The Characterization of Plant Tissues by Their Lignin Oxidation Products

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0016.7037179/l lOI-180380?.


The characterization of plant tissues by their

lignin oxidation products


Department of Oceanography, WB-10 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.

(Received I I December 1978; uccepted in revised form 12 July 1979)

Abstract-The cupric oxide oxidation products of 23 vascular and nonvascular plant tissues have been
measured. Compositional data for vanillyl, syringyl, and cinnamyl phenols are presented in the form of
five lignin parameters which are related to plant variety, lignin concentration, and tissue type. On the
basis of these parameters, the 23 plant tissue samples are resolved into distinct compositional regions
corresponding to: (a) nonvascular plants, (b) gymnosperm woods, (c) nonwoody gymnosperm tissues, (d)
angiosperm woods, and (e) nonwoody angiosperm tissues. The same five parameters also can be detet-
mined for organic materials in soils and sediments and used either to discriminate between compo-
sitionally different organic mixtures or to estimate the relative amounts of each of the above types of
plant materials in the deposits.


and MANN, 1979).
PHOTOSYNTHETICplants are the ultimate source of
Lignin polymers are commonly characterized on
essentially all organic material and the predominant
the basis of their nitrobenzene or cupric oxide oxi-
direct contributors of biological substances to soils
dation products. Cupric oxide is a more convenient
and sediments. Accordingly, a major thrust of organic
oxidizing agent for geochemical samples because
geochemical research has been to relate specific com-
nitrobenzene can form interfering reaction by-pro-
ponents of the organic mixtures in soils and sediments
ducts (HEDGES and PARKER, 1976). The oxidation of
to their plant sources (EGLINGTON and MURPHY,
lignin compounds with alkaline cupric oxide yields as
1969). Although the particular compounds to be used
major reaction products six vanillyl and syringyl
as source indicators must be selected on the basis of
phenols in the forms of aldehydes, ketones, and car-
the problem at hand, abundant, chemically stable
boxylic acids (HEDGESand PARKER, 1976). Ferulic and
substances which are unambiguously characteristic of
p-coumaric acids are also produced by the oxidation
a particular plant class, tissue type, or geographic
of lignins in nonwoody vascular plant tissues (SMITH,
region, generally serve best.
1955; HEDGES and PARKER, 1976). All eight of these
Lignin compounds and associated phenolic sub-
phenolic oxidation products are essentially unique to
stances in vascular plants satisfy these criteria for use-
vascular plants and are formed in abundance patterns
ful geochemical tracers. Lignin compounds are
which reflect plant taxonomy, tissue type, and lignin
phenolic polymers of relatively high chemical stability
content (SARKANEN and LUDWIG, 1971). Although
which occur as a major component of the conductive
these relationships are generally recognized, the study
tissues of vascular plants, but are essentially absent
reported here is the first presentation of these distinc-
from all other living organisms. Vascular plants occur
tive compositional patterns as reflected by lignin par-
almost exclusively on land where they account for a
ameters which are of general geochemical application.
major portion of total biomass. In addition, lignins of
the two most abundant classes of vascular plants, the
gymnosperms (nonflowering plants including conifers) EXPERIMENTAL
and angiosperms (flowering plants including hard- Samples
wood trees, herbs and grasses) are compositionally
Lignin parameters reported here are calculated from
different. As a result of these clear-cut biochemical
compositional data for 12 different plant tissues published
and geographical distribution patterns, lignin com- by HEDGESand PARKER(1976) and from previously unpub-
pounds can be applied as indicators of specific vascu- lished results for an additional 11 plant samples analyzed
lar plant sources or as tracers of land-derived organic by the authors. Wood and leaf (or needle) samples were
matter in lacustrine and marine environments collected in late summer from living trees growing in
Seattle, Washington. Wood samples are homogenized cross
(BURG= et al., 1964; LEO and BARGHOORN, 1970; sections of branches l-2 cm in diameter which were
POCKLINGTONand MACGREGOR, 1973; GARDNER and stripped of their bark. All tissue samples were freeze-dried
and ground to a fine powder before analysis.

