured. Otherwise that employees adopt it quickly. Even after
too, any new change must be simple and easy training, people may find it difficult to adopt
to implement. It will enable people to adopt the since they are more used to the previous
change quickly and engagement will increase. methods. Organizations must work to break
In the case study, the change is organizational these barriers. The other challenge that they

may face is the issue of trust on the new Solution: Although the culture at Janssen-
concept. Since the previous infrastructure was Cilag is highly consultative and relationship-
quite outdated in the case study, it is not based, Nathan Wallace interviewed many
surprising that employees would find it hard to employees on the requirement if a new Intranet
rely on the new infrastructure since the site. He also held a series of conversations and
information used to be outdated. It is discussions, and building a coalition of
important for the new support. This helped not only in knowing the
concept/change/technology to work fine and views of the employees but also interacting
deliver results in order for people to trust it. with them and discuss the problem at hand.
This enabled employees (to some extent) to
9. Getting People to Contribute understand the problem at hand. Each
Now, the employees might adopt the platform discussion varied differently but these
but they should also be encouraged to discussions established the purpose of
contribute, be it changes in the content or introducing and implementing a change in the
giving the feedback in order for the system to organization. Thus, establishing
be updated and error-free. Without people communication and talking about the
contributing, the platform would soon become problem is imperative to establish the
stagnant, an undesired outcome. The purpose of change.
encouragement shouldn’t be one time, they Issue: Familiarity
should be regularly motivated to engage on the
platform and contribute. Solution: This is one of the significant
problem which may be encountered when
10. People’s Time introducing a change. In the case study,
Since this platform is open source, people will however, this wasn’t a problem since Nathan
be required to put in their time in this along Wallace chose Wiki, which was a powerful way
with their work, so this is extra-work for them. to seal the deal, because the employees have
It may pose a challenge as people aren’t being used it often in the past in order to search for
paid for this work but it is also imperative to information in the past. Thus, there were no
maintain the correct and updated major obstructions for implementing a Wiki-
organizational information on the platform. Style Concept. Thus, one should try to find
On the other hand, it will struggle for people’s a concept which the employees are more
time, and this may actually prevent them from familiar with.
doing their own work. Issue: Accountability
Q2. Which solutions does Nathan Solution: Since this change is open-source in
Wallace describe as being nature, accountability is one of the major
effective for overcoming these issues. In order to take care of this problem,
Nathan Wallace did the following:
a. Track of the history of changes, so mistakes
The solutions described by Nathan Wallace
can be quickly undone and irresponsible
were as follows:
individuals could be held for anything
Issue: Lack of Purpose improper.

b. There are two ways to control the behavior using a Wiki and should only focus on whether
of people: social forces and technical forces. they can easily browse, search and contribute
He was relying on social forces to keep people content. In fact, after 16 months, only a small
from messing up with the information because set of Janssen-Cilag staff thought of Intranet as
with the technical force, people might become a Wiki. To them, it just seemed natural that
less engaged in the platform. But he was willing Intranet software would have evolved to
to put restrictions on most critical content. something this simple to use. Nathan also
Also, anyone could monitor the matter, sacrificed power and flexibility for simplicity.
important to him/her and they could work on For example, their page design was fixed into a
the system to have automatic email alerts for title, alphabetical list of subpages, page content,
any changes in that matter. They could then and alphabetical list of attachments. While it
correct the matter if there is any mistake. For would be nice to be able to change this at times,
some critical content, responsibility could be or order the attachments, or change the look
given to an authority for its maintenance. and feel; it’s far more important that everyone
can contribute and clearly understands how
Issue: Selection of Alternative and things work. He also removed many
Functional Challenges unnecessary features. For example, labels were
a great idea, but they already had hierarchy and
Solution: Nathan Wallace evaluated a wide
most users didn’t really know what labels were.
range of alternatives including MediaWiki,
TWiki and FlexWiki, etc. but selected Issue: Pilot Launch
Confluence by Atlassian. Major concerns
regarding the decision were support for a Solution: Nathan started the new site as a
hierarchy of pages, strong attachment pilot, launching as the source of information
capabilities, news features, LDAP integration, for a relocation of our head office. Nothing
high quality search and a decent rich text drives traffic like the seating plan for a new
editor, which too were curated by Nathan. office, and thus it caught attention of
Integration with LDAP and use of NTLM for employees. Information around the relocation
automatic single sign on was essential. So, they was fast moving and changing daily for the two
even hacked someone’s starting point and weeks between announcement of the move
open sourced their improved version. Rich text and the actual day of relocation. Thus, in order
editing was required and made as Word-like as to test pilot and launch it successfully, Nathan
possible. Users like hierarchy and structure, the decided to put up something which really
Wiki should not feel disorganized or caught the attention of the employees. Building
completely free-form (Confluence supported on that success, Nathan obtained executive
this with an exact page hierarchy capability). approval to replace the existing Intranet.

Issue: Simplicity Issue: User Training

Solution: It was always at the back of the mind Solution: Nathan worked with key content
of Nathan Wallace that the new system should owners (most particularly HR) to show them
be easily editable and should be simple in how to create pages and migrate appropriate
nature. Their customization focused almost information. They made the decision to not
completely on the usability. They wanted that automatically migrate any content, mostly
people shouldn’t know or care that they are because it was so old and trust in the existing
intranet information was so low. Also, during
the launch, they switched the site to live, and productivity of the individuals. Moreover,
described the working of site in five minutes. critical data will not be lost which later on
That launch presentation remains the only could be termed useful.
formal training they’ve ever provided on how
to use the system. This also shows the
simplicity of the system. Continuing training
was provided through short one-on-one
demonstrations. Their philosophy was ‘we only
show, we never do’. They also introduced a
detailed help section page for any queries that
employees might have.

Issue: Adoption, Trust and Getting

People to Collaborate
Solution: To drive adoption, they’ve primarily
focused on owning the flow of new
information. Early on, they established a policy
that all announcements must be on JCintra.
When necessary, they may be sent via email in
addition to posting as news on the Intranet.
Owning the flow of news has established
JCintra as a trusted source for the latest
information. This translates into an
expectation that the stocks of information (e.g.
policies) will be available and up to date. As a
result, announcements ranging from major
restructures to new babies for employees flow
through the news page without clogging up
email inboxes. The adoption of JCintra has
been remarkable. After only 3 months, 111
people had contributed more than 5,000
changes. After 12 months, they had 18,000
contributions from 184 people within the
business. Most significantly, the contributions
per month has continued to grow since launch.
People are engaging and collaborating more
with time.

Issue: People’s Time

Probable Solution: This issues still remained
a challenge but this overall process would
result in effective overall communication
which would actually result in the enhanced

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