Tps at 13 - SSG and SHS-SC Hosting Script

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NATHAN (A): “Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.” as said by

Robin Moore. Hello everyone! Welcome to the STORY-TELLING COMPETITION for the KG

WALTER: The KG department will be delivering stories chosen from the stories we have given.
They are free to use creative elements to compliment the delivery and mood. But the most
important is how they tell the story!

NATHAN: I’ll discuss the criteria for judging. All entries will be evaluated using the following
criteria: Facial Expression & Body Language - 25%, Voice Projection - 25%, Content & Theme -
20%, Confidence - 20%, Timing/Pacing - 10%, with a total of 100 percent

WALTER: Back on February 4, the top 5 storytellers out of 22 contestants were chosen by the
first set of judges. These are: Ms. Joyce Molina, Mr. Jey Pusta, and Ms. Marilou Oida. Let us
watch the recap on the elimination round..

NATHAN: Wow! Each contestant is really a natural-born storyteller. Moving on, the top 5 were
then judged with the same criteria by another board of judges including Ms. Russel Capua, Ms
Abegail Muksan, and Ms. Jenileen Borbe

WALTER: I’m sure that everyone is excited to hear their stories, so let’s enter storyland starting
with our first contestant! Let us hear it from our little storyteller #1 Gabrielle Alessandra P.
Valdez from KG2-G “Goldilocks & the Three Bears”


NATHAN: That was only the first contestant, yet it was already alluring! Kudos for the effort on
the props Gabrielle. I know the audience wants more, so let me introduce you to our little
storyteller #2: Faith Dominique B. Abenoja from KG2-E “Hansel and Gretel”


WALTER: Thank you for that amazing performance Faith Dominique! You sure do have a
background with plants looking like a beanstalk! Anyway, let me introduce to you our little
storyteller #3: Mikhaila Sofia P. Catiis from KG2-E “The Three Little Pigs”


NATHAN: Thank you Mikhaila! Nice impersonation of the story characters! Moving on, let us
welcome our little storyteller #4: Luis Miguel E. Famis from KG1-B “Sally the Songbird”


WALTER: Thank you for that amazing performance Luis Miguel! You really sound like Sally the
Songbird! Now introducing our last but not the least: storyteller #5: Kyrie Antonette M. largo
KG2-D “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

NATHAN: Thank you Kyrie! You have such a sweet and amazing voice!

WALTER: All contestants definitely got our attention with their story-telling skills! They have
amazing potential and we’ll be looking out for them in the future! But for now, we will be
announcing the winners!

NATHAN: For the KG STORYTELLING SECOND RUNNER UP, we have storyteller number
(pause a bit) 5: Kyrie Antonette M. Largo! Congratulations!

WALTER: And now, for our KG STORYTELLING FIRST RUNNER UP, let us give our warm
congratulations to Storyteller number (pause a bit) 4: Luis Miguel E. Famis! Congratulations!

NATHAN: And finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The storyteller who has an
amazing voice projection and story presentation! For The Philippine School’s 13th Founding
Anniversary - our KINDERGARTEN STORYTELLING CHAMPION IS (pause a bit) Storyteller
number 3: Mikhaila Sofia P. Catiis! Congratulations!

WALTER: All contestants are definitely storytellers within! Thank you to all our little storytellers

NATHAN: We are grateful to have been the host for this event. Thank you for staying with us to
listen to our little story-tellers! But wait, there’s more! If you love to jive and vibe, stay tuned to
feel the beat as our next contestants will be showcasing their dance moves!

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