Cupric oxide oxidation and chromatography

* Present address: Ecosystems Department, Battelle
Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA 99352, Plant tissue samples were oxidized with alkaline cupric
U.S.A. oxide (HEDGES and PARKER, 1976). Phenolic oxidation
G.C.A. 43/l,+ 1803
1804 J. I. HELIGESand D. C. MANN

products were extracted and analyzed as outlined in the lit acid analogs of these aldehydes are included here
previous reference except that high resolution gas chroma- to account for a larger percentage of the total oxi-
tographic separations were made with 30-m by 0.25-mm
dation product because plant tissues and sedimentary
i.d. glass capillary columns coated with either SE-30 or
SP-2100 liquid phases. Individual lignin parameters can be lignins sometimes yield relatively high levels of non-
determined with a precision of approximately 7t loo/, aldehgdic phenols (HEDGES and PARKER. 1976).
(HEDGES and MANN, 1979). Almost all gymnosperms produce only vanillyt
phenols when reacted with cupric oxide, whereas
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS angiosperms produce syringyl phenols in addition to
the vanillyl counterparts and, thus. have S/V ratios
Lignin parameters greater than zero.
A total of five lignin parameters are described here. The second lignin parameter, the ‘C over V ratio‘
Each bears an independent unit of geochemical infor- (C/V), has no known previous analog. C/V is defined
mation or has a specific interpretjve application. The as the total mg of ~coumaric and ferulic acids
first parameter, the ‘S over V ratio’ (S/V). is defined as divided by the total mg of the three vanillyl phenols
the total yield in milligrams of syringealdehyde, aceto- produced the described cupric oxide oxidation. C/V is
syringone, and syringic acid divided by the total mg useful for discrimination between woody and non-
of vanillin, acetovanillone, and vanillic acid produced woody vascular plant tissues, because only the latter
from the cupric oxide oxidation of a plant (or sedi- typically produce significant amounts of the two cin-
ment) sample. Similar ratios have been employed by namyl phenols. Cinnamyl phenols are relatively abun-
wood chemists for the characterization of plant type, dant oxidation products of nonwoody tissues.
but are usually determined from the relative yields of accounting for approximately 5 of the total pllenolic
syringealdehyde and vanilfin produced by nitroben- yield from these samples (Table 1). In general. p-cou-
zene oxidation (BRAUNS and BRAUNS, 1960; SAR- maric acid is the more abundant oxidation product
KANENand LUDWIG, 1971). The ketone and carboxy- (Table 2). However, leaves of the angiosperm A~icrrr-

Table 1. Lignin parameters for vascular and nonvascular plant tissues

Latin name Common name :~; oc s/v CY V S C

Nonvascular plants
Anacystis nidulans* (W) t&e-green alga ND u 0 0
Lactarius deliciousus* (W) mushroom ND u 0 0
Sargassum sp.* (W) brown alga ND U 0 0
mean values ND U 0 0
Gymnosperm woods
Pinus caribeae* slash pine 44 13 0 0
Pinus centora lodge pole pine 49 4.2 0 0
Pinus taeda* loblolly pine 47 9.2 0 0
Ps~udotsuga menziesii Douglas fir 47 6.1 0 0
Thuja pli~ata red cedar 4X X.5 0 0
mean values 47 X.2 0 0
Nonwoody gymnosperm tissues
Pinus centoru (L) lodge pole pine Sf 0 0.53 1.9 0 I .o
Pseudotsuga menziesii (L) Douglas fir 52 0.06 0.57 2.1 0.12 I.2
Thuja plicata (L) red cedar 52 0 0.3x 2.1 0 0.X0
mean values 52 0.02 0.49 2.0 0.04 1.0
Angiosperm woods
Acer saccharinurn* silver maple 42 2.X 0 6.S 1X 0
Afnus ruhra red alder 47 2.0 0 3.6 7.2 0
Castanea saiina Oregon oak 46 1.5 0 X.0 12 0
Ifex opaca* American holly 64 5.2 0 2.7 14 f)
Phoenix dactyiifrra* fir palm 38 1.2 0 6.X X.2 0
mean values 47 2.5 0 5.5 12 0
Nonwoody angiosperm tissues
Alnus rubra (L) red alder 50 0.44 0.54 I.6 0.7 0.X7
Avicennia germinans* (W) black mangrove 47 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.5 I .4
Canavalia maritima* (W) jackbean 44 2.0 I.1 0.7 1.4 0.74
Castanea satina (L) Oregon oak 46 1.2 0.36 1.6 2.0 0.58
Ifex opaca’ (L) American holly 60 2.6 0.44 1.1 2.9 0.4X
Spartina a~ter~i~ora* (W) cord grass 44 1.t 1.0 3.0 1.9 3. I
Zostera marina (L) eel grass ND U CJ 0 0 ND
mean values 49 1.4 0.76 1.6 1.7 1.2

