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Elysia Reyes

Hedayat Izadpanah

English 101

30 September 2020

Essay 1

Who would have thought at the beginning of this year, we would soon be in the midst of

a global pandemic. It was only early January of this year, when the coronavirus was just

beginning to surface. Three months later we were being ordered to stay home and avoid all

physical contact with those who we do not share a home with. No one could have predicted the

amount of emotional stress that was to follow as a result of such precautions. Over the past six

months we have essentially been told to put a hold on our normal lives and do everything we can

to slow the spread. The guidelines we are told to follow do not seem so bad when we put into

perspective all the lives we are saving and prioritize our physical well-beings. However despite

the logistics of social distancing and safety protocols, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a major

impact on mental health due to the social isolation we are being forced to endure, along with the

feelings associated with all the uncertainty and changes that have ensued this tragic disease.

In light of the knowledge we have gained on the coronavirus, one of the many

components in reducing the spread has been social isolation. Health professionals are greatly

advising us to only interact with those we share a home with and avoid as much physical contact

as possible with those who we do not. Keeping in mind that humans are social creatures by

nature and COVID-19 is depriving us of the social interaction we need. It is quite obvious that

this deprivation can have a very negative effect on mental health, such as feelings of loneliness

and depression in an already difficult time.

Along with the social isolation, there has been an overall increase of uncertainty among

society. This uncertainty causes fear to rise. From fear of getting the virus, to fear of running out

of toilet paper, we are all afraid of what the future may hold for all of us. In short, the constant

fear that has resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic ultimately is impacting the state of mind and

overall mental health among society.

There is no doubt the coronavirus pandemic has brought on a lot of changes in our

everyday lives. We have all been forced to adapt and adjust to this new way of life in such a

short amount of time. All these changes are overwhelming and extremely stressful. Much like the

feelings brought upon by social isolation and fear, this stress has a direct negative impact on our

mental health.

Ultimately from analyzing the circumstances in which the COVID-19 pandemic has

placed society in, it can be concluded that this pandemic has had a negative impact on society's

mental health. By inflicting social isolation, uncertainty, and changes, the coronavirus pandemic

has indirectly increased our feelings of loneliness, fear, and stress. Adding mental illnesses such

as depression and anxiety to the list of tragedies brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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