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Section 27

I. Provision Breakdown

Removal may be with cause or without cause. If SECTION 27. Removal of Directors or
without cause, it cannot be used to deprive Trustees.
minority stockholders or members of the right of
representation to which they may be entitled — Any director or trustee of a corporation
under Section 23 of this Code. may be removed from office by a vote of
the stockholders holding or representing
at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding
How Removal is Done capital stock, or in a nonstock
1. Corporate Secretary sends written Notices or corporation, by a vote of at least two-
notice by publication to stockholders or thirds (2/3) of the members entitled to
vote: Provided, That such removal shall
members of the corporation of the intention to take place either at a regular meeting of
propose a removal, as well as the time and place the corporation or at a special meeting
of the special meeting (this latter instance is not called for the purpose, and in either case,
required if it is a regular meeting). after previous notice to stockholders or
If it is to be held at a special meeting members of the corporation of the
intention to propose such removal at the
called for such purpose, notice is by meeting. A special meeting of the
corporate secretary upon order of the stockholders or members for the purpose
President. If it is the President who shall of removing any director or trustee must
be removed or if there is no secretary or be called by the secretary on order of the
president, or upon written demand of the
the latter fails or refuses to call despite stockholders representing or holding at
demand, the stockholder or member of least a majority of the outstanding capital
the corporation signing the demand stock, or a majority of the members
may call for the meeting by directly entitled to vote. If there is no secretary, or
if the secretary, despite demand, fails or
addressing the stockholders or
refuses to call the special meeting or to
members. give notice thereof, the stockholder or
member of the corporation signing the
2. Removal shall take place at a regular meeting demand may call for the meeting by
or at special meeting for such purpose. Note that directly addressing the stockholders or
members. Notice of the time and place of
a special meeting of the stockholders or such meeting, as well as of the intention
members for the purpose of removing any to propose such removal, must be given
director or trustee must be called for such by publication or by written notice
purpose by the secretary: prescribed in this Code. Removal may be
with or without cause: Provided, That
a. on order of the president, removal without cause may not be used
b. upon written demand of the to deprive minority stockholders or
stockholders representing or holding at members of the right of representation to
least a majority of the outstanding capital which they may be entitled under Section
stock, or a majority of the members 23 of this Code.
entitled to vote (if nonstock) The Commission shall, motu proprio or
upon verified complaint, and after due
If there is no secretary or If the secretary fails or notice and hearing, order the removal of
refuses despite demand, the stockholder or a director or trustee elected despite the
disqualification, or whose disqualification
member of the corporation signing the demand, arose or is discovered subsequent to an
supported by the prescribed majority of election. The removal of a disqualified
shareholders or members, may call for the director shall be without prejudice to
meeting by directly addressing the stockholders other sanctions that the Commission may
impose on the board of directors or
or members.
trustees who, with knowledge of the
disqualification, failed to remove such
3. Vote of stockholders holding or representing atleast 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock
in a stock corporation or vote of 2/3 of the members entitled to vote in a non-stock
corporation. (Shotgun power = power of shareholder or members to dismiss the board to
address inefficiency, failure or abuse of said persons in the board or the board as a whole)

Removal by the Commission due to the presence

of a ground for disqualification
The commission does not have general authority to remove directors or trustees or
call a special meeting for the stockholders or members to do so, it does have specific
authority to remove directors or trustee on the issue of disqualification.

Removal by disqualification is a removal with cause which may be executed

with the vote of stockholders holding or representing atleast 2/3 of the OCS in a
stock corporation or 2/3 of the members in a nonstick corporation. The removal by
disqualification can also be done thru the commission.

1. Motu propio or upon verified complaint
2. After due notice and hearing
a. Proof of any ground of disqualification
b. That director knowingly held position despite such ground
or willfully concealed such fact.

Failure to remove by the

board despite knowledge
Likewise, the Commission may impose sanctions on the Board of directors or
trustees who, despite knowledge, FAILED to remove such director or trustee. However, the
board’s power to remove only covers corporate officers suffering statutory disqualifications.
Thus, failure to remove has been taken to mean inaction by the board which is tantamount
to tolerance of such disqualification when they should have called a stockholders meeting
called for such purpose.

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