* Data from HEDGES and PARKER (1976).

Abbreviations: %OC, weight percentage of organic carbon; U, mathematically undefined due to division by zero; W.
whole plant sample; L, leaf or needle sample; ND, not determined. Definitions of the five lignin parameters are given in
the text.
The characterization of plant tissues 1805

Table 2. Cinnamyl phenol compositions of nonwoody plant tissues

pCoumaric Ferulic
Tissue acid, acid,
Latin name type mgig sample mg/g sample

Pinus centora L 3.3 1.8
Ps~dotsuga menziesii L 5.7 0.7
Thuja pticata L 3.5 0.7
Alnus rubra L 3.5 0.8
Avicennia germinans* W 6.6 0.0
Canavalia maritima* W 2.2 1.0
Castanea satina L 1.8 0.8
1 lex opaca* L 1.4 1.4
Spartina alterni$ora* W 5.9 7.0
Zostera Marie L ND ND

Abbreviations and symbols as in Table 1. Sample weights are on a dry basis.

nia germinans produce only p-coumaric acid whereas angiosperm woods have composition points along the
the angiosperm Spartina produces slightly
alternijiora line C/v = 0, because p-coumaric and ferulic acids
greater amounts of feruhc acid. Ferulic acid was also are not produced by the cupric oxide oxidation of
produced in small amounts from the bark of the holly these samples. All gymnosperm tissue samples except
tree, llex opuca, (HEDGES and PARKER, 1976), but Douglas fir needles (Sfl = 0.06) do not produce syr-
further analyses are needed to determine whether tree ingyl phenols and, therefore, have composition points
barks characteristically produce cinnamyl phenols. on the line S/V = 0. The gymnosperm woods produce
C/V and S/V are intensive parameters which can be neither cinnamyl nor syringyl phenols and plot at the
obtained directly from the chromatographic data origin. By comparison, the nonwoody angiosperm tis-
without knowing sample size, injected amount, or the sues (except Z&era mnrina) produce both families of
percentage of organic carbon in the sample. phenols and are the only tissue category to have com-
The three extensive parameters, V, S, and C, are position points separate from both axes.
defined, respectively, as the total yields in mg of (a) Composition plots (b), (c), and (d) in Fig. 1 rep
vanillin, acetovanillone and vanillic acid, (b) syringe- resent the three possible combinations of V, S, and C
aldehyde, acetosyringone and syringic acid and (c) in two-dimensional plots. Each of the three latter
p-coumaric and ferulic acid produced from LOOmg of plots provides a unique compositional perspective.
organic carbon in the sample. These nonratio par- Plot (b) is similar to (a) except characteristic distribu-
ameters are not as easily determined as S/V and C/v, tion patterns of cinnamyl phenols are now reflected
but have the advantages that they indicate the abso- by C instead of C/V, and patterns of syringyl phenols
lute phenolic yields from individual plant tissues and, by S rather than by S/V. With one exception, Zostera
therefore, more closely reflect relative lignin concen- marina, the four major categories of vascular plant
trations. tissues are again resolved into nonoverlapping com-
positional ranges in patterns similar to (a). Using
Compositional patterns absolute parameters, however, nonvascular plant
The specific plants which were analyzed include a composition points can also be included and plot at
limited number of taxonomic groups and individually the origin along with compositional points for gym-
may not be important sources of sedimentary organic nosperm woods which also produce neither syringyl
material. However, the five broad categories of plant nor cinnamyl phenols.
tissues that are represented by these samples (nonvas- Plot (c), S vs V, reflects the relative abundances of
cular plant tissues as well as woods and herbaceous syringyl and vanillyl phenols produced from the tissue
tissues of g~nospe~s and angiosperms) are abun- samples. Gymnosperm tissue com~sitions fall along
dant, widely distributed, and likely present in many the line S = 0, whereas most angiosperm composi-
soils and recent sediments. Lignin parameters for the tions plot in a wedge-shaped region which corre-
23 plant samples are given in Table 1. Lignin par- sponds to a S/V range of about 14. Within both
ameter values of individual plant tissues are plotted in taxonomic regions, woody and nonwoody tissues are
four different compositional regions in Fig. 1. clearly resolved owing to the higher V and S values of
The ratios, C/V and S/V, are used in a two- the woods which correspond to their greater lignin
dimensional compositional plot (a) in Fig. 1. The contents.
gymnos~~ wood, nonw~dy gymnos~~ tissue, With the exception of the sea grass, Zosteru marina,
angiosperm wood, and nonwoody angiosperm tissue nonvascular and vascular plant tissues occupy separ-
samples are resolved into nonoverlapping areas in the ate compositional regions in plot (c). In general, the
plane defined by C/V and S/V. Both gymnosperm and production of measurable amounts of vanillyl phenols
1806 J. 1. HEDGESand D. C. MANN



