Message of Hadja Bainon Karon

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

H. E. Prof Ekmelleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of the OIC and other honorable members
of the OIC

H.E. Rezlan Jenie, Ambassador of Indonesia, Chair of the OIC Peace Committee for Southern
Philippines, and others Members of PCSP.

H.E. PROF Nur Misuari of the MNLF

H. E Datu Muslimin G. Sema of the MNLF

H.E. Dr. Farouk Hussien

H. E. Hatimil Hassan and members of the MNLF Central Committee

Hon. Secretary Teresita Quintos-Deles and other officials of the Government of the Philippines

Hon. Atty. Naguib Sinarimbo, the official representative of Autonomous Region of Muslim
Mindanao and other ARMM Officials

Hon. Sec Hadja Pombaen Karon Kader of the DSWD-ARMM

Hon. Representatives of the Civil Society Groups particularly the network of Women Engaged in
Action on1325, in the person of Ms Fatmawati Salapuddin and Ms Yasmin Lao

Brothers and sisters,


First of all I would like to thank Sec Deles of the government of the Philippines for allowing us
to attend to this very historic Tripartite Conference of the GOP-MNLF-OIC.

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I am here with our other sisters Yasmin and Fatmawati as representative of the Civil Society
Organizations to observe this Tripartite Conference. This is also in line with Philippine
Government¶s commitment on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women,
Peace and Security. And I am proud to inform our brothers in the MNLF that, through the effort
of our sisters, the issue of the Bangsamoro women and the Indigenous Peoples were included in
this UN Resolution.

We wanted to clear also that our participation here is voluntary. We¶re not hired nor paid by the
Philippine Government. We¶re here because we wanted to contribute in whatever ways in the
crafting of the Peace and Development Programs for the Bangsamoro People in general.

I would like to relay also the Salam Duah of my brother Datu Randy Karon to His Excellences,
officials and members of the GOP- OIC- MNLF, and our brothers and sisters who are with this
conference. He is praying and hoping for the success of this conference.

Being a senior MNLF member, I would like to commend and salute the courage and resoluteness
of our brothers and sisters on the ground that despite of sad experiences with the injustices and
insincerity of the previous leaders of the Philippine Government in the implementation of the
signed Peace Agreement we continuously adhere to our quest for real genuine and just peace to
reign in the Bangsamoro Homeland. In the struggle, we lost hundreds and even thousands of our
brothers and sisters in the midst of the conflict. Women were widowed and became solo parents
of their children.

Hundreds and even thousands of our children became orphans. Majority of our MNLF
combatants were getting old. And their children, who have no chance to be in school and be
employed because of poverty and helplessness, may have already been driven towards
undesirable activities. All of this should be given priority considerations by the MNLF leaders
and the new administration under the leadership of H.E. President Benigno Cojuanco Aquino III
in the Road Map for the building of the Nation for the Bangsamoro People.

So I am appealing to the MNLF leaders to make up for their differences and consider the status
and situation of our brothers and sisters in the ground for us to move on in crafting the destiny of
our people particularly the Bangsamoro People.

I am also appealing to the MNLF leadership to consider the suffering of the Bangsamoro
Muslims. It is not only us, the leaders, who have sacrificed for our Agama (Faith), Bangsa
(Nation), and Lupah/Inged (Homeland). It is the masses of the Bangsamoro Muslims who have
fought, bled, and died. It is the masses of the Bangsamoro Muslims whose mothers, sisters, and

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daughters who have been widowed. It is the masses of the Bangsamoro Muslims who have been
orphaned and displaced by the war.

The 1996 Final Peace Agreement should have delivered peace to the Bangsamoro Muslims who
are now concentrated in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Our people on the
ground expected that this review will deliver peace, security, development. It is rightly so since
the Revolution fi Sabilillah was for them. It was not for us. It was for our people. It was for the
Bangsamoro Muslims.

I humbly appeal to the leaders of the MNLF to unite. And united, let us deliver peace, security
and development to the Bangsamoro Muslim communities who fought and struggled.

The Bangsamoro Muslims, when they voted for President Benigno Aquino III in the last
elections, manifested their hope and faith in his leadership. Let us respect the voice of our

The Philippine Government has accommodated most of our demands. As the report of the Legal
Panel has stated, 33 of the 36 demands of the MNLF has already been met. Let us start on the
doable and not delay ourselves with issues where we cannot agree.

In behalf of my husband, Datu Ibrahim Sema, brothers and relatives who have met their
martyrdom in the Revolution. I thank the Organization of Islamic Conference and the Peace
Committee for Southern Philippines for staying with us notwithstanding our frailties and
imperfection. I thank the Government and leadership of President Benigno Aquino III whom the
vast majority of the Bangsamoro Muslims have voted to office, for continuing to have faith in
the capacity of the Bangsamoro Muslims to better their communities.

Thank you very much, and may Allah bless our efforts.

Assalamu alaikum.#

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