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#Educate a child

Team Sawera
TCF Baghban #Educate Pakistan

Our Vision : Awarness

• To voice Education Crisis in Pakistan
• Solution is Education for everyone

Our Mission: Support TCF

• Collection of Donations for TCF

• Create awareness about role of TCF

Values: Respnsibility
• Integrity
• Team Work
• Improvement

Joining TCF Baghban

We joined TCF as ambassadors to play
Education is a
our part to support TCF. To see smiles on
the faces of underprivileged. To break
matter of life and
class barriers.
death for
Our Plan
Initially we planned to launch P 2 P
campaign to meet our goal. Our team was
excited to initiate it at its earliest.
- Jinnah
Plan A
Plan B We planned to launch a campaign inside Plan C
IBA with the collaboration of IBA Welfare
Our second approach was to start a Society (IWS) and to have a stall in Third plan was to go to educational
fundraiser campaign at IBA, by selling Adamjee Foyer, with a couple of standees institutions, to collect donations from the
exclusive stencils and stationary items to placed where the foot traffic is high. students and teachers. We planned to
the students. The items decided were the brief them about education crisis in
personalized keychains, stylus pens, TCF . Pakistan and then taking them to the
exclusive hand bands etc. This plan was solution, TCF. Whose vision is making
dropped due to the issue of initial funding positive change and removing class
required for the process barriers; with the mission of providing
Quality education. Although we got some
positive response, but This campaign
wasn’t much success as we came across
the following issues.
Students were willing to donate but they’re not the
breadwinner; thereby, there contribution was
trivial in monetary terms.

Most of the teachers were either affiliated with

other NGO’s or they had had donated to TCF at a
point in past and thereby, were not interested to
donate then and there.
Online Campaign
We believe that if we put in the online
campaign more effectively, it would
generate most funds for TCF. Our first
major donation (6500) was online. We
have raised Rs 7500 from online Donation
` The School Visit
Team Sawera visited TCF Riaz Tata, Korangi
Campus. Our experience was exceptional.
The school was from the Montessori to
Matric. From the classrooms to the library,
the whole school building was appreciably
quite well maintained. The enthusiastic
heartwarming welcome of Montessori
children won our hearts. We saw some
paintings and decoration by students which
clearly proved that TCF children had unique
talents. The children really moved all of us.

It was a wonder to find underprivileged

children growing so graceful. All the students
seemed to be so confident and brilliant that
they left us in awe. That was not the end, the
principal there briefed us very well about how
this school operated. She told us some
inspiring emotional stories.

Our team aimed that day to support these

children and find potential donors who can
support these blossoms financially. We
stepped out with a promise.

Expo Exhibition
The event in which we learned the most, was exhibition at Expo Center Organized by KCCI, named “My Karachi Oasis of Harmony”.
The exhibition was held for three days dated 20-22nd April 2018. The invitees there were the noble laureates of Sindh, Pak Army, Pak
Navy, Malaysian group of travelers and other elites. The event was sponsored through at least 200 different companies, that included
different conglomerates and SME’s.

This was a great opportunity for our team to interact with visitors and guests there and to raise funds through pledge/ donation cards
and coupon books. Approaching a stranger for donation felt awkward and embarrassing but we were able to get some donations
through coupons. We also took some potential donors to TCF booth.

We learned the most through this event.


The Corner Meetings

We conducted three corner meetings in which we reached out to some donor teachers and
many students from different institutions. We put forward the aim of TCF which is to
make education easy for underprivileged children of Pakistan. We not only made them
exposed to our aim but also with all the statistics of Pakistan concerning illiteracy to
make them feel the situation of education in the country. The guests appreciated the aim
and gave us positive responses. Some of them were willing to donate for the cause too.

Not an END
This journey hasn’t been about a social internship which usually comes to an end. We will always be Ambassadors of TCF. It s an endless

Our whole journey doing struggle for children from underprivileged areas, was outstanding and lively experience. “School visit” was the start
and most necessary to feel how these children survive without any resources. We realized that our efforts were only for their benefit and

We want to thank TCF. Our mentors (Mr. Sajjad and Ms. Sobia) were all the time very helpful and supportive guiding us that how could we
start and that how we can convince people spending in it.Their support was always there. We got through the depressive period due to rejectios
from people only through their support and motivation

While doing working in this program like Baghban, we are eager to spend more time with TCF as this would be very helpful in reforming
poor lives of children.

-Team Sawera

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