2 A a
A 5
A a a a

@I cl “99 0

i I I I I I I 1
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 I 2 3 4
=/v C



G GG nn
O- 8 n’

I I 1
0 5 IO 15 0 5 IO
v V

Fig. I. Plots of lignin parameters for individual plant tissues in two dimensional com~sitionai regions.
Symbols: (G)--gymnosperm woods, @-nonwoody gymnosperm tissues. (A)-angiosperm woods,
(atnonwoody angiosperm tissues, (m-nonvascular plant tissues. All circled letters plot at the origin of
the corresponding region

(V > 0) is a positive test for vascular plant tissues. Eel analysis of lignin mixtures in soils and sediments. The
grass is an exception to this classification, possibly choice of the appropriate parameters for mixture
having lost lignin in the process of adapting to a mar- analysis depends both upon sample type and the in-
ine en~ronment (DEN HARTOG, 1970). Although this formation that is desired.
result is an exception to taxonomic classifications The ratio parameters, S/V and C/V, are defined
based upon phenohc distributions, it is in accordance only in terms of lignin-derived phenols. Ratio par-
with the general observation that marine plants are ameters, therefore, can be determined directly for mix-
devoid of lignins (HEDGES and PARKER,1976). tures of vascular plant remains in natural samples
Plot (d) in Fig. 1, C vs V, also results in separation even if large quantities of other types of organic
(excluding Zostera marina) of the vascular and non- materials are present. The ratios can then be used
vascular plant samples. Woods and nonwoody tissue either to identify compositional relationships between
samples occupy separate compositional regions, but lignin mixtures in different samples or to qualitatively
cannot be resolved on a taxonomic basis using only determine the types of plant tissues which are present
these two parameters. in individual mixtures.
By comparison, the absolute parameters, V, S and
C, are defined in terms of the total organic carbon in
A major reason for presenting phenolic compo- the sample and decrease in proportion to the extent of
sitional patterns for individual plant tissue samples in dilution of vascular plant remains by nonlignified
terms of both ratio and absolute parameters is to pro- organic matter. Consequently, under circumstances of
vide both qualitative and quantitative methods for the simple mixing of lignin-free organic material with a
The character~ation of plant tissues 1807

