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Learning to use Microsoft PowerPoint

MS PowerPoint
Grade 3
Specific Objectives:
 Students will be able to create a PowerPoint.
 Students will be able to locate the basic settings and functions of PowerPoint.
 Students will be able to create and edit text on PowerPoint.
 Students will be able to insert pictures.

Required Materials:
 Computers
 PowerPoint Software
 Internet Access
 Teacher Lesson PowerPoint
 Computer Microphone

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

 The teacher will begin the lesson to the students by explaining they will be learning how
to use a new software on the computer, Microsoft PowerPoint.
 The teacher will explain that PowerPoint is used to create slideshows like the one’s
teachers use and for projects and presentations.
 The teacher will also explain that the students will learn the basic tools and functions of
 Students will be directed to the computers.

Step-By-Step Procedures:
 The teacher will be projecting their screen onto the smartboard for the lesson.
 Students will be instructed to turn on and log into their computer.
 Once all students are logged on the teacher will instruct the students to find the
PowerPoint icon on their desktop
 Students will now be instructed to focus on the whiteboard and follow along to locate the
tools on their computer.
 The teacher will state that the opening slide is the topic slide and what it is used for.
 Following the teacher will demonstrate the following tools:
o Changing the background of a slide
o Adding text (to a textbox already present)
o Adding your own textbox
o Changing the font size bigger and smaller
o Changing the font color
o Adding an image
o Resizing the image
o Adding slides
o Save as/save feature.
 Alongside, the teacher will explain:
o Bright colored text and background do not go well and is difficult to read (such as
bright yellow background and white text).
o A picture should not cover the text which is why some pictures need to be resized.
 Special Needs Accommodation:
o The teacher will also show how to use the speech to text option for those students
with special needs such as dyslexia or other speech disabilities.
o The teacher will show students how to insert a text box and how to locate the
button to begin speaking.
o The “Dictate” (or speech to text) is located on the home tab of PowerPoint and
has a microphone icon.
 Plan for Independent Practice:
 Students will be able to design their own PowerPoint in order to practice the basic tools
and functions.
 Students will create an “About Me” PowerPoint and the PowerPoint will need to include:
o 2-3 slides
o A title slides with their name, teacher name, and grade
o Second slide and/or third slide will include information about themselves such as:
 Favorite Color, favorite hobby, their pets if any, favorite place to visit,
 Pictures to go with their information.
 And there will be resized and recolored (students to be reminded not to
choose colors that will blend in with background such as yellow text with
white background).
o Students once finished will save their work and turn it in on google
 Teacher will go over that the class will be using PowerPoint in class again in the future
for presentations.
 The teacher will ask students questions such as
o What tools did we use today?
o Should the font be very big or super small?
o Are bright colored fonts and bright backgrounds a good combination?
Assessment Based on Objectives:
 The teacher will review the PowerPoints that were turned in by the class.
 The teacher will review if students were able to use text boxes, insert pictures, insert
word art, and change the font text/size/color.

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