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Sand Hill Road

Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances

1. Objective

Sand Hill Road is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its employees. This
policy sets out Sand Hill Road’s position on the use of alcohol, drugs and other substances and
what can happen if they are used inappropriately in the work environment.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all Sand Hill Road employees.

This policy is not restricted to the workplace or work hours. The obligations contained in this
policy extend to all functions and places that are work-related. A ‘work-related function’ is any
function that is connected to work, which may include work lunches, Christmas parties and

3. Expectations at Work

Except as is set out in this policy, you are not permitted to do the following:

 work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

 commence or return to work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or
 consume drugs or alcohol during work or at the workplace (other than as is set out in
this policy with respect to alcohol).

4. Prescription Drugs

This policy does not apply to drugs that have been prescribed to you by a medical practitioner,
or over the counter medication, unless the medication impairs your ability to perform your
duties competently, professionally and safely and/or the medication is taken in a manner not
prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner.

If your ability to perform work safely is affected in any way by the use of prescription drugs or
over the counter mediation, then you must inform your manager or supervisor as soon as
practicable. Sand Hill Road may require further medical information from you as a result. This
is necessary in order to comply with the obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety
Act 2004 (the Act).

If Sand Hill Road suspects that your ability to safely perform work is affected, Sand Hill Road
may take steps to address this in accordance with this policy.

5. Consumption of Alcohol in the Workplace

Employees of Sand Hill Road must not consume alcohol in the workplace whilst on duty
and/or during breaks. Sand Hill Road reserves the right to test any on-duty employee
suspected of being over the legal limit by use of a breath analyzer and/or other approved

Drugs, Alcohol and Other Substances Policy Version 1 May 2016

testing systems. Employees found to be “under the influence” may be subject to disciplinary

Sand Hill Road recognises that there may be special occasions, events or functions, on or
offsite, when consumption of alcohol is authorized by management. If the general
prohibition on the consumption of alcohol is waived, the following restrictions will apply:

 you must consume alcohol responsibly;

 you must uphold an appropriate standard of behaviour at all times;
 you must ensure a safe means of transport from functions and must not drive a
vehicle if you are over the legal blood alcohol limit.

A breach of the above requirements shall result in disciplinary action.

The prohibition on drugs will not be waived in any circumstances, except as set out in this
policy with respect to prescription and pharmacy medications.

6. Consumption of Alcohol at Sand Hill Road venues when you are off

If you are off-duty and at Sand Hill Road premises, then you are reminded that you are still
representing Sand Hill Road. If you choose to consume alcohol you must not have a blood
alcohol concentration of more than 0.05 and you are expected to conduct yourself in a
manner which meets the behavioural standards of a customer under the Liquor Licensing Act.

7. Definition “under the influence”

You will be considered to be “under the influence” if:

 in the case of drug use, you have a drug concentration equal or greater than the
cut-off levels referred to in Australian Standard 4308:2008 and/or Australian Standard
 in the case of alcohol use, you are over the legal driving limit, which is defined as a
blood alcohol concentration of 0.05.

Alternatively, you will be suspected of being under the influence if you are affected by
alcohol or drugs in your body in a way that can be noticed by other people. Typical signs
include but are not limited to:

 scent of alcohol on breath of person;

 slurred speech;
 red or bloodshot eyes;
 dilated pupils;
 poor motor control (stumbling, bumping into others);
 drowsiness;
 acting contrary to normal behavior;
 rude, aggressive or other inappropriate behavior.

8. What will Sand Hill Road do if it suspects that you are under the
influence of drugs or alcohol?

The decision about whether you are suspected of being under the influence shall be made by
your manager. Every effort shall be made to protect your privacy and to maintain

Drugs, Alcohol and Other Substances Policy Version 1 May 2016

If Sand Hill Road suspects, based on reasonable indicators and/or following an incident, that
you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, Sand Hill Road may take any or all of the
following actions:

 Direct you to go home with suitable arrangements to ensure you get home safely.
 Direct you to attend a medical practitioner to determine whether you are fit to safely
perform your duties. This may include a drug and/or alcohol test, such as a blood or
urine test.
 In relation to prescription or pharmacy medication, Sand Hill Road may require
evidence as part of a medical examination about the effects and proper usage of the

If you refuse to attend a medical examination you will be directed to go home. Refusal to
attend a medical examination or refusal to go home may constitute a breach of this policy
and result in disciplinary action as is set out in this policy.

If you are sent home or required to attend a medical examination you must report to your
manager to discuss the incident on the following working day or when you are no longer under
the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Information obtained through a medical examination or by an appointed tester is covered by

Australian privacy laws. Sand Hill Road will not use this information other than for the purposes
for which it is collected, which includes ensuring the health and safety of workers, applying this
policy and potential disciplinary purposes.

9. What will Sand Hill Road do if is suspects that you have drugs or alcohol
in your possession at work?

If Sand Hill Road suspects that you have drugs or alcohol in your possession at work, Sand Hill
Road may request that you open your locker or bag or empty your pockets or jacket for the
purpose of locating any drugs or alcohol.

Failure to cooperate with such a request by Sand Hill Road may result in disciplinary action

If you breach this policy then you may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include
termination of employment, in accordance with the Sand Hill Road’s Disciplinary and Dismissal

10. Breach of the Policy

Examples of disciplinary action that may be taken includes:

 counseling;
 a formal warning;
 demotion;
 transfer to another area;
 suspension with or without pay; and
 termination of employment.

This policy is in accordance with State and Federal legislation

Drugs, Alcohol and Other Substances Policy Version 1 May 2016

Drugs, Alcohol and Other Substances Policy Version 1 May 2016

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