lignin mixture of constant composition, V, S, and C lar lignin mixtures in recent marine sediments from
values (or any sum thereof) for the total sample can different depositional regions, to test for chemical
be used to determine the relative amount of vascular alteration of lignin compounds in sediment cores, and
plant material that is present. to estimate the relative abundances of different classes
Absolute parameters may also be used to estimate of plant tissues in coastal marine sediments.
the relative weights of specific types of vascular plant
tissues within a sample. To make these estimations it Acknowled~eme~rs-Acknowledgement is made to the
is necessary either to isolate the vascular plant donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by
remains physically (by sieving or flotation) or to the ACS, for partial support of this research. This research
was also funded in part by DOE contract
determine their concentration by independent means AT(4S- I)-2225-T40. D. MANN received partial support
so that phenolic yields can be determined only for through a federally funded work study program at the Uni-
lignin-bearing materials. The resulting parameters for versity of Washington. We thank DR ROY CARPENTER, his
a soil or sediment sample can then be plotted in students, and research associates for tiumerous contribu-
figures such as 1 (b), (c), or (d) and the relative weights tions. This is contribution ilO from the Department of
Oceanography, University of Washington.
of the four major classes of vascular plant tissues esti-
mated by interpolation between mean values for cor-
responding types of plant tissue samples. Such estima-
tions involve a number of assumptions (HEDGESand BRAUNSF. E. and BRAUNSD. E. (1960) The Chemistry of
MANN, 1979), but are significantly simplified by the Lignins. Academic Press.
preliminary result that three of the four classes of BURGESN. A., HURSTH. M. and WALKDENB. (1964) The
phenolic constituents of humic acid and their relation to
vascular plant tissues have at least one absolute lignin
the lignin of the plant cover. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta
parameter which is near zero. 3, 1547-1554.
DEN HARES; C. (1970) The Sea-Grasses oj the World.
EGLINGTON G. and MURPHYM. (1969) Organic Geochemis-
CONCLUSIONS try: Methods and Results. Springer-Verlag.
GARDNERW. S. and MENZELD. W. (1974) Phenolic alde-
The five lignin parameters introduced here are use-
hydes as indicators of terrestrially-derived organic
ful for the classification of plant tissues and for the matter in the sea. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 38,
analysis of organic mixtures in soils and recent sedi- 813.-822.
ments. In such applications vascular plants are dis- HEDGESJ. I. and MANN D. C. (1979) The characterization
tinguished from nonvascular plants because only vas- of plant tissues by their lignin oxidation products. Geo-
chim. ~os~c~irn. Acta 43, 1809-1818.
cular plants produce vanillyl phenols (V > 0) upon HE~CE~J. I. and PARKERP. L. (1976) Land-derived organic
oxidation with cupric oxide. Among the vascufar matter in surface sediments from the Gulf of Mexico.
plants themselves, angiosperms characteristically pro- Geochim. Cosmochim. Actn 40, 1019-1029.
duce syringyl phenols (S/V and S > 0) whereas gym- LEOR. F. and BARGHOORN E. S. (1970) Phenolic aldehydes:
generation from fossil woods and carbonaceous sedi-
nosperms do not. Nonwoody tissues of both gymno-
ments by oxidative degradation. Science 168, 582-584.
sperms and angiosperms can be distinguished from P~CKLINGTON R. and MACGREGORC. D. (1973) The deter-
woods by their lower yields of vanillyl and syringyl mination of lignin in marine sediments and particulate
phenols and by the characteristic production of cinna- form in seawater. Inc. J. Em&on. Anal. Chem. 3, 81-93.
my1 phenols (C/V and C > 0). In the following paper SARKANENK. V. and LUDWIGC. H. (1971) Lignins. Wiley-
(HEDGESand MANN, 1979) lignin compositional par- SMITHD. C. C. (1955) Ester groups in lignin. Nature 176,
ameters are used to identify compositionally dissimi- 267-268.

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